P. &: T. 1940/1509. 1958/181.0.
General Post Office. Wellington, C.l. 12th March, 1941. Philatelic Bulletin No. 2 (1941)
Centennial stamps. -------r.;"<is-'esti:na.ted that the bulk stocks of the ls. and 4d. Centennial stamps will be exhausted in Narch and April respectively. A supply of the 2d. stamp printed f~"om plates Bo is now available.
Stocks of the double "f" variety on the ld•• 2d •• 4d., and Sd., denominations of the Centennial Official stamps are exhausted. 3.
King GeorE.~V.~"<.E.t~Es. The ¥. and 1~. King George VI. stamps have been recalled from all post offices, 'bu'c orders for these stamps rill be satisfied from the Stamps Branch, General P0St Office, Wellington, until the 50th April, 1941. Ohing tc the unsettled condihons and the necessity for conserving :.;tocks of paper anc. 3ta:r.:;:Js, it has been decided to overprint stocks of the and 1~. King Geo:::-ge -vI. stafi9s"ld." 8..'1d "2d." respectively. It is estima~ed that the ld. ov~rprinted stamp will be issued early in May and the 2d, later in the same month. There ...-ill be no particular date of issue and no "first day" covers as the new stamps will be brought into use at offices inmedia'cely s',':)cks ef the current stamps are exhausted.