n article published on Newsroom on 25 August Revenue Review will consider this shortfall; for ‘consider this draws attention to the shortfall in funding NZTA shortfall’, it is easy to read price increases across the board. needs to maintain our roads. The article says that The ‘officials’ are also quoted as telling the minister that NZTA has already spent 80% “high levels of staff turnover are of its budget one year into its threeadversely impacting productivity and year funding cycle. The culprits are momentum”. This comes at the time the Our roads – something to said to be the weather and of course agency is reported as having acquired consider Covid-19, which NZTA says resulted in 1000 more staff than it had in 2017, with About 300B.C., the Romans recognised 11% reduction in income. What? Did most of the increase in what are called the importance of having a substantial the agency expect its income to remain back-office jobs. For example, the roading network as vital to their the same while everybody else took a number of human resources staff has communities’ economic wellbeing and nosedive? One only must look at the increased from 51 to 118. Something survival. They undoubtedly built their revenue from RUC published regularly doesn’t sit right with me, particularly roads using the best materials and in this magazine to see how much this when one recalls the recent round technology. Some of the roads are still has affected NZTA income. But in one of redundancies at the agency, with usable today. Why is it 2000 or so years respect, we should all rejoice because some leaving having 10 or more years later – with all the advancements made the government has loaned NZTA $2 of service in the vital areas of vehicle by humans – that we cannot build roads billion to compensate for this. As it’s only safety and driver licensing. that last longer than a few months? a loan, the expectations are that NZTA Meanwhile, another government will pay the government back. The story agency that’s looking a bit dodgy is suggests officials from the Ministry of WorkSafe NZ. A story by Radio New Transport have told the minister that the current Land Transport Zealand on 17 August opens by saying, “WorkSafe lacks a clear strategy, and it cannot say if its activities are costeffective or reducing workplace harm, an independent review has found.” The story originates from a review commissioned by Workplace Relations Safety Minister Michael Wood. Yes, the same Michael Wood who is also minister of transport. This report does make for interesting reading and, at more than 150 pages, it is hard going but does contain some ‘interesting’ findings that affect our industry. For example, on page 15, it says: “Responses to fatigue in the road freight transport industry: given the current lack of agreement over roles and responsibilities of government transport-related agencies, as the regulator and system leader WorkSafe should be intervening as a matter of urgency. This could include conducting a targeted complex intervention in fatigue in the road transport freight industry.” On page 16, it recommends that [WorkSafe NZ] “reconsiders its view that it is not funded for activities in the transport sector”. Clearly, this report highlights an issue that has hung over the industry for some time: who is the regulator for the road transport industry? NZTA, as the operational agent for DOES YOUR BUSINESS MEET LEGAL REQUIREMENTS? the Ministry of Transport, or WorkSafe NZ? Not to mention the WOULD YOU LIKE TO SAVE MONEY? police as an enforcement agency that works across both? Safewise has many services to help with your health and safety needs. Let us help you protect your people, process, property and your profit: The Accidental Trucker 4 Meet your legal compliance requirements. 4 Save money by reducing downtime and damage. 4 Earn discounts on levies from ACC.
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122 New Zealand Trucking
November 2022
Strange coincidences
Is it pure coincidence or just bad luck that the current CEO of NZTA, Nicole Rosie, was also the CEO of WorkSafe NZ from 2016 to 2019, and both organisations report to the same minister for their activities?