Education Amendment Bill short submission form

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To the Education and Science Select Committee,

I am making an individual submission opposing the Education Amendment Bill (No 2). The changes in the bill undermine independent tertiary education councils, remove local community voices such as students and staff from councils, and replace democratically elected councillors with appointed business people. I believe councils should be representative of their local communities, including students and staff. I believe every council should include democratically elected representatives. I believe councils should be independent, both of government and of business. (TICK THOSE WITH WHICH YOU AGREE)

In particular, I oppose this Bill because:

Thank you for considering my submission. I would

I would not


like to speak to the Select Committee about my submission.

I live outside Wellington and request the Committee travel to hear oral submissions from people in my area. Yours sincerely,

Name Email Phone


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Education Amendment Bill short submission form by Tertiary Education Union - Issuu