Focus Number 43 April 2007

Page 1

Welcome! In my role , I have the privilege of meeting stamp collectors from th roughout the country and across th e world, I'm always fascinated by what drives the choices they make about what to colle ct - no two tell the same story! I recently met one collector who concentrates on stamps that have tennis balls on them, and another whose theme was suggested by a treasured friend many years ago, a connection which adds to the ir enjoyment. Whatever your special focus, we have a wide range of stam ps and collec tables to offer, Our centenary issue, for example, covers the work of four com munity- based organisatio ns that have had an impact on tens of thousands of Kiwis and become part of our nation's story - Rugby League, Scouting, the Plun ket Society and the Home of Compassion, I know many of you were interested in the Scott Base 1957-2007 issue - and we have a photo of Sir Edmund Hill ary signing the first day cover on the ice, Congratulations to those of you who have clai med your special first day cover, Also in th is issue, we are proud to 'walk' you through the new home for our Stamps Centre in Wanganui, now known as the Collec tables and Solutio ns Centre, which offers you bett er access and greater ease of use, Our feature gives you a 'behind the scenes' view of the services we offer. We're al so delig hted to intro duce you to our two new REAL Aotearoa stores, in Chris tchurc h and Auckla nd. These stores offer aut hentic New Zealand- made arts, crafts and designware along wit h our stam ps and coll ectables in a fresh, excit ing retail environment. My thanks to all of you who have commented on our new-look Focus. We're always inter ested in how we can improve on how we work together ... feel free to get in touch . Our contact details are on this page.


1Ivor Masters General Manager, Stamp s a nd Collectabl es

Ptease note : The finished products may differ from thoseillustrated in this newsletter.

Focus may not illustrate all stamp. coin or collectable products that are featured in this issue. or that appear in the Order Form. Artwork and articles from Focus may not be extracted for reprinting without prior permission from the New Zealand Post Stamps and Collectables Business. For more information and to request permission. please contact the Research Co-ordinator. Stamps Business. Pr ivat e Bag 39990, Wellington 4540. www stamp s

REAL Aotearoa A new look... and a new offer Maori proverb on the wall, a sleek high-concept storefront, discreet


lighting illuminat ing gl istening qual ity New Zealan d designware and ar t, and eye-catching black and white packag ing , Welcome to REAL Aotearoa - a new take on the traditional Stam ps and Collecta bles Business of New Zealand Post. Two stylish new REAL Aotearoa stores opened, one in Auckl and and one in Chr istchurch , just ahead of Christmas and the busy sum mer

tourism season. "Customers know as soon as they wa lk in that we are offer ing them a slice of the real New Zealand, " says Sashi Ali, manager of our REAL Aotearoa store in Queen Street , Aucklan d, 'W e're getti ng some great feedback, for example about the gallery feel to the stores , -We understand that tour ists want to leave New Zealand w ith distinctive gifts that they can display in their homes or give to someone special as a permanent remi nder of their visit to New Zealand , At the same time we can offer Kiwis unique presents to celebrate a sign ificant occasion, such as a wedding, birth day or retirement. 'We offer a one-stop shop with specialised staff to hel p our customers decide what to buy, wrap it for them in our distinctive black and white packaging and help them send it nationally or overseas if they wish, -And we still offer the same dedicated service for collect ors - with staff wh o have specialise d product knowledge and an area in each sto re which displays more tra ditiona l philatelic lines in a fresh way, " Offering more to collectors When Downtown PostShop in Aucklan d and Cathedra l PostShop in Christchu rch - whi ch hosted Stamp s and Collectables Centres - both planned to relocate last year, the Stamps Team took a look at how to create new opportunities for exist ing customers and attract new business, They ma de the decision to open a new sort of store alto gethe r, "This is quite a change of direction for us in a retail sense," says Ivor Masters, General Manager of the Stamps and Collecta bles Business, " However, we have been mak ing a lim ited range of collecta bles availa ble for some time, for example thro ugh our website and the informat ion we send our coll ectors, such as


"Our stamp colle ctors are a discerning audien ce, When they visit our retail centres, they often have specific produc ts in m ind rather than coming in to choose from what we have on display, 'W e wanted to keep satisfying these customers, but at the same time to diversify and offer them a wider range of products as well as att ract new customers," Growi ng the tourism market 'W e know visitors want to buy coll ectables that refl ect the charac ter and cult ure of the country they are visiting," Mr Masters says,


"Right now, REAL Aotearoa is sourcing existing products from supplie rs but we're moving to comm ission ing unique product s which will only be available to customers thro ugh REAL Aotearoa, and wil l proudly carry our brand name ," Will we be seeing more REAL Aotearoa stores in othe r parts of the country? "re s." says Mr Masters , "The business mode l allows for an increase in outlet s, so wat ch thi s space," These comsets are a great memento ct tbe changeover," New Zealand's com currency Each pack ccn tems a full set 01New Zealand's new COins with lour uniquepackaging designs to choose from

Worldwide packaginglimit: 20,000of each packagingdesign RRP each design @ $19.90

Focus iss ue 43 Apnl 2007





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Recent stamp issues


Scott Base 1957-2007

The New Zealand Collection 2006 In 2006, New Zealand Post stam ps provided us with a wonderfu l glim pse of the people. places. events and perspectives that have shaped and continue to infl uence our daily lives. We looked back at history with issues ranging from earthquakes to gold rushes. travelled the country with our scenic stam ps, celebrate d Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II's 80th birthd ay and treasu red the children and ani mals in our lives with our chil dren's health and 'Yea r of the Dog' collec tions. Of course there was more - the whole 12 months can be found in this lovely album , •


In January we celebrated 50 years since Scott Base has been 'home' to hundre ds of New Zealanders. The presentat ion pack provides a chance to win one of 100 unique first day covers signed by Sir Edm und Hill ary and certified as mail posted from Scott Base on 20 January 2007. •

Products available: Five gummed stamps, first day cover, five miniature sheets. five miniature sheet first daycovers, presentation pack, Limited Edmon

Issue date, 20 January 2007 Withdrawal date , 19 January 2008 II

Products available: AnnualAlbum

_ I

Issuedale: 1 November2006

Year of the Pig Summer Festivals This stamp issue covers the spectr um of them es and act ivities - from family- focused events to m usic. theatr e, dance and energy- packed sporting spectacles and competitions . All the varie d festivals depicted on the stamps are available as a se-tenant stri p of five stamps. The two first day covers display both the five stam ps and the mi niatur e sheet in distinctively different ways. •

Products available : Fivegummed stamps. se- Ienant strip, miniaturesheet. two ftrst daycovers Issue date: 1 November2006

Withdrawal date , 31 October 2007

In celebratio n of the Chinese Year of the Pig, we looked at th ree pigs that New Zealand is proud to call its own , All three are rem nants of earlier introductions tha t have. th rough isolation, developed unique qualities and characte ristics. •

Products available: Fivegummed stamps, first daycover, miniature sheet, miniature sheet first daycover, presentation pack, Limited Edition

Issue date : 7 February 2007 Withdrawal date , 6 February 2008


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Fish and Game New Zealand Post again played a part in World Wetl ands Day 2007 with the 2007 New Zealand Game Bird Habitat Licence stam p, this year featu ri ng the New Zealand brown quail.

Ross Dependency

We celebrated the 50th anniversary of the New Zealand Antarctic programme. Since it was establishe d, the progr am m e has developed, often in collabo ratio n with scientists from other coun tries . an extensive research portfolio - investigating everythin g from meteorology and seismi c activity to climate change, biodiversity and Anta rct ic ecosystems , Each stamp shows a scient ist working in their field . Also available is a presentation pack. wh ich is a perfect memento of this im portant moment in glo bal scien tif ic history. •

Is s ue date : 2 February 2007

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Withdrawal da te , 1 February 2008 The New Zealand Game BirdHabitat Brown auail Licence Stamp is not valid for postage.

New Zealand Native Wildlife

Products available: Fivegummed stamps. first daycover. presentation pack Issue dale: 1 November2006

Withdrawal date , 31 October 2007

Products available: Game Bird Habitat _ licence stamp, first day cover, (~::~"'~,") miniature sheet. miniature sheet \-, ,,hrst day cover _ .--



Many of New Zeala nd's native animals are found nowhe re else in the worl d. For example, New Zealand has the last rema ining m em ber of the ancient group of repti les, the tuatara . The roun d self -adhesive stam ps display iconic New Zealan d animals. Also availab le is a firs t day cover wit h five stam ps. •

Products available: Fivesell -sdhesive stamps, llrst daycover

Issue date : 7 Ma rc h 2007 Withdrawa l da te , 6 March 2008



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Focus iss ue 43 Apnl 2007 stamps

2007 Centenaries n Apri l 2007 New Zealand Post celebrates some of the diverse


infl uences on the lives of New Zealanders over the past 100 years through issuing stam ps for Rugby League, World Scouting, the Plunket Society and the Hom e of Compassion.

,i I Sl ¡oo NEW ZEALAND i

Today more than 90 per cent of new New Zealand babies access some aspect of Plunkefs well child healt h service and we pay tribute to 100 years of Plunket service , community involvement and owners hip. Plu nket was born as the Society for the Prom otion of the Health of Women and Children on 14 May 1907, at a public meeting calle d in Ironically, New Zealand's first rugby league games were played out of the country! Hercules Wright, whose ima ge is featured on the 50-cen t stam p, was captain of the pioneering All Golds team on its tour of Br itain and

Dunedin by Dr Frederic Truby King . It cam e to be known as the Plunket Society afte r Lady Victoria Plunket, the w ife of the Governor-General. herself the mo ther of eight children. Plunket in 2007 is still an importan t part of the com m unities that

France in 1907-08. He was a loose forwa rd in Well ingt on Rugby Union representative teams of 1903-07, given the nickn ame 'Bum per ' because of his power ful build.

supported its own bir th early last century, and its services playa vital role in the lives of Kiwi families. Its vision is 'to ensure that New Zealand's children are among the healthie st in the worl d'.

Alber t Henry Baskivill e lalso spelle d Baskerville!. a young rugb y union player for the Orie ntal Club and Post Office clerk in Well ingt on. was ins tr umental in gett ing this tour going . Albert read a Daily Mail articl e that indicated that people in the north of England were keen to see games

World Scouting

against New Zealanders. He was int rigued... and the rest is history! Alber t died in Australia on the homeward leg of the All Golds' tour. The fir st league gam e here in New Zealand on 13 Jun e 1908 was an exhibition to intro duce Kiwis to the gam e and played as a benefit for his relat ives.

Home of Compassion Scouting in New Zealand has for many years been the largest voluntary youth movemen t in the country. This year scouting worldwide celebrate s the centenary of the first cam p held by Lord Robert Baden- Powell. the founder of scouti ng, wi th the theme : 2007: One World, One Promise . Scoutin g's key m ission is to educate. extend and inspire youth . Today there are some 28 million scouts in 216 countries and territories around the worl d, w ith more than 12,500 scout s active in 500 group s in 94 districts throughout New Zealand. Scouting is open to all young The Home of Compassion at Island Bay, Well ingt on, is the headquart ers for the Sisters of Compassion, a congregatio n found ed in New Zealand by Suzanne Aubert. The centenary of the opening of the Home offers an opport unity to celebrate the life. work and spirit of this inspirational woman, whose career in New Zealand spanned six decades.

people and there are five section s in New Zealand : Keas, Cubs. Scouts, Vent urers and Rangers. The 50-cen t stam p featu res David Cossgrove, who found ed the Boy Scout movement in New Zealand in 1908. He and his wife Selina made a lasting contribut ion to the welfare of youth in New Zealand .

Suzanne Auber t, a French nun , arrive d in New Zealand in 1860 and became known as Mother Mary Joseph. She is celebrate d and respected for the breadth of her practical social concern. her care of the most needy and displaced. and her acti vism on behalf of the poor. Mother Mary Joseph had a mutu al respect and understanding wi th Maori, became fami li ar wi th Maori m edicine and developed her own herbal medicines in an age that pre-dated prescripti on medicines. The Home of Com passion today refl ects the changing needs of its commu nity. as did Mother Mary Joseph in her tim e. with activities that range from art therapy and an ulcer cl inic to a child care cent re and library. •

Scott Base 1957-2007 Congratula tions to all those readers who guessed the special New Zealan der who signed the first day covers. We have heard from some lucky winners who have claimed their winning fir st day covers and are very excited. There are still some uncla imed prizes, so order your presentation pack today and have the chance to obtain this special prize. Sir Edmund Hilla ry date sta mping a first day cover down on the ice at Scali Base on 20 January 2007.

www stamp s

Focus issue 43 Aprll 2007


Welcome to our new Stamps Centre! The Collectables and Solutions Centre [formerly the Wanganui Stamps Centre) has a new home in Wanganui - just a few blocks away from our old premises in Ridgway Street. "I'm very excited about this new space to work in and our retail outlet . which will sell coll ectable coins, stamps and rela ted products," says Ivor Masters, "This is a great opportunity for the Collecta bles and Solutions Centr e to take advantage of the growing inte rest in stamps and collec tables and to mak e it even easier for our custome rs to visit us. 'W e look forward to seeing you here ." In this feature. Focus introduces you to our new retail outlet and takes you behind the scenes in the new Centre , where we produ ce and process your customer orders . How to get to the new Centre in

5 Church Place , Wanganu i.

From the old to the new The three -story building at 60 Ridgway Street opened as a Post Office in December 1940. The Stamps Centre moved there . from Victoria Avenue. in 1989. Its three storeys and many small rooms presente d something of a chall enge for our staff in term s of workspaces and storage . The new build ing at 5 Church Place is all on the same level. wi th more room to keep stock , and m ore recently housed Mitre 10. It's easy to find and has excellent space for visitors to park .


Welcome to our new Wanganui retail outl et for stamps and collectables . Smita Sali greets customers in the new space, wh ich provides beller display options and storage for a wider range of produ cts and services . These include a special date stamp wh ich can be hand -stamped onto

Our call handl ing area takes orders and enquiries from regula r and new custome rs from allover the world . You can contact us by phone. mail or by ema il. Our contact details are on the inside front cover and on the order form in th is issue. Orders are then entered into our

products posted at the Centre.

secure database .

Focus issue 43 Apnl 2007

www stamp s


Careful craft smanship is requi red to create the thousands of philat elic and other hand-m ade products and services we provide for our customers each year.

Keeping the tuatara alive The tuatara is one of New Zealan d's most recognised natu ral icons, and was the face of the long-standing five-cent coin until it was recently withdrawn from circulat ion. The 2007 edition of our annua l coin seri es honours the uniqueness of this endeari ngly ugly but beautifu l membe r of the Sphenodontia reptile group with the release of a silver proof coin and brill iant uncirculat ed coin.

r I

The mal e tuatara that is featured on the coins lives at the Karori Wildlife Sanctuary in Well ingt on and is thought to be about 50 years old. He is one of 70 tuatara brought to the Sanctuary from Stephens Island in the Mar lborough Sounds, in Decemb er 2005 - the fir st time in 200 years that they have lived in the wild on the mai nlan d. You will see in the photo that this tuatar a has a set of beads near his neck crest. A unique com bination of these beads ident ifies each tuatara. The Maori name tuatara means 'spiny back',

At the other end of the creative scale, we offer custom ers the opportunity to 'design' their own Personalised Stamp s and Personalised Postage Iformerly Customis ed Advert ising Label sl in a digita l forma t wi th a high performance print ing machine. The new Colle ctabl es and Solut ions Centre also has the abilit y to undert ake activit ies outs ide collec tables. Ivor Master s says, 'We now have the abil ity for small specialise d run s of mail house work, incl uding flow wrapping. We can also capture data, process transa ction s, handle calls and manage order processing and fulf ilm ent on behal f of other organisations.RIght: The flow wrapp ing machine in operation.

Below: Stamps and collectable products of al/ sorts waiting

to be collected and sent to customers all over the world. We aim to process and send a customer order WIthin 24 hours of receiving it.

referr ing to the distin ct spikes down the creat ure's spine. While tuatara are most active at night when it is cooler, they often bask in the sun to warm up. In addition to the annua l coin series, we are also offeri ng a special 2007 lQ-cent tuat ara coin. On this lQ-cent coin lp icture c below!. the tuatara is sitt ing on a log, wh ich sharp-eyed collectors wi ll observe is different from the coastal rock around wh ich the tuatara is cur led on the wi thdrawn five-cent coin. To assist with the conservatio n of these New Zealand icons, New Zealand Post is donating one dollar from each coin sold, to the Karori Wildlife Sanctuary.

CoLLectable bank note sets New Zealand Post is proud to be the new offici al distr ibutor of collec table bank note sets on behalf of the Reserve Bank . These sets will be offered on special occasions only, such as a change in the Govern or of the Reserve Bank or a change in the design of New Zealand 's bank notes. On sale now is the 2004 same- num bered bank note set, whi ch is the fir st set to be released displaying the signature of the current Govern or of the Reserve Bank, Alan Boll ard. Each set contai ns one note of each denom ination wi th the same seri al numb er and is presented in a high-qua lity booklet encased in an outer cardboard sleeve. Only 1,000 of these sets will ever be released so be in quick to secure your piece of history!

If you wouldlike to usethe facilities at the new CollectabLes andSoLutions Centre plea s e, contact us. www.nlpos!stamps

Focus issue43 Apnl 2007


Upcoming stamp issues 2007 Scenic Definitives With th is issue, we br ing you seven images that rep resent the diver sity of New Zealand's scenery, From th e dr ama tic eruption of a Rotorua geyser and the icy chill of a frost -covered tree in central Otago to a summer beach scene at Abel Tasm an, we showcase som e of the beauty and variet y our country has to offer, •

Issue dale, 9 May 2007 Note: The Issue information 15 due out April 2007

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Southern Skies People have always gazed at th e stars wit h wonde r and our modern telescopes br ing their images close r to us, This issue features four New Zealand telescopes and one fro m Sout h Afri ca in whi ch New Zealand owns a share, All these cl usters of stars and galaxies are visible in our Southern Hem ispher e skies , The $1,00 stam p features t he star cluster Matariki - or Pleiades - whi ch appears in our dawn skies in Jun e, the month when these stam ps are issued. The Maori New Year begins with the first new moon afte r the first appearance of Matariki. •

Issue dale, 6 June 2007 Note: The issue informa tion is due out May 2007

Classic Kiwi It's not just where we live - it's how we New Zealand er s express ourse lves that hel ps make us truly ' Kiwi ', This stam p issue offers you the chance to see if you can identi fy the mea nings of some cl assic Kiwi sayings.., and the answer will be right at your Iinqer tips! When you've made your guess, just hold your finger on the black port ion of the stamp and, through the mag ic of heat - sensit ive ink, the answ er will be revealed, When the spot cools , th e w ords disappear and you'll be able to try th is Classic Kiwi quiz on others, •

Issue dale, 4 July 2007 Note . Thrs Issue mform anon ISdue out June 2007


Focus issue ' 3 April 2007

www stamp s

Legal tender coins Scott Base 1957-2007

Coming soon

2007 marks 50 years since the establ ishment of Scott Base in Antarctica and also the International Polar Year, wh ich celebra tes human endeavours on the Earth 's poles. •

2007 New Zealand Silver Dollar tV - due end of Apr il 2007 Over the past three years we have produ ced a silver proof and a bull ion coin as a tribute to a species of the New Zealand kiwi. In 2007. we are delighted to honour the Great Spotted kiwi (Apteryx haastlil as the next species in this very spec ial coin series . This bird is New Zealand's largest kiwi and is only found in the South Istand .

Silver proof COin . $7900

WorldWide mintagelimit: lO.()(x) 11.500 With offiCial packaglngl Min i gold proof COin , $9900 WorldWide mintage limit. 10.000 11 .500 Wllh offiCial packag ing)

Silver bullio n COin , $49 00

Worldwide mintage limit: 5.000

Stiverproof COin . $79.00 WorldWide mintage limit: 3.000

ill ustr at ion only.

International coins Australian Year of the Pig

Australian coin

A new series begins celebrat ing the Chinese New Year and the 12 zodiac symbols of the Chinese calendar. 2007 is the Year of the Pig

2007 Australian kangaroo silver proof coin

and we are proud to present this fortu itous coin in three great formats. Regardless of the sign and year under which you were born, you will be im pressed by these stunning coins featuring the Year of the Pig design . These coins depict the pig with authentic Chinese symbols and symmetrical borders .

This 2007 $1 coin was designed by Rolf Harris and depicts a detailed im age of the Austra lian kangaroo . •

Bnlllant uncircutated com $ 29.00

Worldwide mintage hrmt: unlimited Silver proo t COin $79,00 w ortdw ide mintage limit 12.500

Brilliant unorcuteteo COlO: $1 9.00

Sliver proof COin : $59.00 Gold pr oof COin $199.00

Israeli coin

Austrian coin

Moses and the Ten Commandments silver proof coin

S.M.S. Novara

This coin features Moses embracing the Tablets of the Law on the obverse side and the Tablets with the first ten word s in Hebrew scr ipt on the reverse face.

The fr igate Novara was the first Austrian ship to circum navigate the globe, and the last ship of the line 10accomplish this feat entirely

Sltver proof COi n , $79.00

under sail. This 20 Euro silver coin shows the S.M.S. Novara under full sail with the China coast in the background . •

See more examples at

Silver proof COi n, $79.00

Focus issue 43 Apnl1OO7


Stamps from other countries Fiji

Great Britain

Phasm ids

The Beatles •

Date of Issue , 9 January 2007

Date of Issue, 7 September 2006 Set of four gummed stamps , $4 .60

Presentation pack $13.70

First day cove" $5 .60

Honey Production •

Date of ISsue, 16 Octobe r 2006 Set of four gummed stamps, $4 70 First day cover , $5.80

Western Samoa Humphead Wr asse •

Date of Issue , 20 Septem ber 2006

MIniature sheet' $12,60 Firs t day cover $7 .30

Hong Kong Government Transport •

Date of Issue , 19 October 2006

.. •" !ill •

Set of six gummed stam ps, $3.60 First day cover , $4 .40

Malta Naval Vessel s •

Date of Issue 18 August 2006 Set of five gummed stam ps , $14 .30



Fir st day cove" $15.60

Pitcairn Island Cave Dwellers •


Date of Issue , 30 October 2006

Miniature sheet: $7.40 MIniature sheet te-st day cover: $8.50



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$ a; ~~ Castles and Tower s •

Date of ISsue 29 Septem ber 2006 Set of five gummed stamps' $9.70


First day cover $10.80


Giant Grouper


1 · · ~ . ll ~l


First day cover , $8 .30



Focus issue 43 Apnl2007

Date of Issue , 4 October 2006

Miniature sheet: $13.40

·l ' 1 \I




www stam ps

Gift ideas 2006 New Zealand Stamp Pack : $84.30

BlaeklWhlte penguin ornament - sma ll. $24 .95

Fe a the r Image block 150xl 50mm · $45.00

Black/VVhlte penguinornament - medium; $33.95

BlackMhlte penguin orname nt - large ; $ 53 .95



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2006 New Zealand Filst Day Cover Pack : $126 .25

Koru Image block 150x150mm : $45 .00

New Zealand Aotearoa book : $45 .00

Pohutukawa Image block 150,1 50mm : $45 00

Velvet scarl- rnulu-rose - red: $145 .00

Velvet s ca rf - kcru - blue : $145 .00


scarf - brown: $85.00


beanie - brown: $48.50

Possumdown yarn gloves - brown: $32.00

.... . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . -:


Fern leaf se a rt - black : $8 5.00

2006 Annual Album with stamps: $89 .00

Fern leaf beanoe - bla ck : $48 .50

2006 Annual Album with stamp Illustrations: $24 .95


. Paua Image block 150, 150mm : $4500


.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . '0'· ······· ·· ···················· ·· ·· ·· ··· · '0"· ··· · ·· ·· ·· ·· ·· · ··· · · ··· ·· · · · · · · · · · 2006 Collector's Folder · $127.90

Rimu rectangularweatherstation: $275.00

www.nzpost s

Focus issue ' 3 April2007


Focus order form - Ap ril 2007

NewZealandPost Prote cti ng your privacy

Customer details ew cus tomer :



Cus tomer number


New Zealand Post will keep your name and address on our datab ase, so that in t he fut ure we can send you fu rther info r mation on stam ps. collec tables . reLated produ cts and services and, occasionally, offers on similar prod uc ts from ot her com panies . If you do not wish

[ First name :

to receive any mailin gs from the New ZeaLand Post Cottectab tes a nd Solutions Cen tre a t a ll, pleas e tick he re, D

[ Surn ame : [ Postal address:

[ City,

Und er th e Pr iva cy Act , you are enti tle d to have access


] [ Postcode:

to. a nd to correc t. your pers ona l informa tion at any time by phoning or writing to the Colle ctab les a nd Solutions Cen tre, Pr ivat e Ba g 300 1, Wa nga nui 4540 ,


[_ Phone : _ _ _ _ _II_Ema_ I, '

New Zealand.


Tele phone . 64 6 349 1234, Fa x . 64 6 345 7120. To JOin the ma ili ng lis t please li ck here


1. Ente r your order detail s. AU pr ices are in New Zeal a nd dolla rs .


How to pay

3. Post th is orde r form to:

How to ord e r Total your order and indica te how you wish to pay. If you are paying by cheque, inte rn ati onal money order or bank draft . be sure to enclose this w ith you r or der. Pl ease do not send cas h.

FreePost No,1 Collectables and Soluti ons Centre New Zealand Post Pr ivate Bag 3001 Wanganu i 4540 New Zealand

by cheque, intern ati onal mo ney order or bank dr aft by cre dit card for ord er s of NZ$l 0 or m or e by debi ting your account w it h th e New Zeala nd Post Collecta bles and Sol utions Centre. if you have one (pl ease conta ct us if you wou ld li ke to set up an account !


Postage is free wit hin New Zeala nd. j us t address you r envelo pe to the above add ress.

If you are ma il in g your or de r from outside New Zeala nd. plea se be sure to affix th e cor rec t postage.

Postage reckoner

Au.t r.I~&

South PacifIC





EutAw& NtI\.Amenc•

UK &



Greeltng Cards. Stamps. Sbeettets. MIniature Sheets. Booklets. Postcards . ASC Catalogue



$2 00




Image Blocks. Mlntature Sheet Booklets . Sheets . F.rsl DayCoyer Retdts

S2 50





B S1A Cartons



$ 18.00

$1 Cana da


S14 00


€ 1 Euro


$ 19.00



S12 00

S25 50



$5 50




$ 12 00


$ 11.00

B I NZStamp Ccttecuons. Albums. Stcckbccks and CP Calalogues. Books

$ 10 00

SI4 50

B DAVa Albums. Wealher!tlat.ons

S12.00 S4 50

Total to pay Total all s e cti ons S Ptus pos tage $

FII"s.t DayCover Packs. Ma••mum Cards. Flf'SlDayCovers

No Charge S10.00


NZ$ I .12

$1 US



B DAVQ Supps




B I Jlgsaws

I Presentaflon Packs. Collector's Folders. Stamp Packs. FIrst DayCovers Packs. Stanley Gibbons. Glass Frqunn es. Searls. Beanies. Glove'S

£ 1 Sterlinq $1 Austra lia




App roxim at e equi vatent.




Currency reckoner





Special ccune r service lor corns $





If ~ralllMls In ~ tnd,I..M A' afP IN>tng Of'riefPd, the hl9~ ra te applies. If UVPral ltMlS In rowstndriff'd S ' afP onJerPd. the posl<lge listed is per

Itffl'!. If your orr:JH IflClutks A',Jnd S ' Items the 0 ' Items totdl only dppJieS. Intl'f1JiJtiondl ExprPss rates


.I,.. avalfable upon dpplica tion.

PfH UMJd $ 5.00 dfi ivwylfrlthin NrN INland for CampMIt PatHSOfl Catal09CWI. Ughthouu St ockboob, Stanl~ Gibbons Catal09 1WS and Ntw I H und JOUr<MIrJ.nd gilts.

$5.00/ for

How to contact us - Ifyou need mor e informa tion, or he lp a bou t Inte rn a tiona l Expr ess rat e s, plea s e te lephone , fax or e ma il us direct.

I Fax:

Telephon e: 106) 349 1234 /Overseas customers . 6< 6 349 1134/

106)3457120 /Overseas customers . 6< 6 345 7110/

I Email:

I You ca n als o find us on the inte rnet at:

I collectables @nzpost, and ins

Othce code;

How would you like to pay?

o I have e nclosed a cheq ue/m rema nooa t money orde r/ ba nk drat tlpayable to, New Zealand Post Stamps Centrel D Please debit my account D I Wish to pay by credit card [ord er s of $10 or more) D Visa D MasterCard 0 Amell: 0 Diners Ca rd number


Cus tomer nu mber:




Ca rdholde r's name


I _c ardh_Ol der_'s si gn_a ture_ ,



r....JI iie.:Pk~ 7FoiWiUn ..... _'

New Zealand stamps Tile _ZHIoild Collection _


-1 N_ _


..' TotAl




Album With stamps

""" $89.00


Album With stam p .ttus trauoos only



Section 1 Total NZ$ _ _ -IN_ _



· Cod.


.' Tot.1



Prit e

061 1

Se t of frve gum m ed stamps



$0 .45

061 1

45c- Dragon boating 90c- Race day

06 Ll

$1.35 - T~dy bears" p-cmc

061 1

$1 .50 - Ou tdoor conce rts

$1.35 $1.50

06 Ll

$2.00 - Jazzlesl.lvats


First day cover

061 1 061 1

. Iy






Dest r iption

078 1

Set of hve gummed stam ps


07B l

4Se - Kunekune pig


07 Bl

90c - Kunekune pig

$0 90

07 81

$1.35 - Arapawa pig

$13 5


$ 1.50 - Auckland I!.land pig



$ 2.00 - Kunekune pig

$2 00


Fir st day cover


07 8 1

Min iature shee t 1$ 1.50 and $ 2 00 onlyl

$3 50

07 81

Miniature !.heel first day cover

P7 81

Presentation pack

$4 00 $24 95

ZHloIlltNotlYe _


- 7 Mlrch 2007

$0.90 D.Kription


Set of fIVe sett- edbeswe stem ps



loSe- !.elf ·adhe!.1Vetuatara


90c • sell -adhe swe kiWI


Miniature sheet

$6 .70 $6.20


$1 .35 - self-adhesive Harmu cn's frog

MinIature sheet first day cover



$ 1.50 - sett-adneswe yell ow -eyed pengu in

$13 5 $ 1.50


$2 .00 - self ·adhesrve Hectors dotphm

$2 00


First day cover


.J ·c_


2007 Set ottilie gummed stamps



45c - Biologist



90c - HydrologIst $1.35 - Geologist


0612 0612

$ 1.50- Meteorologist


061 2

$2.00 - Manne Biologist



First day COY'ef With gummed stamps




$670 $16.95 Section 3 TOlalNZ$

Scon .... 1957· 2007 ...20 Jllnullry 2007 Codo






Lx - Scott Base- lQS7 operung ceremony

$0 45


90c - ScOIt Base - 1990



$1.35- Scott Bese 2000

$ 1.35


$1.50 - ScOIl Base - 2003/04

$ 1.50


$2.00- Sc OIl Base > 2005

$ 2.00




FIrsl day cover Set cl INe miniature shee ts


Set of frve m lnlatur~ sheet first day covers



Preeenteucn pack

allrve gummed stamps


Isubrect to avallabilltyl





$ 10.00


Brown quail Licen ce stemp rrumature sheet



Brown quarl licence stamp firsl day cover

$ 10.95


Brown quallueence !.tamp mlnlalurt !.heel first day COYer



Brown qu<ulltcen ce stam p Lmued Edition artist pnnt


Mixed stnp 01 four SOc stam ps


$ 1.00 • Centenary of Plunket



$ 1.50 · Centenary of Home of Compassion



JOined pair of $2 .00 stamps of New Zealand Rugb y Leacue and World Scoc tm c

$4 00


First day cover Istamp bloc k)


07 01

Se-tenant block of eig ht stam ps

$8 50


Home of Ccmpessrcn indIVidua l sheet of SOcstam ps


$0 50


If you require individual stamps from one of the four organi sations, please indicate on a seperate sheet of paper and atta ch with your nam e, cus tom er number and address details.

.l r:ttaiII.:


T.... Brown quail licence sternp

· Cod•





Descr iptlcm




I · C04e, I Tot., HIS

Th e Bea tle s

_ _ 2 0 0 7 _ " I n _ C o l _ - 2~ ·"'"




Set of eight stamps


Sec tion' Tot a t NZ$






Cod. 07 01 0701

Stamp s from other countries

$8 70


,I T....

Sec lion 8 Total NZ$

· c_


- 24 Aprtl2007





Section 7 Tota l NZ$


-.J T....

... $6 20 $045


Secnon 2 Total NZ$


Secncn 6 Total NZ$ _


· Code


Pr lee







· C04e

Secnon 5 Total NZ $

Pres entation pack



WnmnsOonoa Cod.

I ... I I I ~o;;'

o.striptlon Humphead


1 $13.701




wr asse


Miniature sheet

1 $12 601


Wl 06

Miniature sheet flf!.t day cover


$73 0 1


Descr lpUcm


141!~ Code




1 1

I ,I T..., HIS


Na val Vessels


Set of fIVe gummed stamps

1 $ 14.301



First day cover

I $ 15 601


1 1



Castles and Towe r s


Set of fIVe gummed stamps


$9 701


Fir st day cover


$10 801


Mint stam ps w ill be su ppli ed unless you speci fically requ est ot herwise. If you wish to ord er used IU) or cancelled ICI stam ps. plea se indicate th is by writing the l ett er U or C as appropriate next 10t he quan tit y you require. ·Plal e/lmprin t bl ock s may be obta ined by purchas ing at least six sheet stamps. Barcode, value and l ogo blocks may be obta ined by purchas ing at le ast two sheet sta m ps. Barcode block s ar e gen erally available in A and B tormats for sheet stamps. To order blocks or sheets from relevant issues please enter a code from the list below in the appropriate col um n. ·Cod es for the type s of blo ck and sheets are as follows: Pi - Plal e Block , VA - Value Block, BA - Barcode Block, LO - Logo Block, ST - Sheet of st a m ps, la ll pr ice s incl ude NZ Good s and Services Tax C 12 .5%1




F04J F04J






,.:' c.,...:,.""-<§··t""~'U~..."'n'<:·.·;;,,,,,,, Totll!

DHcrlption Phasmids Srt ct tccr gummed stamps F,n-t day C~r


·Cod .


$460 $560

CoiftI-*-i '

Honey Production

F044 F044

Set 01four gummed stamps First day cover




Hl 02 Hl02

!DHcnption Government Trans port Set 01S IX gummed stamps First daycover

Pitcolrn ........ Cod<


DHcrlptkm Cave Dwellers Mln,ature sheet First daycover

$/070 $5.80

I Pric. I at, I· eooe,I T.,., HIS

1 1


$3601 $4 401


1 1

1 1

Totlll HZ$

' Cod.


$7.40 $8.50 ,

VA6/. VA6/.

DHcription Giant Grouper MIftJature shee t Wllh eight gummed stamps First dayCOYer With loor stamps affixed


Totlll Qty

$1340 $830 Seenon 9 Total NZ$




Ou criptlon Personalised Postage 2006Pack [Eustormsed AdvertlSIftQ Labels]





IEmirates TeamNewZealand

. eo. kNolo Sots

~code !A758


lOctvatara uncirculated com New Zealand coin se ts - regular uncircutated coins New Zealand com set


Wellmgton Citycomset Christchurch Citycom set

$1990 $19.90 $19.90 $1990

A73' A735

Scott Base - 1957·2 007 Scott Base Silver prool com Scott Base minigold prool com

$79.001 $99.001

A738 A71JJ

2007 annua l coin issue - New Zealand tua ta ra New Zealand Silverprool com New Zealand brilliant uncirculated com CItyCOin set

2007 annua l coin sets 2007 NewZealand tuatara SIlver proofCOIn set 2007 NewZealand tuatara brilliantunorcutated com

A771 A772

2007 New Zealand silver doUar IV - due in April Silverproofcoin Buthcncom


Austrian coin S.M.S. NovaraSilver proolcom



· Code



A744 A763 A76/. A765





$79.001 $29.001


1 1

$129.001 $49001

1 1

1 1

1 $79.001 - , $49001






Inter nat ional coins

A7'9 A748 A752 A751 A750

Additional products


DHcrlplion I Oc tuatara uncirculat ed coin


' C' "



A737 A739

YIn..... C...




2007 Aust ralian coins 2007Australian kangaroo SilverproofCOin 2007AustralIankangaroo brilliantunorcutated com 2007Lunar Yearof the Pig gold proofCOin 2007Lunar Yearof the Pig Silver proolcom 2007Lunar Yearof the Pig brilliant uncirculated com Is raeli coin Moses and the TenCommandments Silver proofcom

$7900 $7900 $29.00 $19900 $5900 $1900

I $79.001 •

Sec tion 11 Total NZ$l __ Totlll Prlu





I Prke I


1 $19.901

l · coN

I ~;;'




I Price I I.oCode,I T.,. NZS,

INew Zealand 2O()i. Bank NOles

1 $295001

Plea se note for coins Because these coins are valua ble and high ly regarded colle ctables. orders from wit hin New Zealand containing coins witt be sent by special cour ier. so please supply an address which enables your packa ge to be signed for and add $ 5.00 for delivery. Overs eas orde rs witt be delivered by Inter national Express. please a dd $10 .00 to your or de r,

Other products still on offer



1 llofinlttve Sloml!!



C". G068 G069 G070 G124 G125 G126 G119 G120 G123 G121 G122 CF06 SPX6 F006 G047 Al0 6 Al6A A757 GO'S G044 G043 ·G042

Ou criptiOfl . Black/White penqurnornament - small Blaek/"Nhlle pengUin ornament - medium Black.tNMe penguin ornament - large Vetvet searl - Pctwtuaewa - red Vetvet scert - M U It HO~ - red Velvetscert - Koru - blue KIWI sce rf -.brown KIWI beanie - brown Poss>umdown yarn gloves - brown Fern leaf scert - black Fern leal beeme • black. 2006Collector's Fotder 2006New Zealand Stamp Pack 2006NewZealand Flf!>t Day Cover Pack NewZealand Aotearoa Book 2006 AnnualAlbum With stamps 2006Annual AlbumWith stamp IUustrahons Rlmu rKlangu lar weather stahon Feather Image block. ISOlll5Omm KoruImage block 1SO. 150mm Pcrwtckewa ,mage block. lSOx lSOmm Paua ,mage block ISO.1 5Omm






$2495 $3395 $5395 $145.00 $145 00 $14500 $8500 $48.50 $32.00 $85 00 $4850 $127.90 $8430 $12625 $45.00 $8900 $2495 $275.00 $45 00 $45.00 $45.00 $45.00 Secnon 10Total NZ$

0750 0761


Ou crlptiOft 40cSce nic MilrePeek - 20 October 1995



TOlat ·Code



5c - 90c Scenic Set of nine stamps (5c. lOe. 2Oc. 3Oc. SOc. 6Oc. 70e. SOc, '1Qc1• 27 Ma'th 1996 90c and $ 1.30 Scenic Set of two stamps - 2 October 2000

$4 15

$2 20

$ 1 - $3 Scenic


Set 01lour stamps


- 6 March 2000 $1.10 Gold Round Kiwi $1.10 stamp - 6 March 2000



$4.00 . nd $5.00 Butterflies Set of two stamps - 25 January 1995



$10.00 MountRuapehu $10.00stamp - 12 February 1997



$20.00 Mount Cook $20.00stamp - 18February 1994


0936 0955 0956 0976



1$1 .00,$1.10,$2.00,$3001

$1.50 Bronze Round Kiwi $1.50 stamp Set 01 lovestam ps 15Oc, $1 00,$1.50,$2 00,$5 001

100• SOc. $1.00 stamps per sbeet 50 • $1.50. $2.00. $5.00 stamps per sheet $1.50 sett-edne swe stamps - 7 May 2003 90c self-adhesive stamp Sheet of 50 stamps - 5 Apnl 2004 45c sett-edhes we stamp Sheet of 100stamps Dispenser 00.1100 stampsf -. March 2004



$1.50 $10.00 $1.50 9Dc $45.00

45c $45.00 $45.00 Section 12 Tota l NZ$ ~



1'roHfthI_ POC:U

BooklaU Total Pr;ce




Scemc tntemenoeet AJr




$5 50

511 $1.105olamps· 3 Aonl2OOJ 0956


2003 Oellnllrves, sett-edbeswe

5 .. $1.50 50lamps - 7 May 2003 $440




Scenic Coastli nes



Art meets Craft

$24 95


Year of the Sheep

$16 95


Royal New Zealand Ballet

$ 16 95


100Years 01New Zealand Test Rugby

$2495 $ 16.95


DefinitIVebookle t sett- ac heswe


10 I( 4Oc• .4 x lOestamps 90c Detmuwe sett-ec besoe stemp

$9 00

Veteran Vehicles

4x Dermnwe sett-a dheswe stamp



$4 .50


NZ Zoo Animals

$24 95


Histon e Farm Equipment rmmature sheet book let



World of Wearable Art

$ 16.95


Extreme Sports minia ture s hee t booklet

$14 95


Garden Flowe rs

$2'/ 95

Section 13Total NZ$l . -


Rugby Sevens

$24 95


Farmyard AnImal s

$24 95


150Years of New Zealand Stamps lpart tl

$2'/ 95

R!l!!!!!1 Book.... Codo





150 Yearsof New Zealand Stamps (part 21

$2'/ 95


150Yearsof New Zealand Stamps lpart 31

$2'/ 95

$4 .50


oHL Lions Tour

$19 .95


45c OellOllrve- I K IWI






45c Detnutrse- III KIWI

$4 .50


King Kong

$2'/ 95


45c Deflnll l'Ve - IV KJWI

$4 .50


The Lion. the Witch and the Wardrobe

$2'/ 95



45c OellOllrve- V KI'M

$4 .50


Year 01the Dog

$24 95

45c OellOllrve- VI KIWI

$4 50

P6D l

HM Queen Elizabeth II BOth Birthd ay

$24 95


45c Detnunve - VII KIWI

$4 .50


Gold Rush


Section 14 Total NZ$l . R...

~ _ ~



•• ·t,






DellOltIVE'S set 0110 stam ps lOe. 2Oc. 45c. SOc. 70<. 80<. $1 .00. $2 00. $3 .00 - 2 N"",mbe' 1994 Dehmtwe rate decrease 4Oc: sta mp - 2 October 1995






32 Sideswhite pages

$31 20


32 SIdes black pages




48 Sides while pages

$49 95



48 Sides black pages

$54 95


64 Sides while pages



64 Sides black pages

$74 95


lighthouse Royal large FOC Album. IWit h five double


$8 .80 40<

Section 15 Total NZ$l . R. .





2002 Ol ~ overy Expedition 2004 Emperors ct tne Ross Dependency





2005 Ross Dependency Through the Lens

$ 16 95


2006Ross Dependency

$16.95 Section 16 Total NZ$

$ 1325

FIVex refill s lor LIghthouse Fo C Album F~



LlghthouSf COin Album

$49 45



Premier Fo C Album - Large deluxe

$34 00


Five II refil ls for premier large deluxe FDC Album - smote DOC ket

$9 95


F~ II relills for premier large delu xe FDC Album - double pOCket

$9 95


FIVeII reflUs for prem ier small oetuxe FoC

$5 10

$ 16.95




$19 .95


[cccket rebtt sl





Ughthouse Stockbooks

A053 , ,\::; ::;,;r~ 1

Tm' Ot,


x rehtts lor LIghthouse FoC Album Ismqtel

$ 13.25

Campbell Paterson



Campbell Pate rson NZ Catalogue

$ 196 90

DAVO Tot.'



Prk .


100Years of New Zealand Iest Rugby



Extreme Sports

$10 .00


o HL Lions Tour


King Kong [Pcstaqe Inclu ded Souvenir Cardsl

05K l

The LIon. the Witch and the Wardrobe





$8 .00 $10.00 $1000 Section 17 Tota l NZ$



DAVO 1990·1999 Album lVol 31


DAVD Album lVol51

$14 2.00


DAVaSupplement pages 2000

$5 1.90


oAVOSupplement pages


$54 95


DAVO Supplement pages 2002

$54 95


oAVOSupplement pages 2003

$54 95


DAVO Supplement pages 2004

$54 95


DAVO Supplement pages 2005

$54 95

$84 95

H.wid Products ....... 5tot1oMrY Tolal




$ 12.00


Set of 21 regional post- paid envelopes


ACC commemora l~ pre-stamped envelope



Rata PSE






Hawld FOC Nurm srnanc Album



2007 ASCStamp Catalogue

$10 00

Hagner Products


Hagner Album


Hagner Sheets H1.1 stnp. H2.2 smps. H3. 3 stri ps. H4. 4 stri ps. H5. S stnps. H6.6 stnps. H7. 7 stnps. H8. 8 stnps


Ie Papa


Commemoratwe Red Cross non -Window envelope



WNF Ccttecnon

Commemora t~

Red Cross non-Windowenvelope With Wanaanul Stamos Centre cancel




Ccmme moratwe Red Cross Window envelope


Commemoratrve Red Cross Window envelope With WanaanUi Stamps Centre cencet



$2 .50

$19 95 $1 25

$21 95 $3 70

Section 19 TOlal NZ$ L..TOTAL TO PAY

Secuon 18 Tota l NZ$


Tota! alt sect.ens

IPlus postage [Spectet ccuner service for COIOS Total amount to pay NZ$ L - -

Checklist Enter all your customer details (including your customer number! Indicate howyou would like to pay Totalyour order

Guarantee If youare not completelysat isfied with your purchase,

return it to us within 14 days of receiving it. You can ask us to replace it or giveyou a refund. No quest ions asked!



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