Kia ora,
A year to remember ...................................................... 3 Royal visit 2014 ......... .. ........... ......... ........................... .... 4 Changes to mail in 2014 ................................................ 6
Latest and upcoming coin issues ................................. 7 Events and exhibitions ................................................... 8 Sustainability ................................................................. 9 REAL glass ....... .. ........................ ............ ................ ...... 10 Order form ................... ............ ............... centre fold -out
Puzzle time ..................................... ........................... .. 11 Recent stamp issues ............................................. 12-13 Niue and Tokelau ......................................................... 14 International stamps ............................................. 15-17
Cover illustration: 'The Air Force Needs Men!" poster, February 1941 . By Claude Oscar William Wade, England/New Zealand; printed by Wilson & Horton Ltd for the Air Department, Wellington !Alexander Turnbull Library)
Focus is produced by the New Zealand Post Stamps and Collectables Business and brings you news and background information on stamps, coins and other products. To subscribe to Focus and join the New Zealand Post mailing list, please tick the appropriate box when you complete the order form in this issue, or contact the Collectables and Solutions Centre : FreePost No.1 New Zealand Post Collectables and Solutions Centre Private Bag 3001 Whanganui 4540 New Zealand Ph : +64 6 349 1234
I'm pleased to bnng you another 1ssue of Focus. f1lled w1th all of the news of our upcommg stamp and co1n 1ssues 2014 prom1ses to a busy year. w1th many exc1tmg events to commemorate and lots of U!KOm1ng exhibitions to check out. Th1s month the young myals. the Duke, Duchess and Pnnce of Cambndge. w1ll embark on the1r f1rst royal tour of New Zealand as a fam1ly. We're very exc1ted about the1r VISit, and are releasmg a spec1al stamp and co1n 1ssue to celebrate Read all about the prev1ous VISitS of Pnnce W1ll1am and the1r royal1tmerary on page 4. Th1s year also marks two 1mportant ann1versanes 1n New Zealand's h1story, w1th the 1OOth ann1versary of the start of World War I and the 75th anniversary of the start of World War 11. In remembrance of World War 11. we're releasmg a co1n dep1ct1ng the HMS Achilles. about wh1ch you can fmd more 1nformat1on on page 7. We're tak1ng a new approach for th1s year's Annual Co1n. w1lh a move towards ext1nct spec1es of New Zealand, startmg w1th the ka1ruku. the ·g,ant' pengu1n. Th1s spec1es could grow to be 1 3 metres tall. 0.3 metre taller than our largest l1v1ng spec1es of pengu1n. the emperor pengu1n. Expect to see th1s exc1tmg new com 1n May I hope you enJOY th1s 1ssue of Focus. If you have any feedback regardmg th1s 1ssue. I'm always keen to hear what our customers have to say. so please feel free to get 1n touch.
You can find out more about our stamps, coins and other products and order online at : www.nzpost.co.nz/stamps www.nzcoins.co.nz /personalisedstamps
Simon Allison
From our websites you can subscribe to Focus on line, an email update on the latest stamp, coin and other products on offer from New Zealand Post. You can also view a list of all philatelic clubs and societies and their contact details. You can find collectables at REAL Aotearoa stores and on line at www.realaotearoa.co.nz
r..ponalble .ouru•
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Head of Soluti ons Marketmg. Stamps and Coins
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responsible papers. The document i.s printed throughout on Sumo, which is FSc· certified ond from responsible $0urces, manufactured under ISO 1.4001 Environmental management Systems.
Focus may not 11lustrate all stamp. eo m and collectable products that are featured 10 th1s 1ssue or that appear m the order lorm
Artwork and art1cles lrom Focus may not be extracted I or repnntmg w1thout pnor permiSSion lrom the New Zealand Post Stamps and Collectables Busmess. For more mformalion and to request permiSSIOn. please contact the Des1gn Co·ordmator. Stamps Busmess. Pnvale Bag 39990. Well~ngton Ma1l Centre, Lower Hutt 501.5 www nzposl co.nz/slarnps
Focualuue 57 - April 201 t.
A year to remember 2014 is a significant year in New Zealand's military history with the 75th anniversary of the commencement of World War 11 and the 1OOth anniversary of the commencement of World War I. To commemorate these important anniversaries, we'll be issuing stamps and coins in 2014 that will honour and remember those who have served our country. 75 years since the beginning of WWII W r ld War , l .ad a "''9'• f ant 11 pa• t n New Zealard rn every aspect of socrety. wrth our smal country suffenng some of the heav•es t casualties rn the war The hrghest number of people servrng rn the war rn New Zealand was 157.000 from a populatro n of JUSt over 1 6 mr llron . wrth 11,671 m embers of the armed forces and merchant navy losrng therr lrves Our 2014 Anzac s tamp rssue pays tn bute to New Zealand's World War 11 poste rs. These posters became a ubrqurtous part of the war for New Zealand and were drsplayed everywhere. from the streets and r arlways statrons to wor kplaces. shops and schools. They were statroned m areas other m edr a could no t reach Th ese poster s w er e pnnted and drs tnb uted by the Drrector of Publi City. the Nat1onal War Savrng s Off1ce and the New Zealand Rarlways, and were particularly use fu l for recrurtment campa1gns. rnform1ng the pu bl1c and 1mpartrng key messages . rncludrng wh en resources w ere becomrng scarce The groups featured rn thrs stamp rssue are the Arr Trarnrng Corps. the Women 's Land Servr ce . the Arr Force. the Navy. the Army and the Maon Battal ron We' re also 1ssurng a specral corn this month deprc trng the HM S Achtlles. New Zealand's most well -kn own warsh rp. HMS Ach11les was rnvolved rn the Battle of the Rtver Plate. where she became t he frrs t New Zealand um t to land a blow dunng World War 11
Wh1le at the t1rne the b 1ttl was cor c,uJered r " lu vr less than a week latPI . on 19 DecembPr 1931'), the hrp w JS scuttled by 1ts own crew due to extensrve damage from the battle. turnrng the Battle of the R1ver Plille 1nto a maJor v1ctory for the All1ed cause.
WW1 - 100 years on New lea,and rad .3 popcJtatlon of barely one rr·1 ltoP when 1OO.!JOO of our men 5erved overseas rn World W,H I Sadly. nearly one rn frve who served d d not return home These events touched necHiy every famrly n New Zea und and shook every commun1ty. school . work place <lnd group As part of WW100. the New Zealand Government 's F- rrst World War Centenary programme. we w rll be rssumg a frve-year programme of stamps and corns remerrberrng New Zealand's role rn the F11 st World War. Keep an eye out rn August for the f1rst collectables rn the progt arnrne. whrch w1ll arrr to honour and remember the rmpor tunt part that many New Zealanders played rn the Great War For more rnformat1on about WW 100, rncludrng hrstor rc.al facts and communrty event5 happen1ng near you. hearJ to www ww1 on govt nz
Anzac Day Anzac Day rs approachrng on 25 Apnl Desprte the num bers of lrvrng veterans decreas1ng . the numbers for dawn parades are rncreasrng year upon year. Anzac Day rs a trme fo r us to remember our role rn the World Wars . alon g wr t h other conflrcts New Zealand has been rnvolved wr th . an d look back upon how these events have shaped New Zealand To frnd out more about your local dawn servrce and oth er Anzac Day servrces rn your area. contact your lodal cr ty councrl
RoyaL visit 2014 The first royal tour of the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge and Prince George of Cambridge as a family is an exciting event for New Zealand . New Zealand Post is eager to welcome the young family and commemorate this occasion with a special stamp and coin issue . New Zealand certainly seems excited about their visit, with news articles and updates on the details of the tour happening every other day. There's no denymg that th1s young royal fam1ly has an allure and charm about them that has left the world, 1ncludmg New Zealand. enamoured. W1th The1r Royal H1ghnesses the Duke and Duchess of Cambr1dge and Pnnce George of Cambndge VISitmg our shores th1s month for the1r f1rst royal tour as a fam1ly, we look back on a h1story of VISitS to New Zealand by Prince W1ll1am.
1983 Prmce W1ll1am¡s f1rst VISit to New Zealand made headl1nes around the world, w1th the world cooing over p1ctures of h1m chewmg on the now ICOnic Buzzy Bee on the lawns of Government House when he was JUS! ten months old . H1s f1rst VISit w1th parents Pnnce Charles and Lady D1ana almost never happened, w1 th royal conduct statmg that the two he1rs . Charles and WJll1am. could not travel on a plane together 1n case of an acc1dent. At D1ana's request. W1ll1am travelled w1th the young pare nts, resultmg m the adorable p1cture of h1m trying to teethe on one of our na!Jonal1cons
2005 Considerably older on h1s second VISit, the 23-year-old prmce was mv1ted by the Bnt1sh and lnsh L1ons Club rugby team to tour w1th them around New Zealand. Th1s was a few years after the Queen had dec1ded she would no longer travel to the Commonwealth on royal busmess . and so began the trend of send1ng W1ll1am on her behalf Wh1le he was m New Zealand , he la1d a wreath on the cenotaph on behalf of the Queen to commemorate the 60th ann1versary of the end of the Second World War.
2010 Th1s year marked Pnnce W1ll1am's f1rst off1c1al VJSJ! overseas on behalf of the Queen The mam reason for h1s VISit was to open the Supreme Court House 1n Wellmgton , but wh1le on h1s wh1rlw1nd three-day tour he managed to fmd t1me to meet a k1w1 at a b1rd sanctuary on Kap1t1 Island, sa1l on Auckland harbour w1th Team New Zealand yachtsmen and try trad1t1onal New Zealand ka1 at a good -old-fashioned New Zealand barbeque and hang1.
nzpost eo nz/stamps
F.oc:u1 issue 57 • ~P. l iZOWI
2011 Pnnr e Wrllram returned to New Zealand rn 2011 on behalf of he Queen to v1s1t Chnstchurch and Greymouth rn the wake of the February Chnstchurch earthquake and the Prke R1ver mrne tragedy Dunng hrs vrs t. whrch came JUSt one month before h1s weddmg to Kale M1ddleton, he attended the Natronal MemonalServ1ce at North Hagley Park on 18 March to remember the 185 people k1lled 1n the Chnstchur·ch earthquake. before gorng on to Greymouth to meet the fam1l1es of the vrctrms of the Prke Rrver mrne drsaster
Royal stamp issues featuring William Th( Duk£ f Cambr dge no stranger t featurrng on New Zealand commemoratrve stamps. wrth the 2014 Royal Vrsrt stamp rssue markrng the fourth t1me that Wrllram has appeared on our stamps
1985 On the 1985 /lealth rssue. a young Wrllram appeared alongsrde hrs mother. Lady Drana. on one of the 25c stamps. wrth a famrly portrart of Prrnce Char.es, Lady Drana and Pnnc.es W llram and Harry featurrng on the 3Sc stamp
2011 In 2011 we celebrated the royal weddrng wrth the release of two $2 t,O stamps featunng Pnnce Wrllram and C?therrne Mrddleton. now known as the Duke ar>d Duchess of Cambrrdge
The Royal Itinerary Monday April 7 The young family arrrves at the Wellington Mrlitary Terminal and wrll be welcomed at a ceremony at the Government House.
Wednesday April 9 The Royal cou ple will attend a Plunket nurse and parents· group in Wellington.
Thursday April 10 The Duke and Duchess will travel to Blenheim for wreath-laying at the war memorial and will visit the Omaka Aviation Heritage Centre. Later. the Duke will meet the Prime Minister and Labour leader along with attend speeches and the unveiling of the Oueen·s portrait .
Friday April 11 The young couple will spend the day in Au ckla nd and visit the RNZAF Base in Whenuapai . The pair will head out on Auckland harbour to race each other on America·s Cup yachts.
Saturday April 12 The Duke and Duche ss will be in Hamilton durrng the morning and Cambridge in the afternoon. where they"ll open the new national cyclrng centre.
Sunday April 13 The couple wrll fly to Dunedin to attend a service at The Octagon before visiting Forsyth Barr Stadrum and meeting some of the All Blacks. They will then fly to Oueenstown where they"ll take a trip to a winery and head out on the Shotover Jet.
Monday April 14th William and Catherine will be spending the day in Christchurch . Events mclude a visrt to the CTV memorial park and the Wall of Remembrance .
Tuesday April 15th No events are scheduled for this day.
Wednesday April 16th
2013 In 2013 we welcomed therr new addrtron to the family. Hrs Royal Hrghness Prrnce George. wrth the Royal Baby commemoratrve stamp rssue The 1ssue deprcts he happy couple as they mtroduce young Prrnce George to the world for the frrst trme
2014 Now n Aprrl 2014, the young royal famrly feature on a specral stamp and cotn 1ssue celebratrng therr frrst royal tour of New Zealand. The corn and 70c stamp desrgns feature the happy couple wrth young Prrnce George rn the garden of the Mrddleton famrly home. whrle the $2.40 stamp deprcts the off1cral portrart from Prrnce George's chrrsten ng at Clarence House 1n London
The 16th wrll be th err last day in New Zealand, and will be spent rn Wellrngton . They"ll be visrting the Royal New Zealand Police College and Civic Square before departing to Sydney.
Collector Notes: 2014 Royal Visit stamps Issue date: 7 April 2014 Denominations: 70c. S2 40 Designed by: StJrnps and Collec1ables Busrnt•ss. New Zealand Post. Wellrngton. Nl'w ZeJiand
Printer and process: Southern Colour Pr~nt by offset lrlhogr aphy Number of colours: Four proct•ss colours Stamp size and format: 37 ~mm ' 52 mm [vertrcall Paper type: Tullro Russell 104gsm red phosphor co,J1t•d gumrnt•d stamp paper Number of stamps per sheet : 20 Perforation gauge: 14 4 ' 14 6 Withdrawal date: 6 April ?0 15
Collector Notes: 2014 Royal Visit coin Denomination: One New Zealand Dollar. Finish : Proof wrth selcctrvc colour. Composition: 0.999 srlver. Weight: 1 tray oz. Diameter: 40mm Edge treatment: Mrlled. Shape: Round. Obverse design: Portrart of Her MaJesty Queen ElrzJbeth
11 by
lan Rank-Broadley. Unrted
Krngdom Reverse Design : The Duke and Duchess of Cambrrdge wrth Prrnce Gcorge standrng rn front ol Government House. Wcllrngton. New Zealand Worldwide mintage limit : 1.500 Mint: BH Mayers KunstprageansLllt GrnbH
Changes to mail in 2015 From July 2015, how New Zealand Post delivers mail will change as a result of the updated Deed of Understanding agreement between New Zealand Post and the Government regarding postal services. As New Zealand Post has to evolve w1th the way people communtcate, we're workrng on a two-t1ered deltvery serv1ce. You'll be able to choose from etther our prem1um serv1re or our standard servtce
About the premium service Our prern1um servtce IS for pnonty and urgent matl. deltvered overntght, s1x days a week rn most places ustng our FastPost and CounerPost servtces.
About the standard service Our standard serv1ce w1ll deltver fewer days a week. however. th1s should not make any dtfference to the amount of lime 1t takes to have your ma1l deltvered. We w1ll contrnue to del1ver standard ma1l wtlhtn hree worktng days. JUSt as we do now. As the only national ma1l network. we are comm1tted to our natJonwtde ma1l serv1ce. and wtll contrnue to del1ver to more than 1 7 mtllton homes. 77 ,000 bustness premises and 200.000 PO Boxes. Deltvenng products and serv1ces to and from you IS at the heart of what we do Thts wtll always be our focus.
Contact us We're always interested in hearing your feedback on our stamps and coins, ideas for future issues, and general views on how the stamp and coin programmes could be improved. Write to us at: 6
Customer Feedback Collectables and Solut1ons Centre Pnvate Bag 3001 Whanganu1 4540 New Zealand Or send an ema1l to: collectables@nzpost.co.nz www nzpo~t eo
Latest and upcoming •
COin ISSUeS Changes to the New Zealand Annual Coin and Currency sets
2014 New Zealand Annual Coin New lP 1 11 I
tl 1 1 t yt 11 Nf I c1ve evaluated the> fHOdu t mrY of lt1P New Zel:ll mcl Anr ual Com and c.trrenc.y set , and •Je "'· ll be trnplcrncn'r• q one c.ranges "' 201/, Tt P e h r 9E haJC' erne 1t ut J 1 to C.JStomer leeclba k r<>cerv <J r <J JJdrny the 2011 pro lu ts 1
Tt r ew Led ..1n J Ann.Jal Co n 'lJS tr 1 J tror 1lly feattJre J e1 <Jcl11 JPIPcl p c res of fJew Ze,Jl"H d A we dll k11o:;, New Zedl1rHJ •S a srPd c.ouPtr 1 aPe! rt rs b ern ''Y d.llr 1 t tc... cntr11uP lh c; ser es w thout rC'pt Jl.r y spec ec, tr Jt I Jve dlrt'ddy feilt ued on corn TherPiore, wP Nrl! bP c ildrHJII19 I hP loc If'> of the Annual Co11 lrorn now on to 'l.<trnct Sp0crcs cl New Zealand· 1 heIr t c.Oif' rn thrs •er s wrll t l' tilf' kull .Jku· com. whrch w•ll be StJed n Md/ frp r c, H' w•llrrc.lude a 1oz sr ver proof "'· t Jt w ll no l IH1f'' rn l HIP r1 br r a'll un rr .Jldte J 111 r sue dl anrhJdl
y c,et. Lut :11, flO tor ger rsc, J 1 I r 1111 · uldteJ Hrer y et The proal u·re'l y et :.ll l' r er
be ssuL' I Nth 1 P PC ed srl.'er oroof urn SJe h 1t I ilS strorHJ c, qr11f1 HkC to the spec lr ye H. r Jtl er han d 'Nays l Ol1tJSrdc the Annual Corn for ex.JPrple. 111 2G 1/, thP 1,1 col 111 r Pn y set wrll be ISSded" OIHJSI(i£> the HMS AcillllP, COli I, dS 2014 marks 75 yeLJr c, s1nce the odtbrecJk of WWII drcl the Battlf' of the R vf'r Plat
We hope you erlloy the nev1 aoproac.l to tl e err r ar '' r 1r>1 PI ' k nov.' rf you rave any JlH? tor
HMS Achilles coin L
Pl ilP, o t
Hr rversdry
f tt e Ba'llt
f tt
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ornmemora e tt e eras n Neo.,-. leJI<Jr cJ
o t r relecl rnq 1 1oz rlver proal 011 w ti lotH 1ep c r J thr HMS At ,,,ues. Ne·..v Zedtdn I I> c,t kr own War ld W,u I w 11 c,h p Tne Battle of the R1vPr P dlE' me1n n lot to New Zealand due to the HMS Ac/11//L'S. New Ze,11.111d rn<lJOr rty crew, and rt had d SI<Jfldl( dill rrnp JC t Of' the er eat1on of the Rov<Jl New Zeal,wd Navy 1n 19/11 The oec, <Jil fe>atur ec, the 1-iMS Acftlles ret H nrnq ~or ne [I 111 exn E.'CJ crowd clNd t ll, lrf Vdllfl A.Jcklnnd, aloPq dP the shrp s olfrcr Jl badge The corn wrll hP rssued 111 Apr rl to cornc.rde wrth AnZdC Ocly 201/1 The HMS Achrllt~5 corn wrll :J[<;O tJe ISSIJE'rJ alonqsrde thr 7014 ew l enl<wd pr oaf c H renc1 "et
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t 0 r Ill ·h c, ('[ (' . 10 be ISSued If MdVIJlt., N' lle u 1oz lvpr r rocf 0111 TlL' d srgr fell Ht' 1 1 ' of 'qr ~~ t p IHJIIIII, the kdll uku Thr, spPC e c..o Jld qro'N to be 1 3 rmtrP l 1ll. 0 3 rn 'lrL'S taller lhJr our I II<Je t liVIng specres f perHJUIIl.th•• emperor penutllr· fhr 11111 of ll e (0111 fenture tilC' M 1011 r dfiH" • alar J rde ll t ErHJir h tnr1 cl or f ·Jiver wl o "' r turr N 'i f o J
Events and exhibitions
MAY 2014 7th
10 11th
12t h
JUNE 2014
JULY 2014 2nd
27 28th
AUGUST 2014 2nd
30-31 st A
SEPTEMBER 2014 3rd
20th lamp
tdrnp ~dll.
BAYPEX 2014 The Hawke's Bay Philatelic Society and the Hastings Stamp Collectors· Club are coming together to bring you another National Stamp Exhibition, BAYPEX 2014.
to roughly 16 pages of A4 material. There will be lots of local. national and even international philatelists, with Australian collectors actively participating in this event.
BAYPEX 2014 will be the second National Convention to be held in the Hawke's Bay area. ten years after the first one in 2004. 2014 is an especially significant year for Hawke's Bay philately. with the 60th anniversary of the Hastings Stamp Collectors· Club and the 80th anniversary of the Hawke's Bay Philatelic Society.
These events are supported by local stamp dealers. providing those who attend with an opportunity to add to their collections or. through purchases of related accessories. better identify. store or display what they have. A stamp show provides an opportunity to get advice on the care and disposal of collections that may have been given to people who are not currently stamp collectors.
A National Stamp Exhibition is held every year. with this year's taking place in sunny Napier. The National Stamp Exhibition usually has between 400 and 800 frames of stamps and postcards on display. each the equivalent
The dates for BAYPEX 2014 are 14-16 November 2014 at the Pettigrew Green Arena in Taradale, Napier.
www nzpo•t.co.nz/stamp•
Collectors' Accessories Did you know that we sell stamp collecting accessories to help keep your collect ion in mint condition? We sell several different types of album to house your collect1ons. DAVO produces h1gh-quallty albums made spec1f1cally for stamps. w1th a range of supplement pages ava1lable to house your ever grow1ng collect1on. The Hagner System IS produced spec1f1cally for stamps. w1th stock sheets made from spec1al pH board w1th pure polyester f1lm and chem1cally mert glue to ensure your stamps stay 1n pnstme cond1t10n for years to come. If you're a collector of f1rst day covers. we have spec1al albums ava1lable made to f1t such collectables. w1th add1t1onal sheets for refills ava1lable. Th1s 1s JUSt a small selectiOn of the extra pmducts we sell to add to your collectmg expenence For these products and more. look onlme at www.stamps.nzpost.eo.nz/shop www nzpo~t eo nz/!!tamps
REAL glass from the heart of New Zealand Glass blowing is an art of passion and commitment that produces incredible results. We take a Look at two of REAL Aotearoa's Long-time glass artists and their unique and differing styles.
Jess1e Neighbourhood
Shona Firman Shona created the p1eces 'Jess1e House· and 'Jess1e Netghbourhood' when her granddaughter. Jess1e, gave her a draw1ng of the1r house when she was four and sa1d. "There you go Nana. make th1s 1nto glass" ThiS qutrky piece then InSpired the 'JessJe Jessle House JeSSIC and Shona Netghbourhood'. w1th houses based on Jess1e's ne1ghbours as she grew up These whtmstcat nostalg1c p1eces capture the essence of ch1ldhood tmagtnat ton, lett1ng us all see the house and netghbourhood through Jess1e·s four year-old eyes One has to wonder what the 'Jess1e House· would look l1ke 1f Jess1e were to draw one today. The 'Jess1e HotJse· 1s mdtvtdually made and can be personal1sed w1th a house number or un1que feature to make 1t truly yours and one of a kmd .
Garry Nash Garry Nash has been creatmg un1que p1eces of glass art for more than 30 years. and h1s current work 1s the result of months of ex per 1mentat10n. W1th a new mach1ne and new glass techn1ques. he's created a new collect1on of vases n~at feature gorgeous dep1cttons of vanous flowers. The se creat1ons are un1que and come 1n a range of beaut ful colours. Th1s collect1on 1s part1cularly spec1al. as no other ar tJst 1n New Zealand has employed the same techn1que to create th1s kmd of collect1on . Garry exh1b1ts both InternatiOnally and 1n New Zealand and has p1eces 1n publ1c collectiOns worldwide You can ftnd h1s collect1on of umque vases exclus1vely a REAL Aotearoi.l Nasturt1um vase
AUCKLAND 6/ Queen Street Auckland 1010 Tel · +64 9 309 7515
WELLINGTON 1 Grey Street Wellmgton 6011 Tel. +64 4 471 1561
Ema1l info@realaotearoa .co.nz
Agapanlhus vase
CHRISTCHURCH Upper R1ccar ton PostShop 20 Wa1mar1 Road Chnstchurch 8041 Tel· ~64 3 341 6287
Webs 1te www.realaotearoa.co.nz
Tall poppy cy lmder
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Focus order form- April 2014
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If you are ma1lmg your order form from outside New Zealand. please be sure to affix the correct postage
By deb1t1ng your account w1th the New Zealand Post Collectables and Solut1ons Cen tre Iplease contact us If you would like to <et up an account!
All pnces 1nclu(le NZ Goods and Serv1ces Tax ta 15% Orders are subJect to our cuslomPr terms and conditions See www nzpost.co.nz/ purchasetermsandcond1t1ons or contact the Collectabtes and Solut1ons CPntre
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FreePost No.1, New Zealand Post, Collectables an d Solutions Centre, Pnvate Bag 3001 , Whanganui 4540 , New Zea land
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!)hftollels.. fnlnUIIUftlhUI!. bookl•ts, po~t .)rdt, OYt~a 1uu&d flf t day co~·crt, o._..~Ut·llSUf'd tf\tnt•H.He s.M~t f•rM day covers
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Nl ~ump collrct•ons.a bums, s.t l)(kbocl~<S and CP Cllll.ogu" boo•$. OAY'O alburns, VI(IOI'WI CrOM
$1 90
$2 40
$2 90
$3 40
$3 40
$6 93
$7 51
$3t 08
$36 64
$42 20
$11 42
$17 96
$27 00
$27 00
$7 00
t111tl dc)'(CCvtr rehlls
PrlltrttaiiOI't p.ck.J.. uu rNtt colecttan. 11.1amp
$5 50
No charge
No charge
No charge
No charge
No charge
p.a ks. OAVO ~pp1vments
Nz,,,.. ....., . .
If uvtralltemsln row a mlrked A are being ordered. the h•gh.st rate •PPIIII I SPYt at tt·mt m r .,.. mar k<-d B arl!' te nq r<ll'r•d t"'e po t.tgt> '5ott"1 ~ A ,j y r~ te 1! • av oll.i t! '-PO •tiP at F1 a eo adrl! !c' 00 CS 'f't , w 11'1 n ~.Hil tl.t
(1 Sterling
NZ$1 94
$1 Australia
$1 Canada
NZ$t 07
Total all secttons $ Plu~ post•g•
'd I
n•• •
South Pac1hc
East As1a
UK, Europe & Nth Amenca
Rest of World
Courier Within New Zealand
Telephone : 0800 782 677
$38 00
$45 50
$53 00
Overseas customers
•6'· 6 349 1234
------------------------------------------------------------------------$16!.95 $19£35 $20205 $20835 $20835 $700
$1000 $22.00
S611 St.500"
How to contact us :
Fax: (06) 345 7120 Oversea> customers
Att other coms !total vatuel
s s
TOTAL NZ$ ' - - ' - - - - - - - - '
Hobb1t coins
$10 00 $26.75
$22 50
$28 46
$5 00
$52 11
$60 19
+64 6 345 7120 Email: colle tablestanzpost eo nz Website: www nzpo•.t eo nz/st.1mps www nzcoms co nz
How would you like to pay? (Please do not send cash) I have enclosed a cheque/InternatiOnal money order/bank draft !payable to New Zealand Post! Please deb1t my account V1~a
Coins Prom.umg<ld
(Approx,mate eqUivalent I
Total to pay
Nrd-awer publlcat,on cotlector' loldeor
Customer number Am ex
Please charge my cred1t card NZ$
Cardholder's name
C.Jrdholder s s1gnature
Miniature Sheet Booklets
Lighthouse Stockbooks
Descri ption
Descri ption
2009 ANZAC m1mature sheet booklet
$19 90
32 sides wh1te pages
$31 20
$19 90
32 s1des black pages
2010 ANZAC m1n1ature sheet booklet
$19 90
2013 ANZAC New Zealanders Serv~ng Abroad
$19 90
Pr ice
Hard cover publ1cat1on
$79 90
$54 95
64 s1des white pages
61. s1des black pages
$74 95
L1ghthouse Royal large FDC Album lw1th f1ve double pocket ref1llsl
$72 35
L•ghthouse Com Album
Prem1er FDC Album - large deluxe
Ross Dependency Qty ~ Co d e
Total NZ$
2012 Ross Dependency Definitives- 21 Novem ber 20 12
$49 95
$9 95 $9 95 t
Five ref1lls for prem1er small deluxe FDC Album
$9 .30
Presenlallon pack
$34 00
F1ve ref1lls for prem1er large deluxe FDC Album - double pocket
Section 55 Total NZ$
F1ve refills for L1ghthouse FDC Album ls~ng lel • $13.25
F1ve ref1lls for prem1er large deluxe FDC Album - smgle pocket
Mm1ature sheet
F1ve ref1lls for L1ghthouse FDC Album !double) ~ $13.25
Sec tion 50 Total NZ$
Set of stamps
$49 95
48 s1des black pages
Victoria Cross -The New Zealand Story
48 s1des wh1te pages
Sect ion 49 Total NZ$
Descr ipti on
Tota l NZ$
2012 75th Ann1versary of the RNZAF m1n1ature sheet booklet
$9 .30 $29 90
DAVO Albums
1994 Ross Depen dency Definit ives- 2 November 1994 Set of ten gummed stamps
Descri ption
$8.80 Section 51 Total NZ$
Ot~ta l NZ$
DAVO Album !Volume 6)
$86.85 ~
DAVO Supplement pages 2010
$69 00
Limited Editions (subject to availability)
DAVO Supplement pages 2011
$69 00
Descr iption
Pr ice
DAVO Supplement pages 2012
2012 Year of the Dragon
2012 Queen El1zabeth 11 D1amond Jub1lee
Matank• 2012
' $135.00 '
Maon Rock Art
Great Voyages of New Zealand
$69.00 Section 56 Total NZ$
Section 52 Total NZ$
T r Qty
Total NZ$
$19 95
Hagner Album +
Definitive Stamps Descript ion $20 Mt Cook
Price 18 February 1994
Co de
Total NZ$
$1 25
Hagner Sheets - H 1=1 stnp. H2=2 stnps. H3=3 stnps, H4=4 stnps. H5=5 stnps, H6=6 stnps, H7=7 stnps, H8=8 stnps +
Hagner First Day Cover Sheet
WWF Collection
$1 25 +
$10 Mt Ruapehu - 2 February 1997 $1 10 Gold Round K1w1 2003 Scen1c Def~n1t1ves - set of f1ve gummed stamps $1 50 self -adhes1ve stamp 7 May 2003
2010 Scen1c DefiMves - self -adhes1ve booklet of 10 $1 20 stamps
Secti on 57 Total NZ$
Total to pay
+ $9 00 $11 80
Total all sect1ons $12 00
2010 self -adhes1ve booklet of f•ve S1 90 stamps
$9 50
2011 K1w1Stamp stnp of f1ve stamps
2011 K1w1Stamp booklet of 10 stamps
$7 00
2011 K1w1Stamp d1spenser box of 100
2011 Round K1w1 str1p of three gummed stamps
2012 Scen1c Defm1tves - self -adhes1ve $2 40 stamp
$2 40
2012 Scen1c Defln1t1ves- self-adhes1ve booklet of f1ve $2 40 stamps
Plus postage Spec1al couner serv1ce for co1ns Total amount to pay NZ$
Checklist Enter all yo u r cust omer d etails !including your customer number! In dica t e how yo u w ould like to pay Tot al you r ord er
12 00 ~
If you are not completely satisfied with your purchase, return it to us wi th in 14 days of receiving it. You can ask us to r ep lace it or give you a refund . No questions asked!
Section 53 Total NZ$
Catalogues Description 2014 Len Jury Stamp Catalogue
$1 .50
booklet of f1ve $1 80 stamps set of f1ve
• 2009 Scen1c Defln1t1ves- self adhes1ve
2010 Scen1c Def1nlt1ves Def1n1t1ve stamps
$1 .10
$21 95
2014 ACS Stamp Catalogue
$10.00 '
201 2 Com and Banknote Catalogue
$17 95
Section 54 Total NZ$
All prices are subject to change. Total NZ$
Niue Descr iption
Total NZ$
Niue Christmas- 20 November 2013
Set of four gummed stamps
Set of four gummed stamps
$7 70
M1n1ature sheet
$7 70 !-
F1rst day cover
Waterfalls of Vanuatu- 26 July 2013
M1n1ature sheet f1rst day cover
Set of four gummed stamps
F1rst day cover
$9 20
Set of four gummed stamps
M1n1ature sheet
$7 70
F1rst day cover
$8 20
M1n1ature sheet first day cover
$8 20
Total NZ$
M1n1ature sheet
F1rst day cover
Niue Traditional Dress- 23 Apr il2014
WWF Vanauatu Orange Spot Filefish- 28 March 2013
Section 44 Total NZ$
Other products still on offer
Section 40 Total NZ$
Personalised Stamps Pitcairn Island Descripti on
Descri ption
2012 Personal1sed Stamps sheetlet
Commemorating t he Coronation of HM Qu ee n Elizabeth 11 - 11 July 2013 Sheetlet
F1rst day cover
2010 Personalised Stamps Rate Change set of two sheetlets
$10 10
M1n1ature sheet f1rst day cover
$12 10
F1rst day cover
Total NZ$
$13 90
Personalised Postage ICALs) Description I Price
Prominent Pi tcairners Part 3 Lily Warren BEM - 25 September 2013 Set of five gummed stamps
Section 45 Total NZ$
HRH Prince George of Cambridge- 16 August 2013 M1n1ature sheet
Personalised Postage 2013 pack
$37 10
Personalised Postage 2013 Year of Issue cover
Total NZ$
Section 46 Total NZ$
Pitcairn In Memory of John F. Kennedy- 22 November 2013 Set of four gummed stamps
F1rst day cover
$12 20
Personalised Postage Booklets
Descripti on
Section 41 Total NZ$
2011 70c Heart Foundat1on booklet (~ncludes $1 donat1on to the Heart Foundat1onl
Tokelau Description
Price 1 Qty $800
Total NZ$
Section 47 Total NZ$
Total NZ$
Tokelau Christmas- 20 November 2013 Set of four gummed stamps M1n1ature sheet F1rst day cover M1n1ature sheet f1rst day cover
r =entation Packs
$7.35 $7.35
M1n1ature sheet
$19 90
All Blacks
i l
Matank1 2012- Maon Rock Art
$29 90
50 Years of Fnendsh1p New Zealand and Samoa
M1n1ature sheet f1rst day cover
The Hobb1t An Unexpected Journey Please send me information about the latest Tokelau stamps
.. +
Margaret Mahy Price
Break Barriers - Open Doors- 20 September 2013 Set of s1x gummed stamps
2013 Year of the Snake New Zealand Nat1ve Ferns
United Nations
Total NZ$
Queen Elizabeth 11- 60th Ann1versary of the Coronat1on
Honey Bees
New York
$31 20
$52 .70
New Zealand CoastlineS
The Hobb1t· The Desolat1on of Smaug
2013 Endangered Species- 10 October 2013 Set of 12 gummed stamps
Collecllon folder
$27 20
2013 Coin and Flag Series - 6 November 2013 Set of three gummed stamp sheets
$29 40
Ser•es folder
$40 90
Section 43 Total NZ$
$29 90 $19 90 $29 90 $29 90 $29 90
$29 90
2013 Matank1
2013 Annual Collection Folders - 10 October 2013
$29 90
Great Voyages of New Zealand
Section 42 Total NZ$
Desc ription
$29 90
2012 Queen El1zabeth 11 D1amond Jub1lee
F1rst day cover
Total NZ$
$29 90
S1r Edmund H1llary
2012 New Zealand Nat1ve Trees
Tokelau Weaving - 23 April2014 Set of four gummed stamps
$29 90
• +
$22 00
2013 Royal Baby +
$29 90 ~
$29 90 Section 48 Total NZ$
2013 Maori Art- Koru
Descripti on
1oz s1lver proof
Pri ce
Oty 1 Total NZ$
$129.00 SOLDOUT
1oz gold proof COin
Section 29 Total NZ$
Descr ipti on
Price _
Co d e
Total NZ$
Hong Kong Worl d Heritage in China Series No.2: The Old Tow n of Lijang - 22 Augu st 2013
Bank notes Description
International stamps
_ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _,_.;P...;.ri ce
Tota l NZ$
Stamp sheet let
$2.20 $2.90
2007 New Zealand Banknote set
Sheetlet first day cover
2008 New Zealand Banknote set
Hong Kong Buses- 24 September 2013
Section 30 Total NZ$
2014 Kiwi Treasures- Mitre Peak
Pri~Otw . u ..
Descript io n 1oz s1lver proof co1n 1/, oz gold proof co1n
Stamp sheetlet
$1 00
Lenticular sheetlet f1rst day cover
F1rst day cover
$4 00
Sheetlet f1rst day cover
$1 80
Set of three prest1ge first day covers
Silver spec1men co1n
Set of s1x gummed stamps
Section 37 Total NZ$
Section 31 Total NZ$
The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug
Prem1um gold proof gold
Prem1um gold proof co1n set
I 1
Souven1r sheet
$2 70 I
F1rst day cover
$3.40 !
Souven1r sheet f1rst day cover
$695.00 ~
S1lver co1n set Bnll1ant unc1rculated co1n set
$2 70
Set of four gummed stamps
$149 .00 1
Hong Kon g I nnovat ion an d Technology- 19 November 2013
$54 90
Set of s1x gummed stamps
Souven1r sheet
F1rst day cover
HMS Achilles
Souven1r sheet f1rsl day cover
Hong Kong Ou r Legislative Cou ncil- 5 December 2013
Sect ion 32 Total NZ$
1oz Silver proof COin
Set of four gummed stamps
Souven1r sheet
Section 33 Total NZ$
2014 New Zealand Currency Set (Featuring HMS Achilles silver proof coinL _ _ _....;P ...;.r ice
Description Set of f1ve proof currency co1ns and HMS Ach1/fes s1lver proof co1n
Tota l NZ$
Hong Kong In clusive Ar t s- 15 October 2013
S1lver COin w1th gold plat1ng Bnll1ant unc1rculated co1n
Oty ..,._£ode
Tot al Price __.__9~Z$
$2 70 $2 70
F1rst day cover
Souven1r sheet f1rst day cover
Hong Kong Hear t Warming- 23 J anuary 20 13 Set of SIX gummed stamps
$3.30 ~
$4 10
F1rst day cover
Secti on 38 Total NZ$
$185.00 Sect ion 34 Total NZ$
Descr i ption
2014 Royal Visit Description
Total NZ$
$139 00
M1mature sheet M1n1ature sheet f1rst day cover
Sect ion 35 Tot al NZ$
$9 90
$9 40 +
Set of two f1rst day covers
2014 New Zealand Annual Coin 1oz s lver proof COin
$129 .00 Section 36 Total NZ$
Malta Buses- Th e End of an Era Series 11- 27 Au gust 2013 Set of SIX gummed stamps
Total NZ$
Malta - Cu racao Joint Issu e 2013- Harbours- 20 August 2013
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _...;.P...;.rice
1oz Silver proof co1n
Total NZ$
$11 .00
150th An niversary of th e In ternational Red Cross- 29 October 2013 $9.60
M1n1ature sheet
$10 40
Mtn1ature sheet f1rst day cover
Malta Christmas 20 13 -18 November 2013 Set of three gummed stamps and one mtn1ature sheet
Set of two f1rst day covers
Treas u res of Malta - Series 11 Fountains - 3 January 2014 Set of three gummed stamps
$4.80 t
F1rst day cover
$5.70 Secti on 39 Total NZ$
20 12 Kiw i Treasures- Kowhai Coin
Description 1oz s1lver proof com
Sir Edmund Hillary - A Li fetime of Achievement Description
I oz gold proof com
Price $129 00
I oz gold proof com
S1lver speCimen com
Total NZ$
$89 00
New Zealand Silver Curre ncy Set Description 2011 New Zealand S1lver Currency Set- set of f1ve s1lver proof coms
2009 Annual Co in - Kakapo Description
S1lver proof co1n
S1lver proof co1n set
Brilliant unc1rculated com Brilliant unc1rculated com set
Total NZ$
Section 20 Total NZ$
Section 11 Total NZ$
1oz s1lver proof com
2012 New Zealand S1lver Currency Set lf1ve s1lver proof co~ns w1th gold-plated 1Oc C01nl
Total NZ$
Total NZ$
$259.00 $275 00
Section 21 Total NZ$
$35.00 $59 00
2012 Qu een Elizabeth 11 Diamond Jubilee Coin Description
Section 12 Total NZ$
1oz s1lver proof com w1th colour
2010 Icons of New Zealand
Total NZ$
$129 00 Section 22 Total NZ$
I oz gold proof K1w1 and Southern Cross com
Total NZ$
2012 New Zealand Annua l Coin - Fairy Tern
1oz s1lver proof K1w1 and Southern Cross com
$89 00
1oz spec1men-qual1 ty s 1lver bull1on K1w1 and
f Descri ption
Southern Cross com
1oz Silver proof co1n
Proof currency set
Brilliant unCirculated
Brilliant unc1rculated currency set
2010 New Zealand Annual Coin- Maui's Dolphin
Price $89 .00 $149.00 $35.00
Brilliant unc1rculated currency set
$59 00
Total NZ$
2013 Kiwi Treasures - Tane Mahuta Coin +
1oz s1lver proof co~n
$129 00 $895.00
I, oz gold proof co~n S1lver spec1men com
2011 All Blacks Coin: the silver fern Price
1oz Silver proof coli'
Ph1latel1c num1smat1C cover
Total NZ$
Prem1um gold proof com set S1lver proof co~n w1th gold plat~ng
201 1 Icons of New Zealand Price $785.00
~Q ty
S1lver proof
Total NZ$
Total NZ$
$10,995.00 $149 00 $889 00
Brilliant unc1rculated com Brilliant unc1rculated com set
$99 .50
1oz Silver proof com 1oz spec1men-qual1ty s1lver bull1on com
$79.00 Section 24 Total NZ$
Description -------~---Price 1 Qty Prem1um gold proof co~n $3.695.00
Section 15 Total NZ$
I oz gold proof co1n
Qty â&#x20AC;¢ Total NZ$
2012 The Hobbit: An Unexpected Jour ney
$29 50
$69.00 Section 23 Total NZ$
Section 14 Total NZ$
Total NZ$
Section 13 Total NZ$
Description S1lver proof com S1lver proof currency set Brilliant unc1rculated com
$29 90 $85.00 Section 25 Total NZ$
Section 16 Total NZ$
2011 New Zealand Annual Coin- Yellow-eyed Penguin Description
Silver proof com
S1lver proof currency set
Bnll1ant unc1rculated com
Brilliant unCirculated currency set
Total NZ$
2013 New Zealand Currency Set Description
2013 New Zealand Proof Currency Set if1ve proof-qual1ty cams and Annual Cam 1n brilliant unc1rculated qual1tyl
$119 90
2013 New Zealand Brilliant Unc1rculated Currency Set
Total NZ$
$49 90 Section 26 Total NZ$
Section 17 Total NZ$
2013 New Zealand Annua l Coin- Short-tailed Bat 2011 All Blacks Coin : the haka
1oz s1lver proof com
1oz s1lver proof com w1th colour
$ 139 .00
Total NZ$
Brilliant unc1rculated com
2012 Maori Art - Hei Matau Coin
1oz gold proof com
Total NZ$
$39.00 Section 27 To tal NZ$
Section 18 Total NZ$
Description 1oz s1lver proof com
Queen Elizabeth 11 - 60th Anniversary of t he Cor onation
Price $139.00
Section 19 Total NZ$
Total NZ$
Description 1oz s1lver proof com
$129 00 Sectio n 28 Total NZ$
Total NZ$
New Zealand stamps ~ The Hobbit : The Desolation of Smaug- 1 November 2013 Description
Set of s1x gummed stamps
70c Thonn Oakensh1eld
$1 90 Taunel
$2 10 B1lbo Baggms
$2.40 Legolas Greenleaf
$2 90 Bard the Bowman
Total NZ$
_ __
$11 .90
Set of s1x mm1ature sheets
Sel of s1x mm 1ature sheet f1rst day covers
max 1mum cards
$1 40 Landsburg1a quercdol1a
$1 40
$ 1.90 Caulerpa browm1
$2 40 Margmariella boryana
$2 90 Pteroclad1a luc1da
$2 90
F1rst day cover
M1n1ature sheet
$9 30
Mm1ature sheet f1rst day cover
$9 80
Presentat1on pack
Stnp of s1x self~adhes1ve stamps
Presentat1on pack
Ult1mate collect1on
$29 90 Section 6 Total NZ$
. [ Construction of a Nation - 5 March 2014
Descript ion Section 1 Total NZ$
2013 Ross Dependency- Antarctic Food Web - 20 November 2013 Description
70c Hormos1ra banks//
~ r<;de 1 Total NZ$
.._I_ P _rice
Set of f1ve gummed stamps
F1rst day cover w1th gummed stamps
$1 .40 Gandalf
Set of
New Zealand Native Seaweeds- 5 February 2014
$1 40
$1 90 Cal1forn1an Bungalow
$2.40 Art Deco
Set of f1ve gummed stamps
$2.90 State House
$2 90
F1rst day cover
$9 .80
F1rst day cover
Mm1ature sheet
$9 .30
Mm1ature sheet f1rst day cover
$9 .80
Presentat1on pack
i I
M1n1ature shee t
Mm1ature sheet f1rst day cover
$29 90
L1m1ted Ed1t1on
Cod~otal NZ$
$1 40 V1lla ..,--
Oty ,
$9 30
70c Colon1al Cottage
I Code ~ Total NZ$
• Price
Set of f1ve gummed stamps
Presentat1on pack
$29 90
$135.00 Section 7 Tot al NZ$
Section 2 Total NZ$
[ Anzac 2014 - WWII Poster Art~Apri!1.Q.} 4
The New Zealand Collecti on 2013 - November 2013
Description Annual Album
Qt y
Total NZ$
$121 .00 Section 3 Total NZ$
2014 Year of the Horse - 8January 2014 Description
Set of four gummed stamps
Set of
gummed stamps
Qt y
Mm1ature sheet booklet
F1rst day cover
Code_,_ Total NZ$
Section 8 Tota l NZ$
Total NZ$
$6.40 +
70c P1ctogram
$1.40 Paper-cut Horse
$1 40
Set of two gummed stamps
$1 90 Equestnan
$1 90
F1 rst day cover
$2.40 Rotorua Museum
Code 1 Total NZ$
$3.10 $3.60 Section 9 Total NZ$
$2 40 t
F1rst day cover
M1n1ature sheet
Mm1ature sheet f1rst day cover
PresentatiOn pack Framed and numbered gold-fo1led mm1ature sheet subject to ava1lab1/ity Gold-fo1led mm1ature sheet stand
m perspex
fu 13 Ann ual Packs
$19 90 $560.00
[ Descri ption
2013 New Zealand Stamp Pack
$127 80
20 13 New Zealand F1rst Day Cover Pack
$224 40
Total NZ$
Section 10 Total NZ$ $188.00
Section 4 Total NZ$
~ty $10.00 $12.00 $11 50 $14 00 $65.00 Section 5 Total NZ$
Mmt stamps w1ll be suppl1ed unless you spec1f1cally request otherw1se If you w1sh to order used IUI or cancelled !Cl stamps. please md1cate th1s by wntmg t he letter U or Cas appropnate next to the quant1ty you reqUire. To order blocks or sheets from relevant 1ssues. please enter a code from the l1st below m the 'Code' column. Codes for th e types of blocks and sheets are as follows : PB =Plate block. VA =Value block. BA = Barcode block, LO =Logo block, ST = Sheet of stamps
Puzzle time ACROSS 4. 5. 6. 9. 13. 16. 17. 20. 21. 26. 27. 31 . 32. 33.
A mark appl1ed to ma 1l to 1nd1cate the name of the post off1ce of ong1n and the ma1l1ng date How many stamp 1ssues were released 1n 1965? Two unseparated stamps The . of the Shepherds was dep1cted on the f1rst New Zealand Chnstmas stamp 1n 1960 The term used to descnbe New Zealand 's f1rst postage stamps Collector's term for a stamp beanng a des1gn other than a portra1l, numeral or coat of arms The defacmg of a stamp to prevent 1ts reuse These msects featured on thew own stamp issue in 2013 Wh1ch sport1s dep1cled on the 50c stamp in the 1989 Commonwealth Games stamp 1ssue? Wh1ch pet1s on the 1999 Year of the Rabb1t- Popular Pets $1 .80 stamp? The .... Islands featured on a stamp 1ssue 1n 1970 Th1s h1stonc event celebrated 1ts 25th anniversary 1n 1994 Wh1ch maJor Government change rece1ved 1ts own stamp ISSUe In 1996? A ......... features on the Government Lde Insurance stamps. firSt ISSued In 1891
DOWN 1. 2. 3. 7. 8. 10. 11. 12. 14.
18. 19.
21 . 22.
24. 25. 28. 29. 30.
A stamp that IS unused , undamaged and w1th full or1gmal gum Wh1ch nat1ve b1rd featured on the $1.00 stamp 1n the 81rd DefJn1t1ves 1ssue of 1985? Wh1ch televiSIOn senes from Great Bntam had a stamp 1ssue celebrating 1ts 50-year run 1n 2013? Th1s fnendly mammal features on the $ 1.50 stamp 1n the 1994 issue Emerg1ng Years- 1950's Wh1ch prov1nce celebrated 1ts centenn1al1n the 1959 stamp 1ssue? The ...... sp1der featured 1n the 1997 stamp 1ssue Creepy Crawl1es 11 2010 marked 50 years of ......... stamps Lake ........ is dep1cted on the $3.50 2012 Scemc Oeflmt1ve stamp A spec1al1sed area of collectmg. concentrating on a1rma1l stamps and/or mail1tems transported by a1r The Royal New Zealand .... celebrated 1ts 50th ann1versary In 2003 How many stamps appeared 1n the 2013 Class1c Travel Posters 1ssue? Th1s esteemed New Zealand sc1enl1st had h1s own stamp 1ssue to commemorate the centenary of h1s b1rth 1n 1971 Th1s cup featured on New Zealand's f1rst 30 stamp. 1ssued 1n 2011 2014 IS the Year of the Horse 1n the Ch1nese zod1ac 2015 w1ll be the Year of the ..... although 1t can be known as the Year of the Sheep or Year of the Ram The 1929 Health stamp 1ssued was pnnted w1lh the slogan 'Help stamp out .. .. . . .. .' Th1s vmtage form of transport appeared on a 1985 stamp 1ssue Which country did the JOint 1ssue w1th New Zealand titled Art Meets Craft 1n 2002? In a JOint 1ssue w1th Australia 1n 1965. th1s man appeared on h1s own 7d stamp Th1s flower featured on the 1990 stamp 1ssue released 1n support of the 1990 World Stamp Exh1b1l10n held 1n Auckland The name of the ph1latel1c exhibition held 1n Chnstchurch 1n 1977
ANSWERS: See page 17 www nzpost eo nz/stamps
Recent stamp issues The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug 'The Hobb1t The DesolatiOn of Smaug 1s the second f1lm 1n 'The Hobb1t' tnlogy, created 1n New Zealand by our very own Academy Award®-wtnntng ftlmmaker S1r Peter Jackson. The mov1e has taken the world by storm and these off 1c1al stamps are the perfect accompaniment to th ts eptc ftlm Date of tssue:
· I;:
-) I· • \ t
I •I . . ' , I
I• ,,
Novrmbr>r 201
Des1gner: ' rnp <1r11 Coli l ill t3tt m . Nt•w Zc, .,nd Pc •. Wt g ·' NI 'J l Jnd Printer: Gummed: tthc rn C on Pnr l by olf nt ltr 'lgnpry Self-adhesive: Au tr lt Po t Srr1rtpak At, tnl1 Withdrawal date: 31 Ortob('r 7C 14
~ J
.. I
~ I
1'.: (o
2013 Ross Dependency: Antarctic Food Web The 2013 Ros~ Dependency c;tamp tssue ts one not to be mtssed. lt tells the story of the Antarcttc food web. whtch enables a vast array of wtldltfe 1n the Ross Dependency to survtvc Date of issue : L N
Des1gner: St H'1p lnd I et Jtl 1/'. rr11 Nr,v/ tnrl
B(, r
NZ 11 r JP
Pnnter: Gummed:' tlr£'r'1 Colc, Jr Pr nt ty fl ,et l!hc,qrdphv Self-adhesive: Au ,tr Jlt Po • S[Jnntp;k, Au l'JIIl Withdrawal date: 1 Q, 1 b r 2( 1t.
2014 Year of the Horse The Year of l he Horse began on 31 January 2014. and brought wtth 1t celebraltons of the Chtnese New Year 1n New Zealand, 1n Ch1na and around the world. Date of 1ssue: o
Des1gner: A Jworks. Pnnter:
N('w Zea 1nd
Jrt< r Sr Jr ty Pr nttng, Frdn' t.v fl
1 thoqraph'y
Withdrawal date: 7 JanJ 1ry 201.J
n7pO<>I eo nd~tamp
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Recent stamp issues 2014 New Zealand Game Bird Habitat Collection Each year on 2 February, the Game B1rd Hab1tat Collection IS 1ssued to celebrate World Wetlands , "''OA' Day The 2014 1ssue 1s the 21st 1n the senes and :?~;..r~~~ -'4> features the pukeko ~-(Jii-_J Date of issue: 2 Febr.Jary 2014 <3 -~ · ~ ~
De.s 1gner : j( anette
Bld~kb-.~rn, RoloruJ, New b.aland
Pnnter : Southerr Co ur Pr nt by uffs~tl1thogruphy Date of withdrawal : 1 February 201 >
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New Zealand Native Seaweeds New Zealand's un1que man ne environment IS home to nearly 900 species of native seaweed, a third of wh1ch occur nowhere else 1n the world F1ve of these nat1ve seaweeds are celebrated 1n th1s un1que stamp issue.
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Dat e of 1ssue: 5 February 2014 Des1gner : 2Dr4 Des1gn. Wellrngton, New Zea wnd Pnnter : South<·rn Colour Pr nt by offsn 1thogr 1pl1y Withdraw al date: 4 Febru:rry 201 >
Construction of a Nation Take a look ~ack at the early years of New Zealand's hous1ng w1th the ConstructiOn of a Nat1on stamp 1ssue. From the colon1al cottage to the state house, New Zealand's early houstng helped shape the character of our towns and landscapes Issue dat e: < Mo.Jr~h 2014 Des1gner : Stomps "nd Cc. le 'tabl•·s Bu<-r'lc .s. New Zeatand Post, Wtltrngton N(W ZCcLIIJnd Pnnter : Jti· r CoiOlJf Pr fll by offsr t rlhogr aphy Withdrawal date: I. Mar d· 701 'i
Collectables Whanganur New Zealand
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1-- - - - - j ~ First day of Issue 5 March 2014
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Anzac 2014: WWII Poster Art 2014 marks the 75th ann1versary of the outbreak of World War 11- a war 1n whtch nearly 200,000 men and 10,000 women served for New Zealand both overseas and at home. To commemorate th1s occas1on , we look back at New Zealand's World War 11 Poster art Issue dat e:
April 2014
Des1gner : Stamps and Coli ctables Bucrnt:: ,r., N!o'w Z~:a1and Post, Well1ngton, New Zedllnd Pnnter : Southur Colour Prrnt by offset rthogr dphy Withdrawal date: 1 Apnl J'll <
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Niue Niue Traditional Dress j[ 'H I If f ,,, I r. a r r ) I lr, dflri l/fl q w r Jd • ne, nf wt 1cl we I ovv rnE>r~"ly J srna san p t.: 11 th N ,e Tnd11 ( fldl Dress .t Fnp 1 J Der ' te I r ld'nf,S ne ti--e p 1 o 1 lh 11! pp tl bE> t rn JOt fr r ,r I' 11d rl, I t ut l lpr n h I r d pdtJI t .~ 1r l l'~cJrl·' 11rr J '•eP bark •fl If hre I, H'rJtcJr l' l.~~fl'IH I rr l tr r ; ,t ry f • ',,)
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Date of issue : Denommations: cover designed by: ' Printer :
Number of stamps: Stamps and first day Jf
Number of colours :
Stamp s1ze and format : stamps per sheet :
Perforation gauge :
Paper type: Number of Penod of sale :
Tokelau To kelau Weaving r J , 't ,!'it c r , "t fr1 rn th 11 s S'l[, Le" t ilV 1 anJ, IT kt> rill Wt h"r q serve bott rrcJ ·r Jl 1r d de or Jt1ve p FpO ~.: as sePn 1r th c, t Hnp ss JP Tt e r Jlt V'J •h IPf 1 le J If ludr d t1ul11nJ 11 rd etl. r If ' /J.Jlel I olJt:~l, t !pill 'fan! d'ld alO t> !Sk tl tv1 t 'J'1Vl n r dft lv r ks Jr" rn 1d( fr IT r ldl I dvd lnble m 1 i 1 1l J 1 ~ e lr m'i,m 1, P dl 1r J 1 1 h 1lt. r l CJI 1 I ,V,
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Date of issue : Denominations: cover designed by: · Printer :
Number of stamps: Stamps and first day
Number of colours :
Stamp size and format : r'
stamps per sheet :
Perforation gauge :
Paper type: Number of Period of sale : r
nzpost eo nz/stamps
International stamps Hong Kon g
Hong Kong Inclusive Arts Date of 1ssue· 15 October 2013
Hong Kong World Heritage in China Series No.2 : The Old Town of Lijang
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Date of 1ssue: 22 August 2013
[;;~.~ ~ Set of four gummed stamps $2 70
Souven1r sheet $2 70
D Stamp sheetlet. $2.20
Sheellet f1rst day cover: $2.90
Hong Kong Buses Date of 1ssue: 24 September 2013
Fzrst day cover: $3.40
Souvenir sheet fzrst day cover $3 40
Hong Kong Innovation and Technology Date of issue: 19 November 2013
Stamp sheetlet: $1 00
Set of SIX gummed stamps: $3.80
Souventr sheet $3.80
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Lent1cutar sheetlet f1rst day cover $4 80 F1rst day cover $4 60 ', q I • I
F1rst day cover: $4 00
Souven1r sheet f1rst day cover $4 60
Hong Kong -Our Legislative Council
Date of 1ssue: 5 December 2013
Sheetlet f1rst day cover $1.80
Set of four gummed stamps: $2 70
Souven1r sheet $2.70
F•rst day cover· $3 40
Souven1r sheet f1rst day cover· $3.40
Hong Kong Heart Warming Date of 1ssue: 23 January 20 14
Set of three prestige f1rst day covers $6.50
Set of szx gummed stamps. $3.30
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Fzrst day cover $4 I 0
www nzpost eo nz/stamps
International stamps Malta
Treasures of Malta- Series 11 Fountains
Malta- Curacao Joint Issue 2013 - Harbours
Date of 1ssue: 3 January 2014
Date of tssue 20 Augu st 2013
F~rst day cover $5 70
Mm1ature ~heel $9 90
Mm1ature sheet first day cover $10 80
Set of three gummed stamps $6 80
Pitcairn Island
Malta Buses - The End of an Era Series 11 Date of 1ssue 27 August 2013
Commemorating the Coronation of HM Queen Elizabeth 11 Date of tssue 11 Juty 2013
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Sheet let $7 80
Fu-st day cover $9 80
HRH Prince George of Cambridge
Set of s1x gummed stamps $9 60
Date of tssue 16 August 2013 Set of two first day cover s $11 00
Malta 150th Anniversary of the International Red Cross Date of ts5ue 29 October 2013
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M1mature sheet f1rst day cover $12 10
.l Prominent Pitcairners Part 3 Lily Warren BEM
Mm1ature sheet $9 60
Mm1.1turc sheet f~r;t day cover $10 60
Date of tssue 25 September 2013
Malta Christmas 2013 Date of 1ssue 18 November 2013
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Set of f1ve gummed stamps $9 60
Ftrst day
$11 60
Set of two f~rsl day covers $8.50
Set of three gummed stampc. and one mmldiUr~> sheet S6 80
www 111p0 I eo nz/ lamp
International stamps Pitcairn In Memory of John F. Kennedy
2013 Coin and Flag Series
Date of 1ssue 22 November 2013
Date of 1ssue 6 November 2013
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Set of four gummed
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day cover S 12 20
S 10 30
Set of three gummed stamp sheets $2'1 40
United Nations Break Barriers- Open Doors Date of 1ssue 20 September 2013
Senes folder $40 90
Vanuatu Set of
gummed stamps $13 20
WWF Vanuatu Orange Spot Filefish Date of 1ssue 28 March 2013
2013 Annual Collection Folders Date of 1ssue 10 October 2013 .... ,, ., ...
New York $31 20
Set of lour gummed stamps $6.80
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Vtenna $52 70
\;\1\l/;\fl/ Geneva $50 30 Mtntature sheet $13.60
F 1r~t day cover $8.50
2013 Endangered Species Waterfalls of Vanuatu
Date of 1ssue 10 October 2013
Date of 1ssue 26 July 2013
Set of 12 gummed stamps $22 60 Set of lour gummed stamps $7.50
Ftrst day cover $9 20
PUZZLE TIME ANSWERS Across: 4. Postmark, 5. E1ght , 6. Pa1r, 9. Adorat1on, 13. Full Face Queens, 16. P1ctonal, 17. Obl1 t erat1on. 20 . Honey Bees, 21 . We1ghtl1ft1ng. 26. Budg1e, 27. Chatham. 31. Moon Land1ng. 32 . MMP, 33 . Ltghthouse
Cotlectton folder $27 20
www nzpo
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n.z st 1mp
Down : 1. Mtnt, 2. Kokako. 3. Doctor Who. 7. Opo. 8. Marlborough, 10. Kattpo, 11 . Chrtstmas, 12. Matheson, 14. Aerophtlately, 15. Ballet. 18. Twenty, 19. Rutherford, 21. Webb Ell1s, 22. Goat, 23. Tuberculosis, 24. Trams, 25. Sweden, 28. Churchill, 29. Orch1d, 30. Panpex