mber 17, 2010 Septem
Dear Coolleagues, Further Legal Ad dvice on Evolve and P ay Yesterdday you wouuld have recceived an e--mail from the t Vice-Ch hancellor reegarding hiss views on Evollve. As the Vice-Chanc V cellor has noot yet respo onded to thee legal letterr sent to him m by our lawyerss Oakley Mooran our ad dvice to youu re Evolve is i to do eith her of the foollowing (wh hich ever you are comfoortable with h): 1. Complete the t Evolve PDR form m BUT write a disclaim mer on the form statin ng that you do nott wish the Evolve E inforrmation to be used to inform youur annual salary review: u the TE TEU, that in accordancee with the G General Staff ff “I am advissed by my union, Collective Agreement A the Evolve pprocess can nnot be used d to inform m my annual salary s review.” 2. Not complete the Evo olve PDR foorm until the union has receivedd written assurance from the VC V that thee Evolve PD DR process will not infform the an nnual salary reviiew processs. Clarify withh your manager that thhe Evolve PD DR form wiill not be ussed to inform m the annual salaary review process. p If yyour manageer cannot prrovide this aassurance we w advise you to email yo our managerr and state the t followin ng: u the TE TEU, that in accordancee with the G General Staff ff “I am advissed by my union, Collective Agreement A the Evolve pprocess can nnot be used d to inform the annual salary review andd that I cann not be requirred to comp plete the Evolve Perforrmance ( form if it is used d to inform the t annual ssalary revieew Developmeent Review (PDR) pprocess, as you are unable to assuure me of th his I will nott be compleeting the PD DR fform.”
For furtther informaation on ourr campaign for Fair Pay y for generaal staff pleaase see: http://w www.payfairrly.org.nz/ Please ddo not hesittate to contaact the organnisers if you u have any further querries. Best reggards, TEU Auuckland Braanch
The N New Zealand Terttiary Education Union, U Auckland B Branch (Te Hautu u Kahurangi o Ao otearoa, Tamaki M Makaurau) C/- Careers Centre, Universityy of Auckland, Priivate Bag 92-0199, Auckland Ph: 373-7599 3 Ext 85169, Fax: 373-75007 (Internal 85507)