TEU and NZUSA tertiary education staff and student
Enrolment Campaign Kit Having a say this election
Welcom me! This is a pack to help p you to get sstudents enrrolled on you ur campus. T The general eelection is on n 26 ber this year.. As part of the union's a nd students’’ association’s campaign in the lead u up to the Novemb election, we need to o ensure stud dents are aw ware of the isssues that afffect them annd their tertiary educatio on and makee sure that sttudents are eenrolled to vvote. We havve included ccontacts from m the local stu udents' assocciations, Terttiary Educati on Union branches and tthe local Reggistrars of Ele ectors who will help in our effort to gett students ennrolled this yyear.
Purpo ose of the student e enrolmentt campaig gn We wan nt to get 18‐2 24 year old te ertiary studeents on the e electoral roll so they can vote in the ggeneral election and referen ndum in Nove ember. Therre are nearly 250,000 pottential voterrs who did no ot enrol nrolled but did not vote laast election. Both last elecction. There aare a furtherr 250,000 pe ople who en groups aare dominateed by younge er New Zealaanders and aare disproportionally locaated in place es where there arre tertiary insstitutions, an nd specificallly universitie es.
Why e encourage e studentss to be en nrolled to vote? a) Civic duty – we all have a a responsibillity to vote in n general ele ections. Currrently less than 70 percent of 1 18‐24 year olds are enrol led to vote. In most othe er age groupss 95 percentt of people are eenrolled to vote. If 18‐244 years olds e enrolled at th he same ratee as other pe eople that would b be 160,000 m more votes ‐ probably en nough votes tto have an im mpact on the e outcome in eight electorrates (candiddates standin ng in electorates often geet around 20 0,000 ung people ccan have a hu uge voice thiis election onn issues thatt matter votes). Students and you ucation. But they need to o enrol first. to them, likee tertiary edu b) Raise tertiarry education as an electioon issue – we e want to ma ake tertiary eeducation a concern for all politiccal parties go oing into thee election by getting students aware oof the issuess and ready to votte on them. Let us th hink about w what this mea ans. Why didd the government choose e to take inteerest off stud dent loans for those in em mployment in n New Zeala nd? They are e a group wh ho are likely to get to the e polls. parties not ta aken the issuue of universal student allowances ass seriously ass the Why havve political p student loans issue?? Students arre not a grouup who are likely to get to o the polls.
Why do politicians liisten to older New Zeala nders and w why do they d deliver thingss like the Gold” card? A And why is th here no attem mpt to exten nd things like e free public transport to o “SuperG studentss? In part, th his can be exp plained by loooking at the e difference iin voter turnnout of the tw wo groups. – get in touch h with other people who can We havee two main ttasks for your students’ aassociation – help enrrol students, and coordin nate class/leccture speakss to actively e enrol studennts.
Tasks Task On ne – get in touch with peo ople on cam pus who can n help: •
Contact locaal students’ a association ppeople, local Electoral Enrolment Cenntre registrarrs, and local TEU co ontacts.
Task Tw wo ‐ lecture/ttutorial/classs speaking •
Create a list of interested staff and sstudents and d coordinate a schedule ffor lecture/class speaks
Resou urces we’v ve include ed Enrolm ment packs 1. Task sheets to help you get this cam paign started. 2. OHPs/slideshows/powerpoints and sscripts for lecture speakss: •
You can download OHP or p owerpoint slides and oth her resourcees from p://teu.ac.nz//issues/enrool‐2011/ http
3. Samples of EEEC material ‐ Ask your loocal registrar for specificc numbers off enrolment forms, posters, ballloons, stickers, and any oother resources that you think you caan use to help you enrol studen nts on your ccampus. You r local registtrar is a profe essional whoose task is to o help people enro ol. They can h help you withh almost anyything, includ ding providinng time, adviice support and d resources. M Make sure yoou involve th hem in your plans! post boxes fo or collecting enrolment forms in. 4. Cardboard p
Tassk One – co ontacct and d organisee Setting up your team and pla anning how w to encoura age studentts to enrol tto vote ur planning, enrolment tteams can co omplete this checklist andd return it eiither to To help you with you national officce or TEU national office . NZUSA n
Check klist of sub b‐tasks
Contaact the local sstudents, staaff and Electo oral Enrolme ent Centre reegistrar in yo our area (based d on contactt informationn in this packk) to introducce yourself aand, where p possible, form aan enrolmen nt team of st aff and students for your campus Hold aa meeting to o plan how yoou can best u undertake Ta ask Two Invite fellow staff and studentts to sign up for undertakking Task Tw wo in their ow wn individ dual classes//tutorials or lectures. Use e your existin ng communiication networks ‐ e.g. brranch or asso ociation emaail networks,, to identify tthese peoplee. Provid de those stafff and studennts with the resources th hey need (esppecially enro olment formss ‐ you can ge et these from m your local electoral enrrolment conttact as well a as powerpoints/OHP Ps)
Name: Tertiarry Institutio on: How is your enroll campaign going?
_____________________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________________ Email//fax this fform to owett Shona Jo NZUSA Tel: 04 4498 2507 Email: caampaigns@sstudents.orgg.nz Fax: 04 4473 2391 PO Box 110‐191 Wellingtton
Or Sttephen Day Tertiiary Educatio on Union Tel: 0 04 801 4792 or 0800 2788 348 Email: stephen.d day@teu.ac.nnz Fax: 04 385 8826 6 PO B Box 11‐767 Welllington 6142
Tassk Tw wo – class//lectu ure en nrolm mentss Before lectures/tu utorials/cla asses begin n ask every student to make sure they are en nrolled nrolment teams should provide a coppy of the checklist below to staff and//or students who are Local en willing to o do this task in a class/lecture or tuttorial of theiir choice.
Check klist of sub b‐tasks
Wheere possible, work in team ms with staff and studen nts together (based on m meeting from m Task One) Iden ntify lectures/tutorials/cl asses where e keen staff and/or studeents can help p with enro olments. Hand out enrolm ment forms aat start of claass as studen nts walk in (gget these form ms from yourr local Electo oral Enrolme nt Centre registrar). Put up OHP/Pow werpoint slidee telling whyy and how to o enrol beforre class begin ns so dents can see e it as they w walk in and se ettle. stud Speaak for thirty sseconds telliing why and how to enro ol (possible ddraft speech script on nextt page). Enco ourage people to fill out the forms th here and then. Alternativvely, tell them m to get out ttheir cell pho ones in classs and text the eir name and d address to 3676 immed diately. Colleect complete ed enrolmennt forms from m people as tthey leave claass/tutorial//lecture. (You u may need tto come backk at the end of class to co ollect them, or you can u use the card dboard post b boxes for thiis purpose if you like.) Retu urn complete ed forms to yyour local Ele ectoral Enrolment Officeer.
Posssiblee 30 secon s nd speeech Hi everyyone! My nam me’s ‐‐‐‐, I’m m (insert role at the tertiaary institution n) and I’m heere to encou urage you all to make suree you’re enro olled to vote in this year’ss general ele ection so thatt your voice is heard and your vote is represented in tthe next par liament. Currentlly less than 7 70 percent of 18‐24 year olds are enrrolled to vote e. In most otther age grou ups 95 percent of people arre enrolled to vote. If 18‐‐24 years old ds enrolled at the same rrate as otherr people that wou uld be 160,0 000 more vottes ‐ probabl y enough vo otes to have a an impact onn the outcom me in eight eleectorates (caandidates sta anding in eleectorates ofte en get aroun nd 20,000 vootes)). Why do you think old der New Zealanders are listened to aand why do they see the delivery of t hings like the “SuperG Gold” card an nd free public transport?? But young sstudents rem main the onlyy group in Ne ew Zealand that need to o borrow forr living expennses? Before yyou can vote in the generral election, you need to o get onto the e electoral rooll by enrolling to vote. It iis easy to cheeck if you are already en rolled – you can free texxt your namee and address to 3676, yo ou can go to elections.org.nz or http: //ivotenz.orrg.nz, or you can fill out oone of these enrolmeent forms rigght now. We will collect itt and post it for you.
Additiional thou ughts?