New Zealand Wine ProWine 2014 Catalogue

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新西兰国家展团 上海精品葡萄酒与烈酒贸易博览会 PROWINE – SHANGHAI NEW ZEALAND PAVILION Stand - 4CC01

Proudly sponsored by

New Zealand pavilion

New Zealand pavilion



12-14 NOVEMBER 2014

12-14 NOVEMBER 2014

KIa ORA - WElcome

KIa ORA - WElcome

新西兰葡萄酒协会是一个全国性的协会。 它 不仅是新西兰葡萄酒, 葡萄种植者和葡萄酒酿 酒厂在全世界范围内的代表, 还具有推广和研 究职能。 如欲了解更多有关新西兰葡萄酒业的详情, 请登 陆

New Zealand Winegrowers is the national organisation representing, promoting and researching the national and international interests of New Zealand Wine and New Zealand grape growers and winemakers.

联系人: Global Events PO Box 90276, Victoria Street WestAuckland 1142, New Zealand +64 306 5557

For further information on the wine industry in New Zealand please go to Global Events PO Box 90276, Victoria Street West Auckland 1142, New Zealand +64 9 306 5643

On the cover A cool-climate island nation renowned for its breathtaking landscapes, New Zealand is a New World wonderland. Kowhaiwhai, decorative designs developed by Maori, draw inspiration from its unique flora and fauna. The sculpted design denotes strength and resilience—hallmarks of our wine industry.

On the stand 塔帕是南太平洋地区一种采用树皮为材料、手工制作而成的布料,其成品带有极其风格化的条纹。塔帕的制作需要充沛的激情和精 巧的工艺,其制成品既可被用于民间,也可被用于皇室,这与葡萄园中的精心栽培异曲同工。新西兰葡萄酒同塔帕一样,在各个阶层 都得到了广泛的认可。 Tapa, a bark cloth hand-made throughout the South Pacific, features distinctive patterns such as those pictured. Just like a vineyard, the creation of tapa requires passion and craft, and the finished product is popular both for everyday use and for royalty. New Zealand wine, too, garners recognition and praise at every level. 毛利人创造了皮塔乌的设计(双螺旋图案),用以模仿自然界的生生不息,它内外流动的造型激发了新西兰葡萄酒风格持续不断的演 变,新西兰的酿酒师们总是努力将每一次收成转化为葡萄酒中的鲜明个性与风味。 Attuned to the cycles of nature, Maori developed the pitau design (double spiral, pictured) to represent natural generation, growth and nurture. Its continuous flow, in and out, also evokes the continuous evolution of New Zealand wine styles as our winemakers strive to coax every nuance of local character and flavour out of each harvest.

New Zealand pavilion


独一无二的土地 在地球的一个偏远的角落,隐藏着一片美好的未受 破坏的土地,那里有独特的植物和动物,还有以年轻 创新精神而闻名的文化。新西兰是一个发现纯净的世 界,没有什么能够比一杯新西兰的葡萄酒更完美地体 现这一点。

承诺百分之一百的优秀 新西兰葡萄酒的生产历 史可以追溯到19世纪发 现这个民族的时候。但 是20世纪80年代马尔 堡令人惊讶的长相思的 出现,才令新西兰葡萄 酒很快让全世界知晓, 在残酷的国际竞争中受 到承认和好评。 当马尔堡保持其世界最 重要的葡萄酒产区之一 的地位时,来自新西兰 其它产区的葡萄酒质量 也获得了国际赞誉。

从世界标准来看,新西 兰的生产能力很小,不 到世界总产量的百分之 一。尽管新西兰葡萄酒 的平均价格不低,但没 有人会质疑其物有所 值。实际上,质量比数 量重要的坚定不渝的承 诺使得新西兰获得了优 质生产者的声誉。


of total world wine production volume

36°-46° 94+% South Grape growing latitudinal range

of New Zealand vineyard area operates under independently audited sustainability programmes

这个承诺从葡萄园到酒 庄来看都明显可见:在 可持续发展的领导下, 新西兰继续倡导比如树 冠管理、不锈钢发酵技 术和螺丝盖的技术 。

“对一个葡萄酒产业相对年轻的一个小国来说(至少在国际 水平上是年轻的),近些年来新西兰已经真正地为他们自己 创造了名声。这里的葡萄酒保持者一种神秘感,使其在我们 这个不断缩小的现代化的世界上是独特的。” Gregory Dal Piaz,

/nzwine /newzealandwinegrowers

New Zealand is one of the world’s youngest nations. Maori created 新西兰是世界上最年轻的国家之一。毛利创造了其传统的文化表达,就像现在 its traditional cultural expression, and just as Maori artists today are 毛利的艺术家用新的形式和材料重新诠释古代工艺品一样— —比如k reinterpreting ancient craftworks — such as kahu (cloaks, typically of ahu( 斗篷,典型的羽毛装饰物,如图)— —我们的葡萄栽培者和酿酒商们也在葡 feather, pictured) in new forms and materials — so our grape growers and winemakers are innovating in the vineyard and winery. 萄园和酒庄里创新。


Prowine 2014



“可持续”对新西兰葡萄酒意味着什么? 对我们来说,可持续发展意味着以有利于自然环境的方式给消费者提供优秀的葡萄酒,商业和社区也参与进来,促进可持续发 展。在我们可持续发展的政策下,葡萄酒必须百分之百由经过许可证明的酿酒设施来酿造,并使用同样经过许可的葡萄。这个 证明必须通过独立的审查项目。我们可持续发展政策的中心是承诺持续进步,不断有新的研究正在进行和新的技术正在开发。 我们在产业研究和项目发展上扮演持续的领导角色,正因如此,我们正在帮助提升全球的可持续发展。以下七个“关键”代表 我们关注的重要内容,我们给我们的每一个成员提供指导和支持。



如果没有了我们从动物、植物和微生物那里 获得的财富,人类无法生存。新西兰葡萄酒生 产者在葡萄园里栽种和培养多样性。

土壤、 水、 空气

被赐予一系列独特的土壤、足够的新鲜水源和 极好的清新空气,我们的葡萄酒生产者加倍照 料他们的珍宝。

新西兰可持续的葡萄酒种植业和酿造业使得正在 走向成功的新西兰葡萄酒更加完整。成员们承诺 保护独特处,即通过减少使用化肥、能量、水和 包装以及再利用和循环使用材料和废物来生产我 们著名的葡萄酒。


奥克兰 能量

尽管新西兰大多数的电力从可再生资源获得, 但是从葡萄酒生产能量的需求可看出在葡萄 酒产业所有活动中减少电力使用的战略。


世界期待新西兰的高质量葡萄酒,所以为了维 持标准我们需要减轻病虫害。但是在葡萄园里 使用化肥是最后的选择。


减少、再使用和循环利用是新西兰葡萄园和酿 酒厂的口号。许多副产品常规地从废水转移, 并发挥有益的用途。

一个可持续的葡萄酒产业对人是有益的,其成 功又依靠人的传递。新西兰葡萄酒生产者认真 地承担起社区责任。


可持续的种植方式使得葡萄酒生产者可以通 过一些有意义的途径来增加它的价值,同时也 从长远上节省了成本,且这些活动是我们葡萄 酒行业可持续发展的关键。

一个大型的有效利用能源的葡萄酒酿制能够极大地节省能源, 所以酿酒厂利用热量回收系统来储存来自于葡萄酒酿造的冰 箱释放的废热。夜晚凉爽的空气和白天自然光的照明是另外 两个成功的开始。


吉斯伯恩 每一年,当地瓢虫的数量随破坏性昆 虫粉状臭虫的数量激增。“不跳进去 撒药水需要勇气。”一位葡萄栽培者 说,“但是我们尽量不使用杀虫剂。” 在葡萄藤上种植植物以鼓励瓢虫和其 它捕食者生长已经使化肥使用得到了 极大地控制。


中奥塔哥 当一个酒庄拥有位于易水土流失的山坡上 的葡萄园时,土壤的健康很重要。为了维持 他们易碎的土壤,他们进行一系列措施来 增加其有机性:在割草前允许最大草皮种 植,明智而审慎地使用堆肥浓缩生物碳,平 衡土壤的营养水平来维持给予葡萄酒基本 特征的最低肥沃度。


马尔堡 由于本国丰富的生物多样化,湿地拥有了很 高的保护价值。一个酿酒厂在2004年开始修 复50公顷的湿地,并且从那时起种植了超过 3000株当地植物——在职员和当地社区的帮 助下。随着积极的生态结果,该项目获得了广 泛的商业利益。

New Zealand pavilion


优质,可持续,多样化 作为一个气候凉爽的岛国,在生产与众不同的、极其高质量的葡












新西兰的葡萄园生产地区 (生产公顷数,2012) 来源:2012年新西兰葡萄酒种植协会葡萄园登记报告

马尔堡 (19,024)  霍克斯湾 (4,993)  吉斯伯恩 (2,072)  肯特坎特伯雷/怀帕拉谷 (1,809)  中奥塔哥 (1,540)  怀拉拉帕/惠灵顿 (882)  纳尔逊 (861)  奥克兰 (556)  怀卡托/丰盛湾 (147) 表格上未显示的其他地区 (1,716)

出口数量&销量 volume (Millions of litres)*

Export VALUE (NZ Dollars)* 1.2 billion



1 billion






Prowine 2014


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饱满酒体的红葡萄酒 霞多丽





从新西兰西拉葡萄酒的香料味和优雅的口感来看,其风 格较接近于优雅的北罗讷河谷风格。新西兰西拉充满了



微妙的矿物质味道相平衡。新西兰更温暖 的地区酿造的霞多丽葡萄酒酒体饱满到中















3,449ha* 雷司令 南岛上明媚的白天、凉爽的夜晚和长而干燥的秋天为 雷司令创造了完美的气候。其风格从极干到非常甜。 灰比诺 新西兰灰比诺种遍全国,其风格更接近于阿尔萨斯 灰比诺葡萄酒而非更感的意大利灰比诺,带有苹果、 梨、金银花、香料和面包的风味。 琼瑶浆 新西兰的琼瑶浆极其芳香,带玫瑰花瓣、荔枝、肉桂 和姜的特点。


20,083ha* 1973年,当长相思首次在马尔堡种植,没 有人能够预测这个品种会在未来几十年



5,125ha* 黑比诺源自勃艮第,总所周知其难以捉摸(只有在最理想的环 境里才能茁壮成长)。而黑比诺葡萄在离家乡十分遥远的新西 兰找到了另一个家。新西兰黑比诺展示了细致的单宁和带着些 许兴奋感的优雅,散发浓郁的水果味道和草本味、香料味和 野味。新西兰气候和土壤巨大的多样性使得来自不同比诺生 产地区的葡萄酒拥有极其广泛的风格。

新西兰长相思强劲的味道使得其在世界 葡萄酒评论中格外炫目,并设定了该风 格的国际参照标准。新西兰长相思是香 味浓郁,口感强劲的葡萄酒,它风味清新 的个性中带有青椒,醋栗和热带水果的 芬芳。其它的风味包括新割的青草、番茄 梗、甜瓜和青柠。

*SouRCE : 2012 New Zealand Winegrowers’ Vineyard Register Report, figures forcast for 2013


New Zealand pavilion



Prowine 2014

Participating wineries

New Zealand pavilion


Johanneshof Cellars Ltd 精品酒庄Johanneshof由德裔第五代酿酒师Edel Everling及新西兰人Warwick Foley共同创立,强 烈香气及在瓶中采用传统法发酵为其主要酿酒风格。该酒庄在国际上屡获各种奖项,如2005年在伦敦 举行的“品醇客世界葡萄酒大奖”中获得 “国际芳香型白葡萄酒大奖”, 又如伦敦IWSC大奖赛上,其长相 思葡萄酒获得“最佳类别”及“金奖”两项大奖。该酒庄也建立了新西兰第一个地下岩石酒窖。 酒庄联系方式 Edel Everling and Warwick Foley State Highway 1, Koromiko, RD3 Blenheim 7273, Marlborough +64 3 573 7035 +64 27 292 3192 +64 3 573 7034

代理商/经销商联系方式 中国代理商寻募中

参展葡萄酒和建议零售价 Johanneshof Cellars Maybern Pinot Noir Marlborough 2013


Johanneshof Cellars Pinot Gris Marlborough 2013


Johanneshof Cellars Gewürztraminer Marlborough 2013


Johanneshof Cellars Blanc de Blancs Methode Traditionnelle Sparkling Marlborough 2008 *



Prowine 2014


Johanneshof Cellars Ltd Johanneshof Cellars a Boutique Winery established 1991 by German born fifth generation winemaker Edel Everling and New Zealander Warwick Foley is known for its intense aromatic wines and bottle fermented Methode Traditionnelle. Awarded profusely over the range with highlights like the “International Aromatic White Wine Trophy” at “Decanter World Wine Awards” London 2005 and “Best in Class” and “Gold” in “IWSC” in London for Sauvignon Blanc. Johanneshof established New Zealand’s first Underground Rock Cellar. Winery Contact Details Edel Everling and Warwick Foley State Highway 1, Koromiko, RD3 Blenheim 7273, Marlborough +64 3 573 7035 +64 27 292 3192 +64 3 573 7034

Agent/Distributor Contact Details Seeking distribution in this market.

List of Wines on Show and Suggested Retail Price Johanneshof Cellars Maybern Pinot Noir Marlborough 2013


Johanneshof Cellars Pinot Gris Marlborough 2013


Johanneshof Cellars Gewürztraminer Marlborough 2013


Johanneshof Cellars Blanc de Blancs Methode Traditionnelle Sparkling Marlborough 2008 *

* Prices available on application

New Zealand pavilion


Georges Michel 酒庄 1997年,Georges Michel在他和他的家族决定搬到新西兰并创立Georges Michel 酒庄的时候,已经 完全迷恋上葡萄酒了。其葡萄园位于Rapaura区中心的“黄金地带“,以出产马尔堡地区果味最浓郁的葡 萄酒而闻名,其葡萄酒包括长相思、赛美蓉、霞多丽、黑比诺、西拉和维欧尼。2005年开始,Georges 的女儿Swan (B. V & O. Lincoln, NZ) 开始领导酿酒团队。我们的目标是为市场引进能够代表我们声 誉的葡萄酒。 酒庄联系方式 Heidi Bulfin Vintage Lane, RD 3, Blenheim, Marlborough +64 3 572 7230 +64 21 544 576 +64 3 572 7231

代理商/经销商联系方式 Emily Peng W.Lindsay& Co., Ltd 上 海 市 汾 阳 路 1 3 8 号上 海 轻 科大 厦 3 A - 3 室,200031 +86 216 4733280 +86 2164733756

参展葡萄酒和建议零售价 Golden Mile Sauvignon Blanc Marlborough 2013


Golden Mile Chardonnay Marlborough 2012

CNY 258.00

Golden Mile Pinot Noir Marlborough 2011

CNY 350.00

La Reserve Pinot Noir Marlborough 2010

CNY 498.00



Prowine 2014


Georges Michel Wine Estate Georges Michel was already heartedly enamoured by wine when he and his family decided to move to New Zealand and establish Georges Michel Wine Estate in 1997. Situated on the ‘Golden Mile’ which denotes the central route of the Rapaura area renowned for the production of the best flavored fruit of the Marlborough wine region the vineyards produce Sauvignon Blanc Semillon Chardonnay Pinot Noir Syrah and Viognier. Since 2005 Georges’ daughter Swan B. V & O. Lincoln NZ has headed the winemaking team. Our aim is to bring to the market wines of which we are proud to bear our name. Winery Contact Details Heidi Bulfin Vintage Lane, RD 3, Blenheim, Marlborough +64 3 572 7230 +64 21 544 576 +64 3 572 7231

Agent/Distributor Contact Details W.Lindsay & Co. Ltd Emily Peng Rm. 3A-3 Shanghai Qing Ke Mansion No.138 Fen Yang Road, Shanghai 201100 +86 216 4733280 +86 216 4733756

List of Wines on Show and Suggested Retail Price Golden Mile Sauvignon Blanc Marlborough 2013


Golden Mile Chardonnay Marlborough 2012

CNY 258.00

Golden Mile Pinot Noir Marlborough 2011

CNY 350.00

La Reserve Pinot Noir Marlborough 2010

CNY 498.00

* Prices available on application

New Zealand pavilion


Foley Family Wines Limited Foley Family Wines在新西兰的事业始于2009年,Bill Foley买下马尔堡著名葡萄酒生产品牌 Vavasour。两年之后,他买下Te Kairanga 酒庄与其在马丁堡的葡萄园,而在2012年他又收购了 Grove Mill。将这些优质酒生产商纳入旗下的目的在于酿造出可以体现品种与葡萄园特色的优质葡萄 酒。Foley Family Wines的新西兰品牌有:Te Kairanga、Vavasour、 Goldwater、 Dashwood、 Clifford Bay 以及Grove Mill。 酒庄联系方式 David Stevenson PO Box 67, Renwick, Marlborough +64 3 572 8200 +61 4181 83840 +64 3 572 8211

代理商/经销商联系方式 中国代理商寻募中

参展葡萄酒和建议零售价 Dashwood Sauvignon Blanc Marlborough 2014

CNY 198.00

Grove Mill Sauvignon Blanc Marlborough 2014

CNY 220.00

Grove Mill Riesling Marlborough 2013

CNY 220.00

Vavasour Sauvignon Blanc Marlborough 2013

CNY 240.00

Vavasour Pinot Noir Marlborough 2012

CNY 300.00

Te Kairanga Runholder Pinot Noir Wellington 2013

CNY 350.00

Dashwood Pinot Noir Marlborough 2013

CNY 240.00

Clifford Bay Sauvignon Blanc Marlborough 2014

CNY 188.00


Prowine 2014


Foley Family Wines Limited Foley Family Wines New Zealand began in 2009 when Bill Foley purchased the NZ Wine Fund acquiring the renowned Marlborough producer Vavasour . The group now consists of some of the finest producers and vineyards across the premium regions of Marlborough and Martinborough. The goal of each winery and vineyard is to have their winemakers craft handmade wines that capture the character of the varietal and personality of our vineyards. The Foley Family Wines New Zealand portfolio consists of: Vavasour Te Kairanga Martinborough Vineyard Goldwater Dashwood Sanctuary Clifford Bay & Grove Mill. Winery Contact Details David Stevenson PO Box 67, Renwick, Marlborough +64 3 572 8200, +61 4181 83840 +64 3 572 8211

Agent/Distributor Contact Details Seeking distribution in this market.

List of Wines on Show and Suggested Retail Price Dashwood Sauvignon Blanc Marlborough 2014

CNY 198.00

Grove Mill Sauvignon Blanc Marlborough 2014

CNY 220.00

Grove Mill Riesling Marlborough 2013

CNY 220.00

Vavasour Sauvignon Blanc Marlborough 2013

CNY 240.00

Vavasour Pinot Noir Marlborough 2012

CNY 300.00

Te Kairanga Runholder Pinot Noir Wellington 2013

CNY 350.00

Dashwood Pinot Noir Marlborough 2013

CNY 240.00

Clifford Bay Sauvignon Blanc Marlborough 2014

CNY 188.00

New Zealand pavilion


百祺酒庄 百祺酒庄是时髦、品质稳定的高质量混合酒的代名词。该酒庄由新西兰最大的家族式酒庄之一建立 于1 91 6年,此后,逐步发展为大型酒庄,如今其葡萄酒已出口至全世界无数地区的市场。《Drinks International》2012年4月刊将酒庄列为“世界上最受赞誉的50个葡萄酒品牌”;2013年 在China Wine & Spirits Awards 中国葡萄酒及烈酒大奖最具价值葡萄酒大赛中,荣获“2013年度新西兰葡 萄酒生产者”奖项。 酒庄联系方式 John Lang 15 Babich Road, Henderson Valley Waitakere 0612, Auckland +64 9 833 7859 +64 9 833 9929

代理商/经销商联系方式 Cai Lei 上海金汇路463弄28号B栋4楼A单元 +861390 1973942

参展葡萄酒和建议零售价 百祺长相思 马尔堡2014

CNY 268.00

百祺黑牌长相思 马尔堡 2013

CNY 328.00

百祺族长 霍克湾2011

CNY 1288.00

百祺铁门霞多丽 霍克湾2013

CNY 688.00

百祺铁门赤霞珠 霍克湾2013

CNY 688.00

百祺酿酒师珍藏黑皮诺 马尔堡2012

CNY 588.00

百祺黑皮诺 马尔堡2013

CNY 348.00

百祺金伯莱碎石梅洛赤霞珠 霍克湾2013

CNY 268.00


Prowine 2014


Babich Wines Stylish finely blended wines of a consistently outstanding quality are synonymous with Babich Wines. One of New Zealand’s largest family-owned wine companies Babich Wines was established in 1916 and has evolved as a major producer now exporting to numerous markets around the world. Trophy Winner: “NEW ZEALAND WINE PRODUCER OF THE YEAR 2013” - China Wine & Spirits Awards Best Value 2013. Winery Contact Details John Lang 15 Babich Road, Henderson Valley Waitakere 0612, Auckland +64 9 833 7859 +64 9 833 9929

Agent/Distributor Contact Details Cai Lei Room 608A Ruidu Mansion No1 Lane 280 Hongjin Road, Shanghai 201103 +86 1390 1973949

List of Wines on Show and Suggested Retail Price Babich Sauvignon Blanc Marlborough 2014

CNY 268.00

Babich Black Label Sauvignon Blanc Marlborough 2013

CNY 328.00

Babich The Patriarch Cabernet Sauvignon Hawke’s Bay 2011

CNY 1288.00

Babich Irongate Chardonnay Hawke’s Bay 2013

CNY 688.00

Babich Irongate Cabernet Sauvignon Hawke’s Bay 2013

CNY 688.00

Babich Winemakers’ Reserve Pinot Noir Marlborough 2012

CNY 588.00

Babich Pinot Noir Marlborough 2013

CNY 348.00

Babich Gimblett Gravels Merlot / Cabernet Sauvignon Hawke’s Bay 2013

CNY 268.00

New Zealand pavilion


新玛利庄园家族下的精选酒庄品牌 威杜庄园— —1888年,安东尼·约瑟夫·威杜移民新西兰,并于1905年建立了威杜酒庄,霍克斯湾最古 老的酒庄之一 Esk Valley Estate – 同样坐落于霍克斯湾的精品酒庄,专注于传统工艺酿造的高品质葡萄酒,诠释每 个年份大自然的味道 Thornbury – 选择与产地完美契合的葡萄品种,延传希腊葡萄酒之神狄俄尼索斯,酿造有趣而独特的 葡萄酒,庆祝生命的每一天。 酒庄联系方式 夏礼 亚洲中东市场经理,

代理商/经销商联系方式 中国代理商寻募中

参展葡萄酒和建议零售价 威杜庄园长相思,马尔堡 2014


威杜庄园梅洛赤霞珠,霍克斯湾 2013


威杜庄园珍藏黑皮诺,马尔堡 2013


威杜庄园家族系列吉布利特砾石区希拉,霍克斯湾 2010

CNY 1050.00

Thornbury长相思,马尔堡 2014


Thornbury 黑皮诺,中奥塔哥 2013


Esk Valley 长相思,马尔堡 2014


Esk Valley 梅洛赤霞珠,霍克斯湾 2012 *



Prowine 2014


Vidal A selection of exceptional wines that sit under the Villa Maria Family of Wineries umbrella: Vidal Estate- In 1888 Anthony Joseph Vidal arrived in NZ and established Vidal Estate in 1905, one of the oldest wineries in Hawkes Bay. Esk Valley Estate- Also based in Hawkes Bay, a boutique producer of premium quality wine, using traditional methods to bring out the best of every vintage. Thornbury -Wines that celebrate life by matching NZ’s favourite grape varieties with our iconic wine regions, and bear the image Dionysus; the Greek God of Wine; representing the fun, expressive character that embodies our wine. Winery Contact Details Charlotte Read Asia/ Middle East Market Manager,

Agent/Distributor Contact Details Seeking distribution in this market.

List of Wines on Show and Suggested Retail Price Vidal Estate Sauvignon Blanc, Marlborough 2014


Vidal Merlot Cabernet Sauvignon, Hawke's Bay 2013


Vidal Reserve Pinot Noir, Marlborough 2013


Vidal Legacy Gimblett Gravels Syrah, Hawke's Bay 2010

CNY 1050.00

Thornbury Marlborough Sauvignon Blanc, Marlborough 2014


Thornbury Central Otago Pinot Noir, Central Otago 2013


Esk Valley Marlborough Sauvignon Blanc, Marlborough 2014


Esk Valley Merlot Cabernet Sauvignon, Hawke's Bay 2012


* Prices available on application

New Zealand pavilion


Soljans Estate Winery 很少新西兰酒庄能像Soljans酒庄一样拥有引以为傲的葡萄酒酿造史。该酒庄建于1937 年,迄今已有超过70年酿酒历史,整整三代人投身于酿酒事业。依托其悠久的家族酿造 史,现任庄主Tony Soljan于2002年在奥克兰附近的经典葡萄酒产区Kumeu建立了一个 新的精品酒庄。Soljans酒庄致力于酿造有个性、口感馥郁的新西兰葡萄酒,并表现出不 同产区的风格,如马尔堡、霍克斯湾、吉斯本和Kumeu 酒庄联系方式 Teresa Hiong 地址:366 State Highway 16, Kumeu Auckland +64 9 412 5858 +64 22 397 8988 +64 9 412 5859

代理商/经销商联系方式 Shanghai Yanyu Trading Co. Ltd Wu Chen 16 Xinglong Rd. Xuancheng City Anhui 242000 +86 563 2222299 +86 563 2291919

参展葡萄酒和建议零售价 Soljans Estate Fusion Gisborne Sparkling Muscat Gisborne NV

CNY 200.00

Soljans Estate Fusion Sparkling Sauvignon Blanc Marlborough NV

CNY 230.00

Soljans Estate Sauvignon Blanc Marlborough 2014

CNY 220.00

Soljans Estate Riesling Marlborough 2013

CNY 220.00

Soljans Estate Tribute Hawke’s Bay Merlot Malbec 2011

CNY 360.00

Soljans Estate Barrique Reserve Hawke’s Bay Chardonnay 2012

CNY 270.00

Soljans Estate Kumeu Pinot Gris 2014

CNY 220.00

Soljans Estate Hawke’s Bay Merlot Cabernet Malbec 2012

CNY 240.00


Prowine 2014


Soljans Estate Winery Few New Zealand wineries can claim such a proud winemaking history as Soljans Estate. Established in 1937 Soljans represents three generations of winemaking with over 70 years’ experience. In 2002 current owner Tony Soljan put his stamp on his family winemaking heritage resulting in a new state of the art winery complex in Kumeu Auckland’s Heritage Wine Region. Soljans aim is to produce stylish richly flavoured New Zealand wines showcasing the regional wine styles of Marlborough Hawke’s Bay Gisborne and Kumeu. Winery Contact Details Teresa Hiong 366 State Highway 16, Kumeu, Auckland +64 9 412 5858, +64 22 397 8988 +64 9 412 5859

Agent/Distributor Contact Details Shanghai Yanyu Trading Co. Ltd Wu Chen 16 Xinglong Rd. Xuancheng City Anhui 242000 +86 563 2222299 +86 563 2291919

List of Wines on Show and Suggested Retail Price Soljans Estate Fusion Gisborne Sparkling Muscat Gisborne NV

CNY 200.00

Soljans Estate Fusion Sparkling Sauvignon Blanc Marlborough NV

CNY 230.00

Soljans Estate Sauvignon Blanc Marlborough 2014

CNY 220.00

Soljans Estate Riesling Marlborough 2013

CNY 220.00

Soljans Estate Tribute Hawke’s Bay Merlot Malbec 2011

CNY 360.00

Soljans Estate Barrique Reserve Hawke’s Bay Chardonnay 2012

CNY 270.00

Soljans Estate Kumeu Pinot Gris 2014

CNY 220.00

Soljans Estate Hawke’s Bay Merlot Cabernet Malbec 2012

CNY 240.00

New Zealand pavilion


象山 美丽的象山是一家不断创新的家族酒庄,坐落于新西兰霍克斯湾恬静的Te Awanga海滨。我们是一家家 族酒庄,对高品质的不懈追求,一直是象山酒庄的核心理念。我们拥有三座葡萄园,分别在霍克斯湾的三 个著名子产区 - 沿海的Te Awanga、内陆地区的金砾特砾石区和帕桥三角区。象山酒庄始终认为最顶级 的葡萄酒一定是经细心手工酿造的,所以我们生产纯手工酿制的高端葡萄酒。我们的葡萄都是100%手工 采收、筛选和酿造。!

酒庄联系方式 文思 86 Clifton Road, Te Awanga Hastings, Hawke’s Bay +64 6 873 0400 +64 275 210 053 +64 6 875 1444

代理商/经销商联系方式 珠海横琴新区金伯利葡萄酒业有限公司 联系人:杨艳秋 中国广东省珠海市情侣北路199号美丽湾 会所1层/3层 +86 0756-2260020 +86 13802677077 +86 0756-2260805

参展葡萄酒和建议零售价 Elephant Hill Sauvignon Blanc Hawke’s Bay 2013


Elephant Hill Le Phant Blanc Pinot Gris Viognier Gewurztraminer Hawke’s Bay 2013


Elephant Hill Le Phant Merlot Malbec Cabernet Hawke’s Bay 2012


Elephant Hill Syrah Hawke’s Bay 2013


Elephant Hill Reserve Syrah Hawke’s Bay 2012




Prowine 2014


Elephant Hill Elephant Hill is a stunning and innovative winery estate located on the idyllic Te Awanga coast in Hawke’s Bay New Zealand. We are a family owned boutique producer of superpremium wines with three vineyards in the renowned sub-regions of Hawke’s Bay the coastal Te Awanga and the inland Gimblett Gravels and Bridge Pa Triangle. At Elephant Hill we believe that great wines are hand-made wines where meticulous attention to detail will result in the highest quality wine. All our grapes are 100% hand-picked hand sorted and vinified in small batches – an absolute commitment to quality. Winery Contact Details Vince Labat 86 Clifton Road, Te Awanga Hastings, Hawkes Bay +64 6 873 0400 +64 27 521 0053 +64 6 875 1444

Agent/Distributor Contact Details Gimblett Wine Co Yolanda Yang 1&3 Floor Clubhouse Meiliwan 199 Qinglu Road Zhuhai Guangdong +86 756 2260020

List of Wines on Show and Suggested Retail Price Elephant Hill Sauvignon Blanc Hawke’s Bay 2013


Elephant Hill Le Phant Blanc Pinot Gris Viognier Gewurztraminer Hawke’s Bay 2013


Elephant Hill Le Phant Merlot Malbec Cabernet Hawke’s Bay 2012


Elephant Hill Syrah Hawke’s Bay 2013


Elephant Hill Reserve Syrah Hawke’s Bay 2012


* Prices available on application

New Zealand pavilion


Ohau葡萄酒公司 Ohau葡萄园创立于新西兰最年轻的产区,位于较低北岛的Kapiti Coast地区的北边。Ohau 酿造的葡 萄酒优雅而果味浓郁。葡萄栽培者Kate Gibbs指出Ohao的河流阶地的土壤和微气候是这里独特风土 的关键因素。酿酒师Jane Cooper在质量方面极致追求,是Ohao葡萄酒卓绝质量的另一个因素。从首 次2009年份酒推出开始,Ohao的葡萄酒备受好评,Ohao Gravels灰比诺尤其获得很高的赞誉。 酒庄联系方式 Donna Riley 地址:PO Box 99, Paraparaumu, Wellington +64 6 367 5051 +64 21 118 2887

代理商/经销商联系方式 中国代理商寻募中

参展葡萄酒和建议零售价 Ohau Gravels Pinot Gris Ohau, North Island 2014


Woven Stone Pinot Gris Ohau, North Island 2014


Ohau Gravel Single Vineyard Pinot Gris Ohau, North Island 2011


Woven Stone Rose Ohau, North Island 2014


Woven Stone Sauvignon Blanc Ohau, North Island 2012


Woven Stone Sauvignon Blanc Ohau, North Island 2014


Ohau Gravels Sauvignon Blanc Ohau, North Island 2013


Woven Stone Pinot Noir Ohau, North Island 2012




Prowine 2014


Ohau Wines Limited Ohau is New Zealand’s newest winegrowing region. Ohau Wines are producing exciting elegant wines with intense fruit flavours. Viticulturist Kate Gibbs identified the Ohau river terrace soils and a unique microclimate as being the key attributes of the unique terroir. A meticulous focus on quality by winemaker Jane Cooper continues the story. Since its maiden vintage in 2009 all wines have been award winners with the Ohau Gravels Pinot Gris achieving trophy status. Winery Contact Details Donna Riley PO Box 99 Paraparaumu, Wellington +64 6 367 5051 +64 21 118 2887

Agent/Distributor Contact Details Seeking distribution in this market.

List of Wines on Show and Suggested Retail Price Ohau Gravels Pinot Gris Ohau, North Island 2014


Woven Stone Pinot Gris Ohau, North Island 2014


Ohau Gravel Single Vineyard Pinot Gris Ohau, North Island 2011


Woven Stone Rose Ohau, North Island 2014


Woven Stone Sauvignon Blanc Ohau, North Island 2012


Woven Stone Sauvignon Blanc Ohau, North Island 2014


Ohau Gravels Sauvignon Blanc Ohau, North Island 2013


Woven Stone Pinot Noir Ohau, North Island 2012


* Prices available on application

New Zealand pavilion


A LAND LIKE NO OTHER Tucked away in a remote corner of the globe is a place of glorious unspoiled landscapes, exotic flora and fauna, and a culture renowned for its spirit of youthful innovation. New Zealand is a world of pure discovery, and nothing distilLs its essence more perfectly than a glass of New Zealand wine. DISCOVER our world.

100% Committed to excellence New Zealand’s wine producing history extends back to the founding of the nation in the 1800s. It was the introduction to Marlborough’s astonishing Sauvignon Blanc in the 1980s that saw New Zealand wine explode onto the international scene, courtesy of world beating performances in international competitions and rapturous critical reviews. While Marlborough retains its status as one of the world’s foremost wine producing regions, the quality of wines from elsewhere in the country has also garnered international acclaim. By world standards New Zealand’s production capacity is tiny, accounting for less than

1% of total volume. Though the average price tag for a New Zealand wine is a reflection of its desirability, few would question its ability to deliver excellent value for money. In fact, it’s the unswerving commitment to quality over quantity that has won New Zealand its reputation as a premium producer.


of total world wine production volume

36°-46° 94+% South Grape growing latitudinal range

of New Zealand vineyard area operates under independently audited sustainability programmes

This commitment is evident from the vineyard to the winery, along with sustainability leadership, New Zealand continues to pioneer advances such as canopy management, stainless steel fermentation techniques and screwcaps.

“For a small country with a relatively young wine industry (at least on the international level), New Zealand really has made a name for themselves over recent years. The wines retain an air of mystery that is somewhat unique in this ever-shrinking modern world of ours.” Gregory Dal Piaz, /nzwine /newzealandwinegrowers New Zealand is one of the world’s youngest nations. Maori created its traditional cultural expression, and just as Maori artists today are reinterpreting ancient craftworks — such as kahu (cloaks, typically of feather, pictured) in new forms and materials — so our grape growers and winemakers are innovating in the vineyard and winery.


Prowine 2014



WHAT DOES “SUSTAINABLE” MEAN FOR NEW ZEALAND WINE? For us, sustainability means delivering excellent wine to consumers in a way that enables the natural environment, and the businesses and communities involved, to thrive. Under our Sustainability Policy, wine must be made from 100% certified grapes in fully certified winemaking facilities, and certification must be through an independently audited programme. Central to our sustainability policies is a commitment to keep improving, as new research is undertaken and new technologies are developed. We have an ongoing leadership role in industry research and development projects and, as a result, we’re helping to raise the global bar for sustainability. Seven “pillars” represent our key areas of focus, and we provide guidance and support around each to our members.



Without the wealth we’re able to harvest from animals, plants and microorganisms, humans couldn’t survive. New Zealand wine producers

Sustainable Winegrowing New Zealand is integral to the ongoing success of New Zealand wine. Members are committed to protecting the unique places that make our famous wines by reducing the use of chemicals, energy, water and packaging, and reusing and recycling materials and waste.

cultivate and nurture diversity in the vineyard.

Soil, Water, Air

Blessed with an array of distinctive soils, abundant fresh water and famously clear air,  our wine producers go to great lengths to take care of these treasures.

Energy Auckland

Even though New Zealand draws most of its ENERGY



electricity from renewable sources, the energy demands of wine production sees the industry employing reduction strategies in all activities. The world expects a certain quality from New Zealand wine; to maintain standards we need to

One large wine operation finds energy efficiencies offer significant savings, so the winery employs heat recovery systems to store waste heat from refrigeration for use in winemaking. Night air cooling, and daytime illumination by natural light are two other successful initiatives.

mitigate against disease and pests. Chemical use on the vineyard, however, is the last resort. Reduce, reuse and recycle are the watchwords in New Zealand vineyards and wineries. Many byproducts are routinely diverted from the waste stream and turned to beneficial use.



A sustainable wine industry is for the benefit of people, and its success depends on delivery by people. New Zealand wine producers take their community responsibilities seriously. Sustainable practices enable wine producers to add value in a number of meaningful ways, while also making long-term cost savings and are therefore critical to the legacy of our wine industry. Chemicals Gisborne

Each year, local ladybird populations boom in response to the numbers of the damaging pest mealy bug. “It takes some fortitude not to jump in and spray,” says one viticulturist, “but we endeavor to use no insecticides.” Planting cover crops to encourage ladybirds and other predators has significantly reduced use of chemical controls. Soil, Water, Air: Soil Central Otago

For a winery with vineyards on flash flood-prone slopes, soil health is vital. To sustain their fragile soils they’re increasing organic matter by allowing maximum sward growth before mowing; judiciously applying compostenriched bio-char, and balancing soil nutrient levels to preserve the low fertility that gives essential character to their wines.

Biodiversity: Wetlands Marlborough

Rich in indigenous biodiversity, wetlands have high conservation value. One winery began restoring 50 hectares of wetland in 2004 and has since planted over 3000 native plants — with the help of staff and local communities. Along with positive ecological outcomes, the project has yielded wide-ranging business benefits.

New Zealand pavilion


PREMIUM, SUSTAINABLE, DIVERSE As an isolated, cool-climate island nation, New Zealand enjoys an undeniable advantage when it comes to producing distinctive, ultra high quality wines.

them to develop pure, intense varietal flavours. This is the foundation of New Zealand wines’ elegance and power, and helps explain their famed balance, structure and food friendliness.

No place is more than 130km, or 80 miles, inland and the proximity of our vineyards to the ocean has a pronounced effect on the character of our wines. Mild, sunny summers and marked differences between day and night time temperatures in many regions slow the ripening of the grapes and allow

And with growing regions extending 1,600km (1,000 miles) — from latitude 36° in the subtropical north to latitude 46° in the mountainous south (the most southerly vineyards in the world) — regional diversity is dramatic, enabling a striking array of wine varieties and styles to flourish.

NEW ZEALAND PRODUCING VINEYARD AREA hectares, 2013*  Marlborough (23,232)  Hawke’s Bay (5,093)  Gisborne (1,608)  CENTRAL Otago (1,909)  CANTERBURY/ Waipara VALLEY (1,454)  Nelson (1,032)  Wairarapa/Wellington (972)  Auckland/northland (406) (Not shown)  Waikato/Bay of Plenty (24) *SOURCE: Forward estimate, New Zealand Winegrowers Vineyard Register 2012

EXPORT VOLUME AND SALES export volume Millions of litres*

export Sales - value $NZ fob* 1.2 billion



1 billion





Prowine 2014










KEY VARIETIES (Planted hectares, 2013)*

REd blends



The classic New Zealand Chardonnay is mouth-filling, with concentrated citrus & tropical fruit, balanced by crisp acidity & refined minerality. The warmer NZ regions typically yield full to medium bodied wines with round, rich flavours, whilst the cooler South Island regions tend to produce medium to light bodied styles with greater acidity, minerality & fresh citrus flavours. As a wine, Chardonnay strongly reflects New Zealand’s unique terroir and the

huge diversity within its regions.

Syrah Distinguished by its bright, spicy flavours and elegant texture, akin to elegant Northern Rhône style, New Zealand Syrah is crammed full of plum and savoury black pepper flavours and sometimes even a hint of violets. Cabernet Sauvignon/ Merlot blends By augmenting the structure and finesse of Cabernet Sauvignon with the vibrant, ripe fruit of Merlot, winemakers in New Zealand’s warmer northerly regions are creating elegant, yet powerfully intense, red wine blends. These blends are notable for their purity of fruit expression and are known for being rich and well structured, showing characters of plum,

blackcurrant and chocolate.


3,617ha* Riesling The South Island’s bright days, cool nights and long, dry autumns create the perfect climate for Riesling. Style ranges from bone dry to lushly sweet. Pinot Gris Grown throughout the country, New Zealand Pinot Gris is more akin to Alsace in style than the drier Pinot Grigio, with notes of apple, pear, honeysuckle, spice and bread. Gewürztraminer New Zealand Gewürztraminer is extremely fragrant, with rose petals, lychee, cinnamon and ginger characters

commonly seen.

Sauvignon Blanc


Pinot noir

5,425ha* Native to Burgundy and notoriously fickle (it thrives only in the most optimal of environments), the Pinot Noir grape has found in New Zealand a home away from home. New Zealand Pinot Noir shows fine tannins and elegance with the added excitement of vibrant, intense fruit and secondary herbal, spice and game characters. The huge diversity in climates and soils in New Zealand enables a wide

range of styles from the Pinot producing regions.

In 1973, as Marlborough’s first Sauvignon Blanc vines were being planted, no one could have predicted that their yields would attain superstar status within a couple of decades. The explosive flavours of New Zealand Sauvignon Blanc have dazzled wine critics throughout the world, setting the international benchmark for the style. Pungently aromatic, New Zealand Sauvignon Blanc assails the senses with green capsicum (bell-pepper) and gooseberry characters through

lush passionfruit and tropical fruit overtones. Other notes include freshcut grass, tomato stalks, melons or limes.

New Zealand pavilion



Prowine 2014

“WAI”在毛利语里是“水”, “WERA”是“热”的意思,合在一 起构成了“WAIWERA”,发音为 “Why-wear-ah。 湾蓝水100%在原产地生产、装 瓶,其水源地位于纯净美丽的新西 兰,因独特的地形结构和丰富的含 水量闻名。 1875年,湾蓝水首次实现了用独 特的格鲁吉亚绿色瓶子罐装,被誉 为“长生不老药”。源自毛利传奇, 一项新的传统诞生。今天的湾蓝, 华丽而时尚,充满了魔幻的魅力, 它急切地渴望再一次将新西兰推向 世界的舞台。 在世界最著名的餐厅、酒店、商店 都可以找到湾蓝环保,不含双酚A 材质的多款瓶装水。


林婷 市场总监 江西天东国际贸易有限公司 电话:+86 18621501955 邮箱 中国官网 新西兰官网 Tingting Lin Marketing Director Jiangxi Tiandong International Trade LTD +86 18621501955


New Zealand pavilion



New ZealaNd wiNe regioNs

新西兰葡萄酒地区 42°S

n 44°S northland 北地

North islaNd

Latitude 纬度






36˚SOUTH 南纬36度

auCkland 奥克兰


auCkland 奥克兰

0 Km

0 Miles

Waikato/bay of plenty 怀卡托/丰盛湾

38˚SOUTH 南纬38度

gisborne 吉斯本

haWke’s bay 霍克湾 40˚SOUTH 南纬40度

Wairarapa 怀拉拉帕

Wellington 惠灵顿

nelson 内尔森

Marlborough 马尔堡

42˚SOUTH 南纬42度

south islaNd


Waipara 怀帕拉 ChristChurCh 基督城

Canterbury 坎特伯雷

44˚SOUTH 南纬44度 QueenstoWn 皇后镇

Central otago 奥塔哥中部

46˚SOUTH 南纬46度

New ZealaNd #nzwine, @nzwine


Prowine 2014

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