This issue: Expo 2010 Shanghai China Ancient Reptiles of New Zealand Heitiki - New Zealand's most valuable coin release inside for more details
Kia ora, welcome! Welcome to the first issue of Focus for 201O! With the year now well underway, you would have already noticed our commitment to producing high -quality coll ectables that reflect New Zealand 's cultu re, history and sense of nationhood , During 2010 we will build on our range of collectables with some refreshingly innovative products and continue our commitment to bring ing you collectables that excel in design and meet world-class production standards. If the past 12 months are anything to go by, we can expect stro ng internat ional interest in all of our products. Issues such as the Tiki Tour of New Zealand stam ps and the Heitiki coins have gone extremely well overseas, with an overwhelmi ng amount of positive feedback for both issues. It seems that collecto rs are becomi ng inc reasingly keen to learn more about - and to acquire - stamps and coins from New Zealand. This worldwide enthus iasm has given us even more reason to attend the wor ld 's stamp and coin exhibitions and fairs . Al ready th is year we've attended the 39th World Money Fair in Berlin, joining at this prem ier international event more than 50 m ints and national banks, almost as many supplier compan ies, 11 national and intern ational association s and 170 coin dealers . It's a great opportunity to develop relat ionsh ips and talk with coll ector s from around the world . Back home, I'm very much looking forward to visiting a numb er of stamp and coin clubs around New Zealand in the comi ng months. As we grow the business and expand into other areas it' s important tor me to be updated on mutual areas of interest and explore ideas for the future. I hope I'll have the pleasure of meeting you during my travels . In the meant ime, I hope you take the time to read this issue of Focus. I'm sure you'll find it an interesti ng read, with a few items to tempt you!
Ivor Masters General Manager, Stamps and Collectables
Please nole: The firushed products may differ trom thoseIllustrated In trus newsletter.
Focus may not Illustrate all stamp, coinor collectableproductsthat are featured In this issue or that appear In the order form. Artwork and articles from Focus may not be extracted for reprinting without prior permission from the New Zealand Post Stamps and CollectablesBUSiness. For more information and to request permission. pleasecontactthe DeSign Co-ordinator, Stamps BUSIness. Private Bag 39990.Wellington Mail Centre. Lower HuH 50'5. www stamp s
Expo 2010 Shanghai China By Ph illip Gibson Comm iss ioner-Genera l New Zealand pav ilion, Shangha i World Expo To the Chinese government, the opening of the 2010 World Expo in Shanghai in May will have tremendous significance , Following on from the Beijing Olympics, it will be a decisive signal that China is now one of the main players on the international scene and will playa key role in shaping the 21 ~ century. The Chinese are investing around $60 bill ion in the Expo, ensuring it will be the biggest ever. Initially it was estimated that the Expo would have more than 70 million visitors in the six months between May and October. Nearly 200 countries and international organisations will participate and it now seems likely that that number will be exceeded. The pace of the Chinese 'economic miracle' in the past several years has been extraordinary - probably the fastest growth in world history. China is already critical to New Zealand's economy and will be even more so in the future. China is now our second-largest trading partner and third-largest market. The recently signed Free Trade Agreement created a valuable platform for the expansion of trade between our two countries. There was never any serious doubt that New Zealand would participate in the Shanghai Expo. We simply can't afford not to be there . But just 'being there' is not enough. To make a mark against countries and corporations with far deeper pockets than ours, we have to punch above our weight. How many times has New Zealand had to do that?'
"I am delighted that New Zealand Post has supported our endeavours in Shanghai with the issue of a series of commemorative stamps, The issue will significantly raise awareness of an event that has huge significance for New Zealand." - Phillip Gibson
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New Zealand Trade and Enterprise, which has responsibility for the overall management of the project, has engaged international project manager, Coffey Projects, to put together a team that includes architects Warren and Mahoney, visitor experience specialist Story Inc and specialist garden designers Dawnfinder. There is a proven track record of creative success and sound design here. Some 40,000 visitors will pour through the New Zealand pavilion every day. The 'walk through' will take about nine minutes - pretty quick, but enough for a very distinctive experience of New Zealand and its people. All expos have an official theme . At Shanghai it will be 'Beller City, Beller Life', reflecting the reality that more than half the world 's population now live in urban environments, a proportion that IS only going to increase . Perhaps counter-intuitively, New Zealand has a relevant story to tell in that regard , While the proportions are rapidly changing, about 50 percent of the Chinese population still live in rural areas. In New Zealand, urban dwellers outnumbered those living in the country back in the 1920s. We instinctively think of New Zealand as wide open spaces - in fact around 85 percent of us live in urban environments. Visitors will enter the New Zealand pavilion through a walkway that will take them through 'a day in the life' of a composite New Zealand city. Moving and still images will project the New Zealand environment - urban, rural and wilderness, Touch-screen and similar technologies will allow interested visitors to learn more. The wedge ·shaped pavilion will feature a roof garden, planted with trees and flowers and enhanced with sculptures, sound and lighting, A team of young, Chinese-speaking hosts and hostesses will be on hand to interact with visitors, A 'welcome space' at the front of the pavilion will have a strong Maori visual theme together with striking high tech facilities for information exchange and will be the area in which kapa haka parties - so popular at the last World Expo at Aichi , Japan will perform. The pavilion will contain a dedicated hospitality area, serving the best of New Zealand food and wines, and will be available to companies and groups doing business - or planning to do business - with China. Already the Shanghai media have identified our pavilion as a 'must see'. It's a great start.
To celebrate New Zealand's participation at Expo 2010 Shanghai China, and its theme of 'Bett er City, Better Life ', these stamps capture remarkable similarities between the New Zealand and Chinese cultures. The New Zealand images in the series are based on artifacts on display in the Expo pavilion. For more on this issue, visit .nz/stamps.
Focus issue 49 April2010
Palmpex 2010 stamp show Create your own exhibit - and win! With Palmp ex 2010 ju st a few month s away. now's a good time to give your creative skills an airing and start designing your own exhibit for the show! New Zealand's national stamp exhibition will be held in Palmer ston North between 12 and 14 November, This year it w ill inclu de the 'Frugal Challe nge' - an oppor tunity for stam p collectors new to exhibiting to display their collec tions in a publi c forum , be judged by nati onal and intern ational judges and be in to win a cash prize, Interested? Your exhibit can be either 16 or 32 pages and include New Zealand stamps. booklets and/ or m iniature sheets [but not
first day coversl issued between January 2000 and Decem ber 2009, The face value of the produ cts in each 16-page set is to be no more than $200, If you'd like some expert advice before you star t, send an email to You'll receive a couple of pages to show you what to do, and possib ly a contact per son in your area who 's will ing to help , Entry forms and the competition prospectu s are available at You'll need to make sure you subm it your entry form before 31 July. alt hough you'll have until November to get your exhibit ready, Good luck!
50 years ago - Christmas 1960 Beli eve it or not. the first Chri stma s stam p issued in New Zealand was a cause of considerable controversy. reaching beyond the chu rch to the highe st levels of government. The original idea came from the Festival s Committee of the National Council of Churches in New Zealand. whi ch together with the Bishop of Chri stchurch proposed the new stamp to New Zealand Post Ithen the Post Office) in 1959, However, concerns were expressed that people might see the postmar ks added to the stam ps in the postal process as a 'defaceme nt' of an image of spiritual significance. The issue was even raised in Parliament, with a question as to "w hether the proposal to issue a special Chri stma s stam p as another of many
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As well as being the year of our fir st Christmas stamp, 1960 brought a number of world- changing events, In int ernat ional affairs, John F Kennedy was elected the 43rd President of the Unit ed States, Chubby Checker's 'The Twist' la unched an international dance craze, and the world 's fir st com me rcial satelli te IEcho II was laun ched, In New Zealand , on 1 June the country's fir st official television transmi ssion began, then on 2 Septemb er we enjoyed one of our greate st days at the Olymp ic Games, wh en Peter Snell and Murray Halbe rg won gold ,
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outlets. our website and the Collectables and Solutions Centre , If you would like to receive Regional Postage booklets on Standing Order. please indicate on the order form atta ched, or contact the Collectable s and Solutions Centre,
This product is still in tr ial phase but if successful it is likely other 'hotspots' will soon follow, As with Personalised Postage. these labels are not stamps, They do not contain the words 'N ew Zealand ' or carry the off icial New Zealand Post unique identi fier , the fern , As these are labe ls and not stam ps they do not have a specific issue date. All booklet s will be available for purchase as they are released through selected retail
Focus issue 49 Apnl2010
Fortunate ly the two -penn y stamp of 1960 proved a popular success, with no fewer than 20 million eventua lly produ ced by Harri son & Sons in England , Depicting a paint ing of the Nativity by Rembrandt , titled 'The Adorat ion of the Shepherd s', it set the standard for all Christmas stamps to foll ow.
Since the laun ch of Personalised Postage a numbe r of years ago, PostShops around the country have been reque sting Personal ised Postage in regional formats to 'show off' th eir regions, New Zealand Post is tr iall ing Regional Postage at the moment with touri st 'hots pot' , Kaikour a, Produced and trialled specifically for tour ist locations around New Zealand. these self-adhesive booklets of 10 x 50c labels and 6 x $1.80 labels can be used for postage around New Zealand and on postcard s around the worl d,
special issues by the Post Office w ill not tend to lower the prestige of New Zealand in the eyes of philat elist s",
Personalised Postage Trial of Regional Postage booklets
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April/May stamp issues The ANZAC Series: Remembrance On 25 Apr il 2010, New Zealand ers and Austra lians will comme morate the 95th anniversary of the landin g of the Austra lian and New Zealand Army Corps at Gallipoli, in 191 5. As it has been on every 25 Apr il since then, it will be a day of remembrance honour ing those who fough t and died at Gallipoli , those who have served since and the serv icem en and women who have returned home . As our own tr ibut e to the Anzac comme mo rations, New Zealand Post has released the th ird stamp coll ection in The ANZAC Series. Compri sing six stam ps and a min iature sheet booklet, it portrays in picture s and words the theme of 'remembrance', and the many ways in wh ich we remember the sacrifices made by our brave men and women in the name of peace.
Hl;sr DAY Of lUUI 7 ,,"lllO10 COUEC1A1t1S' WAfo!GANUl' NZ
Expo 2010 Shanghai China
London International Stamp Exhibition
World Expo 2010 promises to be an amaz ing event! To be held in Shanghai, China between 1 May and 31 October 2010, the Expo is seen as an occasion for 'China to bring the world at home , and for the world to feel at home in China'. At least 70 million visitors are expected to attend the Expo's exhibit ions, events and forums, all located in a 5.28-square -kilometre area at the core of the city.
New Zealand Post Stamps and Colle ctable s Business will have a sales stand at the London 2010 International Stamp Exhibition in May.
New Zealand will be represented at the Expo, interpreting its theme of 'Better City, Better Life' into a stunn ing pavilion that invites visitors to experience our country through the concept of 'Cities of Nature, Living between Land and Sky". Weaving the Maor i creation story of Rangi and Papa into its design, the pavil ion portrays New Zealand as a nation striving to bring cities and nature into a susta inable balance - a country in which natural beauty, the inspiration that it brings and the lifes tyle that it perm its can exist alongside {and be a vital part oil a modern and innovative first world economy. To celebrate the opening of Expo 2010 Shanghai China, New Zealand Post is issuing a special souvenir cover that will be release d on 1 May 2010. The souvenir cover will have the block of five stam ps affixed across the top of the envelope, wi th the New Zealan d ima ges on one side and the Chinese on the other.
Held every 10 years, the eight -day Exhibition w ill th is year be based on King George V, the first member of the Royal fam ily to collect stamp s and often call ed the 'phil atelis t king'. The Exhibit ion wi ll feature some of the finest competitive exhibits from collectors around the wor ld, plus stam p dealers, auctioneers and postal adm inistrations. It w ill also offer a varie ty of special events - incl uding a fascinat ing exhibition about King George that incl udes unique material from the British Postal Museum & Archive and The Royal Philate lic Colle ction. To commemorate the Exhibition , we've produced a uniqu e exhibition miniature sheet and first day cover that incl udes three stam ps from the 2010 ANZAC Series. Both products also feature New Zealand's War Stamp', which was issued in September 191 5 as a war tax and depicts an image of King George V.
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Ancient Reptiles of New Zealand It is not very often that fossils feature on stamps and coins, yet foss ils feature in all sorts of ways in our daily lives, Fossils of large an imals are especially fascinating, not least those of Mesozoic reptiles, which incl ude the dinosaurs, marine reptiles and flying reptiles, The 'Mesozoic Era' is a major division of geological time that lasted for 187 mill ion years. It is defi ned on the basis of distinctive fossils and it falls between the older Palaeozoic and younger Cenozoic eras. 'Mesozoic' means 'm iddle life ' as opposed to 'ancient life ' IPalaeozoici and 'new life'{Cenozoicl. The Mesozoic Era is fur ther subdivided into three 'per iods': Triassic, Jurassic and Cretaceo us. The onset of Mesozoic time is taken as 252 million years ago, and the end was 65 million years ago. These ages are well establis hed from standard dating tech niques involving the age determ inat ion of crystalline mine rals that contain radioactive elemen ts such as potassium, argon and uranium . Fossils are the remains of living organisms that lived in the past. They are usually thousands to millions of years old and preserved in rock. However, you could argue that bottled frui ts are fossils in that they are preserved remnants of plants . Preservation is the key to becoming a fossil but death mus t happen first. Once dead, the organism will natur ally decay and wi ll quickly disintegrate and disappear. However , if the pr im ary causes of decay can be slowed down or eliminated, there is a good chance of preservation, especially of any hard par ts such as teeth , bone and shell . The principal agents of decay are oxygen, bacteria, natural radiation Isunl ightl and mechanica l degradation. Elim inate all these effects and perfect preservation is possible, at least in theory. And as luck would have it, there are a few extraordi nary fossil localities in th e world where preserva tion is indeed so com plete, so exquisite , that whole animals are preserved. But such fossil preservation is not known in New Zealand .
The spectacul ar animals depicted in this series inclu de two dinosaurs: a theropod [Allosaurus) and a sauropod I Titsnoseorus): two marine reptiles: a mosasaur IMoanasaurus) and an elasmosaur IMauisaurus); and a flying reptile or pterosaur named Anhanguera. These are very fine representations of these animals and they are based on substantive research by ma ny palaeo ntologists over many years , but mai nly on fossil discoveries in continental Nor th America, South Am er ica, Africa, Europe and Asia . The New Zealand fossils to which these animals relate are fairly limited. For instance, our knowle dge of the two dinosaurs Allosaurus and Iitenoseurus is based on single bone fossils . They are both vertebrae (back bonesl. yet they are so distinct ive that we can be quite certain of their identity. Similarly, only a few bones are known for the pterosaur, identified here as Anhanguera. A great deal more fossil s are known for th e ma ri ne reptiles, the short- necked Moanasaurus and the long -necked Mauisaurus. And there is a good reason for th is: most of the Mesozoic sedimen tary rocks of New Zealan d are marine. Dinosaurs were strictly ter restrial animals and terrestrial rocks are surp risingly rare . As luck would have it, many of the known New Zealand MesozoIc reptile fossils were collected by Joan Wiffen 11922-20091. her family and her colleagues in the Hawke's Bay Palaeontology Group. They have been actively hun ting for verte brate fossils since the early 1970s. Specifically, their collec tions have all been from the Mangahouanga Stream , a tributary of the Te Hoe River, inland Hawke 's Bay, North Island . The locality is remo te, hard to get to and on private land . The fossils are all from a sandstone formation of Late Cretaceous age, about 75 million years old. Dr Hamish Campbell Senior Scientist, GNS Science
"It was a great pleasure to work with Eric Dorfman (stamp designer! as we were both involved in creating the 'Blood Earth Fire' exhibition at Te Papa relating to human impact on the New Zealand environment." - Dr Hamish Campbell
Dr Eric Dorfman and Dr Hamish Campbell in front of a prehistoric dinosaur display at "Awesome Forces' - Museum of New Zealand Te Papa Tongarewa (note - this photo was taken as part of the public relationsactivity to launchthe stamp and coin issue]. "
Focus issue '9 Apnl2010
www.nzpost .co.nzlstamps
Icons of New Zealand Icons of New Zealand coin series - celebrate New Zealand 's identity In 2009. New Zealand Post laun ched the first eye-c atching coins in a three -year series celebrating the uniquenes s of our country and our mu ch-lov ed native bird - the kiw i. The com plete colle ction would comprise three quarter -ounce gold proof coins, three 102 silver proof coins and three 102specimen quality silver bullion coins, with one of each to be released every year until2011 . The pure $10 gold 10.9991 and $1 silver 10.9991 coins in this collection are all New Zealand legal tender, with each year' s unique design developed in New Zealand with a contem porary flair. While the iconic image of the kiwi remain s unaltered during the three years , the distin ctl y New Zealand icon changes each year to build a comprehensive story about the kiwi bird and New Zealand . The first design to be relea sed in thi s stunning collection was issued in December 2008, with two out of the three coins selling out within weeks to worldwide accla im . Alongside the easily recognisable kiwi image was a stylised map of New Zealand . This init ial design reflected the strong link that the kiwi has with the land and emphasised its status as unique to New Zealand . Alth ough the kiwi is New Zealand's most cheri shed natural icon. all five species of bird
2009 silver prool kiwi and map coin
are now list ed as endangered and the survival of thi s native bird is dependent on th e success of breed ing and protection programmes acro ss New Zealand . The 'Southern Cross', New Zealand's official em blem , was the second icon to feature with the kiwi in th is intriguing series, and reinf or ces New Zealand 's unique link s with th e land and sky. Symbolising patriotism and pride. thi s tiny constell ation rernams a symbol of home for our off-s hore soldiers and is the focus of our national flag . Including this special star formation in the design for the 2010 edition also supported the fact that kiwi s are most active dur ing the night. In November 2010. this Icons of New Zealand legal tender coin series will culmi nate in the release of the third and final design. An essent ial acqui sition for a com plete collec tion, th is 2011 year dated coin will showcase the kiw i bird next to th e silver fern - an easily identifiable icon of Aotearoa/N ew Zealand around the world . All coins in thi s ser ies are stru ck for us by BH Mayer' s Kunstprageanstalt GmbH in Germany. Coming from a family -owned mint that has been crafting coins to the highest standards for five generat ions. these lim ited editi on pr ecious metal coins are not to be missed .
20 10 gold proof kiw i and Southern Cross coin
Maori Art - Heitiki coin On 9 February . the day prior to the 2010 Maor i Art - Heitiki Coin release, Marketing Director Jame s Te Puni travelled to Te Puke [North Island. New Zealandl to present the heitiki artist behin d the coin design, Raponi. with a complimentary gold coin. Maori Television was in attendan ce and the story aired on Maori Television 's nationwide 7.30pm news programme, Te Kaea, that evening . Since the release of the 2010 Maori Art - Heitiki Coin. there has been very strong international and dome sti c demand for both the pure gold and pure silver coins . The coins were a standout at Berlin's World Money Fair. wi th many distr ibutors comment ing on the unique and innovative concept. There were only 50 gold coins left for distribution wi thi n one month of the release. and the first 2,000 silver coins sold out within the same period, requiring the remaining 2.000 in the mintage to be struck immediately. New Zealand Post notes the support of many people in creatin g the product : fir stly Raponi himself. Warren McGrath who carved the original waka huia , Cue Design . Peter Bjarnesen from Woodmasters Ltd who produ ced the waka huia from New Zealand kauri. and artist Thomas Hansen . We acknowledge Sir Hirini Moko Mead, and also stamps
James Te Puni presenting Raponi with his gold coin at Raponi's workshop in Te Puke.
Garry Nicholas and Toi Maor i Aotearoa who suggested the original selection of Raponi for the Matariki stamp issue, the precur sor to th is beautiful coin. Focus issue ÂŁ9 April 2010
Legal tender coins 2010 Maori Art - Heitiki coin Celebrate New Zealand 's Indigenous culture through two beautifully crafted Maor i Art coins - the first since the hugely successful 2004 Pukaki. Each lim ited edition gold and silver coin is presented in a waka huia [treasure box) specially designed by Warren McGrath. Tohunga Whaka iro Ima ster carver! to the Maori King .
Maui's Dolphin - 2010 Annual coin issue Cephalorhynchu5 hectori maui, com m only call ed the Maui 's dolphin It he world 's rarest marine dolph in!. is the hero of this year's annual coin series featuring rare and endangered native animals. With only about 110 still l iving in the wild. it is listed as 'criti cally endangered ' by the World Conservation Union .
Silver proof coin @ $89.00 Mintage l im it: 4.000
Gold proof coin @ $2.650.00 Mintage l im it: 500
Silver proof coin @ $129.00 Mintage limit : 4,000
Proof coin set@$149.00 Mintage limit: 1.500
Brilliant uncirculated coin set @$59.00 Mintag e limit: 2.000
Icons of New Zealand These stylish coins are the second in a three -year series that presents New Zealand 's most loved bird. the kiwi, together with another distin ctly 'New Zealand' icon, the Southern Cross.
Silver proof coin @ $89.00 Mintage limit : 8.500
Gold proof coin @ $650.00 Mintage cl osed @ 1,300
Silver bullion coin @ $60.00 Min tag e clo sed @ 10,000
Ancient Reptiles of New Zealand These explorer-themed specimen quality silver bullion coins are sold as numbered sets and presented in a beautiful. journal-style, leather case.
2010 FIFA World Cup South Africa ™ Anticipat ion is building for the upcoming 2010 FIFA World Cup South Africa TM, With football one of the most popular sports in New Zealand . this is one event you don 't want to mis s!
Only 1,500 sets availa ble worldwide !
Pure silver bullion coin set @ $450 .00 Mintag e lim it : 1,500
Focus issue 49 Apnl 2010
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Silver proof coin @ $99.50 Mintage limit: 10,000 lonly 1,500 coins will be offered in New Zealand Post packaging]
What's happening
Moena at the Wellington REAL Aotearoa store.
The open ing of the latest REAL Aotearoa gallery store in Grey Street. Wellington is a sign if icant event in the growth of the 't hi rd st rand' of the Stamps. Coin s and REAL Aotearoa business, according to Marketing Director James Te Pun i. "The look and feel of the store draw on the strengths of the origin al two stores IAuckland and Chris tchurchl but have some significant Improvements based on what we have learnt in the past two years . The store entrance is much wider, win dow displays are higher Impact owing to the store being wider. and that same feeling of greater space makes it inviting and easy for visitors to browse and select from the best of New Zealand art pieces, commemorative coins and phila~elic collectables." What other differences might visitors to the store notice? "For our philatelic and numismatic customers we have establis hed a clear section of the store with new, pur pose- built display units that showcase both coin and stam p offerings as the great reflec tions of New Zealand design that they are. This product is purp osely located next to the counters to allow the best service for our regular stam p and coin visitors, w ho are very im por tant to our business..'
seeing a fairly even mix of local customers and overseas tourists selecti ng somethi ng to remem ber their visits with . "Another surprise has been the huge interest in our coins in the new store." So what else is in store for REAL Aotearoa? 'We launched a new website in November to coincide With the Well ington store opening are also investing selectively in the existing Auckland and Christchurch stores. Sashi and Nicolette, who are our Auckland and new Christchurch managers respectively , are doing a great job also, so we are very positive about the prospects for the brand . "What is great to see is that we can work with artists such as Charles Wilson IRaponil on a stamp issue, carry hrs pieces In our gallery stores then showcase his work on something as beautiful as the recent Heitiki coin. Not only is it a great way to work, but it places the best philatelic and numismatic pieces quite rightly In context wi th other pieces of New Zealand art. There is no doubt that when done well . that's precisely what stamps and coins are: small works of art taki ng images and stories of our nation and its treasures to the world.'
Has the product changed at all? 'We have seen some fantastic ar tists join us in the past year since Jane Fahy !forme rly Head Buyer, Te Papa store) joined the REAL team. The result s have reflected this li ft in quality, meani ng visito rs really are seeing something special wheneve r they spend time wi th us. Artis ts include Francis Kirkha m , Carolyn Stephens, Suzanne Tamaki, Brian and Hene Hill and Alan Wehipeihana'"
So has the Wellington store reached expectations?
The sales from day one have exceeded what we were expecti ng at this early stage, so credit goes to our Store Manager Michelle. and Moana. Lin and Sandra who deliver the experience for customers. It's a great location next to the Hotel Inte rcon tinent al and we are
If youwould like any further information on the products or artists featured, please visit anyof our stores or contact our Store Managers:
SashiAli Michelle Fyson
62 Queen Street,Auckland 1GreyStreet. Wellington
+6493097515 +644471 1561
101 Cashel Street, Christchurch +643 3775418 NicoletteAllen Focus issu. 49 Apnl2010
Recent stamp issues
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REAL Aotearoa Wellington store opening New Zealand 's cult ural capital. Wellingt on. IS the recipient of the third REAL Aotearoa store. whi ch opened ItS door s on 22 October 2009. This souvenir cover ma rks the opening of REAL Aotearoa Wellington. located at 1 Grey Street
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Products available Souvenir cover Issuedale: 22 October 2009
Designer Stamps Business. New Zealand Post. Wellington
Pnnter: Collectables and Soluucns Centre. WanganUl
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Withdrawal date 21Oc tober 2010
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Ross Dependency - 50th Anniversary of the Signing of the Antarctic Treaty In 1959. 12 nations active in Antarctica during the 1957·58lnternat,onal Geophysical Vear Signed a landmark agreement - the Antarctic Treaty. Through it, they aimed to ensure 'in the interests of all mankind that Antarctica shall continue forever to be used exclusively for peaceful purposes and shall not become the scene or object of international discord' . Today, 47 countries are signatories to the Treaty. representing more than 80 percent of the world 's population . •
Products avatlable : FIve gummed stamps. Irrst daycover
Issue date, 25November 2009
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Desrqnertnhouse Des.qn, AuckLand Pnnter and process : SouthernColourPnnt Ltd by offset Lithography Stamp size: 30mm I( 'Omm
Sir Peter Blake 1948-2001
Withdrawal date, 24November 2010
Through his passion for sailinq, Sir Peter Blake was destined to become a great New Zealander. Hrs natural abilities on the water. combined with his astute and highly effective leaders hip style, led him to win races, break records and take New Zealand to the world . This Issue Includ es a range of fanta stic products, in particular the presentat ion pack, which contains an Imperforate m iniature sheet, that is also an adult entry Ivalued at $161to Visit Blue WaterBlack Magic - A Tribute to 51(Peter Blake at Voyager New Zealand Maritime Museum. Also available IS a special fir st day cover, which was relea sed at the
Blue Water Black Magic - A Tnbute to 51(Peter Blake opening event on 11 Decemb er 2009. This uniqu e cover car ri es a special cachet to dist inguish It from othe r Sir Peter Blake covers. JOin us In honouring the memory of th is extraord inary man 's life.
·HaVlng v'Slon IS not enough - change comes through reallsmg the vnion and turnmg It mto a reality· - Sir Peter Blake . •
Products avarleble: Frve gummed stamps. miniature sheet. two first day covers, presentation pack, l.rrruted EdItion
The New Zealand Collection 2009
Issuedale: 25 November 2009
Celebrate an ent ire year of New Zealand Post stamps. This prem ium philatelic publication takes you on a 12-month Journey of discovery, featuring an outstand ing select ion of stamps, glorious prctorial irnaqe s and extensive commentary on the stamp subjects from some of New Zealand's most wel l known persona lities.
Designer Cue Design, Wellington Printer and process : Southern Colour Print Ltd by offseillthography Stamp size: 30mm )( ' Omm
Withdrawal date, 24November 2010
Annual Collector's Folder
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This superb package Incl udes all the stamps, m iniature sheets and philate lic min iature sheets Issued by New Zealand Post dunng 2009.
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2009New Zealand COUe-dOI ~ Felder
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Focus issue 49 Apnl20IO
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Recent stamp issues
Year of the Tiger
New Zealand 2010 Game Bird Habitat Collection
In 2010, the Chinese luna r calendar ushered m the Yearof the Tiger. It's a year that honours a symbol of courage. This vibrant array of stam ps captures a selection of Images that celebrates New Zealand's cultural make-up.
Each year, the Game Bifid Habitat Collec tion ISlaunched on 2 February to coincide with World Wetlands Day, which marks the signing of the Intern ali onal Convention In 1971. Thrs year we are featunng the mallard duck, the most well known and recognised of all New Zealand ducks, as ill ust rated by talen ted New Zealand artist Craig Platt.
Products avaIlable "Four gummed stamps.miniature sheet. two flrst daycovers, presentation pack
Products available ' Game Bmj Habitatlicencestamp, flrst daycovers, miniature sheet, limited editionartist print
Issue date 6 January 2010
Issue date , 2 February 2010
Designer- Bananaworks. Auckland
Desiqner Craig Platt, Auckland
Printerand process: SouthernColour Pront Ltd by offset lothography
Stamp srze: 504mm
Stamp size 30mm)( i.Omm
Withdrawal date : 1 February 2011
Pnnter and process: SouthernColour Print Ltd byolfset lithography J(
Withdrawal dale , 5 January 2011
... "......$1.80
New Zealand
Ancient Reptiles of New Zealand
Personalised Postage (CALs)
Grab your binocular s and experience New Zealand's prehistoric reptiles as you've never seen them before I
PrOViding a uniq ue opportunity to pro mote New Zealand businesses, Personali sed Postage labels have been hugely popular since they were Introduced In 2006.
Presente d as If an explorer has travelled back In lime and observed them directly, th e Illustrations are 'field sketches' .. reconstructions based on the most up- to- date infor mation on animal behaviour, ecology and New Zeatand palaeont ology.
Thrs year. In respOnse to customer feedback. we Issued a Year of Issue cover, which includes envelopes with the labels issued dun ng 2009. •
Products avaIlable : Set of labels Issued dunn q 2009, set of Yearof Issue covers New ZealandPost makes every effort to Includean exampleof each label produced dunnq the year However there may be Instances where ttus IS not poss.bte lselecnon onlyl
Discover th e reptiles that roame d New Zealand from 75 million years ago. The collection features five huge stam ps, a massive rmmature sheet. a three-panel presentat ion pack tha t also includes a set of stickers and a free map, and a prestigi ous Lim ited Edition. Al so availa ble IS a set of I,ve pure si lver 10.9991 COinS. featuri ng highl y detailed, dynam ic Illust rations of each of the ancient rept iles. •
Products available' Five gummed stamps, trrst daycover, miniature sheet, presentation pack, LimitedEdition Issue date : 3 March 2010
Personalised Stamps 2010
Desiqner : Eklektus Inc., Wellmgton
Complement ing the existing range of Personal ised Stamp s. this stam p Issue sees the introduction of the 'Heitiki, togethe r with the most popular of the existing stam p images. These four stam ps are now available to use on Internat ional ma il. •
Pnnter and process: Southern Colou r Pn nt Ltd by offset hthogr aphy Stamp size: 52mm x 37.5mm Withdr awal date , 2 March 2011
Products available Fourgummed stamps. llrst daycover Issue date 10 February 2010
Designer YouXD, Welling ton Printerand process: SouthernColour Print Ltd by onset hlhography Stampsize 35mm x 20mm Withdrawal date: ThesestampsWilt remain on saleuntil further nonce
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. _. Focus issu" 49 Apr12010
Stamps from other countries
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While people all over the world celebrate Christmas in many differ ent ways. it's often a time of thanksg iving and prayer. We honour this tradition by showcas ing . through stamps. a selection of stained gla ss w indows from Niue's Ekalesia Millennium Hall and the Lakepa Ekalesia Church.
~1: 0F, .",, ' ~aQ
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IS tmA~ 1.0
Dale ofIssue 25 November 2009 Set offour gummed stamps $3.70 F,"'t day cover ~ 20 MIOIature sheet $3.70 MIniature sheet first day cover: $4 20
Fiji 60th Anniversary of the Founding of the People' s Republi c of China
Passion Fru it
Date of Issue, 1 October2009
Date01 ISsue, 17February2009 Set of lour gummed stamps: $3 ,40 First daycover ~30
Miniature sheet: $4.20 Miniature sheet flrst daycover: $5.10
Hong Kong 60th Anniversary of the Founding of the People's Republi c of China
East Asian Gam es
Date ot rssoe 1 October2009 Set of Sl> gummed stamps $3.70 F,"'t daycover ~ 40 MIniature sheet $3.70
First daycove" ~ 00 Souvenir sheet: $320
Miniaturesheet firstdaycover- $4,40
Souvenir sheet firstdaycover: $4.00
Dateof Issue; 5 December 2009
Setof SIX gummedstamps: $3.20
Souven" sheetlet , $2.30 Souvenir sheetlet firstdaycover $3.00
Souverur pack. $1120
Stonecutt er s Br idg e Dateofissue: 17 December 2009
Set offourgummed stamp" $2.70 F,"'t daycover' $3.50 Sowerur sheet. $2.70
6' ,'
Souvenir sheetfIrst daycover¡ $3.50
Hong Kong - Brazil Football j oint issue
Souvemr packC $11.10
Date of Issue : 5 November 2009 Set offourgummed stamps , $2.70 F,"'t daycover $350 Souven"sheet . $2.70 Soeverur sheet flrstdaycover $3.50
Souven,r pack $9.70
To view mor e stamps fr om other count rie s, please visit our website stamp s Focus issue '9 Apnl2010
Stamps from other countries
, .''1':" ,. :i Malta
Maritim e Cruise li ners
WWF Bird s of Sam oa Date 01issue, 2September 2009 Firstdaycover, $8.50
Date ol rssue: 15July2009 Set 01 lourgummed stamps, $11.10 First daycover, $12.30
Miniature sheet: $14,50
Dateof rssue: 16September 2009 Set 01lourgummed stamps, $4.00 Firstdaycove" $4.90
United Nations ECOSOC Dateolrssue : 6 August2009 Set 01SIX stamps, $10.50 Christma s
Date ofIssue, 30 November 2009 Set 01 three gummed stamps, $3.10 Firstdaycove" $3.90
Millennium Goals Date 01 issue, 25September 2009 Set 01 three sheets $36.20
Indig enous People Dateot issue : 8 October2009 Set 01 three sheets , $28.30
Pitcairn Island Wander ing Glider Dragonfly
Date of rssue: 26August 2009 Set 01 twogummed stamps, $8.50 Miniature sheet : $8,50 MIniature sheet firstdaycover: $10.40
Vanuatu Bicent enary 1809-2009 Aircr afl Over Pitcairn Date ofissue: 21 October2009 Set 01lourgummed stamps, $8.80 Firstdaycove" $10.80
Oate 01 issue, 28July2009 Miniature sheet: $9.40
M,nlature sheet fIrst daycover, $11.30
Bicentenary of the Birth of Charles Darwin 1809-1882
Dateof issue : 23September 2009 Set of threegummedstamps: $7.70
Firstdaycove" $9.60 Royal Navy Visitors Date of Issue: 9 December 2009
F,rst daycover, $12.90 M'nlature sheet, $10.90
Beach Thick-knee Dateof issue: 25 November 2009
Firstdaycove" $9.70 Souvenir sheet, $15.70
To view more stamps from oth er countries, please visit our websit e www.n! stamp s
Focus issue 49 Apnl2010
"He tor¡ Wha kai arro, he mana tangata " - where there il artistic excellence, there il buman dignity. .
NewZealandPost ~
Focus order form - April 201 0 Customer deta ils
Protecting your privacy
Surname :
New Zeal and Post will keep your name and addre ss on our datab ase. so tha t in fu tu re we can send you furt her informa tion on stam ps. collec tables and related pr odu ct s and se rvices and. occas ionally. offers on simila r product s from other com panies. If you do not wish to receive any m ail ings fro m the
Postal address :
at all. please tick here: 0
New customer :
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New Zealand Post Collec ta ble s a nd Sol ution s Centre
Und er th e Pr iva cy Act 1993. you are en title d to have access to. an d to correct . your pers ona l information at a ny tim e by phoning or wri ting to th e Collectable s
Phone :
and Sol utio ns Centre . Pr ivate Bag 3001.
Wanganu i 4540. New Zeala nd.
Telephone . 64 6 349 1234. Fa, .64 6 345 7120.
How to pay
How to order 1. Enter your orde r details . All pr ice s are in New Zea land dollar s .
By cheque, inte rn ationa l mon ey orde r or bank draf t.
Post age is free w ith in New Zeala nd: just addre ss your envelo pe to the addre ss at left.
By credit ca rd for orders of NZ$10 or m or e.
2. TotaLyour order and indicate how you w ish to pay. II you a re paying by che q ue. inte rnatio na l m oney order or bank dr aft . be sure to enclose th is with your order. Please do not send cash.
a n account] .
All pri ces in clud e NZ Good s and Servic es Tax
3. Post this orde r form to:
@ 12.5%.
Payment can be mad e into your stam p acco unt at
Ord er s containi ng iss ues du e to be re leased will be su pplied on the ir r esp ective issue dates.
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one (ple ase cont act us if you w ould like to set up
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Postage reckoner
South P. cifl c
Eul Asi. & Ni h Am.riu Air
Europ e Air
Rest 01 Wor ld Air
£) Sterling
B NZ Stamp Cottecnons. Albums, Stockbooks and CP Cetetoques-Bcc ks. DAVQ Albums
Approxim ate equiva le nt .
$3 30
$3 30
$3 30
$1 Au stralia
NZ$1 28
$7.00 $1432
$9.63 $23 15
$11 22 $29 77
$1198 $3289
$14.34 $36 05
$1 US
$1 Canada
$5 00
€1 Euro
A Miniature Sheet Booklets. Sheets. FIrst DayCoverRetuts B Sett-edhestve Cartons
Currency reckoner
Ausl n li.
A Stamps, Sheetlets. Miniature Sheets. Booklets, Postcards. ACSCatalogue
B Presentation Packs, Collector's Folders, Stamp Packs. DAVa Supplements
If you are m ailing your or der from ou tside
By debit ing you r account with the New Zealand Post Collec ta bles and Solut ions Centre . If you have
Fe-st DayCover Packs. MalUmum Cards.First Day Covers
No Charge
Total to pay
Courier Delivered 11 day to major towns and o nesI 1·2 days
New Zealand order s - coins
Overseasorders - coins
rowsm.1r*ed A ' a IY orrJen!'d. the h'9hest rate appl ies. If several Items
sectic . . .
Plus postage $
NZ$3.oo NZ$5 oo NZ$5.00 NZ$10.00
A Presemanon packs, stamp sheets
If sew-ralltems In
""' "
Wllh in New Ze.l.nd
A Stamps. miniature sheets. nrst day covers
Specrat courie r service lor
rows ffliJrked 'S" are orde red. the pos tage listed IS per Item . /I
your order Includes A' and '8' item s the '8' Items total only appll/!S . fntematlOfl,)l Expre ss rates are aYdl/dbi e upon appllCdtlOn.
Pledu ~dd $5.00 deli.,.,., within New Zeal~nd lor CJmplwll P~ terson CJt~logu.s, Lighthous. Stockbooks, St~nley Gibbons CJt~loguH ~M New ZealJlM SDU~nirs .nd gifts.
How to contact us - If yo u ne ed
m ore in for m a t io n. or h e lp a bout Int e rnat ion al Expre s s rat e s . ple a s e tel eph on e . fax o r email u s d ire c t.
Te lephone :
Fa x:
Em a il:
You can al so find us on th e int ernet at :
(06) 349 123 4
(06) 34 5 7 120
collecta bles@nz
{Overseas customers . 64 6 349 1234/
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How would you like to pay?
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New Zealand stamps REAL Aotearoa Wellington store of)ening - 22 Oqober2009
Office use Descr ipt ion A90S [Soovenir cover
Pr ice
a ty ' Code
Total NZ$
$1.00 Section 1 Total NZ$
Sir Peter Blake 1948-2001 - 25 November 2009
Office use .Description
aty ' Code
Total NZ$
Yearof the Tiger - 6 January 2010 Offi ce us e Descr iption 10Al
Set of four gummed stamps
SOc - Year of the Tiger
$1.00 - Tiger
$1.80 - Multicultural New Zealand
$2.30 - Wellington Beehive
First day cover
Miniature sheet
Miniature sheet first day cover
Presentation pack
a t y ' Code
Set of five gummed stam ps
SOc - Inspirational Leader
$ 1.00 - Yachtsman
$1.80 - Record Breaker
$2.30 - Passionate Kiwi
$2.80 - Environmentalist
First day cover
Miniature sheet
Annl!al Collector's Folder- 6 January 2010
Miniature sheet first day cover
Office use
Presentation pack lincludes special Imperforate m iniature sheetl
Limited Edition lsubject to availability]
First day cover With Blue Water Black Magic cachet /Issued II December2009/
Descr iptio n 2009 New Zealand
Pr ice
Section 7 Total NZ$
New Zealand 2010 Game Bird HabitatCollection2 February 2010
Off ice use Descr ip tion
Pr ice $10.00
Ross Dependency - 50th Anniversary of the Signing of the Antarctic Treat}' - 25 November 2009
Mallard duck licence stamp first day cover
Office use Description
Mallard duck licence stamp miniature sheet
Mallard duck miniature sheet first day cover
Mallard duck li cence stamp limited edition art ist print
SOc - Antarct ic Treaty
$ 1.00 - Peaceful Purposes
$ 1.00
$ 1.80 - Scientifi c lnvesnqatron
$2.30 - International Co-operation
$2.80 - Preservation and Conservati on First day cover
a ty ' Code
Total NZ$
a ty 'Code
Total NZ$
Personalised Postage ICALsl- 31 December 200.~ .
Personalised Postage 2009 pack
Pr ice $56.50
Personalised Postage 2009 year of Issue cover
Kaikoura Regional Postage booktet 110 x SOd
Kaikoura Regional Postage booklet 16 x $1.801
a ty ' Code
Total NZ$
First day cover
aty ' Code
Total NZ$
Section 9 Total NZ$
Ancient Ref)tiles of New Zealand - 3 March 2010 Price
Set of five gummed stamps
SOc - Allosaurus
$1.00 - Anhanguera
$1.80 - Titanosaurus
$2.30 - Moanasaurus
$2.80 - Mauisaurus
First day cover
Min iature sheet Isell-adhesivel
Presentati on pack
lim ited Edition lsubject to availabilityl
Section STotal NZ$
Pr ice
Set of four stamps 11 x $1.80 + 3 x $2.301
Off ice use Description
$89.00 Section 4 Total NZ$
Off ice use Descr iptio n
The New Zealand Collection 2009 - 25 November 2009
AL09 IThe New Zealand Collect ion 2009
Total NZ$
Personalised Stamp-s 2010 - 10 February 2010 Off ice use Descr ipt ion
a ty 'Code
Section 8 Total NZ$
Section 3 Total NZ$
Office IDescription use
Total NZ$
Mallard duck licence stamp
Set of five gummed stam ps
aty 'Code
Collector's Folder
Total NZ$
Secti on 6 Total NZ$
Secti on 2 Total NZ$
Pr ice
[J I wouldlike to jointhe Standing Orderfor 'Regional Postage booklets'.
aty 'Code
Total NZ$
$27.50 $135.00 Section 10 Total NZ$
o I wouldlike to jointhe Standing Order for 'Year of Issuecovers'.
New Zealand stamps continued
The ANZAC Series: Remembrance - 7 AJ)ril201 I)
2010 FIFA World CUJ) South African.
Office use Descr ip t io n
Pr ice
aty ' Code
Total NZ$
Off ice use Descrip t ion
Pr ice
Set of six gummed stamps
$8 .90
50c - ANZAC Day
50c - ANZAC Day 1958
2010 Icons of New Zealand
i 1001
$ 1.00 - Ruatona 1943
$ 1.80 - ANZAC Day 1940
$ 1.80
Off ice Descr ip ti on use
$2.30 - Egypt 1932
$2.80 - Italy 2004
First day cover
Miniature sheet booklet
Silver proof coin
Total NZ$
aty 'Code
Total NZ$
Pr ice
'/,oz gold proof kiwi and
a ty ' Code
$650 .00
Southern Cross coin
10z silver proof kiwi and Southern Cross coin
10z specimen qual ity silver bullion kiw i and Southern Cross COin
$60 .00
Section 11 Total NZ$
Expo 2010 Shanghai China - 30 April2p10 Office use Description 100 2 100 2 , 100 2
Pr ice
Set of five gummed stam ps [suppl ied as a blockl
50c - Pohut ukawa and Peony Flowers
$1.00 - Kalt lakl and Fu Dog
$1.80 - Tane and Pan Gu
$ 1.80
$2.30 - Auckland and Shanghai
$2.80 - Heiuk i and Cong
$2 .80
First day cover
$8 .90
Miniature sheet
$8 .40
Expo 2010 Shangha i China souvenir cover lissue dale
2010 Maori Art - Heitiki coin Off ice use Descr ipt ion
Pr i ce
10z gold proof coin lsubject
a ty 'Code
Total NZ$
to avaitabrlityl A900
' 100 2
Tot al NZ$
1100 2 1002
a ty ' Code
10z silver proof coin (subject to availabilityl
$ 129.00
2010 Annual coin issue - Maui's dolphin Off ice use Descr ip t ion A9 15
Silver proof coin
A9 16
Brilliant uncirculated coin
Proof coin set
Brilliant uncirculated COin set
a t y 'Code
Total NZ$
$89 .00 $35 .00 $149 .00 $59.00
Section 12 Total NZ$
Ancient ReJ)tiles of New Zealand London 2010 International Stamp Exhibition - 3,0April 2010 Off ice I use Description ' E134 E135
Pr ice
Exhibition min iature sheet
Exhibit ion souvenir first day cover
$6 .10
a ty
' Code
Total NZ$
Off ice use Description A908
Pure silver bull ion coin set lsubject 10 evailab ilityl
a ty 'Code
Total NZ$
$450 .00 Section 14 Total NZ$
Secti on 13 Tota l NZ$
Mint stamps will be supplied unless you specifically request otherwise.
If you wish to order used lUI or cancelle d lei stam ps. please indicate th is by w riti ng th e Lette r U or C as appro pria te next to the quantity you require. ¡Plate/lmprint blocks may be obtaine d by pur chasing at least six sheet stamps. Barcode. value and logo block s may be obtai ned by pur chasing at least two shee t stamps . Barcode blocks are generally available in A and 8 formats for sheet stamps. To order blocks or sheets from relevant issues, please enter a code from the lis t below in the appr opri ate colu m n. Codes for th e type s of block and sheets ar e as foll ows:
Pi - Pla te block, VA - Vatue block, BA- Barcode block, LO- Logo block. ST - Sh eet of sta m ps.
Stamps from other countries
Niue Office use Description
Fiji Price
aty â&#x20AC;˘ Code Total NZ$
Set of four gummed stamp s First day cover
NU31 Set of four gummed stamps
Total NZ$
$3.40 $4.30
60" Ann iver sary of the Found ing of the Peopl e's Republic of China F069
Miniature sheet
Miniature sheet fir st day
aty 'Code
Total NZ$
First day cover
Miniature sheet
Miniature sheet first day cover
Passion Fru it
aty 'Code
Chr istmas
Offi ce use Descr iption
Pi\cairn Island Office use
Set of two gummed stamps
Miniature sheet
Miniature sheet first day cover
Wandering Glider Dragonfly
Hong Kong Office Description use
aly 'Code Total NZ$
60" Anniversary of the Founding of the People 's Republic of China
Aircraft Over Pitcairn
Set of six gummed stam ps
Set of four gummed stamps
First day cover
First day cover
Miniature sheet
Miniature sheet fir st
Royal Navy Vis itors
day cover H146
Souvenir sheell et
Souvenir sheellet fir st day cover
Souvenir pack
$8.80 $10.80
First day cover
Miniature sheet
Office use Description
Hong Kong - Brazil Footb all jo int issue
I Price
Iaty I ' c ode I Total NZ$
WWF Birds of Samoa
Set of four gummed stamps
First day cover
$8.50 1
First day cover
Miniature sheet
$1450 1
Souvenir sheet
Souvenir sheet first day cover
I,Jl)ited Nations
Souvenir pack
Office use Description
East Asia Games H149 H149
Set of six gummed stamp s First day cover
Souvenir sheet
Souvenir sheet Irrst day cover
Set of four gummed stamp s
First day cover
Souvenir sheet
Souvenir sheet first day cover
Souvenir pack
Pr ice
Mar itime Cru ise Lin er s $ 11.10
$36.20 1
$28.30 1
Set of three sheets
Set of four gummed stam ps
Fir st day cover
Christ mas M0 90 Set of three gummed stam ps
M090 First day cover
Set of three sheets
Pr ice
aty ' Code Total NZ$
Bicentenary 1809-2009
aty 'Code
Miniature sheet
Miniature sheet first day cover
$9.40 $11.30
Bicentenary ofthe Birth of Char les Darwin 1809-1882
Total NZ$ VA84
Set of three gummed stam ps
First day cover
First day cover
Souvenir sheet
Beach Thick -knee
Office Description use
First day cover
$10.50 1
' M0 88 Set of four gummed stam ps
Set of six stamps
Ind igenous People
Office use Description
Price I aty I ' c ode I Total NZ$
Millennium Goals
Ston ecutt er s Br idg e H150
Sect ion 15 Total NZ$
Additional products
2009 KlwiStamp sett-acbesive booklet
$5 .00
2009 Chr istmas self -adhe sive booklet 10 x 50c
2009 Chrostmas self-adhesive booklet 10 x $1.80 Isave $3.001
Personatised PQstage Off ice use Descr ip tion
Pr ice
Per sonali sed Postage 2006
Per sonalised Postage 2007
Personali sed Postage 2008
Oty ' Code Tot al NZ$
Sect ion 19 Total NZ$
Rpss Dependency Def init ive Stamps Off ice use Descr iptio n
Sect ion 16 Total NZ$
Def'MlVes set 0110stamps - 5c. I Oc. ZOe. 45c. 5Oc. 7Oc. SOc. $1.00. $2.00. $3.00 - 2 November 1994
Definit ive rate decrea se 40c stam p - 2 October 1995
Other products still on offer Definitive Stam~s Office use Descr ip t io n
Pr ice
Oty ' Code Tot al NZ$
RQSS Depende,,!cy FÂťacks
$1.50 Self- adhesive stam p 7 May 2003
$10 Mt Ruapehu 12 Febr uary 1997
$20 Mt Cook18 Febru ary 1994
$ 1.10 Gold round krwi 2003 Set of I,ve detmit ives
Offi ce use Descrip tion
$ 1.10 $ 10.00
$ 1.50 Bronze roun d k iwi
2004 Tourism
2006 Tour ism
Pr ice
$ 10.00
Oty ' Code
Total NZ$
Sect ion 18 Total NZ$
BQQklets Off ice use Descr ip tio n
Pr ice
2006 Ross Dependen cy
2007 Ross Dependency
2008 Ross Dependency
Oty ' Code Tota l NZ$
Pr ice
Art meets Craft
Year of the Sheep
$16 .95
Royal New Zealand Ballet
100 Years of New Zealand Test Rugby
Veteran vehicles
New Zealand Zoo Anima ls
Rugby Sevens
World of Wearable Art
$ 16.95 $29.95
Garden Flowers
Farmyard Animals
150 Years of New Zealand Stamps [part 11
150 Years of New Zealand Stamps lpart 21
150 Years of New Zealand Stamps lpart 31
$29 .95
2003Delirutve s. self-a dhesive 5 x $ 1.50 stamps - 7 May 2003
Histo ric Far m Equipm ent miniatu re sheet booklet
$ 19.95 P6Al
Year of the Dog
0992 1
Extrem e Sports miniature sheet booklet
HM Queen Elizabeth II 80th Birthday
$24 .95
75th Anniversary of the Hawke's Bay Earthquake mini ature sheet booklet
Gold Rush
Scott Base 1957- 2007
$24 .95
P7B l
Year of the Pig
$24 .95
P7H l
Clever Kiwis
Prince Caspian
$24 .90
Matariki 2008
P8M l
Sir Edmund Hillary
P9B l
New Zealand Champ ions of Wor ld Motorsp ort [incl . free m iniature sheet first day cover!
Giant s of New Zealand
Chinese Luna r Series - Special Edit ion Pack
Scenic Deliruuves. self-adhesive 10 x 50c sta m ps
Scenic Denrutives, sell -adhesive 10 x $1.00 stamps
Southern Skies m iniature sheet booklet
2008 ANZAC mini atu re sheet booklet
$ 19.90
2009 ANZAC miniatu re sheet booklet
$ 19.90
2009 Scenic Detinit ives. sell- adhesive 5 x $1.80 stamps
$9 .00
Oty ' Code Tot al NZ$
Present at ion Pack s
(100 x 50c. $1.00 stam ps per sheet 50 x $ 1.50. $2.00. $5.00 stam ps per sheet l
Off ice use Desc r ipt ion
2003 Defi nit ives Off ice us e Descript ion
Pr ice
2005 Ross Dependen cy Through the Lens
Sect ion 21 Total NZ$
Sect ion 17 Total NZ$
Set of five stam ps 150c.$ 1.00. $ 1.50. $2 .00. $5 001
Ot y 'Code Total NZ$
Section 20 Total NZ$
Pr ice
Oty ' Code Tot al NZ$
Matankl 2009 - Hertrki
Sir Peter Blake 1948-2001
Year of the Tiger
POCI IAncient Reptiles of New Zealand
Total to pay
Total all sections
$27.50 Sect ion 22 Total NZ$
Plus postage Special courier service for COinS
Lighthouse Stockbooks Office use Descr ip ti on
Pr ice
32 sides white pages
32 sides black pages
48 sides while pages
48 sides black pages
64 sides white pages
64 sides black pages
Lighlhouse Royal large FOC Album [wrth five double pocket
Five refills for Lighthouse FOC Album ldoublel
Five refills for Lighthouse FOC Album ISinglei
Lighthouse COin Album
Premier FOC Album - large deluxe
Five refills for premier large deluxe FOC Album - single pocket
Five refills for premier large deluxe FOC Album - double pocket
i A048
Five refills for premier small deluxe FOC Album
ICampbell Paterson NZ
OAVO 1990-1999 Album IVol 31
OAVO Album IVol 51
OAVO Supplement pages 2000
OAVO Supplement pages 2002
$54.95 $54.95
OAVO Supplement pages 2004
OAVO Supplement pages 2005
OAVO Supplement pages 2006
OAVO Supplement pages 2007
OAVO Supplement pages 2008
Catalogues CT12
2010 ACS Stamp Catalogue
2009 COin and Banknole catalogue
Hagner Products A027 :Hagner Album A028
Hagner Sheets H 1.1 stnp, H2·2 stnps. H3=3 [stnp s, H4.4 stnps, H5.5 stnps. H6.6 stnps, H7.7 .si np s. H8·8 strips
$19.95 $1.25
$21.95 $3.70 Secti on 23 Total NZ$
Check list
Enter all your customer details (including your customer number) Ind icate how you would like to pay Total your order
If you a re not co mpletely sa tisfied with your pu r ch ase, re tu rn it to us wit hin 14 days of receivin g it. You ca n ask us t o re place it or give you a refu n d. N o q u est io ns asked !
All prices subject to change.
Campbell Paterson A070
Total am ount to pay NZ$
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