4 minute read
Mini Big Rigs –NZMTA Nationals
Story by Carl Kirkbeck Photos supplied
With last year’s NZMTA nationals cancelled due to the Covid-19 shutdown, it was not surprising there was a healthy display of new models at the show this year.
The New Zealand Model Truck Association chose the Barber Hall at the Central Energy Trust Arena in Palmerston North as the location for this year’s Easter national competition. Since the last gathering two years ago, there was a high level of anticipation among modellers to both display their latest creations and view the latest offerings from fellow members.
Once again, the bars measuring the quality of construction and level of detail were raised, with the tables full of many heavily modified and scratch-built models. These were based on both international-style and historic Kiwi rigs from a few years ago to the units we see on our state highways today.
It was a great weekend, offering opportunities for members to catch up and letting the public see firsthand the fruits of their efforts and share in their passion.
To see more photos and get in touch with the team, check out the NZMTA’s Facebook page.
Name Class Winner Make Best Of Class Entered
Rob Craddock Concrete Mixer Diamond Reo
Roy Sutherland Limited Nic Zwart Radio Controlled Volvo Scania
Peter Gillon Skeletal Nic Zwart Smaller than 1:35 Peterbilt Diamond T
Nic Zwart Classic Bedford Bedford
Rob Craddock Construction A
Cat Grader Cat & Scratchbuilt Rob Craddock Open Dodge Dodge Rob Craddock Prime Mover- Conventional International International Jamie Larn Van Scania Scania Jamie Larn Prime Mover-Cabover Volvo Volvo Neil Shayler Dumper Kenworth Marty Crooks Logger Mack Neil Shayler Low Loader Kenworth Nic Zwart Replica Scania Neil Shayler Stock Carrier Leyland Marty Crooks Tanker Mack Rob Craddock Wrecker International Peter Gillon Flat Top 1st = DAF NZ Rig Rob Craddock Flat Top 1st = Ford Rob Craddock Diamond Reo Diamond Reo Classic Neil Shayler Neil Shayler Rob Craddock Leyland Fleet Replica
ERF ERF & Fleet Stock Carrier
Ford Ford Low Loader
Marty Crooks Jamie Larn Kenworth Kenworth White White Logger Van
Neil Shayler Neil Shayler Gary Mackisack Gary Mackisack Rob Craddock Marty Crooks Peter Gillon Neil Shayler Peter Gillon Leyland Classic DAF DAF
Classic Stock Carrier Freightliner Freightliner Dumper GMC GMC Wrecker Mercedes-Benz Mercedes-Benz Lowloader Western Star Western Star Prime Mover - Conventional Cadillac Cadillac Open Scammell Scammell & Fleet Prime Mover - Cabover Iveco Iveco Low Loader
Marty Andrew Wasley Neil Shayler Peter Gillon Peter Gillon Peter Gillon Mack MAN Mack MAN Van Prime Mover - Cabover
Pacific Pacific Peterbilt Peterbilt
Logger Prime Mover - Conventional Seddon Atkinson Seddon Atkinson Van International Standard
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If you have a photo of a model truck you have built or a project you have on the go you would like to share with our readers, send it in to carl@nztrucking.co.nz.
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1) This immaculate Super Liner built by Marty Crooks, based on Stouts Transport in Taupo, looks like it has just come through the Waipungas on SH5. 2) Neil Shayler’s K104 Kenworth build is based on the rig he drives for Rozendaal Heavy Haulage, Whangarei. 3) What started as a basic European Scania kit become an extremely good representation of a typical Kiwi nine-axle unit in Toll livery after many hours of modification by Andrew Wasley. 4) Peter Gillon’s Peterbilt build, in Eltham-based Uhlenburg Haulage livery, looks all set to hook up to an LPG tanker and head north. 5) Nik Zwart took out Best Replica with his 1:24th scale version of the Svempas limitededition R730 Scania ‘Bright Amber’, owned and operated by Andssr Transport, Wellington. 6) Jamie Larn’s intercontinental tramping Scania 142 all set to head across Europe on another run to the sun, complete with an Italian road atlas on the dashboard. 7) This complex build by Gary Mackisack depicts a typical North American quarry rock rig, complete with setback front axle, modified bonnet, artillery wheels and heavily modified Fruehauf trailer. 8) This entry from Roy Sutherland of a typical Australian Volvo FH16 Globetrotter and Freighter 6-axle B-double looks all set to head up the Pacific Coast Highway to Brizzy. 9) Rob Craddock’s astounding build is based on the 8V71 re-powered 210 International run by Waikato Heavy Haulage a couple of decades ago. Note the oscillating turntable and plumbing detail.