20101012 GSASR Committee Letter

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Deputy D Director, HR Advis sory & Shared Se ervices

Alfred Nathan House Level 3, 24 Princes Street 2, New Zealand Auckland 1142 Telephone 64 9 373 7599 ext. 87761 Mobile 021 757 7 793 Facsimile 64 9 373 7625 Email: a.phipps@auckland.ac..nz The University of Auckland 2019 Private Bag 92 Auckland 1142 2 New Zealand

12 Octtober 2010

Dear G GSASR Com mmittee ew process is about to o get underw rway. When n The General Stafff Annual Salary Revie consid dering stafff for a salarry increase or bonus in n your serv vice division n or faculty y please ensure e that you use the GS SASR criteriia in the Ge eneral Stafff CEA. These criteria mu ust be used d when mak king decisio ons about salary s incre eases or bonuses for genera al staff. The Ev volve comp petencies ra atings may assist you in assessin ng whetherr a staff me ember has met or exceeded d the GSASR R criteria. Accordingly y, we have prepared a guide (atttached), he criteria in the GS C CEA and the e relevant Evolve E com petency that they which sets out th map to. If you have any questions q please p conttact your HR Manager or Advisorr.


Andrew Phipps Deputty Director HR Advisorry and Sharred Service es

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