Focus Number 48 October 2009

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Welcome! Welcome to Focus - an edit ion produced as New Zealand emerges from th e cold w inter months, Kiw is throughout the country are now eagerly awa it ing summer and summer holidays ! For many, these hol idays are an opportunity for a T iki Tour' a gentle amble up and down the country, stopping for a cuppa and a chat to the locals along the way. You may have already gl impsed some of the joys of the Tiki Tour in the 24 stam ps that we released in August. Taking us on a journey from Cape Reinga in the north to Stewart Island in the south, they highli ght a del ightful collection of home -g rown fascinations. Don' t forget each product includes a FREE Al poster, so if you haven't boug ht a set or two already,l suggest you snap them up soon, as they'r e selling like hotcakes! We'r e antici patin g a simila r response to a stam p issue to be released in Novemb er. It celebrates th e life of the late Sir Peter Blake, a New Zealander who was larger than life - an adventurer, a passionate Kiwi, environmentalist and nati onal hero. News of Sir Peter 's unt imely death in 2001 shook the nation, and this stam p issue is one of many tr ibutes paid to this extraord inary man since then . In mo re contemporary developments, I have a couple of exciting announcements to make. The first is our new five-year contract with the Niue Philatelic and Numismatic Company to produce, distribute and market all of Niue's postaqe stamps and collectable philatelic products. The result of an intern ational tender, the contract also reflects our two countries' special relationsh ip, founded on close historical ties, unique consti tutional arrangements and a common cit izenship and currency. The second exciting development is our brand new REAL Aotearoa store, wh ich is just about to open on Grey Street in central Wellington. This means we now have stores in New Zealand's three main cit ies (Auckland , Christchurch and Well ington!. offer ing Kiwis and tourists alike an extensive array of stunn ing artworks that reflect the best of our country, our people and our stories. These developments are great news for New Zealand Post, and are all par t of our commitment to deliver ing choice and excellent service to our custome rs in New Zealand, the Pacific and around the world .



Ivor Masters General Manager,

Stam ps an d Collectables

Please note: The nmshed products may differ from those iltustrated In thrs newsletter

Focus may notillustrateall stamp. com or coHectable products that are featured


this issue or that appear In the order form. Artwork and articles from /ocos may not be extractedfor reprinting Without prior permission from the New Zealand Post Stamps and CollectablesBUSiness. For more mtc rrnatio n and to request permission, pleasecontact the Design Co-ordinatcr. Stamps BUSiness.

Priva te Sag 39990, We llington Ma ll Centre, Lower Hult 5045.

Sir Peter Blake Sir Pet er Blake wa s a N ew Zealand nation al hero and a leg end in world saili ng. He led successful cam paig ns from New Zealand to w in the Am er ica's Cup and th e Wh itbread Round the World Yacht Race and j oi ne d a rare group of sa ilors to have won t he tw o prest igious prizes in w orl d sai li ng. Sir Peter Bla ke wa s trag ically shot and killed by pirates at th e mouth of the Amazon River in Brazil on 5 Dec ember 2001. Blake was 53. At the t ime he was lead ing Blakexped itions on a two-month environmental exploration trip in South America , monitoring global warming and pollution for th e Un ited Nat ions. Over 30,000 people attended a m emorial servi ce held for Blake at th e Auckland Doma in on 23 Decembe r 2001. Warb lington churchyard, where he is buried ne ar Emsworth, Eng la nd, ha s become a place of pilgrimage for New Zealanders visit ing the UK. Peter Blake at home in the Southern Ocean by Peter Montgomery A couple of days before the start of the Second Whitb read Round the World Yacht Race in 1977. Peter Blake introduced me to Clare Francis. skipper of the British Yacht ADC ACCUTRAC competing in the race. [Yes, the same Clare Francis who has gone on to become a best selling author.1Clare explained to us she was going to do radio reports back to London. Peter , at that time the watch captain on Heath's Condor, told his co-skipper. Robin Knox Johnston. about Clare's plans . Robin replied, 'W ell why don't two Kiwis speak to each otherT That casual aside was all it took to prompt the idea for Peter Blake to talk to me from his yachts when racing, for broadcasting in New Zealand first to radio then for television . A casual com ment was the genesis of wha t became award-winning broadcasting, and the repor ting tem plate for future races. It also became the soundtrack for thousands of New Zealand liste ners following the fort unes of New Zealand yachts sailing in majo r races across the world . Ceramco NewZealand was the first boat Peter Blake skip pered in the Whitbread Round the Wor ld Yac ht Race. In late 1980, he began an intense cam paign working up to the start in Septem ber of the following year. Ceramco sailed in the 1980 Sydney Hobar t Yacht Race and achieved the rare feat of winning line and handicap honours . After the Sydney Hobar t. Blake wante d to introduce his crew to the Southern Ocean and prepare them for what was coming in the race nine mon ths later. Peter invited me to join the Ceramco crew on the delivery voyage from Hobart. Tasmania to Milford Sound. He thought it would be a good opport uni ty to let me see the Ceramco crew in action in rugged. tough conditions and try several ideas we had for radio reports . The plan was to sail a deep v, diving deep into the Southern Ocean heading towards the Auckland Islands before turning back up to Milford Sound. Half a day after leaving Hobar t, we were hit by a mugg er's fist from the west - a storm with wind over 60 knots whipping up huge seas. It was the first tim e I had seen the sea as big and as daunting. I descr ibed it as being li ke sailing in liquid Himalayas. The seas were huge, 15 to 20 metres and relent less. Coming at us every two mi nutes , intimidating. foami ng white caps. The sound of the fury of the Southern Ocean is a noise seared on my mind . It was like nothing else I have heard before or since. During this exhilarating . thrilling and often frigh tenin g roller coaster ride I reporte d back to radio in New Zealand . One day we screame d down the huge, steep seas. It was white knuckle stuff. I pull ed out my camera and took several shots of Peter and the crew at the wheel of

Ceramco wi th nature in a hostile mood as the background lillustrated above!' The elemental forces were in full roar. It really was special and a week or a mon th later could not be repeated on the Hauraki Gulf or anywhere else. This picture is a special memory of a special man in a special place. Peter told me he thought this picture captured him best in the environment he loved and that challenged him the most. This is Peter Blake at his best. This is the Peter Blake I remember. After the valuable experience in the Southern Ocean, Peter Blake and the Ceramco crew then concluded their build-up in New Zealand and Ceramco was shipped to the UK for the start of the third Whitbread Round the World Yacht Race in late August 1981. For the firs t three weeks of the race, Ceramco was locked in a fascinating duel for the lead with the Dutch yacht Flyer. Then on 21 Septem ber 1981.just south of the equato r, disaster struck for the Ceramco crew. The mast broke and their dream had crashed down around them . But rather than wi thdraw from the race and feel sorry for themselves, Blake showed outstanding leadership and inspiration in sailin g a record 4,400 nautical miles under jury rig to Cape Town. A new rig was fitted and Bla ke and his outstanding crew were back in the race for leg two to Auckland. Ceramco went on to win overall handicap honours for the two Southe rn Ocean legs from Cape Town to Auck land and then to Mar del Plata - leaving the haunting thought of wha t mi ght have been if they had not had the cruel misfortune to break thei r mast. But the outstanding leadership from Blake, backed by wonderful seamanship and the tenacity of his crew. became an impo rta nt part of the Blake legend. Four years late r Blake skippered LionNewZealand to second place in the four th Whitb read, of 1985-86. Blake then used the lessons and his special experience from the first four races and put together the 'pe rfec t cam paign ', leading a brilliant crew to a stunning victory in the 1989-90 Whitbread race. Blake skippered steinlager 2 to an unprecedented clean sweep, winning all six legs of the race. The Steinlager 2 campaign under Blake's leadership set a new standard in winning the prestigious race. His reputation as an outstanding skipper and leader was becom ing more impressive with every campaign . Peter Blake was special and was fast becoming a legend in New Zealand. Peter Montgomery, MBE Focus issue '8 October 2009


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Matariki stamp launch


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On 24 June 2009, New Zealand Post launched the second in a very special stamp series - MatanKl, celebrating the arrival of a new Maori year. On the evening before the new year dawned, the stamps were the much-anticipated focus of an Inspirational ceremony at the Rongomaraeroa Marae at the Museum of New Zealand Te Papa Tongarewa . What a night It was In an atmosphere buzzing with anticipation and ' excitement, the stamps were unveiled by Garry Nicholas, General Manager, Toi Maori Aotearoa - to a huge round of applause from the audience, who Included key stakeholders from the Maori community and dignitaries such as Wellington Mayor Kerry Prendergast. With the formalities over, guests were treated to a feast of entertainment from rnusrcrans Richard Nunns and Mere Boynton and kapa haka group Nga Taonga Mai Tawhiti. As part of the two week -long Matariki festival, images of the six stamps were projected onto Te Papa's exterior walls to shine into the night. It was a fitting







way to welcome the new Maori year, and a superb tribute to the stamps' subject, the heitiki - an icon of Maori art, past and present. The stamp series features three contemporary and three historic heitiki the former by Raponi, Rangi Kipa and Rangi Hetet, and the latter now housed In museum collections as superb examples of this traditional craft. Maori designer Len Hetet worked with New Zealand Post to help create the 2009 Matariki stamp collection . "It was a great challenge to work with this icon of Maori art In forms from the time of our ancestors through to todays Maori artists:' he said . Other partners in the stamps' development include Auckland War Memorial Museum I Tamaki Paenga Hira - 50c heitiki image; Raponi - $1,00 heitiki carver; Rangi Kipa - $1.50 heitik: carver; Museum of New Zealand - Te Papa Tongarewa - $1.80 and $2.00 heitiki images; Rangl Hetet - $2.30 heitiki carver; Lewis Moeau te reo translator; Garry Nicholas - Toi Maori Aotearoa; Sidney [Hirini] Moko Mead - guest writer, presentation pack and The NewZealand Collection 2009; Ngahiraka Mason - curator, Maori art, guest writer, Limited Edition .

Museum of New Zealand Te Papa Tongarewa

The China World Stamp Expo If we ever needed proof that the world of stamps is alive and kicking, the 2009 World Stamp Exhibition was it

' Held from 10 to 16 April In Luoyang, the' peony city' of China 's Henan Province, the Exhibition attracted more than a million visitors. It began With a spectacular opening ceremony featuring Sarah Brightman and Jackie Chan, and Included more than 3,200 framed stamp collections that Included the world -renowned 'Penny Black' from the British Royal Family A team from New Zealand Post proudly attended this amazing event - and emerged With a silver medal too' That's because, as well as having our own otlicral stand, we entered the Exhibition competition for postal adrrurustranons. Competing against entries from 29 other postal organisations, our two -frame exhibit titled 'New Zealand: A Land of Contrasts' showcased New Zealand's history, tounst attractions and more through stamps Issued in the past three years . We were delighted that three international stamp and postal experts Judged It as deserving second place .


Focusiss>ue 48

Oc!ob4~r 2009

While this success was definitely the highlight for the team, the Exhibition was a fantastic opportunity to meet, network with and promote New Zealand to an immensely diverse group of people. Alan Hollows, Design and Products Manager of the Stamps and Collectables Business, says the crowds around New Zealand's stand were constantly three people deep, with sales of New Zealand products exceeding all expectations. 'We sold out of almost everything we took with us! " he says. "Many people commented that our stamps outshone those of others in design and quality, and a number were surprised to see New Zealand stamps celebrating the Chinese New Year. They particularly loved our more colourful stamps, With Sir Edmund Hillary and Mt Everest Iwhich the Chinese call Zhumulangmal notable tavountes ." Given l.uoyanq's isolation, the team wasn't surprised at a general unawareness of New Zealand - so they were especially pleased to find that a contingent of volunteer helpers Included a group of young people who had studied at umversitres In New Zealand . Judged a big success, the Exhibition was timed to commemorate the 60th anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic of China. It also aimed to promote friendly relations and maintain close co-operation among international philatelists and stamp collectors, and to improve and develop China's philatelic culture. www .nzlSlamps

November releases Sir Peter Blake On 25 November 2009, New Zealand Post will issue a series of stamps that celebrates five elements of Sir Peter Blake's life . To coincide with this stamp issue, on 12 December 2009 the New Zealand National Maritime Museum will be opening a new exhibition called Blue Water Black Magic - A Tribute to Sir Peter Blake. You can read more about this new exhibition by visiting vvww.maritim emu seum There are a number of collectable products available in this stamp issue; these incl ude: five gummed stam ps, fir st day cover, miniature sheet. miniature sheet fir st day cover, presentation pack - with commentary provided by Peter Montgomery, and Limited Edition - with commentary from Bob Fisher, renowned yachting journalist, writer, broadcaster and auth or for more than 40 years. Keep an eye out for th e un iqu e souveni r in th e presentation pack. •

Products available : FIve gummed stamps. two first daycovers, rmruature sheet. presentation pack, LImited Edilmn. Issuedale: 25 November2009 Designer: Cue Design. Wellington. Printer and process : Southern Colour Print Ltd byoffset lithography Stamp size: 30mm x 40mm. Withdrawaldate: 24 November2010.

Ross Dependency - 50th Anniversary of the Signing of the Antarctic Treaty

The New Zealand Collection 2009

Decemb er 2009 is the 50th Ann iversary of the Signing of the Antarcti c Treaty. This internati onal agreement designated Antarct ica a reserve for peace and science. and endures today as a model of int ernati onal co- operation.

2009 has seen New Zealand Post produce the innovative. the trad itional and the not so traditi onal stamp Issues. and The NewZealand Collection 2009 is the perf ect way to bring a selection of those issue s together and provide in -depth stories around the subje ct matter.

The Treaty was signed in Washington on 1 December 1959 land entered into force in 19611 by the 12 nat ions that were acti ve in and around Antarcti ca during the International Geophysical Year 11957-581. The'oriq inat signatories were : New Zealand , Australia. Argentina. Chile. France. Japan , Norway, Russia las the Soviet Union], South Afri ca, the United Kingdom, the United States, and Belgium. There are now 47 Treaty Parties.

Bu ilding on from previous years' publi cations. thi s beaut ifull y designed, hard cover edition is a fantast ic way to celebrate some of New Zealand's well -known per sona liti es, innovatio ns and events - such as Sir Peter Blake, A Tiki Tour of NewZealand and the innovative KiwiStamp to name just a few. With a recommended retail pr ice of $89.00, and containing a face value of $98.90, th is item is value for money.


Products available : Fivegummed stamps. first day cover.

Issue date, 25 November 2009. Designer- Inhouse Desiqn Group Ltd. Auckland. Printer and process: Southern Colour Print Ltd by ollset lithography. Stamp size: 30m m x 40mm .

Withdrawal dale, 24 November 2010.


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Upcoming stamp issues With 2010 just around the corner we are well underway with producing the releases for the New Year. While we cannot reveal too mu ch about these upcoming stamp issues. you can be assured that our popular annual stamp issues will continue to delight audiences ar ound the world. The first issue for 2010 will be the popular Lunar amps

series. February 14 signals the Year of the Tiger. Keep an eye out for these stamps to be released on 6 January 2010. Of course. we are plann ing the third in the ANZAC series, due out In April, and the ever-popular Matariki series, whi ch we expect in Ju ne.

Focus issue48 October 2009


What's happening?


REAL Aotearoa - expanding the experience

Philatelic and numismatic requirements

What do you do when you have two success ful businesses? You open a third I

For all our customers that require philatelic services , such as special date stam ps and cancellations on request, the new REAL Aotearoa store will be able to accom moda te these needs, With the new Well ing ton-ba sed store opening its doors soon, this w ill mean that the capital wil l now have its very own dedicated New Zealand Post philatelic and numismatic locatio n,

That's what we 're doing with the opening of a brand new REAL Aotearoa store in the heart of New Zealand 's capital city, Well ington, in mid -October, Offering an exciting new shopping opportunity for tour ists and locals alike, the store is a fantastic extension of those already flouri shing in Auckland and Christc hurch , If you' re not familiar with a REAL Aotearoa store, m ake the new outlet a must -see destination on your next visi t to Well ington, A stylish 'gallery' of works from New Zealand's most talented artists, it's the place to go for unique , distinctive and highly covetable jewellery, gla ss, ceramics and more, as well as New Zealand commemorative stamps and coins , So whether you' re a shop per or a collector, there 's bound to be somet hing there for you! The searc h for excellence The pieces for sale at REAL Aotearoa represent the best of New Zealand's artistic community, Sourced from artists nationwide, they're the result of an extensive and continuin g search for works that express us and our country - our people, places and passions, We know that tourists often want to leave our shores with a li ttle something 'different' - a distinctive slice of New Zealand that wil l always remind them of their time here, or perh aps a unique gift for someone at home , In addition, many New Zealan ders visit our stores in preparation for special celebrations, fro m wed dings and birthdays to significant events like retirem ents and house-wa rmings - occasions that demand something personal, selecte d w ith care,

Wellington - opening soon Why choose Well ington? The decision was sim ple, The success of the two stores in Auckl and and Christc hurch Iwhich opened in 20061has dem onstrated the demand for premium -qu ality ar two rks and collec tables - and as a major city and New Zealand's cultural capital , Wellington was a natural choice for the next REAL Aotearoa store, What's m ore, its site at 1 Grey Street in the central business distr ict is close to all the major hotels and touris t att ractions and wi thin easy walki ng distance for locals and visitors to the city, The new sto re has also given us the opport unity to refine and 'develop' the existing design, While its essence as a 'gallery' is tru e to the REAL Aotearoa brand, a m ore flexi ble layout [wit h m ovable cabinets and wall fitti ngs l mea ns we can display products at their very best, w hile also better integ rating our stam p and coin products with the artistic wo rks , So next time you're in Welli ngton , call in to the REAL Aotearoa store to apprecia te the new experie nce for yourse lf,

REALAotearoa offers items that not only look beautiful but are designed and made here, They also have a history that can be traced from initial concept to final design, providing customers wit h valuable assurance that they're buying authen tic artworks made by real artists, Whatever a customer chooses to buy, we help to complete the shopping experience with a convenient wrapping and packaging service, whether it's for a gift or for sending nationwide or overseas,

Brooches by Gavan Riley

AUCKLAND 62 Queen Street Auckland 1010 Tel + 64 9 309 7515

WELLIN GTON 1 Grey Street Well ington 601 1 Tel + 64 4 471 1561

CHRISTCHURCH 101 Cashel Street Christchurch 8011 Tel + 64 3 377 5418

Personalised Postage Ever since it was introduced in 2006, Personalised Postage has been a popular postage choice - enablin g Kiwi businesses to brand postage labels [similar to stampsl with their compa ny logos, campaign slogans or favourite images, In a recent development, Personalised Postage has taken a new form : a self -adhesive booklet. The reason? To celebrate 30 years of gas for New Zealand from the offsho re Maui gas reserves , At a special function earlier this year to ma rk this occasion, guests were provided with the booklets as uniq ue commemorative gifts,


Focus issue'8 October 2009

A sma ll num ber of these booklets will be availa ble in the end-o f-ye ar Personalised Postage pack , If you're a collec tor of Personalised Postage labels, the firs t-eve r 'Year of Issue' covers wi ll be available from early 2010, New Zealand Post is offering this product due to custome r demand , The 'Yea r of Issue' cover will featu re an envelo pe lor envelo pes) with all the lab els issued during th e previous calendar year, aff ixed and cancelled wi th the year th ey were produced, stamps


What's new from our artists?


Peter CoLlis Peter Collis has been a full- ti me professional pott er since 1978, developing forms and decorati ve techniqu es to enhance dom estic and commerci al interi or s. His work often shows refere nce to the Pacif ic, with both colour and pallern, and infl uences dr awn from waka and tapa.

Woven basket weave waka !ceramic and Egyptian pastel $995.00

Skeletal bottle limited edition


metre highl


Bottles With three sizes'to choose from . these stylish bottles are available in red. blac k. white. turquoise and teal. Small $ 11000. medium $149.00. large $219.00 Bowls Following on In his distinctive style. these are his most recent works . Available in red or turquoi se. Small $139.00. medium $210.00. large $289.00

Painted Pacific Pottery Chrissie and Char li e Seakins ar e ar tist poller s produc ing contempora ry tabl ewar e and ar t pieces. They work from their garden studio on historic Nor thc ote Point, Auckland . Their Pacifica-inspired design s are distinctive and appeal to both local and inte rnati onal audienc es. Three new designs. pohutuk awa, flax and nikau, have been added to their range of plates. bowls. sushi platters. mugs and wall art. Prices start from $29.00 lall dishwashe r proof], stamps

Focus issue '8 October 2009


Legal tender coins 2010 Icons of New Zealand

2010 FIFA World Cup South Africa"

Celebrate one of our most popular sports with New Zealand's only official FIFA legal tender coin.

Keep an eye out to continue your collection with the second coins in this three -year series due for release in November 2009.


Silver proof coin @ $99.50 Mintage limit: 10,000 lonly 1,500 coins will be offered in New Zealand Post packaging)

Reserve Bank of New Zealand 75th Anniversary

2009 Southern right whale

Milrk 75 years of the Reserve Bank of New Zealand with your very own legal tender coin.

Making an impressive comeback from near extinction, this giant of the sea has survived against huge odds.

Mint uncirculated coin @ $32.50 Mintage limit: 1,500'

Specimen quality silver bullion coin @ $65.00 Mintage limit : 11,500'

• 1,500offered


ttus format.The Reserve Bankhas minted500 for their own use

• Ihrs Includes 1.500comspreviously offered as part of the Giantsof New Zealand comset

International coins 2009 Korean Folk Ga me coin

Royal Shield of Arms

(Tug -ol -war 01 YeongsanJ

brilliant uncirculat ed collec tion

Hurry, only 20 availa ble from New Zealand Post! Yeo ngsan Juldarigi is perf ormed in the agricultural village of Yeongsan on the Korean Penin sula as a prayer for a good harvest. The villa ge is divided into East and West, symbolising man and woma n respectively. Vict ory of the West Iwomanl means a rich harvest that year.

This is your opportunity to mark the launch of the biggest design change in British numismatic history with this limited edition collection .

Silver proof coin @ $85.00

Brilliant uncirculated set @ $45.00


Focusissue 48 October 200Q

Recent stamp issues

Auckland Harbour Bridge 50th Anniversary

2009 Scenic Definitives

By day or by mqht, Irs a maqnilicent sight - a testament to the eng ineering and techrucat mqenuity that went Into bu ilding it 50 years ago . Replacing a kO-ki lometre drive or a cross-harbour ferry ride, the Auckland Harbour Bridge has played a key part In the growth of the region.

For the first time Since 2007, New Zealand Post has produced a selection of Scenic Definitive stamps. They feature some of our tavourue places from the beautiful, histone town of Russell rn the north to Lake Wanaka m the south. The new stamps reflect a change to the required postage for international mall which took place on 7 July 2009

Tocope with the growth in traffic volumes It was decided two new lanes would be attached to each side of the bridge, with the project being completed In 1969- 10 years after It opened . Today, in excess of 60 million vehicles cross 'The Bridge ', which soars over the waters of the Waitemata Harbour.

Issuedate 1 July 2009 Desiqner Stamps Busmess, New Zealand Post,Wellington

Tocelebrate this 50-year anniversary, New Zealand Post released, along with a selection of other products, a block of 10 50-cent stamps. This block of 10 stamps was supplied to PostShops throughout Auckland to celebrate the event, and IS now available to order through Focus. •

Products avaIlable. Sill gummed stamps. $1 80 sell- adheswe stamp. self· adheslve booklet, fIrst daycover

Pnnter and process : SouthernColour Print Ltd by ettset hth oqraphy

Stamp size:30mmx 25mm Withdrawaldate: Thesestamps Wilt remain on sale until further nonce

Products available. Four gummed stamps. first daycover,50c sell-adhesive stamp.

2009 Definitives

block of 10gummed stamps

-~~~a D6~U!I!A6C

Issuedate 1 May2009 Oesiqner MataLtd, Auckland

1 July 2009. Collectables Wanganu i, N Z .

Printer and process : SouthernColourPrint Ltd by offset


Stamp Size 40mm II: 30mm Withdrawaldate 30 Apnl2010

Matariki 2009 - Heitiki

A Tiki Tour of New Zealand

2k June 2009 Signalled the beginning of Matariki - the dawn of a new Maori year In 2008 we produced the first In a very speciat series of Matarikl stamps which proved to be very popular with collectors and non-collectors alike This year we worked closely with a number of artists and MaOri orqarusatrons to bring you Heitikr, an ICon of MaOri art - past and present.

In other countries they might call It the 'roundabout way' to get somewhere. Or the 'scenic route'. But In New Zealand It'S a 'Tiki Tour', and Irs the only way to go.

Whether carved recently, or In the past, from tradittonal pounamu Igreenstone!. pararoa Iwhalebone!. or the more modern manmade material conan, each heiuki featured IS a proud symbol of an art that originated centuries ago .

ThiS Issue builds on the success of the ICOOIC 2008 stamp release 'The A to Z of New Zealand', which was the most popular stamp iss ue in 2008 So we have decided to make this release available for two years .

To honour the rich heritage of the heitiki and its enduring place as a globally recognised symbol of Maori culture, we have produced a threepanel presentation pack , containing both English and te reo, by Dr Sidney [l-hnru] Moko Mead . Also available is a Limited Edition including insightful commentary from Ngahlr aka Mason INgai Tuhoe!. a foremost authority on MaOri art. •

Products available: SIX sell-adhesive stamps.gummed miniature sheet. two first day covers, preseruauon pack. Limited Edition. ·\l.i _ u \.~~ ~ Joo.""~i .

Issuedate: 24 June 2009 Desiqner Len Hetet - Ocean 64 Ltd, Wellington. Printer and process' Southern Colour Print Ltd by elise! llth~~p~

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This stunntng edition of 2k stamps has been desiqned to capture the 'ge up and go' SPirit of the classic K,w, Tiki Tour, celebrating so many of the home-grown Iascmatrons across the land .




Artistically desiqned as a map of New Zealand and With each stamp containing ItS very own over-glossed fern, trus sheet of stamps IS a fantast ic collectable, as are the three first day covers - and both products come With a free A1 post er ! •

Products available : Sheetof 24 stamps. set of three Irrst daycovers, A1 poster

Issuedate: 5 August2009

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Designer - ASSignment Group. Wellington.

Printer and process. Southern ColourPrint Ltd by offset

lithography Stamp size : 30mm x 35mm

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Withdrawaldale 4 August2011

Stamp size 30mmx 40mm Withdrawaldate 23 June 2010.


Focus Issue ' 8 Qclob4of'



Recent stamp issues


Annual Collector's Packs

New Zealand stam ps have a long history of interesting Innovations. and K,w!Stamp takes Its rightful place In that list. Klw!Stamps are New Zealand Posfs first non-denominated stamps and they will always be worth the recurred postage of a Standand Post medium lette r,

Beautifully present ed and your perf ect opportuni ty to collect every New Zealand Post stam p and fir st day cover released between October 2008 and September 2009. •

Products available : 2009 New Zealand Stamp Pack . 2009 New Zealand First Day

Cover Pack

To celebrate the introduction of this new era In stam ps. we released two very special numbe red and silver foiled products - a self-adhesive booklet of 10 stamps and a self-adhesive sheet of 50 stam ps. Demand was high and t hese sought-a fte r collec tables sold out fast !

Issue date 7 September 2009

We understand these products have been popular In the secondary market. •

Products availabt e Setl- adheswe block of 10. first daycover, sett-aoheswe booklet. self-adhesrve sheet of SO. sell- adhesive dispenser box Issue date 7 September 2009


Desiqner Robertson Cornrnumcanons. Wellington


Printer and process: Sheetsand COltS : Southern Colour Print Ltd by offset lithography Booklet s: Au ~.tralla Post.Spnntpak by offset lit hography

Stamp size: 25mm II: 30mm WIthdrawa l dale These stamp s Will remain on sate untIl further


I '" \ KiwlStamp \,..... /~


Christmas 2009 Chris tm as mea ns many different things to many different people and as there is a demand for both the Design a Stamp and Traditional Christmas stamp desrqns. we have again incorporated both Into thrs year's Chris tmas Issue. • In 2006, New Zealan d Post began the Desiqn a Stam p' competi tion . Again In 2009. the com petition proved to be a huge success . Thousands of entries were received from th roughout the country, astonishing the Judges With the talent revealed.

80th Anniversary of Children's Health Stamps New Zealand Post has been a proud supporter of Children's Health Camps since 1929 Every year, we 've Issued a range of stam ps, With each stamp carrying a surcha rge that tS then donated to th e Health Cam ps to help them In their work. In 2009. we celebrate the 80th anrnversarv of Chil dren 's Health stamps With three new desiqns that each tell a story uSing an image from the past. Read more about these interesting stones by purchasmq the first day covers . •

Produ cts available ISOc •

lOc) • 1$1.00 • lOci gummed stamps, ISOc .1OcI

self-adheSIve stamp.miniaturesheet, two first daycovers, sheet of 100 stamps

This year the Ir aditronal desiqns have been fashioned by Wellington-based artist Stephen Full er. •

Products available: SIX gummed stamps.SOc and $1.80 self-adhesive stamps, two hrst daycovers, two sell -adhesive booklets, self-adhesive dispenser box Issue date , 7 October 2009

Desiqner Traditional : StephenFuller,Wellington Desiqner Designa Stamp Competition. Communication Arts.Wellington Printer and process SouthernColourPrint lld by offset lithography Stamp size: Gummed. 35mm x 35mm; self-adhesive: 25mm x 3Omm, Withd rawal date 6 October 2010

Issue date 7 September 2009

Desiqner Hamish Thompson, Wellington Printer and process : SouthernColourPrint Ltd byoffsetlithography. Stamp size: Gummed 30mm x'Omm ; selt -adhesrve . 25mm)( 30mm Withdrawal dale_6 September 2010

Special Offer Jr•• " . '



Focus iss.ue 48

CY lobfor 2009

As a Christmas gift from New Zealand Post. when you buy a booklet of $1.80 stamps. you will only pay $15.00 saving $3.00!

I ",,~

... ~"! J

F?7 a: --.


" ~


' 1' "


.' c '

Stamps from other countries - Niue

Stamps from Niue, produced in New Zealand

The Niue Defin it ive 2009 collection

In an exciting developm ent for New Zealand Post, we've recent ly signed an exclusive agreeme nt to design, produ ce and distribute stamps for the beaut ifu l Pacific island of Niue,

In September the first stamp coll ection produ ced throug h our new relati onship was released, With the them e of 'Und iscovered, Unspoiled , Unbelievable ', the Niu e Defin itive 2009 collec tion com prises 11 stamps, each providing a tantal ising gli mpse of Niue's stunning natural landscape,

For at least the next five years, we'll be work ing clos ely with the Niue Philatel ic and Numism atic Com pany [whic h issues Niue's stam ps on behalf of the Niuean Govern m entl to create stam ps of wh ich the country can be proud, It's a mission that we'r e especially pleased to accept, as Niue and New Zealand have a uniqu e and strong bond founded on close histor ic ties, uniqu e consti tutional arrangem ents and a commo n citizenship and currency.

The stam p ima ges range from gr acefu l coconut palms and panoramic coastlines to gr avity-defying rock form ations and jaw -droppingly gorgeou s sunsets, as well as a pr ivileged glimp se of a humpback w hale and the visual wonders that accom pany the snorkelling experien ce,

Amazingly too, New Zealand has a Niuean popu lati on that's 15 time s that of Niue itself - a factor that mak es our partnership a natural fit.

The collection also includes.., First day covers, min iature sheets and min iature sheet first day covers,

Undiscovered. Unspoiled, Unbelievable

If you've never been to Niue , make sure you put it on your list of

A special offer

places to visit.

If you buya set of these Niue Definitive 2009 stamps together with the stamp first day covers, you'll receive the miniature sheetsor miniature sheet first daycovers FREE !

Just thr ee hour s' flight from, and 2,200 kilometres to the north east of, New Zealand, Niu e is a tropi cal island nati on nestled in the triangl e between Tonga, Samoa and the Cook Island s, It's often called the 'Rock of Polynesia' - perhap s because it's one of the world 's large st coral islands, with a terrain that comprises steep limestone cliffs along the coast and a central plateau rising about 60 metres above sea level. It's also almost com pletely sur rounded by a coral reef, with spectacular underwater limestone cathedrals that make it a snorkel ling and diving parad ise,

· ##-I'####~#######~####### # # #'

Hundreds of years of history Niue was originally sett led by Polynesians from Samoa around 900 AD, foll owed by people from Tonga in the 16th century, The first European to sight the island was Captain Jame s Cook in 1774- however, the inhabitants refuse d him permission to land , He named it 'Savage Island ' because, as legend has it, the people who greeted him were paint ed in what appeared to Cook and his crew to be blood, However, the substan ce was that of the hulahula. a native red banana , More than 100 years later , Niue wa s for a br ief time a Br itish protectorate, then in 1901 it was annexed by New Zealand , It was granted self-govern ance in 1974 and is now in 'free association' with New Zealand, w ith Queen Elizabeth If as its Head of State, Niue's sovereignty is exercised by the Niue Cabinet of Ministers comprising the Prem ier and three other min isters, who are all members of the nation's parliament, the Niue Legislat ive Assembly.


u ·


· •

#1'1'1'#### 1' ### # ........ .. 1' .. .. .... 1' .... ......


__ ----.. __ · .. ...... .... .. .. .. ~




#'1> _ _



· ·· ..




# #'




· · · · ..






· ·· · ·· ·· · · ·





Fortun ately, the island' s cruel name has long gone and today Niue welcom es visitor s from all other countries and cult ures, stamps

Focus issue 48 October 2009



Stamps from other countries





Fij i Fijian Fruit Doves Date 01 Issue 17 February 2009 $5.80 First day cover $690

Set of four gummed stamps

Hong Kong

Hong Kong Museum s Collection

Mount Tianshan, Xinjiang

Set 01hve gummed stamps '

24 February 2009 Sheellet $3.30

First day cover . $5.60

Miniature sheet first day cover ' $4 40

Miniature sheet hrst day cover : $5 .60

Date of ISsue,

Date 01ISsue

16 May 2009 $4.60

Miniature sheet : $4 ,60

China 2009 Wor ld Stamp Exhibition Date 01ISsue

7 April 2009

Mlntature sheet $1.40 Miniature sheet ftrst day cover $240

Heart war ming IV Date 01ISsue, 25 June


Set of lour gummed stamp" Sheetlel



First day cover


23rd Asian International Stamp Exhibition Date of ISsue 14 May


Miniature sheet : $14 ,00

MJOlature sheet lirsl day cover Jiiii : .•. : ••_ •. ••

i'..l :."=--

: 2..9

...... .......... ... .... .......... ................... ......... ....................... .. ..... ............................. 10th Anniver sary of th e Euro


Date of ISSUeo

Date of ISsue

First day cover : $7.00

28 Apri l 2009

Set of four gummed stamps

30 April 2009

One gummed stamp , $6.00

Vintage Postal Transportation $17.90

Fu-st day cover $19.60 _TO

Games of the Small States of Europe


Date of Issue : 1 June 2009

Set of hve gummed stamps

Europa 2009 Astronomy

First day cover $10.00

Date of Issue 9 May 2009

Set of two gummed stamps First day cover $5.50

~ .60

* ~i






To view more stamps from other countries, please visit our we bsite .nz!s tamps Focus issut 48 October 2CI09!stamps





..; ,


. .r "

Stamps from other countries



Pitcairn Island


Coconut Crabs - Bir gus latro

Mystery Island

Date 01 ISsue 17 February 2009

Date of ISsue 28 March 2009

Two gummedstamps: $8 80

Set of tour gummed stamps' $10 70

First day cover $1080

First day cover ' $12 .70

Miniature sheet $8 80

Miniature sheet: $10 70

Miniaturesheet first daycover $10.80

Frangip ani Date of issue : 14 May 2009

Return to Pit cair n

Sot of lour gummod stamps . $9 .30

Date 01 ISsue 22 Apri l 2009

Se-tenantstnp ct nve stamps $9.20

First day cover $ 11.30

First day cover ' $1 1 20

Charles Darwin 1809-1882

Pandas Vanuatu/Pitcairn Island joint issue

Date of ISsue 24 June 2009

Date ol rssue . 14 May 2009

Set of Icur gummed stamps: $9.80

MIniature sheet: $6.20

First day cover $11.70

MIniature sheet first daycover $8.10

United Nations 2009 Endangered Species

World Heritage - Germany

Date 01 Issue 16 April 2009

Date ct issue 7 May 2009

Set of three miniature sheets $19,60

Set 01


gummed stamps $1390

Presentation pack $26 50

To view more stamps from other countries. please visit our website

Focus issue 48

a 'a


NewZealandPost ~

Focus order form - October 2009 Customer details New customer


Protecting you r pr ivacy New Zealand Post will keep your name and address on our database. so that in the future we can send you further information on stamps . collectables. related products and servic es and . occasionally. offers on similar products from other compani es. If you do not wish to receive any mailings from the New Zealand Post Collectables and Solutions Centre

Customer number D D D D D D D D

IFirst name ISurname IPostal address ' ICity

at all. please tick here:

II Postcode



I_____________________---' Email 1

access to. and to correct. your perscnat intormanon

at any time by phoning or writing to the Collectables and Solu tions Centre , Prrvate Bag 3001.

Phone =========;-I-Date-ofborth.DDDDDDDD


To JOin the mailing list, please tick here

I would like mo re info rmation on Stan ding Orders

o o

Wa nga nui 4540. New Zealand . Telephone -64 63491234. Fa, _64

Enter your order details. All pr ices are in New Zealan d doll ar s.

By cheque, inte rna tio nal money order or bank draft.

Postage is free within New Zealand ; just address your envelope to the above address .

By credit card for orders 01NZ$ 10 or mo re ,

2, Tot al your order and in dica te how you wish to pay, If you ar e paying by cheque , inte r national m oney order or bank draft, be sure to enclose this wi th your or der. Please do not send cash . 3. Post th is order form to :

FreePost No.1 New Zealand Post Collectables and Solu tions Cent re Pr ivate Bag 3001 Wa nga nui 4540 New Zealand

If you are mailing your order from outside New Zealan d, please be sure to athx the

By debiting your account wi th the New Zealan d Post Collec tables and Solutio ns Centre. if you have one (please contact us if you woul d like to set up an accou nt] .

AU pr ices inclu de NZ Goods and Services Tax



payme nt can be ma de into your sta m p accoun t at any New Zealand Post PostShop by quotin g your cus tomer num ber and requ est transaction to be

Ord er s contai ning iss ues th at have al ready been re Leased and iss ues du e to be reLeased will be supplied on th eir res pective issue dal es.

processed as a PHDE P.

Postage reckoner



Soulh PKlf lC

En ' A~. & Nth Am«iu


Wor ld






Au .tr. l~

cor rect postage.

Cur rency reckone r


Approximate equivalent.


Stamps. St'leetllets. ure Sheets. Book let s, Postca rds. ACS C.llalog ue

$ 1 80



$2 30

$2 30

£1 Sterl ing


M mature ShHI Beoetets. Sheets. F rst Day Cover Refills



$3 30




$7 00



$11 98

$14 )I.

$ 14 3:t

$23 15

$2" 77


$36 05

a d h~lVe




NZ Stamp CcSll cncn Albums, Slockbooks and CP CGta ues SOQ '" OAVOAlbums




Presentat on Pack s. CoUector's Folde rs. Stam p Packs. t Day C~r PaCkS. DAVO Supplem ents Ft~

6 345 7120.

How to pay

Howto order 1.


Under the Privacy Act 1993. you are entitled to have

$3 50

$3 50

$10 00


DayC~r PackS.MaxlTl!Jm Cards. Flf'\l DayCovers



$5 00

$5 00

$5 00


$ tOOO








€ 1 Euro

No Charge


Nl$ 2 33


Total to pay

It ShWalltMns 1ft rows rrwrlcNJ ;4,'atP Mmg orrh!rPd. t~ hHJhMI ""p appllt'S_1/ ~alltMnS 1ft rowsrrwr*«i 's·afP orrkrPd, the postage IISIPd IS PK lIMn, Jf,our orrJK mcludfi ;4,'and B ' Items t~ B ' Items totdl only app/~_ Jntpma tlOfJdlElfprpSSratps afP a val~ble upon appbcatlOfJ

Total all sections S Plus pos tage


Specret cou rie r serv ice l or COins


PlU M Mid S' .OOdrlivNy wrthin N.."ZNUf'Id lor ~mpNlI P.tPrSDft~t~logllH, Lig hthouu 5t ockbooJcs. 5t~nl~ Gibbon~ ~ta/ogllH.nd N.." ZN u nd JOU~Irs.nd 91ftS.

§ I



How to contact us - If you need mo re information. or help a bout Inte rnational Express ra tes. please le lep hone. fax or email us direct. Telephone :


Ema il:

You ca n also find us on the internet at :

(06) 349 1234

(06) 345 7120

colle cta bles@nzposl.c

IOverseas customers - 64 6 3"9 /23"1

IOverseas customers -6" 6 3"5 71201 post amps and post coins

How would you like to pay?



Oillee code

have enclosed a cheque/international money order/bank draft Ipayable to New Zealand Postl

Please debit my account I Wish 10 pay by credit card

Card number D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D

ICardholder's name

DDDDDDDD Customer number

/ 1_

ICardholder's Signature· 1

New Zealand stamps "


KiwiStamp - 7 September 2009

Matariki 2009 - Heitiki - 24 June 2009 Offic e use Descr ipt ion

Pr ice

aty ' Code

Total NZ$

Ollice Descrip tion use

Pr ice




50c - Hertrki



First day cover



$1.00 - Hertrki


091 1

Self-adhesive booklet



$1.50 - Heltlkl

$1.50 091 1

Sheet of 50 sell-adhesive stamps



Sett-adhes ive dispenser box containing 100 stamp s



Numbered and silver foiled seu-ac hesive booklet of 10 stamps . _ ~_


Numher S

$1.80 - He.tik:



$2.00 - Heltlk l



$ 2.30 - Heltlk l



First day cover lse u- adneswel



Miniature sheet Igummedl



Miniatur e sheet first day cover



P9F1 LE44

Presentati on pack lcontam s a face value of $27.801 Limited Edition lsubject to availability)

Set of six gummed stamps


f l '-'r


self- ~




Sect ion S Total NZ$


80th Anniversary of Children's Health Stamps - 7 Septe,mber 2009

Pr ice

aty ' Code

Total NZ$


Ollice use Desc r ip tion

Pr i ce


Set of two gummed stamps



150c • lOci gummed stamp



30c - Tolaga Bay



1$1 .00 • lOci gummed stam p



$1.80 - Russell





$2.30 - Lake Wanaka


First day cover [incl. sla 50c • lOc stamp]


$ 2.80 - Auckland



$3.30 - Rakala River


Miniature sheet li ncl. all three stampsl


09G1 09G1

$400 - Well ington





Fir st day cover hnct. six gummed and one s/a stampl

Miniature sheet first day cover


Self-adhesive stamp 150c • lOci



Sell -adhesive sheet 1100 x 150c + lOci stampsl



$1.80 sell- adhesive stamp



$ 1.80 sell- adhesive booklet

$9.00 Section 2 Total NZ$

Office use Descr iption




aty ' Code

First day covers [set of thre el

$ 13.50


A1 poster laddltlonal copiesl


Total NZ$

Secti on 3 Total NZ$

2009 Annual Packs - 7 SeJltember 2009 Ollice use Descript ion

Pr ice


2009 New Zealand Stam p Pack



2009 New Zealan d First Day Cover Pack

aty ' Code

Total NZ$

Ollice use Description 09J1


Set of six gummed stamps

Pr ice

09J 1

SOc - Traditional


$1.00 - Traditional



$1.80 - Traditiona l


09J 1

SOc - Desiqn a Stamp


09J 1

$2.30 - Design a Stamp


09J 1

$2.80 - Design a Stamp



First day covers Iset of twol


Set of two self-adhesive stamps



SOc - Traditional self -adhesive stamp



$1.80 - Tradit ional sel f- adhesive stam p

$ 1.80


SOc self -adhe sive booklet of 10



$1.80 sell-adhesive booklet of 10 Isave $3 .001



SOc self-adhesive dispenser box of 100



aty ' Code

Total NZ$


09J 1

Secti on 4 Total NZ$



Section 7 Total NZ$


Total NZ$

Christmas 2009 - 7 October 2009

stemos lsaeet! ' 09H1

a ty ' Code

Section 6 Total NZ$

A Tiki Tour of New Zealand - 5 August 2009 Both products include a comJllimentary A1 poster

Set of 24 x 50c gummed


50 sta

2009 Scenic Definitives - 1 July 2009


Set of 10 sell- adhesive stamps

containing 10 stam ps

Sect ion 1 Total NZ$

Ollice use Descript ion

Tota l NZ$


Set of S IX sell -adhesive stamps


aty 'Code

New Zealand stamps continued

Stamps from other countries

T iml!ex Exhibition 2009 - 16 October 2009

Fi j i

.. Office Oescription use

Pr ice


Exhibition miniature sheet



Exhibition souvenir first day cover


Dty ' Code

Total NZ$

Office use Descr ipt ion

I Pr ice IDty I ' c ode I Total NZ$

Fijian Fru it Doves F066

Set of four gummed stamps





First day cover


$690 1


Section B Total NZ$


Hong Kong Sir Peter Blake - 25 November 2009 ,Off ice use Descr iptio n

1 Pr ice


ISet of five gummed stamps



50c - Inspirational leader



$1.00 - Yachtsman



$1.80 - Record Breaker



$2.30 - Passionate K,WI



$2.80 - Environmentalist



First day cover



M,niature sheet



M,niature sheet first day cover



Presentation pack

l E4S

limited Edition (subject to avallablli tyl


Dty 'Code

Total NZ$

Office use





Miniature sheet first day cover



Miniature sheet



Miniature sheet firs t day


cover Hong Kong Museum s Collection

$29.50 $135.00


Set of five gummed stamps


First day cover


Miniature sheet



Miniature sheet first day cover


23rd Asian Int ernational Stamp Exhibition

Ross Dependency - 50th Anniversary of the S igning of the Antarctic Treaty - 25 November 20 09


Set of five gummed stam ps



50c - Antarctic Treaty



$1.00 - Peaceful Purposes



$1.80 - Sciennuc Investigation


' 09K2

$2.30 - International

Dty 'Code

Total NZ$



First day cover


Miniature sheet



Miniature sheet first day cover



Set of four gummed stamps



First day cover





Heartwarming IV



$2.80 - Preservat ion and Conservation


Office Descrip tion use

Co-operation 109K2

MOB4 Set of four gummed stamps


MOB4 First day cover

1 $1960 1

Pr ice

Total NZ$

Dty ' Code



I 1




$700 1

MOB6 Set of two gummed stamps 1




MOB6 First day cover







1 $10.001


MOBS One gummed stamp

The New Zealand Collection 2009

c odJ

10th Anniversary of the Euro

The New Zealand Collection 20 09 - 25 November 2009

Al 09

I Pr ice TDtyl

Vintag e Postal Tra nsportation

Section 10 Total NZ$

Office use Descr ipt ion



Section 9 Total NZ$

Pr ice

Dty I ' c ode I Total NZ$

China 2009 World Stam p Exhibiti on


'Off ice use Description

Pr ice

Description Mount Tianshan, Xinjiang

Total NZ$



Fir st day cover



Europa 2009 Astro nomy


Games of the Small States of Europe

Secti on 11 Total NZ$

MOB7 Set of five gummed stamps 1 MOB7 First day cover



Mini stam ps will be su pplied unless you specifically re quest othe rwise . If you wish to order use d l UI or cancelled

lei sta mps. pl ease in dica te t his by writing

the letter U or C as appropriate next to the quantity you require.

¡ Pl ate/ lm pri nt blocks may be obtaine d by purc hasing at least six sheet stamps. Barcode. value and logo blocks may be obta ined by purchasing at Least two sheet stam ps. Barcode blocks are generally availabLe in A and B formats for sheet stam ps. Toorder bLocks or sheet s from reLevant issues. please enter a code from the list below in the appropriate coLumn. ¡ Codes for lhe ly pes of bl ock and sheets are as fo llows: Pi - Plate Block, VA - Valu e Blo ck, BA - Barcode Block, LO - Logo Block, ST - Sheet of stam ps.



Stamps from other countries

Vanuatu Office use Descr iption

Niue Pr ice

Dty ' Code Total NZ$

Niue Def init ives 2009


Set of four gummed stamps

$10 .70


First day cover

$12 .70

Miniature sheet

$ 10.70


Set of 11 gummed stam ps



10c - Coconut Palm



20c - Tropical Sunset



30c - Humpba ck Whale



SOc - Rainbow over Rainforest



$ 1.00 - Hie Beach



$ 1.20 - Talava Arches



$ 1.40 - l.irnu Pool s



$1.70 - Lime stone Caves



$2.00 - Snorkeling l.rrnu Pools

$2 .00


$3.00 - Panoramic Coastline


Frang ipan i VA81

Set of four gummed stamps


First day cover

$9.30 $11.30

Pandas Vanu atu /Pitca i r n Isla nd j oint issue VA82

MIniature sheet


Miniature sheet first day cover

$6.20 $8 .10 Sect ion 12 Total NZ$

Additional produ cts

$3 .00


$5.00 - Liku Caves


First day covers [set of tw ol



M,niature sheets Iset of two l


Off ice Description use

Miniature sheet fir st day covers Iset of twol



Personalised Postage 2006

A8 19

Personalised Postage 2007


Stamp set + stam p firs t day covers FREE produ ct With this purcha se.

$33 .80


Personalised Postage 2008



Dty 'Code Total NZ$

Myst ery Island

Office I use Description


Pr ice


Personalised.Postage Price

Dty 'Code

Total NZ$


Sect io n 13 Tota l NZ$

IndICale preferred Iree produ ct optIOn

o Min iature sheets o MIniature sheet


first day covers

Pit cair n Isl and

2009 Southern r ightwhale

Off ice use Descr iption

Pr ice

Dty 'Code

Total NZ$

Coconut Cra bs - Birg us lalro PT68

Two gummed stam ps


First day cover


M,niature sheet


MIniature sheet first day cover



Se- tenant stri p of five stamps First day cover

Set of four gummed stamps


First day cover

$8 .80

Set of three miniature sheets


Presentat ion pack

Set of SIXgummed stam ps

Total NZ$

Dty ' Code

Total NZ$


2010 FIFA World(;up South Africa™ .


Off ice use Description $9 .80


Silver proof coin

Price $99.50


Interna ti onal coins

I Price

I Dt y I ' c ode

I Total NZ$


$19.601 $2650 1



Office use Description

Pr ice

Br it ish A846

The Royal Shield of Arm s Brilliant Uncirculated Collection



World Her it age - Germ any U248

Dty ' Code



2009 Endangered Species U247

Total NZ$

Office use

$10 .80

United Nations Office use Descr iptio n

Dty ' Code


Char les Darwin 1809-188 2 PT71

Pure silver bullion coin



Retu rn to Pitcair n


Office use Description






2009 Korean Folk Game coin

$85.00 Section 14 Total NZ$

Please note for coins Because lhese coins are valuable and highly regarded collectables. orders from within New Zealand containing coins will be sent by special courier. so please supply an address wh ich enables your package to be signed for and add $5 .00 for delivery. Overseas orders will be delivered by International Express. please add $10.00 to your order.



Other products still on offer

RossDel!e.ndl!.nc~ Off ice us e

Defillitive Staml!S Office use Descri pti on

Pr ice


$ 1.50 Self- adhesive stamps 7 May 2003


$10 Mt Ruapehu 12 February 1997



$20 Mt Cook 18 February 1994


$8 .80


Definitive rate decrease 40c stamp - 2 October 1995


R(Jss Dependency Pac~~


Descr iption

Pr ice


2005 Ross Dependency Through the Lens



2006 Ross Dependency



2007 Ross Dependency



2008 Ross Dependen cy

2003 Set of five def initive s


$ 1.50 Bronze round k iwi



2004 Tourism

$9 .00

a ty 'Code Tota l NZ$

Section 18 Total NZ$


$1.10 Gold round kiw i


2006 Tour ism

Pr ice

Definitives set of 10stamps - Sc, lOc. 20c. 45c. 50c.70c.8Oc. $1.00. $2.00.$3.00- 2 November 1994

Off ice use



Descrip tion

07 12 aty ' Code Total NZ$


Definitive Stamps

$9.00 Secti on 15 Total NZ$

aty ' Code Total NZ$

$19.90 Secti on 19 Total NZ$

2003 Definitives Office use 0955

Descr ip t io n

Pr ice

Set of five stamps 150c. $1 .00. $1.50. $2.00. $5 .001


a ty ' Code

Tota l NZ$

1100 x 50c. $100 stam ps per sheet 50 x $1.50. $2.00. $5.00 stamps per sheetl Section 16 Total NZ$

Bcoklets Office use 0956

Descr ipti on 2003 Dehrutves, self- adhesive 5 x $1.50 stamps - 7 May 2003

Pr ice

a ty 'Code Tota l NZ$


Presentation Packs • Off ice use Descr iption

Pr i ce


Art meets Craft



Year of the Sheep



Royal New Zealand Bailet



100 Years of New Zealand Test Rugby



Veteran Vehicles



New Zealand Zoo Animals



Rugby Sevens



World of Wearable Art



Garden Flowers



Farmyard Animals

$24.95 $29.95


Hist on e Farm Equipment min iature sheet booklet



150 Years of New Zealand Stamps lpart 11


Extreme Sports miniature sheet booklet

$14 .95


150 Years of New Zealand Stamps [part 21



75th Anniversary of the Hawke 's Bay Earthquake miniature sheet booklet



150 Years of New Zealand Stamps lpart 31


P6A l

Year of the Dog



Scenic Definitives. self- adhesive 10 x 50c stamps



HM Queen Elizabeth II 80th Birthday



Scenic Delmuives. sell -adhesive 10 x $1.00 stamps



Southern Skies miniature sheet booklet



2008 ANZAC miniature sheet booklet



2009 ANZAC miniature sheet bookl et



2009 Scenic Definu ives, selfadhesive 5 x $1.80 stam ps



Gold Rush



Scott Base 1957-2007



Year of the Pig


P7H l

Clever Kiwis



Prince Caspian



Matariki 2008


N°~~OtD T OU'r


P8M l

Sir Edmund Hiilary


P98 1

New Zealand Champions of World Motorsport lincl. free miniature sheet first day cover!


P8K l

Secti on 17 Total NZ$

aty ' Code Tota l NZ$



Giants of New Zealand



Chinese Lunar Series - Specia l Edition Pack



Matariki 2009 - Heit iki

$24.90 Secti on 20 Total NZ$



Total to pay

Lighthouse Stockbooks Office use Description

Pr ice


32 sides white pages



32 sides black pages



48 sides white pages



48 sides black pages



6t. sides white pages



6t. sides black pages



Lighthouse Royal large FOC Album [wuh five double pocket refillsl



Five refill s for lighthouse FOC Album [double]



Five refill s for lighthouse FOC Album ISlnglel

$ 13.25

Lighth ouse COin Album


Premier FOC Album - large deluxe



Five refil ls for premier large deluxe FOCAlbum - Single pocket



Five relills for premier large deluxe FOC Album - double pocket



Five refill s for premier small deluxe FOC Album



Campbell Paters on NZ Catalogue


OAVO 1990·1999 Album IVaI 31


OAVO Album IVaI 51



OAVO Supplement pages 2000



OAVO Supplement pages 2002



OAVO Supplement pages 2004



OAVO Supplement pages 2005



OAVO Supplement pages 2006



OAVO Supplement pages 2007



Campbell Paterson I


DAVa $142.00

Catalogues ICTl 1

2009 ACS Stamp Catalogue



COin and banknote catalogue



Hagner Album


Hagner Sheets H1·1 stri p. H2. 2 strrps. H3· 3 stnps , HI.04 stri ps. H5. 5 stri ps. H6·6 strrps, H'/. 7 strrps, H8·8 strip s


WWF Coll ection



Hagner Prod ucts $19.95 $ 1.25

$21.95 $3.70 Secti on 21 Total NZ$


Plus postage Special cour ier service for coins

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