Focus Number 51 April 2011

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Kia ora, welcome! A new year has arrived and I'm pleased to brin g you the fir st issue of Focus for 2011. We have an excit ing year ahead, par ti cul arly with th e Royal wedding fast approaching. Mil li ons around the world will wat ch as Prince William and Catheri ne Middl eton exchange vows at Westm inster Abbey. To mark th e signific ance of th e union, we have released a comme mo rative stamp issue th at is destined to be highly coll ectabl e for years to come. With ANZAC Day around the corner, we're paying tr ibut e to tho se who have received our highest award for servi ng in the milita ry for ces - the Victoria Cross. The issue wi ll feature a stunning hard- back publi cation enti tle d Vict or ia Cross - The New Zeala nd Story. It tell s the stories and incl udes the citati ons of th e 22 men wh o have received th is prestigi ous award. It' s al so your only chance to get hold of exclusive stam p products created in their honour. How can I forget Rugby World Cup 2011, wh ich is now only month s away. Coin collec tors should keep an eye out for our upcoming prod uct: Rugby World Cup Champions. This premium set captures th e history of t he Tourn am ent wit h a coin fr om each of t he past Rugby World Cup wi nning nations. It's th e all-e ncompassing memento of RWC 2011 , and it won' t last long so order yours today. On another note, our Mar keting and Comm ercial Dir ector, Jam es Te Puni wil l soon take on the role of Chief Execut ive of Welling ton Rugby and th e Hur r icanes. In his four years James has made a huge cont ri bution to the stam ps and coins business, and we wish him all the best in his new and exciti ng role. Unt il next ti me, enjoy this issue of Focus , and perhaps you'll find something interesting to tempt you!



Ivor Masters Gen e ral Manag er, Stamps a nd Collectables

Please note: The finished products may differ from those illustrated in this newsletter.

Focus may not illustrate atlstamp. coin and collectable products that are featured in this issue or that appear in the order form. Artwork and articles from Focus may not be extracted for reprinting without prior permission from the New Zealand Post Stamps and Collectables Business. For more information and to request permission, please contact the Design Co-ordinator , Stamps Business, Private Bag 39990. Wellington

Mail Centre, Lower HUll 5045,


Royal Wedding On 29 April 2011 His Royal Highness Prince William of Wales KG will marry Miss Catherine Middleton at Westminster Abbey, London. Royal weddings are a cause for celebration, capturing the public not only in Britain but throughout the Commonwealth, and internationally.

Royal duties , act ing as a Counsello r of State in 2003 during The Queen's absence from the United Kingdom. On his second visit to New Zeala nd in 2005 he lai d a wreath on behal f of The Queen at the National War Memorial in Welli ngton and dur ing a third visit in 2010 he opened the new Suprem e Court building in Welli ngt on. Miss Catherine Elizabeth lknown as Katel Middleton was born on 9 January 1982 in Reading , Berk shire. She is th e eldest of thre e children of Carole and Michael Middleton. Catherine att ended schools in Berk shire and Marlborough Coll ege, in Wiltshire, aft er which she enrolled at the Univer sity of St Andr ews, from wh ich she obtaine d an MA in art history. She met Prince Wil li am at St Andrews in 2001. Prince William proposed to Catherine Middleton wh ile they were on holiday in Kenya. The announcemen t of the ir engagement on 16 November 2010 ended several years of speculatio n and was welcom ed worldwide. The engagement ring , a larg e sapphire sur rounded by diamonds, was that given by William 's fath er to his late mother, Diana, Prin cess of Wales. The sel ection of Westminster Abbey for the wedding reflects th e special rol e it plays for Pri nce Will iam. It was the venue for the fu nerals of his late moth er 119971 and great-grandmother (2002), and th e marriage of his grandparents The Queen and Duke of Edinburg h [19471. The Abbey, regarded as a nat ional churc h, has been at th e centre of Briti sh life for more than 900 years.

Prince William Arthu r Philip Louis is second in lin e to the British Throne. In the norm al course of events he will succeed to the Throne, becoming head of state or sovereign of 16 Commonwealth Realm s [including New Zealand] and Catheri ne will become his Queen consort. Prince William was born on 21 June 1982 to The Prince of Wales and Diana, Princess of Wales. He first visited New Zealand with his parents in April 1983aged ten month s. The visit is perhaps best rem embered by the scene of William playing with the iconic New Zealand buzzy bee toy on the lawn at Governm ent House, Auckl and.

The Abbey al so has clo se links to New Zealand, and four days before the wedding the annu al ANZAC Day service of commemoration will be held there. The ashes of the great New Zealand -born scientis t, Lord Rutherf ord of Nelson OM, repose in th e Abbey; and since 2003 it has been the site for the memorial to all recipients of the Victoria Cross and George Cross. This histor ic occasion is being marked by New Zealand Post with comm emorat ive stamps from both New Zealan d and Niue . Al so avail able is a presentation pack that contains in-depth comme ntary on t he fascinating story of William and Cath er ine. Phillip O'Shea New Zealand Herald of Arms and Speciali st Advisor on Honours, Honours Secretariat, Cabinet Office

His parents divorced in 1996 and the following year Diana was tragically killed in a motor vehicl e crash in Paris . After schooling and a gap year in South America and Afr ica, Prin ce Willi am attended the University of St Andrews in Scotland, graduating with an MA in geography in 2005. His military tra ining commenced at the Royal Mili tary Academy Sandhur st, follow ed by tra ining as a search and rescue pilot with the Royal Air Force. Pr ince Willi am has followed the exam ple set by his lat e moth er by becom ing actively involved with a number of char itable, welfare and sport ing organ isations. Since turn ing 21 , he has al so undertaken a numb er of offic ial

Pr esent ation pack

Stamp ima ges copyright 20 10 Mari o Testino

www.nzposl! slamp s

Focus issue 51 April 2011 •

Victoria Cross - The New Zealand Story Gallantry in the presence of the enemy

The VC was cre ated by Queen Victor ia in 1856 to recogn ise acts of gallant ry in the presence of the enemy by member s of the arme d forces. In total 21 New Zealander s wo n the VC for acts of gallan try from 1864 [Captain Charl es Heaphylto 1943 IFlying Officer Lloyd Trigg IRNZAFI. In 1999 The Queen instituted the V ictoria Cross for New Zealand' and the only recipient to date has been Corporal Wil lie Apiata for his gallantry in Afghani stan. He is also the only living VC recipient.

Sergeant Donald Forr ester Brown

When Donald Forrester Brown, 25, set sail for Egypt with the 9th Reinforcements, New Zealand Expeditionary Force in 1916 he probably had no inkling that his bravery would earn him a place in New Zealand 's military history, The for me r Dunedin farm er wa s New Zealand's first Victor ia Cross IVC) winner on the Western Front. Nin e months afte r he left New Zealand, Donald Forrester Brown found him self in High Wood, France under severe enemy bomb ardm ent. The com pany to whi ch he belonged suffe red heavy casualties from machin e-gun fir e.

Captain Charles Upham is the only com bat soldier, and only the th ird ever recipient, to have been awarded a second VC IVC and Bar l.

The fir st New Zealand- born recipient was Captain Henry Cecil Dudgeon D'Arcy, wh o wa s awa rded the VC in 1879 for an act of galla nt ry wh ile serving with th e Br it ish Ar my during th e Zulu War s.

Farrier Serg eant Major Will iam Jam es Hardham was th e first New Zeala nd- born recipient to win his VC for service with New Zealand m il itary forces. The award wa s for gallant ry duri ng the Boer War in 1901.

There w ere 11 VC s awarded to New Zealanders in Wor ld War One. All we re to mem ber s of th e New Zealand Army ; th ree wer e award ed posthumou sly.

In World War Two ther e wer e nine awa rds of the VC to eight ind ividuals. Of th e nin e award s, six were to memb er s of th e New Zeala nd Ar my, three to m emb er s of the Royal New Zealand Air Force, and two wer e posthum ous awards.

What is it made of? The VC is cast in gunmetal fr om gun s captured fr om the Russian Army during t he Cr im ean War. The metal is chem ically treated to give a dar k bron ze fini sh. The rank, nam e, and un it of servi ce of th e rec ipient ar e engraved on th e reverse of th e suspender bar and the date of the act or act s for wh ich the cross is awa rded is engraved on the central port ion of th e reverse. Judith Marlin , Edito r of Army New s

According to Sergeant Brown 's VC citati on, "at great personal risk he advanced with a comrade and succeeded in reaching a point with in 30 yards of the enemy guns. Four of the crew were killed and others captured . The advance of the com pany continued unt il it was again held up by machine-gun fire. Again Sgt Brown and his comra de, with great gallantry, ru shed the gun and killed the crew. After this second position had been won the com pany came under very heavy shell fire and the utter contempt for danger and coolness under fire of this non-commi ssioned officer did mu ch to keep up the spirit of his men." Sergeant Brown later single- handedly att acked a machine-gun, killed th e gun crew and captur ed the gun. Two weeks lat er, however, he was killed wh ile snip ing the retreating enemy near Eaucourtl'Abbaye. His VC was awar ded posthum ously. www stamp s

New Zealand Post is issuing a special commemorative stamp issue in honour of the Victor ia Cross recipients. Con sisting of a sheet of 22 x 60c stamps, a set of three first day covers and a premium hard-cover publication containing exclusive stamp products, irs an inspirational issue steeped in history. Focu s iss ue 51 April 2011


Upcoming coins

Rugby World Cup Champions

Includes coins exclusive to this set!

Rugby World Cup [RWC] 2011 wi ll be th e biggest event in New Zealand's spor ti ng histo ry. When th e Tournam ent begins. nations worldwid e wil l be cheering on thei r teams in the hope of becoming th e 2011 RWC cham pions. The Rugby World Cup Champions set pays tri bute to the past winners of RWC - New Zealand. Austral ia. South Africa and England. This limited editi on intern ational set contains a silver proof coin issued' and struck" by each of the RWC wi nning nati ons. and the New Zealand, Australian and English coins are exclusive to this collection. The set is completed with th e New Zealand RWC 2011 Webb Ellis Cup Coin [issued by New Zealand Post], which features the prized trophy of the RWC in gold gil ding. This premium collecti on of five coins is beautifully present ed in a wooden display box. The coins sit inside an intrica tely engraved wooden panel. wh ich stands alo ne as a stunning way to displ ay the set. With only 2011 sets minted, order now to avoid disappointment.

Rugby World Cup Champ ions set: $695.00. coming soon "The England coin is a Jersey coin of £5 denomination struck by the Royal Mint. ··Th e New Zealand coin is struck by Perth Mint on behalf of New Zeala nd Post.



Focus issue 51 Apr il 20 11

2011 legal tender coins 2011 Yellow-eyed Penguin New Zealand Annual Coin The Yellow-eyed Penguin is the subject of the 2011 annual coin issue, wh ich consists of two $5 coins, one forged from pure silver and the other from copper - nickel. Each coin is availa ble individually as well as in a set with 2011 st ruck New Zealand circu lat ing cur rency.

Silver proof coin, $105.00 Brilliant uncirculat ed coin: $35 .00

Proof cur re ncy s e t: $165 .00 Br illia nt un circulat ed c urre ncy set : $5 9.00

RWC 2011 Webb Ellis Cup Coin With RWC 2011 fast approaching, now is the perf ect time to commemorate th e event with the RWC 2011 Webb Ellis Cup Coin. This 10z pure silver proof coin showcases the Tournament's pr ize at its centre, shinin g through in special high -relief 24-carat gold gild ing. Presented in an individually num bered, laser -engraved wooden case, it mak es a st unning gift for Rugby fans everywhere .



Silve r proo f coin with 24-ca ra t gold gilding : $1 29.00

TM C> RWC Ltd 2008




2011 All Blacks Coin: the silver fern

2011 Icons of New Zealand

This first -ever All Blacks coin really is ALL BLACK, with the team's world -fam ous silver fern logo shining through . The stylis h 10z silver proof coin and the '201 1 All Blacks PNC: the silver fern ' are the perfect way to commemorate one of the biggest years in New Zealand rugby history.

PhiLate lic numis ma tic cover: $ 29.50

Silve r proof coin, $109 .00

The All Black s logo is a requtered trademark of the NZRU.

Silver proof coin: $99 .50 Mintag e limit : 7.500

1/4 0 2 go ld proof coin: $78 5.00 Mintage lim il: 995

International coins Royal Wedding UK £5 silver proof crown

2011 Australian Kangaroo

Coins struck to silver proof quality to celebrate Royal occasions are extremel y popul ar around the world. This official Royal Wedding UK £5 coin is destined to be one of the most popular ever issued by the Royal Mint. Housed in a classic wh ite vivella box, it is a perf ect tribut e to the Royal wedding of Prince William and Catherine Middleton.

The 2011 Australian Kangaroo silver proof coin features the alli ed rock-w al laby. These marsupial s are par t of the macropod family, meaning 'great footed' and are found mainly in nor th-east Queensland and on nearby Palm and Magnetic Islan ds.

Silver proof crown : $ 119.00

40mm in diameter and containing a full troy ounce of silver, this coin is sure to att ract the keen-eyed coin collector. Silver proof coin: $105.00

Focus iss ue 51 April 2011




Te Matatini Festival






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Te Matatini National Festival took place in Gisborne on 17-20 February, and New Zealand Post's Kapa Haka 2011 stamp issue had a large presence. Developed in partn er ship with Te Matat ini Society Ltd, the stamp issue captures the power and energy of Kapa Haka. New Zealand Post Mar keting and Comm ercial Director Jam es Te Puni said: "Kapa Haka is uniqu e to New Zealand, and a great way to celebra te our heritag e. The serie s highlights a perfor ma nce from beginn ing to end with each discipline showcased on each stamp."

New Zealand Post CEO. Br ian Roche and the Prim e Mini ster, Rt Han John Key on the ma in stage at the stam p launch.

The official launch of th e stam ps took place on Thursday 17 Febr uary. Selwyn Parata IChair of Te Matatini Society] welcom ed the Prim e Minister, Rt Han John Key onto the stage to unveil the stamps, which were received with mu ch applau se. Accompanying John Key on stage was New Zealand Post CEO Brian Roche, as well as the Maori King, King Tuheitia.

The New Zealan d Post stand at Te Matat ini National Festival.

Held at Wai a Hika Estate, t he festival was a huge success, drawing larg e crowds and more than 50 stall holders. 42 Kapa Haka group s perform ed, repr esenting 13 regions incl uding Austral ia. The Supreme Champions were Te Matara e i Orehu fr om Rotoru a, who als o won best male and fem ale leaders .

Chinese New Year Festivals 2011 is th e Year of the Rabbit, wh ich is traditionally a blend of pace, reflection and peace. Beginning on 3 February 2011, the Chinese New Year was celebrated with festivit ies nat ionwide, of wh ich New Zealand Post was a part. The Chinese New Year Festival and Mark et Day took place at the ASB Showgrounds in Auckland on Saturday 22 January. The festi val has grown in popula rity in th e past 20 years, and was atte nded by more than 20,000 people. The designer of the stam p issue, Fang Qiu from Asiawor ks, was present to sign th e vibran t stam p product, which was very well received. The Festival Day in Welli ngton took place on Sunday 13 Febr uary and featured an Asian market, parade and cultural entertai nment. The event was t he final e of th e Chinese New Year celebratio ns, and was th e fir st time that New Zealand Post has had a presence at the festival. The Year of the Rabbit stamp issue pays tr ibut e to th e coexistence of the Chinese and New Zealand cultures, and proved very popular at both festivals.


Focus iss ue 51 Apri l 2011




Presenta tion pack contains an int ricate paper -cut rabbit



REAL Aotea roa

Graeme Mcintyre - wood turning Graeme Mcintyre star ted wood turning in 1998 and immediately became hooked, learni ng how to mak e a variety of items by att ending any demon stration he could find. From initially making simple spindles and bowls, he progressed to more decor ative items. Graernes design tendency is to produce tal ler , thinn er and more delic ate items than most other turn ers, where the wood allo ws. He uses mostly New Zealand native ti mber , recovered from fallen tr ees or registered sustainably harvested forests. The production of Graernes pierced work starts wit h turning a very thin walled bowl shape with a thi ckne ss of not more t han two mil lim etres. The piercing is done using an air - powered dental dr ill, fitt ed with a spiral upcut cutte r and runn ing at 400,000 revolution s per mi nute. The use of pale, fine-t extured timb er , lik e mapl e, also allows colour to be added and pictures to be paint ed onto the sur face. In his pieces a pencil drawing, on t he surface, is outli ned using a pyrograph to burn th e li nes perman ently. An airbrush is th en used to build th e colour and shading slowly to complete th e picture, by masking the areas that are not to be paint ed. Wood turn ing today for many participants has moved from producing utilitari an it ems to creati ng art istic pieces. Thr oughout th e country 3,000 people call themselves wood turn er s and there is a netwo rk of clubs dedicated to pro mot ing woodwork for those young and old who are int erested in creati ng useful and beaut iful pieces from ?ur native ti m bers . To view th ese int rica te pieces, and many more, make th e journey to one of our unique stores or visit REAL Aotearoa stores also have a philatelic and numismatic offer ing incl uding special date stamps and cancellati ons on request.

A tragic loss for REAL Aotearoa Like everybody throughout New Zealand and around th e world, the stam ps, coins and REAL Aotearoa whanau were shocked and saddened by th e devastating effects of the Christchurch earthquake. Our dear collea gue, Meli ssa Neale tragically lost her life in th e course of th e event. Meli ssa was the Retail Specialist for REAL Aotearoa, and offered a signi ficant contribut ion to both REAL Aotearoa and the broader Stamp s and Coll ectables business during her time. Melis sa will be greatly missed, but will always be treasured in our hearts. Her ent husiasm , creativi ty and love for her family will stay with us forever, and we offer our sincere condol ences to her loved ones. Given th e devastating impact of th e ear th quake on the Christ church REAL Aotearoa store, it is currently closed. We will keep you informed of any further developments.

Focus issue 51 Apr il 2011


News and information Great news about Personalised Postage As of 1 April, th ere will no longer be any set -up fee on Per sonali sed Postage orders, mak ing it more econom ical to order Person ali sed Postage labels for yourself or your business!

Royal Numismatic Society 80th anniversary

Personalised Postage allows you to use your own im age or logo on a postage label. It's great for special promotions, build ing brand awareness , and day-to -day mail wit h a diff erence. To find out more about Personalised Postage, visit www sonal isedpostage . The Royal Numismatic Society of New Zealan d will celebrate its 80th anniversary wit h a Numismatic Fair in Wellington from 17 to 18 June 2011 . Anyone with an interest in coins, banknotes or num ismat ics is welcom e, part icularly those from out of town ,

All Blacks envelopes With a huge year for New Zealand rugby now upon us, we've create d a convenient package of pre-stam ped All Blacks envelopes. The packet s conta in 10 envelopes with offici al 60c All Black s stamps affixed - making them the perf ect way to show your support for our world-famous rugby team.

The main venue will be the Kingsgate Hotel, Hill Str eet, Thorndon , and the celebrations will feature a range of activities including: a walking tour of numi smatic sites in Welli ngton, a special dinner, a fair, stam p and coin displays, dealers and promotional activities . New Zealand Post is a sponsor of th is event. To fi nd out more , contact the Secretary, Hamish MacMaster on ham ish .mati @xtra or phone David Galt, after hours only, on +64 4 934 4422.

Special first day covers Special first day covers are create d for certain stamp issues that are launched or pres ented at events. These are availab le to order for the first time and include: Rugby World Cup 2011 first day covers from th e RWC 2011 Business Breakfast in Well ington and the Champion Canterbury awards in Christchurch; the 100 Years of Surf Life Saving first day cover fro m the Welli ngton launch at Parliament ; and the Kapa Haka 20 11 first day cover from the Gisborne launch at Te Matatini 2011.



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Packet of ten envelo pes: $8 .50

Product withdrawals This issue of Focus will be your last chance to purchase a number of older stamp products. The products are identified on the order form, and will only rema in on sale until 31 May 2011. Order now to avoid disappointment.


Focus iss ue 51 Apr il 2011

Stamps and coins undergo a makeover In the past few months the stamps and coins websites have been und ergo ing a complete re - developm ent.

sta mps

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In the coming days you'Il witness the transformation first- hand, when the webs ites go Live, Both webs ites wilLbe easier to use, more visually appealing, and will provide an improved persona Lexper ience, Easier to navigate The new websit es will allow you to browse through th e Latest stam p and coin issues with ease. More imagery and quickLinks mean that you're only a click away from our late st products. Based on your feedback, we've aLso re-designed the menu bar so you can jump between different sect ions of the website with ease. Search what you need If you can't spot what you're Looking for, or want to search a specific product or theme, the new 'search ' function will be a great help , SimpLy type in a term such as 'first day cover' or ' birds' and a List of products and pages will appear for you to browse ,



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Stam ps home page


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A great shopp ing experience The much - improved shopping experience will make it easier to pur chase your stamp and coin products onl ine, With a simpLer product range on offer, you'll easiLy find what you're look ing for, Once you've identified the product you're after, click 'add to carr , Then choose to either continue shopping, or cl ick'checkout ' to comp Lete your purchase, It couldn 't be simpLer!




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Manage your account


One of the significant developments with the new websites is that they allow you to manage your own customer account online, This means you'll be abLe to track all of your purchases, top-up your account, update your customer detaiLs, check your Kiwi Collector reward points and sign up to our mailing lists. Irs a great way to keep in touch with us and manage your stamp and coin requirements, . tMn pt





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Coins home page

Other important information

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WhiLe the websites will soon have a fresh new look, the way of gelling to them will be the same, SimpLy type in!stamps or .



The new websites will be live any day now, so wat ch this space!

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Current Issues


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Focus issue 51 April 2011 •

Recent stamp issues The New Zealand Collection 2010

2010 Collector's Pack

The New Zealan d Collection 20 10 features extensive commentary from well known New Zealanders. beautif ul imagery and a com prehensive colle ction of stam p products.

The 2010 Collector's Pack is an outstanding package of all the stamps. miniature sheets and phila tel ic exhibition miniature sheets issued by New Zealand Post during 2010.

This year's New Zealand Coll ect ion contain s an exclusive New Zealand - A Slice of Heaven imperforate stamp sheet. It's also great value for mo ney - the stam ps it hol ds are worth $128.90. yet its recommended retail pr ice is only $97.50!

2011 Game Bird Habitat Collection Wor ld Wetland s Day is celebrated on 2 Febr uary every year wit h the issue of the New Zealand Game Bird Habitat Collection. In 2011 . th e issue celebrates the well known ring -n ecked pheasant IPhasianu s colchicusl. • Products available: Licence stamp. first day cover, miniature sheet, miniature sheet first day cover. limited edition artist print

Iss ue dat e : 2 February 2011 Designe r: Paul Martinson, Masterton. New Zealand

Year of the Rabbit

Printe r: Southern Colour Print Ltd by offset lithography Withdrawal dat e : 1 February 2012

The third issue in New Zealand Post' s Chinese lunar stamp ser ies celebrates th e Year of the Rabbit. The issue features a vibrant rang e of stam p products that pay tr ibut e to th e co-exis tence of th e Chinese and New Zealan d culture s.

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Particularly excit ing is the presentation pack. which includes a delicat e Chinese paper-cut rabbit. • Products available: Four gummed stamps. first day cover,miniature sheet, miniature sheet first day cover,presentation pack

Issue dale: 12 Ja nuary 2011 Designer: Asiaworks. Auckland. New Zealand Printer: Cartor Security Printing. France by offset tithography

Withdrawal date : 11 January 2012

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Indipex 2011 The Indipex 2011 World Philateli c Exhibition took place in New Delhi, India between 12 and 18 February 2011. In honour of this substanti al event. a special min iature sheet and miniature sheet fir st day cover were issued. •

Products available: Miniature sheet, miniature sheet first day cover

Iss ue dale : 12 February 2011 Designer: Stamps Business. New Zealand Post. Wellington, New Zealand

Printer: Sou thern Colour Print Ltd by offse t lithogra phy Withdrawal dale : 11 February 2012

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Fo cu s issue 51 Ap r il 2011

Recent stamp issues Kapa Haka 2011

Personalised Postage 2010

Kapa Haka means to stand in a row or rank lkapal and dance lh aka]. Distinctive from othe r indigenous performing art s, Kapa Haka combines song, dance, expression and movement.

The 2010 Personali sed Postage pack consists of 20 gummed la bels, 42 self -adhesive labels and two booklets. All labels are available on the set of Year of Issue covers.

The six self -adhesive stam ps in th is compelling issue feature stances that illustrate six aspects of Kapa Haka performance. • Products available: Six sell-a dhesivestamps, first day cove r, miniature sheet, miniature sheet first day cover, presentation pack

Iss ue dat e : 17 February 2011 Designer: Tai Kerekere, KE Design. Wellington, New Zealand Printer: Southern Colour Print Ltd by offset lithography Withdrawal dat e : 16 February 2012

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Royal Wedding The Roya l wedd ing between Pr ince William and Cather ine Middleton wil l be an event watched by millions worldwide, and this highly collectable stamp issue will be a special keepsake for years to come. • Products available: Se-tenant set of two gummed stamps, first day cover. miniature sheet. miniature sheet first day cover, presentationpack Issue date: 23 March 2011 ••~o' .: ; ,. .......



Des igner : Dat arn. Wellington. New Zealand Pr inter: Southe rn Colour Print Ltd by offse t lithograph y Withdrawal date: 22 March 2012

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KiwiStampTM postage stamps The new KiwiStamp '· postage stamps capture our unique sense of identity as a nat ion in five fun designs . Easy to understand and simp le to use, these non-denom inated stamps will always be worth the required postage of a Standard Post" medium leller. • Products available: Strip at five self-a dhesive stamps. first day cover, booklet of 10 stamps. dispenser box of 100 stamps

Issue date : 23 March 2011 Designer: Datam, Wellington, New Zealand

Victoria Cross - The New Zealand Story This special stamp issue pays tribut e to the 22 brave New Zealanders who have received the Victori a Cross. The hard-cover publication : Victoria Cr oss - The New Zealand Story contains exclusive stamp products that are not availab le for individual sale.

Printer: Sheets and coils : Southern Colour Print Ltd. New Zealand. Booklets: Australia Post, Spri ntpak, Australia


Withdrawal dale: These stamps wilt remain on sale untiLfurther notice


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• Products avaiLable: Sheet of 22 x 60c stamps, set of three first day cove rs. hard-cover publication

Issu e dat e :14 April 2011 Designer: Cue Design, Wellington. New Zealand

Print er: South ern Colour Print Ltd by offse t lithography W,thdrawal dat e: 13 April 2012 www.nzposl

Focus issue 51 Apr il 201 1


Stamps from the United Kingdom Thunderbirds are go! Royal Mail is celebrati ng the iconic work of Gerry Anderson with a new set of innovative stamps tha t use microlenticular technolo gy. We are offering a fully illustrated presentation pack, wh ich contai ns a range of exciti ng stamp products. Inclu ded within is a set of six stamps, a mini ature sheet (made up of four stam ps featu ring Thund erb irds 1 to 41. a four - page comic and inside infor mati on on the microle nticular wiza rdry used on the stam ps. Also availa ble is a medal cover, wh ich concentrates on Gerry Ander son's best known work - Thunderbirds. This highly colle ctable product feat ures a limi ted editio n medal and Thunderb ird s miniature sheet com plete wit h a unique cancellation mark. Date of issue : 11 January 2011 Presentation pack : $21.00 Medal cover: $41.80

Stamps from Niue Royal Wedding As a Commonw ealth nation, Niue is celebrati ng the upcomi ng Royal wedding of His Royal Highness Pri nce Wil li am of Wales KG and Miss Cather ine Middleton wi th a commemorati ve stam p issue. The issue incl udes a se- tenant set of two gummed stam ps that capture the Roya l coupl e as we so often see them - graceful, com posed and very mu ch in love. The stam ps also feature imagery of th e frang ipani IsialeJ flower and are a beaut iful li nk betw een Niue and its alleg iance to the Crown.

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Also available in the issue are a min iature sheet. first day cover and min iatu re sheet first day cover - the perfect way to hol d on to the memory of the special day.

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Date of issue : 23 March 2011 Se-tenant set of two gummed stam ps: $5 .80 First day cover : $6.30 Miniature sheet : $5.80 Miniatu re sheet first day cover: $6.30




Focus issue 51 Apr il 2011 z/stamp s

Stamps from other countries Hong Kong

Twelve Animals of the Lunar New Year Cycle

Children's Stamps - Hong Kong in My Eyes

Sheetl et : $3 .60

Date of issue: 21 Octob er 2010

Sheetl et fir st day cover : $3.70

Date of issue: 22 January 2011

Set of four gummed stamps: $2.60 Fir st day cover: $3.40 Souveni r pack : $13.40 Souvenir sheet: $ 2.60 Souvenir sheet fir st day cover: $3.40

Lunar New Year Animals Date of issue : 22 January 2011 Set 01 four stam ps: $8.60 First day cover: $9.40

Redevelopment of Old Areas Date of issue:16 Novemb er 2010 Set of four gummed stam ps: $2.50

Lunar New Year Animals Tiger and Rabbit Date of issue: 22 Janu ary 2011 Sheetlet : $21.60

Firs t day cover : $3 .30 Souvenir sheet: $2.S0 Souvenir sheet fir st day cover : $3.30

Year of the Rabbit


Date of issue: 22 January 2011 Set of four stamps: $2 .50 Fir st day cover: $3.30 Imp erforated sheetle t: $1.10 Imp erforated sheetle t fir st day cover: $ 1.80 Souvenir sheet: $2.50 Souvenir sheet fir st day cover : $3.30

Lighthouses Date of issue: 29 Decemb er 2010 Set of five gummed stamps: $3.00 Fir st day cover : $3.70 Souvenir sheet: $3.00 Souvenir sheet fir st day cover: $3.70

Fiji Fiji Nanai Date of issue: 30 Jun e 2010 Sheetlet incorporating eight stamps: $6.30 Fir st day cover : $7.30

Focus issue 51 Apr il 2011



Stamps from other countries



Crested Iguana

150th Anniversary

Date of issue: 27 October 2010

Date of issue: 1 Decembe r 2010

Sheetle t: $14.90

Miniature sheet: $6.50

First day cover: $8.40

Miniature sheet first day cover : $7 .40


F"_ \laIb:'



,...,. f u' ~l ,



oon n

Fru its of Fiji Date of issue: 2 December 2010 Set of five gumm ed stam ps: $11.50 Firs t day cover : $12.40



... ... .. . ...... ...... ... .. ... .... .. ... ... ... ... .. ... .. . .. . .. ... ... ..... .. ... . ... ..... ..

Pitcairn Island Pitcairn London 2010 Exhibit ion Dale of issue: 8 May 2010 Miniature sheet: $6 .90

Pitcairn Hotspots Date of issue: 18 Augu st 2010 Set of five gummed stamps: $8.50 First day cover : $ 10.40

Malta - :,..,

Biodivers ity Date of issue: 23 Seplem ber 2010 Set of four gummed stamps : $7 .50

. ~ • - c

0"" ~


_• • :... . _








~~lt-i1"'Il '



- -

' . ~

- :. ,. ....~ , "~ .. .... ~ .

-s ._. .:J_


""""1';"' "_

First day cover: $8.50

Snails Date of issue: 20 October 2010 Set of four stamps: $7.90 First day cover : $9.90

NaturalTreasures Date of issue : 19 Oct ober 2010 Set of four gummed stamps: $6 .50 Fir st day cover : $7.40

Royal Navy Visitors II Date of issue: 9 Decemb er 2010 Miniatur e sheet: $10 .90 Fir st day cover: $ 12.90

Christma s Date of issue : 9 November 2010 Set of four gummed stamps : $6.50 Fir st day cover : $7.40

Endangered Yellow Fautu Date of issue: 12 Febru ary 2011 Set of two gummed stam ps: $7.20 Fir st day cover : $9.10


Ofl' " .... Do, e.... """""10-0, ......... _

Focus issue 51 Apr il 2011!stamps

Stamps from other countries United Nations


United Nations Transport

2010 World Expo Shanghai

Date of issue : 2 Septem ber 2010

Date of issue : 30 April 2010

Set of 15 stam ps, in three se-tenan t stri ps of five stam ps: $20.30

Set of four gummed stamps : $9.40 First day cover : $11.10 Souvenir sheet : $9.40

Cats of Vanuatu Date of issue: 14 July 2010

International Year of Biodiversity 2010 New York Definitive

Set of four gummed stamps: $8. 10 Fir st day cover : $9.80

Date of issue: 18 Dctober 2010 Set of two gummed stamps: $ 2.90

2010 Indigenous People

Vanuatu Youth Olympics

Date of issue: 19 October 2010

Date of issue : 14 August 2010

Set of three sheets with six stam ps each: $27.80

Souvenir shee t: $8.70 Souvenir shee t first day cover : $10.50

Smile with Us Date of issue : 15 Decemb er 2010

2010 Annual Folder Date of issue: 21 October 2010

Set of len gummed stamps: $10.30 Fir st day cover : $12.00

2010 Souvenir Folder - Geneva: $57.60 2010 Souvenir Folder - New York: $31.50 2010 Souvenir Folder - Vienna : $40.30

Turtles of Vanuatu Date of issue : 26 January 2011

Definitives 2011

Se-t enant set of ten gumm ed stam ps: $6.80

Date of issue : 4 February 2011

First day cover : $8.50

Set of six gummed stam ps: $ 19.20

www tamps

Focus issue 51 April 2011 •





ZZ J4) CJ~d7:;7 -

This truly inspiring read is the only publication of itskind that comprehensively pays tribute to the Victoria Crossrecipients. As well as stunning imagery and fascinating stories. it includes exclusive std~p products,

Place your order for this unique product and stamp issue today!



Focus order form - April2011


Customer details New custom er ;

Protecting your pr ivacy


Custo me r number


New Zealan d Post will keep your name and addr ess on our database. so that in fu tu re we can send you further information on stam ps. coll ectable s and rel ated pro duc ts and service s and. occasionally. offers on sim ilar pr oduct s from other com panies. If you do not wi sh to receive any mai ling s from th e New Zealan d Post Coll ectables and Solution s Centr e

I First nam e:

I Surn ame :

at all, pleas e tick here : 0

IPostal add ress:

1 1


1=============1::1 City,

= o=s=tc=o=d:::; P e _,

IILc=O=U::cn= t ry=,=====-=====


I====~I Phone: Da~etof b"th DDDDDDDD IEmail : To the mailing li st , please tick here ______________________ 1

Under the Pri vacy Act 1993, you are entitled to have access to, and to correc t, your perso nal information at any ti me by phoning or writing to the Colle ctables and Solutio ns Centre, Pr ivate Bag 3001, Wha nga nui 4540, New Zeata nd. Te le phone +64 6 349 l Z34, Fax +64 6 345 7120.



I would like more information on Sta nding Orders


How to pay

Howto order 1. Enter your order details. All prices are in New Zea la nd dolla rs ,

By cheque, intern atio nal money order or bank draft.

2. Total your order and indica te how you w ish to pay. If you are paying by cheque, in ternati onal money order or bank dr aft, be sure to enclose thi s w ith your order. Please do not send cash.

By debiting your account wi th the New Zealand Post Collec tables and Solutions Centre , if you have one (please contact us if you would like to set up an account] .

If you are maili ng your order from outside New Zealand, please be sure to affix the cor rect postage,

3. Post thi s order form to:


Orders are subject to our customer ter ms and conditions. See www pur chaseterm sandcondi tions or contact the Collec tables and Solutio ns Centre.

FreePost No.1 New Zealand Post Collectables and Solutions Centre Pr ivate Bag 3001 Whanganui 4S40 New Zealand

St amps Stamps. Sbeettets. Min iatur e Sheets, Bookl ets, Postcards ACS Catalogue. Mini atur e Sheet Bookl ets. Sheets. Firs t Day Cover Refills

8 Cart ons. Packets of All Blacks envelopes B NZ Stam p Ccttecuc ns. Albums. Stockbooks and CP Catalo gues. Book s. DAVO Album s. Vict oria Cross hard -cover publi cati on B Presen tation Packs. Colle ctors Folders. Stamp Packs. DAVO Supplem ents B Irs In the Post Book aXI

All prices include NZ Goods and Services Tax @ 15%.

Payment can be made into your stamp account at any New Zealan d Pos t Post Sh op by qu ot ing your customer num ber and request ing that the transaction be processed as a PHDEP. •

Postage reckoner A A

Postage is free wi thin New Zealand; just address your envelope to the address at left.

By credit card for orders of NZ$10 or more.


South P. cilic



Eu l Al i. & Nth Amu k . AI,

Europe AI,

$1.90 $2.90

$1.90 $2.90

$2.40 $3.40

$2.40 $3.40

$5.54 $12.00

$6.93 $19.55

Rest 01 Courier Within World Air New Zu lollnd

UK '

$7.80 $27.90

$7.51 $25.20

Order s contai ning i ssues due to be r eleased will be suppl ied on the ir r espective issue dates.

$2.40 $34 0

$3.00 $5.00

$10.00 $30.50

$5 00 $700








$14 14

$174 0



$7.00 $5.00

No Charge

Cards. F riot DayCOYers

If several Item s In rows marked 'A' are ordere d. the highest rate applies . II several Item s In rows m ark ed 'S' are ordered. the postage listed ISper Item . If your order Includes 'A' and'S' Items, the ' S' Item s total only applies . Internatio nal Express rates are evedabte upon application . Please add $7.00 delivery Within New Zealand for Campbell Paterson Catalogues, Ligh thouse Stockbooks and Stanley Gibbons Catalogues.

Coins Rugby World Cup Cham pions Ser"

A Ullr. li~

South PolI cilic

En t As i~ & Nort h Am.rk oll



$56 86


UK & Europe

Rel t of World

Couri.r Within NewZe.t .n d



Currency reckoner Approxim ate equivalent.

£1 Sterl ing


$1 Australia

NZ$1. 31

$ 1 US

NZ$ 1.29

$ 1 Canada

NZ$ 1.32

€ 1 Euro

NZ$1. 77

Total to pay Total all s e ctio ns


Plus posteqe

$ ,






All other coins l tet at val ue!

$0 - $620'


$10 00





$621 - $1500"







> $1500 or a gold com' " "

$342 6






• • Interna tional Air wit h Cover

• Intern ational Air Registered

•• • Interna l ional Couri er

Pri ces are esumate s only. Charges for delivery will be at the rates appli cable at the ti me of sending.

How to contact us - If you need more inform ation, or help a boul lnte rnalio na l Expres s rat es, plea s e telep hone. fax or e mai l us direct. Telephone :


Ema il:

You ca n also find us on the inte rnet at :

0800782677 IOverseas customers

(06) 345 7120 IOverseas customers +64 6 345 71201

collectables@nzpost and

+64 6 349


How would you like to pay?


I have enclosed a cheque/international money order/ bank draft (payable to: New Zealand Post)


Please debit my account


Vlsa o

Mas te rCa rd o

Customer number :

Ame x o

Dlne rs

Ca rd number D O D D D O D D D O D D D O D D

ICa rdho lder's name :



/ IL---

ICa rd ho lder's sig natu re , 1

New Zealand stamps The New Zealand Collection 2010 -17 November 2010 Descr ip ti on

Pr ic e

An nual Alb um

a ty

KiwiStamlJTM p'o stage stamlJs - 23 March 2011

ITotal NZ$



Sect io n 1 Total NZ$ I

Year of the Rabbit - 12 Janua ry 2011 Descr ip t ion

Pr ic e

;et of four gummed stam ps

Descr iptio n

1 Pr ic e 1a ty I 'Code

Strip of five stam ps


Booklet of ten stam ps First day cover Iwi th five stam ps aff ixedl Dispenser box of 100 sta m ps

a ty ' Code jTot al NZ$'


s$6 .00 $ 3.50 $60.00 Section 7 Total NZ$

$6 .10

Oc - Year of the Rabbit

$0 .60

Persoll alised Postage 2010

1.20 - Paper -cut Rabbit

$1 20

Des cr ip tio n

1.90 - Pamted Rabbit


Pers onal ised Postage pack


2.40 - New Zealand Icon

$ 2.40

Year of iss ue cover

$ 55.00

irst day cover

$ 6.60

hniature sheet

$ 6.10

miature sheet first day cover

Royal Wedding - 23 March 2011

$1 9.90

Desc r ip tio n

Sect ion Z Total NZ$

Annual Collector's Pack - 12 January 2011 Dlesc ri pti on

Pr ice


'010 New Zealand Collec tor's Pack

aty ' Code Tot al NZ$

Section 8 Total NZ$

$ 6.60

resenta tion pack

Pr ic e


a ty

Total NZ$

$4 80

First day cover

$ 5.30

Miniature sheet

$4 .80

Miniature sheet fir st day cover


Presentation pack

Section 3 Total NZ$

Pr i ce

Se-te nant set of two gummed stam ps

a ty 'Code Total NZ$

$5 .30 $1 9.90 Sect ion 9 Total NZ$

2011 Game Bird Habitat Collection - Ring-necked pheasant - 2 February 2011


lescr iptio n

Pr ice

Victoria Cross - The New Zealand Story - 14 AJ!ril2011

aty ' Code Total NZ$

Descrip t ion


Lrcense sta m p License stamp hrst day cover

$10 .00

Sheet of 22 x 60c stamp s


$ 12.00

Set of three first day covers

$ 14.70

L cense stam p miniatu re sheet

$11. 50 $14 00

Hard -cover pub l icat ion - viaons Cross - The New ZealandStory


L cense stamp mi niature sheet f .:st day cover

Sect ion 10 Total NZ$

License stam p l im ited editio n

$ 65.00

airus t pr in t

Special first day cover s Section 4 Tot al NZ$

Ind i ~ex

Descr ip tion


2011 - 12 February 2011



aty ' Code Tot al NZ$

Pric e

miature shee t

$5 .50

iniature shee t fir st day cover

$6 .00

a ty

'CodeTotal NZ$'

Sect ion STatal NZ$

Pr ic e

Rugb y Wor ld Cup 2011 Well ingt on first day cover

$3 .00

Rugb y Wor ld Cup 201 1 Christ church first day cover


100 Years of Surf Life Saving Wellington first day cover

$9 .50

Kapa Haka 20 11 Gisborn e

a ty

' Code Tot al NZ$

$ 10.10

nrs: day cover Kapa Haka 2011 - 17 February 2011 Dlescri ption

S,et of six self -a dhesive

Pr ic e sta m ps

$9 .60

610C - Whak aeke

$0 .60

610C - POI

$ 0.60

s; 1.20 - Walata -a -n nga s, 1.90 - Haka

$ 1.90

$1 .20

$,2.40 - Whakawatea


$,2.90 - M6teat ea

$ 2.90

Firs t day cover


nuature shee t Igummedl

mrature sheet first day cover

P resentanon pack

Section 11 Total NZ$ a ty ' Code Total NZ$

$10 .10 $9.60 $ 10.10 $ 29.50 Sect ion 6 Total NZ$


D I would like to join the Standing Order for 'Regional Postage booklets',


I wouLd like to join th e Standing Order for 'Year of Issue cover s',

Coins Sir Edmund Hillary - A Lifetime of Ach i~vement


Descr iption Gold proof com


Pr ice $575.00

2010 Annual coin issue - Maui's dolphin.. ITotal NZ$

Descr iptio n


Silver proof coin


Proof coin set

Available from REAL Aotearoa stores only


Suver proof com

Pr ice

Brill iant uncirculated com


Total NZ$

$35.00 $ 149.00

Brill iant uncirculated com set

Section 12 Total NZ$ I



$59.00 Section 20 Total NZ$

2009 Icons of New Zealand Descr iption

Pr ice


Total NZ$

~O lO OU

'I,oz gold proof com Silver proof com

Descr ipt ion


10zspeciment quality silver

Rugby. World Cup 2011 Webb EJlis CuI! CQin Pr ice

Silver proof coin with gilding



Total NZ$

$1 29.001


Secti on 21 Total NZ$

bullion com Secti on 13 Total NZ$

2011 All Blacks Silver Proof Coin: the silver fern

2009 Annual Coin - KakaJ)o Descr iptio n

Pr ice


Total NZ$


Pr ice

Silver proof coin




Brilliant uncirculated com


2011 All Blacks PNC: the silver fern

Bnll iant uncircula ted coin set


Descr ip tion

~g le


Total NZ$

Sectio n 22 Total NZ$

Silver proof coin

Section 14 Total NZ$



Philatelic num ismat ic cover


Pr ice


Total NZ$

$ 29.50 Section 23 Total NZ$

and Whale Silver Coins Price

Descr iption Giam eagle pure silver bull ion com


Southern nght whale pure silver bullion com



Total NZ$


2911 Icons of New Zealand Descr iptio n

Pr ice

'I, oz gold proof coin


Silver proof coin Section 15 Total NZ$

Specimen quality silver bullion coin

Descr ipt ion

Pr ice


Tota l NZ$

$99.50 Sect ion 16 Total NZ$

2010 Icons of New Zealand Pr ice $650.00

10zsilver proof k,w, and Southern Cross com


10zspecimen quality silver bulli on k,wl and Southern Cross coin



2011 Yi!.llow-eyed Penguin - New Zealand Annual Coin Pr ice

Silver proof coin

$ 105.00

Brill iant uncirculated coin

'I,oz gold proof kiwi and Sout hern Cross com


Descr iption

Proof currency set

Descr iptio n

Total NZ$

Section 24 Total NZ$

2010 FIFA World CuJ) South Africa Tl ' Silver proof com (limited numbers remaining!



Total NZ$

Brill iant uncirculated currency set


Total NZ$

$35.00 $165.00 $59.00 Sectio n 25 Total NZ$

Rugby World Cup Champions Description Set of five silver proof coins

Pr ice


Total NZ$

$695 .00 Secti on 26 Total NZ$

Secti on 17 Total NZ$

INTERNATIONAL COINS 2010 MAori Art - Heitiki coin Descr iption

Pr ice

10zsilver proof COin


Total NZ$

$ 129.00

10zgold proof com

Descr ip tion

Pr ice

2011 Australian Kangaroo

$ 105.00

Royal Wedding UK Silver Proof Crown



Total NZ$

$ 119.00 Section 27 Total NZ$

Sect ion 18 Total NZ$

I Ancient Reptiles of New Zealand I'Descr ipti on


ISilver bullion com set


Pr ice



Tot al NZ$

$450.001 Section 19 Total NZ$



Stamps from other countries


T Pr ice 1a tyl

Descr ipt ion Fij i Nana i

United Kingdom Description


Pr ice



Total NZ$

Medal cover


Sheetlet incorp orating eight stam ps 1 First day cover

Thunder birds - The Geniu s of Gerry Anderson Presentation pack

' Code Total NZ$

$6.301 $7.301


1 $14.901 1 $8401




Crested Iguana

$21.00 1 $4180 1

Sheetlet First day cover

Section 28 Total NZ$


Fru its of Fij i

Niue Description

1 $11.501 1 $ 1240 1

Set of five gummed stamps Pr ice

a ty 'Code Total NZ$

First day cover

Royal Wedding - Niu e


First day cover

$6.30 $5.80

Descr ipt ion


Biod iversity

Miniature sheet firs t day cover



1 Price 1aty 'Code Total NZ$

Set of four gummed stamps

Section 29 Total NZ$

.!!2!lg Kong aty 'Code

Total NZ$

Childre n's Sta m ps - Hong Kong in my eyes Set of four gum med stam ps First day cover

$2.60 $3.40

Souvenir pack

$13 40

Souvenir sheet

$2.60 $3.40

Souvenir sheet first day cover Redevelopment of Old Area s Set of four gum med stam ps First day cover Souvenir sheet Souvenir sheet first day cover Li ghth ouses Set of five gumm ed stam ps First day cover Souvenir sheet Souvenir sheet firs t day cover


$3.00 $3.70 $3.00 $3.70 $3.60 $3.70

Lunar New Year Animals Set of four stam ps First day cover

$8.60 $9.40 $21.60

Year of th e Rabb it Set of four stam ps First day cover Imperlorated sheetlet Imperlorate d sheetlel first day cover Souvenir sheet Souvenir sheet fir st day cover

Sel of four gummed stamp s


$650 1

First day cover


$74 01

1 1

Miniature sheet


$65 01


Miniature sheet lirst day cover


$740 1


150" Anniversary


Section 32 Total NZ$

Pitcairn Island


Descr ipt ion

1 Price 1aty 1'Code Total NZ$ 1



Set of five gummed stamp s




Fir st day cover

1 $10.401






Miniature sheet Pitcairn Hotspots

Snails Set of four gummed stamps First day cover

1 1


Min ialure sheet

1 $10 901

First day cover

1 $12.901








Endangered Yellow Fautu Set of lw o gummed stam ps Fir st day cover

$2.50 $3.30 $1.10 $ 1.80 $2.50 $3 30 Section 30 Total NZ$

Mint stamps will be supplied unless you specificaLLy request otherwise.

Ie) stamps. please indicate th is by writing the letter U or C as appropriate next to the quantity you re quire. Plate/Imprint blocks may be obtained by purc hasing at Least six sheet sta m ps. If you wish to order used lUI or cancelled

Barcode, value and logo block s may be obta ined by pur chasing at least two sheet sta m ps. Barcode blocks are gener all y availa ble in A and B format s for shee t sta m ps. To order blocks or sheets fro m relevant iss ues. pl ease ent er a code from th e li st below in th e appro pr iate column. Codes for the ty pes of bl ock an d shee ts are as follows :

Pi - Plate block, VA - Value block, BA - Barcode block, LO- Logoblock, ST - Sheet of stamps.




Royal Navy Visitors II

Lunar New Year Anima l s -Tig er and Rabbit Sheetlet


$65OT $7.401


Fir st day cover

Pitca irn London 2010 Exhib ition

Twelve Animals of th e Lunar New Year Cycle

Sheetlet first day cover


$2.50 $3.30 $2.50 $3.30



Set of four gummed stam ps

Natural Treasures Pr ice

$7.501 $8.5OT

1 1

First day cover

Descrip tion


Secti on 31 Total NZ$

Se-tena nt sel of two gummed stam ps

Miniature sheet


Secti on 33 Total NZ$

Other products still on offer

United Nations 'Descr ipt ion

Pr i ce

aty · Code Tota l NZ$

Unite d Nat ions Trans port Set of 15stamps . in three se- tenant stnps of five stamp s

Personalised Postage (CALsI $20.30

International Year of Biod iver sity - 2010 New York Defin it ive Set of two gummed stam ps


Indigen ous People Set of three sheets with six stamps each



Pr ice

Personalised Postage 2007'


Personalised Postage 2008'


Personalised Postage 2009 pack


Personalised Postage 2009 Year of Issue cover


aty · Code Totat NZ$

Secti on 38 Total NZ$

2010 Annua l Fol der 2010 Souvenir Folder - Geneva


Definitive Staml!s

2010 Souvenir Folder - New York


Desc r iption

Pr ice


$20 Mt Cook - 18 February 1994


$10 Mt Ruapehu - 2 February 1997


2010 Souvenir Folder - Vienna Defin it ives Set of six gummed stamps

$1.10 Gold round kiw i


2003 Set of five definitives

Sect ion 34 Total NZ$

Vanuatu Descr ip tion

Pr ice

aty · Code Total NZ$

Vanuatu 2010 Wor ld Expo Shanghai

$1.10 $10.00

$1.50 Bronze round kiwi


$1.50 Sell-adhesive stamp - 7 May 2003


2003 Oefinitives. sell-adhesive booklet 5 x $1.50 stamps - 7 May 2003'

$7.50 $9.00


2004 TOUrism'

First day cover


2006 TOUrism'

Souvenir sheet


2007 Scenic Delmu ives. self -adheswe booklet 10 x $1.00 stamps '


Set of four gummed stamps



First day cover

2009 KiwiStamp dispenser box of 100 stamps


Set of four gummed stam ps

Cats of Vanuatu

2009 Scenic Oefinitives . sell-adhesive booklet 5 x $1.80 stamps

Vanuatu Yout h Olymp ics Souvenir sheet Souvenir sheet first day cover


2009 KiwiStamp self-adhesive booklet


Smil e with Us Set of len gummed stamps


First day cover


aty ·Cod e Total NZ$


$9.00 $500

2010 set of five definitives


2010 self -adhes ive booklet of 10 x $1.20 stamp s


2010 self -adhesive booklet of 5 x $1.90 stamps

$9.50 Secti on 39 Total NZ$

Turt les 01 Vanuatu Se·tenant set of ten gummed stamps


Regional booklets

First day cover


Desc r iption

Section 35 Total NZ$

50c Kaikoura ' $1.80 Kaikoura '

Pr ice

a ty · Code Tota l NZ$

$5.00 $10.80 Sect ion 40 Total NZ$

Additional products Personalised Stamps It's in the Post: The stories behind New Zealand sta~ps Descripti on New Zealand Post special edition book

Pr ice


Total NZ$

$39.99 Section 36 Total NZ$

All Blacks envelol!e I!ack Descr ipt ion 10 offiCial All Blacks stam ps affix ed on standard envelopes

Pr ice



Total NZ$


Pr ice

May 2007 sheetlet of 7 stamps '


November 2007 sheetlet of 10 stamps '


February 2010 set of I. stamps '


February 2010 first day cover '


September 2010 set of 2 sheetlets

$ 13.90

September 2010 set of 2 sheetlet fir st day covers


aty · Code Tot al NZ$

Sect ion 41 Total NZ$

Secti on 37 Total NZ$

• These products will be removed from sale on 31 May 2011.



Five ref ill s for Lighth ouse FOC Albu m

Miniature sheet booklets Descr ipt ion

Pr ice I Qty I ' Code I Tot al NZ$

Historic Farm Equipment miniature sheet booklet "


ExtremeSports miniature sheet booklet'


75th Anniversary of the Hawke's Bay Earthquake moniature sheet booklet "

$ 19.95

Southern Skies miniature sheet booklet '


200S ANZAC mi niature sheet booklet '

$ 19.90

2009ANZAC miniature sheet booklet


2010ANZAC miniature sheet booklet

$ 19.90

Five refill s for Lighthouse FDC Album Isinglel Lighth ouse Coin Album


Premier FDC Albu m - large deluxe


Five refills for prem ier large deluxe FDC Album - single pocket


Five refills for premi er large deluxe FDC Album - double pocket


Five refill s for premi er small deluxe FDC Album



Campbell Paterson NZ Catalogue Ross Dellenden9' Definitive staml!s


Descr iption

DAVO 1990-1999 Album IVai 31

Pr ice I Qty I 'Co de I Total NZ$ $SSO

Definitive rate decrease 40c stam p - 2 October 1995


$ 13.25

Campbell Paterson

Section 42 Total NZ$ I

Defonltlves set of 10 stamps - 5c. 10c. 20c. 45c. 50c. 70c. SOc. $1.00. $2.00. $3.00 - 2 November 1994



Section 43 Total NZ$ ,


Ross Dellenden9' Packs


$ 142.00

DAVO Album IVai 51


DAVO Supplement pages 2000


DAVO Supplement pages 2002

$ 54.95

DAVO Supplemen t pages 2004

$ 5495

DAVO Supplemen t pages 2005


DAVO Supplemen t pages 2006

$ 54.90

DAVO Suppleme nt pages 2007

$ 54.90

Descripti on

Pr ice

DAVO Supplement pages 200S


2006 Ross Dependency


DAVO Supplemen t pages 2009


2007 Ross Dependency



200S Ross Dependency

$ 19.90

2011 ACS Stam p Catalogue

$ 10 00

2010 Ross Dependency


2011 Coin and Bankn ote catalogue

$ 15.00


Total NZ$

Section 44 Total NZ$ ,


Hagner Products Hagner Album

Presentation Packs Descr iption

Pr ice I

Matariki 200S


Sir Edmund Hill ary


New Zealand Champions of World Motorsport (oncl. free miniature sheet first day cover)


Giants of New Zealand

$ 19.90

Chonese Lunar Senes - Special Edition Pack


Matariki 2009 - Heuiki


Sir Peter Blake 1945-2001




Hagner Sheets H1· l stri p. H2· 2 stri ps. H3· 3 stri ps. H4=4 stri ps. H5=5 stri ps. H6· 6 stri ps. H7· 7 stri ps. HS=S stri ps

Total NZ$

WWF Collection


$ 21.95 $3.70


Section 46 Total NZ$ ,

Year of the Tiger


Ancient Reptiles of New Zealand


Matariki 2010


All Blacks


Rugby World Cup 201 1


100Years of Surf Life Saving

$ 19.90

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