How to get the most from NZ Wine Marketing Issue 2

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Marketing How to get the most out of

from New Zealand Winegrowers New Zealand Winegrowers

I January 2014 I Issue 2






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MARKETING CONTACTS NEW ZEALAND CONTACTS Chris Yorke Global Marketing Director T: 09 306 5551 M: 021 419 194

Felicity Johnston Global Marketing Executive T: 09 306 5645 M: 021 552 173

Anne-Marie McKenzie Marketing Projects Manager T: 09 306 5550 M: 021 306 550

Jennifer Duncan-Marsh Marketing Office Administrator T: 09 306 5522

New Zealand Winegrowers would like to thank O-I New Zealand for their support of the Marketing Programme

INTERNATIONAL CONTACTS Natalie Potts Asia T: +852 2511 3883 M: +852 5428 5792

Robert Ketchin Canada T: +1 705 444 0195 M: +1 705 444 3213

David Strada USA T: +1 415 567 5511 M: +1 415 806 0236

Chris Stroud UK & Europe T: +44 207 973 8079 M: +44 791 741 7388

Ranit Librach USA T: +1 212 254 2729 M: +1 917 705 8051

Natalie Corkery Australia T: +61 3 9614 7577 M: +61 451 430 311

For any event related queries, please contact the Global Events Team at

New Zealand Winegrowers would like to thank JF Hillibrand for their support of the Marketing Programme

New Zealand Winegrowers would like to thank New Zealand Trade & Enterprise for their continued support in China and Mainland Europe


I January 2014 I Issue 2


2 4 5 8 10 12

Trade & Media Visits

Chris Yorke Global Marketing Director


Six months of our year have already passed, so please find enclosed a summary of what the marketing team have organised.


Some notable highlights: 29 Visitors in the last six months and many more in the pipeline.


The Wine Certification Programme with Bob Campbell MW in Asia.

UK & Europe

Masterclasses around the America’s Cup in the USA and planned masterclass with Oz Clarke in San Francisco and New York.


New Guides to Market available in the member’s section of Exciting leverage activities around ProWein. Please get in touch with me or anyone in the team to ensure you get the most out of your marketing programme.


Chris Yorke Global Marketing Director

Chinese Delegates

Published by New Zealand Winegrowers, for our members. Editor: Felicity Johnston Designer: Lilly Johnson Contributors: Felicity Johnston, Chris Yorke, Anne-Marie Mckenzie, Natalie Potts, David Strada, Robert Ketchin, Anik Gaumond, Chris Stroud & Natalie Corkery

Information contained in this publication is correct at the time of printing and while care and diligence has been taken in the preparation of this magazine, we are all human and mistakes can happen. If you find an error please give yourself a pat on the back and drop us an email.

@nzwine #nzwine New Zealand Wine Marketing I



From the USA, Bernie Sun (Corporate Beverage Director at Jean-Georges Vongerichten’s fourstar international restaurant group), Dave McIntyre (wine columnist for The Washington Post) and Dan Berger (writer, judge, educator and speaker) have visited New Zealand since July of 2013. Between them, they visited 45 different wineries across Auckland, Hawke’s Bay, Wairarapa, Nelson, Marlborough, Canterbury/Waipara Valley, and Central Otago. Dan also judged at the 2013 Air New Zealand Wine Awards. Chinese Delegates


New Zealand Winegrowers and New Zealand Trade & Enterprise hosted a group of five leading Chinese wine writers, educators and sommeliers for 10 days in November 2013. The guests (listed below) visited a total of 19 wineries, and had three regional tastings throughout Auckland, Hawke’s Bay, Marlborough and Central Otago.

Mr Jun Shi (Jason), China World Hotel, Assistant Food & Beverage Manager - Beijing Another programme for six Chinese trade and media is organised for January/February, and Tomoko Ebisawa, Senior Editor of Vinotheque Magazine is visiting from Japan in January and February also.

Dan Berger has written several pieces in his subscription based Vintages Experiences newsletter, and Dave McIntyre will shortly publish a piece on Marlborough and Nelson. Christopher Bates MS, Joshua Thomas, Lauren Mowery and Will Costello are all visiting New Zealand, on separate itineraries, in January and February.

Ms. Yingji Cai (Grace), Aussino Centre for Wine Education & Publications, General Manager Guangzhou Ms. Wei han Zheng (Grace), Wine Educator and Freelance Writer Shanghai Mr Wai Man Lau (Ronny), Freelance Writer and Chairman of the Greater China Wine Critics Association - Hong Kong


New Zealand Wine Marketing 2013 - 2014

Dan Berger


DJ Kearney (sommelier instructor, writer and judge) visited New Zealand from Vancouver in September and October 2013. DJ covered five regions and visited 22 wineries on her travels. Still to come from Canada we have Chris Waters (Editor, Vines Magazine) and Kim Giesbrecht (Portfolio Manager, BCLDB), both visiting in January/February.

“The trip was exceptional in every way and opened my eyes and tastebuds to things I had not expected. The hospitality I felt from each and every winery and person has surpassed any experience in the wine world.” - DJ Kearney, Canada


Nick Stock and David Brookes visited New Zealand in September 2013, to taste for the 2013 Good Wine Guide. Following this, Mike Bennie, Campbell Mattinson and Gary Walsh visited in October 2013, researching for their independent wine review site, The Wine Front (

Franck Moreau MS (Group Sommelier for Merivale, Sydney), Tyson Stelzer (writer) and Peter Bourne (writer and educator) were recently in New Zealand in January for the 2014 Central Otago Pinot Noir Celebration, and individual winery visits.


Since July 2013 we have hosted a large number of European wine media and trade. In conjunction with NZTE we have hosted visitors from Germany, Sweden, and Finland, as well as five from the UK. Romana Echensperger (sommelier, consultant and writer) visited in July from Germany, Karina Tiihonen (Wine Buyer, Alko) visited in November from Finland, and Madeleine Stenwreth MW (judge, educator and consultant) visited in November also, judging at the 2013 Air New Zealand Wine Awards. Alf Tumble (wine columnist for Sweden’s largest daily newspaper Dagens Nyheter) and Michel Jamais (writer) visited New Zealand from Sweden in January, as did Caro Maurer MW (writer and educator) and Edwin Raben (educator, journalist and award-winning sommelier), from Germany and the Netherlands respectively.

Madeleine Stenwreth MW

From the UK we had Jamie Avenall and Andrew Shaw from Bibbendum, Stephen Jenkins and Andrew Phelps from Sainsbury’s, and Tom Stevenson, author, wine judge and wine critic. Still to visit from the UK are Olly Smith (presenter, consultant and writer), Jamie Goode (writer), and Jane Parkinson (writer and educator).

If you have any queries regarding our Trade and Media Visit Programme, please contact Anne-Marie McKenzie, Marketing Projects Manager, 09 306 5550 or New Zealand Wine Marketing I


. . . a i s A

HONG KONG RESTAURANT & BAR SHOW MASTERCLASS SEPTEMBER 2013 Held at the annual Hong Kong Restaurant & Bar Show, and hosted by Debra Meiburg MW, this masterclass showcased Sauvignon Blanc wines that typify the ‘new wave’ styles coming onto the market, as well as Bordeaux blends from across the North and South Islands, to an audience of 48 wine professionals.

NEW ZEALAND WINE CERTIFICATION PROGRAMME - HONG KONG OCTOBER 2013 21 qualified wine professionals recently attended the first Level 2 New Zealand Wine Certification Programme in Hong Kong. The programme provided attendees with in-depth knowledge on New Zealand wine regions, grape varieties and recent trends, as well as a session on how to sell New Zealand wine in Hong Kong. 25 wines across all major varieties were tasted over the two day course, led by Bob Campbell MW.

MASTERCLASSES AT PROWINE CHINA & INTERWINE NOVEMBER 2013 Large-scale Shanghai trade show ProWine (affiliated to Germany’s ProWein) saw a masterclass on New Zealand’s red wines, with a selection of Pinot Noir, Syrah and Bordeaux Blends. At Guangzhou’s Interwine, the class was more introductory, featuring pairs of Sauvignon Blanc, Pinot Noir and Bordeaux Blends. The session was hosted by Ronny Lau, a Hong Kong based writer and educator who had recently returned from New Zealand and was able to introduce his personal experiences to bring the class to life.


New Zealand Wine Marketing 2013 - 2014

RED WINE ROADSHOW MASTERCLASSES DECEMBER 2013 In early December, New Zealand Trade & Enterprise organised three roadshows focused on full-bodied red wines, held in Beijing, Xi’an and Shanghai. 11 wineries participated, travelling to the three cities to reach more than 400 people who attended the events. Masterclasses in Beijing and Xi’an were hosted by leading educator and MW student Fongyee Walker. Wine media personality Terry Xu of hosted the Shanghai masterclass, bringing the audiences new insight into New Zealand as a producer of Syrah and Bordeaux Blends.

DEBRA MEIBURG MW GUIDES TO MARKET Debra Meiburg MW recently released a revised Guide to the Hong Kong Wine Trade, as well as her first edition of this guide for Shanghai. Both of these resources are invaluable, and New Zealand Winegrowers has negociated access for all members in the member’s Marketing section of

I V ITIES T C A G N I M O C P U New Zealand Winegrowers is currently organising a three city New Zealand Wine Certification Programme roadshow across China. Led by Bob Campbell

MW, the Level 2 Programme will be held in Shanghai, Beijing, and Guangzhou in late February and early March.

If you have any queries regarding our Asia Marketing Programme, please contact Natalie Potts,

New Zealand Wine Marketing I


Clockwise from top left: Americas Cup Masterclass (2 images), USA Guide to Market, Martin Bosley with Sommelier Ian Burrows of Atelier Crenn


New Zealand Wine Marketing 2013 - 2014


JULY, AUGUST, SEPTEMBER 2013 Over the America’s Cup in San Francisco, 27 restaurants and wine bars featured New Zealand wines by the glass, in flights, and on the menu. Many also hosted New Zealand themed dinners.

SF CHEFS JULY/AUGUST 2013 New Zealand Winegrowers partnered with New Zealand Trade & Enterprise and Chef Al Brown at this fantastic San Francisco food and wine event. New Zealand wines were poured at high profile chef and media lunches, as well as over the three days of Grand Tastings.

AMERICA’S CUP KEY INFLUENCER MASTERCLASSES AUGUST & SEPTEMBER 2013 New Zealand Winegrowers hosted 21 key US and Canadian wine media and trade at two comprehensive New Zealand wine masterclasses in August and September. The attendees were also invited to experience the America’s Cup racing on the water, and to dine in local restaurants that were featuring New Zealand wines throughout

Am er ic as Cu p Mas te rc la ss the Louis Vuitton and America’s Cup competitions.

PINOT DAYS - LOS ANGELES DECEMBER 2013 Nine New Zealand Pinot Noirs from five regions were poured at the Los Angeles Pinot Days event, to members of the local media and trade, and to consumers.

New Zealand wines featured exclusively at OysterFest, an outdoor celebration for 300 guests at Waterbar in San Francisco HIGH PROFILE EVENTS New Zealand wines were poured at several high profile events recently, including five Premiere and Preview Screenings of the latest Hobbit film across the country, the New Zealand Maori All Blacks vs. American Eagles rugby reception hosted by Ambassador Mike Moore in Philadelphia, and the America’s

Cup Thank You event for San Francisco’s state and industry leaders. New Zealand wines were also featured exclusively at OysterFest, an outdoor celebration for 300 guests at Waterbar in San Francisco.

USA GUIDE TO MARKET The USA Guide to Market, released in December 2012, will shortly be updated with current statistics, market trends and market information. The current guide is available in the member’s Marketing section of

U PC OM ING AC TI V IT IE S Oz Clarke will be hosting a series of key influencer masterclasses in March in New York and San Francisco. These masterclasses will mirror those held around the America’s Cup, being a comprehensive, in-depth look at New Zealand wine, exclusively for top level trade and media.

If you have any queries regarding our USA Marketing Programme, please contact David Strada, or Ranit Librach,

New Zealand Wine Marketing I



SEPTEMBER & OCTOBER 2013 New Zealand Winegrowers held two Liquor Board Education Masterclasses for Product Consultants in Newfoundland and Ontario. A Regional Tour of New Zealand Pinot Noir was presented to 26 Product Consultants at the LCBO, and a New Zealand Wine Overview was presented to 24 Product Consultants at the NLLC.


Passions Event

New Zealand Winegrowers conducted a self pour seminar for key sommeliers, restaurant owners and media in the Ottawa region. Over 25 trade/media, including Veronique Rivest, Steve Robinson, Rod Phillips and Janet Dorozynski were in attendance. In addition, over 65 members of the Australian & New Zealand Wine Society were invited for the evening event.


New Zealand wines have featured at several high profile events in Canada recently. Namely the annual Passions event, where 24 of Vancouver’s top restaurants pair New Zealand wines exclusively with their dishes for 280 guests, the Kia Ora Canada Taste & Discover New Zealand consumer event (120 attendees), the Vancouver Writers Fest celebrating Eleanor Catton (35 attendees), the Maori All Blacks vs. Canada rugby reception, and an advance screening of the current Hobbit film (180 attendees).


New Zealand Winegrowers were busy visiting liquor boards across Canada to discuss feature release promotions as well as training their product consultants. The results are positive with the confirmed promotions for 2014 listed below:


BCLDB Promotion (1 April - 5 May 2014) SAQ Promotion (25 May - 21 June 2014) LCBO Vintages Promotion (July 2014) NSLC Summer Refreshment Feature & Limited Finds 2014


New Zealand Wine Marketing 2013 - 2014

New Zealand Wine Overview Seminar

The Canada Guide to Market will shortly be updated with current statistics, market trends and market information. The current guide is available in the member’s Marketing section of



The Canada New Zealand Wine Fair seminars in April/ May will this year focus on Pinot Noir, following strong feedback from trade and media.

If you have any queries regarding our Canada Marketing Programme, please contact Robert Ketchin,

Clockwise from left; Eleanor Catton, Canada Guide to Market, Kia Ora Canada Taste & Discover New Zealand

New Zealand Wine Marketing I



Sa te lit e Mas te rc la ss

OCTOBER 2013 As part of the European Showcase Tastings that New Zealand Winegrowers held in Germany, and Sweden and the Perswijn event in the Netherlands, satellite masterclasses were also conducted at each event. Each masterclass focussed on Chardonnay and Pinot Noir, examining both regional characteristics as well as winemaking influences. Over 100 trade and media attended the masterclasses, across the three events.

DUTCH WINEBAR WEBSITE In the Netherlands, Pitch PR launched a new website for Dutch wine bars. The website is sponsored by New Zealand Trade & Enterprise, and is a portal that allows wine lovers to locate the best wine bar near them. The website will promote further engagement with wine bar owners, and more New Zealand wine by the glass in this trendy gastronomy format. Please encourage your distributors to list their wine bar clients on the website also:


New Zealand Wine Marketing 2013 - 2014

Clockwise from top left: Amsterdam Masterclass, Attendees at the Stockholm Masterclass, Dutch winebar website

IMBIBE MAGAZINE New Zealand Winegrowers in association with Imbibe magazine, hosted a tasting for key influencers in the On-Trade, to challenge their perception of New Zealand wine. The objective was to illustrate that New Zealand can offer varietal diversity and quality across different price points, thereby encouraging new listings in both fine dining and casual dining establishments. The result is two features,



The Annual Trade Tastings in London and Dublin also took place in January. In London there were two themed self-pour tables on Sauvignon Blanc and Pinot Gris, while in Dublin we hosted a Sauvignon Blanc masterclass for 20 trade and media, as well as a Pinot Gris self-pour.

focussing on each area. The features were published in the November 2013 and January 2014 issues of Imbibe and can be viewed in the member’s Marketing section of

U PC OM ING AC TI V IT IE S 2014 will be a busy year in Europe. Following Madeleine Stenwreth MW visit to New Zealand where she judged at the Air New Zealand Wine Awards, we will be running a comprehensive masterclass with her in March. Back in the UK, New Zealand Winegrowers will once again take a table at the Specialist Importers Trade Tastings in Manchester

WINE INTELLIGENCE FOR GERMANY, THE NETHERLANDS & SWEDEN Wine Intelligence has published updated (July 2013) Landscape Reports for Germany, the Netherlands and Sweden. These reports summarise both the global and German/Dutch/Swedish markets for wine, German/ Dutch/Swedish consumer profiles and behaviours, as well as brand and distribution/retail information in these countries. All three reports are available in the member’s Marketing section of

and London. These tastings are dedicated to educating the independent sector, both On- and Off-Trade. Finally ProWein will be a major activity this year. New Zealand Winegrowers will have a pavilion and will be conducting on-stand tastings, and also hosting bloggers and influencers at the end of Day One. Hendrik Thoma will conduct

a masterclass on New Zealand wine in the main ProWein forum.

If you have any queries regarding our Europe Marketing Programme, please contact Chris Stroud,

New Zealand Wine Marketing I


AUSTRALIA GUIDE TO MARKET The Australia Guide to Market has just been released to wineries, in December 2013. Containing detailed information on the market structures nationally and by state, channels of business, taxation, export certification, and existing trade agreements between Australia and New Zealand, the guide is a one-stop-shop for information for those prospective and existing exporters of New Zealand wine to Australia. Also included are regularly updated market analysis, updated distributor, agent and wholesaler lists, pricing models and consumer and trend analyses. The guide can be downloaded in the member’s Marketing section of

Pinot Palooza Masterclass


New Zealand Wine Marketing 2013 - 2014

PINOT PALOOZA OCTOBER 2013 In conjunction with the Pinot Palooza festival (Melbourne) in October, New Zealand Winegrowers executed a masterclass on New Zealand Pinot Noir, hosted by sommelier Ben Edwards. In conjunction with wine writer Mike Bennie, eight wines were selected from the New Zealand Winegrowers Blind Tasting, with

a r l i t a s u A U PC OM ING AC TI V IT IE S New Zealand Winegrowers will be highlighting the 2013 vintage at the upcoming RegioNZ by the Glass events in Melbourne and Sydney in February. 2013 Aromatics will be showcased to media and trade.

Below: Image from article by Ash Maiyah, Bottom: Image from

the aim of highlighting regional diversity in New Zealand Pinot Noir. 25 Pinot-loving trade and consumers attended the one hour masterclass, and attendee feedback was extremely positive.

If you have any queries regarding our Australia Marketing Programme, please contact Natalie Corkery,

New Zealand Wine Marketing I


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New Zealand Wine Marketing 2013 - 2014

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