Series 4 new zealand philatelic bulletin no 20 1978 october

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Produced by the Post Office Philatelic Bureau, Private Ba9, Wanganui. r------.---------r-------=---.......,


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STATESMEN are born, not made, according to an old saying. This was probably never less true than in nineteenth century New Zealand. Premier of New Zealand, had much Several men in this period rose from obscurity to become, by their in common. They were all born in own efforts, world famous statesEngland, but made their names in men and leaders. It was the age of the 'colonies'. the self-made man. Australia was the land of promise Three such men are seen on a set to which they all first journeyed, of stamps to be issued on February 7. and after that New Zealand. Each quickly made his way to the top of Featured are photographs of Sir George Grey, Sir Julius Vogel and the political tree. Yet with so much in common, Richard John Seddon, all notable New Zealand statesmen. the lives of Grey, Vogel and Seddon Designed by Allan Mitchell of still took quite different courses. Wellington the three stamps are Sir George Grey was the oldest of the three, when he took office as printed se-tenant, each bearing the denomination of 10c. Premier in 1877, but his association These men, who each became with New Zealand had started more

Alexander Turnbull Library photo.

than 30 years before. Grey was born in 1812. At the age of 33, he was appointed Governor of the fledgling colony of New Zealand. Grey proved the right man for his times. Maori chiefs, including Hone Heke and Te Rauparaha, had for some time been troubling the white, mainly British, settlers. 8y 1848 the young Governor Grey had establ ished stable 8ritish rule. The victorious Grey immediately set about bringing the benefits of European civilisation to the Maori. Roads, schools and hospitals started to appear among the tribes.

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