I nquiries about New Zealand and Island Dependencies Stamps are to be addressed to the Director- General. Stamps Division, G.P.O.• Wellington, N.Z.
6 MAY, 1960.
No. 20 I.
Pictorial Stamps.-
Production of these stamps is now progressing ravourab1y but in view or the stock position of the present derinitive series, it will be necessary to place certain denomihations on sale earlier than others. It is proposed to issue twelve denominations at all post offices on 11 July. These denominations are:2d., 40.., 1s., 1s3d., 1s.6d., 1s.9<1., 2s., 2s.6d., 3s., 5s., 10s. and £1. The remaining five denominations, id., 1d., 3d., 6d. and Bd. will be released later. The pence values depicting native flowers have been printed by Messrs Thomas De La Rue & Co. Ltd., London and the higher values (1s. to £1) by Messrs Harrison & Sons Ltd., also of London. All denominations have been printed by the photogravure process. Four colours have been used for the 2d., 3d., 40.. and Bd. values and the other denominations vary from three colours to monochromes. The denominations printed by De La Rue's have the printer's imprint and plate numbers in the bottom left-hand corner of each sheet. For each denomination there is a plate number for each colour used. Inf'ormation about the position of the plate numbers and imprints on the values printed by Harrison's will be furnished later.
Colours used in the various stamps are:~. flowers, white; foliage, green; background, plum. 1d. berries, orange; leaves, green; background, brown. 2d. flowers, red; foliage, yellow, green and black; background, green. 3d. flowers, yellow; foliage, brown and green; background, blue-grey. 4d. flowers, cream and plum; foliage, green; background, light blue. 6d. flowers, white and green; foliage, light green; background, dark green. 8d. flowers, red and yellow; foliage, green; background, grey. 1s.oo.. log, dark brown; background, green. 1 s.3d. trout, brown and pink; background, blue. 1 s.6d. tiki, bronze-green; backg.·ound, red-brown. 1 s.9d. khaki 2s.oo.. figure, black; background, bu:t'f. 2s.6d. butter, yellow; background, light brown. 3s.oo.. charcoal. 5s.Od. bottle green. 10s.oo.. steel blue. £1. wine. Reproductions of some of the stamps are included in this Bulletin. An open competition was held to obtain designs for the Pictorial stamps and the entries were judged by a specially appointed panel comprising representatives of' art, philately and the Post Office. The successful designers were:-
A.G. Mitchell, Wellington 2d., 4d., 8d.,,~3s., 10s. and £1 G.F. Ful:ler, Hastings 1d., 3d. and M. Jas. Berry, Wellington 1 s. and 1s.6d. L.C. Mitchell, Wellington 2s.6d. and 5s. D.F. Kee, Wellington 2s. R.E. Berwick, Wellington 1 s.3d. J .C. Boyd, Paekakariki 1 s. 9d. Harrison &: Sons Ltd., London ~. Paper used for the pence values consists of 25 per cent rag, 25 per cent Birch wood, 50 per cent Esparto and has the multiple watermark (N.Z. over star) upright in'all cases. For the 16. - £1 denominations, the paper has a consistency of 50 per cent rag and 50 per cent sulphite. For these values, the multiple water-mark appears as follows:Upright: 1s., 1s.9d., 2s., 5s. and £1 Sideways: 1s.3d.,, 2s.6d., 3s. and 10s. MA••• IIU .....
3 In the pence values the sheet value is shown in the top righthand corner but its position varies in the other denominations. Souvenir covers will not be provided by the Post Office. Overseas clients may have f'irs t day covers on plain white NEW ZEALAND envelopes prepared and serviced by the stamps Division, General Post Of'fice, Wellington on payment of the usual servicing f'ee of 1 id. per envelope, in NEW ZEALAND addition to the cost of the stamps required. This fee is reduced to 1d. per envelope in cases where the client supplies his own addressed envelope. Orders for first day covers should be forwarded to reach the Stamps Division not later than 30 June. Persons resident in New Zealand are required to prepare and service their own first day covers. TAlIUlM GI.4CIII
Flag Stamp. - Arrangements have been made for the production of astamp depicting the New Zealand Ensign. It is expected that the stamp which will have a postage value of 9d. will be placed on sale about the same time as the later denominations of the Pictorial series.
Westland Centennial Stamps. This issue of' three denominations _ 2d., 3d. and Bd. - is to be placed on sale on 16 May and will be withdrawn on 31 August unless supplies are exhausted earlier. Instead of depicting specific items or activities associated with the history of Westland as in some recent commemorative i~sues, the stamps portray classes of people linked with the earliest days of' Westland. The stamps were printed in single colours by the photogravure process by Messrs Harrison & Sons Ltd., London !'rom designs prepared by Messrs G.R. Bull and G.R. Smith of Wellington. Each stamp measures 21mm x 37mm and is vertical in format. There are 120 stamps (6 rows of 20) to the sheet.
In each case, the printer's imprint is shown on the bottom lefthand corner while the" plate numbers 1 and 3 appear above the third stamp in the top row in the 2d. and Bd. denominations respectively. In the 3d. denomination, the plate number - 4 - is in the left-hand selvedge near row 4. Official souvenir covers sponsored by the Westland Centennial Council will be obtainable !'rom principal booksellers, philatelic societies and stamp dealers throughout New Zealand at a cost of 4d. each. They will not be obtainable from post offices.
4 The usual first day cover service for overseas clients will be provided by the Stamps Division, General Post Office, Wellington. Orders for covers should be forwarded to reach that office not later than 11 May. If desired, the souvenir envelopes will be supplied at a cost of 4d. each in addition to the usual servicing charges.
Special datestamps bearing the words ''Westland Centennial" will be used at Hokitika and Greymouth on 16 May. Persons in New Zealand who wish to obtain these cancellations should forward their addressed envelopes together with a remittance covering the cost of the stamps required and the servicing fee of 1d. per envelope to the Postmaster, Hokitika or the Chief Postmaster, Greymouth in time to reach those offices not later than 12 May. The outside cover should be enfaced "Westland Centennial Covers".
Postage Stamp Paper. Wi th the introduction of the new type ~aper (25 per cent rag, 25 per cent Birch wood and 50 per cent Esparto) a quality paper eminently suitable for stamp production has been found. The Post Office will continue to use this paper and will in future refer to it as "NZ star" paper. 4.
5. 1960 Health Stamps. In continuation of the policy of featuring native birds on Health stamps the Kotare (Kingfisher) and the Kereru (Wood Pigeon) have been chosen as subjects for this year's issue. The Kotare will ap:eear on the 3d. (2d. postage + 1d. Health) and the Kereru on the 4d. Od. postage + 1d. Health) value. The stamps will again be issued in sheets of 120 as well as in miniature sheets of six. The issue is to be placed on sale on 10 August and withdrawn at the end of November. Further details of this issue will be given in a later bulletin.
5 6. Queen Elizabeth Stamps. It is not intended to wi tbdraw the Queen Elizabeth series trom sale immediately after the Pictorial stamps are released. Current stocks o:f some values of the present series are not large and certain denominations may become exhausted within a short period.
Recent issues with the large numeral on "NZ star" paper are 44. plate No. 15, 9 September, 1959: Bd. plate No. 21, 1 December, 1959. 7.
Red Cross Stamps. -
The number of Red Cross stamps sold was
3,699,118. 8. Cook Islands Stamps. A 1s.&1. stamp has been added to the current Cook Islands series as there is a need for this denomination to meet the payment of postage on airmail letters to many countries. Th1s stamp has been produced by overprint1ng the 5d. denomination which incidentally has a design appropriate :for airmail use as it features a DC3 aircraft and the runway st Rarotonga airport. The two 5d. value panels have been obliterated by a black circle and "1/6" has been printed in the top left-hand corner.
The 1s.&1. stamp was issued on 1 April and stamps ot the 5d. denomination unsold at the close of business on 31 March were withdrawn. 9.
Post Offices Opened, Closed, etc. OPENED
Christchurch Airport • Green Bay Hauraki Corner Jlount Ruapehu Pineh111 Princess Jlargaret Hospital South Bay V.I.C. Corner Waikato Hospital Wainui Beach
Christchurch Auckland Auckland Hamilton Auckland Christchurch Chr1stchurch Wellington Hamilton Gisborne
9.11.59. 23.11.59 • .9. 2.60. 17. 8.59. 14.12.59. 31. 8.59. 5.10.59. 18. 1.60. 28. 9.59. 25. 8.59.
cymm Wellington Hamilton Dunedin Whangarei Gisborne Wellington New Plymouth Christchurch Westport Gisborne
Boulcott Davies Corner Highcllffe Kerikeri Moutohora Paraparaumu Airport Purangi
Robinsons Tiromoana Waiotahi
15. 1.60. 15. 5.59. 14. 4.59. 31.7.59. 13. 5.59. 31.10.59. 31.8.59. 31.12.59. 22. 7.59. 30. 5.59.
NAME CHANGED District High Street, Christchurch
High Street