Series 4 new zealand philatelic bulletin no 17 1977 april

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Produced by the Post Office Philatelic Bureau, Private Bag. Wanganui.

April 1977

No. 17


Aspects of education, from preschool to teacher training, are depicted on a set of five Se stamps being issued by the New Zealand Post Office this month. Designed by Allan Mitchell, of Wellington, the stamps are being printed se·tenant - each stamp is a self·contained design but all five form a larger design when placed side by side. A million people - one-third of the total New Zealand population - are attending an educational institution of some kind at present. The stamps show a cross section of these educational activities: • Physical education (girls with hoops). Maori culture (children playing stick game). recreational education (infants on rope ladder).

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Old Government Buildings (home of The Eaucation Department). geography, manual training, science. Special schools (for deaf), manual training, kindergartens and play centres. Tertiary and language classes. Home science, correspondence school. teacher traininq.

Printed by Harrison and Sons Ltd in England, each stamp 40.64mm high by measures 24.13mm. They are produced in sheets of 100 - two blocks of five stamps in 10 rows. Though the issue was not planned to commemorate any centenaries it coincides with the 100th anniversary of the passi ng of the Education

Act which laid the foundation for national education in New Zealand. It also coincides with the centenary of the old Government building which houses the New Zealand Education Department. This old building is one of the largest wooden buildings in the world - certainly no all-wood building south of the equator is as large. It faces one of Wellington's most modern buildings: the partiallycompleted Beehive, annex to Parliament House. The centenaries of the Dunedin and Christchurch teachers' training colleges also fall about the same time.

New Directions In NZ Education

See Page 4

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