New Zealand Wine Marketing Programme 2015-2016

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New Zealand Wine MARKETING PROGRAMME 2015-2016

New Zealand Winegrowers I

BETWEEN YOU AND A GREAT NEW ZEALAND WINE O-I NEW ZEALAND HAS ACTIVELY SUPPORTED THE GROWTH AND DEVELOPMENT OF THE NEW ZEALAND WINE INDUSTRY FOR MANY YEARS. As the local producer of wine bottles for the New Zealand wine industry we’re helping Kiwi wine companies present their finest on the world stage. Our technical expertise, craftmanship and research in bottle design, assists New Zealand wine brands to deliver sensational product to their global markets.

O - I N E W ZE A L A N D Email: Call: +64 9 976 7100

Kia Ora and Welcome to the Marketing Programme for 2015-2016 NEW ZEALAND BASED TEAM Chris Yorke Global Marketing Director 09 306 5551 021 419 194

Felicity Johnston Global Marketing Executive 09 306 5645 021 552 173

Anne-Marie McKenzie Marketing Projects Manager 09 306 5550 021 306 550

Jennifer Duncan-Marsh Marketing Office Administrator 09 306 5522


UK, Ireland & Europe

David Strada +1 415 567 5511

Chris Stroud +44 207 973 8079

USA New York


Ranit Librach +1 212 254 2729

Robert Ketchin +1 705 444 0195



Natalie Potts +852 2511 3883

Natalie Corkery +61 3 961 47577

Cover Image: Drew Lambert Australian Wine Blogger - Matthew Jukes Masterclass, Sydney 2014


KEEP your Brand Profile information up to date via the New Zealand wine portal (

- We use the information you provide on which markets you have or are seeking distribution in when considering wine selection for seminars, masterclasses and education programmes, and when planning itineraries for visiting trade and media. We also use this information to determine who to send important market-specific updates to. - It is also a good idea to include Twitter feeds, Facebook feeds, videos, images and sustainability stories on your Brand Profile, to tell your story on - If you do not have your username and password for the nzwine portal, please contact Jennifer Duncan-Marsh,


SUBMIT your wines for our biannual blind tastings. These tastings are where we

source the wines we use in our international seminars, masterclasses and education programmes. -

MAKE USE OF the market information

made available to you. The information we provide is an excellent tool for gaining an understanding of new markets, improving

your understanding of existing markets, and making informed business decisions. This information is available in the Marketing section of Contact if you don’t have your login details. -

USE the New Zealand Wine collateral to

ensure a unified New Zealand wine message in markets. Our current collateral and order information is available on members, or can be downloaded for free from the members Toolkit page. -

LET US KNOW when you are travelling! Having winemakers, viticulturists and

winery principals in market, and in direct contact with relevant trade, media and

consumers is invaluable, and adds real substance to seminars, masterclasses and promotions. -

MAKE SURE your vintage 2010 wines onwards are registered as sustainable

on the New Zealand Wine Registration website ( Any 2010 or later vintage wines must be registered as 100% sustainable for participation in any New Zealand Winegrowers Marketing activity.

GLOBAL EVENTS In addition to what you already receive as a levy-paying member of New Zealand Winegrowers, there are supplementary events and promotions in all of our international markets. This is a user pays scheme, and as such is voluntary. If you are interested in being involved in the events please see your Global Events Booklet, or go to

INTRODUCTION New Zealand Winegrowers would like to thank the following organisations for their ongoing support of the New Zealand Wine Marketing Programme:

Welcome to your guide on how to get the most out of Marketing from New Zealand Winegrowers As you can see from the enclosed it will be a busy year and we have lots of exciting activities planned. Some highlights from last year and plans for this year:

Trade and Media Visits: -

Last year we brought 73 visitors to New Zealand and NZ$5 million of media


The key focus this year will be bringing at least 84 top quality media and trade

coverage was generated from visitors visitors, primarily to the International Sauvignon Blanc Celebration 2016, the Chardonnay and Sparkling Symposium, and then to other regions

Seminars & Masterclasses -

Last year 68 seminars and masterclasses featured over 550 different wines to over


This year our focus will be utilising the visitors to Sauvignon 2016 and the

6,000 attendees

Chardonnay and Sparkling Symposium, to spread the message to their peers with particular focus on ProWein, Vinexpo Hong Kong and the USA

Information to Members -

There will be a continued focus on sourcing a wealth of market data and reports including Euromonitor and Nielsen, as well as maps, varietal and regional guides, presentations, etc


Go to – the chance is that what you are looking for is on there!

Partnerships -

We continue to work with NZTE in Europe and China and have global Memoranda of Understanding with Air New Zealand and Tourism New Zealand to extend our marketing reach

Here’s to a great year, and here’s to the All Blacks going Back to Back in October! Cheers,

Chris Yorke Global Marketing Director

Published by New Zealand Winegrowers, for our members. Editor: Felicity Johnston Designer: Lilly Johnson Contributors: Felicity Johnston, Chris Yorke, Anne-Marie Mckenzie, David Strada, Ranit Librach, Natalie Potts, Chris Stroud, Robert Ketchin, Anik Gaumond & Natalie Corkery

Information contained in this publication is correct at the time of printing and while care and diligence has been taken in the preparation of this magazine, we are all human and mistakes can happen. If you find an error please give yourself a pat on the back and drop us an email.

@nzwine #nzwine


Daniel Honan, Australian Wine Blogger

During the 2014-2015 programme year, New Zealand Winegrowers has again conducted a highly successful International Visit Programme with 73 leading media and trade influencers hosted on 701 individual winery visits and 134 regional overviews. The visitors originated from 15 markets, with the highest number (42) from Asian markets, due primarily to the ongoing support from NZTE in China, as well as joint initiatives with Tourism New Zealand on visitors from Hong Kong and Singapore. New Zealand Winegrowers also worked with NZTE on Northern European visitors, and Air New Zealand on joint initiatives for USA visitors. Ten guests were hosted as part of the Sustainability Communications Strategy and a further six (mainly buyers) via the User Pays programme. With the industry’s limited advertising spend the resultant press coverage from these visits has been a powerful tool in driving awareness and sales of New Zealand wines. To date, visitors from 2014-2015 have already produced coverage with an estimated advertising value of NZ$2.3 million (print only) and a circulation of 12.7 million. And we are still reaping the rewards from visitors in 2013-2014, with coverage having now risen to $6.2 million with a print circulation of 11.4 million circulation. This means $5 million of coverage was generated last year. The post visit surveys highlight the guests’ enthusiasm for the industry, people and wines, plus the execution of the visits by New Zealand Winegrowers. You can see the coverage, post visit surveys and quarterly summaries for the International Visit Programme in the Marketing section of

THE Y EAR AHEAD In 2015-2016 the key focus for the programme will be on bringing international media and trade influencers to the inaugural International Sauvignon Blanc Celebration 2016 (ISBC 2016), taking place in Blenheim from the 1st to the 3rd of February, as well as the Chardonnay and Sparkling Symposium, in Gisborne on 4th and 5th of February. We are planning to host 84 people during the year, and a possible eight more via the Sustainability Communications Strategy and User Pays. 73 of the guests will attend ISBC 2016 and the Chardonnay and Sparkling Symposium. Whilst a high number of guests will still come from Asia (23) thanks in large part to the NZTE support, increased New Zealand Winegrowers funding has been allocated to our key markets of Australia, the USA and the UK in particular, to boost visitor numbers to 18, 16 and 15 respectively.


If you have any queries on the International Visit Programme please contact Anne-Marie McKenzie, Marketing Projects Manager, on 09 306 5550 or

New Zealand Winegrowers I

For guests who New Zealand Winegrowers specifically target and fully fund, the monies are raised on a user pays basis, with slots on an itinerary purchased by a combination of New Zealand Winegrowers (with levy funds) and wineries. Where NZTE co-fund guests from China and Northern Europe, it means a substantially reduced visit fee. The slots purchased by New Zealand Winegrowers encompass overview tastings, regional tastings, introductory/farewell sessions, leisure time activities etc. When appropriate New Zealand Winegrowers will also buy slots for guests to attend key regionally and nationally significant events (e.g. International Sauvignon Blanc Celebration 2016, Chardonnay & Sparkling Symposium 2016, Pinot Noir 2017, Bragato). This dual funding approach of levy and winery funds stems from the rationale that both industry and individual brand benefit is derived from subsequent press coverage and sales. For ad hoc visits where media approach New Zealand Winegrowers seeking assistance, often they will pay their own flights and all the domestic and organisational costs are covered via the user pays system as per the above, with New Zealand Winegrowers and wineries purchasing slots. Most trade buyer trips are funded by their companies, with the domestic costs covered by wineries on the itineraries or included in tastings on a user pays basis.

Inclusion of Wineries on Itineraries As the first step in selecting wineries, the guests are asked to forward a wish list of wineries they would like to see. They are supplied with a list of exporters from their respective market in advance to aid this selection. Please note, New Zealand Winegrowers uses the Brand Profile reports from the New Zealand wine portal ( as the primary source to ascertain who is in a particular market/seeking to be in a particular market. Please ensure you keep your profile up to date. In order that we have flexibility to introduce the guest to less familiar wineries, we try and ensure that wineries from their wish list do not completely fill the itinerary. Regional tastings are also included where possible on the itineraries to enable a greater number of wineries to gain exposure, plus ensure the visitor has a solid, representative overview of the region.

Daniel Honan, Australian Wine Blogger

With visitors from China and Northern Europe where we are working with NZTE, clients are automatically rotated on itineraries. Make sure sure you complete your Brand Profile on the New Zealand wine portal to facilitate inclusion on an itinerary.

Formulation and Execution of itineraries All itineraries are issued on which facilitates the administration of the visits as well as presents a professional interface to the guest. The sophisticated reporting mechanisms within the site eliminate any risk of visit clashes, and allow full analysis of visits by region, winery and guest. On return from the visit, local market managers issue a post trip survey to the guest and monitor the fruition of the planned outcomes.

TIPS FOR HOSTING VIP GUESTS The visit slots are effectively your opportunity to ‘advertise’ your company in a memorable, creative and enjoyable manner with the aim of generating media coverage or sales as a direct result of the visit. You therefore need to plan and use the time as effectively as possible to achieve this result. To do this, you need to ensure you are familiar with the guest’s background, visit aims and requirements (included in the visit proposal), so you can tailor the visit properly to meet their needs. Ensure the right people are available to host, and full pricing/agent details are available (in soft copy). Show a selection of wines which best meet their needs and tell your story. Make your visit memorable in terms of what you show, where you show it and how you show it. They have all seen a lot of winery interiors so get out and about on your property or the nearby surrounds. Hands-on involvement can go down well.

Make your visit memorable

New Zealand Wine Marketing Programme 2015-2016

SEMINARS & MASTERCLASSES The year in Review Throughout the 2014-2015 programme year, 68 seminars, masterclasses, education programmes and themed tables were conducted, across all major markets, to over 6,000 international trade and media. Over 550 different New Zealand wines were poured, from over 200 different New Zealand wineries. Post seminar surveys confirm almost 100% satisfaction amongst attendees; for the seminars overall, the speakers, the wines, and the materials. In China and Mainland Europe, the seminars and masterclasses were supported by NZTE and the collaborative relationship in these markets.

The year ahead During 2015-2016 New Zealand Winegrowers will fund a confirmed 60+ New Zealand wine seminars, masterclasses, education programmes and themed tables at New Zealand Winegrowers events, trade exhibitions and other industry events in our core markets. Targeted, standalone masterclasses are also conducted in Tier 1 cities in major markets. These activities are another strong tool for promoting the New Zealand wine brand and generating positive media coverage. Additional seminars and masterclasses will be added to the programme as oportunities arise.

THEMES Seminar themes are developed in consultation with staff in overseas markets and are in line with the current/future industry supply scenario. Selected themes also take into account the previous topics covered, the nature of the audience, and the stage of development of New Zealand wine in the market.

International Sauvignon Blanc Celebration 2016 NEW In light of the inaugural Sauvignon Blanc Celebration in 2016, there will be a focus on Sauvignon Blanc across our seminar and masterclass programme in 2015-2016. Please bear this in mind when submitting your wines.

New Zealand Winegrowers I

Chardonnay & Sparkling Symposium 2016 NEW Capitalising on the trade and media in New Zealand for the Sauvignon Blanc Celebration, New Zealand Winegrowers is organising a Chardonnay and Sparkling Symposium in Gisborne. The Symposium will host 74 international attendees, who will participate in a full day Sparkling and Chardonnay masterclass, showcasing the best examples of these varieties, to highly targeted themes. The selection of wines for this opportunity will take place alongside our standard blind tasting, with separate judges and criteria.

TARGET AUDIENCE Seminars and masterclasses are conducted to relatively small targeted audiences of influential trade, media, educators, and knowledgeable consumers.

FORMAT The formats primarily constitute: • A masterclass format with a panel of expert presenters • A self-pour, themed table format with wines set-up in flights and presentations rolling on LCD screens Standalone masterclasses tend to be extended (up to 4 hours) and are highly detailed, often including food and wine matching elements.

THE SELECTION PROCESS Wines are selected via two blind tastings which take place in early October and mid February. The wines are judged by teams of expert judges under standard wine competition rules.

ENTRY DETAILS AND CRITERI A FOR BLIND TASTINGS • Entry into the blind tastings is open to all New Zealand wineries. It is preferable, that the wines entered are available in export markets. • The next blind tasting will take place in October 2015 and all wineries will receive notification in early August that the proposal is available for completion on The proposal will include all details on the selected themes for the seminars, with specific information on The Chardonnay and Sparkling Symposium themes. • The blind tasting is conducted in two separate venues: Blenheim (for all wines of Marlborough origin), and Auckland (for all wines from other regions). • There is no cost for entering wines into the tasting and wineries can submit as many wines as they wish, for as many seminars as they wish. • If selected for a seminar, freight (ex New Zealand) will be covered by New Zealand Winegrowers, provided wineries ensure the wine is supplied in time for the consolidated shipment. • Wineries should ideally be exporting to the market where the seminar is being held (some exceptions may be made if the wine expounds the seminar theme better than any other which is exported there, or if it is a new market).

I f you have any queries on the Seminar & Masterclass Programme please contact

Felicity Johnston, Global Marketing Executive, on 09 306 5645 or

New Zealand Wine Marketing Programme 2015-2016

USA TR ADE & MEDI A VISITS New Zealand Winegrowers will continue to host key influential members from both the press and trade for visits to New Zealand. The focus for this year will be on and around attendance at the International Sauvignon Blanc Celebration in February 2016. Invitations are being extended to those who will be able to leverage the experience of their visits, place articles, expand listings and promotions, and participate in seminars.

HIGH LEVEL MASTERCLASSES Following the success of our Oz Clarke masterclasses in 2014 and 2015, we intend to bring Oz back to San Francisco and New York to host another round of these high level events. We aim to attract A List influencers to attend and continue with the ‘Bring New Zealand to the USA’ concept. We will host two sessions per city - the first for trade and media, and a second session for sales representatives. The schedule has yet to be confirmed, but we are hoping to hold these classes directly following ISBC 2016. Along with the Oz Clarke series, we will host masterclasses in Houston, Los Angeles, Boston and Honolulu. For these classes we will look at previous visitors to New Zealand as hosts, along with visiting winery personnel if available in the market at those times.

SEMINARS Society of Wine Educators Conference - August 2015 We will again be involved at the annual Society of Wine Educators conference taking place in New Orleans in August 2015. We will hold a seminar featuring Sauvignon Blanc, hosted by Will Costello MS. We will also participate and feature New Zealand wines across other events taking place at the conference.

New Zealand Wine Fairs - March 2016 We will continue to host seminars in New York and San Francisco, in March 2016 around the Wine Fairs, again building on ISBC 2016.

Hawaii - June 2016 NEW New to 2016 we will be hosting events in Hawaii. We will hold a seminar in Honolulu, which will be a first for New Zealand Winegrowers. We will also look to be a major participant in the Kapalua Wine & Food Festival in Maui. We will have a New Zealand wine seminar there and be involved in the different tastings scheduled over the course of the three day festival.

VARIETAL FESTIVALS New Zealand Winegrowers will continue to have a presence at the different varietal festivals taking place throughout the year: Pinot Days - San Francisco, Los Angeles, Chicago and New York, World of Pinot Noir, and the International Alsace Varietals Festival. Participation in these shows will allow us to showcase the quality and diversity of our wines as well as position ourselves amongst the other top producers from around the world.

New Zealand Winegrowers I

KEY INFLUENCER ACTIVITY Along with our seminars, masterclasses and tastings we will also host other key influencer activity throughout the year in order to promote brand New Zealand and ensure we maintain contact with trade and media. We will continue with our social media push, growing the @nzwineusa Twitter handle, and digitally expanding by establishing a presence on Instagram. We will continue to promote #SauvBlanc Day and look to integrate our efforts with retailers to make a bigger statement in 2016.

NEW ZEALAND WINEGROWERS E-NEWSLETTERS FOR TR ADE & MEDI A New Zealand Winegrowers will continue to produce its e-newsletter that is distributed to local trade and media, using a local editor and featuring influential guests in each issue. We will look to produce articles that are informative and useful, and capture the attention of our readers without inundating them with too much information.

MARKET DATA & ANALYSIS As the number of New Zealand wine producers entering the United States continues to grow, market data and analysis is crucial for all producers looking to establish and/ or grow their business. Along with our updates to the Guide to Market, New Zealand Winegrowers will provide wineries with pertinent market info including The Wine Market Council report, consumer trends and other key market updates. The USA based New Zealand Winegrowers team will also help with specific questions in trying to make sense of the complicated and evolving USA market. In addition, Euromonitor reports for the USA will be made available to wineries annually.

SEEKING DISTRIBUTION The US works on a 3-tier system so the first step is to find an importer that is looking to add a New Zealand wine to their portfolio. Importers range from small and boutique, to large, big brand houses. Securing an importer is hard work and may take considerable time and effort, but finding the right fit is necessary in order to be successful. More detailed information can be found in the New Zealand Winegrowers USA Guide to Market.


If you have any queries on the USA Marketing Programme please contact:

David Strada San Francisco +1 415 567 5511 Ranit Librach New York +1 212 254 2729

New Zealand Wine Marketing Programme 2015-2016

Asia CHINA NEW ZEALAND WINEGROWERS/ NZTE JOINT PROGR AMME Many of the activities in China during 2015-2016 are delivered with significant support and investment from NZTE via the ongoing collaboration in this market.

TR ADE & MEDI A VISITS In conjunction with NZTE, we are bringing 18 top Chinese media, sommeliers and Key Opinion Leaders to New Zealand. Some of the visits will be to the International Sauvignon Blanc Celebration, while others will be more general and introductory, depending on the needs of the visitors. The aim of these visits is to generate additional listings and promotions, as well as widespread media exposure for New Zealand wine. Please note, as some visits are co-funded by NZTE, the costs to participate will be different from those solely funded by New Zealand Winegrowers.

NEW ZEALAND WINE CERTIFICATION PROGR AMME NEW Our focus for the coming year will shift to the Intermediate Certificate, or Level 1. The Level 1 programme will launch in August in Shanghai with six initial education partners, who will teach their students a 2.5 hour New Zealand wine introductory course in Mandarin. This will form a major part of our activity in China, and we expect 1,000 students will take the Level 1 course during the coming year. The Advanced Certificate is well established in China, with over 190 graduates since 2013. We will continue to run this Level 2 Advanced Certificate, targeting one class in Shanghai or Beijing to add around 30 new graduates.

SEMINARS We will hold eight tastings across China to reach a wide range of wine trade and KOLs with information about New Zealand wine. Seminars in Shanghai and Beijing (Tier 1 cities) will be linked to New Zealand Wine Fairs, while the seminars in Tier 2 cities will be hosted by local experts as standalone events, with small scale tastings hosted by local importers.

New Zealand Winegrowers I

PR & MEDI A RELATIONS As part of the collaborative relationship, NZTE has retained a local PR agency who will support a number of activities throughout the year, helping to generate media coverage for New Zealand wineries. The Chinese New Zealand wine website,, as well as social media activity on Weibo and Weixin (WeChat) will support events and provide broader information on New Zealand to local wine lovers.

MARKET DATA & ANALYSIS NEW We will continue to provide access to the excellent guides produced by Debra Meiburg MW - planned guides in the coming 12 months include Taiwan and Guangzhou. In addition, we will provide quarterly China market data sourced from the China Association for Importers & Exporters of Wine & Spirits (CAWS).

OTHER ASIA TR ADE & MEDI A VISITS We are targeting two visitors from Hong Kong and Macau; educator and writer David Wong in July, followed by Discovery Channel’s ‘Flying Winemaker’ Eddie McDougall in late 2015 for a filming visit. Continuing the relationship with the Japan Sommelier Association, we will award one young sommelier with a scholarship trip, and also bring a Japanese media to ISBC 2016. Building links with sommelier communities across Asia, we will also target two leaders of the Singapore Sommelier Association to visit New Zealand for the beginning of a larger cooperation to promote New Zealand wine in the territory.

SEMINARS In Japan, we will work with the Japan Sommelier Association to host a seminar in Tokyo as we have done in previous years, as well as holding separate tastings linked to the New Zealand Wine Fair in Tokyo. In Singapore, we will hold a seminar in conjunction with the New Zealand Wine Fair in January, and also with the Singapore Sommelier Association with a seminar following the Sauvignon Blanc Celebration. In Hong Kong, we will continue to work with Debra Meiburg MW and her newly founded WineSPIT trade education foundation, and will also arrange a series of activities linked to the New Zealand Winegrowers Pavilion at biennial trade show Vinexpo Hong Kong.

If you have any queries on the Asia Marketing Programme please contact:

Natalie Potts +852 2511 3883

New Zealand Wine Marketing Programme 2015-2016

Uk & Ireland TR ADE & MEDI A VISITS The International Sauvignon Blanc Celebration is a key focus this year and we are bringing several guests to this event. There will be four guest speakers from the UK and a further eight confirmed guests from the UK and Ireland to attend ISBC 2016 and the Chardonnay and Sparkling Symposium following. They will then visit other regions according to their requirements. We will also assist with key retail buyer visits where requested.

HIGH LEVEL MASTERCLASSES The Drinks Business NEW The Drinks Business will be attending ISBC 2016 and as well as significant coverage to be generated within the magazine and Daily Newsletter, we will run a high level masterclass in the UK in association with the magazine, to showcase the diversity and innovation of Sauvignon Blanc.

Ronan Sayburn MS NEW Ronan Sayburn is a Master Sommelier and leading educator to sommeliers and the on-trade. Ronan will also be attending ISBC 2016 and we will use his experience to run an educational programme to reach key areas of the on-trade.

SEMINARS & EDUCATION The seminars we held at the London and Dublin Annual Trade Tasting were all very well attended so we will run these once again. In addition Monty Waldin will present a seminar on our sustainability credentials. The self pour focus tables at our trade events are always popular, and these will also be repeated.

DISTRIBUTOR EDUCATION PROGR AMME NEW We are planning a session for key distributors to teach them about New Zealand wine and how to sell effectively in the on-trade. The aim is to create New Zealand ambassadors in those companies that will train their salesforce and be able to increase New Zealand sales to their customer base. We will use a recognised educator such as Ronan Sayburn MS to deliver the education programme.

INTERNATIONAL #SAU VBLANC DAY May 2016 Following the success of #SauvBlanc day in April 2015, we will again create activity to build awareness and encourage participation through social media channels. This year we will look to engage consumers more directly, by offering a Sauvignon Blanc tasting for them.

New Zealand Winegrowers I

Consumer masterclasses Tim Atkin will be conducting a New Zealand themed masterclass for consumers attending the Manchester and Cardiff Three Wine Men events. There will be three masterclasses at each venue in November and December 2015.

KEY INFLUENCER ACTIVITY AND PR & MEDI A RELATIONS In the UK & Ireland, we have established strong relationships with key influencers among media, importers and retail buyers. These will be maintained through regular contact at trade events and tastings, as well as occasional hospitality. We will continue to develop our network and ensure we keep our database up to date to target the right people to each event. New Zealand Winegrowers will engage with journalists and the key media outlets, providing information and contributing to articles and features when required. We will also be available for interviews and comment where appropriate, ensuring key messages are communicated to maintain New Zealand’s positive image. Finally, with the Rugby World Cup taking place in the UK this year, we are exploring the various opportunities for New Zealand wine.

PARTNERSHIPS Following the MoUs signed with Tourism New Zealand and Air New Zealand we will look for opportunities where we can work together to promote New Zealand, both as a premium wine producing country and a high end visitor destination.

MARKET DATA & ANALYSIS Nielsen data is purchased twice a year and we provide an analysis of the statistics to all wineries, with an up to date snapshot of the UK market. The information and a management summary will be circulated twice a year in in December 2015 and June 2016. NEW We will also purchase the Wilson Online Drinks Report twice a year. This is a specialist report that provides a unique analysis of online sales of beer, wines and spirits, covering key trends and UK growth opportunities. The report uses actual ePOS sales data from 13 leading online specialist BWS retailers. NEW In association with Wine Intelligence, New Zealand Winegrowers have produced a detailed Guide to Market for the UK. This will be updated biennially, and is available on in the Marketing section.

SEEKING DISTRIBUTION Finally, New Zealand Winegrowers are here to assist wineries to identify opportunities

If you have any queries on the UK & Ireland Marketing Programme please contact:

Chris Stroud, +44 207 973 8079

for distribution. A database of UK agents and importers interested in working with New Zealand wineries will be made available, and the UK office is always willing to meet with visiting wineries to provide information on the UK market.

New Zealand Wine Marketing Programme 2015-2016

Mainland Europe TR ADE & MEDI A VISITS With the major investment of the International Sauvignon Blanc Celebration, we are focussing on this event to bring the majority of media and trade influencers to New Zealand. There are eight confirmed guests from Mainland Europe (six co-funded between New Zealand Winegrowers and NZTE, with two fully funded by NZTE) visiting New Zealand this year, most will attend ISBC 2016 and then visit other regions according to their requirements. We will also assist with key retail buyer visits where requested.

SEMINARS ProWein - March 2016 ProWein is now widely considered one of the most important wine fairs in Europe and is a firm fixture on the New Zealand Winegrowers event calendar. The newly designed stand with its larger education area worked very well in 2015 and we will again run a series of seminars and tastings in 2016. These seminars will cover a range of topics, with a focus on Sauvignon Blanc following on from the International Sauvignon Blanc Celebration, using trade and media who attended the Celebration to lead these particular sessions. Wineries exhibiting at ProWein are also able to book this space to hold their own tasting session. NZTE will once again be hosting a Sneak Preview for trade and media on the Saturday before the fair opens.

Regional Tastings - Germany, Sweden, Switzerland - October 2015 In 2015-2016, at each of the User Pays regional tastings currently being planned in Germany, Sweden and Switzerland, we will host a seminar using local experts and winery personnel if available. As a big focus of our education activity will be on Sauvignon Blanc, we will ensure due attention is paid to this important variety with self pour tables at each of the regional tastings, if appropriate.

EDUCATION PROGR AMMES Importer & Agent NEW In Europe we feel it is important to educate the distributor’s salesforce not only about New Zealand wine in general, but to provide them with compelling reasons and arguments to take to customers to help sell New Zealand wine to the on-trade in particular. We will run a series of training events with respected and experienced members of the local trade in each market.

Trade We will continue to work with education institutions such as sommelier schools, hospitality institutes and restaurant academies, supporting their activities by providing updated materials and presentations, wines and speakers where necessary.

New Zealand Winegrowers I

KEY INFLUENCER ACTIVITY Gastvrij Rotterdam - September 2015 NEW Gastvrij Rotterdam is a hospitality and gastronomy event in one of the biggest cities in the Netherlands. It is a relatively new event having started in 2013, but has already proven to be one of the leading hospitality events in the Netherlands. Last year it attracted more than 8,000 visitors in three days. The visitors are made up of entrepreneurs and bar/restaurant owners, importers, wine and culinary journalists, and sommeliers/chefs. New Zealand Winegrowers will take a space at this event and try to reach a new audience in a new region. We will also bring key influencers from each market to attend our London Annual Trade Tasting in January 2016.

PR & MEDI A RELATIONS In Germany and the Netherlands our dedicated PR agency assists us in our communications and media relations, ensuring we reach the main media outlets and important journalists and commentators. Through constant contact with these influencers the agencies can generate extensive media coverage, build our network and ensure the image of New Zealand’s wines are enhanced. In Sweden, media relations and activity will be conducted jointly by New Zealand Winegrowers and NZTE. New Zealand Winegrowers staff will travel to market for key events and are able to provide information and contribute to articles and features if required. We will be available for comment where appropriate, and ensure key messages are communicated to maintain New Zealand’s positive reputation.

PARTNERSHIPS In Europe, we work with NZTE through the ongoing collaboration between the New Zealand government and the wine industry. The key focus is on-trade education, influencer visits to New Zealand, market information and PR in three focus markets; Germany, the Netherlands and Sweden.

MARKET DATA & ANALYSIS NEW In association with Wine Intelligence, New Zealand Winegrowers have produced detailed Guides to Market on the three focus markets of Germany, the Netherlands and Sweden. These will be updated biennially, and are available on in the Marketing section.

If you have any queries on the Mainland Europe Marketing Programme please contact:

Chris Stroud, +44 207 973 8079

New Zealand Wine Marketing Programme 2015-2016

Canada TR ADE & MEDI A VISITS Key liquor board buyers and top Canadian wine media will be visiting New Zealand for the International Sauvignon Blanc Celebration, the Chardonnay and Sparkling Symposium, and the Central Otago Pinot Noir Celebration. Following or prior to these flagship events, the majority of these visitors will be hosted by New Zealand Winegrowers on regional itineraries. This is their opportunity to learn and to build relationships that will empower them to be New Zealand wine ambassadors on returning to Canada.

HIGH LEVEL MASTERCLASSES Montreal, Toronto, Calgary, Vancouver NEW The concept of a high level Sommelier Masterclass with a celebrity sommelier such as Will Predhomme was successfully tested earlier in 2015 in Toronto, attendance and feedback was incredible - “We want more!”. New Zealand Winegrowers have approached four top sommeliers to help us find alternative venues and create “never been done before” masterclass tastings. Opportunities for travelling winemakers to assist in these events would be most welcome. Keep us posted on your Canada trips.

EDUCATION & SEMINARS Liquor Board & WSET/CAPS/ISG Education Our goal is to offer educational training programmes to the front line staff of the top liquor boards and restaurants across Canada. Liquor Board Product Consultants and sommeliers are key influencers in moving New Zealand wine product. These seminars are varietally and regionally driven, and also offered to on-trade students, media and educators attending Wine and Spirit Education Trust (WSET), Canadian Association of Professional Sommeliers (CAPS), and International Sommelier Guild (ISG) wine courses. To be showcased in these seminars, wineries should submit their wines to the New Zealand Winegrowers blind tasting.

New Zealand in a Glass - May 2016 We will also continue to host our seminar series across the New Zealand in a Glass fairs in May 2016.

PR & MEDI A RELATIONS, INFORMATION TO TR ADE & MEDI A, AND KEY INFLUENCER ACTIVITY Key influencers in addition to liquor boards include wine media, wine educators, private wine shop buyers and sommeliers. New Zealand Winegrowers continually monitors and updates a Canada wide database for media and trade, in order to ensure we keep them informed of all New Zealand wine activity and key industry news. New Zealand Winegrowers meet in person with A List media for insights to our market activities, and potential industry stories planned for the coming year.

New Zealand Winegrowers I

PROVISION OF INFORMATION TO NEW ZEALAND WINERIES & CANADI AN AGENTS The importance of wineries and agents working and communicating together is crucial to their success. Each year the New Zealand Winegrowers Canada Marketing Programme is presented to the agents in Canada, to ensure they are up to date on the marketing plan and promotion opportunities for the coming year. In addition New

New Zealand WInegrowers would like to thank O-I New Zealand for their ongoing support of the New Zealand Wine Marketing Programme in Canada

Zealand Winegrowers keeps wineries informed on all the liquor board New Zealand product calls, department contact details, regulation updates, currency variations, and freight rates.

PARTNERSHIPS In Canada we enjoy a close working relationship and collaboration with the New Zealand High Commission and NZTE. By partnering with New Zealand food sponsors and increasing the New Zealand brand experience at our events, we ensure consumer and trade loyalty to our wines. We look forward to a potential joint venture promotion in the on-trade in 2016.

MARKET DATA & ANALYSIS New Zealand Winegrowers throughout the year provides wineries with the latest statistics on market segment trends, including data on New Zealand wine’s performance by province. Included are CATMAN reports from the LCBO, and annual marketing plans and performance reviews from the following provincial liquor jurisdictions; Ontario, Quebec, British Columbia and Manitoba. Euromonitor reports for Canada are also available to New Zealand Winegrowers members. In addition, each year the Canada Guide to Market is updated by the New Zealand Winegrowers team in Canada. This is a comprehensive guide and insight into the Canadian market by province. Covering the key decision makers, market structure, current market trends, pricing, legal requirements, the agent’s role, and tips to success, the Guide to Market will benefit those who are in the market as well as those looking to enter the market.


If you have any queries on

Maintaining a strong working relationship with the key decision makers at all liquor

the Canada Marketing

boards is integral to the success of New Zealand wine in Canada. New Zealand

Programme please contact:

Winegrowers meets annually with heads of purchasing and marketing to review the

Robert Ketchin +1 705 444 0195

New Zealand wine brand strategy, premiumisation of the category, key messages, sustainability, and supply chain status. Of great importance is sales growth and the promotion of the core varieties; Sauvignon Blanc and Pinot Noir; but also exposure to New Zealand Aromatics, Chardonnay and North Island reds.

New Zealand Wine Marketing Programme 2015-2016

Australia TR ADE & MEDI A VISITS Working closely with editors of the major wine and lifestyle publications, up to six key media influencers will be hosted at special events on the national calendar, including the International Sauvignon Blanc Celebration in Marlborough, and Chardonnay and Sparkling Symposium in Gisborne. These events will also be supported with attendance from key trade including representatives from the major supermarket retailers and Sommeliers Australia. Guests will be offered time hosted in other regions during their trip to further promote our regional diversity. To meet the changing landscape of publishing in Australia, New Zealand Winegrowers will coordinate annual tastings and regional tours for influencers who publish wine reviews and features on digital platforms, such as Wine Front and James Suckling. Outcomes focus on the promotion of New Zealand Wine’s brand messages through editorial, increased wine listings and the building of ambassadors who can be used for educational efforts upon their return.

EDUCATION Sommelier Scholarship - January-February 2016 NEW New Zealand Winegrowers is working with Sommeliers Australia on a scholarship programme where up to ten sommeliers are awarded a week long immersion experience at the inaugural International Sauvignon Blanc Celebration and Chardonnay and Sparkling Symposium. A ‘Sommit’ (Sommelier Summit) will welcome the group on their first official day in New Zealand with invited sommelier guests from New Zealand and abroad presenting unique examples of New Zealand wine that excite them about our industry. The full day of tailored sessions will celebrate the regional and varietal diversity of New Zealand wine, showcase the latest trends in Australia through interpretation of New Zealand varieties and winemaking approaches, and offer inspired wine professionals the opportunity to learn from some of the greatest minds in the industry.

Sauvignon Blanc ‘Think Tank’ - March-April 2016 NEW In conjunction with Sommeliers Australia and media guests to the International Sauvignon Blanc Celebration, New Zealand Wine will host ‘think tank’ sessions in Melbourne and Sydney bringing together key influencers and their peers to present discoveries on conference topics in an informal setting.

Woolworths Liquor Group Drinks Academy - August 2015 NEW New Zealand Wine is hosting a Pure Discovery masterclass for 26 Woolworths Liquor Group Drinks Training Specialists in August. Presented by Mike Bennie, the full day session will include an overview of the New Zealand industry and regions followed by an in-depth tasting of our major varieties. The comprehensive textbook will be supported with varietal module materials that the Drinks Training Specialists will then use to educate the thousands of BWS and Dan Murphy’s staff nationwide.

New Zealand Winegrowers I

TASTE OF MELBOURNE November 2015 NEW Dedicated education sessions will rotate on a New Zealand Wine Cellar Stage at Taste of Melbourne in November 2015, as part of the New Zealand Wine Pavilion. Cleverly curated 15 minute seminars will present New Zealand Wine’s core messages in a unique and engaging way to groups of passionate wine enthusiasts attending this major event.

INFLUENCER NEWSLETTER NEW Taking the lead from New Zealand Winegrowers USA’s successful ‘NZ Dirt’ e-newsletter, a quarterly digital publication for trade and media will be launched in 2015-2016. New Zealand wine news and activity will sit alongside feature articles by guest contributors and support the day to day engagement with trade and media in promoting our key messages.

INDUSTRY & TR ADE SUPPORT New Zealand Winegrowers will work with distributors, industry associations and major retail education programmes to support their activity with up to date New Zealand wine information and resources.

PARTNERSHIPS New Zealand Winegrowers is working collaboratively with Air New Zealand, Tourism New Zealand, NZTE and other strategic partners to promote New Zealand wine and wine tourism to New Zealand. Where appropriate, New Zealand Wine will support the New Zealand brand offering at partner activations and promote unique experiences on partner famils targeting Australia travel trade and media.

If you have any queries on the Australia Marketing


Programme please

A popular marketing resource on, the Australia Guide to Market is updated annually


with current statistics, market trends and market information. ‘Cheat Sheets’ for popular sections

Natalie Corkery

of the guide will also be created in 2015-2016. Euromonitor reports for Australia will also be made available annually.

+61 3 961 47577

New Zealand Wine Marketing Programme 2015-2016

Seeking Distribution in International Markets New Zealand Winegrowers can help you to answer questions

Despite demand, the structure of this system creates

about local markets. We have developed and researched

challenges. Due to consolidation of the sales channels over

a number of resources for your use, which are available in

the past twenty years, there are fewer and fewer importers

the Marketing section of These are

and distributors in business. It is important that your wine is

market dependent and include:

an appropriate fit within a portfolio. Do they have a history

• Guides to Market

of selling to accounts that sell wines such as yours? Do

• Euromonitor Reports • Wine Intelligence Reports • Nielsen Data

your wines have a point of difference from others within their portfolio? Are you realistically able to meet supply and pricing requirements? Any successful brand must spend time in the market to train sales people and provide support by calling on accounts and offering attractive incentives. You

These reports cover many questions relating to the local market, including market size, price points, pricing structures,

must be willing to spend time in the market, and to host educational and familiarisation trips to New Zealand.

distribution networks and more.

Other tips to ensure you get the most from the New Zealand Winegrowers team: • Let them know if you are travelling to a market • Ensure you are registered for User Pays activities in the

ASIA China

markets you wish to develop - please speak to the User

Given the huge population and large geographical area

Pays events team regarding their event offering by market

of China, it’s important to focus very clearly on what you

• Ensure your winery profile on the New Zealand wine

want to achieve from selling wine there - are you targeting a

portal ( is up to date with respect to

particular channel, consumer, city or region? Identifying these

the markets in which you are seeking distribution

factors will help narrow your search for a distributor who can meet your needs. Shanghai may appear the least challenging

Also make sure you are in touch with the NZTE teams in New Zealand and overseas.

place to begin, but it is also the most competitive market in China. Consider looking outside the Tier 1 cities to ensure a larger market share, but be prepared for unconventional business practices and logistical difficulties. China is not a place that values casual relationships. It


will take time to find the right distributor, and once the relationship begins, it will take longer to cement than you expect. Business relationships are based on personal rapport

The USA is an attractive market in that upwards of 375

and trust as much as quality product and mutual benefit. Be

million cases of wine are sold each year, more than any other

prepared for the time and financial cost of numerous market

country. Wines in the marketplace are sourced from virtually

visits; if you can’t afford to go at least twice a year, you can’t

every wine producing region in the world. Sales of New

afford to be in China!

Zealand wines in the USA have shown steady growth over

Many distributors in China are strong at moving volume but

the past fifteen years and there is good reason to believe that will continue.

lack the capacity to build brands, so be sure to get a clear idea of where your product will be distributed and what marketing investments will be made. Expect to negotiate on

Every export market is unique. The USA has what is referred

pricing and volume targets, so work out China specific prices

to as the 3-tier distribution system. For wines originating

and your ‘walk-away point’ before entering negotiations.

in New Zealand that means that they must pass through

NZTE can help businesses to assess market opportunities,

a federally permitted importer, a state licensed distributor,

develop market entry strategies and identify suitable

and then sold to consumers through either retailers or on-

partners. For assistance please contact your local NZTE

premise accounts. Each tier will take a percentage of pricing


in order to cover their expenses and make a profit. There are fifty states and the District of Columbia, meaning that there are that many set up rules and requirements.

New Zealand Winegrowers I


Hong Kong Despite its proximity to China, Hong Kong is a small,

The UK is a well established market, so wineries wishing to

compact and competitive market in its own right. Do not

enter the market for the first time or change their current

come to Hong Kong searching for distribution in China!

distribution arrangements need to be well prepared and

Since import duty was removed in 2008, the number of

have done their research. Compared to other markets where

importers has rocketed - there are an estimated 3,000

New Zealand is successful, the UK can deliver high volumes

importers in a city of 7 million. Make sure you find an

but due to the intensity of competition and supermarket

importer who can support your volume, price point and

dominance, can offer low margins due to a squeeze on prices,

level of market engagement by asking detailed questions

exchange rates and other regulatory pressures. However, the

about their customer base, distribution and brand building

independent sector is thriving and if you find the right partner,


it can be very successful.


There are several options open to entering the market:

Tread carefully when entering this highly traditional market, as impatience and a casual manner will not win

• Direct to retailer • National Importer/Distribution Partner

contracts. Feel free to make contact, but never push or

• Regional wholesalers

chase people into a decision. A clearly outlined proposal

• Set up own company

giving information about your winery, products and sales

• Direct to consumer (online)

strategy will win more attention, especially if it is translated into Japanese. Japan is a market with huge seasonal trends and traditions,

Margins will differ depending on the option you use.

so consider this when pitching products; for example, Pinot Noir will mostly be consumed in Autumn, so approach

Key things to consider when choosing a partner are:

importers in January to ensure negotiations are complete

• Where

and stock is available in market to meet demand in September.







independent merchant, supermarket) • Your available volumes, and pricing and margin requirements • Pick an importer/agent/distributor with experience in your chosen channels

General Unfortunately we cannot give direct recommendations for distributors, but we are happy to assist in answering questions about local markets and specific companies. Please check the many resources available in the Marketing section





are available for Hong Kong and Shanghai, Beijing and Singapore, with Japan, Guangzhou and Taiwan to be uploaded shortly. These cover many questions about the local market, pricing structures, distribution networks and

• Understand your distributor’s business and requirements • Find your USP: Ensure there is a gap in their portfolio for you • Make sure there is a cultural fit - it is important to have a good relationship with your views and values aligned • Be prepared to support with staff training and education, market visits, sampling stock etc • Be realistic in expectations - take a long term view

more. In the UK it is not unusual for an agent or importer to have several New Zealand wines on their portfolio. You are unlikely to be exclusive, but you may be the only New Zealand wine from a particular region.

New Zealand Winegrowers are here to offer advice and guidance and assist wineries to identify opportunities for distribution. A database of UK agents and importers interested in working with New Zealand wineries will be made available, and the UK office is always willing to meet with visiting wineries to provide information on the UK market.

New Zealand Wine Marketing Programme 2015-2016

MAINLAND EUROPE Each market in Europe has different challenges and

listings is therefore successful local partnerships with the

requirements so it is essential that thorough research is done

major national agency/distributors. There are a number of

to ensure your products are suitable for a particular market.

reputable importers, but also a large number of agents who work part time and try to get business once a tender has

Key things to understand in Europe are: • Language and cultural barriers • Different pricing expectations between markets (legislation, taxation) • Different market dynamics and structure • Volume expectations are different

been issued. It is important to find the right importer for your business.

As part of its strategic work with New Zealand businesses, NZTE assists in researching and entering new markets or developing existing ones. If you need specific support in a market, please contact NZTE for an initial discussion.

• Varietal mix of your wines

Germany Germany is generally seen as an aggressively priced market with a low average price. However, although the percentage share of wines costing more than €5.00 is small - around 5% of sales volume - it still represents a market of 1 million hectolitres. So there is room in the market for New Zealand wines, which fit into these higher priced segments.

CANADA Key to distribution and listings through the monopoly liquor boards is finding the right agent in each province. Liquor boards will only accept submissions through an agent and will not deal directly with the winery. Note that 94% of all sales are through four provinces, in descending order Ontario, Quebec, Alberta, and British Columbia.

Importing in to Germany is quite fragmented. There are only a few large national importers. The majority of importers are state specialists or regional importers who are often involved in both wholesaling and retailing.

Finding a good proven agent depends more on the agent wanting to represent you and your wines. Most agents have more products than they can manage in their portfolio, therefore to convince them you must have compelling

The Netherlands The Netherlands is primarily an off-trade market, led by

marketing support materials and your wines should have scored well in recognised wine ratings or wine competitions.

value oriented supermarkets and larger discounters. Beyond the supermarkets, the Netherlands has a wide network of

Another important factor is strategy and expectations. Most

specialist liquor and wine retailers. The on-trade is supplied

agents have a specialty; New World/Old World wines, while

by a mix of smaller specialist distributors and larger

others prefer to trade in certain channels; Liquor Board main

wholesalers. Dutch wine importers may re-export to other

stream (high volume), Liquor Board Specialty (small orders,

European markets, as well as supplying the domestic market.

ultra premium price), Private Order and Consignment, selling to on-trade (case by case). It is important to find an agent with the right fit, culture and focus.

Sweden In Sweden, Systembolaget is the government controlled

Before contacting New Zealand Winegrowers Canada,

monopoly and is the only route to market for the off-trade.

please read the Canada Guide to Market, available in the

Systembolaget will issue tenders for a particular style of wine

Marketing section of, this will answer

based on price and volume expectations. Systembolaget

a lot of questions on liquor boards, pricing, commissions,

does not have an import licence, and buys the products

agent contracts etc.

only from licensed producers and importers. The key to

New Zealand Winegrowers I

AUSTRALIA While highly developed and competitive, the Australian wine

Detailed information on entering the Australian market

market offers a broad range of growth opportunities for New

can be found in the Australia Guide to Market, available for

Zealand’s many and varied wineries. Wineries looking to sell

download in the Marketing section of

into the Australian market need to be well prepared and carefully weigh up market entry options with sound market research and intelligence.

A list of Australian distributors can be found in The Australian and New Zealand Wine Industry Directory available for purchase via

Very little movement between on-trade and retail share of

asp. Winesearcher also has a limited list of Australian Wine

volume is forecast over the next five years. Retail volume

Wholesalers to view online at:

is predicted to account for 81% of sales volume which is


dominated by the two supermarket chains Woolworths and Coles. A route to market (e.g. national/state distributor, own company establishment, direct to retail) will depend on your business goals surrounding margin requirements and available volumes.

Wine Business Solutions publishes an on-premise report that in the first chapter analyses Australia distributor performance based on a data set of over 120,000 individual listings. This is available in hardcopy format for AU$495 at

Other elements to consider:


• Where do you want your wine to be sold (Melbourne, Sydney, Adelaide, Brisbane, all states and territories)? • In what channel(s) of business do you want your wine to be sold (on premise, independent retail, direct to consumer)? • How many wineries does the proposed distributor have in its portfolio and how many of these are from New Zealand? • How many competing products are in the proposed distributor's portfolio? • What price points are the existing wines and where will yours sit at trade prices?

As the most significant supplier of imported wine to Australia, New Zealand is well recognised in the market, but with this comes the likelihood that a distributor has several New Zealand wines in their portfolio. Competition for good distribution is strong - those that do their homework and are prepared to support with staff training, education, market visits and sample stocks will be the most successful.

New Zealand Wine Marketing Programme 2015-2016

savour regionality

savour style

@sauvignon2016 I

#pinot17, @pinot17

savour diversity

New ZealaNd wiNe Fair 2015


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