Welpex '72 was an exhibition to be remembered. The first national competitive exhibition in Wellmgton since 1940, it featured over $1,000,000 worth of postage stamps. Many rare stamps were displayed, with the most highly valued generally belonging to overseas exhibitors. The exhibition was divided into different sections, includinll literature, the' matico Junior and foreign sections and a display of postal archives organised by the PostOffice. The Post Office also provided an exhibit, outlining the different stages in the process of printing a stamp. Of particular interest was the display of the largest known block of used Penny Blacks of 1840, owned by Mr J. Griffith of the United Kingdom. This was exhibited in the Court of Honour. The Grand Award, a silver salver, was won by an Australian, Mr J. White for his entry of New Zealand
"Full Face" Queen Victoria stamps. The salver was donated by the New Zealand Post Office. The Welpex Committee printed two special covers to mark Welpex, both of which were specially imprinted by the Post Office. However the Post Office made one of its few errors when the colours of the imprints were transposed. The golden red appeared on the 22c imprint instead of the turquoise blue which was used on the4c.
Many colourful and informative panels were displayed at the exhibition.
Xmas Gift Pack For the first time since their introduction in 1970, Collectors Packs will this year be on sale at the Philatelic Bureau, Chief and all permanent and non-classified post offices throughout New Zealand.
Previously the packs were only sold at Chief Post Offices and selected post offices. This year's pack contains all special stamps issued since the release of the 1971 pack, up to and including the 1972 Christmas issue. The cover features a montage of some of the designs which appear on the 25 stamps in the pack.
Inside the cover, a 8ewlystyled plastic insert protects and holds the stamps. As in previous packs, a description of each stamp stating the history or background of the stamp, date of issue, size, the process by which the stamps were printed and who they were printed by, denominations, and the name of the designer will be given. These packs are proving to be most popular with collectors and people wishing to have worthwhile momentos of New Zealand. The pack is priced at $1.95. It will be on sale from -October 4 until the end or March unless stocks are exhausted earlier.