Focus Number 60 October 2015

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Kia ora,

welcome! Irs been a busy time for the Stamps and Coins team in the past few month s, with the creation of plenty of new and exciting issues. Our Kiwi Kitchen stamps and tea towel were warmly received by the publi c and collec tors ali ke, and we' re confident that our upcoming issues wi ll be posit ively received too. 2015 mark s an exciting mil estone for the All Blacks as th ey aim to reclaim their title of Rugby World Cup champions. So that everyone can show their support and back the boys in black, we've created a world- firs t. innovative stam p and coin issue. The stamp contai ns official fabric supplie d by adidas from the 2015 All Blacks home replica jersey and has been die-cut and pr int ed wi th the official AIG, adidas and All Blacks logos, so it tr uly rese mbles the legendary All Blacks jersey . Complemen ting this stamp is a unique jersey-shaped coin, which has the official AIG, adidas and All Blacks logos shining throu gh in pure silver and even has the subtle contouring of an actual jersey when it's worn . You can win one of these coins for yourself and read about the process behind creating such a unique issue on page 5. This year marks a signi fican t event for the monarchy, with Queen Elizabeth II officially becoming Br itain's longest rei gning monarch. To commemorate this historic event, we've created a stamp issue that takes a look at how much New Zealand has changed since Her Majesty ascended the throne in 1953, as well as the world 's first rotating coin. Read more about the changing face of New Zealand throu ghout Queen Elizabeth's rei gn on page 3. We've made significant changes to our hand cancelli ng [date stampingl policies, which we explain on page 12. Also in this issue of Focus are infor mation about upcoming stamp issues, a look at what you can expect fr om The Capital Stamp Show and all about our recent issues from Niue and Tokelau. If you have any feedback or suggestions relating to stam p issues, coin issues or conte nt in this issue of Focus, please don't hesitate to get in touch.

Simon Allison Head of Stamps and Coins Please note : The finished products m ay differ from those illustrated in this newslell er.

Focus may net illus trate all s tamp. coin and collecta ble products that are featured in this issue or that appear in the order form. Artwork and articles from Focus may not be extracted for reprinting without prior permission from New Zealand Post's Stamps and Collectables Business. For more information and to request permission, please contact the Design Co-ordinator, Stamps Business, Private Bag 39990. Wellington

Mail Serv ice Cenlre, Lower Hult 5045. slam ps


New ZeaLand's



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Longest Reigning Monarch







Queen Elizabeth II has featured on nearly 20 New Zealand stamp issues since her coronation in 1953, This year she became Britain's longest reigning monarch, and to mark her histori c reign, we've created a stamp issue that looks back at her vast time on the throne in the context of events in New Zealand's history,








From when Sir Edmund Hillary conquered Mount Everest to Opo the dolphin winning our hearts , the '50s were an exciti ng time for New Zealand, From Queen Elizabeth's fir st royal visit, it became clear that Her Majesty was going to be a popular monarch,


The 1960s brought a lot of change, with New Zealand introducing decimal currency, Her Majesty sending a message of sympathy after the Wahine trag edy, Peter Snell breaking the world mile record and and conscienti ous New Zealander s prot esting our involvement in the Vietnam war,


Queen Eli zabeth was brought to our shores once mor e in the 1970s dur ing her Silver Jubilee tour, dur ing which she offi cially opened the Beehive where the Cabinet would work, It was also the decade of carles s days and the Telethon , and sadly ended with tr agedy at Mount Erebus.


New Zealand was engulfed by sport s in the 1980s, with the underarm bowling incident enraging Kiwi s and the 1987 Rugby World Cup win cementi ng our place on the world sporting stage. During thi s tim e New Zealand became nucl ear free.


There were movings and shakings politicall y and lit era lly in the 1990s, with Mount Ruapehu erupti ng and New Zealand moving to the MMP electoral system, New Zealand won the Ameri ca's Cup and the iconic Sky Tower was officiall y opened,


1 January 2000 brought the dawn of the new millennium, with New Zealand being the fir st to see the sun. Our status as 'Middleearth' was cemented with the release of 'The Lord of the Rings' motion picture trilogy and our brand identity was reinforced with the discovery of Shrek the sheep, Queen Eli zabeth visited once more in 2002 for her Golden Jubil ee tour,


The 201Os brought the younger members of the royal family to our shore s, with Prince Will iam visiting in 2011 following the Christchurch earthquakes and again in 2014 with the Duchess and Prince of Cambridge . 2015 marked 100 years since the Galli poli campaign, with Prince Harry visiting for commemorative events, and New Zealand was excited to co-host the ICC Cricket World Cup 2015. in whi ch the BLACKCAPS made the final.

A worLd-first rotating coin To commemorate Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II's historic reign, we've created the world 's first rotati ng coin, This special coin is made up of two parts - a 10z silver proof inner section, and a non-precious-metal outer ri m, The inner features two gold -plate d New Zealand effigies - the official portrait of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II by Ian Rank-Broadley on the obverse, and the first effigy by Mary Gillick from 1953 on the reverse. The packaging allows you to admire and rotate the inner as you please, while keeping it in mint condition for years to come, The coin has a worldwide mintage of 2.015 and won't be available for long,

RRP: $149.00 Worldwide min tage limit: 2,015 Please refer to the Focus order form to purchase your New Zealand's Longest Reigning Monarch products ,


The lure of coins, medals and banknotes By David Galt There are many rout es to getting hooked on coins, medals and bankn otes. For me it was seeing unusual coins in pocket change in the 1960s. Penni es wer e so common that many households would throw them into tins after getting them in change. However. they held a certain fascination . New Zealand had in circ ulation its own pennie s showi ng the tu i and kowhai fl owers. and British pennies dating back 70 years or mor e, showing Britannia on the rever se. On the obverse they showed a stern - looking Queen Victoria. together with her son King Edward VII, grand son King George V. great-grandson King Georg e VI and a youthful great-grea t-g randdaughter, Queen Elizabeth II. There were also Australian penni es. whi ch wer e mu ch more exciti ng to a child of the '60s - the cla ssic portrait of the kangar oo was irresistible. From those beginnings. it was possible to branch out int o the trav el change of indulgent fami ly fr iends at little cost. The key elements of a good collection were th ere. even in pennies: ar t and design with those elegant portrayals of tui s and kangaroos . history shown by the occupant s of the Bri tish thr one, and commerce . Thr ee pennies could buy a good ice-c ream. so there was clear value in th e most elementary collection. Coins have sat at the int ersecti on of art . history and commerce for thousands of years . They sit there now. aided and abette d by bankn otes and medal s that ill ust rate simila r themes. Roman coins were issued to celebrate the virtues of imp eri al leaders and gr eat victor ies in war, and someti mes to show the fooli shn ess of re sist ing the Emperor [pri soners of war wer e shown in subjugation!. Medals might celebra te valour and other gr eat deeds, but nowadays they ofte n celebrate com merc ial success . Coins being an easy means for citizens to carry out business tr ansaction s with each other was a r oute to the adoption of coins everyw here. That is why they are now the most commo n ancient artefacts. Many ancient coins can be obtained re markably cheaply. Upon enquiring in a Romanian antique shop in 2014 if th ey had any ancient Roman coins in stock. I was pr esented with a cake tin full and offe red as many as I want ed at five for a euro INZ$1.60!. However. the quality wasn't great and I was able to resist temptati on despite feeling drawn to own something 2,000 year s old. Design matt ers a lot for coins and this of course gets reflected in valu e. Even amongst adult s. coins showing elephants tend to get higher pri ces than others fr om the same countries. The inventiveness of New Zealand Post and authori ties in other countries in producing 4

comme morative coins al so illustrate s the importance of design - so we have seen coins with colour. coins with unusual shapes such as thre e-dimensional sports balls Ino prize s for guessing whi ch one in New Zealand 's easel. icons such as gr eenston e. coins in different -coloured metals. and so on. Many adult s are drawn to coins in the hope of making a winning investmen t. It is possible - if a collecti ng field suddenly becom es vastly more popular. the coins can soar in value. Some Russian coin sets fr om the Soviet era in the 1970s - when collecting was fr owned upon officially as 'hoarding' in the face of scarci ty - were init ially regard ed as worth little , but have soared into the thou sand -dollar range as Russians have tak en up collec ting in recent year s. The sam e happened to the bankn otes issued by privat e trad ing banks in New Zealand prior to the Reserve Bank' s monopoly on iss uing them from 1934. People would cash them in at banks for face valu e until the 1970s, and the few r emaining can now be worth thou sands of dollars. More real isti c investments are coins made of preciou s metals such as silver. gold or platinum, whi ch have intrinsic value . Every coin of thr eepence value and high er iss ued in New Zealand prior to 1946 had silver content and dealers will pay multiple time s their face value for them. Prices can be expected to wend their way slowly upwards coveri ng inflation or perhap s a little more. despit e flu ctuat ions with tim e. The more cer tain return , though. comes fr om knowing something about the coins - the satis faction of being able to apprec iate ar t. history and commerce in your own hom e. You might even share your numi smati c stories with friend s. You would then be halfway toward s one of the oth er lures of coins. medal s and banknot es - the fr iendships and fun that can come fr om belonging to a numismat ic society. On occasions, I wonder whether the Royal Num ismati c Society of New Zealand is more of a din ing and social cl ub than a serious institution for the study and promoti on of numi smatics. The quest ion is. though. quite unn ecessary - the Society and others like it can provide both friendship and support for the hobby. Perhap s the ult imate lure might be to turn your hobby int o your job - some thing I have been fortun ate to be able to do. This will not be for everyone. but numi smati cs supports a sur pris ing number of pr ofessionals, ranging from issuers of new pr oducts such as New Zealand Post to trad ers. designers, and distributors of coins and notes in security firm s and bank s. David Galt is President of the Royal Numismatic Society of New Zealand. The Society is the larg est org anisat ion repre senting the interests of all involved in coins. medal s and banknot es in New Zealand . It promot es resear ch. information of inter est, and oppor tuniti es to buy and sell coins banknote s and medals. He has collected coins since th e 1960s and has been a Dire ctor and Manager of Coins. Banknotes and Medals at Mowbray Colle ctabl es. a stam p and coin auct ion house, since May 2015.


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Staff profiles Meetfour members of our customer services team - Teresa Crowley, Meg Willis, Vicki Stanford and Denise Quirk. When did you join the company? 1984. What's your day-to-day role? As a Customer Services Representative I comm unicate with our customers via ernails, phone calls and letters, as well as organi se repla cement orders , participate in production work, and do anything else the day may bring , What's the most rewarding part of your job? The most rewarding part of my job is being able to answer/solve customers ' enquirie s in a satisfactory mann er. How do you relax when you're not at work? Occasionally I go for walk s and I do variou s hand craft work Iknitting, crochet, needlepoint and sewing!. watch TV, spend time onlin e and cook. On the weekend I enjoy going out for a coffee lor two or three!. and afterward s enjoy looking through the shops.

When did you join the company? 1999. What's your day-to-day role? In my role as a Customer Services Representative, I open mail. answer the phone, input orders and take care of other miscellan eous tasks. What's the most rewarding part of your job? I enjoy the interaction with customers and gett ing my work done, includ ing production. How do you relax when you're not at work? I play football on the weekends along with the rest of the family. I love watching movies and eating cupcakes... or even better, doing nothing !

When did you join the company? 1975. What's your day-to-day role? I'm a Custome r Services Representat ive, so that involves general office dut ies, emails, answering phones etc. What's the most rewarding part of your job? The most rewarding part of my job is having contact with our customers and assisting with their needs. How do you relax when you're not at work? To relax when I'm not at work I enjoy walking, biking and camping holidays. I love spending tim e with my new grandchildren, and I especially love going shopping!

When did you join the company? 1975. What's your day-to -day role? I am a Customer Services Representative, which involves being the contact point between our customers and the Stamps and Collectables Business. What's the most reward ing part of your j ob? I enjoy processing customers ' orders and meeting deadlin es. How do you relax when you're not at work? I rela x outside work by gardening, walking and spending time with my family. 6,nz/stamps

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Collector news










The closure of REAL Aotea roa As New Zealand Post continues to deliver its strategy for the future, we have reviewed the REAL Aotearoa stores as part of our retail offer ing. While REAL Aotearoa has been successful in meet ing the needs of colle ctor s and has diversified into new products , the New Zealand Post Group is focused on being a world-class parcels. mail and financial services business.


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As a result of this review. we decided that REAL Aotearoa no longer fitt ed within this strategy. As a result we closed the REAL Aotearoa Auckland store in July and the Wellington store in August. We would like to ensure that your philat elic and num ismatic requirements are still met. and we encourage you to go onlin e or or go to your local PostShop to purchase products . For an update on our policy regard ing date stam ping philat elic mail, please refer to page 12.

Restricted vs prohib ited items At the request of the New Zealand Philateli c Feder ation, we have agreed to change our poli cy regarding stamp s being considered proh ibited ite ms when sent in the mail. From now on stam ps will not be considered prohibite d items, and will be considered restric ted items .

ICC Cricket World Cup 2015 charity auction After the devastating that effect Cyclone Pam had on Vanuat u, we listed the number '2,015' ICC Cricket World Cup 2015 silver proof coin on Trade Meto raise funds for Red Cross. The auction closed in late March and we were proud to have raised $ 1,255. 100 per cent of these proceeds went to Red Cross.

R ECEN T COMPETITION DRAWS Here is a list of the winners from our latest competi tion draws . We would like to thank everyone who part icipated in the draw s ~nd congratulate our lucky winners.

Annual Focus survey draw

Kiwi Kitchen prize draw

The lu cky winners: Paul Townsend Peter Meer Will iam Power Elizabeth Wall ace Kenneth Sequei ra

We hel d a pri ze draw for people who were selected to be part of our annual survey, with the pr ize being one of five copies of The New Zealand Collectio n 20 14.

We held a prize draw for anyone who purchased any produ ct fr om our Kiwi Kitchen stam p issue. The prize was a morning tea shout and a Kiwi Kitchen stam p and tea towel prize pack worth up to $ 1000.

Digital survey draw

The lucky winner: Mary Kir k of Christch urch

We held a prize draw for people who agreed to part icipat e in our digital survey, wi th the pri ze being one copy of The New Zealand Collec tion 20 14.

2015 The Spirit of Anzac coin authentication

The lucky winner : Len Hepi of Palme r ston Nort h

competition To commemorate the issue of New Zealand's fir st coloured com memorative circulatin g coin, we encouraged people to register their 50-cen t coins to go in the draw to win a '14oz gold proof coin from our 1915 The Spirit of Anzac issue. The lu cky w inner: Greg Fulton of Hamilton

April Focus competition As part of our April 2015 issue of Focus, we ran a giveaway where a lucky customer coul d win the numb er '2,015' 20 15 The Spirit of Anzac premium silver proof coin if they purchased anyth ing fr om that issue. The l ucky w inner: Fulvio Biaggi of Switzerland


Niue and the First World War ,I , :







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The First World War was a conflict that truly engulfed the wortd: not even a small island nation like Niue was excluded from the fray. Not many people know of Niue's involvement, so 100 years on we are commemorating their contribution to the war effort through this special stamp issue. We worked closely with Margaret Pointer to bring thi s issue together to ensure we commemorated th e sacr ific e the Niuean soldiers made in an appropriate way. Margaret Pointer is a history and geography teacher who was inspire d to docum ent th e history of Niue aft er living there in the 1990s with her husband, who was th e New Zealand High Comm issioner at the tim e. Margaret wrot e Niue 1774-1974 1I0r which she received a Copyright Licensing New Zealand Award in 2013l. and Tag i Tote e Lata Haaku: My Heart is Cryi ng a Little - Niue Isl and Involvem ent in the Great War. For many of th ese Niuean serviceme n, this was "the first time they had left their home. They faced many unexpected difficulties during th eir service, incl uding language barriers , issues with footwear [as many Niueans walked barefoot over coral, wh ich altered th eir foot structurel. dietary problem s and a lack of immunity to European il lnesses. 150 men left Niue in October 1915; 15 died dur ing the ordeal and only 30 managed to complete the ir service without needing tr eatm ent for sickness.

The surviving Niueans were returned hom e by late 1916, and although the ir contribut ion was bri ef, it is deserving of rem embrance and commemoration . A week -long com memorat ive programme is being held in Niue to honour it s involvement in th e Fir st World War, culm inat ing in th e Niu ean WWI Cent enary Memorial Celebration Day on 13 October. Throughout the week there'll be art, cultura l and photograph ic display s along side church servi ces, sport and fishing days, a show day in the villag e of Avatele and a com memorati on ball. The Niuean WWI Centenary Memorial Celebr ation Day will begin at 2pm, when a plaqu e from the New Zealand Government will be unveiled at Tomb Point in th e capital of Alof i, with New Zealand Defence Force soldiers in att endance. You can learn more about the Niueans' story in-d epth with th e presentation pack, written by Margaret Point er, from the Niu e and th e First World War stam p issue. Refer to th e ord er form to purchase your s. The Niue and th e First World War issue will be available from 13 October 2015.

Set of two fir st day covers . $12.80

Present at ion pack. RRP: $24.90 Sheetle t of eight stamps. $11.80

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Upcoming stamp issues





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2015 Ross Dependency - Imperial Trans-Antarctic Expedition


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Considered one of the last expedit ions of the 'Heroi c Age of Antarct ic Exploration ', this tr ans-Antarcti c expedition was headed by Sir Ern est Shackleton and took place fr om 1914 through to 191 7, Alth ough the part y was unsuccessful in their aim to cross Antarct ica due to the loss of the ir ship in the mi ddle of the Antarct ic pack ice, th e voyage was recognised as an astoun ding feat of endurance, Availa ble in this issue will be a set of six stamps, a set of two miniature sheets , a set of two first day covers , a set of


two mi niature sheet fir st day covers , a presentation pack and a Lim ited Edition, The pr esentat ion pack and Limited Edition , writt en by the Antarct ic Heritage Tru st, wi ll take a mor e in- depth look at th e expedition as well as pr ovide more details about th e ori gins and per ils encountered in thi s challe nging journ ey,


The 20 15 Ross Dependency - Imp er ial Trans -Ant arctic Expedition stamp issue will be available from 4 November 2015,


2015 Christmas Stained- glass windows are a tr aditi onal and beaut iful art form seen in many New Zealand churches and build ings, This special Chris tmas iss ue looks at some of the stainedglass wind ows found in New Zealand that depict Chris tmas imagery, As well as our annua l ' Buy 10 interna tio nal stamps and pay for 9' deal to help wi th sending your Christmas mail , we've pr oduced a unique mini ature sheet especially for th is issue,

Printed on translucent paper!

The mi niature sheet is print ed on special transl ucent paper to give the effect of a stained-glass window, When applie d to the miniature sheet first day cover, the mi niature sheet rese mbles a church window, comp lete with an outdoor scene visi ble th rough th e top of the 'wi ndow' , The 20 15 Christm as stam p iss ue wi ll be available from 4 Novemb er 2015,


Events and exhibitions Here's a look at what's coming up in the philatelic community in the next few months. For further informat ion. conta ct the New Zealand Philatelic Federatio n or the New Zealand Stamp Dealer s Association [NZSDAI.

OCTOBER 2015 3



23,24, 25

Chris tch urch Stamp & Post card Fair

Lowe r Hult Stamp Fa ir. a nd Bill Leggett Collectable s s che d ule

Chr istchurch Stamp & Postcard Fair am to 1 L nom, at Ihe Pntat entre 6 Ma nde ville Street. R art-m hr -u.hur n

Capital Stamp Show



C w One. DoV'l' Art M ' Lo;e u m,

I InQ' Rr ad. L )wer Hull

Drqamser l.1ary Tallendale

ph · M 3 323 7132




Lower Hutt Stamp Fair . and Bill Le gge tt Collectables

NZSOASl amp Sho w Browns Bay Stamp Fair

Christc hurch Stam p & Postcard fair 9am 10 12 noon , a t the Ptul atel u Centre, 67 Mandevdl e St reet, Ricc er ton. Cbnstt.hurch


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Bin Leqqet t ph.6/.



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Orqaruser Gary Tevenda le ph ph · 64 3 323 7132

Christchurch Stamp & Postcard Fair tr





o, This schedule was correct at th e time of print and is subject to change.




Brown s Bay Stamp Fair

Lower Hutt Sta mp Fair

9 3Qdm to 3 JOpm In the Seruor Clwens Room~ rnve-nes Road. Browne Bay. Auckland

James Cae, One Dowse Art Museum. l amqs Road. Lower HUll

Christchurch Stam p & Postcard Fair Yam to 12 noon, at th e Philatelic

Chri stchurch Stamp & Postcard Fair vam I ' L. nee 1. dl I~,l' Pnu atehc tr



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Cen tre 67 Mandeville Stree t. Riccenon. Chrtc tchurch Gary Tavendale ph Ad 323 7132


Bill Leggett COlle ctables sc he d ule Organi ser: Bill Leggett, ph +64 4 528 2552. email btcotte Chr istchurc h Stam p & Postca rd Fair Organiser: Gary Tavendale,

ph +6433237132 Br ow ns Bay Stam p Fair Organisers: John & Jan Fitzpatrick,

ph +64 9 478 7599


Singapore 2015 World Stamp Exhibition Singapore 2015 was the third World Stamp Exhibition to be held in Singapore and was held in conjuncti on with Singapore's 50th year of independen ce. The event was held at the Sands Expo & Convention Centre and was organ ised and hosted by the Singapor e Association of Philatelists , Two of our team members were in attendance at Singapore 2015. Alan Hollows and Hannah Stancliffe-White ,

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We have a special product available exclusively to our Focus readers. Available at the exhibit ion was an im perforate vers ion of the Singapore 2015 World Stamp Exhibition mi niature sheet. wh ich we are now offering to you. We only have a lim ited number of these exhibit ion miniature sheets available. so refer to the Focus order form to place your order today. 10

m mps

The New ZeaLand nat ionaL phiLatelic exhibition for 2015 is to be heLd in Well ington from Friday 23 to Sunday 25 October 2015. Well over 8,000 pages of phiLateLic materiaL will be on dispLay. The exhibits have been entered by peopLe of all ages, from first-time to very experienced exhibitors, and not onLy from New ZeaLand but aLso from the United States, Canada, China, Thailand and Australia. The Capital Stamp Show incl udes a Nations Challenge between teams of entrants from those countrie s. They will all be keen to take the trophy so there will be some rea lly excellent exhibits that would rarely, if ever, get to be seen here. A Philat elic Literature exhibition is also being held as part of the show. This will highl ight the wide rang e of resour ces available to collec tors , with entries available for visitors to read. And of course there will be deaLers present who may have those elusive items you're look ing for .

New Zealand Post will have a stan d selling both stamp and coin products, including the special miniature sheet produced for the show. Each day we will be appLying the special postmark prepar ed for that day on philatelic covers. Foll owing the show, on Labour Day Monday 26 October, the Well ingt on Philat elic Society - the host for the show - is hold ing a special meeting where a numb er of prominent overseas philatelist s will speak on a wid e range of interesting philate li c topics. While this will not be the Largest of our recent national exhibi tions, the organisers are confident it will have a wider range of entries and be of greater interes t to a broader spectrum of collectors and visitors. This could be consi dered appropriate for a city that prid es itself on its wide cultural background and calls itself 'the coolest li ttle capital in the world' . WhiLe the term 'cool' could aLso r efer to th e weather in the 'wi ndy' city, Octob er does get plenty of nice weather and, as the locaLs say, 'You can' t beat Well ington on a good day". Whatever the weather, you can be assured of a warm weLcome . More information can be found on the exhibition webpage at: nzpf .org .nzlexh ibitionslcapita L-sta mp-show-2015

Youth Philatelist of th e Year - Warrick Wright Warrick Wr ight has been collect ing stam ps for 12 years and began exhibiting in 2009. Warr ick' s collecti on incl udes New ZeaLa nd Revenue stamps and airport departure tax stamps as well as dinosa ur stamps and miscellan eous New ZeaLand items, Like honey seal s and Cindere Llas. Warr ick was presented with the 2015 Youth PhiLa teli st of the Year Award on Saturday 8 August at the National lntercl ub Compet it ion. 11

~ How

we date stamp ~ phiLatelic mail It was brought to our atte ntion that we needed to review the way we date stamp our philat elic mail to better service our philatelic customers. This change ali gns with New Zealand Post's stra tegy to become a more efficie nt mail service. The hand-ca ncelli ng service at PostShops has been replaced with a simple solutio n that wi ll ensure customer s receive the best possibl e outcomes for th eir date stamping . Customers who wis h to have their philat eli c mail hand cancelle d should now send their mai l to one of the three Mail Service Centres or our Whanganui Coll ectabl es and Solutions Centre laddresses li sted below!. To coincide with this change. we have developed a new pictoria l date stamp for the Manawatu Mail Service Centre to bring it in li ne with the existing Auckland and Christchurch date stamps [pictured below!. You wi ll also be

able to have mail cancelle d with the Ross Dependency date stamp via the Christchurch Mail Service Centre. but this will only apply to any Ross Dependency stamps.

If you have an existing relat ionship with staff at your local PostShop. we will leave it up to the discreti on of the PostShop manager as to whether or not they will continue to process r equests for hand cancell ing philat elic mail. but there is no requi rement for them to do so. This change came into effect on 21 Septemb er. We believe this wi ll be the best solution moving forward. and should ensure consistent. high-q uality hand cancell ing. We are more than happy to answer any question s or discuss any concern s you may have. Phone: +64 6349 1234

Email: coll nz

Philatelic Mail Collectables and Solutions Centre Private Bag 3001 Whanganui Mail Service Centre Whanganui 4540

Philatelic Mail New Zealand Post PO Box 204007 Highbrook Auckl and 2161

Philatelic Mail C/- Prep Team Leader Manawatu Mail Service Centre 39 Malden Street Roslyn Palmerston Nor th 4414

Philatelic Mait Christchurch Mail Service Centre Private Bag 55055 Orchard Road Chris tchurc h 8154


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Puzzle time

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All the answers in th is crosswo r d relate to rece nt stam p and coi n iss ues.













If you get stuck, visit and for clues.




3. In whi ch month did Queen Elizabeth II becom e th e long est ever reigning m onarch in Br it ish hist ory ? 4. The art ist of th e Kiwi Kit chen stam p iss ue. Jason Kelly. lives in wh ich New Zealand ci ty? 10. What does the 'S' in UNESCO sta nd for ? 11. Which cou ntry is hosting the 2015 Rugby World Cup? 12. Fir st name of the ar tist whose wo r k is on th e $3.00 Mat ariki 20 15 - Kowhaiwha i issue . 13. The 'Talochl am ys gemmulata' is m ore com mo nty kn own as th e _ shell. 14. What pla ce in th e line of success ion is Her Royal Highne ss Pr ince ss Char lo tte of Cam br idge? 15. Comp let e th e phra se from the 20 15 Children 's Health sta m p issue - "Sli p. Slop, Slap and __." 17. The Kiw i Silhouette coin features a la ser -cut si lhouelle of th e little kiwi . 18. What is Her Royal Highn ess Prin cess Char lot te of Cambridge's second middle nam e?

1. The Capital Sta m p Show 2015 is takin g pl ace In which New Zealand cit y? 2. Which alpin e parrot features In the for egr ound of th e 2015 UNESCO World Heritag e l oz silver proof COin? 5. The flavour of Ice-c rea m in th e KiWI Kit chen sta m p Issue. 6. The Kiwi Sil houette coin comes packa ged In a case timber . made fr om native New Zealand 7. Kowha iwh ai is typi call y featured in th e wh ar e whakrro [decor ated meeting housel on th e __ Irafte rs !. 8. The sur name of th e ar tis t w ho ill us tra ted th e 2015 Ctutoren's Healt h .. Being SunSmart sta m p iss ue. 9. Queen pr eviousl y held th e record for the lo ngest ever r eigning mona r ch in Bri tis h hist ory , 10. In wh at country was th e Wor ld Stam p Exhibi tion 2015 held ? 16. What ci ty IS hosting the final of th e 2015 Rugby World Cup? 17. The seashell on th e BOc stam p fr om th e New Zealan d Nat ive Seashells stam p issue is th e paua.

ANSWERS: See page 19 13

Recent stamp issues ----

- - - --









New Zealand Native Seashells


New Zealand 's diversi ty of seashell fauna can be attri buted to our Isolation an d geological history. which have ena bled more than 2.000 native seashell species to thr ive in our waters . We take a look at jus t five of these species in the New Zealand Native Seashells sta m p Issue .

• """'U.lSIIIU

Date of issue: 6 May 2015 Designer: New Zealand Post, Wellington. New Zealand Printer: Southern Colour Print Ltd by offset lithography Withdrawa l date: 5 May 2016

Matariki 2015 - Kowhaiwhai Typically featured in the whare whakairo Idecorated mee ting housel on the heke Irafters!. kiiwhaiwhai is an ar t form that is distinctively Maor i and unique to Aotear oa New Zealand . Issued to coi ncide wi th th e dawn of Maori New Year, the Matar iki 20 15 stamp issue celebra tes this ancient art form In a contempo rary setting , Date of issue: 3 June 2015 Designer: Rangi Kipa and Roy McDougall, Whangarei, New Zealand Printer: Southern Colour Print Ltd by offset lithography Withdrawal date: 2 June 2016



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Kiwi Kitchen In this re tro - themed stam p issue, we celebra te the claSSIC Kiwi dish es that New Zealan ders know an d love , Fro m cheese r olls to cheerios, th ese staple dish es have been ma ndatory in Kiwi k itchens for gene ra tio ns. Date of issue: 1 Juty 2016 Designer: Jason Kelly, Christchurch. New Zealand Printer: Southern Colour Print Ltd by offset li thography Withdrawat date: 30 June 2017

New Zealand's UNESCO World Heritage Sites New Zeala nd is hom e to three UNE SCO World Heritage Sites : Te Wahipounam u - Sout h West New Zealand, Ton gariro Nat ional Par k and the New Zealand Sub-A ntarctic Isla nds . drawi nq thousa nds of local and in ternatio nal tourists every year. This spec ial stam p issue showcases these sce nic locat ion s in all their glory. Date of issue: 5 August 2015 Designer : New Zealand Post, Welli ngton, New Zealand Printer: Southern Colour Print Ltd by offset lit hography Withdrawal date: 4 August 2016

14 slam ps


Singapore 2015 World Stamp Exhibition


'" ;;;'


Singapore 2015 was the th ird World Stamp Exhibi tion to be hel d in Singa po re. Wellington's Iconic Beehive fea tures on the $2.50 New Zealand stam p. Stam ps from New Zealand, Austr alia and Singapo re are available toget her on the special exhi bition miniature sheet. We have the im perforate miniature sheet available exclusively thr ough t his issue of Focus. Refer to the order fo r m t o get yours.




s" ... ..., o C' III


Date 01 issue: 14 August 2015 Designer : New Zealand Post, Wellington, New Zealand Printer: Southern Colour Print Ltd by offset lithography Withdrawat date: Stamp and miniature sheet to remain on sale until 13August 2016, firs t day cover to be withdrawn on 14 October 2015

2015 Children 's HealthBeing SunSmart With clea r , unpolluted skies, an ou tdoor lifestyle, ozone depletion, and a lat itud e that puts us close to the sun in summe r, 'B eing SurrSrnart' is an im por tant part of the New Zealand way of li fe. Each stam p high lights one of the four key SunSma rt m essages that have been a par t of our lives for m or e than 30 years : Slip , Slop, Slap and Wrap! Date 01 issue: 2 September 2015 Designer : Donna McKenna, Wellington, New Zealand Printer: Southern Colour Print Ltd by offset lithography Withdrawal date: 1 September 2016, First day covers will be withdrawn on 2 November 2015


2015 All Blacks There's a certain mana and pre st ige that comes With being part of the All Blacks It'S an honour reserve d only for New Zealand 's very best rugby pl ayer s, The ultima te symbol of the All Blacks is their iconic je rsey, to wh ich we pay tri bute in this official All Blacks stam p and coi n issue . Date of issue: 2 September 2015 Designer: Dave Burke, Welli ngton, New Zealand Printer : Southern Colour Print Ltd by offset lithography Withdrawat date: 1 September 2016. First day coverswill be withdrawn on 2 November 2015

New Zealand's Longest Reigning Monarch On 9 Septembe r 2015 Queen Eli zabeth II succeeded Queen Vict or ia as t he lo ngest reigning British mo narch . To cele brate this amazing milestone, New Zeala nd Pos l is Issuing a special set of stam ps and a coin that cele brate Queen ELiza bet h II as New Zealand's lon ges t r eigning m onarch, Date of issue: 7 October 2015 Designer : New Zeata nd Post,Wellington, New Zealand Printer: Southern Colour Print Ltd by offset lithography Withdrawal date: 6 October 2016, First day coverswill be withdrawn on 6 December 2015


Issues from Niue and Tokelau Flora of Niue - 3 June 2015 Niue ' s geographi cal Iso lation ha s al lowed ma ny type s of tropi cal flora to llourrsh . I his Ill us tr ate d stam p Issue looks at four types of fl ora t hat can be found In N iue

Niue Traditional Weapons 5 August 2015 Niu ean wea pons r equ ir ed skil l and Ing enu ity In bot h crea tion and use They wer e care ful ly craf te d from natu r at m ate ri als found on the Island, and re quired stre ngth and accur acy to be use d effec tive ly . The fou r stam ps In rhrs Iss ue look at Iwo types of w eap on - kat oua [cl u bs] and tao lspear sl

Niue and the First World War - 13 October 2015 When th e Fir st World War brok e out . It was truly a gfobat co n fl ic t, and Niu e offe re d li s serv ices as soon as It co uld. Alth ough ItS co ntr ibu tio n to th e war wa s bri ef, It wa s Significan t and th e soldie rs enco u nte re d many diffi culties along the way .

Tokelau Crabs - 3 June 2015 Being an island nati on , Tokelau IS hom e to 101 5 of types of m ar me l ife Th is sta m p Issue l ak es a too k at Just four species of crab that you m ig ht lind scu ttli ng alon g th e shor es 01Tokelau 's at oll s.

Tokelau Language Week 13 October 2015 Toke lau Lan gua ge Week la kes pla ce annual ly and aims to highl ig ht and promo te th e use 01Tok elau lan guage, as w ell as exhi bi t the I rch cu l tu re and herit age 01 Tokelau Ih rs year 's Issue counts fro m one to ten In Tok etauan USIng Items found In ever yday Tok elauan cu l ture .

To purchase these issues from Niue and Tokelau, please refer to the Focus order form . nzpc sr.c c nz/ Slamp s

6' n C II'


International stamps




-- -------------------------------------


Hong Kong Astronomical Phenomena

o n 0" CT

~ o

Dat e of issue: 17 March 2015


Blue Corals of Fiji



Date of issu e: 23 Febru ary 2015

Mint set of si ll:gummed stam ps. $4 .10

Souvenir sheet wuh two gummed stamps. $4 .70 How stock)

Stamp sbe ettet w ith $10 gummed sta m p. Sold oul

Speci al eff ect shee tte t w it h $20 gummed sta m p. Sold out

Firs t day cover wi th gummed souvenir sheet atlix ed . $6.40 ILow stock!

Fir st day cover WIth si ll:gummed stam ps athxed . $4 .90

Hong Kong

Set 01pre stig e fir st day covers with sheettet alfill:ed . $8 .80

2015 Hong Kong Year of the Ram Dat e of issue: 24 January 2015

..-, ~ ,.... \.. ~ - ~~





Fir st day cover w ith $10 shee ttet all i xed. $3 .00

Set of lour gummed sta m ps . $3 .10

Stam p sbeettet wi th one

Sil k stam p shee ttet

gummed sta mp. Sold out

with one gummed

s tamp. Sold out

Speci al ellect fir st day cover WIth $ 20 shee ttet affixe d. $5.20

Sports in Hong Kong Date of issue: 23 April 2015

1I f...! _

First day cover with lour gumm ed stamps a ltu ed. $3.90

Pre stige IIrs l day cover wIth lour

Fir st day cover with sheette t auix ed .

Fir st day cover with si lk


s hee llet atteed $12..1.0

gummed stam ps affix ed . $5 .50

Set of si x gummed stam ps . $4 .10

Souveni r sheet with six gummed sta m ps . Sold out

First day cover With si x gummed stam ps affix ed . $5.00

Firs t day cover With gum m ed souve ni r shee t affi xed. $5.00

2015 Hong Kong Lunar New Year Animals Horse and Ram

Hong Kong Government Vessels

Dal e of issue: 24 January 2015

Dat e of iss ue: 21 May 2015

Stamp s neettet. $23 .00

Hong Kong Heartwarming 2015

Mint set of si x gummed stam ps. $4.30

Date of issue: 12 Febru ary 2015

Sta m p shee tte t With $10 stam p. Sold out

Fir st day cover Wit h six gummed sta m ps affi xed


~ ~ :t]

~~ Mmt set 01six gummed sta m ps. $3.60



............... --=-

Fir st day cover w ith si x gummed stam ps ette ed. $4 .50

Set 01prest ige firs t day covers with sbeettet affixe d. $6 .80

Fi rs t day cover with $10 sbee tte t aff ixed . $3.10


Internationalsta mps Hong Kong World Herit age in Ch ina Series No.4: Honghe Hani Rice Ter r aces Date of issue : 18 Jun e 2015

United Nations United Nations 2015 Coin and Flag Ser ies Date of issue: 6 Febru ary 2015

Stam p sheettet w ith gummed

sta mp. Sold oul

Firs t day cover w ith sheetlel affixe d. $3.30

Pitcairn Islands

2015 United Nations Coin and

Mint she et With ei ght gummed stam ps. $32.60

Flag lolder. $37.80

Byrd Antarctica Expedition 1939-41 Date of issue: 11 Decemb er 2014

United Nations World Poetry Day Dal e of iss ue : 20 March 2015

Mint se-tenem set 01 four

gumm ed stam ps. $9.90

Red Lionf ish

Fir st day cover wi th sa -tenant affix ed. $ 11.80 How stock!

Date of iss ue: 26 February 2015 Set 01 stam p sheet s. $59 .10

United Nations 2015 Definitives Date of issue: 7 May 2015

Miniature sheet with th r ee gummed stam ps. $7.80

Fir st day cover w ith gummed miniatu re sheet alf i J(ed . $9.80 ltow stock!

Pit cairn on Canvas


Date of iss ue: 29 April 2015 Mint set of four gummed stam ps.


United Nations UNESCO World Heritage - South East Asia Date of issue: 5 June 2015 Set 01four gummed stam ps


Fir !>lday cover With lour gumm ed stam ps affix ed . $12.50

Prominent Pitcairners Part 4 Ben Christian BEM Date of issue: 24 Jun e 2015

Set 01 liv e gummed stam ps


Fir st day cover With uve gummed stam ps aff ixed. $1 1.60 Mint set of si x gummed stam ps .



nzposl .co.nzl stamps

We welcome your feedback Write to us at : We're always interested in hearing your feedback on our stamps and coins, ideas for future issues, and general views on how the stamp and coin programmes could be im pr oved.

Customer Feedback Collectable s a nd Solutions Cent re Private Bag 3001 Whanganui 4540 New Zealand Or send an email to:collecta

PUZZLE TIME ANSWERS Acros s: 3. September, 4. Chr ist church, 10. Scie nti fic, 11. Englan d, 12. Sandy, 13. Fan, 14. Fourth, 15. Wr ap, 17. Spotte d, 18. Diana. Down : 1. Well ingto n, 2. Kea, 5. Hokey Pokey, 6. Rim u, 7. heke, 8. McKenna, 9. Vict or ia, 10. Singapore, 16. London, 17, Silver


Win the 'number 2,015'

2015 All Blacks silver proof coin!

Par Avi~;Ai;


New Zealand Perm it No.



Focus order form - October 2015


Customer details


New cus tomer :


Custo me r number :


Interested in joining our mailing list?

[S u r n a m e :

New Zeala nd Post wilt keep your nam e and address on our database, so that in future w e can send you further in form ation on stam ps , coins, re tated products and servic es and, occasion all y. off ers on si mi lar products from oth er com panies . It you w ish to receive

[ Po s t a l a dd ress :

mail ings from the New Zea land Post Collectab les a nd Solutions Centre. please tick here:

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1[ P o s t c o d e:

[City: [ P h o n e:


Under the Pr ivacy Act 1993. you are entitled to have

a ccess to. and to correct. your per s onal information at an y time by pho ning 0800 782 677 or writing to the Colle ctables an d Sol utions Centre. P rivate Bag 300 1. Whanga nu i 4540, New Zea land .

[C o u n t ry :

[Da t e of b ir th :

[ Em a il:

For inf o r m a ti o n on s ta n di n g orders, t ick h ere

How to order

How to pay

1. Ente r your orde r de ta ils . All prices ar e in New

0 Postage is free with in New Zealand ; ju st addre ss your envelope to the address at th e left .

By cheque, in ternationa l money order or bank draft.

Zealand dollar s .

If you are ma iling your order form fr om ou ts ide New Zealand, please be sure to affix the correct postage.

By cred it card for orders of NZ$10 or more.

2. Tota l your or de r an d indica te how you w ish to pa y. If you are pa ying by ch e q ue .

By debit ing your accoun t w ith t he New Zealand Pos t Collectables and Solut ions Centre (pl eas e contact us If you would li ke to set up an accou nt] .

i nternati onal money or der or bank draft, be su re to enclo se th is w it h your or der.


3. Post this orde r form to:

Payment can be made into your stamp ac coun t

Fre e Po.. No.1, New Ze a land Po st ,

a t a ny New Zealand Post Post S hop by quot ing

Collecta ble s and Solution s Cent re,

your cu sto m er number an d requesting that the transa ction be pro cessed as a PHOEP.

Pr ival e Bag 3 00 1. Whangan ui 4 540. New Ze aland

Postage reckoner Stamps



Eaat Asill

UK. Eurep•• NIh_

R.It.' W......

N2$1.12 N2$1 59


$1 Canada

N2$1 20






$29 20



Total to pay





TOlalall B sections S

No charge

No charge

No charge





$3 60



S.u ·.dhH..... dll~n Mf' bolt"




$7 80


Nl u cotlKhonl, .Ibums, 5lockbooh ..nd CP "1.109"'. bookl , DAVO .Ibumt.. VlClor.. Cross h&rd-cov.f' publahon. (OltK10r', loIdH'



$24 30


$3.80 .

p,.-ckl. DAVO IUppl'lnf'flll,

I( /WI

Kitchen ' N low.!

Nl llrst !Mycoven. NZ mini.11n ihHt hl'$l d'Y CO'Wef"I. ~umum "nil

No charge


No charge

(Approx imate equivalent)

$1 US

ACSut.logu• . mln..l ~ .".... booltlf'ls.,ihHIt.. first U, cow r ,..f il ls

P,.....,,'..hon p..ckt.. 1,111"".,1. colWctlon, 5l. mp

Currency reckoner Courier with in MewZ• • land

N2$2 45



Ord ers for i ssu es du e to b e released will be supplied on t hei r r esp ect iv e i ssu e dat es.

$ 1 Ausl ralta



15%. Orders are SUbject to ou r cus tom er terms and cond it ion s. See nzpos t.c o.nzl purchasetermsand cond ition s or co ntac t th e Collectab le s and Sol uti ons Centre.

(1 Sterling

Sl&mps.. V••lleu,. m,n" lu,.. Vlml. booklfOll. postard., O'I'etHU·~111'$1day toYe ..... _el-i.~ mln~l,," ahHI 111'$I d. , cow.B


All pri ces i ncl ude NZ Goods and Servic es Tax @




Plus postage $

If M¥.,..I It,m. in fOWl> ""rll~ 'A' . no twlng ord,r~,lh. high..' r.l••ppliK 11..."r,,1I',m. In row. ml rk.dB ",. b" ng ord.r. d, l h, pOllag. ,a per uem II your onl,r Includ•• A 'ndB , the 'B 1l..",.'ot.1 only ..ppl..a In'erNlloNI hp,... r", ••,.. 'Yl lt. bI, upon Ippl l"tlOfI Pl..... " ad S7 00 d,I IY'1')' Wllh,n N~ Z'II"nd lor Clmpbell P' lerlOn c..1..109~' ..nd Llgh1t\ou.. 5lockbookt.





bst ....

UK, Eu... , . . HthAmoric.


Courier within Howz ..LlINI







Hobbit coins P,..mlum gold aloin· · · Pfwmlum l]old COIf! M'l •••

How to contact us:




$208 35



511Yef' COln wllh gold pL&ltng·






$5 00

Over sea s cust om ers:

Sttv., (OInMI· ·







.646 3491 234







$6 80


$ 11.50




SO · $620"







S1l2 1 · S1,5oo· ·







. $1,500 01"" 'I. oz gold coln· · ·

$32 46


$51 35




1915 TM SPlnt of A",.( 1/1041 gold proof COIn·





$61 35

$5 00

1915 TM SPWII of AnUiC 101.'1wr prool co,n· ·



$10 00


$10 00


Cen1.....ry ollh. GlllI,poll und,ng · 2D15 lour IItv, r proof coon

$ 17.90




$27 20


BrIlI""1 u"C,n::u\&'ed cOin· · · · anUloInt

unclt'Culited COIn


AUo t h er coins lt otat vatu . 1


Tele p h one : 0800 78 2 677

Fax : (06 ) 345 7 120 Over sea s cus tom ers :

.64634571 20 Em ail: coUectabl es@n zpost

Web sit e :


· ' nl, r nalton. 1Air Reglll,rl'd · · In,, m.ahOMI Alr wrth CoYer·· · In,, rN hON I Coune r ···· lnl. r N " o"'l Air Prlc,.,,,, ..I,m..' " onl, ,nd "'-y YII')' d,p. nd,ng on lh. con'enl. 01your onl.r Ch.arg.. d, IIY' ry WIllb..."he oIp phubi. " lh. 11m, of s.ndlng OIher .."ppmg optIons ..,.. .y.aa..bll . To lind CMJt mo,.. , vi. it nl coins or phone 0800 NZCOI NS


have en clo sed a che que /in tern ational mo ney order/bank draft Ipayable to: New Zealand Post)

o D

nzco in


How would you like t o pay? (Please do not send cash)


n zpos z/s tam ps

Custo me r numb e r: Vls a



Mast er Card


00000 DO D


Cardholders name






Plea se ch arge my credit card NZ$




Cardholder's signature



New Zealand stamps New Zealand Native Seashells · 6 May 2015 Des cr ipt ion Se t of five gumm ed s tam ps 80c Silver paua IHa/io ti s austra /isl $ 1.40 Sco tt's Murex (Rota ndiella scottll $2.00 Golden volute (Provacator m irab ilis l $2.50 Fan shell (Ta /och /amys gemmula ta! $3.00 Opal top s hell (Canthar idus opalus! Miniature sheet

Prese ntatio n pack Limited Edition

Pr ice $ 9.70 $ 0.80 $ 1.40



Total NZ$

$2 .00 $ 2.50 $3.00 $9 .70 $29.90 $ 135.00 Sec tion 1 Total NZ$

2015 Children's Health - Being SunSmart • 2 September 2015 Description


Set of three gummed sta mps


80c. 10c Slip gumm ed stamp


$ 1.40 . 10c Slop gummed stam p

$ 1.50

$2.00 . 10c Slap gummed sta mp


80c . 10c Wrap self -adhesive s tam p


First day cover


Miniatur e shee t


Miniatur e she et first day cover


Shee t of 100 x 80c • 10c W rap '

Matariki 2015 - Kowhaiwhai - 3 June 2015

self-adhes ive s tamps


Se ct ion 6 Tota l NZ$


Set of s ix self-adhesive sta mps

$ 10.50

80c Johnson Witehira


80c Kura Te Waru Rewiri


$ 1.40 Kylie Tiuka


$2.00 Buck Nin




$2.50 Ngata i Taepa


Stamps pack


First day cover pack


$3.00 Sa ndy Ads ett


Min iatu r e sheet

$ 10.50

Presentat ion pack


Tota l NZ$


Descrip tion

QIy Code


Total NZ$

2015 Annual Packs - 2 September 2015 QIy Code

Total NZ$

Section 7 Total NZ$

Sec tion 2 Tota l NZ$

Kiwi Kitchen - 1 July 2015

2015 All Blacks - 2 September 2015

Descr ipt ion

Pri ce

Mint sheet of 18 gummed s ta mps

$14 .40

Tea towel

$10 .00

Stamp s he et and tea towel

$ 19.90



Tota l NZ$



Stamp in collectable pack

$ 15.00

Fi rs t day cover

$1 5.50



Total NZ$

Section 8 Total NZ$

Sec tion 3 Total NZ$

New Zealand's UNESCO World Heritage Sites - 5 August 2015 Set of s ix gummed sta mps

$ 11.90

New Zealand's Longest Reigning Monarch - 7 October 2015

BOc Emera ld Lakes




$ 1.40 Franz Josef Glacrer

$ 1.40

Set of seven gu mmed stamps

$12.70 $0.80

Descr iption




Tota l NZ$

$2.00 Ender by Island


80c · 19505

$2.20 Mt Ngauru hoe


80c - 1960s


$2.50 Lake Mackenzie


$1.40 -19705

$ 1.40

$3.00 Ca m pbell Is land


$2.00 - 1980s

$2.00 $2.20

Miniature sheet


$ 2.20 - 19905

Prese ntation pack

$29 .90

$2.50 - 2000s


limite d Edition

$ 135.00

$3.00 - 20105


First day cove r

$ 13.20

Miniature sheet

$ 12.70

Singapore 2015 World Stamp Exhibition -14 August 2015

Min iature sheet first day cover

$ 13.20

Des cr ip tion

Pres entat ion pack

$ 29.90

Sec tion 4 Total NZ$

Pr ice



Total NZ$


Total NZ$

Sec tion 9 Tota l NZ$

Exclusive : Imperforate m in iature sheet With New Zea land . Australian a nd



Singa porean s ta m ps Miniature s heet with New Zealand . Australian and Singaporea n stam ps


Souvenir cover



Pr ice

Gummed New Zealand Parliament stam p


Miniatur e shee t


Stam p first day cover


Souven ir cover

Sec tion 5 Total NZ$ Mmt stam ps will be su pplied unless you s pecificall y req ue st othe rwis e. If you wis h to order used un or canc ell ed ICI s ta m ps . please indicate th is by Writing the lett er U or C as app ropr iate next to the qua ntity you requ ire . To or der bl ocks or she ets from re levant issue s, ptease ente r a code fr om the

list at right in the ' Code' column.

The Capital Stamp Show 2015 - 23 October 2015 QIy

Total NZ$

$5.80 Section 10 Tota l NZ$

Codes for the types of blocks and sheets are as follow s :

PB • Plate block . VA = Value block, BA. Barcode block, LO• Logo block, ST = S heet of s tam ps.



'The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey' - 2012




2009 Annual Coin - Kakapo Description


Brilliant uncirculated coin



Total NZ$


Brilliant uncirculat ed coin set



Prem ium gold proof coin


Premium gold proof coin s et

$ 10.995.00

Silver proof coin with gold plat ing


Silver proof coin set


Brilliant unc irculated coin


Br illiant unc ircu lated coin set

Section 11 Total HZ$


Total NZ$

$85.00 Section 20 Total HZ$

,2010 New Zealand Annual Coin - Maui's Dolphin Description


Silver proof com

$89 .00



2013 Kiwi Treasures - Tane Mahuta Description

Total NZ$


'1,02 gold proof coin


Silver proof cur ren cy se t


10z sil ver pro of coin

$ 129.00

Brilliant uncir culated coin


Silver specimen coin


Brilliant uncirculated currency se t


Total NZ$

Sect ion 21 Total HZ$

$59.00 Section 12 Total HZ$

2013 New Zealand Annua(Coin'- Short-tailed Bat" Description

2011 New Zealand Annual Coin - Yellow-eyed Penguin Description



Total NZ$


102 silver proof coin

$ 129.00

Brilliant uncircu lated coin



Total NZ$

Silver proof coin

$ 105.00

Silver proof cu rren cy s et

$ 165.00

Bnllia nt uncirculated coin Brilliant uncirculated currency set


Queen-Elizabeth II - 60th Anniversary of the Coronation



Sect ion 22 Total HZ$

Section 13 Total HZ$



I aty

Total NZ$

I $129.00 I

1oz silver proof coin

Section 23 Total HZ$

2011 All Blacks Coin: the haka

I Price I aty I $139.00 I

Description 1oz silver proof coin w ith colour

Total NZ$


Section 14 Total HZ$


'1,02 gold proof coin


1oz silver pr oof coin


Description 102 Silver proof coin With a piece of pouna mu

I Price I Oty I $ 139.00 I

'The Hobbit:"rhe Desolation of Smaug' - 2013

Total NZ$


Section 15 Total HZ$

2012 Kiwi Treasures - Kowhai coin Description



'1.02 gold proof coin


102 silver proof coin


Silver specimen coin


Total NZ$


Premium gold proof coin


Prem ium gold proof coin set


Silver coin with gold plating

$ 149.00

Silver coin set


Brilliant uncircula ted coin


Brilliant uncirculated coin se t

$ 54.90

.HM·S Achilles


~20 1 2 New Zealand Silver Currency Set



2012 New Zea lan d Silve r Cur renc y Se t lfive s ilver proof coins with qcld -plated 10c coin!

2012 Queen Elizabeth II Diamond Jubilee Coin

. ..

I aty


Set of five proof currency coins and HMS Achill es s ilver proof coin


Brilliant unc irculated coin


Bnlh ant uncircula ted cur rency set



2014 New Zealand Annual Coin: Kairuku Description

'2012 New Zealand Annual Coin - Fairy Tern

Proof currency set

Total NZ$




-- _ ..

Total NZ$

$ 129.00

10z silver proof coin



Section 27 Total HZ$

Total NZ$

Section 18 Total HZ$

Silver proof coin

Total NZ$

Section 26 Total HZ$


I $ 129.00 I



$ 129.00

2014 New Zealand Currency Set (Featuring HMS Achilles silver proof coinl

Section 17 Total HZ$



102 s ilver proof coin

Total NZ$


$ 275.00


Total NZ$





Sect ion 25 Total HZ$

Section 16 Total HZ$


Total NZ$

Section 24 Total HZ$

2012 Maori Art ~ Hei Matau Coin

10z silver proof coin with colour



Silve r s pecimen coin



2014 Kiwi Treasures - Mitre Peak

Section 28 Total HZ$ Oty

Sec tion 19 Total HZ$

Total NZ$

2014 Maori Art'Coin: Papatuanuku and Ranginui Description


102 gold proof coin


102 silver proof coin with s elective gold plating



Section 29 Total HZ$

Total NZ$


1914 For King

a. Empire

centenary of the Gallipoli Landing - 2015



Pr ice

'f' oz gold proof coin 'The Great Adventure

Total NZ$

Cente nary of the Gallipoli Landing silver pro of coin set


Begins' 102 silve r proo f coin "The Announcem ent of

Description 2015 four

Five -year silver proof COin se t ' 1 9 1 ~ - The Mounted Rifles Brigade


Description issue 1120 2 sil ver COin set wit h stamps

2015 Kiwi Qly

Pr ice $8~5 .00

10z silver proof COin Ilow stock]

$ 139.00

Silver specimen COin Ilow stockl




Anzac 2015 - New Zea land and Aust ralia jo rnt

'f' oz gold proof COin Ilow stock]


Anzac 2015 - New Zealand and Australia Joint Issue

Section 30 Total NZ$


Total NZ$

Section 37 Total HZS





Total NZ$


Section 38 Total HZS

Total NZ$

Kiwi Silhouette Description 102 silver proof coin with laser -c ut silhouette

Section 31 Total HZS



Total NZ$


Section 39 Total NZS

'The Hobbit: The Battle of the Five Armies' - 2014 Description



Bag End silver proof coin

Total NZ$


Premium gold coin


Prem ium gold com set


2015 Royal Baby Description

Total NZ$


102 silver proof coin

Section 40 Total HZS

Silver com with gold plating

$ 1 ~9 .00

Silver coin set


2015 New Zealand Proof Currency Set

Bn lliant uncircula ted coin




Set of six proof curre ncy COinS. including 2015

Bn llla nt uncirculate d com se t



The Spi ri t of Anzac commemora tive 50·cenl

Section 32 Total HZS



Total NZ$


proof coin and 10z 2015 The Spin t 01Anzac prem ium sil ver proo f coin

Section 41 Total HZS

2015 New Zealand Annual Coin: Huia



Pr ice

I Qly

I $ 129.00 I

102 sil ver proof coin

Total NZ$

New Zealand's UNESCO World Heritage Sites 2015 Description

Sect ion 33 Total HZS

102 Silver proof coin wit h setecnve colou r




I Qty

2015 All Blacks

Section 34 Total HZS


Pr ice

10z s ilver proof jersey-shaped coin



2015 The Spirit of Anzac commemorative 50-cent coin 2015 The SPirit of Anzac commemorative 50-cent collectable pack COin 2015 The Spint of Anzac commemorative roll of 20 x 50-cent COinS



Total NZ$

$ 1~ 9 . 0 0

Section ~ 3 Total HZS

2015 The Spirit of Anzac Commemorative Coin Programme Total NZ$

New Zealand's Longest Reigning Monarch




plat ing in non -preciou s meta l r im


10zsilver proof coin with selecti ve gold


Total NZ$

SOLD OUT Section 4~ Total HZS


$139.00 Section 35 Total NZS

Internationa l sta m ps

1915 The Spirit of Anzac



'f' oz gold proof coin 'Bravery at Chunuk Bair' 102 sil ver proof coi n "Anzac Cove'


Total NZ$

I $1~9 .00 I

10z silver proof coin with gold plating

Five-year silver proof coin set '1915 - New 2ea land Medical Corps

Total NZ$

Section 42 Total HZS

ICC Cricket World Cup 2015

102 prem ium Silver proof COin



'Te wah ipounamu - South West New Zealand'

Pr ice $799.00 SOLD OUT



Total NZ$

Description Souvenir sheet wit h tw o gummed

stamps First day cover with gummed souvenir

Section 36 Total HZS




Blue Corals of Fiji · 23 Febru ary 2015

sheet affixed (Low stock)

SOLD OUT $6.~0

Section ~ 5 Total HZS

Total NZ$

Hong Kong Description

:Niue Price



Total NZ$

De s cr ipt ion

Pr ice

2015 Hong Kong Year of the Ram - 24 January 2015

Flora of Niue - 3 June 2015

Set of four gummed stamps

Mint set of four gumm ed stamps

Stamp sheellet with one gummed

stamp Silk s tamp sheellet with one gummed stamp

$3.10 $2.30 SOLO OUT


Prestige firs t day cover with four gummed stamps affixed Firsl day cover with sheelle t affixed


Min iature sheet


Miniat ure she et first day cover


Mint se t of four gummed s tam ps



First day cover



Miniatur e sheet


Minia ture s heet first day cover


$12 .60

Niue and the First World War - 13 October 2015 Sheelle t of eight gummed stamps


Stamp s heellet

Set of two first day covers


Prese nlat ion pack



Hong Kong Heartwarm ing - 12 February 2015 Firs t day cover w ith six gummed

stamps affixed

Sec tion 47 Total HZ$

$3.60 $6.50

Hong Kong Astronomical Phenomena · 17 March 2015 Mint set of six gummed stamps


Stamp s heellet With $ 10 gummed stamp


Special effeci s heellet With $20 gummed stamp

$6 .60

First day cover with six gummed

Pitcai r n Isl ands Description

Pr ice



Total NZ$

Byrd Antarctica Expedition 1939-41 - 11 December 2014 Mint s e-Ienan l set of four gum me d s ta mps First day cover with se -tenant affixed

$ 9.90 SOLO OUT

$6 .90

Re d Lionfish - 26 February 2015

Se t of prestige first day covers with s hee llet affixed


Mlnia lure s heet with three gumm ed stamps


First day cover with $ 10 s hee llet affixed


Firs l day cover with gummed miniature s hee t affixed How stock]


Special effect first day cover with $20 sheellet affixed


stam ps affixed

Total NZ$


Firsl day cover

2015 Hong Kong Lunar New Year Animals Horse and Ram · 24 January 2015

Mini s et of s ix gummed stamps


Niue Trad itional Weapons - 5 Augus t 2015

First day cover with four gummed stamps affixed

First day cover with silk sheellet affixed


Sports in Hong Kong · 23 April 2015

Pitcairn on Canvas · 29 April 2015 Se t of four gumm ed sta mps


First day cover with four gum med sta mps affixed

$ 12.50

Set of six gummed s tam ps


Prominent Pitca irners Part 4 Ben O1rist ian BEM- 24 June 2015

Souvenir sheel withsixgummed stamps


Set of five gumm ed sta mps



Firs t day cover with five gummed sta mps affixed

$ 11.60

First day cover with si x gummed

stamps affixed First day cover w ith gummed souvenir

sheet affixed

Section 48 Total HZ$


Hong Kong Government Vessels · 21 May 2015 Mint set of s ix gumm ed s tamps


Stamp sheellel With $10 s ta mp


First day cover wilh s ix gummed stamps affixed

$5 .10

Set of pres tige first day cover s with sheellel affixed


First daycover with $10 sheetlet affixed


Hong Kong Worl d Her itage in China Se r ies No.4: Honghe Han i Rice Terraces - 18 June 2015 Stamp sheellet With gumm ed stamp


Firs t day cover with sheellet affixed



Tokelau Description




Total NZ$

Tokelau Crabs - 3 June 2015 Se t of four gumme d st am ps


First day cover


Min iat ure sheet


Miniature s heet first day cover


Tokelau Language Week · 13 October 2015 Sheellet of ten gummed s tamps


Set of two first day covers

$10 .25

Se t of Iwo miniature sheets

$9 .25

Set of two miniature sheet first day covers

$10 .25

Sec tion 46 Total HZ$

Section 49 Total HZ$

United Nations Descriptio n




United Nations 2015 Coin and Flag Series - 6 February 2015 2015 United Nations Coin a nd Flag folder

$37 .80

Mint sheet with eight gum me d sta mps

$32 .60 Sec tion 50 Total HZ$

Total NZ$

Tourism New Zealand i-Site Regional Booklets ICALs)

United Nations Description

I Price I QIy I Code I Total NZ$

Uni ted Nations World Poetry Day - 20 March 2015 Set of stamp sheets

I $59 .10 I



Un ited Nations 20 15 Def initives -7 May 20 15 M int set of four gu mmed sta mp s


$4 .70




Uni t ed Nat ions UN ESCOWorld Her itage - South East As ia - 5June 20 15

Mint set of s ix gum med stamps

I $15 .20 I



Secti on 51 Total Nz s l

Other products still on offer Miniature sheet booklets Description


2009 ANZAC m iniature sheet booklet

$ 19.90

2010 ANZAC m iniature sheet booklet

$19 .90

2012 75th Anniversary of the RNZAF miniature sheet booklet

$19 .90

Anzac 2014 - WWII Poster Ar t m iniature sheet booklet.

$19 .90

1914 For King & Empire commemo rative book


1915 The Spirit of Anzac commemorative book




Total NZ$

Sectio n 52 Tota l NZS

Presentation packs Description


'The Hobb it : An Unexpected Journey" lLow


Total NZ$



Auckland Regional 70c label bookle t '


Canterbury Regional 70c label book let '


Easterrv'Central North IsIMdR"!J'O'l'll7Oc labelbooklet'


Lower South Isl and Regiona l 70c labe l book let '


New Zealand Iconic ImagesRegooal 70c labelbooklet'


Taranak i Regiona l 70c label book let '


Top of South Regiona l 70c label book let '


Waikat o Regiona l 70c label book let '


Wellingt on Regiona l 70c label book let '


West Coast Regiona l 70c label book let '


Auckland Regiona l $ 1.90 label book let '

$ 19.00

Canterbury Reg ional $1.90 label bookle t '

$ 19.00

Eastern/Central North Isl and Regiona l $1. 90 label booklet '

$ 19.00

Lower South Island Regional $ 1.90 labe l booklet'

$ 19.00

NewZealand iconIC ImagesRegtOOal $1.90label booklet'

$1 9.00

Taranak i Regi onal $ 1.90 label booklet '

$1 9.00

Top of South Regiona l $1.90 label booklet '

$1 9.00

Waikato Region al $ 1.90 label booklet '

$19 .00

Wellingt on Region al $ 1.90 la bel booklet '

$ 19.00

West Coast Regional $ 1.90 labe l booklet '

$19 .00

Auckland Regional80c label booklet

$8 .00

Canterbury Regional80c label booklet

$8 .00

Eastern/Cen tral No rth Island Regiona l80c label booklet

$8 .00


Total NZ$



Lower South Isl and Reglona l80c label booklet

$8 .00

New Zealandkonc ImagesRegooal 00c label booklet

$8 .00

Margaret Mahy

$29 .90

Queen El izab eth II - 60th Ann iversary of the Cor onat ion


Western Nor th Island 80c label booklet

$8 .00 $8.00

20 13 Matank i • Koru

$29 .90

Top of South Reglonal80c label book let

Honey Bees

$29 .90

Walkato Regiona l 80c label book let


2013 Royal Baby


Wellingt on Reglona l80c label booklet


New Zealand Coastlines

$29 .90

West Coast Regiona l 80c label book let

$8. 00

'The Hobb it : The Desotat ion of Smaug '

$29 .90

Auckland Regional $ 2.00 label book let


2014 Year of the Horse

$ 19.90

Canter bury Regional $2.00 label booklet

$20 .00

New Zealand Native Seaweeds

$29 .90

Construction of a Nat ion

$29 .90

Eastern/ Cent ral Nor t h Island Regiona l $2.00 la bel booklet


Lower South Island Regional $2.00 label booklet

$20 .00

NewZealand iconIC ImagesRegtOOal $2.00 label booklet


Weste rn Nor th Island $2.00 label booklet


Matarik i 2014 · Papat 03nuku and Ranginu i

$29 .90

Endangered Seabirds


'The Hobbit : The Battle of the Five Ar m ies"


2015 Year of the Sheep

$ 21.90

New Zealand Native Seashells

$ 29.90

Mat ar iki 2015 - Kiiwhai wha i


New Zealan d's UNESCO World Heri tage Sites


Sectlon 53 Tota l NZS

Top of South Reg iona l $2 .00 label booklet


Waikato Regiona l $ 2.00 label booklet


Wellingt on Regional $ 2.00 la bel booklet

$ 20.00

West Coast Regional $2.00 label bookle t

$2 0.00

-Las. chanc e to order. The, e product s will

Section 56 Total NZS

be withdrawn on 30 Novem ber 2015

Personalised Stamps Description


2014 Personalised Stamps set of two m int gummed sheetlets

$ 15.40



Total NZ$

Ross Dependency Description




Total NZ$

2014 Ross Oepend ency · Peng uins of Anta r ct ica - 19 Novemb er 2014

'The Hobbit" Personalised Stam ps m in iature sheet

$3 .30

'The Hobbit" Personalised Stamps m in iature sheet first day cover

$3 .80

Set of five gummed stamps


First day cover

$10 .20

Min ia tu r e sheet

Section 54 Tota l NZS

Personalised Postage ICALs)


Miniat ure sheet first day cover

$ 10.20

Presentat ion pack

$ 29.90

2012 Ross Dependency Defin lt ive s - 21 November 2012

Descr iption


2014 Personal ised Postage pack

$7 6.60

2014 Personalised Postage Year of Issue Covers




Sect ion S5 Total NZS

Total NZ$

Set of five gummed stamps

$9 .30

Miniat ure sheet

$9 .30

Presenta tion pack

$2 9.90 Sectio n 57 Total HZS

Limited Editions Isubject to availability) Description


Queen Elizabeth II - 60th Anniversary of the

Definitive stamps aty

Total NZ$

$ 135.00




$20 Mt Cook - 18 Fe bru ary 1994


$ 10 Mt Ruapehu - 12 February 1997


$ 135.00

$ 1.10 Gold Round Kiwi - 6 Ma rch 2000

$ 1.10

Matarlk, 2014 - Pa pattlanuku an d Ran glnui

$ 135.00

2014 Sceruc Defiru tives - se t of two se lladhes ive stamps


Endangered Seab irds

$ 135.00

2014 Ross Dependency - The Pen guins of Antarctica

2014 Scen ic Definitives - se t of four gummed s tamps


$ 135.00

New Zea land Nat ive Seashell s

$ 135.00

New Zealand's UNESCOWorld Heritage Sites

$ 135.00

2014 Scen ic Detinitives

Sec tion 58 Total NZ$

Lighthouse stockbooks Description


16white pages 32 sides



Total NZ$

2014 Scenic Dehruuve s 60c gum med stamp


2014 Scenic Deflnitives $ 1.60gummed stamp

$ 1.60

2014 Scenic Dehrntives $2.50 gummed stam p


2014 Scenic Definitives $3.60 gummed stam p


2014 Scen ic Definitives $2.00 sell-a dhes ive stam p


2014 Scen ic Defirut ives $2.50 sell -adhesive sta mp


2014 Scen ic Dehn itives booklet of f,ve $ 2.00 sell-adhesive s tam ps

$ 10.00

2014 Sce nic Oefirntives booklet of ftve $ 2.50 $ 12.50 sell-a dhes ive s tamps

16 black pa ges 32 sides

$ 49.95

32 white pages 64 sides


32 black page s 64 sides


Lighthouse Royal large FDC Album Iwith five double pocket rehll s l

$ 94.95

Five refills for Lighthouse FDCAlbum Idoublel

$ 15.00

Five refills for Lighthouse FDCAlbum Isinglel

$ 15.00

Victoria Cross - The New Zealand Story

Lighthouse Coin Album

$ 69.95


Premier FDCAlbum - la rge deluxe

$ 44.95

Hard-cover publicat ion

Five refills for pre mier la rge deluxe FDC Album - s ingle pocket

$ 14.95

Five refills for prem ier large de luxe FDC Album - double pocket

$ 14.95

Five refills for pre mier sm all deluxe FDC Album

$5 .95

2014 Sce nic Defmitives se t of $ 2.00 a nd $2.50 sta mps booklet


Price $19.95 $1.50

Hagner Firs t Day Cover Sheet

$ 1.50

WWF Collec tion


Price $79.90

I Qty

Total NZ$


Reader's Digest Gallipoli Tribute


Description Cent enary Comm emorative Prints collec tion

Hagner Sheets - H1-1 strip, H2-2 strips , H3-3 strips , H4¡ 4 strips , H5-5 s tr ips , H6-6 strips, H7-7 str ips, H8-8 stnps

Stamp hinges - 1000 pre -folded


Sec tio n 64 Total NZ$



Price $99.00

I Qty

Total NZ$


Sec llon 65 Total NZ$

Hagner products Hagner Album

$22.50 Section 63 Total NZ$

Secllon 59 Total NZS


Qty Code Total NZ$

Total NZ$

Total to pay Total a ll sectoons Plus posta ge Specia l cour ier serv ice for coins

Total amount to pay NZS L -_ _....J

$5 .95 Section 60 Total NZ$

Ch ecklist Enter all your customer details lincluding your customer numberl

Catalogues Description 2015 Len Ju ry Stamp Catalogue 2015 Auckland Stam p Catalogue

Indicate how you would like to pay Price $10.00


Total NZ$

Total your order


If you are not completely satisfied with your purchase. return it to us with in 14 days of receiving it. You can ask us to replace it or give you a refund. No questions asked !

$10.00 Sec tion 61 Total NZ$

All prices are subject to change.

DAVOalbums Description


DAVO Album IVolume 61

$86 .85

DAVO Suppleme nt page s 2011

$69 .00

DAVO Sup plement pag es 2012

$69 .00

DAVD Supplement pag es 2013


DAVO Suppleme nt pag es 2014


Total NZ$

$73.90 Sec llon 62 Total NZ$

Office Code: F60


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