Exploring the options
Unions and employers can explore ways of doing things such as:
Council of Trade Unions, Helpline 0800 MY UNION (0800 698 6466), http://union.org.nz/
• Focusing on performance, not age
Equal Employment Opportunities Trust, http://www.eeotrust. org.nz/
• Making sure physical requirements are relevant to the job
Human Right Commission, http://www.hrc.co.nz/
• Focusing on the result, not how it is achieved • Changing management culture to value skills and experience
NZ Labour Department, http://www.ers.dol.govt.nz/ NZ Retirement Commmission. http://www.retirement.org.nz
Sources and further reading
• Educating managers to include and consult with workers
Valuing Experience – a practical guide to recruiting and retaining older workers. Top Drawer Consultants. 2008.
• Not assuming that all older workers are alike
McGregor, Judy. Lifeswork – Celebrating Older Workers in New Zealand. Human Rights Commission. 2005
• Providing equal access to opportunities
Rights Age discrimination in employment is unlawful under the Human Rights Act 1993 and this applies to everyone aged 16 years and over. It is illegal to discriminate in advertising, shortlisting or access to normal workplace benefits such as training and promotion. Job applicants do not have to provide their age. Older workers may ask about their entitlement to flexible work if they care for dependants. Workers do not have to retire at any specific age such as 65 years and an employer cannot force them to retire. What is important to me is to be kept informed so I can make my own choices, not to be told that because I’m older I can’t do things. Georgina Kerr, review officer for the Education Review Office, PSA delegate, PSA runanga and executive board member.
Wilson, Marie and Jordan Kan. Barriers to entry for the older worker. University of Auckland Business School. 2006 McGregor, Judy and Lance Gray. Older Worker Employment Transition. Massey University, Palmerston North. 2003. McGregor, Judy and Lance Gray. Mature Job Seekers in New Zealand. Massey University, Palmerston North. 2001. Age: Why? UK Department for Work and Pensions in partnership with Trade Unions. http://www.dwp.gov.uk/ age-positive/ The Working Patterns of Older Workers (Summary). NZ Department of Labour. http://dol.govt.nz/publications/ research/working-patterns/working-patterns-summary.pdf
Okay! Unions promoting skills and experience