TEU - your community Hi, my name’s Ariana. I’m a general staff tertiary education worker and member of the new Tertiary Education Union. I’d like you to consider joining the TEU this year:
1. you’ll earn more at a unionised workplace
Each year the TEU wins pay rises for our members. Statistics show that where workplaces are well unionised salaries are higher.
2. you’re more likely to get equal pay
TEU is campaigning to bring women’s pay into line with that of men. Many TEU members are women. Equal pay and employment for tertiary education staff means better jobs for all these workers – men and women.
3. you get more holidays and leave
Thanks to the TEU workers in universities,institutes of technology and polytechnics have significantly better leave entitlements than New Zealand minimums.
4. you can help keep our tertiary education system public TEU campaigns for public ownership and control of our tertiary education system so it benefits all New Zealand staff and students, not just those who want to make a privatised profit off tax pay funded services.
Te Hautū Kahurangi o Aotearoa