Kia ora,
welcome! We have an excitin g few mo nths ahead of us. wi th the upcom ing release of sta m ps and coi ns for the much ant icipat ed fil m : The Hobbit : An Unexpect ed Journ ey. Given the success of The Lord of th e Rings tr il ogy, we expec t both the film and the collec ta bles to be extre me ly popular . Keep an eye on our we bsi te and your mai lbox for mo re informa tio n and take a look at the article on page 3 to find out more. Christmas is just aroun d the corner and this issue of Focus is your first oppo rtunity to order Christmas stamps from Niue and Tokelau. Take a look at these new festive themed stamp issues on page 5. On the coins front. this month sees the release of the 2013 Kiwi Treasures coin featuring Tane Mahuta - Lord of the Forest. This magnificent tree is New Zealand's largest living kauri. and a treasure of national significance. We are also giving you the opportunity to win the sold out 50 Years of Friendship : New Zealand and Samoa coinl We'r e giving away the 'number 50' coin . with the certifica te signed by the designer - Michel Tuffery. To enter. simply order any product from this issue of Focus through the enclosed order form . Good luck!
+~ ~ Ivo r Ma st e r s General Manager. Stamp s. Coins and REAL Aotearoa
- - ----Please note : The finished products may differ from those illustrated in this newsletter.
Focus may not illustrate all stamp. coin and collectable products that are featured in this issue or that appear in the order form . Artwork and articles trom Focus may not be extracted for reprin ting withou t prior permission from the New Zealan d Post Stam ps and Collec tables
Business. For more informationand to request permission, pleasecontact the Design Coordinator , Stam ps Business, Private Bag 39990. Wellington
Ma il Cenlre. lowe r Hult 5045.
'In a hole in the ground there lived a hobbit: This single sentence, coined by J.R.R. Tolkien in the early 1930s, was the beginning of a story that would unexpectedly take New Zealand by storm. From this humble sentence. the novel we know today as The Hobbit was born . The first edit ion was published in 1937 and sold out in only two months. It has since been republ ished many times aroun d the world. and its sequel The Lord of the Rings gave Tolkien fans further insights into the characters and places that make up Middle-ear th.
Home of Middle-earth once again Tolkiens wr itings became increasin gly popular in the 1960sand remain so today. However, it wasn't until New Zealand's very own Peter Jackson fil med The Lord of th e Ring s tr il ogy that the stories became a global phenomenon. The trilogy generated US$2.9 billi on in worl dwide box-office receipts. Most importantly, it put New Zealand on the world stage. and establis hed Aotearoa as the 'Home of Middle-earth '. From Academy Award* -winning filmm aker Peter Jackson comes The Hobb it : An Unexpec ted Jo urney. the firs t of a tr ilogy of film s adaptin g the endurin gly popular maste rpiece The Hobb it . by J.R.R. Tolkien . The three films tell a continuous story set in Middle-eart h 60 years before The Lord of the Rings. whic h Jackson and his filmmaking team brought to the big screen in the blockbuster trilogy that culmina ted wi th the Oscar"winning The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King . The Hobbit: An Unexpected Jou rney foll ows the journey of title characte r Bilbo Baggins. who is swept into an epic quest to reclaim the lost Dwarf Kingdom of Erebor fro m the fearsome dragon Smaug. Approached out of the blu e www.nzpost .co.nzlstamps
by the wizard Gandalf the Grey. Bilbo finds himself joining a com pany -of thirteen dwarves led by the legendary warrior. Thorin Oakenshield. Their journey will take them into the Wild: th rough treacherous lands swarm ing with Goblins and Orcs, deadly Wargs and Sorcerers. Hype for the world prem iere of the first film is already buil ding, and on 28 November you can expect to see fans camping out on Courtenay Place in Wellington, hoping to catch a glimpse of the action. The film is sure to captivate fans aroun d the world . and the picture -perfe ct depictions of New Zealand's landscapes will bring visitors flocking in their tens of thousands to see the scenery featur ed on screen.
Capture your own piece of The Hobbit! We're excited to announce that New Zealand Post has secured the right s to produce official stam ps celebrati ng the muchanticipated fir st film in the tr il ogy. The Hobb it : An Un expect ed J ourn ey.
As well as this highly collec table stam p issue. we have worldwide exclusive rights to produce offici al 'The Hobbit' legal tender commemorative coins. Keep an eye on your mailbox and on our website in the coming weeks to find out more! () Warner Bro s. Entertainm ent Inc. All r ights r eserv ed. THE HOBBIT : AN UNEXPECTED JOURNEY and the nam es of th e characte rs, ite ms, events and places therein ar e t r ademar ks of The Saul Zaent z Com pany d/b / a Midd l e¡ eart h Enterp r ises und er li cense to New Line Product ion s. Inc. Is121
Stamp and coin issue coming soon! 3
The second coin in New Zealand Post's three-year 'Kiwi Treasures' series has arrived, and combines the iconic kiwi with Tane Mahuta - New Zealand 's largest living kauri tree. New Zealand's kauri history Kauri forests were prevalent when the first people arrived in New Zealand. From the far north of Nor thland to Te Kauri, near Kawhia. these magnificent forests covered approximately 1.2 million hectares. Among the world 's mightiest trees , giant kauri were considered by Maori to be the kings of the forest. Kauri timber was used by Maor i for waka !canoel buil ding [due to the floating nature of the wcodl, carvi ng and building houses. They also made use of the gum to start fires and for chewing lafter it had been soaked in water and mixed with the milk of the puha plant],
of the life- giving waters of the land. It is believed that the descendants of Tuputupu whenua, known as Ngai Tuputupuwhenua, and the descendants of his wife Kui, Te Tini-o-Kui Ithe ma ny of Kui!. were the earliest occupants of the Waipoua Forest. These are the guardians of Tane Mahuta: Lor d of the Forest. It has been speculated that Tane Mahuta sprang from a seed 1.500 to 2,000 years ago. The main trunk stretches for almost 18 metres with a total heigh t of approximately 45.2 metr es land still growingJl
The kiwi and Tane Mahuta together The Waipoua Forest is an important refuge for threatened wil dlife. including the North Island brown kiwi . New Zealand's pr ecious kiwi and Tane Mahuta are feature d together on the 2013 Kiwi Treasures coin issue. Consisting of a 0.9999 gold coin. a silver proof coin and a silver specimen coin , this is a series to be cherishe d, and each coin is a beauti ful me mento of two of New Zealand's most significant tr easur es.
When Europeans visite d New Zealand in the late 1700s they too saw the potential in kaur i for shipbuilding and construction . Logging began, and by the mi d- 1800s sawmilling was a significan t industry that would decimat e New Zealand's magnificent kauri forest s. Demand for farmland and timber increased in the early and mid 20th century , meaning more clea rin g of the great kauri tr ees.
Tane Mahuta - a true survivor Due to its remoteness, the Waipoua Forest of Northland Ion the west coast north of Dargavillel largely escaped destruction . Public pressure for total pro tection of the forest increasingly grew throughout the 20th century and in 1952 the Waipoua Sanctuary was finally declared. All remaining kauri forests in Crown lands came under the protect ion of the Department of Conservation by 1987. Today the Waipoua Forest is administered by the Department of Conservation and Te Roroa who are the local iwi who trace their history in the forest to Tuputupuwhenua, the ancestor who emerged from the ground as a spring gushing from the earth, the source
Order today on the enclosed order form!
Focus issue 54 - October 2012
Christmas stamps from Niue and Tokelau Niue Christmas 2012 The traditional illustrations featured on the Niue Christmas 201 2 stamp issue portray the Nat ivity story from the anger s announcement of Jesus 's birth to the holy family in the manger and the visits from the wise men and the shepherds.
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Products available: Four gummed stamps. first day cover Issue dat e: 21 November 2012
Designer: Stamps Business. New Zealand Post.Wellington Printer: Collectabtesand Solutions Centre. New Zealand Post. Whanganui Withdrawal date : 20 November 2013
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Tokelau Christmas 2012 The Tokelau Christma s 2012 issue incl udes a char ming se- tenant set of three stamps depict ing Santa and his reindeer flying in the night sky over Tokelau's three atolls - Atafu , Nukunonu and Fakaofo. The miniature sheet reads 'Manuia te Kilihimahi ', meaning 'Merry Christmas' in Tokelauan. Two first day covers are also available, featuring a stylised tr opical hibiscus flower. Products available: Set of three gummed stamps. se-tenant set of three gummed stamps, miniature sheet, fir st day cover and miniature sheet first day cover Issue date: 21 November 2012
Designer: Stamps Business. New Zealand Post. Wellington Printer: Collectablesand SolutionsCentre. New Zealand Post, Whanganui Withdrawal dat e: 20 Novemb er 2013
www stamp s
Coin news
The '50 Years of Friendship: New Zealand and Samoa' stamp and coin issue was officially launched in Samoa on 1 August .
Other events during the visit incl uded a visit to Poutasi villag e - one of the areas worst affected by the September 2009 tsunami , and a State lu ncheon at the Robert Louis Stevenson Museum, where the Tr eaty of Frien dshi p was signed in 1962.
The launch took place during the visit to Samoa by Prime Minister John Key to mark the 50th anniversary of the Treaty of Friendsh ip between New Zealand and Samoa. The official stamp and coin issue was launched by Prime Minister Key as part of the launch of New Zealand Friendship Week - an event that inclu ded a New Zealand film and television festival , a food and beverage miniexpo and a series of cultura l exhibitions. The highlight of the launch was the officia l gifti ng of the 'num ber one' coin from Prime Minister Key to Samoan Prime Minister Tuilaepa Lupesoliai Sailele Malielegaoi. Stamp and coin designer Michel Tuffery was in attendance . and a display of his internationally renowne d artwork was on show as part of Friendship Week.
Above: The New Zealand Prime Minister gifting the 'number one' coin to the Samoan Pr im e Minister.
A Diamond Jubilee coin for a royal visit 2012 has been a year full of Diamond Jubil ee celebrations. and they're not over yet! In November this year, New Zealand will welco me the Diam ond Jubilee visit of HRH Prince of Wales and the Duchess of Cornwall. The Queen Elizabeth II Diamond Jubilee 10z silver proof coin with colour is a great way to remember this significant year in history. The design depicts the Queen deliver ing her Christmas message from Auckland. New Zealand in 1953. Place your order today!
RRP, $1 29.00
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Focus issue 54 - October 2012
Events and exhibitions 2012 Children 's Health stamp launch The 2012 Children's Health stamps pay tribute to the New Zealand sea lion , and therefore it was only fitting that they were launched at Auckland Zoo. The launch was attended by chil dren from the Pakuranga Children 's Healt h Camp, Koro Percy Reedy IKauma tua Te Puna Whaioral. Dr Fiona Inkpen IChief Executive, Te Puna Whaioral and vario us media.
The stamps were officially launched by Ivor Masters, Head of Stamps, Coins and REAL Aotearoa, New Zealand Post. Afterwards the children and guests headed to the sea lion enclosure to see the endangered species first hand, and listen to a talk from Joel Milichich, Keeper of Elephants and Sea Lions. If you haven't ordered your 2012 Children's Health stam ps yet, make sure you place your order today part icularl y for the uniquely shaped miniature sheet featuring a mother and pup.
left image Iback row from
leftl: Or Fiona lnkp en, Ivor Masters: (fr ont row
from 'eftI Hadr ian Mace , Callum Poole, Jerry Sinopat i. Right ima ge : Children from the Pakuranga Children 's Health Camp at the sea li on enclosure .
Blenpex 2012 is approaching If you haven't alrea dy made plans to visi t Blenpex 2012, now's the time to do so! Blenpex 2012 is Marlb orough' s fir st National Stamp and Postcard Exhibiti on, and it is taking place fr om 12to 14 October at the Marlb orough Lines Stadium in Blenheim . To commemora te the exhibition, we're issuing an exhibit ion mi niatur e sheet and an exhibitio n souvenir cover featurin g imagery of Mount Tapuae-o-Uenuku and three stamps fr om New Zealand's 'Queen Elizabeth II Diamond Jubilee' stam p issue.
Beijing International Stamp and Coin Expo New Zealand Post will be atte nding the Beijin g International Stam p and Coin Expo from 2 to 4 November 2012. The exhibition will be held at the China World Trade Center, and will attract exhibitors , distribut or s and min ts from around the world . Keep an eye out for our special exhibition products featuring the Dunedin Railw ay Statio n and stamps from our 'Year of the Dragon' stamp issue.
A transformation in retail In the past 12 months New Zealand Post has been trialling a simplified sending range for parcels in our stores on the Kapiti Coast, just north of Wellington .
The feedback told us that the simplified range was good but not right for everyone. So in response to this and a huge amount of research, we have made some changes. Firstly we have made some minor adjustments to the Kapiti range by adding a bag size and reintroducing the ability for customers to use their own packaging for small items. The range will continue to include courier options using the upgra de system . In addition to this change we have developed a differ ent par cel ra nge that we call version 2.0 and are tria lling that in the Blenheim r egion fro m 8 October. This will allow us to test some other ideas. You can visi t for a full breakdown of the 2.0 trial range from 17 September. We will be asking for customer feedback and running research during the tr ial. as we are in Kapiti.
The essence of the trial range is the upgrading model we have introduced . which means a customer. using the same prepaid bag. can choose to upgrade the way they want their parcel sent. This model means we don't have to have so many bag options available and so can streamline our sending range to make everyday thin gs easier for our customers. The range inclu des three boxes and four bags.
If s important for New Zealand Post to ref ine and test our sending range as much as possible to ensure that we've got a range that is simple and convenient for customers to understand and use. Once the trials are completed we will be launch ing the simplified sending range mid next year to the whole of New Zealand.
A new look for collectables Collecta bles still have a strong presence in the Paraparaumu Branch. Take a look at the new-look collectables boar d on the image above. Left : The sending wall at the Paraparaumu Branch . Above: The CollectabLes section
at the Paraparaumu Branch.
Focus issue 54 - October 201.
REAL wearable art The team at REAL Aotearoa Wellington are big fans of the annual phenomenon which is the World of WearableArtl M • This year they've played a part in helping a group of creative students from Onslow College to create a unique design with a focus on stamps. This exciting project involved the st udents design ing and creating a garment to displ ay in the REAL Aotearoa shop wi ndow in Well ington. After meeting with th e Wellington REAL Aotear oa team , the st udents happened upon a Jere my Cole lamp shade that they decided to use as inspira tion for the garmen t's form and shape, The studen ts met regularl y with the REAL Aotearoa team , who provi ded feedback along the way and helpe d
steer the dire ct ion of the design , They were also lucky enough to meet with Weta expert and WearableArt winner Claire Prebble, who helped inspire the students. The team in Whanganui supplied the students with stamps depict ing the Christchurch Cathedral from the 2011 Yearof the Rabbit stamp issue . The stamps are intricately sewn on to the fabric, creating a stamp themed masterpiece. The design was entered in a competition run by the World of WearableAr tT M for the best retail window display, which was gr eat mo tivation for the students to have the design lookin g poli shed and pro fessio nal. The finished design was n' t rea dy to photograph for this issue of Focus, but take a look at the development images below. The com petition is due to be judged on 2 October and you can take a look at REAL Aotearca's Facebook page to find out how they did I
From tell : Concept drawing of the design; Stamps being sewn onto the skirt; The bodice being developed and fitted.
REAL Aotearoa is on Facebook
2 012
REAL Aotearoa is excited to announce tha t it has rece ntly launched a Facebook page. The page is a grea t way for you to interact wit h the business and stay up to date wi th all the latest REAL Aotearoa news, pro ducts and events. Visit the page at / rea laotearoa and make sure you 'Like' the page to receive all the latest updates automatically. AUCKLAND
62 Queen Street Auckland 1010 Tel: +64 9 309 7515 Em ail:
WELLINGTON 1 Grey Street Wellington 6011 Tel: +64 4 471 1561
www! stamps
REAL Aotearoa is a TOP SHOP® finalist!
The REAL Aotearoa stores in Well ington and Auckland have been nominated as finalists in the 'Giltware and Homeware' category of the TOP SHOP® Retail Excellence Awards! The winning shops will be announced this month, so make sure you check out our Facebook page to find out how we did.
CHRISTCHURCH Upper Riccarton PostShop 20 Waimari Road Christchurch 8041 Tel: +64 3 341 6287
Website :
Why New Zealand Post must be allowed to change In 1998 Jenny Shipley was Prime Minister, the Spice Girls had a number one single and Taine Randell was captain of the All Blacks. 1998 was also the Last time that the ru les governing postal services in New Zealand were reviewed. The regulat ions and service commi tmen ts that guide New Zealand Post to this day date back to that preFacebook, pre -Twitter era whe n social media was just a concept and a mere 200 households in New Zealand had broadband. These regulations are outlined in a document called the Deed of Understanding - a document that is fast being consigned to history by the digital revolution. A lot has happened in the intervening 14 years - and most of it has been bad news for New Zealand Post's traditional letter mail and retail businesses. There has been a fundamental shift in the way Kiwis share information , communicate, shop and store documents. Thats had a significa nt im pact on New Zealand Posts business, which continues to be constrai ned by the 1990s'regula tion . The numbers don't make pretty reading; •
Mail volumes have fallen 24 percent in the past decade - that"s 261 million fewer pieces of mail through the New Zealand Post network .
Those mail volumes are forecast to fall by another 215 million pieces in the next five years.
In the past financial year, mail volumes have plu mme ted 7 perce nt - the fastest rate of decl ine in New Zealand postal history.
If New Zealand Post doesn't change its model, the postal side of the business will be losin g mo ney from 2016, with losses of more than $75 million per annum by 2020.
New Zealand Post has worked hard to stri p out cost, become more efficient and change its product offerings to address these trends. But as New Zealand Post Chairman Sir Michael Cullen has stated, "We are out of short- term fixes". The 1998 Deed worke d as a framewo rk for services for the people of New Zealand and New Zealand Post as a business before the turn of the century , but it"s not the document to serve them now or in the futu re.
New Zealand Post has put a proposal to the Government, seeking flexibility around delivery frequency and refin ing the postal outlet network to match current and future market and customer behaviour . Curre ntly New Zealand Post is obliged to provide six- day-a-week delivery to more than 95 percent of delivery point s. There simply won't be the letter mail volumes to support that level of service in the future witho ut incu rri ng lar ge losses or imposing frequent and signi ficant price increases on senders . New Zealand Posts proposal reflects a comm itment to providing a viable physical delivery network while still providing daily delivery services for time -critical items, but in the years to come a frequency of standard letter mail delivery that matches demand , We're not about to dump change on New Zealanders - we're talki ng to our mai l consumers, big and small sending customers , sector groups such as rural and the elderly , and other community orga nisations to ensure that the solution we land on works for them and us, The key thing is that New Zealand Post needs to be given the flexibility now so it can plan for the future. When change does come in the years to come, it will be well signalled and we'll ensure that a new, alternative means of delivering services is in place, As part of the pr ocess the Government calls for public submissio ns on the discussio n document. This helps inform the decision-making in pr oducing a new agreement between New Zealand Post and the Government to provide Kiwi com mu nities and businesses with postal delivery and outle t services that can not only survive in a ra pidly changing world, but prosper.
The road ta a Tiki To ur Producing a stamp set like 'Tiki Tour 2' is a journey in itself, so we thought you might like to know how we got there.
Soon after, he got started on the finished paint ing, which was made to Also that none of the detail was lost in the final stamps, Once this was approved it was scanned in preparat ion for th e next par t of the journey.
As with the original 'Tiki Tour ' stamp issue we worke d with Assignment Group, who got long- time favouri te ill ustra tor Eva n Purdie on board.
Geoff Fr ancis, a reg ular collaborator, then set off on his computer to add the place names and graph ics, Some final adjustm ent s to th e colo ur and a few lines of copy added by th e team at Assignment br ought us to our destination: part 2 of our journey aro und these glorious isla nds.
After a few rough pencil sketches and mu ch debate we agreed on the best dir ection to go, Evan then set about creati ng a finishe d drawing of the map with the various charac ters and landmarks in place, As you can imag ine ther e was no shortage of opinion about the places we should visit this time arou nd,
All that was left was to add some fir st day cover designs and it was off to the printer s!
Congratulations to our 'Tiki Tour' winner! In July we issued the popular 'A Tiki Tour of New Zealand NO.2' stam p issue, and for every product pur chased, you had the chance to go in the draw to win your very own Tiki Tour of New Zealand ! We're pleased to announce that the lucky winne r is Mrs Elizabeth Pham fr om Auckland. Elizabeth will enjoy a ten-day Maui mot orh ome hir e for up to four people, a return Inter island ferry crossin g and $400 worth of petrol vouchers . Congratulation s!
www,nzpost ,co,nzlstamps
Recent stamp issues 2012 Queen Elizabeth II Diamond Jubilee
Matariki 2012 - Maori Rock Art
Her Majesty Queen Eliza beth II celeb rated 60 years as a dedicated monarc h and the graceful Queen of New Zealand this year, and New Zealand Post celebrate d wi th this highly collecta ble stam p issue featu r ing silver foi lin g.
The Matariki 2012 stam p iss ue pays tribut e to Maor i rock art - a uniqu e art for m that gives fascinating insi ghts into the earliest people of Aotear oa. The stam ps in th e issue depict exam ples fr om Te Waipoun am u Ith e South Island) wh er e mor e than 500 sites have been record ed to date .
Products available: Six gummed stamps. first day cove r, miniature sheet, miniaturesheet first daycover,presentation pack. Limited Edition
Iss ue dat e : 9 May 2012
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Productsavailable: Six self-a dhesivestamps. first day cover, gummed miniature sheet. miniature sheet first daycove r, presentation pack. Limited Edition
Designer: Capiche. Wellington. New Zealand
Issue dat e : 6 Jun e 2012
Printer: Southern ColourPrint Ltd by offset lithography
Designer: Dave Burke Design, Auckland. New Zealand
Withdr awal dat e : 8 May 2013
Printer: Southe rn Colour Print Ltd by offse t lithograph y Withdrawal date: 5 Jun e 2013
7 P -'2012 All Blacks The world-famous silver fern takes pr ide of place on this official All Blacks stam p issue - released to accommodate the change to dom estic postage rates.
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Products available: Onegummed stamp. miniature sheet. miniature sheet first daycover
Issue date : 23 May 2012 Designer: StrategyDesign and Advertising . Wellington. New Zealand Printer: Southern Colour Print Ltd by offset lithography Withdrawal date: Unless stocks are exhausted earlier. these stamps will remain on sale until further notice
A Tiki Tour of New Zealand No.2 Take another fasci nati ng road tr ip aro und Aotear oa with th is quir ky stam p iss ue. The 20 x 70c stam ps give a lig htheart ed view of New Zealand's unique landscape. Best of all. you' ll r eceive a free poster with every sheet of stamps or set of fir st day covers ordered! Products available: Shee t of 20 x 70c s tamps. se t of three first day covers, large poster (not shown)
Issue date: 4 Ju ly 2012
2012 Scenic Definitives New Zealand is a popular tou rist destina tion, known around the world for its breath taki ng scenery . This Scenic Definitive issue featu res three pict uresqu e loca tio ns: Cape Reinga, Stewart Island and Lake Matheson.
Designer: Assignment Group, Wellington, New Zealand. Designer, Geoff Francis. Illustrator. Evan Purdie Printer: Southern Colour Print Ltd by offset lithography
Withdrawal date: 3 Ju ly 2014
Products available: Three gummed stamps. two self-adhesive stamps. first day coverand two self-adhesive booklets
Iss ue dat e : 23 May2012 Designer: Stamps Business. New Zealand Post. Wellington
Pr inter: Southern Colour Print Ltd by offset lithogra phy Withdrawal date: Unless stocksare exhausted earlier, these stamps will remain on sale until further notice
12 stamps
Focus issue 54 • October 2012
Recent stamp issues - - - -- - - - - - -
2012 Ch ildren's Health : New Zealand Sea Lion The 2012 Children's Health stamp issue features the New Zealand sea lion. This playful mammal is one of the rarest species of sea lion in the world , and just like children in health cam ps around the country, it needs our ongoing care in order to thrive . Products available: Twogummed self-adhesivestamp, first day cover,miniature sheet. miniature sheet first day cover,sheet of 100 self-adhesive
stamps (not shown) Iss ue dat e : 1 August 2012
Great Voyages of New Zealand New Zealand has relied on ships and vessels for transport for as long as it's been inhabited, and the Great Voyages of New Zealand stamp issue pays tribute to five vessels that have played a part in shaping New Zealand today. Products available: Fivegummed stamps. first daycover,miniature sheet, miniature sheet first daycover,presentation pack. Limited Edition
Issu e dale : 5 Sep tember 2012 Designer: Creature, Wellington, New ZeaLand
Pr inter: Southern Colour Print Ltd by oflsetlithography Withd ra wa l dal e : ' September 2013
Designer: Stamps Business. New Zealand Post. Wellington. New Zealand Printer: Southern Colour Print Ltd by offset lithography
Withd rawal dat e : 31 July 2013
II ~ 50 Years of Friendship: New Zealand and Samoa 2012 ma rks 50 years of the uni que Treaty of Friendship between New Zealand and Samoa. New Zealand Post is commemorating this im por tant anniversary with a unique stamp issue designed by inte rna tio nally renown ed artist, Michel Tuffery. Products available: Fivegummed stamps. first day cover, miniature sheet. miniature sheet first day cove r, presentation pack
Issu e dat e : 1 Augus t 2012 Oesign er : Michel Tuftery MNZM, Wellington, New Zea land Pr inter: Southern Colour Print Ltd by oftset lithograph y Withd rawal date : 31 Jul y 2013
Christmas 2012 The trad itional Nativity story is portrayed on this year's Christmas stamps . A pohutukawa motif frames each of the int ricately illustrated images - giving the stamp issue a uniquely New Zealand feel. Products available: Five gummed stamps, three self-adhesive stamps, two 'Irst day cove rs. three self-a dhesive booklets, self-adhesivedispenserbox
Issue date: 3 October 2012 Designer : Donna McKenna. Wellington, New Zealand
Pr int er: Southe rn Colour Pr int Ltd by oflse t lithogra phy Withdrawal dat e : 2 October 2013
Upcoming stamp issues 2012 Ross Dependency Scenic Definitives The 2012 Ross Dependency stam p issue is a scenic definit ive issue and features breathtaking imagery from the Ross Dependency. The locations featured on the stamps are : Mount Erebus, Beardmore Glacier, Lake Vanda, Cape Adare and the Ross Ice Shelf. Products available: Fivegummed stamps. miniature sheet. first day cove r, miniaturesheet first daycove r, presentation pack
Issue date: 21 Novembe r 2012 Designer: Gregory Millen, Paraparaumu, New Zealand Printer : Southern Colour Print Ltd by offset lithography Withdrawal date: Unless stocks are exhausted earlier, these stamps will remain on sale until further notice
lillus tra tion onlyl
2013 Year of the Snake According to th e Chinese Zodiac, 2013 is the Ye ar of the Snake and wi ll begin on 10 February 2013. The snake is the sixt h sign of the Chinese zodiac, and re prese nts gracef ulness , intelli gence and weal th. The upcom ing Year of the Snake stam p issue portr ays the snake through different aspects of Chinese culture incl uding call igraphy, paper -cutting and Chinese lanterns. The $2.40 stamp features lanterns hanqinq from the Queenstown gondola - a popular tourist attraction. Products available: Four gummed stamps. miniature sheet. first day cover. miniature sheet first daycove r, presentation pack
Issu e date: 9 Janu a ry 2013 Designer: Bananaworks. Auckland, New Zealand
Printer: To be confirmed Withdrawal date: 8 Jan uary 2014
Please note : Issue dates and product details are subject to change. lillustr ation onlyl
Contact us Customer Feedback Collectables and Solut ions Centre Private Bag 3001 Whanganu i 4540 New Zealand Or send an ema il to:collectables@nzpost.
www .nzposl .co.nzlslamps
, •.
International stamps Fiji
Hong Kong Working Dogs in Government Services Date 01 issue : 19 Jun e 20 12
Fiji Year of the Dragon 2012 Da te of iss ue : 23 January 20 12
Set of six gumm ed stam ps: $3.40 Miruature sheet: $ 10.60
Shee llet: $ 1.00
First day cover: $6.20
Hong Kong Hong Kong 150th Anniversary of the Queen's College Date of issu e : 27 Mar ch 2012
Shee llel: $2.00
Shee ttet first day cover: $1.80
Sheettet first day cover: $2.80
Firs t day cover: $4.'0
Set of three first day covers affixed with a stamp sheetlet: $5 .60
Hong Kong, China and France - Joint Issue on Art
Hong Kong 15th Anniversary of the Establishment of the HKSAR
Dat e of iss ue : 3 May 20 12
Date of is s u e : 1 Ju ly 20 12
Sheellet : $3.20 Mmt set 01 four
Souvenir sheet: $2.50
gummed stam ps: $2.50
First day cover: $3.90
Hong Kong Games of the XXX Olympiad London 2012 Date of is s u e: 27 July 201 2
FirSI day cover: $3.20
Souvenirsheet first day cove r: $3.20
Set of four gumm ed stamps: $2.40
First day cover with stamps affixed from Hong Kong
POSI and La Past e: $'0.60
Souvenir sheet first day cover: $3.20
Souvenir shee t: $2.40 First day cover: $3.20
Hong Kong Festivals
Malta 2012 Definitive Issue - Additional Values
Dat e of is sue : 22 May 2012
Date of issue : 7 March 2012
5e l of four gummed stam ps. $2.60
Shee llel : $1.10 Set of lwo gumm ed slam ps: $1.90
First day cover: $2.70
International Artists and Malta Date of issue : 23 March 2012
First day cover: $3.40
Sheellel lirst day cover: $1.90
Sel of five gumm ed sla mps: $5.20 www stamp s
First day cover: $6 .00
International stamps Malta Occasions 2012
Niue Giant Sea Fan
Dat e of issu e: 3 April 20 12
Date of issue : 5 September 20 12
..... ,..
Fir st day cover: $6.80
Set of eight gummed stamps: $6.20
Se-tenant set of four gummed stamps: $6.30
70th Anniversary - Award of the George Cross to Malta Dat e of iss ue : 14 April 2012
Pitcairn Island The Art of Pitcairn Part IV - Tapa Dat e of iss ue: 21 February 20 12
Mint gummed miniature sheet; $8.90
Miniature sheet first day cover: $9.80
Europa 2012 Visit Malta
Miniature sheet: $11.20
Date of issue : 9 M ay 20 12 1O:J'f MiilA
.c: ....
Miniature sheet first day cover: $13.10
Dolphins of the Pitcairn Islands
Date of issue : 26 April 2012 -
---- - -
First day cover : $11.80
Set of two gumm ed stamps: $3.40 Fir st day cover: $4.20
Malta London 2012 Olympic Games Date of issue: 27 July 2012 __
Set of four gummed stamps: $9.90
Miniature sheet first daycover: $7.80
Miniature sheet: $4.90
-~ ~---~
Miniature sheet first day cove r: $5.70
Miniature sheet: $5.90
Diamond Jubilee of HM Queen Elizabeth \I Pitcairn
'. .
Date of issue : 1 June 2012
Niue Queen Elizabeth \I Diamond Jubilee
' -if::
. ~"'\~ ;~
~J " ,-~~~; :- .: ,~~ ,i." ~.
¡¡ t. Date of issue: 23 May 2012
Set of two gummed stamps: $9.40
First day cover: $11.30
Samoa 50th Anniversary of Samoa's Independence Dat e of issu e: 24 May 20 12
i Set of two gummed stamps: $5.80
First day cover : $6.30
First day cover: $9.10
Miniature sheet first day cover: $6.30
Miniature sheet: $5.80 Miniature sheet first day cover: $9.10 Miniature sheet: $7.00
Focus issue 54 . October 2012
International stamps 2012 United Nations Endangered Species
Dat e of issue : 19 Apr il 2012
Tokelau Queen Elizabeth II Diamond Jubilee Date of issue : 23 May 2012
Set of Iwo gumm ed stamps : $5 .00
Miniature sheet : $5 .00
Sel 01 12 gummed stamps : $16 .50
Firs t day cover: $5.50
Miniature sheet first daycover: $5.50
Fish of Tokelau
Collectio n Folder : $22 .30
Dal e of iss ue: 3 Octob er 2012
Set of four gummed stamps : $4 .25 Sel of three gummed stamps: $5 .80
Vanuatu Dragonflies of Vanuatu Dal e of issue : 22 February 2012 Minialure sheel: $4 .25 Miniature sheet first daycover:
$4.75 Sel of four gummed stamps : $9 .00
Souvenir sheel : $9.00
United Nations United Nations 2012 Coin and Flag Series Date of issue : 3 Febru ary 2012
First day cover: $ 10.80
Souvenirsheet first daycover: $7.60
Birds of Vanuatu Definitive Dal e of issue: 2 May 2012
Three stamp sheets containing eight gummed stamps per sheet : $29.00
Coin and Flag Series Folder : $32 .80
Set of f"st day covers: $47 .90
United Nations Autism Awareness 2012 Date of issue: 2 Apr il 2012
Sel of 12 gummed stamps : $44 .40
Set of three stamp sets containing six gummed stamps: $11.20 Souvenir sheet: $'4.40 WNW.nzpost,
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New Zealand stories in Stamps - 2012
The New Zealand Collection 2012 will be available soonfromyour local PostShop or online at
order form - October 2012
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"_r.l ,Iems ,n rowI ~rhd -A·ar. be,ng orde-red. ' M h'g~Sl r.l•• ppl~. II _,.1 .Iirmto.n !'OWl ~rkt'd ' 9' .r. bt'.ng ereeree. lhe posl~eltlollrd '10 pir' .Ieom_II YOU' ordeor.nclud H ·A· and ·e- .tirms,lh. 'e- 'lirmS tol.t onl.,appltn. Inllrrnaho".l ExprlrSI r.' " .r.....e,litbl. upon . pphc.llon. . dd $7 .00 de-llYf'ryw,th.n N_ Ie-alend lor Cempbt'll PaleorMflC. I.IOCjUH .nd l'ghlnOU M ,lcxkbooks
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New Zealand stamps 2012 Queen Elizabeth II Diamond Jubilee - 9 May 2012 Description Set of six gum med sta mps
Pr ic e 70c
2012 New Zealan d Portrait of Dueen Elizabeth II and the Duke of Edi nbu rgh
70c $ 1.40
19S1 Well ington. New Zealan d
$ 1.90
1977 Well inQton. New Zealan d
$ 2.40
1953 Aucklan d. New Zealan d
$ 2.90
First day cover
$10 .50
Miniature sheet
$10 .00
Li mi ted Edition [su bject to availa bili ty)
Total NZ $
Pr ice $ 14.00
First day covers Ise t of three)
$15 .50
Total NZ$
2012 Children's Health: New Zealand Sea LionDescr ip t ion Sel 01 two gummed sta m ps
$10 .50
Pup gummed stam p 170c + 10el
$ 29.90 $135 .00
~g u st 2 0 1 2
2012 All Blacks - 23 May 2012 One gummed stam p
Include a complimentary large poster
Set of 20 x 70c gummed stamps
Sect ion 7 Total NZ$
Section 1 Total NZ$
Descr iption
Descr ip tio n Both the sheet set and set of ltrsl day covers
Larg e poster
19S6 Hastings. New Zeala nd
Miniature sheet first day cover
$1 0.00
2012 New Zeala nd Portrait of Dueen Elizabeth II
Presental ion pack
Dt y
A Tiki Tour of New Zealand No,2 - 4 July 2012
Total NZ$
Pr ice
Dt y
Fir st day cover lin clud es all three stamps)
Min iature sh eet l includ es att thre e stamps)
Min iature sheet fir st day cover
Miniature sheet firs t day cover
$ 1.90
Pup self -adhes ive stamp 170c + 10el
Section 2 Total NZ$
Sheet of 100 self-adhesive sta m ps
Tot al NZ$
Sub-adull ma le gummed stam p 1$1.40 + 10c)
Miniature shee t 12x 70c stam ps)
SOc $SO.OO Sect ion 8 Total NZ$
2012 Scenic Definit ives - 23 May 2012 Description
Pr ic e
Tot al NZ$
50 Years of Friendship: New Zealand and Samoa 1 August 2012 f--.
Set of three gummed stamps
$1.40 - Cape Reinga
$ 1.40
De sc r ip t io n
$2.10 - Stewart Island
Set of li ve gummed stamps
70c Fu'a IFl ag)
$3.50 - Lake Matheson First day cover lincludes all five stam ps)
$1 1.00
Sel of two sell-adhesive stamps
$ 1.40 self -a dhesive stamp
$ 1.40
$2.10 self -adhesive stamp
$2. 10
Self -adhesive bookle t 110x $ 1.40)
Self -adhesive bookl et 15x $ 2.10)
$10 .50 Sect ion 3 Total NZ$
Descr iption
Set of six self-a dhesi ve stam ps
$10 .00
70c Pouakai, Par eora 70c Tiki. Maer ewhenua
Dt y
$ 1.90 Maota ICourtho use Build ing )
$ 1.90
$2.40 Tatau IArt of I at tooinql
$2.90 Malumalu IChu rc h Bu ild ing l
$ 2.90
Fir st day cover
Min iature sheet
$9.30 $9.S0 $ 29.90 Section 9 Total NZ$
Total NZ$
Great Voyages of New Zeal and - 5 September 2012
Descrip tion
$1.40 MOkihi, Dpihi
Set of five gummed stam ps
$1.90 Te Puawaitanga, Waitak i
70c Ar amoana
$2.40 Tiki. Te Ana a Wai
$ 2.40
$1.40 Waka
$ 1.90 Earnslaw
$ 1.90
$2.90 Taniwha. Dpihi
$ 2.90
Self -adhesive stamp hrs t day cover
$ 10.50
Gummed miniature sheet
$ 10.00
Gumme d miniature sheet first day cover
Presentation pack limited Edition Isu bject to availa bility)
$29.90 $135.00
Personalised Stamps 2012 - 6 June 2012
$2.40 $ 2.90
Fir st day cover
Min iature sheet
Pr ice
Sheetl et IS x 70c stamps)
$ 5.60
Sheetlet first day cover
Li mi ted Editi on Is ubject to availa bility) Code
Exhibit ion minia ture shee t Exhibition souvenir cover
$ 135.00
2012 Annual Packs - 5 September 2012 Desc r ip tio n
Indones ia 2012 - 18 June 2012 Pr ice
$9.S0 $ 29.90
Sect ion 10 Tolal NZ$
Total NZ $
Sect ion 5 Total NZ$
Total NZ$
$2.40 Dun edin
Pr esentation pack
$2.90 Rotornaha na
Min iature sheet fir st day cover
Sect ion 4 Total NZ$
Total NZ $
70c $ 1.40
Pr esentation pack
$1.40 Niu IPalm Tree)
Min iature sheet fir st day cover
Matariki 2012 - Maori Rock Art - 6 June 2012
Pr ice
Dt y
Cod e
Total NZ$
Pr iee
2012 New Zealan d stam p pack
$ 109.60
2012 New Zealand fir st day cover pack
Total NZ $
Section 11 Total NZ$
$4 .90 $ 5.40 Section 6 Total NZ$
2010 Maori Art - Heitiki Coin
Christmas 2012 - 3 October 2012 Description
Code Total HZ$
Se t of five gu m med s tam ps
70c Ma ry, Joseph an d Jesus Igummed)
Description 10 l
silve r proof coin !limiled stockl
gold proof coin
$1 .90 Angellgummedl
$2 .40 Gifts Igummedl
$2 .40
$2 .90 Wis e Me n Igummed)
Silver proof coin
Self -a dhesive sta m p se t
$S .OO
Silver pro of cu rre ncy se t
2010 Annual Coin - Maui's dolphin
$1 .90
$ 2.40 Gifts Ise lf-a dhe sive l
70c se lf-a dhesive booklet of 10 sta m ps
$7 ,00
$1.90 interna tional se lf-a dhesive booklel of 10 stamps Ibuy 10 stamps pay for 91
$ 17,10
$ 149.00 $35 .00 $59 .00 Seclion 19 Total HZ$
Rugby World Cup 2011 Webb Ellis Cup Coin Descript ion
$ S.50
Self -a dhesive disp e nse r box 1100 x 70c stam ps)
$70 .00
Tolal HZ$
$129 .00
Section 20 Tolal HZ$
Firs t day cover Iself-adhesive stampsl
silve r proof coin wit h gol d gilding (will be removed from sale at Ihe end of 201 2) 10 l
Firs t day cover Igummed stampsl
Tolal HZ$
$89 .00
Br illiant uncir cu lat ed cur rency s e t
$ 1.90 Ange l lse lf-ad hes ivel
Brilliant uncirculat ed coin
$2 .40 inte rna tional self-adhesive booklet of 10 stamps Ibuy 10 s tam ps pay for 9)
Tolal HZ$
$129 .00 Seclion 18 Tolal HZ$
$1.40 Shepherds (gummedl
70c Ma ry, Jose ph a nd J esu s lse lt-adhesivel
2011 All Blacks Coin: the silver fern
Section 12 Tolal HZ$
102 si lver proo f coi n
$109 .00
Tot al HZ$
$ 29.50
Ph ila teli c num ism at ic cover
Sec lion 21 Tolal HZ$
Blenpex 2012 -12 October 2012 Description
Tolal HZ$
2011 Icons of New Zealand
Exhibition minia ture sheet
$ 5,50
Descript ion
Exhibition souve ni r cover
'I. Ol gold proof coin
$785 .00 $99 ,50
Section 13 Tolat HZ$
silver oroof coin s pecimen -quaGty silver bullion coin
Beijing International Stamp and Coin Expo - 2 November 2012 Descrip tion
Exhibition minia ture sheet
Total HZ$
$ 5.00 $ 5.50
Exhi bition souveni r cover
Seclion 14 Tota l NZ$ Mint s ta m ps will be s u pplie d unl e s s you s pe cifica lly requesl oth erwis e , If you wish to orde r us ed lUI o r ca nce lle d (CI s ta m ps, please in dica te th is by writing th e letter U' or C a s a ppro pr ia te n e xt to th e quant ity you requ ire , To order block s or s heets from re levant issues, plea s e e nte r a cod e from the list be low in the 'Code' co lum. Codes for Ihe ty pes of blo cks an d shee ts are as follows: P B =Plat e block , VA =Va lu e bloc k, BA =Barcod e bloc k, LO =Logo bloc k, ST = Sheet of stam ps ,
Total HZ$
Seclion 22 Tolal HZ$
2011 Yellow-eyed Penguin - New Zealand Annual Coin Description
Silver proof coin
$ 105.00
Silver proof c urre ncy se t
$ 165.00
Brillia nt un circulated coin
Brilliant un circuLat ed curre ncy se t
$59 .00
Total HZ$
Sec tion 23 Total HZ$
Rugby World Cup Champions Set Description
Set of five silver proof coins Iwill be removed from sale althe end of 2012)
$695 .00
Total HZ$
Section 24 Tolal HZ$
2011 All Blacks Coin: the haka Description 10 l
Sir Edmund Hillary - A Lifetime of Achievement Desc ription ' /. Ol
gold proof coin
s ilver proof coin with colour
Total HZ$
$ 139,00 Seclion 25 Tolal HZS
Total HZ$
2012 Maori Art - Hei Matau Coin
silver proof coin
P r ice
Se clion 1S Tolal HZ$
l oz silver proof coin
$139 .00
10 l
gold proof coin
2009 Annual Coin - Kakapo
Total HZ$
Seclion 26 Tolal HZS
Silve r proo f coin
Tota t HZ$
Silver proof coin se t
$ 139.00
Brillia nt uncirculat ed coin
Brillian t uncirculat ed coin set
2012 Kiwi Treasures - Kowhai Coin Description
l oz silver proof coin
$1 29.00
' / . Ol
gold proof coin
Total HZ$
Silver s peci men coin
Secl ion 16 Total HZ$
Seclion 27 Tolal HZ$
2010 Icons of New Zealand
New Zealand Silver Currency Set
gold proof Kiwi a nd Sou ther n Cross coin
silver proof Kiwi an d Southern Cross coin
102 specimen- quali ty silve r bullion Kiwi and Southern Cross coin
'/ . Ol 10l
Secl ion 17 Tolat HZ$
Total HZ$
Descript ion 2011 New Zealand Silver Curren cy Se t se t of five silver oroof coins
Tolal HZ$
$259 .00
2012 New Zealand Silver Currency Set (five silver proo f coins with gol d-pla te d ten cent coin l
$275 .00
Sec lion 28 Total HZ$
2012 Queen Elizabeth II Diamond Jubilee Coin De s cr iption
10z silver proof coin with colour
1 $ 129.001
Pr ice 1 Dty
Total NZ$
2012 New Zealand Annual Coin: Fairy Tern Pr ice
Pr ice
Total NZ$
Sheetle t
$3 .20
First day cover
Set of four gummed stamps
Proof curre ncy set
Souvenir sheet
$ 39.00
First day cover
$ 69.00
Souvenir s hee t first day cover
Brilliant uncirculat ed currency se t
Total NZ$
Sect ion 3DTotal NZ$
Se ction 35 Total NZ$
2013 Kiwi Treasures - Tane Mahuta Coin De s cr iption
Hong Kong Games of the XXX Olympiad Londo n 2012 - 27 July 2012
102 silver proof coin
Briltiant uncirculated coin
Hong Kong 15th Ann ive r sa ry of the Estab lishment of th e HKSAR - 1 July 2012
Section 29 Total NZ$
De s cr iptio n
Kong cont...
De s cr iption
10z silver proof coin
'I. oz gold proof coin
Silver s pecime n coin
Total NZ$
De s cr ipti on
P r ice
I Code
Total NZ$
Malta 201 2 Defin itive Iss ue - Add itiona l Va lu e s - 7 March 20 12
Section 31 Total NZ$
Se t of two gummed stamps
$1.90 1
First day cover
$2 .70
International Art ists a nd Malta - 23 March 2012
International Coins
Se t of five gummed stam ps
De s cr iptio n
2012 Australian Kangaroo Mareeba Wallaby s ilver proof coin (limited stock remaining I
Tota l NZ$
Se ct ion 32 Total NZ$
De s cr ipt ion
Pr ice
2007 New Zealand Banknote set
$ 295.00
2008 New Zea land Ban knote set
$ 295.00
Total NZ$
Set of eight gumm ed sta mps
$ 6.20 1
Set of two first day covers
$7.80 1
Mint gumm ed m iniature sheet
Miniature s heet first day cover
1 1
First day cover Miniatu re sheet Mini atu re sheet first day cover
Fiji Pr ice 1 Dty
J Code
Total NZ$
Fiji Year of the Dragon 2012 - 23 January 2012 Min iature sheet
First day cover
$3.40 $4.20
$5.70 Section 36 Total NZ$
Pr ice
$10.60 I
Niue Dueen Elizabeth ff Diamond Jub ilee - 23 May 2012
Set of lwo gum med s tam ps
Hong Kong Pr ice
Tot al NZ$
Hong Kong 150th Anniversary of the Duee n's College · 27 March 2012
$6 .30
Miniature sheet
$ 5.80
Miniat ure sheet first day cover
$ 6.30
Niue Giant Sea Fan - 5 Sep temb er 2012 Se t of four gu mmed stam ps
$2 .00
Se-tenant set of four gummed stamps
$ 6.30
Sheetlet first day cover
$ 2.80
First day cover
$ 6.80
Hong Kong , China a nd France - J oint Iss ue on Ar t · 3 Ma y 2012
Miniature sheet
$ 6.30
Mint se t of four gumm ed sta mps
Miniatur e s hee t firs t day cover
$ 6.80
First day cover
Niue Christmas 2012 - 21 November 2012
$10 .60
Se t of four gummed sta mps First day cover
Souvenir sheet
Souvenir sheet first day cover
$7.70 $8.20 Section 37 Total NZ$
Please s end me infor m ati on about the la test Niue stam ps
Hong Kong Festivals · 22 Ma y 201 2
Total NZ$
First day cover
First day cover with stam ps affixed from Hong Kong Pos t a nd La Poste
Niue De s cr ipt ion
Section 34 Total NZ$
De s cr iptio n
Malta London 2012 Olymp ic Games - 27 Ju ly 201 2
International stamps I
Europa 2012 Vis it Malta - 9 May 2012 Set of two gummed stam ps
Section 33 Tota l NZ$
1 $6 .00 1 Ma lta Occa s ions 2012 - 3 Apr il2012
1 70th Ann iversary - Award of th e George Cro s s to Malta - 14 Apr il 2012
$5 .20
First day cover
Set of four gumm ed s tam ps
First day cover
Pitca irn Island
Shee tle t
$ 1.10
De s cr iptio n
Shee tlet first day cover
$ 1.90
The Ar t of Pitcairn IV - Tapa - 21 February 2012
Pr ice
Hong Kon g Wor king Dogs in Gove r n me nt Services - 19 June 2012
Miniature sheet
$11 .20
Se t of six gumm ed s ta mps
Miniature s heet first day cover
First day cover
Dolp hins of the Pitca ir n Islands - 26 Apr il 2012
Se t of thr ee first day covers affixed with a sta mp s hee tlet
Set of four gummed sta mps
$ 1.00
Miniat ure sheet
$ 5.90
Sheetlet first day cover
$ 1.80
Miniature sheet first day cover
Firs t day cover
$9.90 $11.80
D Total NZ$
Pitcairn Island cont... De sc r ipt ion
I Code
Tot a l NZS
Diamond Ju bilee of HM Que e n Eliza be th II Pitca ir n - 1 J une Z012 Set of two gumm ed sta mps
First day cover
$11.30 1
1 Section 38 Total NZS
Personalised Stamps
Samoa De s cr iption I
Other products still on offer
Pr ice
Pr ice
September 2010 set of two s hee llets
$13 .90 I
Total NZS
Total NZ$
Section 43 Total NZ$
50th An nive r s a ry of Samoa's Independence - 24 Ma y 2012 Set of four gumme d s ta mps
$7 .00
Personalised Stamp Sheets
First day cover
$9 .10
Min iature sheet
$7 .00
All Blacks sta mp s heet
Miniature shee t first day cover
RWC 2011 Champ ions sta mp s hee t
Pers onalised Postage (CALS)
Descript ion
Code I Total NZS
Tokelau Que e n Eliza beth II Dia m ond Ju bilee - 23 May 201 2 Set of two gumm ed s tamps $5.00 Miniature sheet fir st day cover
$5 .00 $5.50
First day cover
Min iature sheet
De s cr ipt ion Per sonalis ed Pos tage 2010 pack Pers ona lised Pos tage 2010 Year of Issue cover
Per sonalised Postage 2011 pac k Per s onal ised Postage 2011 Year of
Fish of Tokela u - 3 Octob e r 20 12
Issue cover
Pr ice
$34.20 SOLDOUT
$4.25 $4.75
Miniature sheet
Personalised Postage Booklets
Miniatu re sheet first day cover
Descriptio ,!
Secti on 45 Tota l NZS
Pr ice
Tokelau Chr istma s 201 2 - 2 1 Nove mb e r 2012
2010 Te Papa 60c booklet
Set of three gumm ed s ta mps
$5.45 $5.45
2011 70c Heart Foundat ion booklet (includes $ 1 donat ion to the Heart Foundat ion!
50-tena nt se t of three gumm ed stamps First day cover
Min iature shee t
Miniatur e shee t first day cover
$5.95 Section 40 Total NZ$
I Qty I Code I
D Tot a l NZS
De s cr iption
Pr ice
2009 ANZAC miniature sheet booklet
$19 .90
2010 ANZAC miniature s heet booklet
$19 .90
2012 75th Anniversary of the RNZAF miniatur e s hee t booklet
I Unite d Na tions 2012 Coin a nd Flag Se r ie s - 3 Fe brua ry 201 2
1 $ 29.00
Coin and Flag Series Folder
1 $32.80 1 $11 .20
gummed sta m ps
Tota l NZ$
Section 47 Total NZ$
1 United Na tions Auti s m Awa re ne s s 2012 - 2 Apr il 20 12
ISe t of three sta mp se ts containing I
Total NZS
Miniature Sheet Booklets
United Nations
Three sta mp s hee ts
Sec tion 46 Total NZ$
Please send me info r ma ti on a bout th e la test Tokelau s ta m ps
Pr ice
Total NZ$
$55 .00
First day cover
Se t of four gumm ed s ta mps
Total NZ$
Sect ion 44 Total NZS
Descript ion
$19 .90
Section 39 Total NZ$
I Qty I Code
.De s cr iptio n
Victoria Cross - The New Zealand Story
De s cr iption
Pr ice
Hard-cover publication
$79 .90 1
I Qty
Total NZ$
Section 48 Total NZS
2012 Unite d Nations Endan gered S pecies -1 9 Apr il 201 2 Set of 12 gumm ed sta mps I Collection Folder
$ 16.50 $ 22.30
Ross Dependency Descript ion
RIO . 20 United Na tio ns - 1 Ju ne 2012 Set of three gumme d s tam ps
$ 5.80
Set of 10 Definitive s ta mps2 November 1994
1 Section 41 Total Nzs l
Definit ive r at e decr ease 40c
s tamp - 2 Octob er 1995
Vanuatu Des cr ipt ion
2007 prese ntation pack Price
Dragonfl ies of Vanuatu - 22 Fe br ua ry 2012 I
Set of four gum me d sta mps
First day cover
Souvenir shee t
Souvenir sheet first day cover
Tot al NZ$
2008 presen tat ion pack 2009 presentation pack
Pr ice
Tota l NZS
$19.90 SOLDOUT
2010 pre sentation pack
$27 .50
2011 pre sentation pack
$27 .50 Section 49 Total NZ$
: Birds of Vanuatu De finitive - 2 Ma y 2012 Set of 12 gumm ed stamps I Set of first day covers Souvenir sheet
$44 .40 $47.90 $44.40 Sect ion 42 Total N2$
To start a stand ing o rd e r for personalised stam p sheets, ti ck here
~g h t h o u s e
Definitive Stamps
Pr ic e
32 sides whit e pages
32 sides black pages
48 sides whit e pages
Pr ice
$20 Mt Cook - 18 February 1994 $10 Mt Ruapehu - 2 February 1997 $1.10 Gold Round Kiwi 2003 set of five Definit ives $1.50 sell -adhesive stam p - 7 May 2003 2009 Scenic Defin itives sell-a dhesive bookl et of 5 x $1.80 stamps 2010 set of five Definitive stamps 2010 sell-adhesive bookl et of 10 x $1.20 stamps
Des cripti on
Descrip tion
a ty
Total NZ$
48 sides black pages
64 sides wh it e pages
64 sides black pages
Lighthouse Royal large FDC Albu m Iwi th five double pocket refillsl
Five refills for Lighthous e FDC Album ldoublel
Five refills for Lighthouse FDC Album Isinglei
Lighthouse Coin Album
$49.95 $34.00
$ 10.00 $ 1.50
2010 sell -adhesive booktet of 5 x $ 1.90 stam ps
Prem ier FDC Album - large delux e
2011 KiwiStamp stri p of five stam ps
Five refills for prem ier large del uxe FDC Album - singl e pocket
2011 Kiwi Stamp booklet of 10 stamps
Five refills for prem ier large deluxe FDC Album - double pocket
2011 KiwiStamp dispenser box of 100 stam ps
2011 Round Kiwi stri p of three gummed stam ps
2012 sell -adhesive $2.40 stam p
2012 sell-adhesive bookl et of 5 x $2.40 stamps
Five refills for premier small deluxe FDC Album
Total NZ$
Section 53 Total HZ$
Catalogues Descr iption
Pr ice
2012 Campbell Paterson New Zealand Stamp Catalogue
Section 50 Total HZ$
2012 ACS Stamp Catalogue
Descr ip t io n
2012 Coin and Banknot e Catal ogue
Pr ice $24.90
Sir Edmund Hillary
New Zealand Champions of World Motorsport
2009 Giant s of New Zealand
$ 19.90
Chinese Lunar Series - Special Edition Pack
2009 Matar iki - Heit ik i
Sir Peter Blake 1948- 2001
2010 Year of the Tiger
a ty
Total NZ$
Sect ion 54 Total HZ$
DAVO Albums
Descr iptio n
Pr ice
DAVD Album IVolume 61
DAVe Supplement pages 2009
DAve Supplement pages 2010
DAVe Supplement pages 2011
$27.50 $19.90
All Blacks
Descr i ption
Rugby World Cup 2011
Hagner Album
100 Year s of Surf Life Saving
2011 Year of the Rabbit
Hagner Sheets - H'l e l strip. H2. 2 st ri ps. H3-3 str ips. H4.4 stri ps. H5¡5 strips. H6-6 str ips. H7¡7 strips. H8-8 strips
$29.50 $29.90
The New Zeala nd Experienc e
2012 New Zealand Native Trees
Hagner Products
Hagner Fir st Day Cover Sheet WWF Coll ection Hinges
Limited Editions [subj ect to availability) North Island Main Trunk Line Centenary
Weather Extrem es
2008 Matariki
2009 Giants of New Zealand
Sir Peter Blak e
a ty
Pr ice
Total NZ$
$19.95 $1.25
$1.25 $21.95 $3.70
Section 56 Total HZ$
Section 51 Total HZ$
Pr ic e
Total HZ$
2010 Matariki - Manu Tukutuku
2011 Matar ik i - Hei Matau
Sectio n 55 Total HZ$
Ancient Reptiles of New Zealand
2011 Kapa Haka
Total NZ$
2012 Len Jury Stamp Catalogue
2008 Matariki
Presentation Packs
Descr ip t io n
Tota l NZ$
Total to pay Total all sect ions Plus postag e
Special courier service for coins
2009 Matar ik i
Ancient Rept iles of New Zealand
2010 Matar ik i
2011 Matar iki
Ent er all your cust omer det ails (inclu ding your cust omer numberl
Indicat e how you wo uld like to pay
2012 Year of the Dragon
Total amount to pay HZ$
L -_ _----'
Section 52 Total HZ$ Total your or der
If you are not completely satisfied with your purchase, return it to us w it hin 14 days of receivin g it . You can ask us to rep l ace it or giv e you a re fund. No quest io ns aske d! All pr ic es ar e su bj ect to change.