Kia ora ,
welcome ! 2014 is almos t over, and irs been a busy year for the Stam ps and Coins team with issue themes ranging fro m anniversari es of war to legendary landm ark s. In August we marked the centenary of the beginning of World War I with a tribut e event that rem emb ered our Post & Telegraph work ers who served in the war, followed by the launch of our Fir st World War stamp and coin pr ogram me. We're excited about the upcoming final film in 'The Hobbit' Motion Picture Trilogy, The Hobbit : The Battle of th e Five Armies. This final film wil l truly be the end of an era for Middl e-eart h. Alongside the story and charac terbased stam p and coin pr oducts to be launched soon, we have an exciti ng new personalised stam p product that you can rea d about on the opposite page. We're always looking at new and excitin g ways to make our sta mps and coins more innovative and interes ti ng. This year we experi mented with ther mochr om ic ink with our Endang ered Seabir ds stamp issue . Plus , our brand -new 20 15 Kiw i Coin is our fir st foray into glow - inthe- dark technolo gy on coins. You can learn mor e abou t th e 20 15 Kiwi Coin on page 6, and you could win one for your self ! In th is issue of Focus, we bring you new Niue and Tokel au stamp s, exquisitely carved pounamu with a contem pory twist fr om REAL Aotearoa, and much more. You'll noti ce the order form is provided seperately, however the ordering process hasn't changed. I hope you enjoy thi s issue. If you have any feedback please get in touch.
Simon Allison Head of Stamps and Coins Please note: The finished products may differ from those illustrated in this newsletter.
Focus may not illustrate aU stamp, coin and collectable products that are featured in this issue or that appear in the order form. Artwork and articles from Focus may not be extracted for reprinting without prior permission from the New Zealand Post Stamps and Collectables Business. For more information and to request permission, please contact the Design Co-ordinator. Stamps Business. Private Bag 39990. Wellington
Mail Cenl re . Lower Hutt 5045.
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'DWARF' YOURSELF WITH PER'DNALlSED STAMPS After six films, 13 years, 33 Oscarnominations and 17 wins, the Middle-earth films are set to come to an end with the release of 'The Hobbit: The Battle of the Five Armies'. New Zealand Post is excited about the third film in The Hobbit Motion Picture Trilogyand has created a brand-new series of Personalised Stamps to coincide with the release of the final film. 'The Hobbit: The Battle of the Five Armies ' br ings to an epic concl usio n the adventu r es of Bilb o Baggins, Thor in Oakenshield and the Company of Dwarves. Having recl aimed their hom eland fr om th e Dragon Smaug, the Company unwitt ingl y unl eashes a deadly force into the world. Enraged, Smaug rains his fiery wrath down upon the defenceless men, women and children of Lake-t own . Obsessed above all else with his r eclaim ed tr easure, Thori n sacrifices fr iendship and honour to hoard it as Bilbo's frant ic attem pts to make him see reason drive the Hobbit toward s a desperate and dangerous choice. Unseen by any but the Wizar d Gandalf. the great enemy Sauron has sent forth legions of Orcs in a stealt h attac k upon the Lonely Mount ain. As dar kness converges on their escalating confl ict, the races of Dwarves, Elves and Men must decide - unite or be destr oyed. Bilbo finds him self fight ing for his lif e and the lives of his fr iends in the epic Battle of th e Five Arm ies, as the futur e of Middle-eart h hangs in the balance.
Join the Company of Thorin Oakenshield You could becom e one of the might y Dwarves of the Company of Thorin Oakenshi eld through New Zealand Post's newest range of Personal ised Stam ps. Issued especially for 'The Hobbit: The Battle of the Five Ar m ies', you can upload a picture of yourse l f onli ne and tra nsform yourself int o one of the 13 Dwarves from 'The Hobbit' trilogy. Use the onlin e tools availab le to move, rotate and change the size of your image unt il it 's just right. Once you're happy with your tr ansform at ion, simp ly foll ow the rest of the steps onli ne, and you'll be on your way to becomi ng par t of the race of Dwarves Ion a sta mp]. Keep these enter taining stam ps for your self or use them as postage to show the world how mig hty a Dwarf you would be (vali d for postage fr om New Zealand only ],
Available from mid-October from
C!Warner 81'1>5. Enlert . inment Inc. All rights reserved. THEHOBBIT: THE BATTLE OFTHE FIVEARMIES . nd the n.m n ol lnt' charllclen. items. events and place, Iherein are lrademarks 01Ttl. 5.ul l ••nu Com~ny d/b/ a MJddl. ·..r1h
Enterprlsn under Uel n, . to N_ lin e Productions. Inc. www .nzposl .co.nzls lamps
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First World War centenary tribute New Zealand Post was privileged to host a tribute event to mark the centenary of the outbreak of World War I on 4 August 2014. As well as honouring those who served in the First World War, we paid tribute to those from Post & Telegraph (the forbear of New Zealand Post} who served New Zealand during this world-changing event. The event began at Queens Wharf in Well ington with more than 200 people marchi ng to Te Papa, representin g the 234 wor ker s who were killed in the line of duty, Incl uded in the march were employees from New Zealand Post, the Corps of Royal New Zealand Engineers and the 7th Batt alion Band, Following the march the New Zealand fla g was lowered to half -mas t outsi de Te Papa, befor e the crowd was brough t insi de for the Ceremony of Remembran ce. Attendees were invited to sing God Save the Queen before an address by Lt. Col Ben Pitt of the Corps of Royal New Zealand Engineers , A candle was lit in the wi ndow by the Act ing Br itish High Com missione r, Patrick Riley, and D'arcy Waihi, a descendant of the Postmaster in 1914. This echoed a nationwide campaign held in Britain where Br itons were asked to turn out their lights and light candles for those who wen t to war, This event was inspired by the word s spoken by the then foreig n secre tary of Bri tain before the declaration of war, "The lam ps are going out all over Europe; we shall not see them lit again in our lifetime". Three wreat hs were laid at the foot of the Roll of Honour , which showed the names of the 234 Post &
Telegr aph workers who died in service, After a moment of silence during the Last Post and a reading of the ode in Maor i and Engl ish by the head boy and girl of Naenae College, the Lor d's Prayer was read by the Most Reverend John Dew, Archbishop of Well ington, follo wed by a blessing, The Ceremony of Rememb rance came to a close with the New Zealan d national anthem, God Defend New Zealand. New Zealand Post 's five-year stam p and coin programme was launche d im mediately after the Ceremony of Rememb rance. Arapata Hakiwai , actin g Chief Executive of Te Papa, spoke about the program me and upcom ing comme morative events honouring the Fir st World War at Te Papa, followe d by a speech from Brian Roche, CEO of New Zealand Post. We were extremely lucky to have in attendance th ree generations of descendants of Melvill e Mirf in, the sol dier whose story of service in th e First Wor ld War is tol d through the 1914 For King & Empi re stam ps. Three of Melvill e's descendants spoke about Melville and his time dur ing the First Worl d War - John Mirfin [Melvilles son], Stuar t Mirf in [Melville's nephew!. and Commodore Ross Smith [Melville 's grandson and second-i n-co mm and of the New Zealand Navyl,
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Collector News
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s Changes to first day covers in 2015
Aotearoa New Zealand Silver Proof Coin Set
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Fro m the first issue in 2015, we'll be cha ngin g how we sell the firs t day covers from our com memo ra tive stamp issues . At the mome nt, we keep the first day covers on sale for 365 days - the same amou nt of time as the rest of the prod ucts in the stamp iss ue lexce pt for presentat ion packs and Limited Editions, whic h r ema in on sale indefinitely!. Going forwa rd, the fir st day covers will only be available for pur chase for eight weeks aft er the issue dates. This poli cy has lo ng been adopted by inte rna tional postal services who issue comme morative stamps and we believe this will make the fir st day covers more valua ble to customers.
Personalised Postage Booklets
Owing to th e positive r esponse to our recent Aotearoa New Zealand Silver Pro of Coin Set, we recently conducted a survey aski ng the customers who pur chased the set wha t had appealed to them about th is special issue. Customer insight s are invaluable , and we'd lik e to thank everyone who took the time to respond to our survey. The lu cky winn er of the $100 Prezzy Card ÂŽ is Harold Robert. A gr eat way to ensure that you don't miss out on futu re special issues li ke this is to set up a standing order. To do so, please contac t the Collec tables and Solutions Centre in Whanganui. See the order form for contact details.
New Zealand Post has recently produ ced per sonalised postag e labels for Touri sm New Zealand i-Sites acro ss the country. Owing to the range of bookl ets available , these wi ll not be offe red as par t of the 201 4 Personali sed Postage Pack, but will be availa ble to order sepera tely in early 2015.
Last chance to order!
Pride in Print Awards In May 2014 the Pride in Print Award s were held in Auckland. We'r e very pleased to announce that some of our products took home gold award s. Southe rn Colou r Print won award s for our Queen Elizabeth /I - 60th Ann iver sary of the Coro natio n pr esentat ion pack, The Hobbit : The Desolat ion of Smaug pre sentat ion pack, the New Zealand Coastlin es pre sentat ion pack, and received two gold awards for the Hon ey Bees pre sentation pack. Three addit ional gold award s were won for the Queen Elizabeth /I - 60th Ann iversary of the Coronation panes set and miniature sheet, plu s the Matarik i 20 13 stamps.
www nzpost
In the enclose d order form there is a section labelled 'La st chance to order' . This will be your last opportunity to ord er these pr oduct s befor e they come off sale permanently on 30 Novemb er 2014. We advise that you get your orders in as soon as you can if you are intere sted.
50 years ago... Issued 50 year s ago in October 1964, th is Chr istma s stamp depict s an arti st' s im pressio n of the fir st Chri stma s service in New Zealand, as it was the sesquicentenary of the event.
Ross Dependency 2014: The Penguins of Antarctica Keep an eye out In November for our latest Ross Dependency issue. This special Ross Dependency stamp issue takes a look at five species of penguin that either call Antar ctica home , or breed on the northern tip of the Antar cti c Peninsul a - the emperor, Adelle. macar oni, gentoo and chinstrap penguins. The stam ps depict the penguins in their natural habita t and feature an over gloss of a compass design. Available in this ~sue are five g5 U . ed stamps, a miniature sheer-a fi' coyer. a miniat ure sheet fir st ay. ~ pr esentation pack and a Limited Edition .
Ross Dependency and Greenland joint issue: From Pole to Pole For the first time. the Ross Dependency is issuing a joi nt stamp issue with Greenland. The Ross Dependency and Greenland ar e literally 'poles apart '. with the South Pole sitting at 90° south and the North Pole sitting at 90° north in Greenlan d. The wildlife in the Arctic is very diffe rent from that in the Antarc tic. with several species of mammal. including polar bears and Arctic foxes that could not survive at the South Pole. This special joint issue includes a joint miniature sheet !featuring the $3.00 Ross Dependency stamp and a replica of Greenland's Polar Bear stampl and a miniature sheet first day cover. Issue date : 19 November 2014
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Upcoming stamp issues
2015 Year of the Sheep
ICC Cricket World Cup 2015
The Chinese New Year stamps make a return in 2015 with the Year of the Sheep. The sheep, lalso known as the ram or the goat) is the eighth sign in the Chinese zodiac. Those born under the sign of the sheep are said to be polite, clever and kind-hearted and have a tendency to enjoy the quiet life . Sheep have a special connection to New Zealand with our agricultural industries, which can be seen on this set of stamps. ~~; of the Sh~p
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Illustra tion only
Cricket fans all over the world are buzzing with excitement about the upcoming ICC Cricket World Cup 2015, and those in New Zealand and Australia are no exception . To celebrate New Zealand's status as co-host of this exciting event, New Zealand Post will be issuing a set of stamps and an innovative coin in February 2015. Keep an eye out for more information in early 2015,
Events and exhibitions Here's a look at what 's coming up in the philatelic commu nity in the next few month s.
OCTOBER 2014 4
Browns Bay Stamp Fair
Bill Leggetl Collectables Fair If' D',.... M· urr
Stampex 2014
Christchurch Stamp Fair P I, -nt U R I' 9a AuckLand Philatelic Society
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Ambury Shield Interclub Competition 2013 Falrfw ld Bapt _I ChlJr"h
New Zealand
Christchurch Stamp Fair, Ph tate Eentre
National Exhibition
67 Mande '!dle Street.
New Zealand Philatelic Federation Annual General meeting PhII.ItE,1I Centr "'7 MandE HE' ;In ., ~hr .tchur.
Hall. 101 HE ,ph, T o-ra HarT'lt')f~
Pettigrew rjr~€'n Arf'ra Nap er
Rl' art!
Ellerslie Stamp Fair fl ~r':,11 Pr m,uy Slh Hal 1 Kelm a SIr ., E"~nll"". IOarr
DECEMBER 2014 1-6
Malaysia 2014 World Youth
Brow ns Bay Stamp Fair Senior Citizens Rooms. Inverness Road. Browns Bay. Auckland
Bill Leggen Collectables Fair James Cae 1. Dowse Museum. Lamqe Road. Lower Hutt. lOam 3pm
Ellerslie Stamp Fair Ettershe Primary School Hall. 12 Kalmia Street. Ellerslie.
Christchurch Stamp Fair Phrtateltc Centre. 67 Mandevtll St. Rl.cartcn. 9am 12pm
Kuala Lumpur
Christchurch Stamp Fair, Pfutatetrc Centre, 67 MandeVille Street. Rrccartcn.
This schedule was cor rect at th e tim e of pr int and is subject to chang e. For furth er infor m ati on contact th e New Zeal and Phil at elic Feder ation IN ZPF)
2014 Matariki launch Back in June we were pleased to laun ch our 20 14 Matariki: Papatiiimuku and Ranginui stamp and coin issue at Te Papa. Some of the artis ts whose work featured on the stamps and coin were in atte ndance, incl uding Phil Mokar aka Berry, and the guest of honour of the evening, Cliff Whit ing. Rangi Kipa, the designer of the stamps, also atte nded.The location of the launch had special significance, as the marae at Te Papa was designed by Cliff Whit ing.
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Did you know... The tales of how some of these legendary landmarks came to be are almost as interesting as the towns they represent. Here are a few things you might not know about some of the landmarks in our Legendary Landmarks stamp issue. The Lemon & Paeroa bottle Initially constructed in 1967 as part of a Christmas promotion as a space rocket, the bottle was reassem bled in 1968 for Christmas festivities and repain ted to depict the famous dri nk made in the area. Early in 1969, the bottle was once again dismantled and put away, but was reassem bled after the local council agreed it made a grea t focal point for the town.
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Cromwell fruit Presented to the town by the Rotary Club of Cromwell in 1990, these massive pieces of fruit were constru cted to advert ise and celebrate Cromwell's fruit -growing industry. Cromwell is known as the Fruit Bowl of the South and the fruit depicted include an apple, a pear, a nectarine and an apricot. They are made from steel beams and fibreglass and weigh between 1.8 and 3 tonnes .
Manaia bread capital Alfre d Ya rrow and his family settle d in Manaia in 1923, where they founded Yarrows Family Bakers. This bakery employed, and continues to employ, a good por tion of the town's popula tion , providing bread and frozen pastries to customers arou nd New Zealand and overseas. Owing to Yarrows bringing this thriving business to Manaia, Manaia began promoting itself as the 'bread capital' of New Zealand, including building the 3D bread sign.
Free set of postcards with each stamp sheet or set of hrst day covers purchased.
Youth Philatelist of the Year 2014 Youth Philatelist of the YearAnna McTaggart Anna McTaggart has been an active member of the Hutt Valley Junior Stamp Club since 2008 and has won most of the club awards during her mem bershi p. She has been a regular atten dee at Philatelic Youth Councill PYC! Youth Camps, has exhibite d regularly in PYC and national philatelic exhibitions and has received the PYC Gold Award . Anna is also very active in the Girls ' Briga de from which she has received its highes t award, the Queen's Award . Anna was presented with the 2014 Youth Philatelist of the Year Award at the July meeting of the Hutt Vall ey Junior Stamp Club.
Anna recewmq her ceruhca te a nd trophy from Ter ry Isaac. NZPF Central Reqron delegat e
Scott Parker: Pouna mu carver Drawn from traditional Maori art, culture and design, pounamu carving is an art form that is used for self-expression and story telling. Emerging pounamu artist Scott Parker has an innovative and fresh approach to working with pounamu, including adding precious metals and diamonds to his work. It is this approach that allows for REAL Aotearoa to have a great working relationship with Scott.
Born in Rotorua in 1990. Scott was trained in pounamu carving by family frie nd Peter Akker. Akker then employed Scott for eightee n mon ths until Scott was offered an appren ticeship in manufac turing jewellery. Ten months into this appren tices hip. Scott received th e Manufacturing Jewellers ' Appre ntice of the Year awar d for 2011 . Scott says of Peter Akker and his influe nce on his work. "Peter gave me the skills and opportunity to produce work of an award-winning standard - I learnt very quickly there is no place for sub-stan dard work. and that my work was a reflection of who I was, not only as an art ist but as a person ." Scott mostly works with pounamu. creating traditional Maori pieces like heitiki and toki, but with a contemporary twist with the addition of silver, gold and diamonds. He is currently studying to become a quali fied manufacturing jeweller. and creates contemporary jewellery pieces. Some of his work has a special fam ily touch . His father
AUCKLAND 62 Queen Street Auckland 1010 Tel: +64 9 309 7515
WELLINGTON 1 Grey Street Wellington 6011 Tel : +64 4 471 1561
is a fellow artist and creates hand crafte d wooden boxes. which some of Scott's pieces are housed in. REAL Aotearoa has a special worki ng relationship with Scott. Not only is his work available for sale through REAL Aotearoa. REAL Aotearoa has commiss ioned special pieces fro m him. These pieces incl ude a Southern Cross pounamu toki which contai ns four diamonds to r epr esent the New Zealand Southern Cross with an extra 'star' in sterling silver to repr esent the Australian Southern Cross, pictu r ed above. Anothe r exceptional piece of his work is a heitiki . made from New Zealand pounamu , which comes with a special toggle in the shape of a poppy. made especially for Anzac day. Scott Parker's work can be seen in various exhibit ions and his work is featured in private collections both nationally and interna tionally. You can see some of Scott's work for yourself at REAL Aotearoa .
Email: Website :
www.nzpo!>l stamps
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Puzzle time
All the answers in th is crossword re late to recent stam p and coin issues .
2. The nam e of the third Hobbit movie is 'The Hobbit: The Battle of the Five ......'
4. Which acronym "nee ds men "on the $ 1.40 stam p fro m the 20 14Anzac issue? 8. The Hotmosurs banksii. as seen on the 70c stam p fr om the New Zealand Nat ive Seaweed s issue . IS also known as?
10. Mar tin ....... plays the titu la r Hobbit, Bilbo Baggins. in the Peter Jackso n tri logy 'The Ho bbit'
11. Lord ......... features on on e of the BOc stam ps fro m the 1914 For King & Empir e stam p issue 13. The colo nial ....... was one of the earlies t styles of housing in New Zeala nd 14. How ma ny years has it been since the Firs t Worl d War ?
20. The Maori ......... features an the $ 2.90 stamp fro m our 2014 Anzac issue
21. What is the name of the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge's fir st born son?
26. The 2014 Chris tmas stam pS are illustrated by Lindy ...... 27. The New Zealand ..... Tern , as seen on the Endangered Seabirds starn p issue, has a popula tio n of fewer than 50
1. Hom e of the giant gum boot, as seen in th e Legendary Landmarks sta mp issue
3. What is the nam e of the dragon that features in Peter Jackson's 'The Hobbit' tr ilogy?
5. Which sporti ng team had it S sta mps reissued in May 2014?
6. This housing style is also kn awn as the 'Modern e'. and features on the $2.40 stam p fr om the Cons tr uctio n of a Nat ion issue 7. The Duke and Duchess of ......... are the star s of the Royal Visit 2014 issue 8. The 70c stam p in the Royal Visit 20 14 issue feature s a photo fr om the Middl eton family hom e in ............ Berk shir e 9. The Landburgia quer cifolia fr om the New Zealand Nat ive Seaweeds issue is ....... to New Zealand 12. Many Chinese characters are der ived fr om stamp fr om the Year of the Hor se issue
, as seen on the 70c
15. The town that was home to 'Ope' . Which features in the Legendary Landmarks stamp issue 16. The title of the 'MZ gold proof coin in the 1914 For King & Emp ire coins is 'The Great ......... Begin s'
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23. Cli ff .......'s work is shown on the 20 14 Maar ; Art coin
22. Which vegetable features on the self-ad hesive stamp in the 2014 Chil dren's Health issue?
15. Which town is known as th e 'Kiwia na Town' as seen In our Legendary Landm arks sta mp issue ? 18. As seen in the Mata riki 20 14 stam p issue. according to folklor e. Tane is the god of human kind and what ...-Iife?
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ANSWERS : See page 19
17. The Antipodean ......... feature s on the BOc stamp in the Endangered Seabird s issue 19. The 20 14 Matariki stam p issue looks at the story of Papetuanuku and ........ 24. What animal is on the 2014 New Zealand Post Chinese New Year stamps ? 25. What is the surname of the West Coast serviceman featured in the 1914 For King & Empire stamp issue? 27. New Zealand Post has been issuing Chr istma s stamps for .....-four years
If you get stuck, visit our websites and for clues 13
Recent stamp issues Matariki 2014: Papatuanuku and Ranginui When the star cluster known as Matarikl rises in the sky, it signals the beginning of the Maori New Year. The Matarikl2014 stamp issue tells the Maori creation narrative of Papatuanuku and Ranginui through the work of six accomplished New Zealand artists.
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Date of issue: 4 June 2014 Designer: Rangi Kipa, Te Atiawa, Taranaki Tuturu Pr int er : Southern Colour .,,,\i_~ Prin t Ltd by offset lithography Withd rawal date: 3 June 2015
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Legendary Landmarks Whether they're 'off the beaten track' or 'on the main drag ', numerous New Zealand towns have made a name for themselves by erecting 'legendary landmarks' that tell stories about the towns' history, culture and landscapes. With every stamp sheet or set of first day covers ordered, you'll receive a free set of the Legendary Landmarks postcards. Date of issue : 2 July 2014 Designer : Graeme Mowday and Tim Christie, Well ington, New Zealand Pr int er : Southern Colour Prin t Ltd by offset lithography Wit hdrawal date: 1 July 2016
LEGENDARY LANDMARKS flr)l o.y01IU Uf 2 July201-4 CollKUbIft, WN~nul. HZ
1914 For King & Empire The declaration of war affected nearly every New Zealander; with a population of just one million and approximately 100,000 people being sent overseas to war, around 18,500 New Zealanders would not make It home . This stamp Issue IS the first In a five-year series commemorating 100 years since the First World War. Date of issue: 29 July 2014 Designer: Stralegy Design and Advertising, Wellinglon, New Zealand Pr inter: Southern Colour Print Ltd by offset lithography Wit hdr awal date: 28 July 2015
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Recent stamp issues
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Endangered Seabirds New Zealand IS the undisputed seabird capital of the world. with 86 species of seabird breeding on our shores - of which 36 breed nowhe re else in the world. These stamps have been pr int ed with thermochromic ink, so w hen you heat the bird silhouettes with your finger, they will disappear . Date of iss ue : 3 September 2014 Designer: New Zealand Post . Well ington, New Zealand Printer: South ern Colour Print Ltd by offse t tithography Withdrawal date: 2 Sep tember 2015
2014 Child re n's Health : Growin g a Healthy Future Every year New Zealand Post issues a Children·s Healt h stam p issue that su pports Stand Child re n's Services TO Maia Whanau. Ten cents fro m each stamp in this issue goes directly to Stand Children's Services to aid the service it provides to child ren around New Zealan d. Date of issue: 3 September 2014 Designer: Insight Well ington. New Zea ta nd Printer : Southe rn Colour -; <r ~ Pr int Ltd by offset lithography ~ ... '" Withdrawal date: \1 Children's} ~ Health !j 2 Se pte m be r 2015
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Christmas 2014 For ma ny childre n in New Zealand , performing in a nativi ty play is a festive tradition. The story of the nativity play is told through stunning illustra tions on the 2014 Christmas stam ps. Date of issue: 1 Octob er 2014 Designer: Lindy Fish er, Well ington , New Zea ta nd Printer: Southe rn Colour Print Ltd by offse t lithogr aphy Withdrawal date : 30 Se pte m be r 2015
www stamp s
New issues from Niue and Tokelau 2014 Scenic Definitives: A Tour of Niue
Take a tour of picturesque Niue with its latest stamp Issue. From the stunning natural beauty of the Tavalu Arches to a relaxing round of golf, these stamps take you all over beautitul Niue In a special scernc definitives stamp Issue. Date of issue: 15 October 2014 Number of stamps: Eight gum med Denominations: 20c, 30c. $1.00. $1.20, $1.40, $1.70. $2.00 and $4.00 Stamps and first day covers designed by: New Zealand Post Ltd, Wellington. New Zealand Printer: Southern Colour Pront Ltd by offset lithography
Set of eight gummed stamps
Number of colours: Four process colours Stamp size and format : 25mm x 50mm
lhorizontall Paper type: Novalech Satin 103gsm gummed paper Number of stamps per sheet : 25 Perforation gauge: 14.4 x14
Period of sale: These stamps will remain on sale until further nonce.
Set of two fir st day covers
Tokelau Language Week
Tokelau Language Week will run from 29 October to 4 November 2014. This special week alms 10 highlight and promote the use of Tokelau language. as well as display the rich culture and heritage of Tokelau. The stamps In this issue include common Tokelauan phrases as well as the English translations .
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Date of issue: 15 October 2014 Number of stamps : Four gummed
Denominations: 45c. $1.40, $2.00 and $3.00
$2 ¡00
Stamps and first day cover designed by: New Zealand Post Ltd, Well ington, New Zealand Printer: Collectables and Solutions Centre. New Zealand Post Ltd, Whanganu r, New Zealand Number of colours : Four process colours Stamp size and format: 40mm x 30mm [horizontal] Paper type: Tullis Russe1l104gsm red phosphor gummed stamp paper Number of stamps per sheet: 16 Perforation gauge: 13.33 Period of sale: Unless stocks are exhausted earlier, these stamps will remain on sale until 14 October 2015
~ $140
$3 .00
Note : As of these new issues. our first day covers for Niue and Tokelau will be 110mm x 195mm. as opposed to 190mm x 205mm . This change makes these first day covers the same size a s those issued by other international postage organisations .
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Internationalsta mps
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Hong Kong Hong Kong Chinese Dinosaurs
Hong Kong International Day of Families
Dat e of iss ue: 20 Febr uary 2014
Dal e of iss ue: 15 May 2014
Set of sill. gummed stamps : $3 .70
Set of four gummed stamps: $2 .60
Souveni r sheet : $ 2.60
Firs t day cover : $3 .30
Souvenir hrst day cover : $3 .30
Souvenir sheet: $3 .70
Set 01pres tige fi rs t day covers : $6 .00
Hong Kong Museums Collection WU Guangzhong Date of issue: 17 Jun e 2014
Souvenir ur st day cover : $4 .50
First day cover : $4.50
Hong Kong Weather Phenomena Min t set of silt gummed stam ps : $3 .60
Dat e of iss ue : 27 March 2014
First day cover : $.4,30
Mint sheette t with sill. gummed stam ps: $1.90 Sheetlet h- st day cover : $2 .60
Set 01 Sill gummed stamps: $3 .60 Len ticular shee ttet : $3.90
Malta Malta Israel Joint Issue 2014 Date of issue: 28 Janu ary 2014
~ lenticular sbeettet firsl day cover: $4.60
Sheettet nr st day cover: $ 1.70
Mint stamp : $1 .10
First day cover : $ 2.00
Malta Maritime Series II Commemorations Date of iss ue: 18 March 2014 Firs t day cover: $4 .30
Set 01prestige Irrs t day covers : $6.70
Set of four gu mmed stam ps : $7 .50
www .nzpos t stamps
First day cover : $8 .30
International stamps Malta The Canonisa tion of Pope John XXII & Pope John Paul II
Maltese Flora Dat e of issue : 27 June 2014
Date of iss ue: 26 April 2014
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Mint miniature sheet : $4 ,40
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Set of three gum med stam ps: $' .10
First day cover : $5 .20
Firs t day cover: $4 .90
Malta 10th Anniversary Accession to the European Un ion Date of issue: 30 April 2014
Mint stamp : S1.20
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Pitcairn Island Pitcairn Ship Landing Point Bounty Bay Date of issue : 18 Decemb er 2013
~ First day cover: $2.00 Set of Sill gummed stamps: S11.10
First day cover : $13 .00
Malta Europa 2014 Nationa l Musical Inst ruments Date of iss ue: 19 May 2014
Pitcairn Albatross
Date of issue: 27 February 2014
Set ollwo gummed stamps : 55.60
First day cover : $6 .40
Miniature shee t : $9.00
Min iature shee t first day cover : $10 .90
Malta Anniversaries 2014 Date of issue : 15 May 2014
Pitcairn 225th Anniversary of Mutiny on HMAV Bounty Dat e of issue: 28 Apr il 2014
~ Mint miniature sheet : $7 .30
Miniature sbeet urst day cover : 58.10
Malta 2014 FIFA World Cup Brazil
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First day cover: $ 12.SO Set 01four gummed stam ps : $ 10.50
Date of iss ue: 12 Jun e 2014
Pitca irn Botanica Date of issue: 12 June 2014
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Mini miniature sheet : " .20
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MinIature sheet Ilrst day cover : 55.20
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Set of six gummed stam ps : $ 13.10
First day cover: S15.10 pos .nzlslam ps
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International stamps
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Pitcairn Commemorating World War I Dat e of iss ue: 28 July 2014
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Vanuatu Christmas 2013
Dat e of iss ue: 6 Novemb er 2013
Mini m inia tu re shee t : $1.80
Miniat ure shee t lirst day cover: $9.80
Set 01four gumm ed
United Nations
stamps: $8 .80
United Nations International Day of Happiness Date of iss ue: 17 March 2014
Firs t day cover $10 .50
Vanuatu's Underwater Post Office 10th Anniversary Date of iss ue: 11 Decemb er 2013
Set of six gum me d sta m ps : $1 2.10
Souvenir shee t $5.60 Souvenir sneet hrs t day cover $7 .20
United Nations The Flag Series 2014 Dat e of iss ue: 27 Mar ch 2014
Vanuatu Joint Issue with Fiji Underwater Cable Date of issu e: 15 January 2014
Set of fou r gummed stam ps : $ 7.10
Souve nir fold er $8 .40
Mint se t of si x gummed
sta mps: S12.10
United Nations Jazz
Firs t day cover : $ 13.70
Dat e of issue: 30 Apr il 2014
Vanuatu Wan Smolbag Dat e of iss ue: 7 May 2014
Set of thr ee gummed sta m p shee ts : $4 7.10
United Nations 2014 Definitives
Set of l ou r gumm ed sta m ps : $7.50
Firs t day cover ; $9 .10
Date of iss ue: 6 Jun e 2014
Mini set 01 six gummed stam ps : $ 16.30
ACROSS : 2. Armi es. 4. RNZAF, 8. Bubbleweed. 10. Freeman, 11. Kit chener. 13. Cottag e. 14. One Hundred, 15. Otorohanga. 18. Forest. 20. Batt ali on. 21. Georg e. 22. Pumpk in, 23. Whit ing, 26. Fisher. 27. Fairy
DOWN : 1. Taihape. 3. Smaug, 5. All Blacks. 6. Art Deco, 7. Cambri dge. 8. Bucklebury, 9. Endem ic, 12. Pict ogram s, 15. Opononi, 16. Adventure, 17. Alb atross. 19. Ranqinu i, 24. Hor se. 25. Mirfin, 27. Fifty
www .nzpos t ps