Focus Number 53 April 2012

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Kia ora,

welcome ! 2012 will be a busy year, with signi ficant events and anniversa ries taki ng place internationally and at home. Perhaps the biggest event on the internatio nal cale ndar is Queen Elizabeth II's Diamond Jubil ee. Celebra tions in the United Kingdom wi ll domin ate the headl ines in June, and our Diamond Jubil ee coin and upcom ing stamp issue are sure to be popular. For your chance to win the highly sought-after 'Num ber 60' Queen Elizabeth II Diamond Ju bilee coin, take a look at our coin news on page 6. A significant anniversary is taking place at home too, with the Royal New Zealand Air Force IRNZAF! celebrating 75 years of service to New Zealand. Read about the important role that the RNZAF continues to play today and find out about its new aircraft in the 'New. heights for the Air Force' article.

If the word 'Facebook' seems like a foreign language to you, make sure you read our story about joining the Facebook world . New Zealand Post Stamps and Coins now has its own page. and it's a fantastic way to keep up with the latest news. events. promotions. competitions and background information on our products. We also have new sta mp issues from Niue and Tokelau th is mo nth - turn to page 14 to find out more.

+~ ~ Ivor Masters General Ma nager, Stamps. Coins and REAL Aolearoa Please note: The finishedproducts may differ from those illustrated in this newsletter.

Focus may not illustrate all stamp. coin and collectableproductsthat are featured in this issue or that appear in the order form.

Artwo rkand articles from Focus may not be extractedtor reprin ting without prior permissionfrom the New Zealand Post Stamps and Collectables Business. For more informationand to request permission. please contact the DesignCo-ordinator,Stamps Business. Private Bag 39990. Wellington MaiLCentre, Lower HUll 5045.!Slamps


Queen Elizabeth II Diamond Jubilee Queen Elizabeth II is known across the world as the tireless and dedicated monarch of the United Kingdom. What is less well known is that she is actually the Queen of New Zealand and 15 other independent nations. As the Queen of New Zealand. Elizabeth II is the living embodiment of the nation. It is her role to ensure there is always a government in place, to serve as an apoliti cal representa tive of all New Zealanders . to comma nd the loyalty of the arme d forces . and to ensure that the constitution and democra cy of New Zealand are prot ected. She has travelled the len gth and breadth of New Zealand many tim es. having made 10 tours of the nation . Her first was in 1953-54. and was the only time that she has cele brated Chris tmas outside the UK. She delivered her Christmas broadcast to the Commonwealth from Governm ent House. Auckland. Among the many tasks she has underta ken here. there are a few part icularly notable ones. She was the fir st reigning monar ch to set foot in Aotearoa and th e fir st to open the New Zealand Parliament at a state opening in 1954. She attended the Commo nwealth Games in Christchurch in January 1974 and again in Auckland in 1990. She officially opened parl iament building s after their refurb ishm ent in 1995 and, in the same year. gave assent to legislat ion in person. She has visite d Waitangi on mo re than one occasion and has taken part in ceremonies commemo rating the signing of th e Treaty of Waitangi. The Queen is pat ron to severa l New Zealand organisations. working to raise their profiles on the national and international stages. In additi on to being the head of the New Zealand Defence Forces. she holds honorary ranks in five units. She maintains close link s with each and wor ks to raise morale whenever possible. The Queen is an unparalleled repository of political knowle dge. She has served as monarc h for 60 years to more than 30 fully independent nations around the world . She has known 14 Prim e Minister s in New Zealand during that time and communicated with all of them .


Queen Elizabeth II wearing the Sovereign's insignia of the Order of New Zealand, the New Zealand Order of Mer it, Star, Sash and Badge and the Queen's Service Order.

A Diam ond Jubilee recognises the 60th anniversary of a monar ch's accession - the date on whic h they became monarch. Ther e have been only two in the past 1.000 years of New Zealand and British history. The fir st was Queen Vict or ia' s in 1897 and the second occurred thi s past Waitang i Day. on 6 Febru ary 2012. The day is gener ally not marked with a celebration , as it inherently repre sents the day the mona rch's pr edecessor, in this case, the Queen' s father George VI, died. Instead. the celebratio n stretches across the enti re year. In the UK. the festivit ies will reach their peak on the first weekend in June, There wi ll be a number of events, include parad es. a river procession made up of more than 1.000 boats. a public concert at Buckingham Palace. and a churc h service of thanksgiving. In New Zealan d. cele bratio ns are expected to peak later in th e year . Prince Charles and his wi fe Camilla will visit in November and their visit will inclu de a number of event s to r ecognise the Jubilee , Wr itten by: Dr Sean Pa lme r. Vice Chair, Mona rchy New Zealand

Stamp issue coming soon! 3

April 2012 marks 75 years of service to New Zealand for the Royal New Zealand Air Force (RNZAF) as an independent armed service . An Act of Parlia ment in 1937 separated the RNZAF from the Army and, by the end of World War II, the new service had become a large and effective air ar m . By the actions of its men and wome n throu ghout the world war , and in many conflicts and operat ions since , our Air Force has created a rich history in which all New Zealanders can take pride. While the Air Force becom es a 21st century Air Force with the intro ductio n of new and upgrad ed air craft fleets, 75 years provides a mil estone for New Zealand to celebrate the RNZAF's proud heritag e and culture and showcase the wor k the Air Force has done and the role its airme n and women play in thi s country and the region . The backbone of the Air Force is its people who, through their professionali sm, teamwork and discipl ine, are able to pr oduce results disprop orti onate to their num bers . Whether it's searc h and rescue, disaster relief,

peacekeeping missions or tactical tra ining operations, the Air Force is r eady. Its mos t recent acquisitions include two new helicopter fleets - the Al 09LUH and NH90. The Al 09 is a light ut il ity, twin-engine heli copter with a modern, ,9 lass cockpit and a retra ctable wheel under car riag e. It wil l be used for training pilots and crew who will later fly the NH90 and 5H-2 G 5easpr ite, and perform light- helico pter missions. The NH90 is an advanced medium -u tility helicopter, capable of undertaking a wide variety of roles in New Zealand and oversea s. It wi ll be used for mil itary operat ions and civil tasks and has the capability to support counterterrorism, disaster relief, searc h and res cue and counter- drug operation s. Modification s to the two Boeing 757s to meet global air traffi c requirement s and provide a freight, passenger, VIP and aeromedical role have been completed. The air craft are in service as 'cornbi ' systems - able to carry passengers and freight in a number of configuration s. An upgrade to the P-3K Orion fleet to moderni se its surveill ance, reconnaissance, navigation and communi cation systems is underway. The upgrad e wi ll result in improved intelli gence, surveill ance and reconnaissance capabili ties. This will broaden the Orion's role from traditiona l maritim e operat ions to include overland operati ons. An upgrade of the C-130H Hercu les fleet is also underway, which will see the repla cem ent of mechanical. avionic and structural components. Modern communicatio ns and navigation systems ar e being filled that will meet evolving air traffic manag ement regulati ons. 50 ju st as it has met the challenges of the past 75 years, New Zealand 's Air Force today is well equipped to meet the chall enges of the comi ng decades. Wr itten by: Roya l New Zealand Air Force


Focus issue 53 • Apnl 012

Joining the Facebook world We are pleased to announ ce that the New Zealand Post Stamps and Coins Business now has a Facebook page . With the increasi ngly digital age, and more and more companies having a social media pr esence, we th ought it was about tim e that New Zealand Stam ps and Coins had its own Facebook page. What is Facebook? Facebook is a social netw ork ing service that is used by milli ons of peopl e around the world to keep up with fri ends, upl oad photos, sha re links and stay up to date with businesses of interes t.

To become a user of Facebook you must fir st sign up by visiting and filling out the form on the homepage. Once you have registered you can jo in commo n-i nteres t gro ups such as the 'N ew Zealand Stamps and Coins ' page.

If you alrea dy have an accou nt on Facebook you can simply visit and 'LIKE' the page. We look forw ard to communicating with you on Facebook!


By clicking 'LIKE' on the New Zealand Stamps and Coins page, you will receive some great benefits:

Be the fir st to hear news relat ing to New Zealand stamps and coins

Receive exclusive updates and photos from events

Obtain background knowledge about some of our stamp and coin issues

Commun icate with othe r stamp and coin collec tors

Writ e your com ments and suggestio ns on our wall


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Personalise your mail ---------------------------------- -

Create a memory with personalised stamps Do you or someo ne you know have an important event comi ng up this year? Personal ised stamps mak e gr eat mement oes or gif ts for weddings, birthdays. chris tenings, anniversar ies and much mor e.


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Promote w ith personalised postage If you have a business. event or message to promote , personal ised postage cou ld be the answer! Per sonali sed postage labels allow you to upload an image [perhap s your com pany logo l and creat e postage labels that you can use on your mail. What a gr eat way to get your brand out there and connect with your customers !

Personali sed stamps allow you to combine your favour ite photo with a them ed stam p tab. whi ch you can then use on your mail. Alternatively. keep the whole per sonali sed stam p sheet inta ct and mak e it a gift. Ther e's even space to writ e a per sonalised message on the sheet! To find out more about per sonalising your mail. visit


Fairy tern coin auction

Win the 'Number 60' Queen Elizabeth II Diamond Jubilee Coin!

One of the main aims of the New Zealand annual coin is to raise awareness of a New Zealand endangered species, This year's Fairy Tern series attracted attention recently when we auctioned the 'number 43' proof currency set on Trade Me,

With Queen Elizabeth II celebrating her 60-year reign in 2012, we're giving you the opportunity to win the one and only 'Number 60' Queen Elizabeth II Diamond Jubilee coin! To enter, simply join up to our Facebook page at NZStampsandCoins and answer

a simple question . The com petiti on will start on Tuesday 10 April and the winner's name will be drawn on Tuesday 24 April.

Enter on Facebook today. Good luck!


Why number 43? Because at the last official count there were only 43 fairy terns remaining in New Zealand. The auction gained a lot of attention and the $305 raised has been donated to the Fairy Tern Charitable Trust.




World Money Fair New Zealand Post attended the world 's largest numis matic event of the year - the World Money Fair, from 3 to 5 February in Berl in, Germany, Despite the fr eezing wint er conditions, the event attracted tens of thousands of visitor s from around the globe, including mi nts, banks, techni cal suppli ers , dealers, exhibitors and collec tors.








Focus issue 53 - April 2012

Recent coin issues 2012 New Zealand Silver Currency Set Gold-plated ten cent coin edition This pr emium collec tio n of New Zealand 's iconic currency coins has been minted from fine silve r, and for the fir st tim e features the ten cent piece plated in gold , Each coin is uniqu ely dated 2012, and with a worl dwide mintage of ju st 1,000, be sur e to place your order today, RRP: $275.00

2012 Queen Elizabeth II Diamond Jub ilee Coin New Zealand Post is marking Queen Elizabeth II's Diam ond Jubil ee with a magnificent 10z silver coin with colour . The design depicts the Queen delivering her Christma s message from Auckland, New Zealand in 1953 [the only time the message has ever been delivere d from out side Br itain!. RRP: $129 .00

2012 New Zealand Annual Coin: Fairy Tern The 2012 Annual Coin features New Zealand's rarest and most critically thr eatened bird : the fairy tern . The design portrays th e uniqu e bird in three dim ensions, both in flight and in its natural nesting habitat. The range of coins includ es a silver pro of coin and a brilliant uncir culat ed coin, with New Zealand curre ncy sets to match. 10z silver proof coin: $129.00 Proof curren cy se t : $185 .00 Brilliant uncirculated coin: $39 .00 Brilliant uncirculat ed curre ncy set: $69 .00

75 Years of the RNZAF Co in This stunning silver pr oof coin wit h colour is the perf ect way to cele brate the 75th anniversary of the RNZAF. It is beautifully pr esented alongside a pin depicting the official RNZAF badge and will mak e a special memento or gift. RRP: $139 .00


Over coffee several months ago, Geoff Rickards and Brian Vincent got to wonder about differences in the 1 and 2 (and subsequently 3) reprints of the KiwiStamps in dispenser boxes. They discovered that while the repr int s wer e identical to the original printi ng, there were numerous diff erences some small, others clearly visible - between stamps of the same design in bookle ts, sheets and roll s. The first set of 10 'non-value-indicated' self-adhesive stamps was issued on 7 Septem ber 2009. The stam ps were printed in four formats - a booklet of 10, a dispenser roll of 100, a sheet of 50 and a jumbo roll. Limite d numbers of booklets and sheets were printed with 'KiwiStamp' over pri nted in silver foil. The stamp designs are as follows lord ered as for th e dispenser rolll: The class ic backyard BBG Isausage); Farming in your Swanndri; Fish and chi ps at the beach; Wall ornaments [birds]: Summer holi days [caravan]: Mowing your 1/4 acre section; Unpredictable weather; State Highway 1 sign; Pavlova kiwifruit; and Beach cricket.

There ar e also differ ences in the size and design of equivalent stam ps amon g the four product s. The design size of the sheet stamps is 21.5mm x 26.5mm , whereas the roll and bookl et stamps are both 21.0mm x 26.0mm . The overall stamp size llrorn the outside edges of the die-cut s) al so varies. Thus for one set of Swanndri stamps (for examplel the measur ement s are : Sheet - 25.5mm x 30.75mm Dispenser roll - 25.0mm x 30.25mm Bookl et - 25.0mm x 30.50mm Stamps of the j umbo roll are the same size as those of the dispenser roll. Design differences in equivalen t stam ps in the four forma ts concern both the designs themselves and their text eleme nts 'KiwiStamp' and 'New Zealand'. For example, in the 'Swanndri ' stamps of the roll , the design fram e at the right all but touches th e right - most fence post, wher eas in the booklet stam ps this partly obscures the ri ght- mos t fence post; and in the sheets it is well fr ee of the ri ght- mos t post. These differences , which arise fr om both alterna tive scalin g and crop ping, are illustr ated below.

Booklets were printed by Australia Post Spri ntpak and sheets, dispenser rolls and ju mbo rolls wer e print ed by Southern Colour Print. All stam ps were pr int ed by offset lithogra phy in four process colo urs ICYMKI. The jumbo rolls were printed separately fr om the dispenser roll s. There are differences in die-cut gauges and corner styles for the stam ps in the booklets, dispenser rolls and sheets. Dispenser roll - 9.6 x 10.0, ser pentine profile, standard line -style corners. Booklet - 11.1 x 11.2, scallo ped profile, standard combstyle corners. Sheet - 10.0 x 9.7, serpen tine profile, sharp li ne-style corners.

Also, the text 'New Zealand' in the Swanndri booklet stam ps is somewha t more slen der and taller but with less wi dth, and positioned higher in the design, than it is in the roll s and sheets of stam ps.

The jum bo roll die-cut s are as for the dispenser r oll.

The above is a short summary of a detailed study by Br ian G Vincent and Geolf K Rickards, publ ished in The New Zealand Sramp Col/ecroriJune 20111. Information has been reproduced here with the permission of the Royal

Philatelic Society of New Zealand Inc . PO Box 1269 , Well ington 6140 .


www.nzpost .co.nzlstamps

Focus issue53 . April2012

REAL men do glass REAL Aotearoa is proud to showcase some of its newest taLent. These three New ZeaLand artists not onLy are aLL of the maLe variety, but aLso happen to be masters in the art of gLass. Simon Lewis Wards Simon began worki ng with gl ass in 1996, with pioneer glass- maker John Croucher. He is curre ntly based in Auckland and is inspired by people's everyday endeavours to improve thei r posit ion and place. 00' strive to create my own objects that are inspired by the intricacy of cons truction. to yiel d a r esul t of seamless si m plicity. 00

Cast glass jelplanes - $19 .00 each OR buy five and ge t one free !

John Penman John's fascination wi th patt ern has a long history dating back to when he was a child trying to create his own moire patterns. The recu rring calming rhythm of pattern formed a wel come antipode to his travels around the world . He returned to New Zealand with a fresh view and has rediscovered the richness of pattern in Maori art that surrounds him and connects him to his own whakapapa . Swirl bowl - $769.00

Greg Swinburne A glassblower from Whanganui. Greg tends to create artwork from a sculptural perspective - star ting with form and li ne, then colour and finally textur e. Greg's carved vessels are an exploration of vessels in their broadest sense. from ceramic bowls to baskets. from woven to carved. His inspiration gr ows out of an increasingly large 'data base' of art istic material. and he prefers not to analyse his work in depth as it directs people to read the vessels in a part icular way. He describes them as the fruit of an ongoing explorat ion. Carved vessel ¡ $600.00

AUCKLAND 62 Queen Street Auckland 1010 Tel: +64 9 309 7515

WELLINGTON 1 Grey Street Well ington 6011 Tel :+6444711561

Email :

CHRISTCHURCH Upper Riccart on PostShop 20 Waimar i Road Chris tch urch 8041 Tel: +64 3 341 6287

Web sit e:


Upcoming stamp issues Matariki 2012 - Maor i Rock Art The 2012 Matariki stam p issue wi ll celebrate Maori rock art - a traditional artform that is widespread throughout Aotearoa, but is per haps most wid ely known in the South Island. Maor i rock art depicted a range of subjects, incl uding hum ans, animals and everyday events, and it gives a rare glimpse into the lives of Maori ancestors . Products availabLe: Six self-a dhesive stamps. miniature sheet, first day cover, miniature sheet first day cover, presentation pack. limited edition

Issue dat e : 6 Ju ne 2012 Designer: Dave Burke Design. Auckland, New Zealand lilIus tratio n onLy)

Printer : Southern Colour Print Ltd by offset lithography

Withdrawal dat e : 5 J une 2013

Indonesia 2012 World Stam p Championship and Exhibition The Indonesia 2012 World Stamp Championship and Exhibition will take place in Jakarta, Indonesia from 18 to 24 June 2012. The theme of the exhibi tion is 'Bridging to the World of Peace Through Stam ps'. To commemora te the exhibitio n, we are issu ing an exhibition miniatu re sheet and a souvenir cover. If you'r e attending the exhibition, be sure to pay us a visit at the New Zealand Post stan d!

liltustra tion onlyl

Products available: Exhibition miniature sheet. souvenir cover

Issu e dat e : 18 Ju ne 2012 Designer: Stamps Business. New Zealand Post, Wellington

Pr inter: Sou thern Colour Print lid by offset lithogra phy Withdrawal date: 17 J une 2013

2012 Children's Health The 2012 Child ren's Health stamp issue features th e New Zealand sea lion - an endeari ng native that is now classed as critically endangered in New Zealand. These intelligent mammals feature on three stam ps each of which carries a 10c surcharge that goes directly to Children's Health Camps. Part icularl y enticin g is the sea lion-shaped miniat ure sheet, which depicts a mother and her pup. Products available: Two gummed stamps. one self-adhesivestamp, miniature sheet, first day cover,miniature sheet first day cover.

Issue dat e : 1 August 2012 Designer: Stamps Business, New Zealand Post, Well ington

Print er : Southern Colour Print LId by offset lithogra phy Withdrawa l dat e : 3 July 2013 (illustration only)

Please note: Issue dates and product details are subject to change.


2012 events and exhibitions ..

Year of the Dragon festivals Both Auckland and Wellington played host to Year of the Dragon festivals in January and February res pectively . Both festivals featured extremely busy ma rket days, and New Zealand Post was proud to have a stand at both. The Year of the Dragon stam p issue proved very popular at both festivals, part icularly wit h the designer, Sophia Zhan of Bananawor ks, present to sign product and chat to visitors about her designs. The Auckl and event has been runn ing for more than 20 years and continues to grow in popula rity. This year it was atten ded by more than 100,000 people, incl uding the Prime Minister, Rt Hon John Key.

Sophia Zhao. designer of the 2012 Year of the Dragon stamp issue. signing a presentation pack at the AucklandYear of the Dragon festival.

Christchurch Philatelic Society Centennial Stamp and Postcard Exhibition After all the hurdles of the past 18 months, the Christchurch Philatelic Society Centennial Stamp and Postcard Exhibition was a gr eat success. The exhibition kicked off on Friday 13 January with an entertaining Robert Samuel Memorial lecture given by Paul Wregelsworth from England . Hundreds of people visited the exhibition on Saturday; dealers report ed a very good tra de, souvenirs sold well and the New Zealand Post mi niature sheet was popular.

The New Zealand Post stand at the Christchurch Philatelic SocietyCentennial Stampand Postcard Exhibition.

Award s were posted on Saturday aft ern oon and Doug South was announced as the Grand Award winner at the exhibi tion dinner . Sunday was another busy day and judges provided useful comments on how exhibitors could im prove their exhibits.

Blenpex 2012 Stamp Show Blenpex 2012 will be Marlb orough' s fir st National Stamp and Postcar d Exhibition, and will take place at the Marlbor ough Lines Stadium in Blenheim from 12 to 14 October 201 2. Marl borough is well known for its scenic beauty, varie ty of restaurants and top-class wineries, and the exhibitio n organisers invite people fr om aroun d the country and world to come and witness the region's appeal fir st- hand. The exhibit ion will host a 'Gourmet Challenge ', and exhibits are invited tha t are themed around the culin ary nature of the region . Judges will inclu de a winem aker , a chef, a local MP and phila telic experts . Other invited displays incl ude 'Marlborou gh and the Sounds Postcards' and displays of Marlborough' s early postal history. We hope to see you there! www nzpost .co.nzlSlamps

To find out more about exhibiting at or attending the exhibition, please email blenpex Alternatively, you can write to: Blenpex 2012, PO Box 120, Blenhe im 7240 11

Recent stamp issues Christmas 201 1

The New Zealand Collection 2011

The Christmas 201 1 stam p issue portrays the Nat ivity through five diamond-shaped, gum med stam ps that feature metallic gold prin ting .

The New Zealand Coll ection 201 1 consists of brill iant imagery, extensive commentary fr om well known New Zealanders , and collecta ble stam ps to the value of $123.1 0 - yet its retail pr ice is jus t $97.50! It also incl udes an excl usive Vict or ia Cross : The New Zealand Story im perfo rate stamp sheet. Order yours today for the perf ect memento of 2011.

Products available: Five gummed stamps. three selt-adhesive stamps. first day coverwith fivegummed stamps. first day coverwith three self-a dhesive stamps. three self-adhesive stamp booklets. self-adhesivedispenser box.

Iss ue dat e : 2 Novemb er 2011 Designer: Karen Mounsey-Smith. Brisbane. Australia

Issue date: 14 Novemb er 2011

Pr inter : Southern Colour Print Ltd by offset lithography and Australia Post. Sprintpak, Australia Iself-adhesive 60c

booklet only) Withdrawal date: 1 November 2012

2012 Year of the Dragon The Year of the Dragon began on 23 January 2012, and prom ised to bring with it health, wealth, prosperity and success . The presentation pack makes a beauti ful gift and inclues a fr ee paper -cut drag on! Also take a look at the li mi ted editio n - the ult ima te collec table in this vibrant stam p issue. Productsavailable: Four gummed stamps. first day cover, miniature sheet, miniature sheet first daycover. presentation pack, limited edition

2011 Ross Dependency: Race to the Pole

Issue date: 5 Janua ry 2012

2011 marke d 100 years since Roald Amu ndsenol Norway famously beat Robert Scott of Brita in to be the fir st to reach the South Pole. This historic stamp issue tell s the story of their journ eys, and th e presentation pack is not to be missed!

Printer : Cartar Security Printing. France byoffset

Designer: Bananaworks. Auckland. New Zealand lithography Withdrawal date: 4 January 2013


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Productsavailable: Five gummed stamps. first daycover, miniature sheet. .....\.1..., . " miniature sheet first day cove r, presentation pack

Issu e dal e : 2 Novemb er 2011 Designer: Vertigo. Wellington. New Zealand Pronter : Sout hern Colour Print Ltd by offset lithogra phy o


Withdrawal dal e : 1 Novemb er 2012



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Recent stamp issues 2011 New Zealand Collector's Folder The 2011 New Zealand Collector's Folder is a complete package of all the stamps , minature sheets and philatelic exhibition miniature sheets issued during 2011 .


Issue date: 5 January 2012

New Zealand 2012 Game Bird Habitat Collection The 2012 Game Bird Habitat Collection features the least common of New Zealand upland game birds, the bobwhi te quail. Products available: Licencestamp. first daycover. miniature sheet. miniature sheet first day cove r, limited editionartist print Issue date : 2 Febru ary 2012

Designer: Janet E Marshall, Nelson Bays. New Zeatand

2012 New Zealand Native Trees

Printer : Southern Colour Print Ltd by offset lithography Withdrawal date : 1 Febr uary 2013

The 2012 New Zealand Native Trees stamp issue pays tribute to five of New Zealand's most iconic native trees the p6hutukawa, the cabbage tree , the k6whai, the nikau and the rnanuka. The detaile d illustra tive style of the issue has made it very popul ar, so order today! Products available: Five gummed stamps. first day cover, miniature sheet. miniature sheet first day cove r, presentation pack Issue date : 1 Febru ary 2012

Designer: 20i4 Design, Wellington, New Zealand Printer: SouthernColour Print Ltd by offset lithography Withdrawal date : 31 January 2013

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75 Years of the RNZAF New Zealand Post is commemorating 75 years of the Royal New Zealand Air Force IRNZAF! with a stamp issue that reflects 15 different aspects of the RNZAF. Part icularly excitin g is the miniature sheet booklet, which offers a wealth of information on the history of New Zealand' s Air Force. Productsavailable: Sheet of 15 x bOc gummed stamps, set of three nrst day covers. miniature sheet booklet Issue date: 15 March 2012



Designer: Strategy Design and Advertising. Wellington. New ZeaLand Printer : Southern Colour Print Ltd byoffset Lithography Withd rawal date : 14 March 2013

2012 Self-adhesive Scenic Definitive Owing to a recent change to international postage rat es, a self-adhesive scenic definitive stam p was issued featuring the beautiful Lake Rotorua. Products available: One setl-adhesive stamp. first day cover. self-adhesive booklet of 5 , $2.40 stamps Issue dale : 1 Febru ary 2012

Designer: Stamps Business. New Zealand Post. Wellington Printe r: Southern Colour Print Ltd by offset lith ography

Withdrawal date: Unless stocks are exhausted earlier, this stamp will remain on sale until further notice

www.nzposl .co.nzlstamps


Latest stamps from Niue Niue Shells 2012 The latest stam p issue from Niue portray s four shells that are found aro und Niue's tropical shores . The shells depicted are the map cowrie ILe poricypraea mappaJ. geogra phy cone IGastridium geographusJ. partridge tun ITonna perdixl and tiger cowrie ICypraea tigris!. The intricate illustrations wer e crea ted by John Henry Tagaloailuga in Niue in 1990. They are based on shell s collec ted by his father , Herman Tagaloailug a, betw een 1979 and 1985 fr om Niue's Hikutavaki Reef.





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Products available: Four gummed stamps. miniature sheet. first daycover, miniature sheet first day cover

Iss ue dat e: 11 April 2012 Designer : Stamps Business, New Zealand Post, Wellington


Printer: Collectables and Solutions Centre. New Zealand Post, Whanganui. New Zealan d

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Withd rawal dat e : 10 April 2013




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Latest stamps from Tokelau Tokelau Scenic Definitives 2012 The Tokelau Scenic Definitives iss ue celebrates the undiscovered beauty of the Pacifi c nati on of Tokelau . Each of the nine gumm ed stam ps depicts th e stunning scenery found throughout the three coral atolls of Tokelau - from picturesque coastli nes to entici ng fishing and diving spots. Order the sta mp set and set of two fir st day covers today. Products available: Nine gummed stamps. set of two first day covers


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Issue date : 11 April 2012 Designer: Stamps Business, New Zealand Post. Wellington Printer : Collectables and Solutions Centre, New Zealand Post. Whanganu i, New Zealand Withdrawal date: Thesestamps will remain on sate until further notice

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International stamps Fiji

Hong Kong Museums Collection - Cultural and Historical Series

Fiji International Year of Volunteers

Dat e of iss ue : 6 Decembe r 20 11

Date of is s ue : 25 Novem ber 2011

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Set of si' gummed stamps : $3.S0



First day cover: $11.80

Fiji Christmas 2011

First day cover: $4.30

Dat e of iss ue: 16 Dece mb e r 2011





Souvenir sheel : $3.50

First day cover: $4.40 Presentation pack: $5.40

Sel of four gummed stamps: $3.60

2012 Hong Kong Lunar New Year Animals Rabbit and Dragon Dat e of issue : 14 J a nua ry 2012

Hong Kong Hong Kong, China and Romania Joint Issue - Handicraft Dat e of issue : 24 November 2011

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Set of two gummed slamps: $2.20

First day cover : $3.00

Sheetle t: $21.10

Hong Kong 2012 Year of the Dragon Dat e of iss ue : 14 Ja nuary 2012

Souvenir sheet: $2.20

Silk s heetlet: $10.50

Sheetlet: $2.10

Hong Kong Tamar Development Project Date 01 issue : 15 Decem ber 201 1

Sheetlet: $2.20

'OM Silk sheetle t first day cover: $11.30

Sheetletlirst day cover: $2.90

First day cover: $3.20

Prestige lirst day cover: $4.70

Presentationpack: $3.90 www. nl po ~t. c o . n zlst a mps


International stamps Malta

Pitcairn Island

Maritime Malta

Pitcairn Supply Ships

Date of issue: 10 Augu st 2011

Date of iss ue : 3 1 Augu st 2011

Firs t day cover: $ 12.20

Set of four gummed stamps: $5.00

Malta-Iceland Joint Issue - 2011 Fishing Villages Dat e of iss ue : 15 Septe m be r 20 11





Se-tenant strip of four gummed stamps with a central tab: $10.10


Miniature sheet: $4.70

First day cover: $5.60

Malta Christmas 2011

Pitcairn Christmas 2011 Set of thr ee gummed stamps: $2.70

Fir st day cover : $3.70

90th Anniversary of the Malta Senate and Legislative Assembly Date of iss ue : 2 December 201 1

Set of four gummed stamps: $9.90 Miniatur e sheet: $9.40

First day cover: $10.30

Samoa Samoa into the Future


Date of issue : 15 Dec emb er 2011

Niue Christmas 2011 Date of issue : 16 November 2011

Set of four gummed stamps: $7.70

First day cover: $8.20


Miniature sheet first daycover: $8.20

International stamps Tokelau


2011 United Nations Annual Collections


Dal e of issue : 13 October 201 1

Tokelau Christmas 2011 Date of issue : 16 Novemb er 2011

Set of lour gummed s ta mps : $4.25

Gen eva Annual Collection : $44 .90 New Yo rk Annual Collection: $37 .10 Vienn a Annual Collection : $44.60

Vanuatu Vanuatu 's Green and Golden Bell Frog Dal e of issue : 28 Septem ber 20 1 1 First day cover: $4 .75

United Kingdom Roald Dahl Date 01 issue: 10 January 20 12 Roald Dahl

Set of four gumme d stam ps: $7 .90

First day cover: $9.60

Prese ntation pack: $20.30

Frog -sh ap ed so uvenir s heet: $5 .90 Souvenir sheet first daycover: $7.60

United Nations 201 1 United Nations Endangered Species

Vanuatu Beaches Date of issue : 28 Septem ber 20 11

Date of issu e: 7 Septem ber 2011

Set of four gummed stamps : $8.60

First day cover: $ 10.40

Vanuatu Colours in Bloom Present at ion pack: $ 22.50

Date of issue: 7 December 20 11

United Nations InternationalYear of the Forests 2011 Date of issue : 13 October 2011

Set of three sta mp s hee ts : $37.60 Firs t da y cover: $11.10


__- e

.11\ ""'::'"

,, ' 00

Available from your local PostShop or online at and

Focus order form - April2012

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How to pay

How to order

By ch e que. internatio nal m oney orde r or ban k draft.

1. Enter your order det a ils . All prices are in New Zealand doll ar s .

your envelo pe to th e address at th e left.

By cr e dit ca rd for order s of NZ$ 10 or mo re.

If you ar e maili ng your order for m from outsi de New Zealand. plea se be s ure to affix the correc t post ag e.

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By debiting your account with the New Zealand Post Collecta bles an d Solutions Centre (please contact

AU pri ces include NZ Goods and Services Tax @

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2. Tota l your orde r and indica te how you wish


Order s are subjec t to our customer term s

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Payment can be ma de in to your stam p accoun t

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Collectables an d Solutions Centre,

your custome r numb er and requesti ng that the

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tr ansact ion be processed as a PHDEP.

Orders cont ain ing iss ues due to be re leased wi ll be suppli ed on their r espect ive issue date s.

Postage Reckoner

Currency re ckoner

Stamp s


Slamps, s hftllelS. mlnl,Hur. ",,"IS. booklets . postcards, owrwas'lssued 'Irs t day cowrs, oy. r!>eas Issued m'nta lur. " hftt ',rsl day cow r"


ACSC.llalogu., mlnullure ShMI booklels. sht-.IS, flro;,( dol.,. coyer rehlts


S.ll·adhhive c.r1on". packelt 01All Blacks



AustraU. Air

South P. cific Air

Elsi Asi. & Nth Amer ic. Air

UK & Euro pe Air

Re st of World . !r

Cour ie r within New Zealan d

$1 .90



$2 .40



$2 .90

$2 .90


$5 .54

$6 .93


$7 .80


$5 .00

NZ"lamp COll.cllon". albums , slotkbooks and CP C.laIOllue&, books, DAVO albums. Vlclona Cross hard , CoYer publ,cahon

$11 42

$ 17.96

$ 22.48



$ 7.00

Presenl ahon packs , cenecter's lolders , stamp packs, OAVO suppl.menlS




$5 .10

$5 .10


No cha rge

No cha rge

No cha rge

No charge

No charge



NZl,fS! day COW". NZ m,nlalure Sh••l l,r.l day cove"'. ma_lmum card ..

$3 .40


RugbyWorld Cup Champions Set' "

( 1 Sterling


$1 Aust ralia

NZ$I .26

$1 US

N2$ 1.17

$ 5.00 $1 Canada


C1 Euro

NZ$ 1.5io

Total to pay Totalall

IIs-ral In tOW\ mar ked 'A' are being orde red, lhe highest rate appl ies. II M\lerallt. ms In roM; marked '8' a re being ordere d, the poslage listed IS ~r rtem. Ifyour ord. r Includes 'A' and '8' Ilems , the '8' Items lotal only apphe" . lnl.rnahonal Expre"" ra les are a.....lable upon application. Please add $7.00 delivery wlth,n New Zealand lor Campbell Palers.on C.talOllues and l lghlhouse o;,lot kbooks.


Approximate equivalent.


South Pacific

East Asi. & Nth Ameriel

UK & Europe

Rest of Worl d

Courier with in New Zea l. nd


$45 .15

$ 56.86



$7 .00


$10 .00

$10 .00


$ 10.00

$5 .00

secti ons $




Plus postag e $



AUother coins Itot.1 v.lueJ SO· $620'

How to contact us :

$621 . $1.500"



$ 22.50


$ 28 46

$ 5.00

Telephon e: 0800 782 677

>$1,500or a 'h oz gold coin' · ·





$60 .19

$ 5.00

Over seas custome rs :

• Inlernah Of'al Alf Registered , ""Inlernatlonal Alf WllhCover. " "Inter natlonal Couner. Pnce s a re eSllmate" onl.,.and rna.,....ary de~ndlng on the conlenl" 01your ot'Cler, Charges lor deliveryWillbe at Ihe rAlf l a pplicable a l t he l,me 01se nding. Other s hipping options are a.....lable. To lind out more, ",ISlt_ or phone OBOD NZCOINS

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_ _ _ _ _ _ 11 Cardhold er's nam e

Cardhol der's signat ure



New Zealand stamps Christmas 2011 - 2 November 2011 Description


Set of five gummed stamps



Total NZ$



60c Baby Jesus gummed stam p

$ 1.90

$2.40 Shepherds gumm ed stam p


$2.90 Wise Men gummed stam p



2012 New Zealand Native Trees - 1 February 2012


Self -adhesive sta mp set


Set of five gummed stam ps

60c self -adhesive sla mp


Pr ice

60c Pcihulukawa stam p

$1.90 self- adhesi ve stamp

$ 1.90 $2.40

$1.90 Kciwhai stamp

$ 1.90

$2.40 Nikau stamp

$ 2.40

$2.90 Manuka stamp

$2 .90

$5.40 $6.00

$1.90 self -adhesi ve booklet of 10 stam ps (buy 10 stam ps pay lo r 9!


$2.40 self -a dhesive stam p bookl et of 10 stamps Ibuy 10 stam ps pay for 9)


Self -a dhesi ve dispenser box 1100x 60c stamps]

$60 .00

First day cover

$9 ,50

Min iature she et

$9 .00

Min iature sheet fi rs t day cover

$9 .50 $ 29.90 Section 7 Tota l HZS

Section 1 Total HZ$

2012 Self-adhesive Scenic Definitive - 1 February 2012

201 1 Ross Dependency: Raceto the Pole - 2 November 2011

Desc r iption

Descr i ption

$2.40 self -adhesive stamp

Set of five gummed sta mps



Tot al NZ$

$ 1.20 Amund sen tr iumphs stamp

$1.20 $1.9 0



Total NZ$


$ 2.40 $2.90

Self -adhesive booklet of 5 x $2,40 stamps


$ 1.90 Robert Scott stamp

Pr ice

First day cover

$9 .00

60c Roald Amund sen stamp

Total NZ$

$1. 20

Presentation pack




$2.40 self- adhesi ve stamp Fir st day cover - self- adhes ive stam ps

a ty

$9 ,00

$1.20 Cabbage Tree stam p

60c self -adhesi ve bookl el of 10 stam ps

Total NZ$

Section 6 Total HZS

Descript ion

Firs t day cover - gummed stam ps


$4 .30

Exhibition souveni r cover

$1. 20

$1.90 Mary and Joseph gumm ed stam p

..Pr ice

Exhibition m in iature sheet


$ 1.20 Angel gumm ed sta mp

Christchurch Philatelic Society Centennial Stamp and Postcard Exhibition - 14 January 2012

$12 .00 Section 8 Total HZS

$ 2.40 The tast camp stam p

$ 2.40

$ 2.90 Great explo rers , br ave men stam p

$ 2,90

New Zealand 2012 Game Bird Habitat Collection2 February 2012

Firs l day cover


Descrip t ion

Pr ic e

Min iatu re sheet

$9 .00

Licence stamp

$10 .00

$9 .50

Firsl day cover

$1 2.00


Min iature sheet

$1 1.50

Miniature sheet first day cover

$ 14.00

Limited ed ition art ist pr int

$6 5.00

2001-2007 pr esenlal ion pack


Miniatu re sheet fir st day cover Presentat ion pack

Sect ion 2 Total HZS

The New Zealand Collection 2011 - 14 November 2011


Desc r ip tion Annual Album

I $97.50 I

Pr ice


Total NZ$

Section 3 Total HZS

Descr ip tio n

60c Year of th e Dragon sta mp $ 1.20 Paper -cut Dragon stamp



$ 1.90

Fir st day cover


Min iatur e sheet


Lim iled edition [subjec t to availabilily!

Total NZS


Total NZ S


Set of three first day covers

$10 ,50

Miniature sheet booklet

$19 .90



Miniature sheet fi rs t day cover

Pr ic e

Sheet of 15 x 60c stam ps

Section 10 Tolal HZ$

$ 1.20

$1.90 Dragon Lan tern stamp

Tot a l NZS

75 Years of the RNZAF - 15 March 2012


$2.40 New Zealan d Icon - Dunedin Railway Station stam p

Presentation pack



Seclion 9 Total HZS

Descrip tion

2012 Year of the Dragon - 5 January 2012 Set of four gummed stamps


Queen Elizabeth II Diamond Jubilee - 9 May 2012 COMIHGSOON The Queen Elizabeth lf Diamond Jub ile e stam p iss ue will be off er ed through the issue mailing. onlin e and through the Coll ecl abl es and Solut ion s Centre from the week beginn ing 16 Apri l 2012,

$6.60 $ 19.90

Mint stam ps w ill be su pplie d un less you specifica lly requ est othe rwise . If you wi sh to order used IU! or ca ncelled ICI sta m ps, pl ease ind icat e th is by writing the letter U or C as appropriate nexl to the quantity you r equire,

$135 .00

Section 4 Total HZS

2011 New Zealand Collector's Folder - 5 January 2012 Descr ip t i on

I .P r ice

2011 New Zealand Collector's Folder


l o t)'

$ 174.50 1

Total NZ$

To order block s or s hee ts from relevant issues, pl ea se ent er a code from the li st below in the 'Cod e' co l u rn . Codes f or the types of blocks and sheets are as follows : PB Plate blo ck, VA Valu e block, BA Barcod e blo ck , LO ST = Shee t of sta m ps.




=Log o bl ock ,

Section 5 Tolal HZS


2011 Icons of New Zealand



P r ice

'I.OI gol d proof coin


De scription


gold proof coin


10z silver proof coin


' I. 0 1


Section 20 Total HZ$

201 1 Yellow-eyed Penguin - New Zealand Annua l Coin

L2009 Annual Coin - Kakapo P r ice

Silver proof coi n


Tota l HZ$

Descript ion


Silver proof coin


Silver proof currency se t



Brilliant uncirculated coin

$3 5.00

Brilliant un circulated currency s e t

$59 .00


Silver proof coin se t


Total HZ$ ,

Section 11 Total HZ$

I Descri ption

Total HZ$

$99 .50

10z silver proof coin

10z s pecimen-quality silver bullion coin

Sir Edmund Hillary - A Lifetime of Achievement


Tota l HZ$ ,

Section 21 Total HZ$


Brillia nt uncircula te d co in


Brillia nt un circu lat ed coin s e t

$59 .00

Rugby World Cup Champions Set De s crip tion

Section 12 Total HZ$

Se t of five silver proof coins

2010 FIFA World Cup South Africaâ„¢ De s cr iption


s ilver proof coin , !limit e d stock re ma ining) 101


Total HZ$

$99 .50 Section 13 Total HZ$






1 $695 .00 Sec ti on 22 Tota l HZ$

2011 All Blacks Coin: the haka

J Dt y

Descrip tion


P r ice

10z silver proof coin with colour


$139 .00 1

Total HZ$

Section 23 Total HZ$

2010 Icons of New Zealand

2012 Maori Art - Hei Matau Coin

De s c r ip t ion

P r ice

, 'I.OI gold proo f Kiwi and

Southern Cross coin (limite d stock remaining)



Tota l HZ$

$650 .00

1oz s ilver proof Kiwi a nd Southe rn Cross

Descrip tion 101

silver proof co in


gold proof coin

$89 .00

coin 101 s pecime n-qua lity silver bullion Kiwi

Dt y


Desc r iption

P r ice

10z silver proof coin

$1 29.00

L2010 Maor i Art - Heitiki Coin

'I. OI gold


l Descripti on

Silver specimen coin

10 1

silve r proof coin

10 1

gold proof co in

P r ice


Tota l HZ$...

proof coin


New Zealand Silver Currency Set

P r ice

Silve r bullion coin se t !limited stock re ma iningl

$450 .00


Total HZ$

2012 New Zealand Silver Currency Se t - s e t of five silver proof coins (with gold plated len cent coinl

Section 16 Total HZ$

Silve r proo f coin


Tota l HZ$

$ 149.00


1 Dty

Tota l HZ$

$129.00 1

1 Section 27 Total HZ$

2012 New Zealand Annual Coin: Fairy Tern

$59.00 Section 17 Total HZ$

Rugby World Cup 2011 Webb Ellis Cup Coin



I Dty

Total HZ$

1 $1 29.00 1 Section 18 Total HZ$

Descrip tion


10z silver proof coin


Proof currency set



Brilliant uncirculated coin

$39 .00

Brilliant un circulated curre ncy se t

$69 .00

Total HZ$

Section 28 Total HZ$

75 Years of the RNZAF Coin

2011 All Blacks Coin : the silver fern silve r proof co in


$35 .00

Brillianl uncircula te d curre ncy se t


Desc r ipt ion 10z s ilver proof coin with colour

$89 .00

Brilliant uncirculated coin

I Phila telic nu m isma tic cover


2012 Queen Elizabeth II Diamond Jubilee Coin P r ice

SiLver proof cur rency set

Total HZ$

Section 26 Total HZ$

2010 Annual Coin - Maui 's dolphin Description


$259 .00

set of five silver proof coins

De s cr iption



2011 New Zealand Silver Currency Set -

Ancient Reptiles of New Zealand

silve r proo f coin with gold gilding

Tot al HZ$


Descript ion

10 1


Section 2S Total HZ$

$1 29.00 Section 1S Total HZ$

Descri pti on



20 12 Kiwi Treasures - Kiiwhai Coin

Section 14 Total HZ$


Tota l HZ$

Section 24 Total HZ$


and Southern Cross coi n


P r ice


$ 109.00 $29.50 Section 19 Total HZ$

Tot a l HZ$

J Dty

Desc r ip tio n

P r ice

silver pro of coin with colo ur (inclu des RNZAF pinl

$ 139.00 \


Tota l HZ$

Section 29 Total HZ$


[ lnter natlonat ~ins

Hong Kong - _'

1 - -- -



12011 Australian Kangaroo at Sun set silver I proof coin Ilimited stock remainingl


Hong Kong. China and Roman ia - Jo int Issue - Hand icraft 24 November 2011

12010 Korean Jongm yo Shrine silver proof coin Ilimited stock rema iningl


Set of two gumm ed s ta mps


Total NZ$

Section 30 Total NZ$






Total NZ$


Souvenir sheet


First day cover


Presentation pack


Hong Kong Tamar Development Pro ject - 15 December 2011



Sheelle t

$ 2.20

2007 New Zealand Bankn ote se t


Presentat ion pack


2008 New Zealand Banknote se t


Hong Kong Museums Collection - Cultural and Historical Series6 December 2011


Total NZ$

Section 31 Total NZ$

Stamps from other countries

Set of six gumm ed stam ps


Souvenir sheet

First day cove r

$3.50 $4.30

Presentat ion pack

$5 .40

2012 Hong Kong Lunar New Vear Animals - Rabbit and Dragon14 January 2012 Sheellet

$ 21.I 0

Hong Kong 2012 Vear 01 the Dragon - 14 January 2012

Niue Description

Price Niue Christmas 2011 - 16 November 201 1



Total NZ$ .

Sheetlet Silk sheellet Sheellet first day cover

$10.50 $2 .90 $11.30

Set of four gummed stam ps


Silk sheellet first day cover

Miniature sheet


Firs t day cover

First day cover


Pres tige firs t day cover

Minia ture sheet firs t day cover


$ 2.10

$3 .20 $4.70 Section 35 Total NZ$

Niue Shells 2012 - 11 Apr il 2012 , Set of four gumm ed s tamps

$6 .30

First day cover I Minia ture s hee t

$6 .80 $6 .30


$6 .80 Section 32 Total NZ$

Set of four gummed s tam ps





First day cove r


$5.90 I


Miniat ure sheet fir st day cover




I Dty I Code

Total NZ$

Maritime Malta - 10 August 2011


Malta-Iceland Jo int tssue - 2011 Fish ing Villages ¡ 15 September 2011 1 $4.70 1 $5.60 Malta Chr istmas 2011 - 15 Novembe r 2011


1 1


Set of thre e gummed s ta mps




First day cover

Tokelau Desc r iption

Miniature sheet




$4 .25 1 $4 .75 1

Pr ice Dty Toke la u Christmas 2011 - 16 November 201 1 Set of four gummed stam ps First day cover

I Code

Total NZ$

First day cover



1 1 $3.70 90th Ann iversa ry 01 the Malta Senate a nd Leg islative Ass embly 2 December 2011

1 ITo ke la u Scenic Del in itive s 2012 - 11 Apr il 201 2 , Set of nine gummed s tam ps 1 $6.30 1 i Set of two first day covers 1 $7.30 1 Sect ion 33 Total NZ$


Miniature sheet

First day cover


1 $9.40 1 1 $10.30 1 Section 36 Total NZ$

Fiji Descript ion




Pr ice Dty Code Fiji International Vea r 01 Volunt e ers - 25 Novembe r 201 1 Set of four gum med sta mps 1 $ 10.90 1 1 First day cover


$ 11.80

Fiji Christmas 2011 - 16 De ce mb e r 201 1 Set of four gummed stamps $3.60 First day cover $4.40




1 1 Section 34 Total NZ$

Total NZ$ _

Pitcairn Island Description



Code . Total NZ$

Pitcairn Supply Sh ips - 31 Augu st 2011 Set of four gummed s tamps


Firsl day cover



Prom inent Pitcairners Pa rt 1 - Pa rk in Christ ian - 26 Octobe r 2011 Se -tenant se t of four gummed s tamps with a central tab


Firs t day cover


Pitcairn Chr istmas 2011 - 7 December 2011 Set of four gumm ed s tam ps Firs t day cover

$9.90 $ 11.80 Sect ion 37 Total NZ$

Samoa -!;Ie s cr ipti on

Price Dt)' Samoa into the Future - 15 December 201 1 Se -tenant s trip of two gumm ed stamps with a cent ra l tab First day cover


Total NZ$

$3.80 $4.90 Sec tion 38 Tota l NZ$

To star


I United Kingdom

IDescri pti on

Personalised Postage Booklets


Pr ic e

I atr

I Code I Total NZ$

Descr ip tio n

Roald Dahl - 10 January 2012

Presentation pack



$ 20.30 I

I I Sect ion 39 Tota l NZ$ I

Pr i ce


2010 Te Papa 60c bookl et


2011 Heart Found at ion bookl et li ncl udes $1 donati on to th e Heart Foundationl

$ 7.00

United Nations

. a ty


Total NZ$

Secti on 4S Tolal NZ$

D e scrJpt i~n

Miniature Sheet Booklets

Set of three stam p sheets



Descrip tion


2009 ANZAC m iniatur e sheet booklet

$ 19.90

2010 ANZAC mi niat ure sheet booklet

$ 19.90

Geneva Annual Collection

Vienna Annual Collection


Vict!lria Cross - The New Zealand Story


Desc r ip t ion




Pr ice

Hard -cover pub li cat ion including excl usive

a ty

Tota l NZ $


stamp produ ct s

Seclion 47 Total NZ$

Vanuatu Price



Total NZS

Vanuatu 's Green an d Gol den Bell Frog - 28 Sep te m ber 20 11


Total NZ$

$44 .90

Secl ion 40 Total NZ$

Descr ip tion


Secl ion 46 Tota l NZ$

2011 Un iled Nations Annual Collections - 13 October 2011

New York Annual Collection


Ross Dependency

Set of lour gummed stamps

$ 7.90

De~crip tion

Frog-shaped souvenir sheet

$5 .90

First day cover

$9 .60

Set of 10 Def in it ive stam ps - 2 Novemb er 1994

Souvenir sheet lirst day cover

$7 .60

Pr ic e

Definitive ra te decrease 40c stamp - 2 October 1995

Set 01four gummed stamps Fir st day cover

a t )'


Total NZ $



2007 Ross Depend ency presentat ion pack


2008 Ross Depend ency presentat ion pack

$ 19.90

2009 Ross Dependency pr esent at ion pack


2010 Ross Dependency pr esentat ion pack

$ 27.50 Section 48 Tolal NZ$

Definitive Stamps

Other products still on offer

Descr ip ti o n

Pr ic e

$ 20 Mt Cook - 18 February 1994

$20 .00

$ 10 Mt Ruapehu - 2 February 1997

$10 .00

Personalised Stamps

$ 1.10 Gold Round Kiwi

Descri ption

2003 set of live Defin it ives


$ 1.50 Bronze Round Kiw i

$ 1.50

Pr ic e

ISeptemb er 2010 set of two

a ty


Total NZ$

$ 13.90

$ 1.50 self-adhesive stam p


- 7 May 2003

Section 42 Total NZ$

2009 Kiw iStamp dispenser box of 100 sta mps

Personalised Stamp Sheets Description

Pr ice

All Black s stamp sheet


Rugby World Cup 2011 - Part icipating 20 Unions stam p sheet


Rugby World Cup 2011 Champ ions stam p , sheet


a ty .

Total NZ$

Sect ion 43 Total NZ$

Personalised Postage (CALS! Descr ip tion

Pr ic e

Personalised Postage 2010 pack


Personal ised Postage 2010 Year of Issue cover

$55 .00

Per sonal ised Postag e 2011 pack

$34 .20

Per sonalised Postage 2011 Year of Issue cover

$33 .20



Total NZ$

Sect ion 44 Tolal NZ$

To start a sta ndi ng ord er for pe r sonalised stamp s heet s, tick here

Total NZ$

$ 1.50 $60 .00 $6 .00

2009 Scenic Definitives self -a dhes ive booklet 015 x $1.80 stamps


2010 set 01five Definitive stamps


2010 self -adhesive booklet 01 10 x $ 1.20 stamps


2010 self -a dhesive bookle t of 5 x $ 1.90 stam ps


2011 KiwiStamp stri p of five sta mps


2011 Kiw iSl amp bookl et of 10 stam ps


2011 KiwiStamp fir st day cover

$3 .50

2011 Round Kiw i strip of three gummed stam ps



2009 Kiw iStamp self-adhesive booklet 0110 sta mps

2011 Kiw iStamp dispenser box of 100 stamps


$60.00 $5 .50 Sect ion 49 Tota l NZ$

D 5

Presentation Packs


Descr ip t ion

Pr ice

Matariki 2008


Tota l NZ$


Descrip tion

Pr ice

, Sir Edmund Hillary


New Zealand Champions of World Motorsportlincludes Iree miniature sheet I first day cover!

2012 len Jury Stamp Catalogue

$ 10.00


2012 ACS Stamp Catalogue


2011 Coin and Bankn ot e Catalogue

Giants 01 New Zealand

$ 19.90

Chinese lunar Series - Special Editio n Pack , Matariki 2009 - Heitiki I


2010 Year of the Tiger


, Ancient Reptiles of New Zealand


Matariki 2010 - Manu Tukutuku


All Blacks


Rugby Wor ld Cup 2011


100 Years of Surf life Saving


2011 Year of the Rabbit


DAVOAlbums Descrip tion

Matar iki 2011 - Hei Matau


The New Zealand Experie nce



DAVO Supplement pages 2009

$6 1.90

Hagner Products


Tota l N,Z$

WWF Collect ion Hinges

Weather Extremes Isubjectto availability)

$ 135.00

2008 Matariki Isubjectto availabilityl


2009 Gianls of New Zealand Isubjectto availabilityl

$ 135.00

Sir Peter Blake Isubject to availability)


2009 Matariki Isubjectto availability)


Ancient Repliles of New Zealand Isubjec t to availability)


2010 Matariki Isubjec tto availabili tyl

$ 135.00

$ 1.25

$1.25 $21.95 $3.70

Total to pay Total all sectio ns Plu s postage

Special courie r service for coins Total amount to pay NZ$

Sect ion 51 Total NZ$

Checkli st

~~ htho u se Stockbooks Pr ic e

, 32 sides whi te pages


32 sides black pages


48 sides whi te pages


48 sides black pages


64 sides white pages


64 sides black pages


lighthouse Royal large FDC Album Iwith five double pocket reltllsl


Five refills for lighthouse FDC Album (singlel

Tgtal NZ$

Sect ion 55 Total HZ$ $ 135.00

Five refills for lighthouse FDC Album



Hagner Sheets Hl =! stri p. H2=2 stri ps. H3. 3 stri ps. H4=4 strips. H5=5 stri ps. H6· 6 str ips. H7·7 str ips. H8=8 stri ps


North Island Main Trunk line Centenary Isubjeclto availability)

: ldoublel

Pr i ce

Hagner Album

Hagner First Day Cover Sheet


Total NZ$


Descri pt ion

Limited Editions

Descr i pt io n

a ty

Secti on 54 Total NZ$

Sect ion 50 Total NZ$

Pri ce

Pr ic e

DAVO Album IVolum e 6) DAVO Supplem ent pages 2010


50th Anniversary of Scott Base Isubjecllo availability)



Sir Peter Blake 1948-2001

Descr iptio n

Total NZ$

Sect ion 53 Total NZ$


2011 Kapa Haka

a ty


2010 Campbell Pater son New Zealand Stamp Catalogu e

a ty

Total NZ$

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~) ~~


lighthouse Coin Album


Premier FDC Album - large deluxe


Five reltlls for premier large deluxe FDC Album · single pocket


Five reltlls for premier large deluxe FDC I Album - double pocket


Five refills lor premier small deluxe FDC Album

$5.10 Sectio n 52 Total NZ$


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