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Produced by the Post Office Philatelic Bureau, Private Bag, Wanganui.
le ACTS FEATURE IN NEW STAMP ISSUE Four priceless Maori artifacts collected during Captain Cook's voyages of discovery to New Zealand are featured on a new set of stamps to be issued by the New Zealand Post Office on November
24_ They are shark-tooth knife, a double-stemmed flute and two clubs, all held by the National Museum of New Zealand at Wellington. The designs and denominations are: MARIPI, an intricately carved wooden knife edged with shark teeth. Reputed to have been used for cutting flesh - possibly human flesh - it may also have been used as a weapon. PUTORINO, a carved flute with an unusual double tube, played as a solo instrument or to accompany a song. WAHAIKA, a sickle-shaped hardwood club used for jabbing in close combat. KOTIATE, another hand-tohand weapon, shaped much like a violin.
The two clubs are depicted in British Museum drawings which are attributed to J.F. Miller. They are believed to have been acquired during Cook's first voyage in 1769. Joseph Banks, Cook's botanist who gave his name to Banks Peninsula, probably traded for the clubs with the currency of the time nails and other metal, axes, glass bottles, red cloth and tapa cloth from Tahiti. The other artifacts were probably picked up on later voyages in the same manner. The Wahaika was bought about 20 years ago in an antique shop by Mr Ken Webster, a New Zealander living in the United Kingdom. He
October 1976
No. 16
brought it back to Wellington and gave it to the National Museum. The other three artifacts found their way into the collection of Lord St Oswald from an auction in 1819, and he later gave them to the New Zealand Government. The Maori Artifact stamp issue is a definitive one likely to remain in circulation for at least five years. For these designs the artist and photographer worked closely together. Allan Mitchell, veteran designer of several New Zealand stamps, had his friend, Alan Seaton, take the photographs under h is personal direction. Mitchell chose backgrounds of woven fabric to highlight the smooth textures of the artifacts. He chose warm colours of like tonal quality to provide unity for the set. The photographer side-I it his pictures to give depth to the desiqns.