Focus Number 42 November 2006

Page 1

Welcome Welcome to our new look Focus newsletter, which replaces Stamps Focus ,

We're really grate ful to those of you who were selected and took th e tim e to fill in our annual customer questionnaire. We value your opinions on how we work together and provide you with information. As you'll see from this new-format Focus. we've taken on board some of your ideas and made

some chanqesl You told us that you wante d mo re background about our stamp and coin issues and other related act ivities. Focus will now have several feature art icles in each issue.

In th is one, we dig deeper into the background of our Gold Rush stamp and coin issues and explore the upcoming celebrations around the 50th anniversary of Scott Base, wh ich New Zealand Post is proud to recognise with a stam p and coin issue. Focus also explains what Custom ised Advert ising Labels

are and that New Zealand Post will now be supplying them to stamp collectors thro ugh an annual pack. If you are not familiar with th is product or want to catch up on the latest developments, turn to page 4 and you'll get all the details. Our stamps and other products are a wonderfu l way to share the stories of our people and our nation and we' re looking forwa rd to tell ing you more about these. Another th ing you will see we have updated as a result of your feedback is the Focus order form , whi ch we hope will now be even easier for you to use. At thi s time of year, you might like to give special thought to choosing and order ing gifts from the huge variety of stamps, coins and coll ectables on offer. I hope you enjoy th is new-look Focus. Do let us know what you think of the new for mat and content.

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IvorMasters General Manager. Stam ps and Collecta bles

Please nole: The finished products may differ from those illustrated in this newsletter. Artwork and articles from Focus may not be extracted for reprinting without prior permission from the New Zealand Post Stamps and Collectables Business. For more information and to request permission, please contact the Research Co-ordinator, Stamps Business. Pr ivate Bag 39990, Wellington 5045. Every effort has been made toensure that the information in Focus is correct.

www.nzpost .co.nzl slamps

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" Gold Rush

A time of adventure, growth and challenge old min ing had a signifi cant effect on the early development of


New Zealand and our nation's economy. lt motivated surv eying

and exploration . It attra cted people and investments. Infrastructure to support the new populat ion developed. incl uding roads and bridges and. of course. com munications. Our Gold Rush stam p issue presentat ion pack provides a weal th of background on the history of thi s era of adventu re and change for our young nat ion. We also bring you more informati on about the images and tim es port rayed by each of the five stamp s, featu ring photographs taken dur ing the Gold Rush era . from the Alexander Turnb ull Library. Well ington . The Gold Rush brought a range of chall enges to the young government of the time - incl uding those charged with providing postal services to a rapidly growing populat ion spreading out into new areas . Delivering the mai l was difficult given the varied terra in and vast distan ces and the lack of formed roads . Some of the early mail contracts give details of ar rangements by foot. on horseback and by trap or coach or boat. In 1860, the Otago postal system handled around 96.000 letters - two years later this had increased by 500 percent. And the num ber of mail item s that coul d not be delivered. given the often tr ansient natu re of the im migrants associated wi th gold m ining. increased so signif icantly

Be part of the gold-discovery experience Over tim e, people have tr ied man y ways to mine and even magic up gold. Miners here in New Zealand created individual variations on the basic panning and sluicing meth ods - there was even a plan to use a submari ne to m ine the Clutha River! Developing the world 's first successful steam -powered dredge proved a m ore practical solution, and it began work in the Clutha in 1881. The excitement of discovering gold can now be yours - just by buying a 45-cen t stam p featu ring a prospector in the 1880s and rubb ing your finger on the pan he is holding .

that a centra l ' Dead Lette r Office' was set up in Well ington in 1865. Heat -sensitive the rmoch romic ink on part of the stam p responds to After a decade of gold min ing . the Post Office was greatly changed. Mail routes in 1860 totalled less than 1,600 kilome tres - 10 years later they tra velled over. l 0,OOOkil ometres. In 1860, the re were 107 Post Offices

the warmth of your finger and golden nugget s are revealed in the pan! This is the first tim e that New Zealand Post has used thermo chrom ic ink on a stamp .

- by 1870 there were 457. In some mining areas, offices opened, close d, reopened, change d name and/or moved prem ises to meet the chang ing needs and ebbs and flows of their com munit ies. This leads to some interest ing investigation for those COllecting postmarks or foll owing the part the Post Office played in an area's social history . As well as meet ing com m unication needs, the Post Office brought financial services to its com m uniti es, recognising the ir need to tra nsfer

This sor t of ink is used in a variety of applicat ions such as battery testers, food wrapp ers and novelty cups. The ink is made up of special dyes simi lar to wax particles, whi ch melt as they are heated. As they melt , the colour changes to alm ost clear, showing the image beneath it. When they cool , the colour change s back to black - and, on our stamp, the pan appear s as empty as it did to that m iner on the riverbank . •

and save money securely. From August 1862, people could send and receive small amounts of money between offi ces throughout the country - and between New Zealand and the United Kingdom. These money order facilities were set up in the Chief Post Office in each province. The first Post Office Savings Banks start ed operati on in 1867 in Auckland, Wellington, Christchurch, Dunedin and gol d-town Hokitika, and spread as the need arose. Among those who arr ived in New Zealand dur ing the Gold Rush was Richard John Seddon, who sailed into Hokit ika in March 1866, He's said to have been involved with hydrau lic sluicing for gold at Waimea. Later he establi shed stores and a hote l and became involved in com munity affairs and local then nationa l pol itics . Seddon became New Zealand Premier in 1893, and served as Postmaster General. He wou ld be long remem bered for his reference to New Zealand as 'God's Own Country '.

COINS: Silver gilded coin Thames/Coromandel

Gold proof coin - Otago

This beautiful $1 Silver gilded com

ThISelegant$10 hall ouncegoldprool COin IS brought to you m 99.99% gold. A very spec-at and rare COin to add to your cottecnon. tt us piece depic ts someof the Icons that comewIth the gold rushes01 Otago - such as picks and shovels andof course the etcswe gold nuggets

depict s the hand penrunq 01alluvial gold froma river, Earlv ettuviet gold drsccvenes . like that 01Charles Ring In

1852. were an un portant Iorebea r to the tarqe-scate gold rushes thatfollowed In the 18605 and 18705. Mintage limited: 3.000 Composition/F inish: 99.99% nne silver

with pure gold plallngto proof finish Mass: 31.135grams Diameter : 40.60mm stamps

Mintage limit: 500 Composition/F inish: 9999% gold WIth proofl m1sh Mass: 15.554 grams Diameter : 25.10mm

Focus Issue '2 November 2006





Recent stamp issues


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Personalised Stamps 2006

Christmas 2006

This new set of personalised stamps is available as a sheetlet of 10 stam ps and a first day cover. It is the only opportuni ty to purchase the 10 individual stam p designs togethe r. Event-specit rc and kiwiana stamp images are availab le in 45-cent, $1 .50 and $2.00 denominat ions .

What Chr istmas m eans 10 me', was the inspirational quest ion that was on more than 17,000 talented Kiwi chi ldren's m inds wh ile captur ing t heir Chr istmas lh ough ts .

Produ cts available Sheetletof 10 stamps. te-st daycover Issue date . 3 May 2006 Withdrawal date . 2 May 2007

These creators - children between five and 18 years old - have given us some wond erful insights into the ir Chr istmas exper iences, as well as a glimpse of the ir enormous creative potent ial. The 10 w inn ing stamps are simply gorgeous: brimming w ith colour, energy and personali ty, they convey the joy of Christmas in a del ightfully youthful. yet deeply pers onal way. Products avarleble: 10gummed stamps. two first day covers andChristmas cards

Issue da te, 4 October 2006 Withdrawal date, 3 October 2007

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Personalise your Christmas mail w ith per sonalised stamps. Order yours today. visi t www lised stamps.

2006 Scenic - Renewable Energy We have already seen the effec ts of cl imate change in sea levels and exl reme weather events across the world . This issue looks to the future of renewable energy in New Zealand by featuri ng some of these options. All featured energy resources are already used in New Zealand ; however , many are in early stage s of development. •

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Products avauebte . FIVe gummed stampsand one Irrst day cover Issue date 5 July 2006 Withdrawal date . 4 July 2007

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Children's Health, Healthy Living: 5+ A Day Since it was launched in New Zealand in 1994, the 5+ A Daycampaign has achieved signif ican t success. More and more New Zealanders are aware of and following it s advice, and schoo l- and communitybased educat ion programmes are proving popular among children and adults al ike. With healthy eat ing habits now part of our lifestyle, future generat ions will have reason to thank us . New Zealand Post collects a surc harge on each 45-cent and 90-cent stam p and passes it on to the Children's Health Camps. This year the 45- cenl stamp carries a 5-cent surcharge and the 90-cent stamp carries a lO-cent surcharge. Located throughout the country, these camps help children and fam il ies w ith complex needs to bui ld resili ent lives by providing individual. innovative, strength -base services that support the development of posit ive lifestyles. •

Products available: Set of fivegummed stamps. miniaturesheet, sell- adhesive sheet and two first daycovers

Kiwipex Exhibition Betw een 2 and 5 November the 'garden city' of Christchurch hosted Kiwipex 2006 - a nat ional stamp exhibit ion that marked the centenary of the 1906/07 New Zealan d International Exhibition, which was also held in Christchu rch . Postage stam ps of all kinds and photographs of New Zealand Post Offices of var ious grades were displayed on the walls in the Cour t of the New Zealand Post and Telegraph Department at the New Zealand Intern ational Exhib ition . Visit ors coul d al so see wha t the Official Record of the exhibit ion notes as 'a comprehensive colle ction of the telegraphic and teleph onic apparatus used in the col ony, all clearly labelle d'. These incl uded 'ol d doub le need led and sing le needled tel egraphic instruments and an ear ly Edison -Bell te lephone '.

Issue dale 2 August 2006 Withdrawal date ' 1 August 2007

Products avaIlable: Exbibitron miniature sheet. miniature sheet first day cover Issue date , 2 Novem ber 2006 Withdrawal date 1 November 2007

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Focus lssu~ 42 November 2006




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Customised Advertising Labels What are they?


ustom ised Advertising Labels ICALsl give businesses the opportu nity to personali se their marketing cam paigns,

invitations and everyday mail with an imag e they choose to represent their business identity. They are simila r to the very popular personali sed stamps we offer to custom ers through our website. New Zealand Post has responded to collec tor s' interest in CALs, and will be offerin g for sale all CALs produced since Decem ber 2004. Ivor Masters, General Manager, Stamps and Collec tables, explains : -CALs were first issued by another part of New Zealand Post in 2003, at the request of business customers . They were originally known as Personal ised Advert ising Labels or PALs. While we currently call them Customis ed Advert ising Labels it is possible this name may change again in the futu re."

A collectable item - however, not a stamp "CALs are not viewed as stamps by New Zealand Post,- says Mr Masters. 'T hey don't carry the uniqu e New Zealand Post fern identifier or the words 'New Zealand' and aren' t available from our PostShop network . That is. they are not easily availab le for all

CALs for collectors CALs will be offered through an annua l pack that collec tor s can purchase.

New Zealander s and therefore do not meet UPU regulations for a postage stam p.

The first pack of labels to be offered will incl ude CALs produced from Decemb er 2004. These include: two from Kiwipex 2006, two fro m the National Stam p Show 2005, the Northland Exhibition 2007 and any others tha t are produced between now and 31 December 2006. These will all be offered in a single pack as a 'catch up' product , which will be supplied in early 2007. The pri ce of the pack will be determined by the face value of the label s it contain s.

"They carry an ima ge supplied by the customer and have a red stri p on the right hand side wi th the postage pri ce and the New Zealand Post logo to identify that postage has been paid. IThis strip was coffee coloured pr ior to Septem ber 2006.1 "These labels were not initially offered for resale to New Zealand Post collec tors, " says Mr Masters. "However, we have becom e aware that there are collec tors out the re w ho are interested in collectin g CALs, even t ~oug h these are not viewed as a 'stamp ' product. 'W e are now offering our collec tors the opportunity to purchase all CALs produced since Decemb er 2004, whi ch is wh en the Stam ps and Coll ectabl es Business becam e responsible for their production. 'W e look forward to a very positive response to this initiative and thank those of you who have been in touch with us about the availab ility of CALs in the past couple of years .-



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Those customers wh o wis h to go on a standing order for each annual pack or ask to be advised w hen these become available can do so by ticki ng the appropriate box on the order form in thi s issue. It is expected that New Zeala nd Post could issue hundreds or even thousands of labels each year. Therefore, we cannot estimate the pri ce of the annual packs. CALs produced by New Zealand Post before December 2004 are not available to collectors from New Zealand Post. As explaine d above. whe n these were produced potent ial collec tor interest was not recogni sed, and no extra product was produced to be ma de available. The CALs that are not available thr ough New Zealand Post are: Festival of the Ar ts 2004, ANZ and BMW.

CALs for business customers Business customers can obtain information about CALs through the Stamp s and Collec tables website tam ps. ltis expected that early in 2007 custom ers will be able to customise and order CALs online Isim ilar to w hat is on offer with Personalised Stam ps!. •

Personalised Stamps - the next generation New Zealand Post is excited to br ing you the next generat ion of our successful personalised stamps. You can take your favouri te photo or image and place it alongside one of 10 unique stam p designs, featu ring new images of some great Kiwi icons as well as some more gener ic festive and celebrat ion sym bols . Visit ersonalisedstamp s to explore how fun and easy it is to add this special touch to your ma il. These stam ps also mak e a really 'personalised' gift.

www amps

Focus iss ue ' 2 November 2006


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Antarctica Saluting the 50th anniversary of Scott Base

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Stamps in Antarctica before Scott Base Ernest Shackleto n was appointed Postma ster of King Edward VII Land by Sir Joseph Ward, when he left for Antarctica in the Nimrod early 1908. He was to head what was the world's most southerly postal agency.


cott Base was one of the earl iest operational bases on the Antar ct ic conti nent. It was fir st set up as a temp ora ry base to support New Zealand's involvement in the Internat ional Geophysical Year 11 957-581 and the Br itish Com monwealt h Trans Antarctic Exhibitio n in 1957. In January 2007 we will com memorate the 50th anniversary of Scott Base wit h a stam p and coin issue. You will find all sor ts of backgr ound on this im portant New Zealand scienti fic base in the presentation pack. and the stamps and coins carry images of actions and people at and around the base duri ng its proud history. In this article , we look back at some of the early phila telic history of Antarctica and forw ard to what we have in store for January 2007. While

Shackleton took wi th him the first stam ps produ ced specif ically for use in Antarctica - 100 sheets of the New Zealand 1d [penny] 'Universal' issue, overpri nted ' King Edward VIII Land', He was al so issued with a standard m etal face datestamp with the inscri ptio n BRIT.ANTARTIC EXPO, Shackl eton took down around 1,500 lette rs - about half were addr essed to non-existent people including Jack Penguin, King Penguin. Mr Brown Seal, Mr Albatross and Snowy Mountain, However, the collectors who had hoped these letters wou ld be considered 'u ndeliverable' and sent back through the the n- named Dead Letter Office to display in their albu ms wou ld be disappointed.

mail to and from personnel on the ice was the mai n functi on of postal work there , from the early days of explora tio n in the region, stam p and postmark coll ectors were able to receive mail fro m the ice.




Ross Dependency



n the 50 years since it was establis hed. the New Zealand Antarctic Programme has developed. ofte n in colla boratio n with scient ists from other countries, an extensive research portf olio - investigating everything from me teorological and seismic activity to clim ate change, biodiversi ty and Antarctic ecosystems . This stam p issue covers a selection of the scient ific activit ies. The five Ross Dependency stam ps are displayed on our special fir st day cover - which also depicts two scientists at work on the ice, In the presentation pack you can read m ore about the New Zealand Antarct ic Program me, and this very special anniversary, It includes all five stamp s plus the fir st day cover, providing a valuable memento of this important mome nt in glo bal scienti fic history.

Supporting scientific research New Zealand Post has su pported scientific research in Antarctica since 1994 with the annual New Zealand Post Antar ctic Schola rs hip, part of the Antarct ica New Zealand Postgrad uate Research Scholarshi p Program me. This is designed to encourage researc hers to pursue interests in Antarctica and the Sout hern Ocean. The schol ars hip provides an award of $10,000 plus logistics support in Antarctica , -We're proud to hel p build on our natio n's heritage of explor atio n and discovery in th is area," says lvor Masters. General Manager, Stam ps and Coll ectabl es. The 2006 recipient is Nita Smith from the University of Canterbu ry, who will study the Darw in-Hath ert on glacial system and its response to clima te change, Youcan fin d out more about the scholars hips and work of Antarct ica New Zeala nd at www.antarctica •

Products available: Five gummed stamps. first day cover and presentation pack

Iss ue date : 1 Novemb er 2006 Withdrawal dat e : 31 October 2007


Focus issue 42 November 2006



The explorer repor ted that letters to the penguin family "w ere all del ivered . and the sur pr ise of those interesting animals was evident. The seals also rece ived their letters. and the letters addressed to Jack Frost and Mr Iceberg were also delivered."

The first Post Office at Scott Base The New Zealand Post and Telegraph Depart ment appointed Sir Edmund Hill ary Postm aster for the proposed Scott Base for the 1956-57 summer season . Art hur Helm. a postal off icer and secretary of the Ross Sea

Captain Robert Scott was appoi nte d Postma ster of Victor ia Land in 1910

Committee of the Trans Antarctic Expedit ion in New Zealand . was

w ith Francis R.H. Drake as assistant. The expedition carried a la rge

his deputy.

sup ply of New Zealand l d [penny] Edward and half- penny Dom inion Mr Helm esta blished the Post Office in a small two -person tent at the

stamps overp rinted V ictoria / Land'. The postal datestamp BRIT. ANTARCTIC EXPO issue d to Shackle ton was also use d for the Scott

base site. w ith a packing case lor a counter. and opened for business

expedition. Paymaster Drake took up the Postmaster role following the

on 11 January 1957. Special Ross Dependency postage stamps went

deat h of SCOlt.

on sale to expedition members and the crew of the Endeavour. The New Zealand leader at Scott Base was given the powers of Postm aster from then on. All mail wa s fran ked ther e and stampe d w it h Ross Dependen cy stam ps. Dur ing sum mer . a New Zealand Post Office w or ker was appointed to opera te th e office . New Zealand 's Post Off ice at th e base was close d in 1987. but due to local and internat ional dem and . Ross Dependency stam ps we re reint roduced in Novem ber 1994.•


Prod ucts available : Five gummedstamps. Irve miniature sheets. hrst daycover, miniature sheet fIrst day covers, presen tationpackand limited edition Issuedate, 20January2007 Withdrawal date, 19January200S

Scott Base 1957 - 200 You could be one of the few... New Zealand Post has been working wit h a variety of individuals and organisations to give collectors in New Zealand and around the world the chance to win a collectable that will be one of the most sought-alter item s ever produced. So what is it? All will be revealed in the New Zealand PostS'colt Base maili ng due out mid- December 2006. Clues to what th is special colle ctable is: o these collectables will have been to the ice and back o they are li mited to only 100 units o you will not be able to directly purchase this pro o these coll ectables will be signed by a special Ne....Zea a

Focus Issue 42 Novembeor 2006



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Current issue

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New Zealand' s sum mer festivals cover the spectrum of themes and activities - from fam ily-fo cused events to music. theatre. dance and energy-packed sporti ng spectacles and compet itions, These colourf ul.

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carefully designed stamps depict part icular festivals held, from great outdoor concerts and dragon boating to relaxing at the races on race day, from jazz festivals to the good old teddy bear s' picnic, •

Issue date , 1 November 2006


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Products available: Se-tenant stnp, miniaturesheet and two flrsl daycovers

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Summer Festivals

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Upcoming stamp issues Fish and Game The 2007 New Zealand Game Bird Habitat colle ct ion. the 15th in the series honouring World Wetlands Day. features the New Zealand brown Ouail (Syno icus yps ilophorusJ. The New Zealand brown quail is an overall brownish colour. finely patterned with black and whe n scuttl ing for cover may be m istaken for a rat , Proceeds from the sale of items offered in the 2007 New Zealand Game Bird Habitat collect ion wil l be used by the New Zealand Game Bird Habitat Trust to fund the development and enhancement of New Zealand wetlands, •

Issue dale ' 2 February 2007 Note: The Issue mlormation IS due out In 2007 TheNew Zealand GameBmj Habuat hcencestamp IS not valid for postage

Year of the Pig This is the 11th consecutive year that New Zealand Post has marked the Chinese Lunar Calendar new year, •

Issue date 7 February 2007 Note: The Issue mtorrnanon is due out In 2007





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Focus issue 42 November 2006

/Legal tender coins New Zealand Silver Dollar III - The North Island brown kiwi

Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II 80th Birthday

New Zealand Post is proud to salute an endearing symbol of our nation with the conti nuation of a ser ies of New Zealand Silver Dollar coins dedicated exclus ively to the kiwi. The third coin in this very special series features the North Island brown kiwi {Ap teryx menteuil. •

The coins for the Her Majest y Queen Elizabeth Ir s 80th bir thday are designed to uniquely represent New Zealand 's celebration of this historic event. •

Bnlllant uncirculated COin 0 $29.00 Mmtaqe : 3.000

Sitver proof com C $7900 M'ntage , 2.500 Gold prool coon C ~9500 Montage. 500

Silver bullron com ~9 .00 M'ntage , 5.000 Silver proof coon $79 .00 Montage . 2.000

Coming soon 2007 annua l coin issue: New Zealand tuatara Release date : Late November •

Brilhan; uncircula ted com C $29.00 Mon tage , 3.000 Brilliant uncirculated coin set C $49.00 Mmtage 5.000

SIlver proof com @ $79.00 Montage 4.000 Silverproof COin set

@$129.oo Montage , 4.000

[ltlustranon onlyl

......... ...................... ...... ... ........................ ....... ........ ............... ............ ..... ... International coins now available Israel



Moses and the Ten Comm andmen ts

2006 Aust ralian Kangaroo

Austrian Mozart

Silver proof com e $79.00

Gold-plated sliver coon @ $89.00

Brilliant uncirculated coin @ $19.90

Austra lia on the Map

Austrian Beethoven

Srlverprool com 0 $79 00

See more examples at .nz/coins

Bnlhant uncircotate d coon C $ 19 90

Focus issue 42 November 2006


Stamps from other countries Malta

Hong Kong

Holy Week

Charming Chinese Lant erns

Dale of ISsue 12 April 2006 Set of twe gummed stamps '

First day cover: $2.10


First day cover WIth miniature sheet af",ed , $1.95

Domest ic Pet •

Dale of issue: 12 February 2006

Miniature sheetlet $1.15

FIrst day cover with live stamps : $9 10

2006 16 gummed stamps $12.60

Dale 01 Issue 14 March Set of

Year of the Dog •

Set 01four first day covers each with lour stamps $14.80

Date 01 Issue ;

15 January 2006

Sel of four gummed stamps, $2.75

Ii r

MIniature sheet : $2 ,75 Stamp sheetlet with single gummed stamp ; $1.25 Forst day cover ; $3.55 First day cover miniature sheet : $3.55 Forst day cover slamp shee tlet:


Dress Up Bear s •

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Miniature sheet : $ 3.80




First day cover With six stamps affixed : $4 ,85

The 80th Birthday of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II •

Dale of Issue ; 30 April


Date of Issue

Set 01 two gummed stamps : $7.80

Set of SIX gummed stamps. $3.80

Miniature sheet mcorporatmq two gummed stamps : $4 .45

First day cover With sheetlet affixed

First day cover with four stamps affixed : $8 10 First day cover with miniature sheet affixed : $4 .80

$4 85

Mount Taishan •

Dale 01 Issue ; 4 May


Forst day cover WIth sheetlet aUIXed; $3.20 Sheet let WIth smqle gummed stamp;

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Three first day covers with two stamps afhxe d : $6.95




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Fireworks •

Date of Issue , 22 Augusl


First day cover with two stamps affixed: $3.20 First day cover With rmmature sheet affixed l'crystat Iabnc' has been applied to the stamps on miniature sheet) : $24.45 Set ot two gummed stamps . $2.35

Pitcairn Islands Old Glory •

Date of Issue , 24 April



MIniature sheet: $5 .85 First day cover with

Shells of the Reef

mmtature sheet : $7.00

Dale 01 Issue ; 8 February


Miniat u re sheeUet With 12 gummed stamps : $6.75 Two first day covers : $9.95

The 80th Birthday of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth 11 •

The 80th Birthday of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II •

Dale 01 Issue



Dale of issue, 21 April


Firsl day cover. $9.45


Miniature sheet With two gummed stamps: $525

Sel 01 two gummed stamps : $7.60

Set of four gummed stamps : $775

Miniature sheet $6 .20

First day cover WIth miniature sheet affixed : $6.90

Forst day CeNer


Tropical Flow ers Defin it ive

First day cover With miniature sheet affixed $7.35

Dale 01 issue, 1 July


Set of two hrst day covers • Demesne: $36.55

First day cover With lour stamps artued $8.80

First day cover - lnternaucnst: $31.95

Set of 10 setl-adhesive stamps : $33.15

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Focus Issue 42 November 2006



/Gift ideas 2006 New Zealand stamp pack: $84 30

Yellow Eyed Penqum Ornament - small : $27.95

Feather Image Block 150,150mm $3695

Yellow Eyed Penqum Ornament- med : $36.95 Yellow Eyed Penqum Ornament - large : 58.95



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Whale Ornament - rruru: $22.95 WhaleOrnament - med : $28.95 Whale Ornament - large: $39.95

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Koru Image Block 150,I50mm : $36.95



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R,mu Weatherstat;on: $275.00

Dotphm Ornament - med . $34.95


',~~ - ~,


Pohutukawa Image Block 150,150mm. $36.95

Dolphin Ornament - large: $46.95


. .. . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . .. .. : KIWI

Paua Image Block 150,150mm: $36 95

Small R,mu Barometer, $15800

Brown Ornament- mini: $26.95


KIW' BrownOrnament - med : $32.95



"", . I

<:» .


.. .. . . . . . . . .. .. . . .. .... . . . . .. .. .. . . "0"···· ·· ·· ·· ················· ·· ··········· "0°······ ·· ··· ···· · · · · · · · ·· ·· · ·· · ·· · ·· 2006AnnualAlbumwrth stamps : $84.30

R,mu Rectangular Weatherstat,on: $245.00

2006Annual Album With stam p IUustratlons: $24_95 stamp s


Focus issue '2 November 2006


THE N'" D Z CO ......:::CTION~ In 2006. New Zealand Post stamps provided us with a wonderful glimpse of the people. places. events and perspectives that have shaped and continue to influence our daily lives.

__I I I

Order yours today at

Focus order form - November 2006


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If you are m ailing your ord er from outsi de New Zealand , please be sure to aff ix the cor rect postage.

Postage reckoner

Austr . U. ..

Sout '"



Greellngs Cards. Stamps. Sheettets. Miniature Sheets. Booklets. Postcards. ASC Catalog ue


Imag_ BLoeM . MlOlalure sheet Bccktets. Sheets . First COYer Rehlt s


SlA Carton



Oavo Supps

B NZ Stamp Collect.on, Flt'st DayCowr Albums.

U. .

Aut o'






Currency reckoner App roximate equivale nt.






£1 Ste rling







$1 Australia

NZ$I .09




S6 50


$1 US

NZ$1.45 NZ$1.26 NZ$ I.75


B Jigsaw

l ..t ...... .. Nt ll. Ameriul





$1 Canada € 1 Euro







SI4 50














Stock books and CP Catalogues. Books. NZ Landscapes. ClaSSIC Walks . Horizons

B Oavo Album. Weatherstattons. barometer B Presentation Packs . Colle ctors Folders. Stamp Pecks.

Total to pay Total all sections S

Stanley Gibbons , Glass Figur ine

Plus postage

First DayCO'm"Packs. MaXimum Cards and F.rst DayCo.oers


No Charge







Speoet ccuner service for COinS $



If $ftW~/ ltems In ~ m.J'*ed .:4 ' ~rp Mf19 ordered.. t~ hig~st Tilt. ~pp(1rs. If Sft'IH'ifIl t«ns IfJ ~ m.J'*ed ·8 ' arP ordered, the ~td9.llS1ed is per

,trm. If your orrIHinctud~ .:4 ' and S ' items



'8 ' Items toldl OfItyappliM. Internationa l Expn1ssrates ~rp ilVai~b/e upon appllcdtion.

PfH" MkI $5 hlNHy IiWthi!JN"" Z..und to c.mpbttll P. tHSO/J c.r.logufl, UghthociH Stockboob, S~nI., Gibbons c.tMDgUH.nd N-.v Z..und ~ni"'.nd,ift..

How to contact us - If you need more information. or help about International Ex press rates , please telephone. fax or email us direct. Telephone: 106) 349 1234 IOverseas customers

+646349 /2341



You can also find us on the internet at :

106)3457120 IOverseascustomers _64 6 345 71201

colle .nz stamps and

How would you like to pay?

o o

I have enclosed a cheque/i nternational money order/ba nk draft !payable to: New Zealand Post Stamps Centrel Please deb it my acco un t

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- - - - - - - - - - - - -------::,

New Zealand stamps c:=l.:·-_-=-=_L=-=:,~~-LC~,~~,





06El 06El

Sheettet of 10 stamps

Tot.' · Cod.


$8.65 $9.15 Section 1 TotalNZ$

First dev cover with sheet let




':.:~f" r~ -~ __ " {:;:-:-~

06Gl O6Gl 06Gl 06Gl 06Gl 06Gl O6Gl


...... Set 01


$1.35 - Blogas: Walkato $ 1.50 - Geo the rmal : Walra kei

$2.00 - Solar: Lighthouse. Cape Relnga FU"$I day COYer With gummed stamps

Sect ion



DeK r1pUon

06Hl 06Hl 06Hl 06Hl 06Hl O6H l 06Hl 06Hl

Set of frve gummed stamps 145c -Scl SOc - gummed stamp 19Oc.. lOci $1.00 - gummed slamp $1.35 • gummed stam p

06Hl 06H2 06H2

MIni atur e sheet l lr!l t day cover

$1.50 - gum med stam p

$2.00· gummed Slamp FIrsl day COYer lind. s/a 45c • Sc stamps)

Miniature s hee t lincl. 45c .. 5c.9Oc . lOc. $1 .35, $ 1.50.

T.... HZ$

$620 $0.45 $0.90 $1.35 $1.50 $2.00 $6.70

fIVe' gummed stam ps

45c - Wind Farm: Tararua. Palmers ton North 90c- Hydro : RoxburghDam.Central Olago



2 Total NZ$

Sett- adhesrve shee t 1100 x 45c


Total. Oly



r::;::r:::)=«(':,; =:.::::::::') T.. .. DHcri ptlon


0611 0611 0611 0611 0611 0611 0611 0611 0611 P611

Set of fwe gummed stamps

$6.20 $045 $0.90 $1.35 $1.50 $2.00 $6.20 $6.70 $6.70 $23.95

4Sc - Gotd panning Cl 880s

90c- cl 868 KuranUi

Creek. Tham es

$1 .35 - c 19005 I uepeke. Otago $1.50 - cl 90 1 Roxburl]h $ 2.00 - c 1900s Gold Rush MInia ture sheet First day cover MIniat ure sheet lu"st day coyer Presentation pack ltace value $ 25.80)


· tHo


DeK rtptlon

Pr k e

06Kl 06Kl O6Kl 06Kl O6Kl O6Kl 06Kl 06Kl

Set of 10 gummed stamp s

$845 $045 $0.90 $1.35 $1.50 $2.00 $11.40 $2.70

4Sc • Koru design [Supreme winnerl



$1 .35 - Christm as tr ee $ 1.50 - Pohutukawa tree $ 2,00 - Cam ping scene Set

01two Ill'st day covers

Sheet of si x


45c:stam ps

Self -adhesive $1 .50 bookle t lone x $1 .50 stam p tree] Sett-adhesve dispenser box conlalnlrleJ 100 x 45c stamps

NZ$ .,

~ "'"";"-'I-::.--;:-rr-rjC::::---~"""""''''



06Ll 06Ll 06Ll 06Ll 06Ll 06L1 06Ll 06L1 06Ll

Set of live gummed stamps lsu ppll ed as se-teoentl



T.... NZ$


$6.20 $045 $090 $135 $1.50 $2.00 $6.70 $6 20 $6 70 Section 6 TOlal NZ$

45c - Cult ural test wats

90c • Hor se rac ing $1..35 - Teddy bears plcntC $1 .50 - Arts fest ival $ 2.00 • Food and wme Iesnvat Firs t day coyer Mmiature sheet Miniatu re shee t first day cover

.-. U::r' rllr:-:-=--:"7"[..


-".,'''' _ . _.__.'




Cod. r lption

. ri<.

06L2 06L2 06L2 06L2 06L2 06L2 06L2 P6L2

Set of five gum m ed stamps

$620 $0.45 $0 90 $l. 35 $1.50 $200 $6.70 $16.95 Section 7 Total NZ$

45c - Biologist 90c - Hydrologist $1 ,35 - Geologist $1 .50 - Met eorologist $ 2.00 - Man ne Biologi st First day cover WIth gumme-d stamps Presen tation pack



· Code




. ri<.


Descript ion


Exhibition m iniature sheet (Include s $1 surcharge lor the Ptuta tellC Trust!

$5 00


Exhlblt lon souveni r cover hnct udes $ t surcha'ge lor the Phllate tlc Trust!

$5 50






El 16 El 17

Ellhi bltl on m iniature sheet

. ri<. $5.00 $5 50

Exhiblti on souvenir cover


Section 9 Total



~-~~~ ~ 0If"'''' .: ~ :r


Tot, t







07Al 07Al 07A1 07Al 07Al 07Al 07Al 07Al 07Al P7Al LE36

Set of five gum med sta mps 4Sc · ScOIl Base - 1957 open ing ceremony 90c - Scott Base - 1990 $ 1.35 - Scott Base - 2000 $1 .50 - Scott Base - 2Q03,I{)4 $ 2.00 - Scott Base - 2005 Miniatu re sheet First day cover Miniat ure sheet fIrs t day cover Presentanco pack LIm ited edmon














$6.20 $0.45 $0.90 $1.35 $1.50 $2.00 $870 $6.70 S11 20 $24 95 $13500 '--

Mint stamps will be sup plied unless you s pecifically request otherwise.

lei stamps. please indicate this by writ ing the letter U or e as appropriate next to the quant ity you require.

· Plate/ lmprint blocks may be obta ined by purchasing at least six sheet stamps. Ba rcode. value and logo blocks may be obta ined by purc has ing at leas t two sheet stamps. Ba rcode blocks are genera Uyavaila ble in A and B 'armats for sheet slamps. Toorder blocks or sheets from relevant iss ues please enter a code from the List below in the approp riate column . ·Codes for the type of blocks and sheets are as follows : Pi - Pla te Block. VA - Value Block, BA- Ba rcode Block, LO- Logo Block, sT - Sheet of slamps . laU prices Incl ude NZGoods an d Serv ices Tax C 12.5%1





Sec tio n 10 Tot al N Z$

If you wish to order used lUIor cancelled



~ " ' ; : ~ ~ c I ~-'--



Self-adhesive 4Sc bookl et

Secuon 8 Total NZ$ '--

Sec tio n 4 Tot al

( ~ ~o

$2.25 $195 $4 50 $13 50 $45.00

Set of two self -adhesive stamps


$6.35 $0.50 $1.00 $1.35 $1.50 $2.00 $7.35 $6.35


Se -tenent stn p 01lwe x 4Sc stam ps

r:":""-~-~ '\~~""'-:":"'1-----'


$6 85 SOc $50.00 Section 3 Total NZ$


06K2 06K3 061<3 06K3 06K3



$2.00stamps] Sell-adhesive stam p 14Sc + Sci

Chn stmas card olf er (lncl udes Sill cards. sill ewe teee s. and sheet of six II "5c stam osl

Sec tion 5 To tal


~7 ~":- ~t-1~-


Stamps from other countries


DHc ription


Holy Week First day COYer WIth fIVe stamps


Set of flYe9umm~ stamps

Add it ional products

$9.10 $8.30

I want 10JOlO Ihe stan ding order lor a CAL Pack ' N ote: The value c t

Domes t ic Pel M048

Set 0116 gummed stamps

M 048

Set of four fir st day covers each wit h lour stam ps

~:::::':ij:(:':路(~~:;A.-..1~路~::::::l::: .~-~~_

$12.60 $14.80


-"" r.l T....



WI05 Wl05 Wl05 Wl05

Set of two gu m m ed stem cs


Miniatu re sheet incorporating two num med stamps

$7.80 $4.45

Firs t day cover With four stamps affixed



' Code



First day cover With min iature sheet aftu ed

ttus pack


(Plea se I/ck l

WIll be based on the lace value of the la bels It contains

:.._~_ i.~':





2006 Album WIth sl am ps

$89 00 $2495

2006 Albu m with stamp illustrations only


. -_..,---"-




2006 New Zealand stamp pack









T.... ' Code


$8430 $12625

2006 New Zealand first day cover pack

L.':': .?: ::-.::_~ =Code


PT51 PT51

Miniature sheet


T.... Oly



::--f' ,-'J

Old Glory

$5.85 $7.00

First day cover WIth min iature sheet The 80 th Birthday o f Her Maj est y Queen Eliza bet h II

PT50 PT50 PT50 PT50

$7.60 $6.20 $8.80 $7.35

Set of two gummed stamps Mmiature sheet

Fll"!>t day cover Fif!>!. day cover WIthmmiature sheet aff ixed

c..-::J~ T.... Code




Charm ing Chines e L..nterns Shee ttet




$1.1 5 $2.10 $1.95

First day COYer Firs t day cover WIth sheettet eftu ed

Yearof the Dog

$2.75 $2.75 $1.25 $3.55 $3.55 $1.95

HOY4 Set of tour gu mmed stam ps HO" H09' HO" HOY4 H09'

Miniatu re shee t Stam p sbeettet With sin gle gum med stamp FIrst day cover Flrsl day COYer miniature sheet First day cover stamp streettet

Thre-efirst day covers WIth two stamps aff ixed Set of SIX gummed stamps First day cover With meuature sheel


Sheette t With Single gummed siamp

A730 A731 A732

Firework s

Hl 01 Hl 0l Hl0l





$36.95 $58.95 $22.95 $28.95 $3995 $34 95 $46.95 $2695 $32.95 $27500 $15800 $245.00 $34 95 $34 95 $3495 $3495

Yellow Eyed Pengui n Ornamen t - med Yellow Eyed Penqem Ornament - farq e Whale Ornament - min i Whale Ornament - med Wha le Ornament -large Dolphin Ornament - med Dolphin Ornament - large Brown KIWi Ornament 路 mini Brovvn Krwi Ornament - med Rlmu Weathers l ahon Smatl Rlmu Barometer Rlmu Rectangular Weathers tallOn Feather Image Block 15Ox15Omm Koru Im age Block 15Ox15Om m Pohutukawa Im age Bl ock 150x150mm Paua Im age Block 150x15Omm

DHcrip Uon Gold Rush

$3 20 $2.35

FIrst day cover WIth sbeettet aff ixed

Yellow Eyed Peng uin Orna men t - Sm all

'ri$27.95 <.



Mount Taishan

H097 H097

G07' G075 G076 G079 G080 G081 G082 G083 GOn G078 A757 A759 A760 G045 G044 GOI,J



Sec nc n 12 Total NZS

$3.80 $4.85 $6.95 $3.80 $4.85

MIOIature sheet First day COYer WIth sn stam ps affixed



Dress Up Bear s

HOY6 H096 HOY6 H096 H096




~ Price

$999951 $89001

Gold proof COin Silver gilded COIn Bnt hant uncirculated com







$49 .00 Sold oul

New Zeal and Sil ver Dollar 111- The Nort h Isl and br own k iwi

Firs t day cover wllh two stam ps affi xed First day cover With miniature sheet attn ed rcrystal tebnc: has been applied 10 the stam ps on the miniature shee tl

$3.20 $24.45

A725 A726

Sliver proof coin


A71' A715 A716

Gold proof coin


Silver bul lio n COin

$79 001 $49.ooT




The 80t h Birt hda y of Her Majest y Queen Elizabeth II

Set of !'NOgummed stamps

$49500 $7900 $2900

Silver pnxlf COin Bnttrent unc irculated com 2006 Australian Kangaroo









VA58 VA$8

Sheetlel Two

nrst day covers


$6.75 $9.95

Fir st day cover Mlnlal ure shee t Wllh two gummed stam ps Set of four gum m ed stam ps Firs t day cover With mnuatu re sheet affixed


$9.45 $5.25 $7.75 $6.90

Silver proof coin

Set of two flrsl day covers - Domestic Firs t day COYer - International Set of 10 sett -adheswe stamps ~ Domestic

Set of

10 sett -echeswe stamps - InternallOnat



I $79001


Brillian t unc irculated COin



Bnt hent uncircul ated COin


Isr ae li Moses


Silver proof COIn

$79.00 Secnon 13 Total

$36.55 $31.95 $33.15 $30.25 Sect ion 11 Total N ZS L - -


Au strian Bee thoven

Tro pica l Flo w er s Defin it ive

VA62 VA63 VA62 VA63


Austr ian Mo zart


The 80t h Birt hd ay of Her Maj est y Queen Elizabeth II

VA5Y VA59 VA59 VA59

Gold -plated SIlver com Aus tralia on (he M ap

Shells of t he Reel


Please nate for cains Because these coins are valuable and highly regarded collectables. orders from within New Zeal and con tain ing coins will be sent by speciaL courier. so please su pply an address which enables your package to be signed 'or and add $5 lor delivery. Overseas orders will be deli vered by International Express . please add $10 10your orde r.


Othe r products still on offer ~' ' Cod.













' ...r::t T....




40c Scenic 07511

Mitre Peak - 20October 1995

076 1

5c - 90c Scenic Set of nine 15c. IOc. 2Oc. 3Oc. SOc. 6Oc. 7Oc. SOc. 9Oc1 - '17 March 199t> 90c ilnd S1.30 Scenic

0922 0887

40e $415

Set of two - 2 October 2000 S1 - $3 Scenic Set 0""'" 1$1.00. $1.10. $2.00. $3.001- 6 March 2000

$2.20 $7.10

$1.10 Gold Round Kiwi


$1. 10 Stamp - 6 Mart h 2000


$4 .00 and $5.00 Butterflies


Set ct twc - 25 January 1995


$10.00 Mount RUilpehu


$ p - 12 February 1997


520.00 MCNlnt Cook $20.00 stam p - 18 Februa ry 1994

$ 10.00 $20.00

$1.50 Bronu Round Kiwi


$1.50 stamp


Set 01Iwesta mps lSOc. $ 1.00. $ 1.50. $2.00. $5.001 100 x SOc. $1.00 stamps per sheet 50 II $1.50.$2.00. $5.00 s.tamps per sheet

0956 0976

$1.50 sett-edbeswe - 7 May 2003



Sheet 01 100stamps DIspenser boll 1100sla mpsl - 22 Mart h 2004

$45.00 $4;.00 Secuon 14 Tota l NZ$


.. -






seeee mternauonat AJ r 5. $ 1.10 - 3 Apnl2000 2003DeflnlttveS,sett-edhesoe 5. $1.50 - 7 " ., 2003



Dehmtve bocktet sett -adbeswe IO x 40c, 4 x lOc


0976 0978 0975

90c DefinitIVeself -adheSIVe



Extreme Sport s Miniature Sheet booklet




- Tot.1 ·Code




45c Dehnltrve sett-edbesee



Ducript lon

9780 978. 9781

45c DefinitIVe- I KIWI

'0- '",:





45c DefinitIVe- rI KIWI


Deflnltrves set of



Oeflnlhve rate decrease 40c stamp



TP20 TP21



$5 95 $5 95 $995 $9.95


WILd Animals - Part 3


TP23 TP24 TP25

Fish, Whales and Dotpbms Transport

$9.95 $9 95 $9 95


Birds of Prey

$9 95


Birds 01Paradise

$9.95 $9 95


Underwater Worl.d - Part

Space - Part



Trains - Part 2


Flora and Fauna

A153 A156

Stamp Hunlers Beaut Binder


The Lighthouse Stamp Slockbook









Scenic Coastlines

P934 P944

Art meets Craft

$2495 $24 '15

P951 P952

Team N ~ Zealand - The Oelence

America's Cup/lead lng lhe Waves Sheep

$29.'15 $14.95 $1695

P953 P959

Royal New Zealand Ballet

$16 '15

100 Years of New Zealand Iest Rugby

P963 P970

Veteran Vehicles New Zealand Zoo Animal s

$24 '15 $1695 $24 95


Rugby Sevens

$24 95

P979 P981

World of WearableArt

$1695 $2995

Garden Flowers Home of MIddle-earth




Set 0121 regional post -paid envelopes ACC ccmmemoranve pre-stamped envelope

SIll S117

Rata PSE


2002 Discovery Espedmcn 2003 Man ne Life

$19.95 $16.95


2004Ross Dependency

$ 16.95


2005Ross Dependency Through the Lens



0951 0959

Team NZ - The Defence


Lord Of The Rings III - Relurn of the King


Extreme Sports

100 Years 01 New Zealand Iest Rugby

Tot.1 H'$





65c $2.50

Te Papa


Commemoratrve Red Cross non-Windowenvelope


Ccmmemc ratve Red Cross non-Window envelope


CommemoratIVeRed Cross Windowenvelope


Commemorative Red Cross Windowenvelope With Wanaanul Stamps Centre cancel



ITotal aU sections IPlus poslage ISpecial cocner service for coos


Checklist T.... llty



$ 16.95

Enter all your customer details !including your customer numberl Indicated how you would like to pay Total your order


Guaran tee T.... p,Q



56 00 $6.00 $ 12.00 $12.00 $ 10.00 Section 19 TOla l NZ$



Ictal amounl to pay NZSl - -

Section 18 TOlal NZ$

Amenca's Cup

P"" $12.00 90e

S I19


P947 P969



$29.95 $2495

Farm yard Animals




Duc rlptjon



Sec non 22 Total NZ$ L . . -



$6.95 $249 5

With WanaanUl Stamps Centre cancel

Sectio n 17 Total NZ$


$9.95 $129 5

Hagner pages [set of five mu tti -cctcuredl

· 2 October 1995


$9 '15 $9.'15

Water Birds


se. lOe. 2Oc. 45c. SOc. 7Oc. SOc. $1.00. $2.00. $3.00 • 2 Nceember 1994

New Zealand - Part 1


Section 16 Total NZ$ L . . . -


TP17 TP18 TP19


$4 50 $4.50 $450

45c DefinitIve - lit KIWi


$5.95 $5.'15






Secti on 21 Total N Z$

Section 15 Total N Z$ L . . . ~:;::L: ~'.


TP12 TP16

P983 P993

$4 50 $ 19.95 $ 14.95

Hetcnc F"armEqUipment Mlnlalure Sheet booklet





45c sel l -adhesive stam p


· Code

C'~~::;2 - <'-'. .,-:-7,,' ._y :~~~,.~..r:;:..fjj~~"~, .\'r'f-;(~o" C>.... T~

$1.80 $2.75



Sec nc n 20 TOlal NZ$

$1.50 90e $45.00

Sheet of 50 stam ps - 5 April 2004 Set of two gummed s.tamps 145c. $1.351 .lr.5c - sheet of 100. $1.35- sheet 01SO First day cover


Pr ke

$ 1.50 $ 10.00

90c sell -adhesive stamp


o.lCrlptkln Theme P~cks


Ifyou are not completelysatisfied with your purchase. return it to us within 14days of receiving it. You can ask us to replace it or giveyoua refund. No questions as ked!



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