Focus Number 44 October 2007

Page 1

Welcome! Whether you collect coins or stamps - or both - th is issue of Focus offers plenty of exciting opportunities! We travel the country and journey around the world, celebrate five fantastic anniversaries, gaze at natural wonders on Earth and in our sk ies, and experience a diversity of cultures and perspectives wherever we go. That's the marvellous thing about collectables - they provide small but significant insi ghts into the people and places around us. I know you'll enjoy read ing about our feature collection. which commemorates the 60th wedding ann iversary of Queen Elizabeth II and The Duke of Edin burg h. Such m ilestones are reached by few. so thi s celebration is part icula rl y signi ficant - and very mu ch a tribut e to the Royal couple's commi tme nt to each other and to the nations they serve . New Zealand has been lucky to hos t 10 visits by The Queen and The Duke of Edinburgh since the ir wedd ing in 1947. and they hold a spec ial place in our hearts. The Royal Diamond Wedding Anniversary issue incl udes three li mi ted mint commemorative coins . These can be appreciated both as a treasure for future generations and for their intrinsic beauty - read more on page 4. If you are the sort of person who puts time at a prem ium, you may want to cons ider moving to a stand ing order. Stand ing orders are the easy, convenient way to make sure you gel the stamps and coins you want - and payment is easy too, as we accept all major cred it cards. Stand ing orders are a very popular opt ion for many of our cus tomers who no longer have to worry about filling in order forms. In signing off I wan t to acknowledge the success of last month 's Hutt pex exhibition in Lower Hutt. My team and I had a great time over the three days. Leigh Gravestock and her organising committee are to be congratulated for their efforts and success.

Ivor Masters General Manager. Stamps and Coll ectables

Please note: The fin ished produ ct s may differ from those ill ustrated in this newsletter.

Focus may not illustra te all stamp. coin or collectable products that are featured in this issue. or that appear in the Order Form . Artwor k and art icles from Focus may not be extrac ted for reprin ting wi thou t prior permission from the New Zealand Post Stam ps and Collectables Business. For more information and to request per mission. please contact the Research Co-ordina tor. Stamps Business. Pnvate Bag 39990. Well ington 5045.

Standing orders Standing orders - collecting the easy way


Our coin range covers: brilliant unc irculated coins and coin sets silver proof coins and coin sets gold proof coins annual coin produ cts ser ial num bered note sets.

ave you ever seen some thing you really wante d. then forgotten to order it unt il it was too late?

Here at New Zealand Post we somet imes hear about value d customers who miss out on our latest stam p or coin releases because they don't know about them or forget to order. So we 've come up wi th a great solution tha t not only gets our custom ers what they want . but does it automatically - door to door ! It's calle d a 'standing order". and it's the easy. convenient way to make sure you get the collec tables you wan t from New Zealand Post. You sim ply let us know the item s you want and we deliver them automa tically when they're availa ble. You don't have to worry about fill ing in and posting order forms. queuing for sough t-after items. or miss ing out on your favour ite stamps and coins . Standing orders are easy to set up, All you need to do is comp lete the standing order request for m on this page. post back to the Collecta bles and Solut ions Cent re and we will send you a detailed joining form in which you specify the items you'd like to receive and provide us with your credit card details lwe accept American Express. Diners. MasterCard and Visa!. If you'd prefer not to pay by credit card. we offer a number of other payment opti ons. inclu ding direct credit. When your requeste d item s are available. we'll send them to you automa tically unless you ask us not to, We'll th en charge your credit card for the payment amo unt lwhich will inclu de any shipping costs] . You'll be able to track your purchases through your credit card bank state ments. And of course your Stamp Points will be automatically alloc ated for your convenience.

Other products inclu de: personalised postage annual packs personalised sheets lsuch as the Emirate s Team New Zealand sheet ]. Of course you'll continue to receive our brochures and other information on upcom ing stamp and coin issues . plus your regular issues of Focus, So make your stam p and coin purchases easy - register for a standing order today!

..... ........... ....... ..... ...... ............ ........ X Standing order request form Please fill in the form below to request your standing orde r joining form . Mr/Ms/ Mrs/Miss

First Name



Last name 1












I 1


Country 1


Sound good? It's easy! Email

What can you order? Standing orders apply to an extensive range of New Zealand Post products. Our stamp range incl udes: stamps - both gummed and self-adhesive. available singly or as plate imp rint blocks. value blocks, blocks of four . horizontal or vertica l str ips of two. barcode A and B blocks. logo blocks. gutter pairs. se-tenant blocks and sheetlets self-a dhesive stam p booklets first day covers minia ture sheets . and m iniature sheet first day covers linclu ding exhibit ion versi ons! miniatu re sheet booklets maximu m cards presentation packs stamp collect ion albums annual stam p and first day cover packs annual collectors' folders lim ited Editions. stamps

Customer Numb er ' -


Please send me more information regarding standing order s.


Return to: FreePost NO.1 New Zealand Post Coll ectables and Solutions Centre Private Bag 3001 Wanganui 4540 New Zealand

Focus issue tJ. Octoeer2007


Recent stamp issues 2007 Scenic Definitives

Clever Kiwis

With stunning landscapes, lush green forests. beautiful beaches and snow -capped mountains, this land of ours provides a magnificent array of natural wonders. In 2007 we are proud to showcase seven breathtaking landscapes found the length and breadth of the country. We are so lu cky to have this awe-inspir ing environment, and we are

New Zealande rs have always been known for their inventiveness, their uncanny abil ity to think of ingeniously clever ways of doing things with the bare minimum of resources . We see the challenges and come up with the solu tions - creat ing 'world- first' products and techn iques that transform the lives of people and businesse s around the world . Irs 'Kiwi can do' at its best - and irs celebrated in these five stamps . featur ing some of New Zealand's mos t successful inventions.

proud to showcase it to the WOrl:d': "'_ _-~~:-:=~~:---'.iil •

Product s available : Seven gummed stam ps, two sell -adhesive stamps, first day cover

Products available : Five gummed stamps, fir st day cover , presentation pack, Limited Edition Issue dale : 1 August 2007

Issue date ' 9 May 2007

W,thdrawal date : 31 July 2008

Wllhdrawal dal e . Unless stocks are exhausted earlie r, these stam ps will remain on sale until furth er nonce

Southern Skies New Zealand's night skies offer a vista of sparkling del ights . Some stars are visible all year round, while others only come into view as Earth sweeps around their region of the sky. But wh enever and whe rever they appear , they guarantee a glorious panorama; a visual treat, free to all who glance skywards once the sun has set and darkness has descended, New Zealand Post is deligh ted to feature five 'stars of the stars' in this beautiful stam p issue. •

Products availabl e: Five gummed stam ps, first day cover, miniature sheet bookle t

Annual Collectors' Packs This is the perfect opport unity to acqui re a full year of the stamps and first day covers issued by New Zealand Post - beaut ifully packaged into two collectors' packs. Covering the period from October 2006 to September 2007. these packs are a com pact yet comprehensive record of 12 mon ths of innovat ion and style in New Zealand Post stamp design. •

Products available : 2007 New Zealand Stam p Pack, 2007 New Zealand First Day Cover Pack Issue date: September 2007

Issue date ; 6 June 2007



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W,thdrawal date : 5 June 2008



Children's Health - Peaceful World

Classic Kiwi We may speak English in New Zealand. but we have a distinct set of common expressions that can leave many English -s peaking visito rs in the dark! You'lliove this collec tion of Kiwi sayings - not only for the stam ps but also for the fun you can have with them . Just hold your finger on the black portion of the stamp and through the magic of heat-sensi tive ink, 'English translations' of the Kiw i expressio ns will be revealed. So ratt le your dags and order yours today! •

Produc ts available : Sheet of twenty 50c stamps, two first day covers



In a worl d whe re tumult and destruction domina te the headline s, we all hope for peace - especially for our children and their children's chil dren . Our three Child ren 's Health Stamps illustrate the 'Peaceful World' theme through some well known symbols of peace from nature - the peace lily, the dove and the Japanese crane , A 10c surcharge is added to each stam p, which goes towar ds helping fund the seven Child ren's Healt h Camps throughou t New Zealand . •

Products available : Two gummed stamp s, one sell -adhesive stamp, forst day cover, m inia ture sheet , miniature sheet Irrst day cover. sheet of 100 stam ps Issue date: 5 Septem ber 2007 Withdr awal date: 4 Septem ber 2008

Issue dale : 4 July 2007 Withdrawal date; 3 July 2008


Focus iss ue 44 October 2007!stamps

Royal Diamond Wedding Anniversary n 20 November 2007, New Zealand and nations around the world


will remember and celebra te a joyous event that took place 60 years ago - the wedding of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II and His Royal Highness Prince Phili p, The Duke of Edinburgh.

have visited the country for notable events, such as the bicentennial of Captain James Cook's discovery of New Zealand in 1970Iwhen they made the first of their popular 'wa lkabouts'Lthe Commonwealth Games in 1974 and 1990, and th e Com monwealth Heads of Government meetin g in 1995. The Queen also visit ed New Zealand as par t of tours to celebrate her Silver Jubilee in 1977 and her Golden Jubilee in 2002, travell ing throughout the coun try and meeting people from every culture and wal k of life.

The couple - then Pri ncess Elizabeth and Lieutenant Phili p Mountbalte n - had been formally introduced in 1939. They announ ced their engagem ent in July 1947 and wer e married at Westm inster Abbey ju st four month s later in a cerem ony that had to be lin Royal terms anywayl fairl y sim ple. After all, Britai n wa s still recoveri ng from Wor ld War II, so li ke any other young bride the 21-year-old Princess had to collect cloth ing coupons for her dress.

60 tli

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It was nevertheless a gorgeous event, with the Princess wearing an ivory silk gown designed by Court Dressmaker Norman Hartnell. Decorated with crystals and 10,000 seed pearls, the gown inclu ded a four-metre train inspired by Botticelli's figure of Primavera, symbol ising rebirth and growth afte r the war, The Princess's tiara was originally made for her grandmother, while her pearl necklaces reportedly belonged to Queen Anne and Queen Caroline lt he consort of George III. The Prince wore m ili tary uniform in keeping with Royal trad ition.

Loved, respected, admired In the 60 years that they"ve been married, The Queen and The Duke of Edinburgh have won the hear ts and earned the adm irat ion of Kiwis everywhere, New Zealand Post has honoured Queen Elizabeth II with a num ber of coin and stam p issues duri ng her 60-year marriage, We are delighted to celebrate her diamond wedding anniversary with another collection of two stam ps, a first day cover, m iniature sheet and m iniatu re sheet firs t day cover. New Zealand Post, in part nership w ith the Reserve Bank of New Zealand, has also issued three limited mint coins in brill iant unc irculated, silver proof and gold proof.

New Zealand's Head of State Princess Elizabeth acceded to the throne on th e death of her father , King George VI. on 6 Februa ry 1952. She was crowned Queen Elizabeth II on 2 June 1953, and six mon ths later she and Pri nce Philip made their first visit to New Zealan d as part of a Commo nwealth tour. Her official title was 'Elizabeth the Second, By the Grace of God, Queen of New Zealand and Her other Realms and Territories, Head of the Common wealt h, Defender of the Faith'. The Royal couple travell ed the length and breadth of the country, and New Zealan ders turn ed out in unpre cedented num bers to greet them . Every school chi ld received a certi ficate and a special medal com memo ratin g the Coronation and the visit. While they were here, the Queen made her Chr istmas broadcast for 1953 from Government House in Auckland , and became the first reigning monarch to open the New Zealand Parl iament in January 1954. Since that visit the Royal couple has been back nin e tim es. In 1962 The Queen adopted a personal fl ag for use in New Zealand, which was fl own for the first time during her 1963visit. Since then she and Prince Philip!stamps

The stam ps feature the couple on their wedding day and mo re recently, w hile the coins depict the Royal Arm s and the Arms of The Duke of Edinburgh, as well as an image of the bell s that featured on the wedding's souvenir programme in 1947. The coins also include clemat is flowers and New Zealand ferns, which are often part 01 wedding bouquets in New Zealand and were incl uded on the design of our wedding gift to the Royal couple, a handcr afted wooden desk. The Queen has visited New Zealand on 10 occasions : 1953- 1954,1963,1970,1974,1977, 1981, 1986, 1990, 1995 and 2002, Queen Elizabeth II was the firs t reigning monarch of New Zealand to set foot on New Zealand soil. The first m ember of the Royal Family to visit New Zealand was Prince Alfred in 1869.

Focus issue " October 2007

Current stamp issue Christmas 2007 - Christmas Symbols Last year's 'Design a Stamp ' compet ition was such a success that we couldn 't resist doing it again. Given the challenge of creating a stamp with the theme 'Christmas Symbols', the children delivered some uniquely personal perspectives. The judges were chall enged in return ; with more than 17,000 entries. The Winning five, and part icularly the Supreme Winne r designed by Sione Vao age S IX, demonstrate the talent and im agination that abounds among Kiwi kids today. •

Product s avail ble Five gummed stamps. two setl -adhesrve stamps,


fors t day cover , dlsp ns r box, SOc self -adhe sive stam p booklet. $ 1.SO self -adhe sive stam p booklet


Issue date 3 October 2007 Withdrawal dal

'1October '1008

Upcoming stamp issues Ross Dependency In 2008 we commemo rate the 50th Anniversary of The Commonwealth Trans-Antarctic Expedition, which was established with the goal of com pleting the first overland cross ing of the Antarctic continent - a journey of 3.473 kilometres from the Weddell Sea via the South Pole to McMurdo Sound. The 1957-58 journey included representa tives from the United Kingdom, South Africa , Australia and New Zealand, with the crossing party led by Bri tish explorer, Sir Vivian Fuchs and the Ross Sea party led by New Zealand explorer Sir Edmund Hill ary. This extraordinary achievement heralded the establishment of Scott Base, the exploration of new territory and New Zealand 's adoption of the Ross Dependency into its care. This stamp issue depicts the different types of transportation used by the part ies during the expedition. •

Products available Five gummed stamps, forst day cover , miniature sh et, miniature sheet first day cover, presentation pack, Limited Ed,llon Issue dale : 7 November '1007 Withdrawal dal e 6 November '1008

Personalised Stamps The first two Personal ised Stamps issues were extremely successful. so we're delighted to be br inging you a brand new set. Personal messages on the stamps provide the perfect accompan imen ts to the images of your choice. Quite simply, it enables people to create their own authent ic stamps by placinq their photographs or images beside one of ten unique New Zealand designs . For announcing exciting news to sending Christmas wishes, congratulations, thank yous and more . Visit for more information or to create your own Personalised Stamps . •

Products available ' Sheetle t of all 10 stam ps, sheetlet forst day cover Issue date 7 Novem b r '1007 W,lhd rawa l dal e ' 6 Novem ber '1008

Focus issue 44 October 2007


Upcoming stamp issues Underwater Reefs This beaut iful stam p issue showcases the glorious underwater reefs that can be found around New Zealand. It depicts reefs in: the Volkner Rocks. White Island. Bay of Plenty : the Poor Knights Islands : Fiord land. Mayor Island . Bay of Plenty : and Dusky Sound. Fiordland. •

Issue date : 9 January 2008 Note: The issue inforrnauon IS due In December 2007

Pocket Pets This stamp issue coincides w ith the Chinese Lunar Year of the Rat. taking a uniquely New Zealand perspect ive to this one-in-12-year Chinese celebrat ion. This is the 12th New Zealand Post issue in the series . The term 'pocket pets' refers to small animals that are kept as pets and could fit in your pockel. Rats. mice. guinea pigs. hamsters and rabb its are included in this fascinat ing group of pets . •

Issue date 7 February 2008 ote The Issue mtorrnauon ISdue In January 2008 This mtorrnauon will Include the Stamp Reward s order form

[Illustration only - designs may be subject to changel

Collectables and Solutions Centre open day Open day - all welcome! On Friday 7 December. the Collectables and Solutions Centre will be holding an Open Day. We wish to extend an invitation to all of our valued customers to visit our site atS Church Place. Wanganui between the hours of llam and 2pm . This will be a unique opportun ity to experience firs t hand the behind-thescenes activities of our Stamp Business and to interact with our staff . We will also be providing a chance for visitors to win prizes on the day! Note: In accordance wi th our health and safely poticy we have a 'closed toe' shoe policy Thrsmeans vrsuors Will need to wear shoes wl lh therr toes covered. ThrsWIll be a requirernent for vrsuors 10 View our operational faCIlities.

www.nzpost slamp s

Focusissue 44 Octobef' 2001

Why collect coins? E

Chinese Emperors' issues produce d 1000 years ago can be easily

story, with the Chinese creating w hat's

coin featuring a portrait of Caesar, or a more recent one of Charles I,

though t to be the fir st

Napoleon Bonapa rte or George Washington.

ver since coins were invented, people have been collect ing them . It's a very long

coins in 11th century BC. Western coins were proba bly introduced around 640 BC in the Kingdom of Lydia, although recent finds from

found, and for a mo dest pr ice it's possible to acquire a 2000-year -old

You can also learn about geography from coins, fore ign languages and numbering systems, or watch polit ics or genealogy unfo ld . Decoding and ident ifying ancient Chinese or Roman coins is as much a chall enge as a Sudoku or crossword, and you can also study the history of coin tra ding or scholarly coin- related works .

Thrace suggest they coul d have been used as far back as 2000 to 4000 BC.

A treasure for the future

The prac tice of coin coll ecting probably began as hoarding owing to

Coins can be a wort hwh ile investment. However, while 0 "tl there 's a market for almost any rare or obsole te 0.,0'"

the coins' value, with the 'hobby of kings' believed to have begun in the al so been found of Roman empe rors having coin collections, although

coin, mos t coins need to be in good condit ion to gain a good return . Damage of any sort leg .

it's unclear whether the coins were studied, considered curiosit ies or

holes, edge dents, repairs, clean ing , re-engraving

merely hoarded .

or gouges! can substantially reduce their value,

Today, coin collect ing is increasingly popular. Many people star t by

but that said, some people specialise in damaged or cleane d coins because of the ir substan tially

14th century wi th the Ital ian scholar and poet Petrarch. Notes have

saving coins they've received in circula tion but found interest ing perhap s remnants of change from an overseas trip or an old coin found



ES'E 0 ...., "Ni !~rJ '\ , :J:

lower prices .

in circulation. Eventually, the elem ent of chance isn't enough to sat isfy

Scarce coin s or thos e with attractive design s in top conditi on and

the deman d for new specime ns, and the official 'ho bby' begins. Some

available in small numbers generally appre ciate in value . Those made

become dedicated generali sts, looking for a few exam ples of everything ,

of silver, gold or precious me tals have an intrinsic value that tend s

while some are com plet ists, wan ting an exam ple of everything w ithin a certain set. Converte d coin collec tors [known as numisma tis tsl are

to inc rease w ith time and even some com mon circulated coins with reasona bly well preserved feat ures appreciate a li tt le with inf lation.

determined souls, constan tly on the hunt for collec table coins or bank

Very rare coins are a purchase definitely worth cons idering.

notes, eager for the reward s of the chase!

For exam ple, our ow n 1935 Waitangi Crown was intended to be part

In New Zealand , many coin s are th ree-dimensional work s of art, wi th

of the range of coins first issue d for New Zealand by the Government in

top New Zealand arti st s contributing to their designs. These inclu de

1933, The coins we re act ually struck in 1935 in very small num bers , and

Jame s Berry, whose design s sti ll grace our 1O-cent and 50- cent

today an attract ive, well preserve d specimen of the total 1,164 issued

circulating coins.

can sell for mo re than $6,OOO!

Buying tips If you' re thinking of taking up coin collecting, the wise approach is to do your homework. Talk to experienced collectors, check out publ ishe d guides and catalo gues and take a look at online sources such as [New Zealand Post's si te for coins]. You coul d also check tra ding sites such as Trade Me or visit the

Loaded with learning Coins are among the best survivors of ancien t cultu res, produced as

New Zealand Coin Collecto rs' Association's websi te at www.nzcca .com .

they were in the ir thou sands and often preserve d or buried , They cover more than two and a half millennia - a record not easily sus tained by other collec tables!

The Royal Numismatic Society of New Zealand


ounded in 1931 , the Royal Numism at ic Society of New Zealand

For details, or copies of the New Zealan d Nu m ismatic Journ al, visi t

provides a forum for collec tors and researche rs to share send an email to secr etary@RNSNZ.or

information and interests. It publishes regular newslett er s and a more formal journal covering detailed research into numismat ic

or wri te to the Royal Nu m ism at ic Society of NZ Inc. at PO Box 2023, Well ington 6140. New Zealand,

topics lcoins, bank notes, medals and other related subjects] , The Society has a broad spectrum of nationa l and intern ational members, and visitors are always welcome to attend mee tings .


Focus issue 44 October 2007!stamps

Legal tender coins Aoraki/Mt Cook - November 2007

Royal Diamond Wedding Anniversary

Aorak i/Mt Cook is one of New Zealand 's best known natural icons and our tall est moun tain. Located in the South Island . Aoraki forms part of the Southern Alp s. This stunning silver proof coin pays tr ibute to

On 20 November 2007 The Queen and The Duke celebrate their 60th wedding anniversary - a fantastic m ilestone for any couple! To com memorate this occasion, we have released a very special coin

this beaut iful mountain. with the design also featuring an ima ge of the Mount Cook li ly.

collectio n includinq a gold proof. silver proof and brill iant uncirculated coin. IAI Gold proof coin @$495.00 Mintage limit : 500

Silver proof COin @$89.00 M,ntage lirrut : 70.00011.000 available In New Zealand)

IBI Silver proof co,n @ $79.00 Mintage hrmt : 3.000 Brillian t uncirculated coin C $29 00 Mintage Iirnu. 2.000 IAI

The SIlver proof com 's also avauable in a set WIth Japanese currency @$169.00 Iavarlablefor purchase from December!

Worldwide Centenary of Scouting

2007 NZ Silver Dollar IV - Great Spotted kiwi

2007 marks 100 years since the format ion of Scouting following Robert Baden -Powell's experimental camp in 1907. New Zealand is

Over the past three years we have produced a silver proof and a bull ion coin as a tribute to a species of the New Zealand kiwi . In 2007 we are

clearl y visible on the coin design to reflect our part in this intern ational movement. The packagmg features New Zealand Scouts in action .

deligh ted to honour the Great Spotted kiwi {Apteryx haastiil as the next species in this very special coin series . This bird is New Zealand's largest kiwi and is only found in the South Island .

IA) Gold proof COin e $1.495.00 M'ntage lirmt : 500 IBI Silver proof coin @ $79.00

IAI Silver proof COin @$79.00 Mintage limit: 3.000

Mintage lirmt: 3.000

IBI Silver bullion COin @ $49.00

Brill iant unorcutated coin @$29.00

Mintage lirrut: 5.000

Mlntagt! hrrut: 5.000


International coins Australia


These 2007 Australian year sets commemorate 100 years since the national surf lifesaving force began patrolling Australian beaches.

This silver proof Korean coin was designed with the mot if of Talchurn' (the Mask Dancel and in the shape of a dodecagon, It is the fir st coin

IAI 2007sdver proof com set C $99.00

released in a series of tradi tional folk game coins.

IBI 2007bnlhant uncrrculated com set C $39 00

See more examples at ins

I radiuonal Folk Mask sdver proof com @$79.00

Focus issue 44 Gelow 2007



Stamps from other countries Western Samoa

. ,/




.. \

Pitcairn Island

Cowries of Samoa •


Terns and Noddies WWF

29 November 2006 S I of lour ummed stamps $5.60 First day cover $6.50 Dal e of Issue

Date of Issue : 28 February

2007 $7 10

Set of four gummed stamps Miniature

sheet $1 .30 $8.30

First day cover

Miniature sheet first day cover

$15 40

Malta Rock Carvers

Maltese Crafts •

6 November 2006 Set 01 Iive gummed stamps $7.30 Fir st day coy r $8 30

Date 01 Issue

13 June 2007 $740 Fir st day cover $8.50 Dat e of Issue

M,niature sheet


.---I ~~

Fiji Fresh Water Shells


Ie 01 Issue


27 June 2007

Set 01four gummed stam ps $4.30 First day cover 5.20

Herons of the Reef •

Date of Issue : 9 February

2007 $6.50

Set of lour gummed stamps

$6.50 $8.10

Miniature sheet Fir st day cover

Hong Kong Butterflies II •

Dale 01 issue :

14 June 2007

Sel 01 live gummed stam ps Fir st day cover



Miniature sh et hrst day cov r lset ot twol$4 10

Tropical Fru it •

Dale of Issue :

26 June 2007

Set 01 f,ve gummed stam ps First day cover


$8 70

10th Anniversary of Adm in Region •

Oat of Issue

1 Jul 2007

Sel of SIX gummed sta m ps

$2 60

Great Britain

S ell t $5 70 First day cover


Sheetle t Ilr st day cover

$6 30

Harry Potte r •

Date of Issue

17 July 2007 $15.90

Presentation pack

Focu. lssue 44 October 2007


Gift ideas Glass koru - $129.99 each

Nikau Vase - $139.99

Hand blown gla ss koru designed and produced by contem porary glass art ist Lyndsay Patterson in his studio in Wanganui.

Hand made ceramic vase, designed and produ ced by Peter Shearer from his studio on the North Shore of Auck land .

The koru , which is often used in Maori art as a symbol of creat ion, is based on the shape of an unfurling fern frond . Its circular shape conveys the idea of perpetual movement, and its inward coil suggests a return to the point of orig in. The koru therefore symboli ses the way in which life both changes and stays the same.

The design is inspired by the Nikau Palm that grows predom in antly in the North Isla nds and the glaze that is produced repre sent s the colour of greenstone or jade which is a prec ious stone known to Maori as pounamu and is of high cult ural im por tance.

Glass Perfume bctu e - $ 119.99

Pohutukawa cufflinks - $160.00

Hand blown glass perfum e bottle designed and produ ced by contem porary gla ss art ist Lyndsay Patter son in his studio in Wanganui.

Stirling silver cuffl inks designed and produced by Endem ic Link s in Auckland. The cuffl inks are set in ster ling silver and have been designed to capture the essence of Aotearoa with the pohut ukawa image, wh ich is also known as the New Zealand Chr istm as tree. Packaging maydiffer from picture,


2007 New Zealand Stamp Pack - $77.00 stamp s

2007 New Zealand First Day Cover Pack - $118.60

The New Zealand Collection 2007 - $89.00

Focus Issue 44 October 2007


Focus order form - October 2007


Customer details New cus tome r


Protecting your privacy


Customer number :


New Zeala nd Post witt keep your nam e and address on our database. so that in the future we can send you

further informa tion on s ta m ps . collecta bles. re lat ed produ ct s and services and. occasio nally. offers on si milar product s fr om ot her com panies . If you do not wish

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tim e by phoning or writing to the Collecta bles a nd Solutions Centre. Private Bag 3001.Wanganui 4540.

New Zealand. Telephone +64 6 349 1234. Fax +64 6 345 7120.


Tojcr n the m ailing list plea se l ick here

3. Post this orde r form to:

How to order 1. Enter your order detai ls, All price s are in New Zealand doliars.

2. Totalyour order and indicate how you wish to pay. If you are paying by che que . in terna tional money or der or bank dr aft . be sure to enclose this with your order. Please do not send cash.

How to pay

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by che que. interna tional mo ney order or bank draft

New Zealand Post Collectables and Solutions Centre Private Bag 3001 Wanganui 4540 New Zealand

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Postage is free wi thin New Zeala nd, j ust address your envelo pe to th e above address. If you are mailing your order from outsi de New Zeala nd. please be sure to affi x the cor rect postag e.

Postage reckoner

Austr alia & PacifIC

A Greeting Cards. Stamps. Sbeeuets. MIniat ure Sheets.

SoulhPu ihc

Ent Asia & NIh. Amer ica

UK& Europe




Rest 01

Cur re ncy reckoner

Wor ld

App roxim ate equivalen t.

$ 1.50




$ 700

Image Blocks. Mlnlalure Sbeet Booklets. Sheets. First DayCover Rehlls

$7 50

$ 7.50

$ 3 00




Sel l-adheS ive Certcn s

$' 50




$8 .00

$1 US






$15 00

$ 16.50


$1 Canada


£ 1 Euro

NZ$I .87

Bookle ts. Postcards, ACS Catalogue



OAVO Supps




$" 00



HZ Stamp Ccttecncns. Album!:>. Stockbooki and CP Catalogues, Books. Koru. Vase

$ 10 00

$,. 50

$ 19.00




DAVOAlbum s. Weat herst all ons




$78 00

$78 00

$' 50



$6 50


B Packs. Cottectcr 5 Folders. Stamp Packs.

First DayCover Packs. MaXimum Cards. First


Total a ll sections


Plus postag e $

Day Covers

No ChaflJe




Total to pay

Flrst Oav Covers Packs. Stanley Gibbons, Perfume bottle. Cuflhnks


£1 Sterhnq $1 Australia


Specret coun er service lor COins $ $ 10.00

$ 10 00


$ \0 00


If sewral ,ft'ms 1ft rowsfT'Io'Jrlted ;4' are bemg ordNPd. th~ h'9hesl rare iJppftes. If $(!Vf'ffJ{ items 111 mwsm,)rl<N/ "8' are ordefPd. the postage lisl ed is JH!"" IIHTI. If your order mcludes A ' find '8 "{ems '~ 8 ",IHTlS totill only <1ppiies. Intt>rfl<1 tlOflJl Expnoss rat es an! aVdllabl" upon appi lcatlOff.


PI"dH MJd$ 5.00 df'i ivffr wrthin Nf'WI N ldnd for C<1mpbf'1l PdfH"S()nCdtdloglW ,. Ughthouu Stockbook,. Stdn(q Gibbons Cdt.logUH dnd N~ Z,,<1Und

JQlIWHtirsdnd 91ft..

How to contact us -

If you ne ed mo re information . or help abo ut In t erna t ion al Express r at es. please telephone. fax or e m a il us direct.

Tel ephone :


Ema il:

You can also find us on th e int ern et at:

(061349 1234 IOverseas cus tom ers +6&6 34 9 1234/

(06) 345 7120 {Oversees customers +6& 6 345 7120/ and s

How would you like to pay?



Olltce code:

have enclose d a cheque/m ter nanonat money order/ bank draft [payable to: New Zealand Post Stam ps Centre )

o o

I Wish to pay by credit card lord ers of $ 10 or mo re)



Please debtt myaccount


Card number:

Master Card

Am ex


Din er s




ICardholders name: L-


Cus to me r number :


Cardholder s Slgnal ure,


New Zealand stamps

Hu«pe x 2007 - 31 August 2007

2007 Sunlc o.fin.'"," - 9 Na, 2007

e07El 07El 07El 07El 07El 07El 07El 07El 07El 07E2 07E2 07E2 07E2 07E2 07E2


"'$735 ...,


Sot01_ qummod Slamps

lDc . emIr.' ~o 20c - R.. rnbow Fatls.NorthUind SOC • la ke Cotendge S100 - Rang,toto Island.Au<kland $250 - AbelTasman National ParI<.

S300- Tongaporulu. Taranaki


s.t01 two seu 'ad ~ stamps SeoLI·.d~

SOC sump Sotl-......". $1110 stamp


5011-......... SOc boO"e' Sl'l1 -adhMNif $ 1 00 bOO&l.let



Setl-~ ~ boll ContalOlng

i I Oty


Tot.1 NZ.

· Code


Set ct hvegummed stamps

SOc - SouthernCross $100 - Pte,adM

SOc $100 $150 $2 00 $2 50 $8 00 $19 90

$1 50 - Tnhd Nebula

$2 00 - Soulhtorn P.nwhHl

$2 50 - u'V' Mag. 'lonoc Cloud F,,,"da:fc~

Mlf'MollUf"I'shHl bookle-I

e- ' o..c' IPhOft 07Gl IShHt of 20 I SOc. $lamps 07Gl I~t 01 two hf'\ol. day covers









e07Jl 07Jl 07Jl 07J l 07J l 07Jl 07J2 ' 07J 2




SOc - OffICial New pnt portrillt First day C~r ~ l naa l u~ ~ 1

she-etfirst day CO'o'@'r

r.... 1 NZS

"C' "


SOc $2110 $3 110 $250 $3110

$2 00 - Wedding day lq47



I $2 50

Sel of two gummed stamps


Sec,,,,,, 7 Total NZ$ '-----' a


5 Seplembw r 2007

One,. .* ,

Set oIlwo gummed SlImp5 SOc • 1Oe. gummf'dstamp


S1 00 • lOe. gummed stamp

$110 $2 80 $230


FI",t dayCOYer lmct sla SOc • lOe. stampl MInIature sheellncl lSOc. lOci · 15Oc · lOcI.

,....J HZ>




1$100 . lOci stamps $2 80

Miniature sheet flrsl day cover Sett- stamp 150c ·



Self· adhesIVe sheet 100 . 150c • lOci




2007 NewZealanclSUmp Pac'







$7 50 I SOc $1 110 I $1 50 $2 110 1 $2.50 $8110 $19 90 Secnon z Ic tet NZS


2007 N~ ZN~ Flt$l


o.y Cower Paclo:

"'k. ...,

:,-;;' 1


in 1101



Sec,,,,,, 9 Ietat NZ$ I

Chri stm as 2007 - J OctolMr 200 7 C...

Sechcn 3 TOla' NZ$

e- I Dnc;npt,.,. 07Hl Sto! of fNP 9u~ wamp:5 07Hl SOC - E\Ktnc F~. 07Hl 1$1110 - 5lnodoblo Bull..07Hl SI SO • Moun ~ ln Buggy 07Hl $200. Harntllon Jet: Boat 07Hl $2 50- T...nq..u.... Gun 07Hl Flt"Sldayc~r P7Hl Pre!.eontaltOn pack


1 $10.110 1 I $11 110 1

I etenr Kiwis ...1 Au,ust 2007

ExhtMtOn SoOUVeroIr first day c~


2007 Annuill hckt - 5 Sept..m tMr 2007

, Price


Sectron 8 Total NZS

Sect-en 2 Tola' NZ$ L - -

CtusK Kiwi - , Jut., 2001

$4 501

ROYill Diam ond WflIdm, Annlv. rsa a - 5 Sep'temb.r 2007

Soulhern Ski. , - 6 Jun. 2007 Oe, u lp'lon

EJhlb1t1on m'"'Ilure shell



Secnen 1 TOla, NZ$ L -

c... 07Fl 07Fl 07Fl 07Fl 07Fl 07Fl 07Fl 07Fl

I ,.... J


Oncnpt lOft

E122 E123 - P.. ac.'ut World

1110. SOc sames



c... 0711 0711 0711 0711 0711 0711

$2 50 $3.110 $9 35 $150 SOc $1110 $5 110 $10 110 $50110



50 lOe 20c SOc $1(10

5c - 'h'hakarewal'PNCll. Roc.orua

First day Ca.'H !Includes two seU·adl\tsrYe stampsl



110for the price of nlnet





07Kl Set of llYe gummed ilamps 07Kl SOc. Chnstmas Symbotslsupremewmnerl 07Kl $. 100 RObin 07Kl $ 1 50 BabyJews 07Kl $2 00 Beach 07Kl $2 50 Fal"ltatt 07Kl Fnl day cOOo'&t (gummed set • wl.r·ac1heStvel 07K2 Sel.1·adheShoe ~amp HI 07K2 SOc: self ·adh6l'lt stamp 07K2 1$1 50 sell·ad~ stamp 07K2 SOc se[l·adhwVf stamp boolo;lel 07K2 So l 50 ~1·adheSlYt stamp boolo:l~t





$750 SOc $1 110 $150 i $2110 $250 \ 10110 $2 110 SOc $150 I


Sell·adheslvedIspenserboxcontaining 100• SOC slamps

so 110 \1350 $50110

, ,

Bangkok 2007 - 20'· Asian Stamp Exhibiti on - 3 August 2007

c... E120 E121

D-KnplI Gn

Exhibition miniature ~eel

I 1

Exhibition mlnalltu~ ~l first day cower


Prk .




$3.110 $350 Sec lIOn 5 TOlal NZ$


Mint stamps will be supplied unless you specificallyrequest otherwise.

If youwish to order used lUI or cancelled lei stamps, pLease indicate lhis by writing the letter U or C as appropriale next 10 Ihe quantity you require. ·P lal e/ lmprint blocks may be obtained by purchasing alleasl six sheet stamps. Barcode, value and logo blocks may be obtained by purchasing al Leasl two sheet stamps. Barcode blocksare generally availabLe in A and 8 formals for sheet stamps. To order bLocks or sheets from relevant issues. please enter a code from the list below in the appropriate column. · Codes for the types of block and sheets are as follows:

Pi - Plate Block, VA- Value Block. BA- Ba rcode Block, LO - Logo Bloc k, ST - Sbeet of stamps . laU price. include NZ Good. an d Se rvice. Ta. 0 12.5%1



Sec' ron 10 TOla' NZ$L..J

Stam ps from oth er countries

Gift Ide. s Tot,,1 Code




Ou cr lpllon

Pr k .

I I ,I Too., Ot)'


· Cod.

Fr esh Woller Shells

Set of lour gummed stam ps First daycover

F051 F051

1 1

$4.301 $5 201

Oreat Britain Cod.


Olt l(f lpl ion

Prl' .


1 1


I I ,I Diy

· Cod.

5 PX7 FD07 AL07 GI27 GI28 GI29 G130

OeKr;pUon 2007 NewZealand Stamp Pack 2007 NewZealand First Day Cover Pack The NewZealand Collection2007lpreorders l Glass Koru Nlkau Greenslone vase Glass perfume bottle Pohulukawa cuflttnks





$77.00 $118.60 $89 00 $129.99 $139.99 $119.99 $160.00 Secnon 12 TDial NZ$ ~

TOO., Nl$


Harry Pott er Pre~nla llon



1 $15.901



Coins Code

Hong Kong Tot.t

Co• •


OltK rlptlon

· Codlt




Butl er fli es II

$2.70 $3 40 $410

Set 01live gummed stamps. FIrsl daycover

HI13 HI 13 HI 13

Miniature sheet ftrst day cover

Iset ct twc l

A787 A788 A789

10th Anni vers ary of Admi n Region 5e1 of SI)(

Hl l ' Hll ' Hll ' Hl l '

$2.60 $5.70 $3.70 $6.30

qummed stamps


FIrSlday cover Sheettet hrs t day COYer

A778 A779 A780 A771 A772

Malta Cod.

OU Cl1plio n

I Pr lc.

I I I Too., · Cod.


Set of five gummed stamps

M057 M057

Flr'!.lday cover

1 1


$7.301 $8 301

1 1

Goldproof corn Silverproofcorn Bnttrant uncircuteted com Worldwide Ce ntena ry of Scouling Gold proofCOin S'lver proof com Bntuant unc.rculeted COin 2007 New Zealand silver dolla r IV Sdver prool co.n S.lverbullion COm

A785 A786

Australia 2007SiNerprool Com set 2007bntue nt unorcutated corn set


TradlhOnat Folk Mask suver prool co,n





$89.00 $495.00 $79.00 $29.00 $1,495.00 $7900 $2900 $79.001 $49.001





$99.00 $39.00


$79 00 Sec tion 13 Telal NZSL . .

Pitcairn D.Kftptio n


Pr le.


Tolal NZ$

· Code

Ter ns and Noddies WWF

PT56 PT56 PT56 PT56


Intern ational coins


Malt ese Cralt s

taKrlption Aorak i/ MtCook - Nove mber 2007 Silver proofcom Royal Dia mond Wedd ing Annive rsa ry

Set of four gummed slam~ Mlmature sheet

Firstdaycover Mlnlalure sheet first day cover

Please note for coins Beca use these coins are valua ble an d highly regarded collec ta bles, orders from within New Zealand containing coins will be sent by s peciat courier, so please

$7.10 $1'30 $8.30 $15 40

supply an address wh ich enables your package to be signed lor and add $5.00

for delivery. Over seas orders will be delivered by International Express, please add $10.00 to your order.

Rock Carvers

MIniature sheet

PT58 PT58

F,rsl day cover

$740 $8.50

Ot her products st ill on offer

Vanuatu Tot..1 Cod.

VA67 VA67 VA67 VA68 VA68

tk Krlpllon Herons 01the Reef ~l 01lour gummed stamps Mlnlalure sneet First dayCOVf!r Tropical Fruit ~l of livegummed stamps First daycover




Definitive Sta mps


Tol..1 Code

$650 $6.50 $810

Wl 07 Wl 07

OeKripllon Cowries SheUs Set 01lour gummed stareps Flrsl day cover


$4 15


90c and $1.30 Scenic Set of two stem ps 2 October 2000

$2 20




$5 60 $6.50 Sectio n 11 TOlal NZ$

Additional products




$ 1.10 stam p - 6 March 2000



$4.00 and 55.00 Butt erflies Set of two stamps - 25 January 1995



$ 10.00 Mount Ruapeh u $10,00 stam p - 12 February 1997



$20.00 Mount Cook $20.00 stamp - 18 February 1994



· Cod.


8Oc. 9Oc1- 27 March 1996

$1 - $3 Sce nic Set of lour stamps 1$1.00, $1.10. $2.00. $3.001 - 6 March 2000 $1.10 Gold Round Kjwi




Mitre Peak - 20 October 1995 5c - 90c Scenic Sel 01rune stam ps 1St. roe, 2Oc, 30e. SOc, 6Oc. 70e.

$7.20 $8.70




I Weste rn Samoa Code

DeKrip!lon 40c Scenic


51.50 Bronze Round Kiwi

0936 0955

Penonatlud Postag e Tot,,1 Code


OeKrlpllon Perscnebsed Postage z006 Pack ICustomlsedAdvert lSlnaLabelsl

Bank Note Set s






0956 0976 0978



I Price I Dty I·Code,I Too., HZ$


INewZealand 2004Bank Noles

I $295.001




$ 1.50 stamp Set of livestamps tsee. $1 00. $l .SO. $2 00. $5.001 100 If SOc, $ 1 00 stamps per sbeet 50 II $1.50, $2.00. $5.00 stemcs cer sheet $1 50 stamps - 7 May2003 90c sett -edneswe slamp Sheet of 50 stereos - 5 Annl 2004 45c sett -edbeswe stamp Sheet 01100 stamps Dispenser bOll 1100 sternpsl - 22 March2004

$1.50 $1000 $1.50 90c $45.00 45< $45.00 $4500 Sec tion 14 Total NZ$ ~


P....nlJllion Packs

Booklets Cod.

Desc ription


2003Dehnol""" .•ell· 5 , $ 1.SO . tamps - 7 May 2003 D.llnll"'" boolll. t sell-adhes"", 10 . 40e. 4 • lOestamps 90c DeI,n,I"'" sell-adhes"", S1amp

0972 0976 0978 0975 0992 06Bl

45<Dehnol"'" sell·.dh.........'amp Hrstonc Farm Equip men t m inia tu re sheet bookle t

E,lrem. Sports rmmature sheet booklel 751h Ann,ve ry ollhe Hawl<es BayEarlhQuake



Total NZS


$7 SO $440



Del,nol""" set 01 10S1amp,- 5<. lOe.20<. 45<. SOc. 7Oc. 8Oc. $1 00. $2 00. $3:00- 2 NOIIember 1'194 Dehnol"'" rate decrease 40e S1amp - 2 October 19'15







$4.SO $450 $4 50 $4 50 $9.00 $9 00 $7 50


Pr ice


Totl l NZS


$8 80 40e Section 17 Ic tal NZ$


World of Wearable Art Garden Fto.ver!; RugbySeven, F.rmyard An,mal. ISO Ve'r!;of NewZealand Stamp, [part 11 ISO Vears01 New ZealandStamp, (pari 21 ISO Vear!; 01 New ZealandStamps (part 31 The lton. Ihe W,lchand tne Wardrobe Vearollhe Dog HMOueen Elizabelh1180lh B,rlhday

P996 P997 P5Fl P5Kl P6Al P6Dl P611


Of.Kri pttOn


2004Emperorsot rbe Ross Dependency 2005Ross Dependency Throughthe Len. 2006Ros. Dependency

$16 95 $16 95 $16.95


Sec tion 18 Tolal NZ$


· Cod.

AlI46 A048 A070 A140 A694

....imuml:ards Cod.



0959 099Z 05Kl

100 Vear!;01 New ZealandT... Rugby

$12 00 $10 00 $10 00


Tout -Cod.

Secnon 19 Ictal NZ$



4403 4449 A480 A622 A674 A7Z8 A791

Postal SIJItionery Tol. l Cod.

On cr lpUon


5106 5111 51 17 51 19 5125

Sel 0121regional post-paic envelope. ACC commemorlll"'" pre-stamped erwelope R.ta PSE TePapa

$12 00 90c 65< $2 50 95< 95<

Commemor.t"'" RedCross non'Wlndow envelope Cornrnernora uve Red Cross non- Window envelope


Wi th Wanganul Slamp. Cenlre cancel Commemor.I"'" Red Cro., WindOW envelope Commemorllt"'"RedCross WindOW envelopeWllh W3no.OUI Slamps Cenlre cancel




NZ Zoo Animals

Gold Ru.h Lighthouse Stockbooks

A053 32 "de. wh'le page' A219 32 SIde, black pages A132 48 .. des white pages A133 148 .. de. black pages A077 1>4 " de. wh,le pages A078 1>4 " de. bl. ck page. A221 Llghthou.e Royallarg FDC Album.(Wllh love double pocket rehU,1 A222 F"", • rehlls lor lJghlhouse FOC AlbumIdoublel A223 F"", • reltll, lor LlghlhouseFOC Albuml.. ng~1 A606 Llghlhou,e ComAlbum A044 Premier FOC Album - L.rge delu'e A045

Tot. 1 NZS


The Lion. lhe W,lch and Ihe Wardrobe




Extreme'S ports

Vetera n Vehicles


Ross Dependeng Packs

P5J3 P6L2

P963 P970 P'i81

Ross DepenclencyDefinitive Stamps O. lcrlp tlon

$2495 $2495 $1695 $1695 $2495 $1695 $2495 $1695


Secnen 16 Iotat NZ$


ScenicCoastlines Art mee" Crall Vear oIlhe Sheep Royal NewZealandBallet 100Vears01 NewZeatand T... Rugby

$4 SO $19.95 $ 14 95 $19 95

Tot, l DHC npt ion

P'i38 P'i52

Repr int Booklets

45<Dehn,l"'"- I KIwI 45<Deltnol"'" -III KIwI 45< Dehn,l"'"- VKIwI 45<Dehnol"'" - VII KIWI 90c Booklel I KIWI 90c Booklel IIKIwI $150 Booklell KIW'


$9 00

Secnon 15 Total NZ$

978a 978e 978g 978i 976a 976b 956a

Oe lCr ipt lon


rmruature sh~1 booklet



A221 CAT9 A027 A028 Al l Z A052

Five .. relllls for pre rrver large deluxe FOe Album

- "nQlepockel F"", , relolls lor premier large diu, FOC Album - double pockel F"", , relolls lor pre"" .. small delu," FOC CampbeUPalerson Campbell Paterson NZCatstoque DAVO DAVO 1990-199'1 AlbumNoDI CAVO Album1VoI51 DAVO Supplernentpages 2000 DAVO Supplement pages 2001 DAVO Supplement page. 2002 DAVO Supplemenl page. 2003 CAVO Supplement page. 2004 CAVO Supplement page' 2005 CAVO Supplement pages 2006 HawidProducts H.Wld FOC Royal Album 2007ASC Stamp Catalogue Hagner Products Hagn~r


Hagner Sh 15 n .H 5 HI.' stn p. H2.2 51nps.H3-3 51nps.H stnps, Hb-6 stnp s, H7.7 51nps.H8-8 .."p. WWF CollectIon Honges



Tol.l NZS


$2995 $2495 $2495 $29 95 $29 95 $29 95 2995 2495 2495 $2395


$3120 $4370 $4995 $54 95 $6095 $749 5 $7235 $1325 $1325 $4945 $3400 $9 95 $995 $510 $19690 $14200 $80195 $51 '10 $54 Q5 $54 95 $54 95 $54 95 ,..-$5495 $54'10


$72 35 $1000 $1995 $125 $2195 $370 SeeMn 21 Tal I NZ$


Secuon 20 Total NZ$



TOTAL TO PAY TOlal an secnoos Ptos postaqe SpeCIal couner sef'Vlce for COins

Checklist Enter all your cust omer details (including your customer number! Indicate how you wou ld li ke to pay Total your order

Guarantee If you are not completely satisf ied with your purchase . return it to us with in 14 days of receiving it. You can ask us to replace it or give you a refund . No questions asked !



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