mber 17, 2010 Septem
Stuart M McCutcheonn Vice-Chhancellor Universsity of Auckkland
Dear Prrofessor MccCutcheon, Further to the letterr you receiv ved from ouur lawyers Oakley O Moran on the 100th of Septeember 2010.
We are advised thaat Mr Crann ney has not a response to t that letterr from you tto date. It iss in everyonne’s interestt to resolve this matter quickly, so we look forward to yoour urgent responsse.
y e-mail dated Septeember 16, 2010 2 to all staff re Evollve and And drew We ackknowledge your Phipps’’ letter on thhe same datee to Jane Koostanich. Until U we receeive a writteen response to our legal lettter from yoou our posittion still stannds as outliined in the letter from O Oakley Morran (attacheed for your conveniencce).
Jane Koostanich on behalf of th he TEU Aucckland Bran nch
The N New Zealand Terrtiary Education Union, U Auckland Branch (Te Hautt Kahurangi o Ao otearoa, Tamaki M Makaurau) C/- Caareers Centre, Universityy of Auckland, Priivate Bag 92-0199, Auckland Ph: 373-7599 3 Ext 85169, Fax: 373-75007 (Internal 85507)