Join form 2013

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Robert Watson, CPIT

PO Box 11767, Wellington 6142 0800 278 348



6/18/2013 12:45:29 PM

You’ll feel proud passing on what we achieve to future generations. The Tertiary Education Union is you, your colleagues and over 10,000 members joining together for a strong voice and better jobs. Joining us is the first step in taking control of your working life - winning respect for your hard work.




It’s a not-for-profit, democratic association of workers. Your right to join is protected by law. We all put in a small weekly fee so we can support each other when a member is in need.



TERTIARY EDUCATION UNION Te Hautū Kahurangi o Aotearoa TERTIARY EDUCATION UNION Te Hautū Kahurangi o Aotearoa

Join form 2012 A3.indd 1

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KEEP IN TOUCH WITH TEU Robyn McRae-Aoake Massey University

Kia ora! I was told about TEU two weeks after starting my job, and I decided to join because I thought there may be a time when I needed TEU. That time came and the support TEU staff gave was outstanding. I’m pleased I HE TŪRANGA made the right decision to join the union.




Title Prof / Assoc Prof / Dr / Ms / Miss / Mrs / Mr / None

Please indicate your current position:

Please circle preferred option

Surname ................................................................................................................ First names ............................................................................................................ Please underline preferred name

Home address ....................................................................................................... ..................................................................................................................................

q Permanent

q Fixed-term q Casual

If fixed term please provide the expiry date of your agreement



Is your employment agreement:

q Collective q Individual q Full-time q Part-time/ Proportional

Town/city ............................................................... Postcode

Are your current hours of work:

Home email ..........................................................................................................

Home phone

Is your area of work:

q Academic staff q Medical/dental q Maintenance/cleaning

Mobile Date of birth / q Female Gender

/ q Male

q Other


q General/professional/allied q Joint clinical q Other

What is your annual gross salary/wage:


Institution/employer’s name and address:


q Pākeha/NZ European q Māori q Asian q Pacific q Other (and/or) .......................................... EMPLOYMENT DETAILS .................................................................................................................................. ..................................................................................................................................

Position ................................................................................................................... Campus ................................................................................................................... Department ........................................................................................................... Faculty .................................................................................................................... Work phone .......................................................................................................... Email ......................................................................................................................


Date employed



Subscriptions are generally paid by automatic fortnightly salary deduction, and will continue in force until you withdraw your authority in writing to your employer.

AUTHORISATION I hereby apply to become a member of the New Zealand Tertiary Education Union (TEU) or any succeeding organisation. The TEU is a union registered under the Employment Relations Act 2000 (“the act”) and is accordingly entitled to represent its members in any matter involving their collective interests as employees. I authorise the TEU (or any successor organisation) as my sole representative to settle, subject to ratification, a collective agreement binding on the TEU and my employer in relation to me. I give the TEU sole authority under sections 18(3) and 236 of the act to represent my individual rights as an employee, and to exercise any other rights and powers given to me under the act or otherwise in relation to my employment. I agree that my rights and obligations relating to bargaining and representation under the act or otherwise shall be exercised and carried out in accordance with the TEU rules and policies. In accordance with TEU policy, I agree that the TEU is not obliged to act on my behalf in any matter that arose prior to this application. I authorise the TEU to hold and use any information that I provide for any purpose that is in accordance with stated TEU objects. Occasionally TEU provides names and contact details from its membership database with affiliated organisations that share its objects or goals, for example the Education Benevolent Society (EBS). I consent to TEU providing such information about me with such organisations. I also authorise my employer to deduct my TEU subscription from my salary at a rate advised by the TEU. This authority will remain in force for all periods of employment until revoked by me in writing. (A copy of the original is deemed to be sufficient authorisation to the employer).


q Automatic payment/direct debit q Invoice


If salary deduction is not possible what other payment option would you prefer?

Would you prefer to be billed annually or quarterly?

q Annually

q Quarterly




For Office Use: Membership No ......................................................................................... Date entered ............................................................................................

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