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New Zealand universities of the future REPORT TO THE TERTIARY EDUCATION COMMISSION 18 September 2007

This report was prepared independently for the TEC to help promote discussion about the future of New Zealand's university sector. As such, the report does not represent government or TEC policy or points of view.

Executive summary 1.

Universities more than any other part of the tertiary system need to be seen as part of a global network of education providers. Universities are being shaped by powerful global forces characterised by increasing international students, global rankings, increasing competition for academic staff and research students, a growing range of alliances and relationships, the emergence of India and China as powerful players and the prospect of new global rules and regulations.


The international standing of our universities will matter and it will be important to be more explicit about the desired international positioning of New Zealand universities. For a small country like New Zealand the overall reputation of the system will be just as important as the standing of a single institution.


Universities, while still offering broad based education, must become more strongly centred on their areas of research strength and those strengths need to be assessed in relationship to international benchmarks and standards.


Universities in New Zealand are starting to differentiate amongst themselves. This will need to continue and at the heart of this differentiation will be comparative research strengths.


This suggests that over time the research intensity across universities will vary – possibly significantly – and across the system the ratio of postgraduate students to other students should increase. It also highlights the importance of each university having a clear strategic view of its strengths and its overall positioning within the system.


The emphasis on postgraduate capabilities should be seen as one part of an overall lifting of the qualification profile of New Zealanders to higher overall qualifications as an integral part of raising New Zealand’s human capital.


A more differentiated system – and within it more differentiated universities –, carries with it the need for more focus on the importance of a strongly networked tertiary and university system. Stronger domestic collaboration will be important in areas such as multiple pathways for students, more innovative ways of designing and delivering teaching, and the development of a more 1

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