Series 4 new zealand philatelic bulletin no 15 1976 april

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Produced by the Post Office Philatelic Bureau, Private Bag, Wanganui.

April 1976

No. 15

FIVE NEW FACES OF PROGRESS NEW ZEALAND'S 1976 commemorative stamp issue was released on February 4. Designed by Allan Derrick of Invercargill - a newcomer to the Post Office's design panel - the five stamp issue marks the 50th anniversary of the League of Mothers 6c; New Zealand's change

to metries 7e;

New Plymouth's centen¡

The stamp features the metric crest and

a graphic illustration of weight,

temperature, measure and capacity. -

The centenary of New Plymouth New Zealand's fifth largest secondary





on an Bc

stamp. Allan



features a

ary Bc; the 50th anniversary of the Y.W.C.A. in New Zealand 10c and the centenary of the nation's link into the International Telecommunications Network 25c.

graphic portrayal of New Plymouth's first immigrant ship, the William Sryan, with Mount Egmont in the background. Also depicted is the city's crest.

The New Zealand League of Mothers was founded in 1926 by Lady Alice

Association (Y.W.C.A.l, this year celebrating its 50th anniversary in New Zea-

Fergusson, wife of New Zealand's third Governor-General.

land, is an international, interdenominat ional womens' fellowship.

A non-denominational, non-sectarian group, the League's original aims of upholding the sanctity of marriage,






The 10c Y.W.C.A. stamp features the organisation's international symbol and two women shaking hands.

helping parents realise their responsibilities to their children and establishing a fellowship of mothers remain unchanged

joined the International Telecommunica


ations Network.

To mark the League's 50th anniver-

One hundred years ago New Zealand

The 25c stamp commemorating this event features the NZPO logo and on

sary I Allan Derrick designed a Gc stamp depicting the organisation's crest and a stylised family group of mother, father,

origjnatin'g in New Zealand and spreading

two children and a baby.

across a segmented globe.

The 7c stamp marks New Zealand's conversion to metries - an operation that began in 1969 and is now well advanced.

The issue was printed by John Wad¡ dington of Kirkstall Limited, England, using the lithography process. Each




New Zea-

land's progressive adoption of the metric system is the Metric Advisory Board,

established by Government in 1969 to

encou rage, advise and assist the people of New Zealand.

the right, a series of broad Hnes and dots

stamp measures 25 x 42 mm. They can be purchased at the Post Office Philatelic Bureau, Private Bag, Wanganui (mail orders) and Philatelic Sales positions (Auckland, Hamilton, Gisborne, Wellington, Christchurch, Dunedin) until April 30, 1977.

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