Little Trucker Down Under, Summer 2022

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Check out our website Hey there little truckers! Finally, summer is here! Summer is my favourite part of the year. Not only is it holiday time and we get to have a bit of a sleep in, but the sun is out, the days are longer, and everything just seems to slow down a bit. The best part of summer though is going to the beach and doing some hikes, and I love getting on the road and exploring places I haven’t been to before. What’s your favourite drive to do? We talk to a truckie who tells us what his top drive in New Zealand is to do in his truck, check it out on page 14. This issue we head to Feilding for the Mack Trucks 50 Year Anniversary Truck Show (page 16), and our on-theground reporter in Australia Mike tells us all about trucker life in the hot climate of Western Australia (page 22). We also catch up with our friends at Carr & Haslam (page 48). Don’t forget to check out all the fun in our puzzles section from page 27 and we’ve also got a cool book giveaway on page 47.

Head on over to for photos, puzzles, fun stories and more! The Little Trucker website is a fun place where we can all come together and share our love of trucks!

Have a great summer! Remember that sunscreen and make sure you give a wave to all the truckers you see on the roads this holidays. See you on the road,

Sh a n n o n

Here’s me on a hike at Piha, Auckland, with my little dog Shay. We had to carry her because she got a bit tired!

8:29 AM

TUNE IN TO TRUCKING RADIO 24/7 NOW! Yes! We have a brand-new radio show that is 100% dedicated to trucks! We've got commentary, news and some cool music that you can listen to all day long. You can send through a voice message to us that we will play on air so your mum or dad, or whoever is out driving, can listen too! Download the Trucking Radio 24/7 app now on Google Play or the App Store.

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