Volume 5, Number 3, November 2011
Bye-bye to Kay Duggan The TEU hosted a very pleasant farewell for longserving cleaner member and TEU representative Kay Duggan. Kay was also the regular cleaner who somehow managed to get TEU House into order every morning. The low-key farewell took the form of a cooked breakfast (catered by Chef Gaby) for Kay and few of her cleaner mates where a few stories were told and more laughs had. TEU join with our cleaner members in wishing her a long and healthy retirement.
Just a quick wee note to say thank you so much for last Friday, you made my last day extra special. The cooked breakfast was just perfect and I’m sure the other ladies enjoyed it as much as I did (not having to do anything was even better!). You did a wonderful job and thanks to the TEU as well. I have added in some photos of us that I took as well. THANK YOU! Keep in touch, Kay xxx
Cleaner rep Kay Duggan florally inundated, and a bottle of bubbly to start her retirement with.
Kay and colleagues at her farewell.