Focus Number 18 October 1995

Page 1

Harness racing was slower to make itS debut in New Zealand but it too has developed legions of fans and in some parts of the country now has a stronger hold than the "gallops".

THE LOYALTY FACTOR For some time now we have been working on a loyalty reward programme for collectors who purchase their stamps through the Philatelic Bureau 00 a regular basis. The programme is being designed around a points accumulation system based on the amount a customer would buy in a calendar year. This provides us with an excellent opportunity to show our customers how much we value their continued support and 1 am certain that this will be

reflecred by its general acceptance. Full details of the loyalty reward programme will be advised in a normal stamp issue brochure as soon as the details have been finalised. Yours in philately

Kiwi's storming run from the tail of the field to win the 1983 Melbourne Cup was a classic. He mowed down the rest of the field with a stunning lastto-f. ÂŁSt run.

Basil Umuroa


DATE OF ISSUE: 24 January 1996

Stamp Issue

Today, thoroughbreds and srandardbreds form an industry that employs, in one way or another, about 70,000 people and contributes subsranrially to the economy. Sales of yearlings to Australia and other overseas buyers ¡are worth millions of dollars to New Zealand. Bonecrusher, a powerful finisher, won nine Group One races from 1985 to 1988 and remembered for a marvellous victory in Melbourne's 1986 Cox Plate.

acing is pan of the fabric of New Zealand society, daring back to the early years of European settlement. The first thoroughbreds were landed in Wellington in 1840 and meetings were staged the same year in Auckland, probably by military garrisons. It's firmly recorded that races, on the flat and over jumps, featured as pan of the first anniversary celebrations of the IOunding ofAuddand, Wdlington, Ndson, Otago and Canterbury.


In those pioneering years race meetings were important social and sports occasions and even today, when there are many counterattractions, racing still has an atmosphere unmatched by other sports. Nothing else has the sustained excitement and colour of Cup Week in Christchurch, a mixture of thoroughbred and harness racing, or of the big Cup days in Auckland and Wellington.

Horlicks won Group One races on both sides of the Tasman but reserved her most memorable performance for a November day in 1989 when she took the Japan Cup in Tokyo. Rough Habit, Horse of the Year in 1995, has won $5 million dollars, more than any other New Zealand horse, and has raced in four countries - at home, Australia, Japan and the United States of America.

IJ Vicolo, 1995 Harness Horse of the Year, was unbeaten in II starts at three, his victories including the ew Zealand Derby - Great North Northern Derby double and the ew South Wales Derby. E1even-year-old Blossom Lady is the darling of New Zealand harness racing fans. She has 43 career wins and has earned $1.3 million, the most by any mare in Australasia.

DATE OF ISSUE: 21 February1996

ROSS DEPENDENCY SCHOLARSHIP This ~ tkw llaland Post offi:rtd a 10.000 scholarship for furthering cxpIorarion and study in the Anwaic .-.gion. David Rob<mon won rh< ew z.aJand Post award and will Study Anwaic sa ic< 0.,.. from his computer scimcc: lab in Dun<din. He is daigning sofrwar< that will enable analysis of radar piaures of sa ic< rak<n from a new satdUte. So ice doubl.. th<: siu of Antarctica each winttt and. through modifying th<: achange of heat and gas<s b<twttn ocean and atmosphen: and n:8<eting solar radiarioo. has a maior dlttt on the dimate of the Southern Hunisphert'. Mr Rob<mon said th< radar cnabl<d observations to h<: mod< mrough cloud. fog or rhe darkn... of winter. His measuremena of rhe siu of ice 0.,.. will be us<d t<Sf the marhunarical modds ofsa ice break-up dev;.<d by colleagu.. at Otago Univusiry.


Ross Dependency ~h Committee Chairman. Sir Robin levin. of Dunedin. said the awards ~ d..ign<d to encourage young scienrisrs into rhe fidd of AntarCtic n:search and he wdcom<d rhe twO new awards from the priva,e seceor. ew z.aJand PoS! congrarula,es David Rob<mon and wish.. him every succ... in funhering his studies.

Maximum Card Competition Winners Maximum cards have prov<d to be a popular collecrible and earlier rhis year a competition was run whete six Mysn:ry Escape weekends could be won or aJ,crnativdy a $500 crtdit to

a cusromer account for our international cusmmers. The lucky winnus wen:: Mr William Caner - Taumarunui; Miss Jean Beamler - Dannevirke; Mr Gavin Howle" Auckland; Mrs Kathryn Vickers - Mount Maunganui; Mt Oavid Bames - Au k1and. Mt David Chang from Taiwan has had $500 crtdi,cd ro his account at the Philatelic Bureau. We congra,uIate you all and 'rust who enrer<d.

ma' you will enjoy YOUt priu. Thank you to every one Strong Early Gains for Limited Edition Packs - uptl4u written by ÂŁen Jury The first pack has mort' ,ban doubl<d in price. The next twO also show hefty price gains. In 1995 New z.aJand Post issu<d a series of Limit<d Edi,ion P2cks scarring with rh< Cricket Centenary. This pack has met with sready demand no, only from swnp collectors hut from collectors of cricket memorahili2. Iktail priCl:S range from 275 to 300 if you can buyone. Later edirions ha"e no' had rhe advan~ of a srrong affiJi2t<d intercsr. Butterflies are DOt IS popular as birds as a thematic int<t<St. There has only been a mall demand from buner8y coUecrors rt'<juiring the colour uial proofs to add to their collections.

The M..ori ~ pack has the add<d inrercsr of rh<largc souvenir sheet of the six values in a sped2J sheet of 24. This sh<er is only available within rh< Limit<d Edition Pack. Already number of dealers are srripping the sheet from the packs and selling this on its own. Ultima,dy this may lead to a higher price for the pack. Currcnrly thc:sc rwo limit<d Edition Packs sdi for $200 co $250 each.


A, prt'SCnr rhert' appears a small marker for the cricket pack. The next rwo i ues may nc<d holding for a' leas, a year. if not longer. bcfort' demand will grow and force priCl:S higher. ew z.aJand POSt publicity and promotion effons during 1996 may give the market a

push that will add a silver lining to th... invc:sunents.

LeaJ...,. Managing Oirt'Ctor and CEO lc:n Jury Ltd International Swnp Dcalers.

EJu.r. Nou: tkw llaland Post wishes to thank lc:n Jury for his efforts in purring rogcrber this market upda... We wiU be undertaking markering activity to promo.. the Limit<d Edition range.

Maori Crafts This issue celebrares Maori rah, an importam facer of me recem renaissance of Maori culrure and a viral pan of Maori art. The Maori are kiUed designers and artisans as rhese stamp show. The 40 cem value features rhe wovenfrom-flax Kere (Basker), a utilirarian carry all which comes in a vasr array of shapes and izes. The Taiaha (Weapon), depicred on me 80 cem stamp, shows rhe finely carved head or handle end of mis long spatulare, spear-like barcle weapon. Taniko (Embroidery), fearuring on me $1.00 stamp is a mix of geomerric patterns incorporaring rriangles, zig zags, diamonds and omer element . Taniko is widely u ed in me decorarion of c1omes. Objects made from Pounamu (Greensrone or Jade) are among me prized Maori treasures. A modem design fearur on me $1.20 ramp. The $L50 value shows a Hue (Gourd) incised wim a koru d ign. Dried gourds were used for food and warer rorage. The Korowai (cloak) on rhe 1.80 stamp was made from woven flax overlaid wirh feamers or omer marerial.

Rescue Services

DATE OF ISSUE: 27 March 1996

ew Zealand has a welJ-developed network of rescue services dedicated to the saving of life. This set of stamps honours the people involved and their work. Ambulance officers, helicopter and fixed wing aircraft pilots, police, paramedics, fire fighters, people skilled in the bush and mountains, and other specialists are on round-the-dock alert to swi ng into acrion, to deliver aid to the victims of accidents. Professionals or volunteers, they answer the emergency calls whenever they come, often at night, often in appalling weather.



The men and women of the rescue services often risk their own lives to save the lives of others - and do so without question. ew Zealand Post itself plays a clirecr role in the country's rescue services. It sponsors a fixed wing aircraft out ofWeUington as the " ew Zealand POSt Air Ambulance."

PU- Note: Illustrated here are the designers initial rough concepts.


We haw been ftiCCiving a lot of queries about our America'. Cup Victory stamp release and thought it would be a good opponunity to provide some annoas to your most commonly asked questions. QucstioJU Why WIlJ th~ Americas Cup Vutory S14mp produad in a limiud quantity? AnnRr. The America's Cup Victory Stamp was not produced in a limited quantiry. h proved ro be more popular than we expected and thus stocks sold out within days of going on sale. Even though the Philatelic Buteau had stocks for their cus[Om=, demand still exceeded supply.

Question: WIlJ th~ Americas Cup issu~ produad IlJ a minillture skn or a shutkt? What is th~ diffirma b~~m a sh~~tkt and a miniaturt! shut? Answer: The America's Cup stamp was produced as a sheetlet of 10 stamps, to highlight the stunning design with an illustrated border.

Sbcedet A Sheetlet normally contains ten identical stamps of the same denomination within a plain or decorative border.

Miniature Sbeet These are sheets of stamps issued in a small format, they can contain one or several stamps. sometimes as many as 4 stamps of varying denominations. They are always contained within an overall illustrative panel or selvedge. Some miniature sheets are overprinted [0 commemorate national and international stamp exhibitions. Question: How can you offer an Am~ricas Cup Victory Souvmir Pack whm all avail4bk stoeb ofth~ first Jay cowr mM sk~tkt lÂŤre sold out? Answer: This product was uniquely designed as a limited offer, 10,000 were produced. The sheetlet and the souvenir cover in the Souvenir Pack are not the same as those that went on sale on the first day of issue. The items wete produced especially for that product. Question: Why =re we not advised ofthe Americas Cup Victory stamp prior to it being publicly announad. Answer: From time to time we have [0 act quickly to ensure that we do not miss a market opportunity [0 produce a stamp which all New Zealanders will value. Unfortunately, this can sometimes mean that our mailing list collec[Ors will also find out about an issue when it is publicly announced. However, customers who are on the mailing list will srill receive notification of the issue and the rechnical specifications of the stampS released. Collectors who have a standing order account for products will never miss our on a release. All collectors on our mailing list have the opportunity [0 order the stamps directly from the Bureau (we do ensure we have stocks reserved for this purpose). Releasing stamps which celebrate high profLIe events and occasions helps [0 increase the overall intetest in our stamps and therefore assists the overall market potential for ew Zealand Posr and collectors.

Question: Why bother smding out an OrMr flnn to your customm whm you are unabk to jiJfi{it? Answer: This siruation occurred with our America's Cup Vic[Ory stamp and we apologise for the disappointment experienced by some of our collectors, especially those sending orders from overseas. As we stated earlier the demand for this stamp was unprecedented and when the mailing lirerature was sent our ir was nor realised that the demand for this issue would exceed the quantities that we had printed. This was truly a unique response, we have nor expetienced this demand for ~ sramp issue before.

Leigh-Mardon pty Ltd As a result of a downturn in postage stamp production, Leigh-Mardon, the Melbourne based Stamp printer. ceased all stamp printing business on 30 June 1995. Leigh-Mardon produced their first stamps for New Zealand back in 1982. The POSt Office's confidence in the quality of product from the company resulted in a long term printing contracr [0 produce all of ew Zealand's Definitive Stamp requirements. This contract was renewed on sevetal occasions and was later exrended ro cover the production of self adhesive coil stamps and at one time Stamp booklets. Many of New Zealand's special/commemorative sramp issues were also produced by Leigh-Mardon during the company's fourteen year association with the New Zealand Poslal Administration.


The lamp Hunters Club reached twO milestones this year. July marked the firsl anniversary of the lub. and < ' the membership target of 20,000 was also reached. The club continues 10 atllaCt interesl and has helped 10 make stamp collecting fun and fashionable among young people.


Stamp Month gets off to a greal start in October this year, with lhe release of the six people appearing in the Famous New ~" ,,4'r Zealanders stamp issue. Children and adulls ST~": "".DNTH alike have the opporruniry 10 join in on stamp ~ .~\ ~:"5 h collecting activilies during the month. -. ~,:\\'/~'" Slamp Clubs will be making presentations 10 FAMOUB school classes about their hobby during the NÂŁW ~E~NDEAB month. School groups have also been invited 10 j I : I\ lOur mail cenrres and find out just what happens to a lettet (and stamp!) after it's posted.




Everyone can help complete stamp murals of Scru~ the Cal and Stampa. the Dinosaur. in shopping cenrres. Stamp Month IS also a rare opportuntry to view a range of stamp artWork - featuring .famous people on Zealand stampS - in locations in the four mam centres. These will be complemented by Slamp Month displays in various museums throughout the coumry. Cheek your local paper for details.


It's a great month to do somelhing famous - collect stamps!

Acknowledgements 'Focus' is prepared at New Zealand Post Corporare Office, Wellington and published twice yearly. Each issue is distributed free 10 approximately 84,000 stamp collectors, both in ew Zealand and overseas. Articles may be extracted for reprinting without further permission. Acknowledgemenr to 'Focus' would be appreciated.

Please Note Some of rhe stampS iUusrrated in this publication arc: raken from proofs and may be subj<et to minor alterations. Likewise, some of the STaDlp issues and their dares may be subjec. to change.

Important Addresses New Zeai4nJ Post Stamps anJ Colkctibk retail outlets Queen Elizabeth n Square Downtown Sbopping Centre

AUCKLAND Telephone 0-9-309 6343 15-31 Cathedral Square CHRISTCHURCH Telephone 0-3-3531771 Cl- Manncn Street I'oot Sbop Manners Se WEUINGTON Telephone 0-4-473 5922 J A V"wcr PO Box 184 Dordrecht 3300 AD THE NETHERUNDS ordfrim DK 5450 Onerup DENMARK

Richard Bard< GmbH 3220 W 3300 Braun hweig FEDERAL REPUBLIC OF GERMANY Harry AlIen PO Box 5 Watford Hem WD 2 5SW E GLAND ID_tiOnal Rcprneoran- De Rosa In_tional SA Avenue Du Tribunal

FCdmt 34 CH 1005 Lausane SWITZERUND J Pbilardic Apcy P6Box 350 Shinjuku Tokyo 163-91 JAPAN

UDicover Corporation One: Unicovcr Centre

Cheyenne Wyoming 82008-0001 UNITED STATES OF AMERICA KowIoon Philatelic Cenrn:

Rm 104-105 Ho Mongkok Shopping Centre

169 Portland Street HO GKO G Taipei Mail Order Company 838 Section 5 Chung-Shan onh Road Tai . 11121


The Hagner System

The 1995 New Zealand Stamp Pack Reflects back on this year's superb array of commemorative stamps, which are beautifully presented in a colourful package for you to ueasure. The stamps in this pack were issued from October 1994 to September 1995, and are supported by an interesting overview of the stampS, which provides an enjoyable and informative read. For $50.55, just the face value of the stampS themselves, you can enjoy the 1995 Stamp Pack or give it to a friend as a gifr. The 1995 New Zealand Stamp Pack contains all the stamps from the following issues: - Centenary of New Zealand Cricket - Night Lights - Golf in New Zealand - The Environment - Conferences - Maori Language Year - America's Cup - Health - Centenary of Rugby League - Farm Animals - Chrisunas.

The Hagner System provides collectors with a looseleaf stamp stockbook - eliminating the need for hinges. The polyester suips discourage fading, dampness and chemical damage to your stamps. Here we offer you the Hagner Album to keep your sheets in, plus a range of different sized singlesided sheets to meet your needs. 1 strip 245mm 2 suips 122mm 3 suips 80rnm 4 strips 60mm 5 suips 47mm 6 strips 38mm 7 strips 32rnm 8 strips 28mm 3 suips - FDC block and single

1 strip

2 strips

3 strips

4 strips

5 strips

6 strips

8 strips



Not~: Miniaturr s ~ets,

nitiw, sp~cia/ souvmir and philatelic exhibition issues arr not indwkd in th~ 1995 Nt!W Zealand StIlmp Pack.

The 1995 New Zealand First Day Covers Pack Contains first day covers issued from October 1994 to September 1995, fifteen first day covers from twelve issues are presented in this elegant pack. A special feature this year is the inclusion of the AmericaS Cup first day cover. Each cover is date-stamped and accompanied by exciting background reading on the topic of each issue. For $68.25, the face value of the covers themselves, you can enjoy the 1995 First Day Covers Pack or give it to a friend as a gift.

Covers from the following issues are included: Centenary of New Zealand Cricket (2 covers) - Butterflies - Night Lights Golf in New Zealand - The Environment - Conferences - Maori Language - America's Cup - Health (2 covers) - Centenary of Rugby League (2 covers) - Farm Animals - Christmas.

Lighthouse Stockbook Lighthouse produce popular stockbooks. This stockbook is available to customers of the Philatelic Bureau. It has a hard cover with g1assine interleaving and glassine sui ps on white pages. Tt has 32 sides. AOO53

Note: Sp~cial souvmir andphilat~lic exhibition covm arr not indwkd in the 1995 Nt!W Zealand First Day Covm Pack.

See the Order Form for purchasing details,

See the Order Form for purchasing details.

STANDING ORDER ACCOUNTS Receive each new issue without having to fill out an order form or write to us each time.

1994 New Zealand Stamp Collectors Folder The ew Zealand S£amp Collectors Folder contains 71 stamps, including the $20 Definitive, 2 minialllTe sheers, and 4 philatelic exhibition miniarure sheers issued throughout the 1994 calendar year. Ir is an exrremely conveniem way to ensure that you have aU the 1994 sramps - the complete collection in one folder.

With a Sranding Order Account you need never worry about missing an issue. It is desirable that you maintain sufficient credit in your Sranding Order Account to cover at least two future issues. To assist you, we provide you with your current account balance information at the top of every order form we send you. If your preferences change ar any time, your Sranding Order may be altered, simply by advising the Phi1atelic Bureau. ShouJd you ever decide to dose your account, your credit balance is refunded.

If you continuaUy collect any or aU of the following items every issue, we can send them to you automaticaUy. Booklers, Commemorative or Definitive s£amps, First Day Covers, Miniature Sheers, Presentation Packs, Maximum Cards, and many other collectible items. There wouJd be no need for you to fill out the order form unless you require additional items (over and above what you have specified as your Standing Order requiremenrs).

Payments into Sranding Order Accounrs may be made by any of the following methods: • Credit Card • Cheque/International Money Order • Bank Drafr • Direct Debit Authority

First Day Cover Albums First day cover albums help collectors prevent their collections from creasing or tearing. Choose from the three albums we have available for you - they come with 10 sheers already in them and we also have refills available.

Lt!t us makt! it t!osif!T ftr you to collt!ct stamps. fill in tht! ftllowing dt!tails bt!low and Wt! will smdyou mort! inftrmation about opming a Standing Ordt!r Accoullt. ame (Mr/Ms/Mrs/Mi s) Address

Campbell Paterson 'New Zealand' Stamp Catalogue This comptehensive catalogue of New Zealand s£amps lisrs every issue and variety in a simple to locate, and easy to reference sYstem. Ir is widely recognised as an authority on New Zealand philately.

Cut out this form and place it in an envelope to


Philatelic Bureau New Zealand Post Umlted Private Bag 3001 Wanganul New Zealand (No stamp required if posted within New Zealand)

See the Order Fornl for purchasing details.


Please add my friends name to your collectors mailing list so that they can receive regular information about New Zealand stamps. They can look forward to receiving material which is packed with information and colour brochures which display each new stamp released. They will have the option to purchase new stamp issues and other value added products before they are released for sale to the general public. Plus they will receive free copies of 'Focus', The New Zealand Stamp Collectors Handbook. It is free to join the Stamp Collectors Mailing List, so join up today!

Name (Mr/Ms/Mrs/Miss) Address


Name (MrlMs/Mrs/Miss) Address


Cut out this form and place it in an envelope to

FREEPOST No 1 Philatelic Bureau New Zealand Post Limited Private Bag 3001 Wanganui New Zealand (No stamp required if posted within New Zealand)




A. AIBlECONOMYPOST t (Complete only If orderiDg _ outside .... zeaIaDd or OODdlDg a Illft to a ....N.... zeaIaDd reoIdeut)

I$ .




l$ 4 . 0 0 1~$======= TOTAL 1_$ _

Overseas customers only Please use the following chart to calculate the postage payable for each item in your order.

Important information. Please complete.

Your details


Customer Number _uomy Post

A1rPost A. AastraJIaI Sllt PacIfle

t A. If ordering from outside New Zealand please indicate

whether you would like your order delivered by air or EconomyPost. Use table to calculate postal charges and enter here.


B. Proof of delivery guarantees full replacement of your order by the Bureau in the event of any loss. This service is optional.

*Platelimprint, positional or value blocks may be obtained by purchasing at least six stamps of each denomination. ** Barcode blocks may be obtained by purchasing at least two stamps of each denomination. Mint stamps will be supplied unless you specifically request otherwise. If you wish to order used (U) or cancelled-to-order CC) stamps, please indicate this by writing the letter 'U' or 'C' as appropriate next to the quantity that you require. Used stamps are affixed to paper and cancelled. Cancelled-to-order stamps are cancelled, but not affixed to paper.

B. NlltAmerlcal AsIa (excl. Middle East)

C. SlltAmerlca







Presentation Packs, Collectors Folder, St<unp Packs





No charge

No charge

No charge

No charge

Albums, Swekbooks, CP Catalogue

SI 1.00




Hagoer Sheet>, refills, hinges





Please tick box

IMr I Mrs I Miss I Ms I(please circle)

All Countries

AfrIca &. Middle East

St<unps, booklet>, Miniature sheets

First Day Covers Packs

OR New Customer


Surname Postal Address


1=========== ===============




Payment details I am paying by D Chequellnternational Money OrderlBank Draft D Adebit on my customer account D Credit Card* o 0 0 0 (please lick box):

(Enclosed, and made out to New Zealand Post PhIlstelic Bureau)

(complete details below)

Currency Ready Reckoner If you are ordering from outside New Zealand, please use the following currency conversion rates. They are a guide only. Your invoice will be based on the actual rate prevailing at the time of receipt of your order.

ÂŁ1 Sterling

NZS2.38 approx.

SI Australia



NZSI.49 approx.

SI Canada

NZSI.I0 approx.





Card No.

Expiry Date I



Please charge my credit card Nzsl Name of cardholder Signature

-r=-:-=::..::..:.=-'====== I


*Credit card payments will be accepted for orders of SIO or more. All prices are in New Zealand dollars.

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