University of Canterbury branch newsletter, Dec 2012

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December 2012

Bargaining update: Since midyear the TEU bargaining team have been meeting with the HR negotiation team. A lot of work has been done to bring the various Collective Agreements her at Canterbury together into one dc.

Canterbury member Ryan Reynolds –awarded a TEU Service Award

Bargaining has been a slow process and has now concluded between the combined unions and the Employer. A Meeting for all Union members will be held at the times below to hear the proposed Terms of Settlement as a result of this bargaining. MEETING TIMES Union members can attend either or both of the times set down below: WHERE WHEN TIMES

Arts Lecture Theatre A5 Monday 17 December 6am (cleaners) and 12:15 to 1:15 (all members)

These are paid meetings and you will need to sign a Record of Attendance in order to be paid. Light refreshments provided TEU will then hold a voting ballot according to the rules for members to accept or reject the offer. Please keep an eye out for the email ratification will be conducted by electronic ballot. Health and Safety Here at UC we have an energetic Health and Safety Team led by Sharon Butt and Andy Anderson. We still need more representatives and committee members to take roles in the Health and Safety committee structures. Health and Safety is not an onerous task and members are able to take part in training (it also looks good on your CV.) Please give some thought to becoming a Health a safety Rep next year.

At the 2012 National Conference, TEU Canterbury Branch member Ryan Reynolds was awarded a TEU Service Award for Professional Integrity. Ryan is one of a number of members who were recognized for their contribution to Tertiary Education. National President Sandra Grey presented Ryan with his award and invited him to give talk on the work of the Gap Filler Trust. Ryan’s presentation shared his stories around the Gap Filler Projects he has been involved was well received by Conference delegates. It was a very proud moment for the Canterbury Branch and we congratulate Ryan on receiving his award.

Merry Christmas and a happy new year to all members and their families

TEU National Conference 2012

AGM 2013: Wednesday 20th March, 12pm The timing of the AGM has been changed to mid March to allow more members to attend. Put in your diaries now!! We are arranging a guest speaker (to be confirmed closer to the AGM).

TEU Canterbury Branch delegates to the National Conference

This year’s 2012 TEU National Conference was held at the Brentwood Hotel in Wellington. Work was completed on the new Rules which were widely consulted among branches during the year and were proposed as result of the desire to see the union function in a more effective way after three years of amalgamation. There were workshops on recruitment, dignity in the workplace, TEU looking glam (for the more fashion conscious members), TEU an alternative vision, TEU dignity and respect, TEU recruitment, and TEU and reviews. Other issues addressed in forums were changes to the Employment Relations Act, Trans Pacific Partnership Vocational Pathways, Asset sales, eLearning, and Health and Safety. Of note was Bill Rosenberg’s address to the Men’s breakfast on Health and Safety in the light of the Pike River Mine Disaster. Bill is a life member of the TEU and previous Branch President here at Canterbury.

At the AGM Branch President, other roles and Committee Members will be elected. We encourage everyone to think about standing for Branch positions - It is fun and there is a lot of satisfaction in working for the membership. There will be a competition draw for new members and those who have recruited them!! The TEU is a member based organisation and needs members to put themselves forward for committee roles. You will have the support of the Branch committee and our two organisers

Introducing: Gina Colvin - Māori Academic representative on the TEU Industrial and Professional Committee

Gina Colvin was voted in by the Te Uepū group at the Māori caucus meeting on Sunday at the National Conference. After a very impassioned and humorous speech she won the position as the Māori Academic Representative on the committee. The Māori academic community will be well supported by her strong commitment to equity and fairness in the workplace. 2

Introducing: Te Uepū Māori Academic and General (Interim) representative: Benita Rarere-Briggs

This year has been a busy year in my new role as Māori Academic representative on the Branch Committee. I have also taken on an interim role as General Māori Representative (with guidance and support from Ripeka Tamanui-Hurunui).

Hui-a-motu Hui-a-motu – is the Annual gathering of the Te Uepū representatives and other Māori members such as Te Toi Ahurangi (, including Te Kāhui Kaumātua, and Māori members that branch approve of sending. This year I attended along with Di Gordon Burns (University Academic Rep) and Mere Skerrett. Much discussion was had about the needs of the Māori membership, in particular the duties that Māori are called to undertake, At this year’s Hui-a-motu, the Canterbury Te Uepū members (UC, CPIT, Lincoln and Te Tari Puna o Aotearoa) did a Tono (bid) for Hui-amotu 2013 to be held in Canterbury. The bid was successful so from Friday 22 to Sunday 24 March 2013, Hui-a-motu will take place at Ōnuku Marae. It is a gorgeous setting and one that was vigorously championed for. So keep an eye out for news as March approaches – we are sure to need help and support with the Hui.

Recruitment focus for 2013: Ehara taku toa i te toa takitahi Engari, he toa takitini, success is not the work of one, but the work of many The stronger the Union is, the more effective we can be in ensuring that members have safe and secure employment with good working conditions. One of our major tasks for 2013 will be increasing our membership within the University. Some areas are particularly low in membership to the Union. Our members are our best recruitment tool. Talk to your workmates about the benefits of belonging to the TEU. We currently have representatives attending new staff induction days to give information regarding TEU membership We are looking at having delegate representatives in every area of UC. If you are interested please contact one of the branch committee (listed at the end newsletter) We are investigating some competitions, incentives and events to support our membership drive.

TEU Canterbury Branch contacts: Organiser G abri ell e Mo or e Tel 03 364 2485, Mobile 021 190 2396 Postal Address c/- University of Canterbury, Private Bag 4800, Christchurch 8140 Location TEU House, 41 Creyke Road, Ilam, Christchurch 8041 This newsletter was put to together with the assistance of many Branch committee members.


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