University of Canterbury newsletter November 2013

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Volume 5, Number 3, November 2011

Bye-bye to Kay Duggan The TEU hosted a very pleasant farewell for longserving cleaner member and TEU representative Kay Duggan. Kay was also the regular cleaner who somehow managed to get TEU House into order every morning. The low-key farewell took the form of a cooked breakfast (catered by Chef Gaby) for Kay and few of her cleaner mates where a few stories were told and more laughs had. TEU join with our cleaner members in wishing her a long and healthy retirement.

Just a quick wee note to say thank you so much for last Friday, you made my last day extra special. The cooked breakfast was just perfect and I’m sure the other ladies enjoyed it as much as I did (not having to do anything was even better!). You did a wonderful job and thanks to the TEU as well. I have added in some photos of us that I took as well. THANK YOU! Keep in touch, Kay xxx

Cleaner rep Kay Duggan florally inundated, and a bottle of bubbly to start her retirement with.

Kay and colleagues at her farewell.

Farewell to Ian Town, Deputy Vice Chancellor Professor Town was appointed Deputy Vice-Chancellor in 2005 and completed his term in September 2013. Ian was recently engaged by the Central City Development Unit (CCDU) to provide advice about the governance and implementation of the Health Precinct in Central Christchurch. Following his departure at the end of September Ian wrote to the TEU Branch: “Thanks so much for your card and gift received last week as I prepare to finish here at the University. It has been a pleasure working alongside you on behalf of your members and I’d like to wish you and your colleagues every success for the future. With kind regards Ian Town”

Finally…a pay increase coming up! All TEU members at the University of Canterbury who are party to either of our Collective Employment Agreements (and no doubt some on Individual Agreements) will by now be aware that the trigger mechanism for the next wage increase in 2014 is based on the Consumer Price Index as at September 2013. This was reported by Statistics NZ as 1.4%. For those on collective agreements this increase to pay scales will be effective as from the 1st of January 2014. As welcome as this will be to most members, CTU economist, and previous TEU National President, Bill Rosenberg has noted that “much of the inflation is occurring in Canterbury which had a 2.3 percent increase in CPI for the year compared with 1.1 to 1.3 percent in the rest of the country. It was particularly hard hit with housing costs which rose 7.0% for the year in Canterbury compared to 2.3 to 3.1 percent elsewhere. Housing costs are rising quickly in all parts of New Zealand but Canterbury is suffering most,” Rosenberg says.

College of Education

‘Soup and BBQ in the Drizzle’

Benita Rarere-Briggs, Liz Brown & Gaby Moore cooking up a storm at the TEU BBQ on Dovedale Campus.

Celebrating a belated General Staff Day the TEU ran a BBQ on the Dovedale campus and provided an opportunity for on-site members to chat and warm themselves on what was a damp and cold morning. The superb soups supplied from Liz Brown’s stunning recipe and slaved over a hot plate with assistance from Benita Rarere-Briggs, Gaby Moore and Paul Corliss. Both big pots of soup and over 100 sausages were devoured as we recognised the contribution made to the University by our valuable TEU General Staff members.

Tim O'Sullivan entertains the troops while Liz Brown waves an admonishing pair of tongs at the sausages.


Academic Freedom Aotearoa: “To question and test received wisdom” What is academic freedom and why is it critical to the high functioning of Universities that academics join Academic Freedom Aotearoa? “Academics are often uniquely positioned to speak out and indeed we are paid to have a view. We need to remain willing and able to put our perspective forward regardless of how popular it might be with the government of the day.” - Professor Martin Thrupp, Wilf Malcolm Institute of Educational Research, University of Waikato

AFA spokesperson Professor Jack Heinemann

Academic Freedom Aotearoa is the only organisation for staff and students of tertiary institutions in New Zealand that have the legislative responsibility to serve as critic and conscience of society. They investigate cases where academic freedom has been curtailed or breached; comment on government and institutional policies, statements, or processes which curtail OR enhance the practice of academic freedom; and promote debate about academic freedom. Academic Freedom Aotearoa is a ‘watchdog’ and advocacy group.

“Academic freedom, like a free press, is a reflection of country’s commitment to the principles of free speech and the values of an open society. While academic freedom is no guarantee of democracy, its erosion is usually always associated with abuses of power and forms of tyranny. For me, academic freedom is an indispensable part of the mission and meaning of the public university…” - Professor Cris Shore, University of Auckland, Department of Anthropology The South Island launch of Academic Freedom Aotearoa was sponsored by the TEU and held in front of an attentive audience at the Shilling Club on Ilam Campus this October. “Democracy only works when the many views and perspectives of our diverse communities are genuinely listened to by those with power and privilege. Having academic freedom means I can help to help keep the voices of New Zealand’s most marginalised in front of the public, the media, public servants, and politicians. And when I don’t raise the controversial, the complex, and the difficult to deal with political issues which come out of the rigorous research carried out in my discipline, I hope the communities around me will hold me to account – after all academic freedom is not just a right, it’s a responsibility.” - Dr Sandra Grey, School of Social and Cultural Studies, Victoria University of Wellington Members and non-members, academic











“Academic freedom is not an insurance policy for poorly thought out statements to the media. Nor is it a right to advertise and promote self-servicing opinions, products and research agendas. Its proper exercise is often painful, which makes it self-regulating. Those using it usually put themselves, their jobs and reputations, at some risk.”


From the Branch Photo Album: Academic Freedom Aotearoa launch Left: Dean of Law and Associate Professor Chris Gallivan shows his true colours.

Right: Lecturer Dr Jarrod Gilbert

Senior Lecturer Dr David Small

Senior Lecturer Dr Bronwyn Hayward

Left: Academic Freedom Aotearoa’s Professor Jack Heinemann addresses the AFA throng.


Canterbury TEU Members Honoured TEU National President Lesley Francey has recently written to recent Canterbury TEU member Maureen Montgomery and current member Tim O’Sullivan, as follows:

Maureen Montgomery “Dear Maureen... It is with great pleasure that I can advise you that you have been awarded a TEU Life Membership Award. You were nominated by the University of Canterbury branch, and the TEU National Council has approved the conferring of this award… On behalf of the TEU Council I would like to congratulate you on this fine achievement…” Among a range of contributions Maureen provided critical leadership and continuity on women’s issues from at least 1987. She served the UC Branch on its Status of Women Committee, was a member of the national Status of Women Committee, and was elected as National Women’s VicePresident. She served on the Council for the Association of University Staff, and was National Academic Vice-President and President in 2008. She was the founding Transitional National Co-President at the formation of the Tertiary Education Union in 2009. Maureen has been a stalwart of local activities at the University of Canterbury. She will long be remembered for her time as Branch President from 1999-2002 and the industrial actions she led while in that role. Maureen took senior leadership roles at both the local and national levels during difficult times. Her strength never faltered during those times. The Branch is honoured to have worked with such an accomplished and loyal friend of the worker.

Tim O’Sullivan “Dear Tim… It is with great pleasure that I can advise you that you have been awarded a TEU Meritorious Service Award. You were nominated by your branch, at the University of Canterbury and the TEU National Council has approved the conferring of this award… On behalf of the TEU Council I would like to congratulate you and thank you for all the work you have done for the union…” Before, during and after the tumultuous seismic events experienced in the Canterbury region, Tim was the solid backbone of the Branch. When a job needing doing immediately and needed to be done well, we would look to Tim. He is the longest continuing member of the Branch Committee in anyone’s memory. During his time on Branch he has served in a number of roles, including Secretary and Treasurer. Tim has never failed to lead during the crucial times. We recall his steady and calming presence on the picket lines, marches and other industrial action taken in 2006 and actions before that. And yet he remains ever so humble. No job is beneath him despite his expert knowledge and long experience. He attends every meeting, is on every committee and is at every BBQ. We wish to make special note of Tim’s long time commitment to recruitment activities. He is the spark plug of initiatives in recruitment. He attends all new staff inductions. He regularly uses his feet to ‘meet and greet’ potential new members. The Branch could not be more appreciative of Tim’s commitment to his colleagues at the University of Canterbury.


Save a democratic student, staff and community voice

The tertiary education minister, Steven Joyce, wants to remove the democratically elected student, staff and community representatives from the governing councils of universities and wānanga. The Ministry of Education is consulting on this proposal until 12 November 2013. We want as many students, staff and community members to let the minister know he cannot take away our voice and replace it with a council dominated by his own appointees. We believe that New Zealanders should preserve the autonomy, integrity and independence of university and wānanga councils by retaining their democratically elected staff, student and community representation. The minister’s proposed model of governance is not appropriate for universities, wānanga or polytechnics, or for the promotion of academic freedom. Please add your name to the petition at and pass it on to students, family and friends. Remember to keep your comments polite, and professional. The petition will send your email to the Ministry of Education’s governance review.

The Government is changing employment law to take away legislative rights to a tea break but that's not all it’s taking away. Under its proposed law there will be a whole range of ways it will be harder to get decent pay and conditions. One of the benefits of membership of the TEU/UofC collective agreements is that meal and rest breaks for general staff, maintenance workers, cleaners, etc are enshrined within the document and therefore not solely reliant on legislation See for more info. The CTU’s recent ‘give us a break’ campaign was a simple way for small groups (and large groups) of union members who got together and did something small about the ERA amendments. It ranged from two people having a tea break together, to hundreds organising a big picnic in public. People used their usual tea break or lunch break to highlight and oppose the law changes. We’ve got more info here:


New Members and New iPads! On Thursday last week the iPad prizes were drawn by Branch President Jack Heinemann. The Branch Committee would like to congratulate Azeen Tashakkor (College of Arts) for winning the members draw for recruiting new members and Mohsin Shaikh (of Blue Fern Computing) for winning the iPad draw for new members who joined the TEU this year. Originally the draw was to have been for iPad3s but support from National Office saw an upgrade possible, so hopefully our prize-winners will be pleased with their new iPad4s! Thanks to all those members who participated by recruiting new members and welcome to our new members this year. Of course the biggest prize, both now and in the future, is being a participating member of the biggest on-site organisation that provides professional support and advocacy as just one aspect of its benefits. Encourage your colleagues who haven’t yet got around to joining and help them discover the strength and influence that comes from membership. Get them to check out

Number of new members since January 2013 = 75

Supported by his able Secretary Tim O’Sullivan, President Jack Heinemann whips the excited crowd of new and old members into a frenzy prior to the tension of a slow draw for the winning members in the iPad draw. Contact your organisers University of Canterbury

CPIT and ITP Sector

Gabrielle Moore 021 190 2396 Extension 6485

Paul Corliss 021 859129 Extension 6288

Phil Dodds 027 44 99 422 Extension 6768

UC TEU Branch Officers President Secretary/Treasurer

Regional Administrator/Office

Jack Heinemann Biological Sciences Extension 6926

Madison Walker Extension 4150

Tim O’Sullivan Central Library Lending Services Extension 8826


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