Focus Number 45 April 2008

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Welcome! Welcome to the latest edit ion of Focus ! This edit ion is packed fu ll of philatelic treasures, both stamps and coins, as we ll as a range of articles we hope you w ill find interesti ng and infor mati ve. We have also taken th is opportun ity to redes ign the order form to make it easier to read and use. This is now located in the m idd le of Focus - we hope you find th is an improvem ent. In this edition we are proud to cover two subjects that are very important to New Zealanders : ANZAC and Sir Edmund Hillary. ANZAC The ANZAC Ser ies is one stam p issue that I'm very excited about. but I'm also very conscious of the responsibility we have to port ray it well. On behalf of New Zealand Post. I woul d like to express than ks to John Frank Manila Luamanu for allowing us to use his Image. which captures the ongoing significance of the ANZAC tradition in New Zealand. This is the first of an annual issue that will span at least three years. lt's a celebra Ion of an enduring sense of na ionhood that was forged more than 90 years ago on he ba tlefields of Gallipoli and IS still remembered and honoured today. Tribute to Sir Edmund Hillary This tr ibu e focuses on a rue 'Kiwi colossus' In every sense of the term who passed away In January. A hero to every New Zealander. Sir Ed was an inspiration. and a true role model for us all to emulate. In this issue of Focus I would also like to draw your attention to a selec tion of definitive stam ps that are about to be with drawn from sale. We have included them in the new order form and it's your last chance to purchase these before they are removed from sale. And finally. I've just returne d from a trip to the United Kingdom and Germany. which enabled me to attend the Worl d Money Fair in Berlin. It was a great opportunity to learn about trends and developments Internationally - and 0 gather inspiration for our work here In New Zealand.

<!': IvOrMasters

General Manager . Stamps and Collecta bles

Please note : The finished products may dIffer from those illustrated In ttus newsletter.

Focus may not ill ustrate all stamp, COin or collectable products that are featured in th rs issue or that appear In the Order Form . Artwork and articles from Focus may not be extracted for repnntong Without prior perrmssron from the New Zealand Post Stamps and Collectables BUSiness. For more intorrnencn and to request permission. please contact the Research Co-ordinator. Stamps BUSiness. Pnvate Bag 39990. Wellington 5045 www! stamp s

Matariki Kapula a Matariki, ka rere a Whanui, ko te tohu 0 te tau. In June 2008 New Zealand Post is pleased to release the first of our new Matarik i stamp seri es. Matariki is the Maor i name for the group of stars also known as the Pleiades star cluster or The Seven Sister s: and is also referred to as the trad itiona l Maori New Year. Traditionally, depending on the visibility of Matariki, the com ing season's crop was thought to be determ ined. The brighter the stars, the warmer the season would be and thus a more productive crop . It is also seen as an impor tant time for fam ily to gather and reflect on the past and the future.

is the time to stay indoors and wananga Ischools of learni ng) about genealogy and other im portant issues to Maori. As the winter star ts to fade around August, it is time to start preparing the land for plant ing and the cycle of food gather ing starts again. As the natural world regenerate s and another seasonal cycle begins , Matarik i is a time to pause and reflect - on the year that was, and the year that will be,

Matariki is a tim e trad itionally marking the end of one year and the beginning of another for Maor i, It is experiencing a revival in Maori communities and is enjoying an increase in non -Maori part icipation. Matar iki also indicates a change of season, in particular the start of the cold season. The pataka [food storehouses) are full, there is no food gathering, fishing, eeling or plant ing as it is too cold . Matariki

Huka Lodge competition winner Our congratulations go to Karen Shearer of Nelson , who's not only the proud owner.of 'The New Zealand Collect ion 2001' but also the winner of our luxurious Huka Lodge compet ition ! This fabulou s break for two, valued at more than $5,000, has earned Karen and her com panion two nights accommodation at this intern ational award -winn ing location, incl uding a sumptuous five-cour se dinner in the Lodge's elegant dining room or at a pr ivate table under the stars . They'll also be treated to a half -day Lake Taupo cruise - bliss! Our thank s to everyone who bought 'The New Zealand Collection 2001' and entered the draw for the prize. To those of you who haven't bought it, a few copies are still available, It's the best yet, with a selectio n of the year's stam ps accom panied by captivat ing photographs and fascinating in-de pth commentary from some of New Zealand's best -known person alities, Pick up your copy and you won't want to put it down!

Focus issue 45 Apri l 2008


ANZAC 25 April ISa special day for all New Zealanders, wherever they are In he world u's ANZAC Day - an occas ion on which we remember the 30,000 New Zealanders who fought and lost the ir lives in the world's wars, and honour tho se servicemen and women who returned . The date I self ma rk s th e ann iversary of the landing of the Australian and ew Zealand Army Corps It he ANZACsl on the Gallipoh Peninsula In Turkey, in 1915. The troops were there as part of a plan to open the Dardanelle s Strait to the All ied fleets, allowing them 0 hreaten he Ottoman capital Constant inople Inow Istanbutl and, It wa s hoped, force a Turki sh sur render. The Allies encountered unexpectedly strong resistance from the Turk s and both Sides suffered heavy casualties. At the end of the cam paign, Galhpch was still held by ItS Turkish defenders - but 87,000 Turk s had died In the fighting . Among the All ies, 44,000 men from France and the British Empire had died, including 8,500 Australian s and 2,721 New Zealanders - almost one in four of those who had served. Alth ough Galupou was a relatively m inor part of World War I. it has great significance for New Zealand 's history. The gruelling nine-month campaign heralded an endunng bond between the New Zealand and Austra lian soldiers - the birth of the 'ANZAC spirit'. As a testament to bravery, tenacity, practi cality, mqenu ity and loyalty to King and com rades, It helped New Zealand to define itself as a nation .

The ANZAC Day commemorations ANZAC Day wa s fir st marked With a half -day holiday In 1916. Then In 1920 the Government responded to the Returned Soldiers Associat ion la s the RSA wa s or iginally known I call for 25 April to be declared a holiday. The remembrance serv ices have evolved ever Sinc e, With the dawn parade !commemorating the initial land ings at Gall ipol i and the routine dawn stand- to in the trenches] introduced In 1939. Today, ANZAC Day services are as relevant as ever, With war ve era ns and servin g per sonnel continuing to gather at memorials and In RSA cl ubrooms , and polit icians and local dignitaries attendi ng cerem oni es. Most businesses remain closed on ANZAC Day m orning .

The trend over recent years has been an increasing number of young people attending the ANZAC services, some wearing the war-time medals of their grandparents and great-grandparents. A unique and often emotional day of pr ide and memories, ANZAC Day cont inues to un ite us, and remind us of what it means to be a New Zealander.

The poppy - a symbol of remembrance ew Zealand paid a heavy pr ice for victory in the battles of World War I. Sixteen thousand New Zealanders were killed in brutal battles whose names are st ill familiar 90 year s later - obviously Gall ipoli 119151 but also the Somme 119161. Passchendaele 119171 and the final li beration of Le Quesnoy 119181. Fortunately, most of the sol diers did return, but many carried the physical and psychological scars of war for the rest of the ir lives. Recognising the ir unique need s for support, the RSA introduced Poppy Day in 1922, irn rnor tali si nq the poppy as th e sym bol of remembrance. The choice of flower stemmed from a poem by Canadian l.reutenantColonel John McCrae , a med ical officer In the Boer War and World War I. Called 'In Flanders Field s', it wa s first published in 1915:

In Flanders fields the poppies blow Betweenthe crosses, row on row That mark our place; and In the sky The larks, still bravely Singing, fly Scarce heard amid the guns below. We are the Dead. Short days ago We lived, felt dawn, saw sunset glow, Lovedand were loved, and now we lie In Flanders fields. Take up our quarrel With the foe: To you from failing hands we throw The torch; be yours to hold it high. If ye break faith with us who die We shall not sleep. though poppies grow In Flanders fields.

Artillery '"mg. Western Front. WorldWart, suppliedbyAuckland WarMemorral Museum Focus ISsue 45 Apnl 2008

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Newlealand troopson the wayto the Imng Ime, Western Front. WorldWarI. supplIed by AucklandWarMemonalMuseum.

Tr ibuteOB

Stamps to honour the ANZAC sp irit

For those New Zealanders who fought In the Vietnam War. antiwar protests and the war's general unpopularity left a significant legacy. Many veterans believed their service land their physical and psychological problemsl had not been recognised appropriately,

In April 2008 - 93 years after the ANZAC landings - New Zealand Post will release a special series to honour the ANZAC sprru , Covering the stories of ANZAC that continue to define our sense 0 identity as New Zealanders; the senes Will continue for at least the next three years, and IS sure to become a respected and treasured possession for generations to come .

'Tribute08' marks a turning point. To be held in June 2008. it will provide proper acknowledgement and thanks to the veterans for their contribution, honouring their unique and historic place beside the veterans of other campaigns.

Over the coming add I ions we will offer aspects of ANZAC his ory not covered in the first issue.

First daycover


Focus issue 4S Apn l 2008

ANZAC The ANZAC Series miniature sheet booklet provides authoritative commentary on the story and the stamps from Dr Stephen Clarke, he official historian for the RSA. Stephen is also a consultant for elevision and film and a frequent contributor to conferences and publications-both In New Zealand and internationally. The booklet Includes seven miniature sheets, six with individual stamps and one with all SIX stamps attached, which are only available In the miniature sheet booklet.


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MIniature sheet booklet

Upcoming stamp issues In 2008 we have a number of excumq stamp issues to look forward to. Some upcoming highlights include:

These benefits aside, we understand why some of you have con acted us to express your preference for more traditional Christmas Images to collect or use on your Christmas mail.

A to Z of New Zealand

This year we are planning to split the Christmas stamp issue to include both he children's designs and more traditional Images.

This stamp Issue, which will be released in the middle of winter, takes us on a light hearted journey through the alphabet. Looking at various KiwI Icons, loca Ions, events and phrases that will resonate with Kiwis and stamp enthusiasts alike.

We also acknowledge hat some may feel we release 00 many stamp Issues each year. With this In mind we will only release SIX stamps rather than develop two full stamp issues . It will consist of:

S could be for Silver fern or even Stamps

Three stamps from the winners of the 2008 'Desiqn a Stamp' compe ition, and

Three stamps that will be developed along the theme of a traditional Christmas.

T could be for TUI or Taihape A could be for Aotearoa, Auckland or Akaroa M could be for the Milford Track or McCahon P could be for Pinetree Meads or Pohutukawa In lime all will be revealed, however, you can be assured that this will be a fascinating journey through all things Kiwi .

By doing this we will be able to engage With the children of today around the beauty of the stamp, while also meeting the needs of those who prefer a more traditional stamp desiqn ,

Christmas 2008 In recent years we have developed the October Christmas issue around the children's 'Design a Stamp' competition. This has been a marvellous way to encourage school children to think about stamps and Involves hundreds of teachers talking to their s udents about them. Last year 17,000 children sat down and made the effort to have a go at designing a stamp,

Focusissue 45 Ail,,12008

May stamp issue Prince Caspian The magn ificent scenery of New Zealand has served as a backdrop to a number of well known int ernational films over the past years, from Kmg Kong to the Lord of the Rmgs tr ilogy. Prince Caspian has now been added to that growing li st. following on from The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe issue. MOVies with a connecuon to New Zealand through either the location s they were shot in or becau se of the talented New Zealanders involved in the produ ct ion, have proved to be a popular theme for past stam p Issues. A trend we seek to cont inue w ith

Prince Caspian.

the wicked ruler Miraz has brought havoc and afflic tio n to Nar nia.

The adventures of the four Pevens ie ch ildren Peter, Susan, Edmund and Lucy cont inue in the upcoming film Prince Caspian . One year after the extraordinary events of The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe, the children are back in the magical world of Narn ia. The siblings discover that 1,300 years have passed and

Prince Caspian enlists the help of the Pevensie chil dren to end his uncle Miraz's evil re ign. This myst ical stam p Issue has a number of valuable collec tables on offer, ranging from th e popular presentation pack s, to a set of four miniature sheets or first day covers .

Taipei 2008 stamp exhibition New Zealand Post was delighted to take part In the recent 21st Asian lnt ernauona l Stamp Exhibit ion held in Taipei the capital of the Republ ic of China IROC) and largest city in Taiwan .

non competitive cl asses and search for new addiuons to their own collections, from the close to 100 sales booth s of stam p dealers and posta l adrnin istratron representat ives from ar ound the wor ld .

With the colourful Mikado Pheasant being selected as the exhibit ion logo it was no sur prise that the five-day event wou ld be Just as vibrant.

The Chinese Taipe: Philatelic Federat ion, along WIth the Taiwan Post and Taiwan External Trade Development Councn. ar e to be commended for coordinating such a br ill iant Philateli c exhibition.

The venue for the exhibit ion was the Taipei World Trade Centre, situated in the heart of Taipei's new and dynamic business district. Our two New Zealand Post representat ives and their local assistant were kept on their toes fielding enquiries and selling a wide variety of stamps and other coll ectable products for the duration of the exhibition. "It was a hectic few days, but an extremely worthwhile experience," said John Wesney, one of the New Zealand Post team attending the exhibition .Tlur stamps proved very popular and it was valuable me eting the stam p coll ectors face to face as well as gett ing feedback on our stam p Issues and products". The event was attended by a large number of stamp coll ectors who came to see the 1,000 frames of exhibits In competit ive and

M,noature shee



Focu. issue 45 Apr I 2008


Sir Ed mund Hilla ry It was wi th great sadness that we heard the news of Sir Edmund Hillary's death on 11 January 2008. Known to us all as 'Sir Ed', this tall, gangly beekeeper was catapulte d into the international lime li ght when he and Sher pa Tenzing Norgay became the first to reach the summi t of the world 's highes t mountai n - Everest - on 29 May 1953, New Zealand's Prime Minister Helen Clark descr ibed Sir Ed's death as a profound loss to New Zealan d, "The legendary mountaineer, adventurer, and philan thr opist is the best-known New Zealander ever to have lived, But most of all he was a quintessential Kiwi , He was ours - from his craggy appearance and laconic style to his direct ness and honesty, All New Zealanders will deeply mourn his passing,"



Sir Ed was the only living New Zealander ever to featu re on a New Zealand bankno te - and he was also a key featu re of a number of New Zealand Post's stamp issues, The most recent stamp issue highlighted his enormous contri bution to New Zealand's work in Anta rctica - firstly in leading the expedition to build Scott Base, which opened on 20 January 1957, and secondly in his role as part of the 1958 'Commonwealt h Trans-Antarctic Expedition ' - a Br it ish plan to cross the Antar ctic led by Sir Vivian Fuchs , Sir Ed was responsible for leading a support part y for th e Expedit ion, a role that extended to incl ude a journey to the Sout h Pole on three Massey Ferguson tractors! An extraordinary life Born in 1919, Sir Ed was 20 years old when he climbed his first mountain, Mount Olivier in New Zealand's Southern Alp s, He was hooked, spending his spare time from then on cli mbing, and in 1947 climbing our highest mountain , Mount Cook, for the first time, Six years late r, it was Mount Everest's turn , foll owed by a knightho od and the beginning of a life of international lectu re tours, books, television documentari es, dar ing adventures and of great importance to Sir Ed - extens ive fundraisin g and charity work in Nepal. In 1960 he established the Himalayan Trust , which was dedicated to improving the living conditio ns and economy of people living in the Himalayas , Over the next 45 years the Tru st raised milli ons, funding more than 30 schools , 13 healt h clinics, three hospitals and a number of brid ges, airfields and project s promoting clean water and reforestation , Sadly in 1975, Sir Ed also experie nced great tragedy in Nepal when his wi fe Louise and daught er Belinda were killed in a plane crash there,


Focus issue 45 Apnl2008

In his life time Sir Ed received a great many awards, including the Order of New Zealan d (the highest honour in New Zealand's honour system, and awarded to only 20 people living at any time) and the Noble Order of the Garter (the pinnacle of the honours system in the Unite d Kingdom !. But he always remained humble and unassuming, saying of himself, " In some ways I believe I epitomise the average New Zealander : I have modest abili ties, I combine these with a good deal of deter mination , and I rather li ke to succeed," Detail s are yet to be confi rme d but New Zealand Post hopes to release a special commemorative stamp issue later this year honour ing Sir Ed,

50 years ago ... First Tasman Flight This stam p was issued in August 1958 to com mem orate the 30'h anniversary of Sir Charle s Kingsford Sm ith 's first Trans -Tasman flight with co pilot Charle s lP. Ulm . The stamp was issued Jointly by Australia and New Zealand . Sir Charles Kingsford Sm ith was born on 9 February 1897 In Hamilton. Queensland. Austra lia. and was a fifth son and seventh child. Most people loved 'Sm ithy's' dare -devil alti tude and his larri krn streak. In 1928wit h Ulm and an Austra lian crew Kingsford Sm ith piloted he Southern Cross from Sydney. Australia to Chr istchurch. New Zealand . This demonstrated the feasibil ity of regular passenger and mal l services across the Tasman Sea. Sadly. he disappeared in 1935 with Australian Thomas Pethybridge while aim ing to make one more record -breaking flight from London to Australia . The air craft did not arrive at its destination. It is assumed they crashed into the sea somewhere off the coast of Burma wh ile flying at night toward s Singapore.


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The stam p featured the Southern Cross wit h the portrait of Sir Charles King sford Smi th and his aircraf t.








2007 Open Day

The Inaugural open day for the Collectables and Solutions Centre was set for Friday 7 December 2007. however. we were unsure how many would take the time to Join us to visit our new centre . With a start time of 11.00am and people waiting in the car park and shop from 10.30am we soon realised it was going to be a full -on day. After a Health and Safety brie fing. sma ll gr oups of visitors were given a guided tour through the different parts of our operat ion to see what's behind the stam p issues they receive in the ma il or buy at the PostShop. Ofcourse busines s still needed to go on. so visitors were able to see our staff busy working on the Underwater Reefs issue. wh ich in itself was quite profound as Tim Garman the designer of the Underwater Reefsstamps was one of the visitors on the day.

Tim was most impressed to see how the team In the production area worked on the stamps to create the end products. Our visitors also appreciated the stam ps. especially the colourf ul and altractive designs. Another highlight for our visitors was our range of Personalised Stamps. with many excited by the possibiti ies ha he Personalised Stamps could provide. The last visitor left the build ing around 3.00pm. Staff were bUZZIng from meet ing face-to -face the custom ers they had previously only spoken to over the phone. and past New Zealand Post em ployees and the general publ ic who where Interested in the work we were doinq. All in all we estimated up to 130visitors joined us for the Open Day. Many were locals. but we also had a numb er of Vis itors from much further away including Nelson and the United Kingdom . It was encourag ing to see not just coll ectors but a m ixture of people and ages interested in the stamps business. After a general tidy up i was time to rest our weary feet and to celebrate what was a wonderful day. Thanks to all those who came along to m eet us.

Chr istine Knight Collectables and Solutions Centre. Wanganul

$lampdesigner Tim ~man lcentre! holding his UnderwaterReefs slamps Wllh members 01 1 Co/lee/abIes andSoIullons Centretestn

Focus issue 45 Apnl 2008

Recent stamp issues Ross Dependency 50th Anniversary of The Commonwealth Trans-Antarctic Expedition This wonderful stam p Issue features the different varieties of transport used to support the first successful overland crossing of Antarct ica via the South Pole. The expedition was a collaborative effort between the United Kingdom and New Zealand, with the crossing party led by the UK's Dr Vivian Hater Sir Viviani Fuchs and the Ross Sea support party led by New Zealand 's very own Sir Edmund Hillary. The expedition success was a magnificent achievem ent, and one In which New Zealand was proud to play its part.

Game Bird 2008 The 2008 New Zealand Game Bird Habitat Collect ion, the 15th in our series com m em orating World Wetlands Day, pays tribute to the Red-legged Partridge IAlectoris rufaJ. Proceeds from the Game Bird Habitat stamp programme are distributed by the Game Bird Habitat Trust to fund the development and enhancement of wetlands. •

Products available- Game Bird Habrtat Licence stamp, first daycover,

rrumature sheet. miniaturesheet first daycover, presentallon pack,artist pnnl Issue date. 2 February 2008 Withdrawal date' 1 February 2009

Produc.ts available FIve gummedstamps. first daycover, miniature sheet, miniature sheet

hrst daycover. presentation pack. LImited


Year of the Rat: Pocket Pets The 2008 Year of the Rat stamp issue is the 12th in New Zealand Post's Chinese Lunar ser ies . The theme Pocket Pets is a term orig inally given to small rodents kept as pets and has sin ce expanded to incl ude rabbit s, guinea pigs and ferrets to name a few. As the winner of the race to determine the order of animals of the lunar calendar, the rat established his place as leader, pioneer and conqueror qualit ies that are said to be reflected in those born In the Year of the Rat. •

Personalised Stamps

Produc ts available. Fourgummed stamps, first daycover. rruruature sheet, miniaturesheet first daycover. Chmese Lunar Serres - Special Edition Pack

Issue date,7 February 2008 Withdrawal date. 6 February 2009

Create your very own authentic stamps by plac ing photographs or images beside one of the lat est 10 'feel good ' messages. Also including last year's selectio n, you now have a grand tota l of 17 unique New Zealand stam p designs to choose from . For announ cing excuinq news to sending thank yous, congratulations and more, there is a design to SUit your needs. Available in four denominatIOns - 50c, $1.00, $1.50, and $2.00 - these stam ps suit a multipli city of uses. Visit www.nzpost and you will be guid ed through a few simple steps to create your own Personalised Stamp s online . •

Products ava,lable Sheeliel 01 all 10 stamps. sheetlet hrst daycover.

Issue date, 7 November 2007 Withdrawal date 6 November 2008

.................... ....................................... : 2008 Scenic: Underwater Reefs While New Zealand IS fam ous for the unspoilt beauty of its forests , beaches and mounta ins, it s underwater landscapes are now spectacularly revealed in the Underwat er Reefs stam p issue. With more than 15,000 kilometres of coastli ne from which to choose Images, the Underwater Reefs range offers some beautifully colourf ul images from New Zealand 's waters. •

Products available: Fourgummed stamps. twoself-adheswe stamps. firstdaycover. miniaturesheet. miniature sheetlLrst daycover.

Weather Extremes Climate change and its Impact on our environment has become a enti cal concern for nations around the world . That's why the United Nations has proclaimed 2008 the 'Inter national Year of Planet Earth' . New Zealand Post is committed to redu cing our im pact on the environment, and hopes our Weather Extremes stamp issue will inspire others to do the sam e. •

Products available Sill. gummed stamps. Irrst daycover. LimitedEdition

Issuedate' 5 March2008 Withdrawal date' 4 March2009

Issue date 9 January 2008 Withdrawal date, 8 January 2009


Focusissue 4SApnl 2008

Legal tender coins 2008 New Zealand Silver Dollar V - Haast tokoeka kiwi This much anticipated finale in the annual New Zealand Silver Dollar coin series honours the Haast tokoeka [Apteryx australis Hsest] - one of our largest and most end angered kiwi species. The Haast tokoeka completes this special collection which has also featured the Rowi 120041. Little Spotted kiwi 120051. North Island Brown kiwi 12006! and the Great Spotted kiwi 12007!. The tokoeka gets its name from its kaitiaki [guardians! Nqai Tahu, and means 'wekaI birdl with a 'tokoIwalkinq stick). The mountain-loving Haast tokoeka has only recently been identified as distinct from the other three tokoeka . They are mainly found at the bush

line and fertile base of mountain slopes in the isolated Haast area of South Westland in the South Island of New Zealand . These exquisite pure silver 10.999!limited edition COinS are gorgeous reminders of the kiwi - an international symbol of New Zealand's identity. These legal tender coins are offered to you in a choice of a striking silver proof and specimen quality bullion finish . Concluding our highly popular series of Silver Dollar kiwi coins available in this format, order your 2008 Silver Dollar coin today to avcid disappointment!

Silver proof coin 10.9991@$85 .00

Silver bullion coin 10.9991@$55.00

Mintage limit: 5,000

Mintage limit: 8,000

[lltustration only!

2007 New Zealand tuatara

2004 Serial-numbered Banknote Set

The 2007 release in New Zealand's annual endangered species coin collection.

The first bank notes to be produced with the current Governor of the Reserve Bank's signature. Each set contains all New Zealand banknote denominations with the same serial number,

Silver proof coin @ $79.00 Mintage limit: 4,000

Proof coin set@$129.00 Mintage limit : 4,000

Brilliant uncirculated coin @ $29.00 Mintage limit: 3,000 Only 1,000 of these sets will ever be available worldwide

OVER HALF ALREADY SOLD! Brilliant uncirculated coin set - SOLD OUT

Banknote set @ $295.00

International coins Austria -

Beethoven Brilliant uncirculated coin @ $19.90

Australia - 2008 Year of the Mouse Silver gilded coin@ $74.00

See more examples at www

Focus iss ue 45 Apnl 2008



Stamps from other countries



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Pitcairn Islands

Barred -winged Rail

Bounty Definitive

Dale of Issue 3 December 2007

Date of Issue : 17October 2007

MinIature sheet $3.90

Set of 12gummed stamps $33.90

MinIature sheet f,rsl day cover $4 90

Forst day cover Iset of 31 $37.40

Salt and Pepper Moth Dale of rssue 22 August 2007


Set of two gummed stamps $7.00

Dal e 01Issue 20 November 2007

Miniature sheet $7.00

Set of four gummed stam ps $4 40

Miniature sheet first day cover $8.20

Forst day cover $5 40

Hong Kong Heartwarming III Date of Issue 28 December 2007 Set of four gummed stam ps $1 70 Forst day cover $2 40

Samoa South Pacific Games Date of Issue : 16August 2007 Set of four gummed stamps $2.50 Forst day cover $3.40 M,n,ature sheet $0.60 Miniature sheet forst day cover $1.50

Malta Maltese Bands Date of issue 13 November 2007 Set of five gummed stamps $850 Forst day cover $9 50

United Nations World Her itage - South Amer ica Date of Issue : 9 August 2007 Set of SIX gummed stamps $B.50

Maltese Bands


Vanuatu Banded Iguana


Date of issue : 7 November 2007

Date of Issue ' 12September 2007

Set of four self-adhesive stamps $7 BO

Set of four gummed stamps $4 80

First day cover $9.40

First day cover $5 50

MIniature sheet $5.80 M,niature sheet fIrst day cover $7.50


Focusissue 45 Aprrl 2008


Gift ideas


Stirling Silver Brooch and Pendant Stirling Silver Brooch

Kereru - Desiqnedby Bradbury Wilkinson, 1960

$90.00 each

FantaillSmooth Edgel - Piwakawaka [Fantail!. Designedby NZ Post Office, 1965

Stirling Silver Pendant $90.00each Experience a blast from the past with stamp Jewelleryproduced by Jill Main. Thestamps date from 1935 when New Zealand Post held a public compeuuon. Winning Images Included Fantail with Clematis by J Fitzgerald, M Cookwith Alpine Lily by LC Mitchell and the inimitable songs er, TUI by M King.

Kotare - Designed by Bradbury Wilkinson, 1960 All stirling Silverpendants come With black thong necklace Dimensions : Smooth Edge25~41 mm With 42cm thong

Tidal Kina - Medium Round Orb

Kia Ora Postie - Book



Handmade ceramic decorative stone wear Kina Orb WI h a design that represen s Idal waves. Desiqned and made by Peter Shearerfrom hrs studio on the North Shore of Auckland.

Thrs little glf book celebrates the humble Kiwi Ie terbox in all ItS glory. Over50 full-colour Images of unusual and amusing letter boxes are accompanied by tex relaunq some of the more amusing or heart-warming anecdotes from the history of the New Zealand postal service.

Chinese Lunar Senes - Special Edition Pack - $49 90

The ew Zealand Collection 2007- $89.00


ew ZealandStamp Pack - $77.00

2007New Zealand Collector's Folder - $115.80


ew Zealand Firs DayCoverPack - $118.60

All gIfts also availableat REALAotearoa stores located a 62 Queen Street, Auckland and 101 Cashel Street, Christchurch.

Focus i. sue 45 Apnl


NewZealandPost ~

order form - April 2008

Customer details

Protecting your privacy

D DDDDDDDD I I~===============II

New Zealan d Post will keep your name and address on our database. so tha t in the futu re we can send you further informa tion on stam ps, collectables, related produ ct s and services and. occasionally, offers on similar products from other com panies . If you do not wish to receive any maIlings from the New Zealan d Post Collec tables and Solutions Centre

New cus tomer

Customer numb er

First name


I~===============I Postal address IC,ty' II Postcode II Country' IPhone II Email: To JOin the mailing li st please tick he re

at all, please tick here : 0

Under the Privacy Act 1993. you are en titled to have access to. and to correct. your personat information

a t a ny time by pho ning or wn ting to the Collecta bles a nd Solut ions Ce ntr e. Private Ba g 3001, Wanganui

45010. New Zealand. Teleph one .6/. 6 349 1Z34. Fax. 6/. 6 345 7120.

0 3. Post th is order form to :

How to order

How to pay

FreePost No.1 New Zealand Post Collectables and Solutions Centre Private Bag 3001 Wanganui 4540 New Zealand

1. Enter your orde r detail s. All prices are in New Zealand doll ars , 2. Total your ord er and indicate how you wi sh to pay. If you are paying by cheque. in ternational money order or bank draft, be sure to enclo se th is WIth your ord er. Plea se do not send cash.

by che que, intern atio nal mon ey order or bank draft

by credit card for order s of NZ$10 or more by debit ing your account with th e New Zealand Post Cotl ectabtes and Solut ion s Centre , if you have one (pl ease con tact us if you would lik e to set up an account)


Postage is fr ee wi thin New Zealand , j us t address your enve lope to th e above address.

If you are ma il ing your order from outs ide New Zealand, plea se be sure to aff ix the correct postage.

Postage reckoner

A" I

Soulll PH lfte

P K tl'I(


hll Am l Hill. Anwric. AI,

Currency reckoner

R" I O'





Approximate equivale nt .


Grullng Carels, Slamps.Sbeetters. M,nlalurt Shuts. Bookl~t'S. Pestcarcs. ACS Catalogue


$1 SO





Irnagt" Blocks. M n etcre ShHf BOO"'leIS. Sheets. F IBf DayCover Retrlls





3 00


$1 Australia

NZ$t 13

$1 US


£1 Sterhnq


B Stoll·adt'leSNe Cartons





$6 SO


B J KjWW50



"12 00




$1 Canada


€ 1 Euro

NZ$l 93


Sl1 00




B NZ Slamp COIlf'(lmnS Albums. 5,tockoook50 and CP Calalogut"S. Books, Koru Vase




$2t 00


B DAVO Albums.Wea herstalions






5' SO



$0 SO



B Pr nlall on Pack ~ . Cotlt>< lor '5 Folders. Stamp Packs. First Oay~r<j Pack•. SlanllPy GIbbOnS. Perfumebcnre. Cufflinks



" 'at a t

If SlM'f3/ltMlS It!

No Charge

$1000 rowsmarlt.«1A' /MY beI1W] orrierrd.

t~ high~st 13t~ iJppiifl..

'~""M. §

Plus postage $

Dey ~ Packs. MaXImum Cards. First OayC~


Total to pay


SpeCial ccuoer service for com5 $




If ~{,t~ m rowsmarked S ' iJf'P ord~f'Pd. t'" post.IJsf(l(/ is PH

,tem 1f)OUr 0ff1H It'IC/~s A' and S "Itffl'lS (M S ' ,tems total only t1pp1lH.InlHtWtlONI

&prrss 13tH

/MYt1va;ubl~ upon iJpplict1(IOfJ,


Pt~.... MJdS5.DOd~IMry WIthin Nf'WZul.nd for c.mpMlI P.t""M C.t.I"9~s, Ugh thouH Stockbooks. Gibbons Clt.'DgUH .nd Nf'WZH~nd SDlIVWJi,...nd 9ih..

How to contact us - If you need more infor ma tio n. or help a bout International Expre s s rates . plea s e telep hon e . fa x or email us d irect. Telephone :


Email :

Yo u can also find us on the inte rnet at :

(06) 349 1234 IOverse.s customers +64 634 91234/

(06) 3457120 IOverse.s customers .64 6 345 7120/

collectables @nzpost st amps and coins

How would you like to pay?

Ottrce code

o I have enclosed a cheque/,nternat,onal money orderlbank draft (payable to' New Zealand PostI o


Pl ease debit my account I Wish to pay by credit card [or ders of $ 10 or mo rel

OV,sa O Mas terCa rd O Amex O Dlners Card number

Custo me r nu m ber -




ICardholders name ,


Cardholders signa ture ,


New Zealand stamps The New Zealand Collection 2007 - 7 November 2007

Annual Collector's Folder - 9 Janua n- 2008

Off ice use Descr ipt ion

Off ice use Descrip tion


The New Zealand Collection 2007

Pr ice

Dty ' Code Total NZ$



2007 New Zealand Collector's Folder

Secti on 1 Total NZ$

Ross Dependency - 50th Anniversary of The Commonwealth Trans -Antarctic Expedition - 7 November 2007 Off ice use Descr ip tio n

Pr ice


Set of five gummed stam ps



50c - Beaver aircraft



$1.00 - Sledge



$1.50 - Sledge dogs



$2.00 - TE20 Ferguson tra ctor



$2.50 - HMNZS Endeavour



First day cover



Miniature sheet


Miniatur e sheet fir st day



Dty ' Code Tota l NZ$

cover P7L1

Presentat ion pack


Limited Edition pack Isubje ctto availabilityl

Pr ice $115.80

Secti on 5 Total NZ$

New Zealand 2008 Game Bird Habitat Collection - 2 Februa ry 2008 Off ice use Description

Pr ice


Red-legged Partridge Licence stamp



Red-legged Partridge Licence stamp first day cover



Red-legged Partridge Licence stamp miniature sheet



Red-legged Partridge Licence stamp miniature sheet first day cover



New Zealand Game Bird Habitat - presentation pack



Red-legged Partridge Licence stamp Lim ited Edition artist print


$25.90 $135.00


Year of the Rat: Pocket Pets - 7 February 2008

2007 Personalised Stamps - 7 November 2007

Off ice use Descrip tion

Off ice use Descr ipt ion


Set of four gummed stam ps



SOc - Rabbits

$0.50 $1.00

Pr ice

Sheetlet of all 10 stamps



Sheetlet fir st day cover


Dty ' Code Total NZ$

Secti on 3 Total NZ$

2008 Scenic: Underwater Reefs - 9 January 2008 Off ice use Descr ip tion OBAI

Pr ice

Set of four gummed stamps


Dty ' Code Total NZ$

Pr ice


$1.00 - Guinea pigs


$1.50 - Rats



$2.00 - Mice



First day cover



Miniature sheet 1$1 .50 and $2.00 stamps onlyl


Min iature sheet first day




50c - Dusky Sound. Fiordland


$1.00 - Major Island. Bay of Plenty



$1.50 - Fiordland



$2.00 - Volkn er Rock s. White Island. Bay of Plenty


Weather Extremes - 5 March 2008


Fir st day cover lincl . four gummed + two s/a stampsl


Off ice us e Desc r ip tion


Miniatur e sheet



Miniature sheet fir st day



50c sell -aohesive stam p $1.00 self-adhesive stam p


50c seu- ecnesive booklet


$ 1.00 self-adhesive booklet


Self· adhesivedispenser box containing 100x 50c stamps

Chinese Lunar Series Special Edition Pack


Pr ice

Set of six gummed stam ps



SOc - Drought



50c - Wind




$1.00 - Storm



$1.50 - Flooding



$2.00 - Snow storm




$2.50 - Heat




First day cover


Lim ited Edition pack lincl, special m iniature sheet I Isubjectto availab ility]

$1.50 $0.50 $1.00

$50.00 Secti on 4 Total NZ$



Section 7 Total NZ$

cover Sell -adhesive stamp set

Dty ' Code Total NZ$




Dty ' Code Total NZ$

Section 6 Total NZ$

Secti on 2 Total NZ$


Dty ' Code Total NZ$

Dty 'Code Total NZ$

$850 $135.00

Secti on B Total NZ$

New Zealand stamps cant. Tai!!ei 2008 - 21st Asian Starn!! Exhibition -7 March 2008

The Chronicles of Namia: Pri nce Ca~iah - 7 May 2008

Office use Descriplion

Off ice Descr ip tion use

Pr ice


Exhibition minia ture sheet



Exhibition miniature sheet first day cover

$4 50

Ql y · Code Tol al NZ$

Section 9 Tolal NZ$

The ANZAC Series: Stories of Nationhood - 2 April 2008 Office use Descr ipl ion 0801

Set of


Pr ice

gumme d stam ps

Qly · Code Tola l NZ$



50c - Gallrpou



50c - Dawn Parade



$ 1.00 - Western Front



$ 1.50 - Chalk Kiwi

$ 1.50


$2.00 - Haka



$2.50 - Vietnam


First day cover


Miniature sheet booklel

08F l

Set of four gummed stam ps

Pr ice

Qly · Code Tol al NZ$


08F l

50c - The Pevensies



$ 1.00 - Queen Susan

$ 1.00


$ 1.50 - High King Peter

$ 1.50

08F l

$2.00 - Prince Caspian



First day cover


08F l

Min iatur e sheets Iset of 4)


08F l

Min iatur e sheet first day covers [set of 41



Presentation pack

$24.90 Section 11 Tolal NZ$

Kingitanga: Celebrating 150 Years - 2 Ma}' 2008


Office use




Set of thr ee gum med stam ps


$ 19.90


50c - M,ro Whero. M,ro Ma. Mlro Pango



$ 1.50 - He Piko He Taniwha

$ 1.50


$2.50 - Kia Mau



First day cover

Sect ion 10 Total NZ$

Pr ice

Qly · Code Tolal NZ$

$5.00 Sectio n 12 Tolal NZ$

Stamps from other countries Fiji


Office use Descr ipti on

Pr ice

Ql y ·C ode Tola l NZ$

Off ice use Descr ip ti on

Bar red -winged Rail


Pr ice


Qly I · c ode ITolal NZ$

Maltese Band s


MIniature sheet



Set of five gumm ed stamps


MIniature sheet first day



First day cover











Molo r cycles

Butt er fli es FOSS

Set of four gumme d stam ps



First day cover



Set of four gummed stam ps 1




First day cover

$550 1




Pitcairn Islands Hong Kong Off ice use Descr ip ti on


Pr ice



Offic e use Descr iption

Qly I · c ode Tolal NZ$

Heartwarming III H123

Set of four gummed stamps


$ 1.701




First day cover





Pr ice

Qly ·C ode Tolal NZ$

Bounl y Defin iti ve PHO

Set of 12 gum m ed stam ps



First day covers Iset of 31

$374 0


Set of two gummed stamps



Miniature sheet



Miniature sheet first day cover


Salt and Pepper Molh

Mint stamps will be supplie d unless you specifically reque sl otherwise. If you wish to order use d lUIor ca ncelled lei stamps, please indicate this by writing the letter U or C as appropriate next to the quant ity you require.

·P late/lmprint blocks may be obtained by purchasing at least si x sheet stamps. Barcode, value and logo blocks may be obtained by purchasing at least two sheet stamp s. Barcode blocks are generally available in A and 8 formats for sheet stamps . To order blocks or sheets from relevant issues. please enter a code from the list below in the appropria te column. · Codes for the type s of bl ock and sheets are as follows:

PI - Plat e Block, VA - Value Block. BA- Ba rcode Block. LO - Logo Block. sT - Sheet 01s ta mps . lall prices inctude NZ Goods and Service s Tax @ 12.5%1


Stamps from other countries cant.



2008 New Zealand Silver Dollar V - Haast tokoeka kiwi

Office use Description

Office use Descr ip ti on

I South

Pr ice

a ty 'Code Total NZ$

Pacific Games

Wl 09 Set of four gummed stamps

$ 2.SO

Wl 09 First day cover


Wl 09 Mlnoature sheet


Wl 09 IMiniature sheet I,rst day cover

a ty 'Code Total NZ$

Wor ld Her itag e - South America



Set 01 SIX gumme d stamps



Silver bullion COin


a ty 'Code

Total NZ$

a ty 'Code

Total NZ$

aty ' Code

Total NZ$

aty ' Code

Total NZ$

2007 New Zealand tuatara


Pr ice

SIlver proof COin

Off ice use Descr ip tio n

United Nations Office use Description

Pr ice



Silver proof COin


Proof COin set


Brilliant uncirculated COin

Pr ice $79.00 $ 129.00 $29.00

2004 Serial-numbered Banknote Set Office use Descr iption



Banknote set

Pr ice $ 295.00

Vanuatu Off ice use Descr ipl ion

International coins Pr ice

aty ' Code Tot al NZ$

Banded Iguana VA70

Set of four sell- adhesive stamps



First day cover



Miniature sheet



Miniature sheet first day cover

Off ice use Description Austr ia A746

Beethoven Bril liant uncirculated COin


Year of the Mouse Silver gilded COin


Personalised Postage Price

Persona lised Postage 2006 pack



Personahsed Postage 2007 pack

$35. 10

$74.00 Sect ion 15 Total NZ$

Please note for coin s

Additional products



Aus tralia

Section 13 Total NZ$

Office Descnpuon use

Pr ice



c ode Total NZ$

Because these coins are valuable and highly regarded coll ectables. orders from with in New Zealand conta ining coins will be sent by special courier. so please supply an address wh ich enables your packag e 10 be signed for and add $5.00 for delivery. Overseas ord ers will be delivered by International Express. please add $10 .00 to your orde r.

Other products still on offer Definitive Stam(ls

Gift Ideas

Office use Descr ip tio n

Office use Descr ipt ion

Pr ice



Fantail pendant


Kotare pendant



Fantail brooch


G1 35

Kotare brooch



Kereru brooch



Tidal Kina



Kia Ora Posue - Book

$ 19 99


2007 New Zealand Stam p Pack



2007 New Zealand First Day Cover Pack



2007 New Zealand Collector's Folder



The New Zealand Cettecnon 2007



Chinese Lunar Series Special Edmon Pack




Set of two stam ps - 25 January 1995



$1.50 sell -adhesive stam ps - 7 May 2003

$ 1.50

at y 'Code Total NZ$

Section 16 Total NZ$

Booklets Office use Descr ipti on

Pr ice


2003 Dehmuves. sell -adhesive 5 X $ 1.50 stam ps - 7 May 2003



Scemc Deltntllves. sell -adhesive 10 x SOc stam ps



Histone Farm Equiprnent miniature sheet booklet

$ 19.95


Exl reme Sports min iature sheet booklet

$ 14.95


75th Anniversary of the Hawkes Bay Eart hquake miniature sheet booklet

$ 19.95


Southern Skies min iature sheet booklet

$ 19.90

Section 14 Total NZ$


Pr ice

$ 4.00 and $5. 00 Butter fl ies

aty ' Code Total NZ$

a ty 'Code Total NZ$

Secti on 17 Total NZ$

Rel!rint Booklets

Presentation Packs

Off ice use Description

Office use Descr ipti on


aty ' Code Total NZ$



45c Definitive - I KiwI



Scenic Coastlines



45c Definit ive - III K,w,



Art meets Craft


978 9

45c Definit ive - V KiwI



Year of the Sheep



45c Definitive - VII K,w,



Royal New Zealand Ballet



90c Booklet I Kiwi



$24 .95


90c Booklet II Kiw i


100 Years of New Zealand Test Rugby


$1.50 Booklet I KiwI



Veteran Vehicles

$16 .95


NZ Zoo Animals

$24 .95


World of Wearable Art

$16 .95


Garden Flowers



Rugby Sevens


Section 18 Total NZ$

Ross Del!endency Definitive Staml!s


Off ice IDescr iption use

Pr ice


Defln ltlves set of 10 stamps - 5c, lOc, 20c, 45c, 50c. 70c. 80c. $1.00, $2.00, $3.00 2 November 1994

$8 .80


Definitive rate decrease 40c stamp - 2 Oct ober 1995


aty ' Code Tota l NZ$

Secti on 19 Total NZ$


Farmyard Animals



150 Years of New Zealand Stamps lpart 11



150 Years of New Zealand Stamps lpart 2)



150 Years of New Zealand Stamps [part 3)



The lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe



Year of the Dog



HM Queen Elizabeth II 80th Birthday


Ross Del!endenc)' Packs Off ice us e Description P991 P5J3

Pr ice

2004 Emperors of the Ross Dependen cy


2005 Ross Depend ency Through the Lens



2006 Ross Depend ency


2007 Ross Depend ency

aty ' Code Total NZ$


Gold Rush




Scott Base 1957 - 2007




Year of the Pig



Clever Kiwis



32 sides white pages



32 sides black pages



48 sides wh ite pages



48 sides black pages



64 sides wh ite pages



64 sides black pages



Lighthouse Royal large FOC Album, Iwith five double pocket refillsl



Five x refills for Lighthouse FDC Album [double]



Five x refi lls for Lighthouse FDC Album IsingleI



Lighthouse COIn Album



Premier FOC Album - Large deluxe



Five x refills for premier large deluxe FDC Album - single pocket



Five x ref ills for premier large deluxe FDC Album - double pocket



Five x ref ills for prem ier small deluxe FDC

$5 .10

Sect ion 20 Total NZ$

aty 'Code

Total NZ$

Lighthouse Slockbooks Maximum Cards Off ice use Description 0959

100 Years of New Zealand Test Rugby

Pr ice

aty ' Code

Total NZ$



Extrem e Sports



The lion. the Witch and the Wardrobe

$10.00 Sect ion 21 Total NZ$

Postal Stationery Off ice use Descript ion

Pr ice

5 111

ACC com memorative pre- stamped envelope



Rata PSE



Te Papa


Com memo rative Red Cross non-wind ow envelope


Com memorative Red Cross non-w indow envelope With Wangan Ui Stam ps Centre cancel


Com memo rative Red Cross Window envelope


Commemorati ve Red Cross window envelope with Wanganu i Stam ps Centre cancel



aty ' Code


Total NZ$

Secti on 22 Total NZ$


Campbell Paterson $196.90

Stamps to be withdrawn from sale - last chance to order


Campbell Paterson NZ Catalogue


DAVO 1990- 1999 Album IVol 31


DAVO Album (Vol 51


, 996


DAVO Supplemen t pages 2000


5c - Mount Cook


DAVO Supplement pages 2001



1Oc - Champagne Pool



DAVO Supplement pages 2002



20c - Cape Reinga


30c - MacKenzie Country


DAVO $142.00

Off ice use Descr ip tion


aty ' Code

Pr ice

De f i n i t iv e s $0.05


DAVO Supplement pages 2003




DAVO Supplement pages 2004



40c - Mitre Peak Stamp 119951



DAVO Supplement pages 2005



50c - Mount Ngauruhoe


DAVO Supplement pages 2006



60c - Lake Wanaka



70c - Giant Kaur i



Hawid Pr o d u c t s A221

Hawid FOC Royal Alb um



80c - Doubtfu l Sound



2008 ASC Stam p Catalogue



90c - Waitomo Caves


Hagner Pr o d u c t s A027

Hagner Album


Hagner Sheets H 1路1 stri p. H2. 2 strips. H3. 3 stri ps. H4.4 stri ps. H5. 5 stri ps. H6路6 str ips. H7路 7 stri ps. H8路8 str ips


WWF Coll ect ion



2 0 00 De f ini t ive s $19.95


90c - Rangitoto Island



$1.00 - Otago Peninsula

$ 1.00


$1.10 - Kaikoura Coast



$1.30 - Lake Camp




$2.00 - Great Barrier Island



$3.00 - Cape Kidnappers



50c - Ailsa Mountains



$1.00 - Coromandel



45c - Kaikoura



45c - Kaikoura self-adhesive



90c - Rangitoto self -adhesive



$1.35 - Lake Tekapo



$4.40 - Mixed stamp booklet self -adhes ive



10 x 90c - Definitive



10 x 45c - Defin itive


Other books / Products A451

2001 Colle cti on Jigsaw



2002 Collectio n Jigsaw



2003 Collectio n Jigsaw



2004 Colle ctoon Jigsaw



Draw -It -Your self Label Set


New Zealand Colle cti on: 150 Years



The lion. the Witch and the Wardrobe Ultimate Collec tio n IFace value $240.651



Section 23 Total NZ$


2003 D e f i n i t iv e s

2004 De f i n i t iv e s

Bo ok l et s

$4.50 Section 24 Total NZ$

Total to pay Total all secti ons Plus postage Special cour ier serv ice for coins

Total amount to pay NZ$



Enter all your customer deta ils (includ in g your customer num berl Indicate how you would like to pay Total your order


If you are not completely satisfied with your pu r chase . return it to us with in 14 days of rece iving it. You can ask us to replace it or g ive you a refund. No quest ions asked !


Tota l NZ$

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