Lincoln newsletter April 2010

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TEU NEWSLINC Lincoln Branch April 2010 Negotiations Ratification The latest round of negotiations for the University Collective Agreements have been a very drawn out affair. The National Bargaining Team parked the claim for a national agreement and each University engaged in site bargaining in an attempt to reach agreement on the remaining national claims at a local level. Lincoln is the only university that has not yet reached an agreement. All the other universities have settled. The pay increases vary from 1% at Waikato to 2.6 % at Auckland.

What happens if we don’t settle soon?

After many months and a day of mediation the University finally came back with 3 options for pay increases: 1.

1.5% increase, expires 30 June 2010, a 12 month term


2% increase, expires 31 December 2010, an 18 month term


1.5 % in year one, 2% in year two, expires 30 June 2011, a 24 month term

The current contract covers salaries until 30 Dec 2009 so the any pay increase will be backdated to Jan 1st 2010.

The negotiations have been so protracted that our current agreement (which covers our salaries from 1 Jan 2009 until 30 Dec 2009), actually ran out a year ago on the 30 June 2009. Legally the agreement has a lifetime of 12 months after the expiry date months but then it ends.

Our negotiating team, not overly impressed with the alternatives, have made no recommendation for accepting or rejecting any of the offers. However, they did not see much likelihood of the university improving its offer.

This means that if we do not settle by the 30th June this year, our current collective contract will end and we will be put on individual contracts. We will remain on our current terms and conditions but the employer is not bound to offer those terms and conditions to new staff and they may in turn approach individuals to negotiate changes to their conditions.

A meeting attended by just over 40 members was held on the Wednesday 24th March to discuss the options. After much debate the meeting (with a few dissensions) agreed that option 1 was the best under the circumstances. The reasons include:

Meeting of Members

The June expiry date keeps us synchronised with the other universities so that we can plan national action in later years.

The 12 month term means we can start our new negotiations almost immediately

By settling we avoid the likely possibility of going onto individual contracts

If we do settle now then our next round of bargaining begins almost immediately.

What has Lincoln Offered? Lincoln originally offered us 0% increase which was rejected (of course). Our negotiating team (Scott Walters, the late Lyn Boddington, Cindy Doull, Sandra Haydon, George Hill and Nanette Cormack (TEU deputy secretary)) have worked very hard on improving the offer.

(Continued over the page)

Negotiations Ratification (cont) What Happens Now?

The Next Round of Bargaining

In the next couple of weeks you will be conIf members vote to settle now, then our next tacted to participate in the ratification vote and round of bargaining begins almost immediyou will receive a full copy of the proposed ately. terms of settlement. Although the current offer is not yet ratified, the negotiating team will start the preparation The details of the pay increase for the Acawork for the next round of bargaining within demic, General, and Fixed term contract agree- the next couple of weeks. By starting the ments are: ground work now, the team hope to avoid the situation they have just experienced of going through mediation and trying to reach agree Increase paid and printed salary rates ment over the Christmas break. by 1.5% to be effective from 1 January 2010 to be in effect until 31 December As part of the work for the next round there 2010. will shortly be a call for claims. This will fol

The minimum increase to be $900.00.

Term:1 July 2009 until 30 June 2010.

As part of the national bargaining process it was agreed that ratification would take place by postal or electronic ballot this year. This is different from how we have done it in the past by voting at a meeting. At Lincoln we will be using electronic voting and you will receive full details of that shortly.

lowed by a series of meetings before the end of May to discuss claims, endorse the bargaining team and endorse the ratification process. This means that if the current offer is accepted by members, we will be in a strong position to bargain once the new contract expires on the 30th June. Hopefully we can settle the next round before everyone disappears for Christmas. So start thinking about what claims might be relevant to Lincoln. We will be looking to form a bargaining reference group who will do the work on formulating the claims and supporting arguments. This may be something that you would like to participate in.

Enjoying the sun at the end of year barbeque

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