Focus Number 52 October 2011

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Kia ora, welcome! Whil e the year begins to draw to a close , the sta mps and coins business certainly isn't slowi ng down! I'm excited to tell you all about what we have on offer in this latest editio n of Focus. You'd be hard pressed not to notice all the extra tour ists and visi tors in th e country at the mom ent, and we thought we'd show you a glimp se of New Zealand th r ough their eyes wit h our latest stamp issue: The N ew Zea la nd Experience. Featu ring an array of pr oducts, it ma kes a great souvenir to send to fri ends and fami ly overseas. New Zealand's fir st 3D stam p was released ju st in time for Rugby World Cup 2011. Featuri ng the Tourn am ent' s pr ize, the Webb Ellis Cup, as you've never seen it before, it's a unique collecta ble that was always going to be popular . Find out all about th e exciting techno logy used to create this remark able stamp in the foll owing pages. Also keep an eye out for our upcoming Ross Dependency stamp issue - markin g 100 years since Scott and Amund sen raced to the South Pole. On the coins fro nt. we've released some gr eat new iss ues. incl uding the second coin in our All Blacks series. The haka is the theme of this iconic silver pr oof coin. and it's a fitt ing tr ibut e to our world- famous ruqb yt earn, Also be sure to take a look at our 2012 Maor i Ar t - Hei Matau coin, whic h is the world 's first coin to have a piece of pounamu INew Zealand gr eenstonel set into the design . I hope you enjoy th is issue of Focus. and wi th Chris tmas just aro und the corne r. per haps you'll find somet hing to spoil yourself or your loved ones wi th.

~~ ~ Ivor Mast er s Gen era l Manag er. Stamps a nd Colle ctabl es

Please note: The finished products may differ from those illustrated in this newsletter.

Focus may not illustrate al l stamp. coin and collectable products that are featured in this issue or that appear in the order form. Artwork and articles from Focus may not be extracted for reprinting without prior permission from the New Zealand Post Stamps and Collectables Business. For more information and to request permission, please contact the DesignCo-ordinator, Stamps Business. Private Bag 39990. Wellington

MailCenlr e, Lower Hull 5045. www.nzpcst s


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The New Zealand Experience

"Don 't leave home 'til you've seen the country:' Back in the early 1980s. Kiwis watching their TVs couldn't miss this message : it was the punch line to a major advertising campaign urging us to explore our own land before heading offshore to 'gr eener pastures' , Not that all of us needed persuading : we knew New Zealand was 'God's own country', The question was: could we possibly experience everything this wonderpacked nation had to offer in a single lifetime? For a start. to accomplish this monumental mission you'd need time , We might be a small country. but with 14 national parks. three UNESCO World Heritage Areas and more than 15.000 kilometres of coastline. 30 marine reserves. 800 mountains, 25 ski areas, 1000 rivers. 700 lakes and literally thousands of outdoor and indoor activities to choose from , you'd need to set aside a few years for the job, Then you'd need luggage - and lots of it - because apart from moon-walking there's not a lot you can't do in New Zealand, So as well as taking clothing for all seasons Iwe have snow. sunshine and everything in between], you'd need equipment ranging from skis and surfboards to fishing rods, walking boots, scuba gear. crampons. windsurfers. hang-gliders, canoes. jetskis, bicycles and snowboards, and whatever else your pursuits of choice require.

is a nation of variety: we welcome people with a natural curiosity about. and interest in. the world around them , So as well as being willing to try new tastes. hear new sounds and see new sights. you'd need to enjoy new cultures - including that of our indigenous peoples. the Maori , You can immerse yourself in Maori tikanga Iculturelthrough concerts. visits to marae lmeeting placesl and hangi Itraditional cookinq], as well as take the opportunity to learn the Maori language. Te Reo Maori, Oh, and you'd need a camera of course, because this is one adventure you'd want everyone to know about. And a map. because sometimes the best of the best is found by wandering off the beaten track , You'd need the map to find your way back to civilisation , So if you were to embark on your own 'New Zealand Experience', where would you choose to go, and what would you do when you got there? If you live here already, what would you recommend to visitors planning a trip - bearing in mind that they probably won't have the potential years that you do?

So you'd probably need money too. to afford all this stuff and the veritable feast of culinary. artistic and theatrical treats available at indoor venues nationwide,

Our The NevÂŤ Zealand Experience stamp issue will give you some inspiration , It pretty well covers the range of top New Zealand experiences - from the great outdoors to water sports. fishing. cultural activities, skiing and extreme sports - so there 's bound to be something for everyone. Check out the miniature sheet and first day covers too: written from the perspective of a tourist writing home. they capture some of the highlights to include in your itinerary.

You 'd also need a positive attitude. a sense of humour and an open mind. More than anything else New Zealand

Visit New Zealand: whether you live here or not. it's an experience well worth writing home about.

www,nzposl ,co.nzlstamps

Focus issue 52 October 2011


New Zealand's first 3D stamp To commemorate Rugby Wor ld Cup 2011, New Zealand Post has issued its first-ever 3D stamp! Featuring the Webb Ellis Cup, this stamp is a unique collectable that has been produced using a fascinating process. The Webb Ellis Cup stamp was create d using Motionstamp HDR 3D technology, whic h ma kes it possible to crea te a 3D effect in a print ed im age. Although Motionstamp imaging has been around for a long time [first theor ised in AD601 it has been lim ited to simple flip effects comprisi ng two or three image s. Ex per ts at Outer Aspect [based in Auckland, New Zealand] have developed technology that enables the production of mu ch finer Motion stamp images with 3D qualit ies. The Webb Ell is Cup stam p is a unique example of this very sophisticated Motionstamp imaging.



How does Motionstamp HDR work in the philatel ic industry? Fir stly th e 3D image is converted into a series of small cli ps. These cli ps are output onto specially formatt ed li thographic plat es. Images are then printed onto the reverse side of a sheet of clea r optical plastic lens made wi th precise focused fine lenses 129 lenses per centimetrel calle d lentic ules . The final images are encrypted. These mu st line up wit h al l the optica l qual it ies of the lens wh en the two are placed together thr ough a specialise d imaging process. This allows the images to be repla yed to the viewer to give an HDR 3D format with real 3D- li ke movem ent. The process of imaging on the reverse of the lens has unique challe nges. If there is a mis-registration gr eater than '/so th of a mill imetr e, the effect starts to become lost. An added challen ge is that the lens acts as a magnifier and magnifies any faults that the imaging may have. A specialised coating is put on the back to make a reflec tive rather than a translu cent image. This is foll owed by the applica tion of a specialise d adhesive produced especially for the philatelic market. Unique securi ty featur es for postal use are then added, incl uding laser perforating.

Key facts about the Webb Ellis Cup stamp •

The Webb Ell is Cup stamp is New Zealand's first 3D stam p!

This is the first time that a Motionstamp stamp has been produced for New Zealand that is laser perfora ted.


This is one of the few times that a Motionstamp stamp has been produced for the philatelic industry that has all the security featur es wit hin the lens . When making the raw lens material for this challenging project, every few sheets were checked for their optical qualit ies. This was an import ant step in ensuring that the material woul d be able to handle the complex images requi red.

Focus iss ue 52 October 20 11


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The Webb Ellis Cup stamp has been produced in strictly limited quantities, so place your order today! This unique 3D stamp is protected inside a sealed plastic case, which is mounted within an attractive display card - making it the ultimate souvenir of Rugby World Cup 2011 .



Race to the Pole 2011 marks 100 years since Roald Amundsen and Robert F Scott 's race to the South Pole. The two brave men em barked on separate expeditions with the highes t of hopes. Unfortu nately, despite the most valiant of efforts , only one would secure the honour of being the firs t to reach the South Pole. Amundsen's journey Roald Amundsen of Norway was highly regarded for his expertise as an explore r, and well known for his meticulous planning. On 9 August 1910, he left Norway on his ship the Fram , and headed towards the South Pole. At this stage, the destinat ion was known only to him, the comma nder of the Fram, and his br other . The rest of the Fram' s crew were under the impress ion that they wer e going to the North Pole. On 14 January 1911 Amu ndsen and his crew reached Antarctica. Aft er extensive resear ch back in Norway, he had decided that the Bay of Whales [Ross Ice Shelf] would be the best place to set up his base cam p. Befor e they set out, Amundsen and his team spent months establishing three different depots so that they woul dn' t have to carry supplies for their entire jou rney. On 20 October 1911 Amundsen depart ed on his expedition to the Pole, takin g four men and 52 dogs with him. On 8 December they hit a lan dma rk point in their journey when they passed 88° 23' south - the closest anyone had ever got to the Pole.

Scott 's expedition Rober t F Scott of Great Britain was an experienced explorer, and intent on earni ng the accolade of being the first to reach the South Pole. The British Antarctic Expedition departed Cardiff in Wales in June 1910 on board the Terra Nova. After a perilous leg from New Zealand to Antarctica, Scott and his crew reached Ross Island in January 1911 . They chose the 'Skuary' area to esta blish their new hut, which they named Cape Evans. Before setting out , Scott spent time preparing depots alon g his rou te and decided that ponies would be the most reliable form of transportation . Scott and his team departed for the South Pole in November 1911, on what they knew woul d be a cold and gruelling journey. To discover the result of the epic journeys of Amundsen and Scott, keep an eye out for New Zealand Post's 2011 Ross Dependency stamp issue: Race to the Pole. Includ ed in the issue is a special presentation pack that tells the stories of Amu ndsen's and Scott 's famous expeditions in detail. The pack is wri tte n by geogra pher David L Harrowfield DSc NZAM. David began his Antarctic career in 1-975 while a University of Canterbury technician and, since then, has worked at the Canterbury Museum and the International Antarctic Centre and helped establish the Antar ctic Heritage Trust. The issue also consis ts of a set of five gummed stamps, a miniature sheet and a miniature sheet first day cover.

Scoll and his party on th ei r expedition to the South Pole .

Focus issue 52 Octob er 2011


Latest coin issues 2012 Maori Art - Hei Matau Coin Featuri ng hei matau - a symbol of prosper ity, strength and abundance - the 2012 Maor i Art coin is the world's fi r st coin to have a piece of pounamu (New Zealand greenstone) set int o the design , Unli ke matau Ifunctional hooks used for fishing I hei matau are worn around the neck as pendants . The hei matau depicted on the coin was hand-carved by renowned Maori artist, Lewis Gardiner. The raise d pattern on the coin behind the hei matau is based on a traditional Maori kowhaiwhai ltriezel patt ern called 'koiri '. Set to the right of the hei matau is a round cabochon of pounam u, whic h is symbolic of the moon, Pounamu is a taonga [tr easure]. and the export of pounamu from New Zealand is restric ted, For the firs t time, these New Zealand legal tender coins feature the face value in both English and Te Reo Maori [the Maori language !.

. Gold proof coin: $349 5,00

The gold proof coin is the very first 0.9999 gold coin that New Zealand Post has ever produce d. With an extremely low wortdwide mintage of 250, orders will be processe d on a first -come, first-serve basis. This special coin is housed within a waka huia [ornamen tal carved vessel for taonga!. made from native New Zealand kauri . The 10z silver pr oof coin ma kes a stunning gift and will enhance any collec tion. With a worl dwide mint age of only 3000, order today to avoid disappointment.

Silver proof coin: $139,00

2011 All Blacks Coin: the haka The 2011 All Blacks Coin: the haka is the second coin in New Zealand Post's All Blacks series . This 1oz silver proof coin portrays the All Blacks performing Te Rauparahas now famous 'Ka Mate' haka before a match . The haka combines hands, feet, legs, voice, tongue and eyes to express the passion of Maor i cult ure. Continui ng the 'black' theme of the first All Blacks coin, the uniforms of the fron t three ru gby players are accurately represented in full colou r - all black, wi th the team 's fern emblem emblazone d on the rugby jerseys and shorts. The second row of rugby players is beautifully engraved in fine silver, The rim of this highly collectable coin is engraved with Te Rauparabas renowne d chant of the 'Ka Mate' haka : "Ka mate, Ka mate! Ka ora, Ka ora!" ['Wilt l die! Or willi liven , With a li mi ted worldwide mintage of 3000 coins and numbe red certifica tes of authenticity, this New Zealand legal tender coin is a precio us and highly collectable keepsake,


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Silver proof coin with colour: $139,00

The Silver Fern Device and ALL BLACKS- are registered trademarks 01the NZRU.



Focus iss ue 52 October 2011


Rugby coins to treasure Rugby World Cup 2011 Webb Ellis Cup Coin This 10z pur e silver proof coin showcases the Webb Elli s Cup at its centre, shining through in special high rel ief 24-ca rat gold gilding . Presented in an individually numb ered, laser -engrav ed wooden case, it mak es a st unni ng gift for Rugby fans everyw here .

Rugby World Cup Champions set The Rugby World Cup Champions set pays tr ibute to the past winners of Rugby World Cup [RWC! - New Zealand. Australia, South Afri ca and England. This limited edition intern ational set contains silver proof coins issued' and struck" by each of the RWC wi nning nations, and all four nation coins are legal tender in their respective nations and exclusive to this collection . The set is completed with the New Zealand RWC 2011 Webb Ellis Cup Coin. This pr emium collect ion of five coins is beaut ifu ll y pr esent ed in a wooden displ ay box. The coins sit inside an intricately engraved wooden panel. whi ch stands alone as a stunning way to displa y the set. With limited stock remaining, order now to avoid disappointment.



Silver proof coin with 24-carat gol d gilding: $ 129.00

e RWC Ltd 1986




2011 All Blacks Coin: the silver fern The 2011 All Bla cks Coin: th e silver fern features th e All Blacks' world -fam ous silver fern logo shining through on a stunning black background . This stylis h 1oz silver proof coin and the '2011 All Blacks PNC: th e silver fern ' ar e the perf ect way to com memorate one of the biggest year s in New Zealand rugb y hist ory.







Philatelic numismatic cover: $29.50

Silver proo f coin: $ 109.00

The Silver Fern Device and ALL BLAC KS· are registered trademarks of the NZRU.


e RWC Ltd 1986 Rugby Wor ld Cup Cha mpions sel : $695 .00

"Th e England coin is a Jersey coin of (5 denomination struck by the RoyalMint. • "The New Zealand coin has been struck by Perth Mint on behalf of

New Zealand Post.

International coins 2011 Australian Silver Proof Coin - Year of the Rabbit

2011 United Kingdom King James Bible Silver Proof Coin

This $1 silver proof coin is the fourt h and latest issue in the Royal Austral ian Mint Lunar Seri es. It celebrates the Year of the Rabbit . whic h is said to be a mu ch-welcom ed peaceful year after the fierce Year of the Tiger .

Mark the 400th anniv ersary of the King James Bible wit h thi s special silver proof coin. This £2 Br iti sh legal tender coin featu r es a[1 outer ring intricately plated with fine gold . With just 7500 pr oduced worl dwide. place your or der today.

With a worl dwide m intag e of 10,000. be sure to order th is 11.66g silver proof coin today.

Silver proof coin: $ 70.00

www.nzcom .nz

Silver proof coin: $110 .00

Focus iss ue 52 October 2011




Addressing your views

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What is and isn 't a stamp?

Victoria Cross - The New Zealand Story

With stam p collec ting changing aro und the world, we thou ght it would be useful to cl ari fy exactly what is and isn't a New Zealand Post stam p.

In the past few months we have had some feedback questioning the cr iteria used to selec t tho se men included in the Victoria Cross - The New Zealand Story stam p iss ue.

New Zealand Post stamps New Zealand Post stam ps adhere to Universal Postal Union [UPU) requir em ent s. This mean s that each stam p features a denomin ation, the country of or igin, the year of issue, and is available nat ionw ide. New Zealand Post stam ps also feature the fern as a unique identi fier, whic h disti nguis hes our stam ps fr om those of other postal operato rs . Country of origin

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The stamp issue recogn ised the 22 m en wh o were:

Whil e not included in the recognis ed in the Roll of I ' in conjunction with the st. New Zealand Story.

Personalised stamps Perso nalise d stam ps meet the UPU requir em ent s and featu re the fern identifier, so are theref ore classed as stam ps. They are also available as per sonalised stam p sheets. whic h allo w custome rs to per sonal ise tabs attache d to the stam ps. New Zealand Post r ecently issued an All Bla cks stamp sheet and a RWC 2011 stam p sheet featuring pr epopulated tabs. These licensed pr oducts ar e pri ced at $22.90 to reflect the producti on costs. and the em bedded value of having 20 unique labels on one stam p sheet.

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Start a slandmg order for personalised stamp sheets by completing the enclose d order for m.

Personalised postage labels Personalise d postage labels are not New Zealand Post stam ps. Alth ough they includ e a denom inat ion , they do not featur e the country of or igin, the fern identifier or the year. New Zealand Post receives a lot of request s for stam ps for which we are not able to produ ce an iss ue, and personali sed postage label s were developed to meet this demand. Both the per sonal ised stam p sheets and per sonal ised postage labels are not part of the New Zealand Post offic ial stam p program me.


Focus issue 52 Octobe r 2011




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Contact us We're always interested in hearing your feedback on stamp and coin issues, ideas for future issues, and general views on how the stamp and coin programmes could be improved. Write to us at : Customer Feedback Collectables and Solution s Centre Private Bag 3001 Whanganu i 4540 New Zealand Or send an email to : colle www.nzpost



Give a REAL gift

With the festive season around the corner, now's the time to start thinking about gifts for your friends and loved ones. At REAL Aotearoa we offe r a selec t range of high-quality, dist inctive pieces of art and jewell ery, sourced and created right here in New Zealand. We offer pieces at a range of price point s and can also customise our art works to meet your requir em ents. Each piece is accom panied by an art ist profile card, and we offer a com plete packaging and gift -w r apping service . We also provide full postal services (both dom esti cally and internati onally!.

For an authenti c piece of New Zealand, contact one of our stores today. We also offer pri vate appointments, includ ing an aft er -h ours service if requir ed.

Contact us or visit us instore at: AUCKLAND

62 Queen Street Auckland 1010 Tel : +64 9 309751 5

WELLINGTON 1 Grey Street Well ingt on 6011 Tel : +644 4711 561

Email : Website:


Fuchsia and gold earrings by Kiri Schumac he r $299 .00


Koru (giant) by Ian Walter s $149 .00

Pohutuk awa sushi platter by Charlie and Chrissie Seakins $92.00

Pounamu dropsilver bracelet by J o Kinnell $222.00

Waka - Frangipani by Peter Collis from $110 .00

Tidal flared bowl by Peter Shea rer $69 .00

Monar ch s he ll pe nda nt by Odett e Anscomb e -Sm ith $299.00

Should er vase by Garry Nash $295.00

Pounamu fish hook on stand by Hep i Maxwell $1 585.00

Focus issue 52 October 2011


Upcoming stamp issues 2011 Ross Dependency - Race to the Pole

2011 Christmas

2011 marks 100years since Scott and Amundsen's separate expeditions to the South Pole, The 2011 Ross Dependency stamp issue pays tribute to the skills and bravery displayed by the two men and their crews during this remarkable race.

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The 2011 Christmas stamp issue looks back to the traditional Christmas story - from the birth of baby Jesus in the manger to the three wise men adoring the newborn King. The five beautifully illustrated gummed stamps are complemented with three self-adhesive stamps, two first day covers, three self-adhesive booklets and a selfadhesive coil.

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• ProductsavaIlable: Five gummed stamps. miniature sheet. first day cover, miniature sheet first day cover, presentation pack

• Products available: Five gummed stamps, three self-adhesive stamps. two nrst day covers,three self-adhesive booklets. self-adhesive coil

Issue date : 2 November 2011

Issue date : 2 November 2011

Designer: Vertigo.Wellington, New Zealand

Designer: Karen Mounsey-Smith, Brisbane, Austratia

Printer: Southern Colour Print Ltd by offset lithography

Printer: Southern Colour Print Ltd by offset lithographyand Australia Post. Spnn tpak, Australia [Self-adhesive 60c booklet only)

Withdrawal date: 1 November 2012

Withdrawal date : 1 November 2012

The New Zealand Collection 2011

2012 Year of the Dragon

The New Zealand Collection 2011 makes a fantastic Christmas gift. Featuring stories from our nation, as well as stunning imagery and a comprehensive collection of stamps, this premium publication is not to be missed . Also included is an exclusive Victoria Cross - The New Zealand Story imperforate stamp sheet. Order yours today.

2012 is the Year of the Dragon - the fifth and mightiest sign of the Chinese Zodiac. The Dragon is a symbol of power and success, and 2012 is expected to bring good luck and charm. For the first time, a magnificent Limited Edition is being produced as part of this annual lunar series . Keep an eye out for it! (~

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Issue date: 14 November 2011

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• Products avaiLable: Four gummed stamps. miniature sheet. first day cover, miniature sheet first day cover, booklet of postage labels, presentation pack. limited Edition Issue date : TBC (either 5 or 11 January 2012)

Designer: Bananaworks. Auckland. New Zealand Printer: Cartor Security Printing. France


Withdrawal date , 10 January 2013 Focus i s su e 52 October 201 1!stamps

All-new Kidzone

Why not introduce a youngster in your life to the joys of stamp and coin collecting? New Zealand Post' s new Kidzone is a great cl ub for all kids interes ted in collec ting stam ps and coins. Memb er s of Kidzone will receive regul ar newsl ett er s full of infor matio n on our latest issues as well as fun act ivit ies and com petitions. The Kidzone websit e also features a wealth of infor mation on collec ti ng stam ps and coins, as well as games and activiti es to keep the kid s ent ertained. Take a look, and join up your child or gr andchild for fr ee at


2011 Children's Health stamp launch On 6 July 2011, the 2011 Children's Health stamps were launched at Zealandia - The Karori Sanctuary Experience in Wellington. This uniqu e eco-a ttraction wa s the perfe ct pla ce to laun ch the stam ps, whic h feature three nati ve endangere d flightl ess bird s of New Zealand - the kiwi, the kakap 6 and the takah e. As a special tou ch, the laun ch was attend ed by childr en from the Otaki Health Camp , who were excited to explore the sanctuary. Their takahe hunt was part icularly exciting, with the discovery of two real -life takahe.

Grant Robert son, Labour Memb er of Parliam ent for Wellingt on Centra l, opened the speeches, and was foll owed by Dr Fiona Inkp en, Chief Execu tive of Te Puna Whaiora - The New Zealand Foundat ion for Child and Family Health and Developm ent. Each year childre n from Heal th Camps aro und the country benefit fr om the Children's Health stamp issue, as lOc from each stam p sold goes dir ectl y to Te Puna Whaiora .

Left-handimage (back row from lett] : Ngareta GLendinning. Dr Fiona Inkpen, lfront row from left): Mathew Hohia, Hariata Glendinning. Adam George, Tamati Glendinning. Right¡hand image (back row from leftl: Maggie Malone, Dr Fiona Inkpen, Ivor Masters. lfront row from left): Tamati GLendinning, Hariata Glendinning, Mathew Hohia, Ngareta Glendinning. Grant Robert son, Labour Memb er of Par liam ent tor Well ington Centr al. www.nzpost

Focus issue 52 October 2011 •

Recent stamp issues Beyond the Coast

2011 Children's Health - Flightless Birds

This vibrant stamp issue cele brates the vast amou nt of marine life that lives beyond New Zealand's coastline. The self -adhesive stamp sheet consists of 12 stamps 110 x 60c and 2 x $ 1.90 stamps] . and has been enhanced with silver to really bring the creatures to life .

The 201 1 Chil dren's Healt h stamp issue features fli ghtless birds of New Zealand - the kiwi, the kakap6 and the takahe. Each stam p carries a lOc surcharge that goes dir ectly to Te Puna Whaiora - The New Zealand Foundation for Chil d and Family Health and Development.

• Products available: Sheet of 12 self-adhesivestamps. set of two first daycovers

• Products available: Two gummed stamps. one self-adhesive "o ,.£ N'S stamp. first day cover, miniature sheet. miniature sheet first <J't-' ~lrt, oSday cove r, sheet of 100 self-adhesivestamps


Issue date :" May 201 1

Designer: DaveGunson, Auckland. New Zealand

Issue date: 6 July 201 1

Printer: SouthernColour Print Ltd by offset lithography

Designer: Stamps and Collectables Business. New Zealand Post. Wellington. New Zealand

Wit hdr awal date : 3 May 2012

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Prinl er: Sout hern Colour Prinl Ltd by offselli t hogra phy Withdrawal date: 5 July 2012

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II Matariki 2011 - Hei Matau

2011 Round Kiwi

The focus of the Matariki 2011 stamp issue is hei matau. Meaning 'f ish hook' , matau are traditionally an important aspect of Maori life . Today hei matau are used less for catching fish and more for catching sorneone's eye.

In 201 1 the highly collecta ble Round Kiwi stamp returns in th ree new denominations to reflect New Zealand's current postage rates . •

Order the presentation pack to discover the leqend of the great fish of Maui. A highly collectable Limi ted Edition is also available in stric tly li mite d quant ities.


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• Products available: Six self-adhesivestamps. first day cove r, ......(,)~ 2011, c"7",,miniature sheet. miniature sheet first day cove r, ~~"""~ ~ 04";c;. presentation pack, Limited Edition ~ \: 0..,


Printer: SouthernColour Print Ltd by offset lithography Withd rawal dale: 31 May 2012




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Printer: Southern Colour Print Ltd by offset lithography Withdrawal date: Unless stocks are exhausted earlier. these stamps wilt remain on sale unt il further notice

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The 2011 Annual Packs are an attractive and convenient way to collect every New Zealand Post stam p and first day cover issued between October 2010 and STAMP PACK Septemb er 2011 . ';I ~ ·,_..~ r Jllllll PI

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Designer: Stamps and Collectables Business. New Zealand Post, Wellington, New Zealand

2011 Annual Packs



MATARIl(1 201 1



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Issue date: 1 June 2011 Designer: Len Hetet. Whakatane. New Zealand

Products available: Three gummed stamps.first day cover Issue dal e: 6 July 201 1


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Focus issue 52 Octob er 2011


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Recent stamp issues Philanippon 2011 The Phil anippon 2011 World Stamp Exhibition took place from 28 July to 2 August 2011. New Zealand Post issued a special exhibiti on m iniature sheet and exhibition souvenir cover to commemorate the event. • Product s availabl e: Exhibition miniature sheet, exhibition souvenir cover

Is su e dat e , 28 July 2011 Designer : Stamp s and Collectables Business, New Zealand Post, Wellington . New Zealand Print er : Southern Colour Print Ltd by offset lithography

Withdrawal dat e , 27 July 2012

Webb Ellis Cup - New Zealand's first 3D stamp Issued just in tim e for Rugby World Cup 2011, New Zealand's first 3D stamp is sure to impress. Produced using Motionstamp HDR 3D technology, this uniqu e stam p features th e Webb Elli s Cup as you've never seen it befor e. Str ictly lim ited quant it ies have been produced, so place your order today! • Products availabl e: Webb Elli s Cup 3D stamp. fir st day cover lsold out)

Issue date , 7 Se ptember 2011 Designer: Stam ps and Collectables Business. New Zealand Post, Wellingt on. New Zealand in conjunction with Outer Aspect, Auckland . New Zealand Printer: Outer Aspect, Auckland , New Zealand

Withdrawal date , 6 September 2012

Counting in Kiwi This quirky stamp issue will take you on a journey from 1 to 21 in a uniquely 'Kiwi ' way. With each stamp you'll discover elements of our history, culture and way of life . As a bonus, for every sheet of stam ps or set of first day covers ordered you will receive a free large poster valued at $9.00 ! • Products available : Sheet of 21 x 60c gummed stamps, set of three first day covers, large poster

Issue date , 10 August 2011 Designer : Assignment Group, Wellington , New Zealand

lstampsl . Stamp s and Collectables Business, New Zealand Post.-Well ington. New Zealand [first day covers)

Printer, Southern Colour Print Ltd by offset lithography Withdrawal date , 9 August 2013

ff#]~~ _2011



TMC> RWC ltd 1986

The New Zealand Experience Every year , millions of touri sts explore New Zealand's diverse landscape . Get a taste of our nation through their eyes with The New Zealand Experience stamp issue. • Products availa ble: Six gummed stamps . miniature sheet, first day cover. miniatu re sheet fir st day cover, presentation pack

Issue date , 5 October 2011 Designer : Cue Design, Welling ton. New Zealand

Printer: Southern Colour Print Ltd by offset lithography Withdrawal date , 4 October 2012

....,_ ·Iao...





www.nzpost .co.nzl stamp s

Focus issu e 52 October 2011


Stamps from other countries Hong Kong Chinese Idioms and Their Stories


Date of issue: 28 June 2011

Niue Birds 2011

Set of five gummed stamps: $2.70

Date of issue : 6 July 2011 Set of three gummed stam ps: $6.10 Shaped miniature sheet: $6 .10

Souvenir sheet: $2.70 Fir st day cover: $3 .40 Souvenir sheet first day cover : $3.40

First day cover : $6.60 Miniature sheet first day cover: $6.60

Presentation pack : $4.40 Souvenir pack : $ 13.60

Hong Kong Hong Kong Complete Mainland Scenery Series Date of issue : 2 August 2011 Sheetlet : $4 .20 Sheetle t firs t day cover : $4.90 Souvenir sheet first day cover : $6.30 Presentation pack: $6.30









150th Anniversary of Hong Kong General Chamber of Commerce Date of issue: 26 May 2011 Set of four gummed stamps: $2.40 Miniature sheet: $ 2.40 Fir st day cover: $3.10 Miniature sheet first day cover : $3.10

Hong Kong Dunhuang Grottoes

Present at ion pack : $4 .10


Date of issue: 2 August 2011

'3 1

Sheetlet: $2.00 Sheetlet first day cover : $2.60 Presentation pack : $3 .50 Souvenir pack : $11.70


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Focus issue 52 October 2011




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.... www.nzpcst s

Stamps from other countries Hong Kong Green living

HIV Aids Prevention

Date of issue: 14 April 2011

Date of issue: 8 Jun e 2011

Set of four gummed stamps: $2.50

Set of four gum med sta mps: $5.60

Fir st day cover: $3.20

First day cover : $6.50

Presentation pack: $5.20

HIVAIDSprevention in Fiji ~ \,J NAI DS r E..

Fiji 2011 Royal Wedding Hong Kong Volunteerism

Date of issue : 29 Apr il 2011

Date of issue: 29 March 2011

Miniature sheet: $9.40

Set of four gumm ed stamps: $2 .60

Miniatur e sheet fir st day cover: $10.30

Sheetl et : $ 1.10 Firs t day cover: $3.40 Presentation pack : $5 .50


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Malta Malta Buses - The End of an Era Date of issue: 2 July 2011 Set of 20 gumm ed stamps: $19.30 Set of four fir st day covers : $ 22.70



Fiji Frangipani Flowers of Fiji Date of issue: 12 July 2011 Set of four gummed stamps: $5.20 First day cover : $6 .00

Malta Europa 2011 - Forests Date of issue: 9 May 2011 Set of tw o gumm ed stamps: $3 .50 Fir st day cover : $4.50 stemps

Focus issue 52 Dct ober 2011


Stamps from other countries Malta WWF 50th Anniversary

Pitcairn Peony

Date of issue : 29 April 2011

Date of issue: 21 April 2011

Miniature sheet : $6.50

Gumm ed sheetlet: $7.80

First day cover : $7.40

Firs t day cover : $4.60

....""eo.. Treasures of Malta Landscapes

Pitcairn Paper Wasp

Date of issue: 9 March 2010

Date of iss ue: 21 Apr il 201 1

Set of three gummed stamps: $5.40

Set of tw o gum med stam ps: $8.50

First day cover : $6.40

Miniatur e sheet fi rst day cover : $10.40


Miniatur e shee t: $8.50



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Pitcairn Island Pitcairn Rare Birds of Henderson Date of issue: 20 July 2011 Set of five gummed stamps : $11 .20


Fir st day cover : $13 .10

Samoa WWF Many-Coloured Fruit-Dove of Samoa Dat e of issue:25 Apr il 2011 Set of four gummed stam ps: $7.00 Gumm ed m in iature sheet Icontaining two sets of stam ps): $14 .10 Fir st day cover : $8.10

Pitcairn 2011 Royal Wedding Date of issue: 25 May 2011 Set of two gummed stamps with centre tab : $11.40 First day cover : $13 .40


Focus issue 52 October 2011

Stamps from other countries United Kingdom

United Nations 2011 Coin and Flag Series Date of issue : 3 Mar ch 2011

Thomas the Tank Engine

Set of three sheetle ts containin g eight stamps each: $32.60

Date of issue: 14 Jun e 2011

Folder containing three sheetle ts: $34.80

Presentat ion pack containing six gummed stamps and a min iature sheet : $20.40 Medal fir st day cover : $37.80







United Nations United Nations ECOSOC - Education Date of issue: 1 Jul y 2011 Set of six gummed stamps: $9.50

Vanuatu WWF Massena's Lorikeet of Vanuatu Date of issue: 25 May 2011 Set of four gummed stamps: $6.70 Gumm ed souvenir sheet: $13.40 First day cover : $8.40

United Nations 30 Years of a World living with AIDS Date of issue: 2 Jun e 2011 Set of three self -adhesive mini ature sheets: $18.80

30 YEARS OF A WORLD UVINGwnH r~ \ fQSj te pot .. a 'tOIr. &'





The Taste of Vanuatu Tanna Coffee Date of issue: 23 March 2011 Set of four gummed stamps: $9 .30 First day cover : $11.10


United Nat ions World Heritage - Nordic Countries Date of issue: 5 May 2011 Set of six gummed stamps: $8.80



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Focus issue 52 October 2011



Focus order form - October 2011


Customer details New customer:




Protecting your privacy Customer num ber :

IFirst name: Is ur name: I Postal address: II Postcode:


Il c ountry:

I Phone: I I Email :

How to order

How to pay

1. Enter your order details. AU pr ices are in New Zealan d dolla rs . 2.

Postage is free within New Zeal and ; just address

By cheque. international money order or bank draft.

If you are mailing your order form from outside New Zealan d. please be s ure to affix the corre ct postage.

By cre dit card for orders of N Z$ 10 or m or e.

Total your or der and indica te how you wi sh

By debit ing your account with the New ZeaLand Post

10 pay. If you a re paying by cheq ue .

Collectables and Sol utions Cen tre [ple as e contac t us if you wo ul d Like to set up an acco unt] .

interna tional money orde r or ba n k dr a ft. be su re to e nclose th is with your or der.


3. Post thi s order fo r m to :

Payment can be m ad e into your s ta m p accou nt

FreePost No.1, New Zealand Post,

at any New Zea la nd Post PoslShop by quoting

Collectables and Solut ions Centre,

you r cus tomer n um be r and req uesti ng tha t the

Pr ivale Ba g 3001, Whanganu i 4540, New Zealand

your envelope to th e addre ss at th e left.

All pr ices include NZGoods a nd Services Tax @ 15%. Orde rs a re s u bject to our customer te r m s an d cond itions . See purchasetermsandcond ition s or conta ct th e Collectable s and Solutions Centre.

tr an sa ct io n be proce ss ed as a P HDEP.

Orders co nta ini ng is s u es du e to be rel e a s ed will be s u p plie d on the ir respective is s ue dat e s .

Postage Reckoner

Currency reckoner


Australia Air

South Pacific Air

East Asia & Nth America Air

UK& Europe Air

Rest 01 World Air

Courier within New Zealand

$ 1.90

$ 1.90


$ 2.00





Slamps. shftllels,m,n'aturesheea . bookl.,ts, PMtcards,ove rseas Issued llro,l daycovers,overseas Iswed m,nlaturesl1Hl llrsl day covers


ACS cat;tlogue, mlnl,JtureShUI bookle ls. sheets,I,",t day cover reh\l~



Selt-;tdhes..vecarlons, packets of All Blacksenvelopes.





$ 10.00



NZ"i1mpcollections. albums. stoc kbooks andCP ca lelogue~, books, DA.. . a albums, Vlctona Cross herd· cover publicatIon



$25 .20



$ 7.00


PflPs.nlilihonpacks. cotlector's lolders, slillmp packs. DAva supplelMnlS







No charge

No charge

No charge

No charge

No charge


NZhr51day covers. NZ mlnlalure Ihut first dily covers, ffiill>tmUffi cards







$1 Australia



N2$ 1.19

$1 Canada




$5 .00 (1

Total to pay Total all

IIsevere' ,tt'ms,n rows markt'd 'A' are be'ng ordered. lhe "ughest rateapplies. IIseveralllt'ffiS Inrows milrked 'B' are bt'mg ordered. the poslage IIsled is ~r Ilt'm. II your ord...r ,ncludes 'A' and 'B'Itt'ms. Ihe 'B',tt'ms 101.11only appllt's, Inlt'rnatlonal Express ralt's areaVilllablt' upon appllcallon, Please add$7.00delrvery wllhln NewZealand lorCampbell Palel"5On Calalogues andl'ghlhouse slockbooks, Australia

South Pacific

East Asia & Nth Am.rica

UK& Europe

Rest of World

Courier within New Zealand

2012 MaoriArt - HerMatau gold proof coin-







Rugby World Cup Champions s et ' "


$05 .15

$56 .86





App roximate equivalen t.

sections $ Plus postage $


$1 ' - -_ _----J


AU other coins !tota l value!


$0 -$620' "



$10 .00

$10 00

$10 .00


Telephon e: 0800 782 677

$621 ·$1500"


$ 26.75

$ 22.50




Overseas cus tomers:

,,$ 1500 or a 14oz gold coin-· ·







How to contact us:

·' ntt'rnatlonal Courter,·· Inlernatlonal Air With CC/Yt.'r. ··· Inlernatlonal Air Regl!otered Pnces ilret'shmalesonly andcharges lordelivery w,1I beal lheralesapplicable al lhellme 01 sending.Other shipping optIons are ava,lable, Tolind outmore. ViSl1 _nlcomS,CO.nlor phone0800 COI NS

How would you like t o pay? (Please do not send cash)

D I have e nclose d a c he que/in te rna tio nal mon ey or de r/ ba n k dr aft [paya ble to: New Zea la nd Post) Please deb it m y a cco unt Custo me r number: D D DOD D D D


D Visa

D Ma s te rCa rd

Cardhol der's name

D Amex


. 64 6 3491 234 Fax: (06) 345 7120 Oversea s custome rs :

.64634571 20 Email: colle ctables @nzpo st. Webs ite : www .nz pa s .nz/stamps www .nz co ins .co .nz





New Zealand stamps Beyond the Coast - 4 May 2011

Counting in Kiwi - 10 August 2011

Descr iption

Pr ic e

Sheet of 12 self -a dhesive stam ps (10 x 60c stam ps and 2 x $ 1.90 stampsl Set 01 two first day covers


Total HZ$

. Descrip tion

Pr ic e



Tot al HZ$

The sheet of stamps and set of first day cover s incl ude a free poste r

$9.80 $ 10.80

Sect ion 1 Total HZ$

Sheet of 21 x 60c gum med stam ps

$ 12.60

Set of three lirst day covers

$ 14.10

Large poster

$9.00 Section 6 Total NZ$

Matariki 2011 - Hei Matau - 1 June 2011 Description

Pr i ce



Total HZ$

Webb Ellis Cup - New Zealand 's first 3D stamp 7 September 2011

Sel of six sell-adhesive stamps

$ 9.60

60c Pounamu stamp

$0 .60

Desc r ip tio n

60c Manaia stam p


$ 1.20 Inanga stam p

$ 1.20

3D stam p (supplie d insi de a seale d plastic case, wh ich is mount ed with in an a tt rac tive d isplay ca rd )

$ 1.90 Te Puia sta mp


$2.40 Pukengaki stamp

$ 2.40

$2.90 Tohor. slamp

$2 .90

Self-adhesive stamp firs t day cover Gumme d miniature sheet

Fir st day cover

a ty


Pr ice

Sect ion 7 Total NZ$

$ 10.10

2011 Annual Packs - 7 September 2011


Desc r ip tio n



2011 New Zealand Stamp Pack


Presen tation pack

$ 29.90

2011 New Zealan d First Day Cover Pack


$ 2.00

Kiwi gummed stam p (60c + lOci


aU three stamps)

Pr ice

Set of six gumm ed sta mps 60c - The Great Outd oor s

Pr ice

Set of lwo gummed stamps

I Gumme d miniature shee t (includes

$ 173.20

The New Zealand Experience - 5 October 2011

2011 Children's Health - Flightless Birds - 6 July 2011

First day cover (inclu des aUlhree stampsl



Tot al HZ$

$3.20 $ 2.70 $3.20

Takahe self -adhesive stam p 160c + lOci

$0 .70

Sheet of 100 self -a dhesive stamps


60c - Water Sports $1.20 - Fishing

$ 1.30

Mlnialure shee t first day cover

a ty

60c $1.20

$ 1.90 - Cult ure

$ 1.90 $2.40

$2.90 - Extr em e Sport s


Miniatu re sheet


First day cover

$ 10.10

Miniat ure sheet first day cover

$ 10.10

Presentat ion pack

$ 19.90

Christmas 2011 - 2 November 2011 Descr i pti on

Pr ice

60c gum med stam p


$1.20 gumme d sl am p


$2.40 Blue Round Kiw i First day cover




Total HZ$ ,

$5.50 $1.20 $1.90 $2.40 $6.00 Sect ion 4 Total NZ$

Philan ippon 2011 - 28 July 2011 Description


Exhibition miniature sheet


Exhibition souvenir cover


$ 1.90 gummed sta m p

$1.90 $2.40

$ 2.90 gumm ed stam p


Self-adhesive stamp set


$1.90 self-a dhesi ve stam p

a ty


Sect ion 5 Total NZ$

Total HZ$

60c $1.90

$ 2.40 self-adhesive stam p


60c self- adhesive booklet of 10 stam ps


$ 1.90 self-a dhesi ve booklet of 10 stam ps Ibuy 10 stam ps pay for 91

$ 17.10

$2.40 self -a dhesive stam p booklet of 10 sta m ps (buy 10 sta m ps pay for 91


Fir st day cover - gummed stam ps Firs t day cover - self-a dhesive stam ps Self-adhesive coilll0 x 60c stampsl



$2.40 gu mm ed stam p

60c self -adhesive stam p

a ty

$9 .00

2011 Round Kiw i - 6 July 2011

$1.90 Silver Round Kiwi

$9.50 $3.50 $60.00 Sect ion 10 Total NZS


Total HZ$


$ 2.40 - On th e Slopes

Set of five gum med sta m ps

$1.20 Black Round Kiwi



Section 9 Total H2$

Sect ion 3 Total HZ$

Strip of thre e gummed stamps

Tot al HZ$

$ 135.00


Kakapo gummed stam p ($1.20 + l Oci


Secti on 8 Total HZ$

Sect ion 2 Tota l NZ$


Total HZ$


Gum me d miniatu re shee t fi rs l day cover

I Limite d Edition (subject to



Total HZ$

Ross Dependency 2011 - Race to the Pole - 2 November 2011

2010 Icons of New Zealand

Descri ption

'/, 01 gold proal Kiwi and Southern Cross



Set of fivegummed stamps




Total NZ$

60c gummed stamp


60c $1.20

$1.90 gumme d stamp


$2.'0 gummed stamp


$2.90 gummed stamp


silver proof Kiwi and Southern Cross

101 specime n quality silver bullion Kiwi and Southe rn Cross coin

SOLD OUT Sect ion 17 Total NZ$

First day cover


2010 Maori Art - Heitiki Coin



Miniature sheet first day cover


102 silver proof coin


101 gold proal coin

Section 11 Total NZ$






Total NZ$

Silver bullion coin set


Annual Album

Section 12 Total NZ$ ,


Mint stamps will be sup plied unless you s pecifically re quest otherwise.


Total NZ$

$129.00 I SOLDOUT I Section 18 Total NZ$

I Price

I Qty I

Total NZ$

I $'50.00 Section 19 Total NZ$

2010 Annual Coin - Maui's dolphin

If you wish to order used lUI or cancelled ICI stam ps , please indicate this

by writing the letter U or C as appropriate next to the quantity you re quire .

Descript ion

To order blocks or sheets from relevant issues, please en ter a code from the list below in the 'Code colum.

Silver proof coin

Codes for th e type s of blocks and sheets are as follows : PB = Plate block, VA = Value block, BA = Barcode block, LD ST =Sheet of stamps.


Ancient Reptiles of New Zealand

The New Zealand Collection 2011 - 14 November 2011 Descr iption



Min iature sheet

Presentation pack

Qty I Total NZ$




$1.20 gumme d stamp

' Price


Silver proof coin set

= Logo block,


Total NZ$

$89.00 $1'9.00

Brilliant uncirculated coin


Brilliant uncirculated coin set

$59.00 Sect ion 20 Total NZ$

Rugby World Cup 2011 Webb Ellis Cup Coin Des cription


Silver proof coin with gold gitding

IPr ice

Gold proof coin

Descript ion

~I Total NZ$



'/. 01 gold proof coin

I Qty

De scr iption

Total NZ$


no '




2011 Yellow-eyed Penguin - New Zealand Annual Coin. Pr ice

Silver proof coin

Silver proof coin set




Silver proof coin

(limited number remaining I

$35.00 $59.00 Section 15 Total NZ$


Silver proof currency set


Total NZ$


Brilliant uncirculated currency set I


$59.00 Sect ion 2' Total NZ$


Rugby World Cup Champions set

Pr ice


Total NZ$

Description Set of five silver proof coins

$99.50 Section 16 Total NZ$



Total NZ$

$695.00 Sect ion 25 Total NZ$

2011 New Zealand Silver Currency Set Descript ion Set of five silver proof coins


Pr ice

Silver proal coin Brilliant uncirculated coin

2010 FIFA World Cup South Africaâ„¢ Descri ption


Total NZ$


Brilliant uncirculated coin Brilliant uncirculated coin se t

SOLDOUT Sect ion 23 Total NZ$


2009 Annual Coin - Kakapo Description

Total NZ$


Specimen quality silver bullion coin

Sect ion l' Total NZ$ ,



Silver proof coin

$85.00 _


'/' 01 gold proof coin




2011 Icons of New Zealand



Qty I Total NZ$

Sect ion 22 Total NZ$


2009 Icons of New Zealand

hllil inn r ni n

Total NZ$


Philatelic numismat ic cover

Section 13 Total NZ$ ,

Silver proof coin ta l specimen quality silver

I Pr ice

Silver proof coin


Silver proof coin


$129.00 Section 21 Total NZ$

2011 All Blacks Coin: the silver fern

Sir Edmund Hillary - A lifetime of Achievement Descri ption



I Dty

Total NZ$

$259.00 Section 26 Total NZ$ ,



2011 All Blacks Coin: the haka

Hong Kong Green livi ng

Description 102



si lver proof coin with colour

Total NZ$

$139 .00 Sec tion 27 Total NZ$

Set of four gummed stamps

$2 .50

First day cover

$3 .20

Presen ta tion pack


Hong Kong Volunteerism

2012 Maori Art - Hei Matau Coin Description



Total NZ$

$31.95 .00

10z gold proof coin lsubject to availability! 102 silver proof coin

$139 .00

Set of four gummed stamps

$2 .60



First day cover


Presentation pack

$5 .50 Se ct ion 31 Total NZ$ I

Sect ion 28 Total NZ$


International Coins

I Price I aty I Code




2011 Australia n Silver Proof Coin - Yea r of the Rabbit


Total NZ$

Set of four gummed s ta m ps First day cover


2011 Austra lian Kangaroo Silver Pro of Coin

Firs t day cover $110 .00

i 2010 Korea n J ongmyo Shrine Silver Pro of Coin I 2009 Annual Net her land s Brilliant


$5 .20 $6.00




$5 .60





$6 .50


I $10. 30 I

HIV Aids Prevention Set of four gummed s ta m ps


2011 United Kingd om King Jam es Bible Silver Proof Coin


Fiji 2011 Royal Wedd ing Miniature s he e t


Miniature sheet first day cover $51. .00

Uncirculated Coin Set

Total NZ$

Frang ipani Flowers of Fiji


2011 Austr alian Ka ngar oo a t Su nset Silver Proof Coin





Section 32 Total HZ$

Sect ion 29 Total NZ$

Malta Description

I Price I aty I Code

Set of 20 gummed stamps


$19 .30


Set of four first day cover s


$22 .70


Malta Buses· The End of an Era

Stamps from other countries

Total NZ$


Malta Europa 201 1 - Forests


First day cover

Total NZ$

Shaped miniature s hee t First day cover Miniature sheet first day cover





$6 .50


$7 .40



Malta WWF 50th Ann iversary

Niue Bird s 2011 Set of three gum med s ta m ps

$3 .50



Set of two gummed stamps

Descript ion


Miniature sheet

$ 6.10

First day cove r



Treasures of Malta Landscapes



Set of three gummed s ta m ps

$6 .60 Section 30 Tot al HZ$



First day cover






Se ction 33 Total HZ$

Hong Kong Description

Pitcairn Island Price



Total NZ$

I Hon g Kong Complete Mainl and Scenery Serie s



$1. .20

Sheetlet firs t da y cover

$1. .90

Souvenir sheet first day cover

$6 .30


Presentation pack


Hong Kong Du n huang Grottoe s




Set of five gummed stamps

$11. 20

First day cove r

$13.10 $ 11.t.0

First day cove r



Pitcairn Peony

Sheetlet first day cover


Gummed sh eetlet

$7. 80

Presentation pack


First day cover

$1. .60


Pitcairn Paper Wasp

Hong Kong Ch ine s e Idiom s a nd Their Stor ie s

Set of two gummed sta m ps

$8 .50

Set of five gummed s ta m ps


Miniature sheet


Souvenir sheet


Min iature sheet firs t day cover

First day cover


Souvenir sheet firs t day cover


Presenta tio n pack

Souvenir pack

$1. .1.0 $13.60

150th Ann ive r s ary of Hong Kong General Chamber of Commerce Set of four gumm ed stam ps


Miniature sheet


First day cover


Miniature sheet firs t day cover


I Presentation pack



Total NZ$


Pitca irn 2011 Roya l Wedd ing Set of two gummed sta mps wit h tab


Souvenir pack


Pitcairn Rare Birds of Henderson

$10.1.0 Section 34 Tota l HZ$

Samoa Description

I Price

Total NZ$

WWF Many-Coloured Fru it-Dove of Samoa Set of four gummed stamps Gummed m iniature s hee t First da y cover


$7 .00 $14 .10 $8 .10 Section 35 Total HZ$




United Kingdom

Definitive stamps

Desc r ip tion





Th omas the Tan k En gine Presentation pack

$ 20.40

Price $20 .00

$10 Mt Ruapehu

$10 .00


2 February 1997

$1.1 0 Gold Round Kiwi

Medal fi rsl day cover


United Nations Descrip tion




Total NZ$

Un ited Nat io ns ECOSOC - Edu cati on Set of six gummed stamps

$ 9.50

Un ited Natio ns 30 Vears of a Wor ld Livin g with AIDS Set of lhree self-a dhes ive

miniature sheets



Total NZ$

$ 1.10

2003 set of five Definitives

Section 36 Total NZ$


$1.50 Bronze Roun d Kiw i

$1. 50

$1 .50 self-adhesive sta m p - 7 May 2003

$ 1.50

2009 Kiw iSl amp dispen ser box of 100 stam ps

$60 .00

2009 KiwiStamp self -a dhes ive bookl et of 10 stam ps

$ 6.00

2009 Scenic Def initives self adh esive bookl et of 5 x $ 1.80 sta m ps

$ 9.00


United Nations Wo r ld Herita ge - No rd ic Coun tr ies Set of six gu mmed stam ps


Un ited Natio ns 2011 Coin an d Fla g Series Sel of three sheellet s contai ni ng eight stam ps each

$32 .60

Fold er containing th ree sheellels

$34.80 Sect ion 37 Total NZ$

Vanuatu Des cription

Description $20 Mt Cock- 18 February 1994




To.tal NZ$

2010 set of five Defin it ive stam ps

$1 1.80

2010 self-adhesive book let of 10 x $ 1.20 sta m ps

$1 2.00

2010 self -adhesive bookl et of 5 x $ 1.90 stam ps

$ 9.50

20 11 Kiw iSl amp stri p of five sta m ps


20 11 KiwiSt amp book let of 10 stam ps

$6 .00

2011 Kiw iSl amp fi rst day cover

$3 .50

20 11 Kiwi Sta m p dispen ser box of 100 stam ps

Section 42 Total NZ$

WWF M assena's Lorikeet of Van uat u Set of four gummed stam ps Gumm ed souvenir sheet

$6 .70

Regional booklets

$ 13.40

First day cover




20 10 Te Papa 60c bookl et

The Taste of Van uat u Tanna Coffee



Total NZ$

$ 6.00 Sect ion 43 Total NZ$

Set of four gummed stam ps First day cover


$9.30 $11.10

Personalised Stamps

Section 38 Total NZ$

Descrip tion


Septe m ber 2010 sel of tw o shee llets



Total NZ$

$13.90 Section 44 Total NZ$

Other products still on offer

Miniature sheet booklets Description 2009 ANZAC m in iat ure sheel bookl et

Personalised Stamp Sheets Descr iption

Pric e

All Blacks sta mp sheet

$22 .90

Rugby World Cup 20 11 - Part icipaling 20 Unions stam p shee t

$22 .90


T~tal NZ$


Hard -cover pu blication includi ng excl usive stam p products



Total NZ$ •


Personalised Postage (CALS) Per sonalised Postage 2009 pack



$56 .50

Total NZ$

Defin it ive r at e decr ease 40c stam p - 2 October 1995

$59 .00

Per sonalis ed Postag e 2010 pack

$51 .00

Per sonal ised Postag e 20 10 Year of Issue cover

$55 .00 Section 41 Total NZ$


Total NZ$

$1 9.90




Total NZ$

40c $25.90

2008 Ross Depend ency present at ion pack

$19 .90

2009 Ross Depend ency presentation pack


20 10 Ross Depend ency


$8 .80

2007 Ross Depend ency presenl at ion pack

pres entat ion pack Per sona l ised Posl age 2009 Vear of Issue cover


Set of 10 Def in itive stamps - 2 Novemb er 1994

Sect ion 40 Total NZ$



Ross Dependency

Victoria Cross - The New Zealand Story Des cr iption

2010 ANZAC m in iat ure sheel booklet


Sect ion 45 Total NZ$

Section 39 Total NZ$

Descrip tion

Pr ice

$2 7.50 Sect ion 46 Total NZ$

To st ar t a st and ing ord e r for Pe r so nalised Sta m p s hee ts, tick here



Presentation Packs

Campbell Paterson

Descr iption

Pr ice


Matariki 2008


Sir Edmund Hillary

$ 19.90

New Zealand Champions of the Worl d Motorsport (inclu des Iree mi niature sheet first day coverl


Giants of New Zealand

$ 19.90

Total HZ$

Des cription

I Pr ice

Campbell Paterson NZ Catalogu e


a ty

Tota l HZ$


Section 50 Total NZ$

DAVOAlbums Descrip tion

Pr ice

Chinese Lunar Series - Special Edit ion Pack


DAVO Album IVolu me 6)


Matariki 2009 - Heitiki


DAVO Supplement pages 2000


Sir Peter Blake 1948-2001


DAVO Supplement pages 2002


2010 Year of the Tiger

$ 19.90

DAVO Supplement pages 2003


Ancient Reptiles of New Zeatand


DAVO Supplement pages 2004


Matariki 2010 - Manu Tukutuku

$ 19.90

DAVO Suppl ement pages 2005


All Blacks


DAVO Suppleme nt pages 2006


Rugby Worl d Cup 2011


DAVO Supplement pages 2007


100 Years of Surf Life Saving


DAVO Supplement pages 2008

$59.90 $61.90

2011 Year of the Rabbit

$ 19.90

DAVO Suppleme nt pages 2009

2011 Kapa Haka


DAVO Supplement pages 2010

Matariki 2011 - Hei Matau


Total NZ$

a ty


DAVO 1990-1 999 Alb um IVolume 31

$69.00 Secti on 51 Total NZ$

Secti on 47 Total HZ$

Catalogues Limited Editions


Descr ip t ion

Pr ice


Total HZ$


50th Anniversary of SCali Base I Isubject to availability)

Pr ic e

2010 Campb ell Paterson New Zealand Stam p Catalogue

$ 135.00

Weather Extremes Isubject to availability)


Total NZ$


2011 Len Jury Stamp Catalogue

North Island Main Trunk Line Centenary Isubject to availabilityl



2011 ACS Stam p Catalogue


2011 Coin and Banknote Catalogue

$ 15.00


Section 52 Total NZ$ 2008 Matariki (subject to availability)


2009 Giants of New Zealand Isubjectto availability)


Hagner Products

Sir Peter Blake Isubject to availability)


Desc r iption

2009 Matariki (subject to availabili ty)

$ 135.00

Hagner Alb um

Ancient Reptiles of New Zealand Isu bject to availability)

$ 135.00

2010 Matariki (subject to availability)


! 2010 Ross Dependency


Hagner First Day Cover Sheet WWF Coll ect ion Hinges

Light house stockbooks 32 sides white pages


Tota l HZ$


Hagner Sheets HI - I strip. H2- 2 stri ps. H3- 3 stri ps. H4=4 strips. H5=5 st ri ps. H6=6 stri ps. H7=7 stri ps. H8=8 stri ps

Section 48 Total NZ$


Pr ice


$1.25 $21.95 $3.70 Secti on 53 Total NZ$



Total HZ$


32 sides black pages


48 sides white pages


48 sides black pages


Total to pay

64 sides white pages


64 sides black pages


Total all sections

Lighthouse Royal large FDC Album Iwith five double pocket relillsl


Pl us postage

Five rehlls for Lighthouse FDC Album (double)


Special courier service for coins

Five refills for Lighthouse FDC Album (single)


Lighthouse Coin Album



Premier FDC Album - large deluxe


Enter all your customer details (including your customer number!

Total amount to pay NZS

Five refills for prem ier large deluxe FDC Album - single pocket


Five relills for premier large deluxe FDC Album - double pocket


Five refills for premier small deluxe FDC Album


Indicate how you would like to pay Tot al your order

If you are not com pletely sat isfied with your purchase.

Section 49 Total NZ$

return it to us within 14 days of receiving it. You can ask us to re place it or give you a refund. No quest io ns asked ! All pric es are su bject t o cha n ge.





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