Casualisation; here to stay? The modern university and its divided workforce, Robyn May

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Casualisation; here to stay? The modern university and its divided workforce Robyn May The terms of employment for casual academic teaching staff in Australian universities date back to a determination by the Academic Salaries Tribunal in 1980. Since that time the university sector has changed rapidly and casual academic employment has increased markedly to cope with expansion of the sector under significant resource constraints. This paper examines literature and statistical data about employment of casual academic teaching staff, reviews changes over several decades, and examines employer responses. Employer responses focused on the individual casual staff, conceptualising these staff as a risk to the organisation, are critically examined. Using previously unreleased data from the industry superannuation fund, Unisuper, new light is thrown on the ‘lost generation’ (Hugo, 2008). The twin pressures of an ageing workforce, and a government push to have 40% of 2534 year olds with a degree by 2025, requires a fresh approach to the employment of teaching staff in Australian universities. Introduction The issues associated with casual academic employment in Australia’s universities have been reasonably well canvassed by the literature over the last two decades. A 1991 survey of casual academic staff at UNSW found that staff were dissatisfied with facilities, including access to appropriate equipment to perform their job, lack of adequate training, and concerns about workload (Fine, Graham & Paxman, 1992). Two decades on from that study, and while the titles have changed, from casual to ‘sessional’, and even ‘teaching associate’, the issues associated with casual academic teaching remain much the same. In today’s university the casualisation of the teaching component of academic work appears to be well and truly embedded, despite the increased awareness of the associated risks and challenges for universities, and the well documented disadvantages faced by the casual staff. Since the mid 1980s the overwhelming majority of new academic staff appointed in the Australian university sector have been casual staff, and it is estimated that the majority of undergraduate teaching is now performed by casual staff (Percy et al. 2008). This response is peculiarly Australian and whilst insecure employment exists in the university sector of many other countries it tends to be more of a fixed term, eg. UK, Canada, (Bryson and Barnes 2000; Rajagopal and Lin 1996) or non-tenured, often part-time nature, eg. USA (Gappa 2000), in contrast to the hourly rate nature of Australia’s casual response. The emergent bifurcated workforce in Australia’s universities has been described as the ‘tenured core and tenuous periphery’ (Kimber 2003), and the implications for the academic profession, and for the university sector are profound. Increasingly there is an understanding of the gendered nature of the casual teaching workforce (Bassett 1998; Castleman et al. 1995; Coates et al. 2009a). Whilst the literature has speculated on the reasons why casualisation is 

PhD candidate, Griffith University. This research was supported under Australian Research Council’s Linkage Projects funding scheme (project LP0991191), the project leader is Professor Glenda Strachan at Griffith University. The views expressed herein are those of the author and are not necessarily those of the Australian Research Council. The author is the recipient of an APAI scholarship with the project, and additional financial assistance from the Griffith Business School. Thanks to Glenda Strachan and Iain Campbell for assistance with this paper, Greg Furey at Unisuper for extraction of the Unisuper data, and to the two anonymous referees. Any errors or omissions are my own.


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