Series 4 new zealand philatelic bulletin no 11 1974 february

Page 1

February, 1974

Produced by the Post Office Philatelic Bureau, Private Bag, Wellington.

No. 11



stamp issue

TOP NEW ZEALAND stamp designers co-operated with the Post Office in developing the New Zealand Day stamp issue released this month. Two designers - Don Hatcher and Allan Mitchell - cam· pleted the artwork.

The five 4c stamps make up a complete set on a miniatu re sheet. Centre stamp is a portrait of Queen Elizabeth 11 who of-

ficated at the celebrations on February 6 to mark New Zea-

land's first national day. February 6 is the anniverthe signing of the Treaty of Waitangi - the agreement between the Maori tribes and Governor Hobson. This made New Zealand a British Colony. It was chosen as the day best suited to celebrate New Zealand's growing identity as a modern multi-racial nation. The four horizontal stamps reflect the historical ba~k­ ground of Waitangi and look toward the future. On a white background, the designs are colourful and decorative.

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One depicts Ihe T realy House at Waitangi. The sec~nd

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New Zealand Day 1974.


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is an impression of Ihe actual signing of the Treaty by a Maori Chief and Governor Hobson. An architectural Impress. ion of the extensions to Parliament Buildings currently un· der construction in Wellington is on the th!rd stamp. The last shows a multiracial class of New Zealand school children.

"*" "*" "*" * * * THE CURRENT 3c de f n,l,ve stamp reprint, now on sdle w It bp th I St OVeI5f>aS pllnt j st 3mIJ n "N.Z. St r vvate marked p per FIf recJrded men >r f waterm rKed paper f r New Zealand :imps was h illS patch )f IX reams large star" J.: or. e forwarded New Zealand In 1354. The paper was use 1 l)y Davle pflntlng he major Ity of t 11 face OL.cen" stamps, n 1863 t was dec dee that the letters NZ" sho d re

Overall measu rement of the souvenir sheet is 73.66mm X 131.06mm with the cenlral vertical Royal stamp 48.26mm x 24.13mm and the horizontal stamps measuring 24.13mm x 40.72mm. They are printed in five colours by Harrison & Sons on white unwatermarked coated paper and gummed wilh






..cmes dnd (.C l f, supplie the last waterrnarkecj paper for New Zeal m~ stamps The,r rec lids how their


flfst oanoy rOI 1(" Wo m q st p pape was bought on


An rr: k wa 1892 Star" wa ,rst u ft-r the V cter n ueens In 1874 The '\iZ S r >IV rmark wa st,lI In u e Vlrh n Samuel

Allan Mitchell

hehalf , Ihe New Zealan~ Gover,., Cl' dt Cut 1935 t VII 5 made Wlft, a SI feways w telmdrK

A second dandy roll with an uprlyht watermark was hought Ih 1937 Iy 1955 the No. 1 dandy roll was shOWing signs of wear and WdS reccvered t)ut In 1Q64 a thord. dnd as', dandy roll, With m upright water ~ark deSign, was bought by Samuel Jones

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