Focus Number 20 October 1996

Page 1


ver the years the New Zealand wine industry has come a long way. We have been making wine in New Zealand since the middle of last century, but nothing really much happened until around the 1960's. Since that time New Zealand has become known as one of the great wine regions of the world, which is very exciting.



Ine ar s


19 MARCH 1997

It will be great to see six of New Zealand's finest vineyards depicted on the New Zealand Vineyard stamp issue being developed by New Zealand Post. The six vineyards that are to be chosen all make fine wine, and are among some of the most picturesque locations for . . wme growmg. There are some very interesting wine regions in New Zealand, from the far north to the deep south. There are hardy souls way down beyond Central Otago who are making wine, and that is one region that looks very exciting. A lot of New Zealand's wine is exported, and we are winning awards all over the world, I hope that you will find the New Zealand Vineyard stamp issue an award winner as well - it certainly is an exciting development.

Vie Williams

The vineyards featured in the New Zealand Vineyards issue are not only producers of qualiry wines, bur are all set in picruresque locations. New Zealand wines have earned many international awards and are well regarded throughout the world. The demand for the product has increased dramatically and the wine industry in this country has continued ro grow in both established and new wine-growing areas throughout the country. The six vineyards have been chosen with assistance from wine experts Vic Williams, Michael Cooper and Bob Campbell. The vineyards chosen cover a range of geographic locations and wine sryles. They will be painted in watercolours by renowned watercolow artist Nancy 1ichborne of Akaroa, highlighting the unique aspects of each vineyard, with the stamps designed by Diane Prosser of Wellingron. Please note: Illustrated above are the designers initial concepts.

Date 01 Issue: 13 November 1996 Leading up to the year 2000, New Zealand Post will be ptoducing a series of stamp issues that wiU address the changing face of New Zealand over the past one thousand years. We will be among the fm;t countries in the world to 'see the light' - to ushet in the new millenium - and it is a fitting time to reflect on New Zealand's development, in terms of geography, the people and industry. The first in the series to celebrate the new miIIenium will be...


MAUl Stories of Maui, half man, half god, ~ common to the folklore of most Paci6c peoples. The story that is central to the 'discovery' of New Zealand is of Maui fishing up the North Island of New Zealand. TASMAN 1ft D=mber of 1642, Abel Tasman /im sighted a Iargc uplifted land. He pronounced it to be Statcn Land, thinking it to be part of South ArneriaL It was in f.oa the Southern Alps of New Zealand.



The war

Date oflssue: 12 FebnuJry 1997 KUPE This legendary Maori voyager is credited with the discovery of New Zealand. Arriving from Hawaiki in the canoe Matahorua. Kupe named this country Aotearoa (Land of the Long White Cloud).

Pause for a moment to co ~ider the effom of the gardeners who have for generation built and tended the public parks and gardens that beautify almost every city and tOwn of New Zealand. This delightful ,1= : p issue, designed by Hamish Thompson and illustrate Seymour Jeremy Bennett (both of I Sq~ WellIngtOn), depicts five . iliar Gardens, examples of New Zealan .·p'lic Blenheim 40c parks.

COOK In October of 1769, James Cook made landfall at Poverry Bay near present day Gisbome. Between this time and March 1770, Cook chaned the New Zealand coastline. Cook made three voyages to New Zealand waters, documenting New Zealand flora and fauna, and naming geographical features.

D'UKVIUE Frenchman Dumont d'Urville visited New Zealand briefly in 1824 and again in 1827, when he spent three months exploring. charting and making botanical and entomological investigations. SURVILLE Jean Francois Marie de SurviIIe was a second Frendl disco¥erer who visited New Ze:tIan<H thoR:s in 1769, around the same time as Cook. and recorded detailed impressions of Maori lik, providing an insight into precolonial New Zea!lInd.

memorial clock cower

Pukekura Park

dominates the


....iMi_ _....iOMJ one-hectare

New Plymouth 80c

1 square and is surrounded by formal ! flower beds planted

Named after the stream passing through it,


Pukekura Park

is a place of ......- ....Oiillii!_~F·~ variety. There is something for 1every naCUTe lover - native hush, ~ exotic tree collections, sweeping I~. lawns and formal gardens, feme E gullies and abundant bird life. \

Botanic Gardens, Christchurch $1.50



- ; dazzling summer and winrer displays.


Wintergarden, Auckland $1.00 Governor George Grey set aside land for the Auckland Domain 150

years ago. bur it was nor unciI 1921 that the temperare house, the first stage of the Wimergarden. was complcred. This was followed in 1929 by a complementary tropical house. with the two structures joined by a formal pooled courtyard.

A new $10 definitive stamp is being released to replace the $10 Little Brown Kiwi released in 1988. Designed by Red Cactus Design, the stamp features an image of Ruapehu in eruption during 1996, within a distinctive border of volcanic rocks. Mt Ruapehu is one of three major peaks located in the Tongariro National Park in the central North Island. This area was gifted to the people of New Zealand in 1887 by the paramount chief of the Ngati Tuwharetoa people, Te Heuheu Tukino IV. Ruapehu is one of the most continuously active composite or stratified volcanoes in the world. During the last century, Ruapehu has frequently given vent to explosive eruptions of steam and ash. In spite of these frequent, small eruptions, the only major lava eruption prior to 1996 was in May and June 1945 when ash falls were reported as far away as Wellington. With two major commercial skifields located on the mountain, Whakapapa and Turoa, Mt Ruapehu has become one of New Zealand's most popular ski areas, with thousands of people enjoying the mountain during the winter season. Please note: The above illustration shows the designer~ initial concept.


OF NEW ZEALAND DATE OF ISSUE: 15 JANUARY 1997 While not bred specifically fot New Zealand rondirions, the cattle breeds to be shown in this issue have proved to be among the best

dairy and beef producers. Cattle f.uming occurs throughout New Zealand, on fettile lowland

areas through to hilly pastoral lands and up into sub-alpine areas. 40c HolsteinFriesian A big strong dairy breed, which is a copious milk producer. The Holstein-Friesian represents a major percentage of New Zealand's dairy herd.

ROe Jersey The Jersey is a small, fineboned animal tenowned for producing rich, creamy milk that is high in butterfat content.

$1.00 Simmental Recently introduced to improve rhe New Zealand beef industry, the Simmental is used to increase the lean quality and speedy maturing rate of our beef.

$1.20 Ayrshire This breed is a hardy srock well suited to rigorous climates and rougher dairy country. Milk from the Ayrshire is used predominantly for cheese production.


$1.80 Hereford The Hereford is able ro forage and climb over very rough terrain yet maintain its weight in poor conditions. This is an ideal beef breed for alpine areas.

Angus Even from second-class land, and in ""'" times of drought or • flood, the • Angus can produce fine-grained meat. These animals can be seen in large herds throughout New Zealand hill country.

This issue coincides with the Chinese Lunar New Year - the Year of the Ox. To commemotate the Lunat New Year, these stamps will be produced in sheets with a guttet strip through each sheet featuring a lunar calendar ox character.

1 9 9 7

As part of the continuing move towards self-adhesive stamps, New Zealand Post is releasing a booklet of ten self-adhesive stamps featuring the 80 cent Scenic Definitive Doubtful Sound stamp. This will replace the gummed 80 cent stamp booklet of the New Zealand Falcon.

Date ofIssue: 13 November 1996

APOLOGY Correction to Stamp Figures in Circulation In Issue 19 of Focus published in April 1996, quamities of recent ew Zealand stamps in circulation were included for collectors' reference purposes. It has been brought to our atremian, following {he release of this publication. that the figures for the Golf issue of March 1995 were incorrect. The number of 45 cenr stamps stated was 249.720. This figure should in fact have been 2,497,200 stamps of this denomination. We apologise for any inconvenience this error may have caused.

Over rhe pasr monrhs we have been busy advising customers on how Stamp Points

works. There were quite a number who missed the announcemenr in the April issue of Focus and were mystified by the new Stamp Poinrs total that began appearing on their order forms. The comments we have received from customers have, in general,

been positive and rhe many inquiries regarding the 'Best of 1996' miniature sheets indicate just how high the level of interest is among collectors. To date, more than 6,500 customers are eligible for the 'Besr of 1996' miniature sheet rewards and rhat number is growing by rhe day.



A lot of people are talking abour the Internet at the moment and its amazing potential. The Internet is a

global link of computers that brings informarion from around the world rogerher in an instanr. After studying the cunenr philarelic 'culture' on the Inrernet, we decided to create our own 'web site' that would provide up-ta-date details of currenr New Zealand stamp issues, and an abiliry to order products directly from rhe Philatelic Bureau. You can check out our larest issues, and order products on-line by visiting our web site:

PHILATELIC 'SUCSES' During September 1996, the Stamps Business Unir implemenred a new computer system, which was named SUCSES (Stamps Unit Customer Service Enrry Sysrem). The software Dynamic Solurions, from SDC Software Services Ltd, will provide the technology to launch our business into the next

Join the Royal! The Royal Philatelic Society of New Zealand is the oldesr sociery of stamp collectors in the country, being founded 108 years ago. For a $40 annual subscription fee, plus airmail postage for overseas addresses, you will enjoy many benefits: • Four times a year you will receive our publication the New Zealand Stamp Collector, a 28-page A4 publication. • Substantial auction catalogues are available at least twice a year.

• Monrhly meerings in Wellington and occasional meecings elsewhere, with one or more speakers presenring material.

• Significant discounts on our

All new members joining the Sociery before our December meeting, and who menrion Focus, will be enrered in a draw for a Royal Doulton Commemorative Plate featuring stamps issued by New Zealand Posr. This plare was originally released in 1993 for $195.00.

prized publicarion, Postage Stamps ofNew Zealand, rhe next volume of which is currently in preparation. • Access to a long-established, outstanding and specialised library.


_ First Name(s):







Country: Payment in New Zealand dollars:

$40 (NZ), $46 (Australia), $50 (America/Asia), $52 (UKlEurope)

Cheque (on New Zealand bank)

you have re.eived from the Philatelic Bureau recently, as we

Credit Card type: Number:

are aiming to give you more up-ro-

brochures for details.

Office Manager, Royal PhilAtelic Society ofNew ZealAnd, PO Box 1269, Wellington, New ZealAnd.

Dr/Mr/Mrs/Ms/Miss: Surname:

changes in the invoices and notices

services. Please watch our


YES, I would like to apply for membership of the Royal Philatelic Society of New Zealand to June 1997, and agree to abide by its rules and regulations.

You may have noticed some subtle

In rhe near future we will be able to offer new and enhanced

submir to rhe Royal's Expert Committee for opinion. To join the Royal Philatelic Sociery, complete the coupon and forward wirh your paymenr



date and complete information abour rhe business you perform with us.

• Discount on any items you


or credit card D(tiCk one)



Name on Card: Yours in philately

Expiry Date: __ / __

_ Date: _ _ _ _ __



Philatelic Interests (optional):



MAORI CRAFT Well known examples of Maori Craft are shown in a conremporary style in rhis sramp issue. The presentarion pack provides background on rhe six craft irems depicred and discusses rhe decorative patterns evident in rhe sramp images.

This pack is a new producr designed to introduce New Zealand sramps to rhe growing overseas visiw[ marker. It contains rhe low-value and selfadhesive definirives released earlier in 1996 - 16 sramps in toral. wirh five srunning maximum cards. Three language versions are available - English. Chinese and Japanese.

PR 720


FAMOUS NEW ZEALANDERS This sramp issue was rhe firsr rime rhe New Zealand public was able to vore for rhe individuals to be represented on rhe six sramps. The presentarion pack includes rhe six sheer sramps and brief background on each of rhe New Zealanders fearured.

STAMPS OF SPORTING ENDEAVOUR - SPORTS BOOK New Zealand Posr has issued six sramp issues over rhe pasr two years recognising a number of New Zealand sporrs and sporting milestones. Cricker. Rugby League. Golf, Racehorses. rhe America's Cup and rhe 1996 ~ Olympics are presented in rhis special hard-covered book. '--- Wrirren by Ron Palenski, one of rhe acknowledged leaders in sports journalism, rhis book makes a srunning addirion to any collecrion.


PR 736


ROSS DEPENDENCY ANTARCTIC EXPLORERS This pack contains rhe 1995 Ross Dependency sramp issue, which salures expedirion leaders and rheir reams who pushed rhe boundaries of rhe known world ro explore rhe

NEW ZEALAND WILDLIFE New Zealand's coasrline is among rhe longesr in rhe world in proportion to rhe landmass ir surrounds. Abundant and varied wildlife is found long rhis

Antarctic continent.

coastline, and six spectacular

species are fearured in rhis presentation pack. From rhe srarely whire heron to rhe well known borrlenose dolphin, rhis pack displays rhe New Zealand Wildlife sramp issue in full glory, wirh interesring background informarion on each sramp.

PR 745 Please Note: Some of the: scamps illustrated in this publication


taken from

artisrs' illustrations. concept drawings or proofs and may be subject to ahentioo. Some of the stamp issues and dates may also ~ subject to change.

PR 765

Articles from Focus may be exu'3etcd for reprinting without further permission, however acknowledgemem to Focus would be appreciated.

For further inform.uioD, or to join the mailing list. please write


Philatelic Bureau. New Zealand Post Limited, Private Bag 3001, Wanganui, New Zealand


, ,.



See the Order Form for purchasing details.


LIGHTHOUSE STOCKBOOKS Protect your valuable stamps with a high qualiry stockbook from Ligh thouse. These popular 64-sided stockbooks are available to customers of the Philatelic Bureau at a special price. Available with black or white pages, the stockbooks have a hard cover, wi th glassine interleaving. Also available are 32-sided stockbooks, with whire

This comprehensive catalogue of New Zealand stamps lists every issue and variery in a simple-to-locate and easy-to-reference system. It is recognised as an authoriry on New Zealand philately.

CHRISTMAS WRAPPING PAPER 840mm x 590mm.I wrappmg paper โ ข featuring selected Christmas stamps dating ~. back to the 1960 stamp, printed on a gold ackground.

FDC ALBUMS AND REFILLS First Day Cover albums help prevent your collection from creasing or tearing. Choose from the three albums we have available - they come with 10 sheets already in them, and refill pages are also available.

CHRISTMAS CARDS Set of 12 cards and envelopes, featuring two of each sheet stamp design from the 1996 Christmas stamp Issue.

THE HAGNER SYSTEM The Hagner system provides collectors with a looseleaf stamp stockbook, eliminating the need for hinges. The polyester strips discourage fading, dampness and chemical damage to your stamps. Here we offer the Hagner album, to keep your stamps in, plus a range of single-sided sheets to meet a variery of needs.

DEH3~ยง~ ~_allE1 3 strips 80mm

7 strips 32mm


-4 strips 60mm

8 snips 28mm

5 nrips 47mm

6 strips 38mm

3 .Imps - FDC


block and single


See the Order Form for purchasing details.



See the Order Form for purchasing details.

1996 NEW ZEALAND STAMP PACK The stamps in this pack were issued from Ocrober 1995 ro September 1996, and are presented with interesting background information on all commemoranve stamps issued during this time.

1996 NEW ZEALAND FIRST DAY COVERS PACK Contains 25 Covers from all commemorative and definitive stamps issued from Ocrober 1995 ro September 1996.

1995 NEW ZEALAND STAMP COLLECTION - ANNUAL ALBUM This is your last chance ro obtain this superb publication. A high quality, hard-covered edition in a protective slip case, this volume contains all the stamp issues released during the 1995 calendar year, rogether with interesting and extensive background information and technical details. Demand has been very high and srocks are nearly deplered so order now ro avoid missing our on the complete 1995 collection. Remember: The impressive 1996 New Zealand Stamp Collection is due out on 13 November 1996. Information on the 1996 Annual Album will be available soon.





(Complete only if orderiDg from outside New Zealand or se.diog a gItl to a nOR-New Zealand resident).






l $4.00

I$ ~===== TOTAL $ _ 1-1

t A. If ordering from outside New Zealand please indicate whether

Important information. Please complete.

you would like your order delivered by air or EconomyPost. Use table to calculate postal charges and enter here.


}Our details

B. Proof of delivery guarantees full replacement of your order by the Bureau in the event of any loss. This service is optional.


Customer Number OR New Customer

I Mr / Mrs / Miss / Ms I(please circle) First Name I ;:========= Surname I ,=== Postal

POSTAGE AND PACKAGING Overseas customers only

Please use the following chart to calculate the postage payable for each item in your order. A. Australia! Sth Pacific

Stamps, booklet.s Miniature sheets


B. C. Nth America! Sth America Asia (excl. Europe, Africa & Middle East) Middle East NZSI.80


Address D.

Economy Post AU

Collectors Folder,






Payment details

Presentation Packs! Collectors Folder, Stamp Packs, Stamp

Please tick box

I am paying by (pIe... tick box): NZ$I.80





Christmas Cards, Wrapping Paper Pi",t Day Cove", Packs

No charge

No charge

No charge

No charge

Albums, Stockbooks, CP Catalogue





Hagner Sheets, remls






Currency Ready Reckoner If you are ordering from outside New Zealand, please use the

following currency conversion rates. They are a guide only. Your invoice will be based on the actual rate prevailing at the time of receipt of your order. £1 Sterling $1 Australia $1 US $1 Canada

NZ$2.27 approx. NZ$J.l6 approx. NZ$l.47 approx. NZ$l.08 approx.



Cheque/lnternational Money OrderlBank Draft (Enclosed, and made out to New Zealand Post Philatelic Bureau)

Adebit on my customer account Credit Card* (complete details below)









Card No.





Please charge my credit card NZ$


~~===== . Name of cardholder I ,-~========= Signature 1'_ *Credit card payments will be accepted for orders of $10 or more. All prices are in New Zealand dollars.



No. 11 Required






11 Barcode 11 Amount I


NZ $


1. Back Issues


CJ c:::Jc:::Jc:::Jc:::J CJ c:::Jc:::Jc:::Jc:::J CJ

CBOGM I..... Code: 735. Dare of Issue: 9 Nuvember 1995. 40c CHooM Pern $1.80 CHooM Fern & Flag

lOSS DEPENDENCY I..... Code. 7-15. Dare of Issue: 9 November /995. Set oCsix Ross Dependency stamps @$6.70

40c Cook-Resolution 80c Ross-Erebus $1.00 Amundsen-Fram $120

Scot~Terra Nova

$1.50 Shackleton-Endurance $1.80 Byrd-F!oyd Bennett

Set of six Racehol1lCS stamps @$6.70

40c Kiwi


80c Rough Habit

1. $1.00 Blossom Lady $1.20 11 Vicolo

r--I r--I r--I r--I r ; - I

L------l L------l L------l L------l ~

c:::Jc:::Jc:::Jc:::J CJ c:::Jc:::Jc:::Jc:::J CJ c:::Jc:::Jc:::Jc:::J CJ c:::Jc:::Jc:::Jc:::J CJ c:::Jc:::Jc:::Jc:::J CJ c:::Jc:::Jc:::Jc:::J CJ c:::J

$1.50 Horlicks $1.80 Bonecrusher

PS89 Racehorses souvenir miniature sheet stamp booklet@ $13.40




11 Barcode 11 Amount I


NZ $


c:::Jc:::Jc:::Jc:::J CJ c:::Jc:::Jc:::Jc:::J CJ c:::Jc:::Jc:::Jc=J CJ c:::Jc:::Jc:::Jc:::J CJ c:::Jc:::Jc:::Jc:::J CJ c:::Jc:::Jc:::Jc:::J CJ c:::Jc:::Jc:::Jc:::J CJ c:::J CJ

MAORl CRAFTS Issue Code: 720. Dare of Issue: 21 February 1996. Set of six Maori Craft stamps@ $6.70

40c Kete-Basket 80. Taiaba-Weapon

CHIlISTMAS BOOKLET Issue Code: PS86. Dare of Issue: 9 November /995. 10 x 40c stamps@ $4.00



RACEHORSES Issue Code: 760. Dare ofIssue: ~ January 1996_

FAiM ANDIAIS BOOKLET Issue Code. ~. Dare of Issue: 1 October 1995. 10 x 40c slamps @ $4.00

No. 11 Required


$1.00 Taniko-Embroidery $1.20 Pounamu-Greenstone $1.50 Hue-Gourd $1.80 Korowai-Gloak

r--I r--I r--I r--I r;-I

L------l L------l L------l L------l ~

c:::Jc:::Jc:::Jc:::J E:J c:::Jc:::Jc:::J c:::J CJ c:::Jc:::Jc:::Jc:::J CJ c:::Jc:::Jc:::Jc:::J CJ c:::Jc:::Jc:::Jc:::J CJ c:::J c=J c:::Jc:::J CJ

SEASHORE BOOKLET Issue Code: PS9I.Dare ofIssue: 21 February 1996. 10 x 40c stamps@$4.00

*Platelimprint, positional or value blocks may be obtained by purchasing at least six stamps of each denomination_ ** Barcode blocks may be obtained by purchasing at least two stamps of each denomination_ Mint stamps will be supplied unless you specifically request otherwise. If you wish to order used (U) or cancelled-to-order (C) stamps, please indicate this by writing the letter 'u' or 'C' as appropriate next to the quantity that you require. Used stamps are affIxed to paper and cancelled. Cancelled-to-order stamps are cancelled, but not affIXed to paper.


RESCUE SERVICES Issue Code: 763. Dare OfIssue: 17 March 1996.


Set of five Rescue Services stamps @$5.50

• 40. Fire ServiceJAmbuJance 80c Civil Defence $1.00 Air Sea Rescue $1.50 Air Ambulance! Rescue Helicopter $1.80 Mountain Rescue! Red Cross

CJ -

r--I r--I r--I r--I r ; - I

L------l L------l L------l L------l ~

c=J c:::Jc:::Jc:::J CJ c:::Jc:::Jc:::Jc:::J CJ c:::Jc:::Jc:::Jc:::J CJ c:::Jc:::Jc:::Jc:::J CJ c:::Jc:::Jc:::Jc:::J CJ



DEFINITIVE ISSUE - SCENIC NEW ZEALAND Issue Code: 761. Dale of Issue: 27 March 1996.

HEALTH Issue Code: 771. Date of1ssue: 5 June 1996.

Set of nine definitive stamps @$4.15

Set of two Health stamps@$1.3O

lie Mt Cook

45c (includes lie donation)

1& Champagne Pool

85c (includes lie donation)

2& Cape Reinga

Miniature sheet @$2.80

30c Mackenzie Country

778 - 45c (includes lie donation) self-adhesive stamp

c:Jc:Jc:Jc:J~ c:Jc:Jc:Jc:J~ c:Jc:Jc:Jc:J~ c:J ~ c:J ~

PS94 - $45.00 Self-adhesive dispenser (100 x 40c stamps + $5.00 donation)


50c Mt Ngauruhoe 60c Lake WanaI<a

OLYMPICS 1ssue Code: 773. Dale ofIssue: 10 July 1996.

7& Giant KauriTane MahUla

Set of live Olympics stamps @ $5.50

80c Doubtful Sound

40c Swimming

9OcWaitomo Limestone Cave

WILDLIFE Issue Code: 765. Dale qJ Issue: 1 May 1996.

80c Cycling

$1.00 Athletics

Set or six Wildlife stamps @ $6.70

$1.50 Rowing 4& Yellow-Eyed Penguin $1.80 Yachting 80c Royal Albatross

773ST Se-tenant block @ $5.50

$1.00 White Heron

Set of two Orchestra stamps@$1.20

$1.50 Fur Seal

40c Violin

$1.80 BoWenose Dolphin 80c French Horn

765ST Se-tenant block @$6.70

SELF·ADIIESIVE DEFINITIVES 1ssue Code: 766. DaJe qJ Issue: 1 May 1996.

PS93 $40.00 self-adhesive Definitive dispenser (100 stamps)

c:Jc:Jc:Jc:J~ c:Jc:Jc:Jc:J~ c:Jc:Jc:Jc:J~ c:Jc:Jc:Jc:J~ c:Jc:Jc:Jc:J~ c:Jc:Jc:Jc:J~ c:J ~

50TH ANNIVEIlSAIlY OF NZSO Issue Code: 774. DaJe qJ 1ssue: 10 July 1996.

$1.20 Sperm Wbale

Set of six self-adhesive Definitive stamps@$2.4O (in a strip)


c:J c:J

c:Jc:Jc:Jc:J~ c:Jc:Jc:Jc:J~ c:Jc:Jc:Jc:J~

CENl'I!NARY OF CINEMA Issue Code: 77t. DaJe qJ 1ssue: 7 Augu&t 1996. Set of four Cinema stamps @$4.50 4Oclfinemoa 80c Broken Barrier

$1.50 Goodbye Pork Pie $1.80 Once Were Warriors


L---.J L---.J L----.J L---.J l..::...--J

c:Jc:Jc:Jc:J~ ~

c:Jc:Jc:Jc:J c:Jc:Jc:Jc:J ~ c:Jc:Jc:Jc:J ~ CONTINUED ON OVERLEAF


I ~~~d IIBlf~11


Value Blocks Qly*




I1 Am~u$t

A1RPOST BOOKLET Issue Cede: 786. Dale ofIssue: 7 August 1996. Airpost single stamp@S1.00 PS98 Airpost Booklet (5 x SI.00) = S5.00

~ ~



10 x 40c stamps@ $4.00



"IMAGF.'l OF NZ" TOUK1ST PACK English Version 1_ Code: PKOO2. S24.95 "IMAGF.'l OF NZ" TOURIST PACK Chinese Version 1_ Cede: PKOO2. S24.95 "IMAGF.'l OF NZ" TOURIST PACK Japanese Version 1_ Code: PKOO2. $24.95 PRF.'lENTATION PACKS Famous New Zealanders @SS.50 Code: PR736 Maori Crafts @ S8.50 Code: PR720

40c The Leading of the Star

New Zealand Wildlife @S8.50 Code: PR765

70c The Shepherds' Discovery

Ross Dependency @ S8.50 Code: PR745

SOc The Angel's Announcement


S1.00 The Nativity 11.50 The Journey to Bethlehem

$1.80 The Annunciation

CHRISTMAS CARDS - SET OF 12 1_ Code: PSJ02 S9.95

769 40c Self·adhesive booklet stamp - The Adoration of the Magi

I Amount NZS I

c:J c:J CJ


c:J CJ CJ c:J CJ c:J c:J

~ ~ ~ ~ ~






769 40c Self·adhesive coil O-ised God

64 sides - white pages @ 559.95 Item Code: AOO77 64 sides - black pages @$69.95 Item Code: AOO78

PSlOO Self-adhesive coil dispenser (J 00 x 40c stamps) @S40.00

~ ~ ~

c:J c:J c:J

32 sides· white pages@$31.20 Item Code: AOO53

stamp· The Heavenly u __ •

I Required No I

MMP Issue Cede: 785. Date ofIssue: 4 September 1996.

Sheellet of ten 40c stamps @S4.00



2. Other Products STAMP PACK 1996 llem Cede: SP96. Daw of Issue: 4 SepWUlber 1996. SS2.3O FIIlST DAY COVEIlS PACK 1996 lle'" Cede: FCP96. Date ofIssue: 4 September 1996. S65.05 NEW ZEALAND STAMP COLLECTION 1995 ANNUAL ALBUM 1_ Cede: MB95. Daw ofIssue: 9 November 1995 $77.00 "STAMPS OF SPORTING ENDEAVOUR" SPORTS BOOK llem Cede: BKOO5. Dale of Issue: 7August 1996. S29.95


No. Required



c:J c:J c:J

Amount NZ$



~ ~ ~ ~

lte. No.



Hagner Album


Hagner Sheet Hagner Sheet Hagner Sheet Magner Sheet Hagner Sheet Magner Sheet Hagner Sheet Hagner Sheet Hagner Sheet FDCAlbum RefUls FDCAlbum Refill·sgIe pocket RefilJ-dbJe pocket FDCAlbum Refills

A0028 A0028 A0028 A0028 A0028 A0028 A0028 AOO28 AOO3O A0031 AOO« A0045 A0046 A0047 AOO4S



HIOneSlrip H2 Two Strip H3 Three Strip H4 Four Strip U5 Five Strip H6 Six Strip H7 Seven Strip H8 Eight Strip H9 PDC & Mint

FDCAlbum Lge Deluxe Lge DeJuxe Lge Deluxe Srn Deluxe Srn Deluxe







1.25 1.25 1.25

Magner Magner Magner

Hagner Hagner Hagner


Premier Premier FDC Premier FDC Premier Premier FDC

1.25 1.25 1.25 1.25 1.25 33.30 8.25 34.00 9.95 9.95 18.45 6.10





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