TOMORROW’S OXFAM STARTING TODAY Induction pack for staff and volunteers
Introduction Oxfam 2020
Welcome to this Oxfam 2020 induction pack*, which is designed to help you understand this exciting change process and the role you can play. Inside you’ll find out why we’re introducing Oxfam 2020, the lowdown on who’s leading the change, frequently asked questions and more. Most useful of all will be an ‘Oxfam 2020 roadmap’, which shows where we started this journey, and where we’re heading in the next six years.
Winnie Byanyima, Executive Director of Oxfam International “Oxfam, our affiliates and our staff are amazing agents of change – enabling people to transform their lives and their communities. We find ourselves at a critical juncture where the world is changing faster than us and we need to take another step in our own change if we are to remain relevant to the world around us. The trust and confidence we are building in each other means we are able to build a strong future that we share together.”
* This induction pack is for the use of all staff and volunteers across the confederation
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OVERVIEW Oxfam 2020
Why do we need Oxfam 2020?
When is it happening?
We’re introducing this change programme for two key reasons:
Oct 13
• Building on SMS - we know from listening to you - our colleagues around the world - that we need to build on the progress we made with the Single Management Structure (SMS) and take our organisation a step further towards true collaboration between affiliates.
All Executive Directors (EDs) agreed a bold and exciting view of how Oxfam needs to change by 2020.
• Achieving the OSP - on top of this, the world of international development is changing fast, and we need to move with the times and make our own changes. It’s the only way we’ll achieve our goals set out in the Oxfam Strategic Plan (OSP), and make a real difference to people living in poverty.
Dec 13 – Mar 14
What is Oxfam 2020? Oxfam 2020 is a change programme for the whole confederation. It’s been agreed by Executive Directors (EDs) from all Oxfam’s affiliates. We’ve got six years – the deadline for creating this new Oxfam is the year ‘2020’, hence the snappy title.
How are we changing? Oxfam’s purpose remains the same and we’ll continue to work on our three interlinking areas – campaigns, development and humanitarian work. But, by 2020, we need to change how we work in three key areas: 1. Influence more effectively. We will strengthen our ability to influence greater change, and share knowledge, evidence and expertise within and beyond Oxfam. 2. Be more globally balanced. We need to become a more globally balanced organisation that brings people from north and south together, in equality. This means we will have stronger representation, power and influence from the ‘global South’. 3. Simplify and streamline our ways of working. Focusing on country programmes, we will reduce complexity and layers of approval. We will be building on the achievements and learning of the Single Management Structure (SMS) process, helping us work together as one Oxfam.
Staff across affiliates – in countries, regions and HQs – are working up proposals for how we can achieve the key areas of focus.
Mar 14 EDs will review proposals, and make some key decisions on next steps, to achieve the aims of Oxfam 2020.
“This is really exciting – we have all agreed on a big and bold vision for Oxfam in 2020”. Nisha Agrawal, Oxfam India ED
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Tomorrow’s Oxfam
Here we fast forward six years. We probably won’t be wearing rocket boots, or teleporting between countries, but if all goes to plan, our staff and volunteers will be saying things like this:
“I don’t just feel part of my affiliate any more – I feel part of the Oxfam confederation. It’s weird that we used to work in silos – I’m glad it’s changed.”
“Oxfam used to do stuff based on what people think - now it’s based on what they know.” “Things happen fast now. I never thought I’d say it but sign off is actually clear and quick now.”
“It’s exciting to be part of an organisation that uses our collective strength and influence to change the world.”
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“I feel like the perspectives of the global south are truly integrated into Oxfam’s decision-making now.”
Our vision: a just world without poverty
2020: Deliver Oxfam 2020
2019: deliver the OSP
2014: Oxfam 2020 launches
2012: Global brand identity launches
2013: Oxfam Strategic Plan (OSP) launches
2010: sMS launches
Above is the roadmap for achieving LOOKING BACK: Changes cross the OUR CURRENT CHANGES: ‘OXFAM 2o20’ All Oxfam affiliates have concluded we can confederation Oxfam 2020, and in turn the Oxfam only achieve the Oxfam Strategic Plan and A few years ago, we were duplicating resources, Strategic Plan. Here we bring you an working to different goals and confusing the public respond to world changes if we change how the invaluable timeline – achievements that with all our different logos and messages. We knew confederation works in three main ways: got us to this point, and next steps that we needed work together better, delivering better • become more globally balanced – bringing work at a lower cost. So we took two bold steps: will enable us to transform our impact greater equality and stronger representation and and deliver the OSP. influence from the global ‘south’ of our planet • In 2010, we introduced a Single Management A new ambition for Oxfam In 2013, the Oxfam Strategic Plan (OSP) defined a new level of ambition for our confederation. It means for the first time in Oxfam’s history, every affiliate is now working to the same shared plan. With a deadline of 2019, we’ve given ourselves 6 years to deliver 6 key goals. 1. Right to be heard 2. Advancing gender justice 3. Saving lives, now and in the future 4. Sustainable food 5. Fair sharing of natural resources 6. Financing for development and universal essential services
Structure (SMS) in country - bringing together all the different development programmes that each Oxfam affiliate was running, and simplifying how we managed them. We began sharing resources and expertise (e.g. in HR, IS and fundraising) between affiliates too • In 2012, we adopted a new brand identity – ensuring we look and sound the same, right across the planet, strengthening our influence and profile. It’s not all been plain sailing, but for a vast organisation, it’s a huge achievement. And to maintain our success, we can’t stand still:
We need to keep changing...
• World change: With the world changing at This plan recognises the scale, influence and lightning speed, we need to keep modernising success of our confederation, which has grown at too, staying ahead of the curve. Power is shifting. incredible speed since we came together almost Poverty, injustice and crisis remain entrenched. 20 years ago. But working together has also And new opportunities for change and new brought challenges. If we’re going to achieve this threats are continually emerging. There is much plan, we need to work in a much more cohesive, challenge to northern based NGOs. collaborative way across the confederation. The • Building on SMS: SMS took us one step forward, good news is we’ve already made major progress. but we know from listening to you – our colleagues around the world – that challenges remain and we must forge ahead, increasing speed, simplification and economy. We need to make further radical changes…
• influence more effectively - by building and sharing knowledge, evidence and expertise • simplify and streamline our ways of working, especially in country programmes We’re giving ourselves six years to do it – these changes need to happen by 2020, hence the name ‘Oxfam 2020’.
Business as usual – doing oxfam’s vital work
We will continue with our vital humanitarian, development and campaigning work, but how we work will be influenced by the change agendas above.
The end goal?
Ultimately, all of this change is helping us deliver the OSP – and bringing us closer to achieving our vision of a just world without poverty.
Who’s who
A guide to the people leading the change across the confederation*
Executive Directors’ Reference Group
Gives guidance and recommendations on emerging issues during the design and subsequent implementation of the work of the cluster groups
Winnie Byanyima, OI ED, Farah Karimi, ONL ED, Jim Clarken, OIE ED, Chema Vera, OES ED, Luc Lamprière, OFR ED, Ray Offenheiser, OUS ED, Mark Goldring, OGB ED
Project Team
Manages the Oxfam 2020 project
Barney Tallack (OI); Monica Maassen (OI); Nicole Breeze (OI); Graham MacKay (OGB); Katarina Ludrovska (OI)
Cluster Teams
Creates work plans for how to achieve each of the change areas
One Programme Group: enables management at country level and develops the mechanisms to deploy knowledge, resources and skills across the confederation. Lead: Penny Lawrence, OGB Global Programme Group: develops an approach to global and humanitarian programs that is integrated with, and mutually supportive of, global campaigns. Lead: Jaime Atienza, OES Knowledge and Innovation Group: finds ways for Oxfam to increase its own capability to capture and share knowledge, be more evidence-based, and develop targeted knowledge specialisation. Lead: Jim Daniell, OUS Shared Services & People Group: works on streamlining our ways of working across Oxfams. Lead: Adrie Papma, ONL Global Balance Group: addresses the goal of becoming a more globally balanced organisation. Leads: Theo Bouma, ONL/Nisha Agrawal, OIN
Working group
•5 Cluster leads (see above) •Winnie Byanyima (OI ED) •Barney Tallack and Monica Maassen (OI O2020 project support) •Cross-cutting leads (see below)
CrossProvides specialised guidance cutting leads to the cluster groups
Esha van der Hulst, ONL (Finance), Jane Cotton, OGB (HR), Rachel Hayes, OUS, (Comms), Richard Ledbury (Income)
Affiliate 2020 Coordinators/Change Managers
Ensures coherence between changes within the affiliates and changes across the confederation
Caterina Marchioro, OIT; Edo Huygens, ONL; Gregory Harrison, OUS; Ivo Otten, ONL; Jane Cotton, OGB; Jessie Ho, OHK; Bruce Francis, OAU; Richard Touchette, OQC; Ramon Vallescar, OES
Internal Comms Team
Manages internal communications of Oxfam 2020
Monica Maassen (Lead); Sarah Livingston (OUS); Marcela Ospina (OES); Saskia Jones (OGB); Katarina Ludrovska (OI)
*Full list of who’s who is on SUMUS
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frequently asked questions Oxfam 2020 looks great, but how much does it cost? Isn’t it unrealistic when so many of our affiliates are struggling financially?
An intensive project is underway to establish the true price of each element of Oxfam 2020. The costing will be presented to Executive Directors (EDs) at their meeting in March 2014, before any decisions are taken.
Why would we plan for more southern affiliates when the ones we have are struggling?
Because we are best when we are global. And to be truly global we need voices from around the world as part of our work, and also part of our management and governance. In practical terms that means a lot more people and perspectives from the global south.
It will produce efficiencies. It will focus our work more narrowly in the places where we can achieve greatest results (‘segmentation’, in Oxfam language). Affiliates will no longer be obliged to work on some of the areas that aren’t adding much value. And it takes a strategic approach to fundraising in ways that we haven’t emphasized before. But rather than a cost, think of it as an investment to secure our financial future and our ability to deliver impact.
Some southern affiliates are still struggling, but we are learning from their challenges and they are helping us do things better in the future, as we add more affiliates. Fundraising should be a big part of our plans as there are more and more wealthy people, corporations and foundations in emerging countries. Why so much emphasis on new southern affiliates? Shouldn’t it be about impact?
Global means north and south, east and west. Today, we are pretty much all about north, at least in our power structures. We can’t aspire to be global until affiliates in the global south get a better share of resources and influence. And that, you can be sure, will definitely help us to deliver impact.
But I thought we just went through a big change process called SMS?
There’s always a risk we will be seen as too internally focused – it’s the inevitable by-product of internal change processes. But in fact our focus is squarely on the world around us. How can we stay relevant, and be seen as legitimate and accountable? How can we stay alive in the face of financial constraints? And most of all, how can we deliver impact for the people we work for – people living in poverty?
Why don’t you check how other NGOs have handled the same problems?
We sent former Oxfam International Executive Director Jeremy Hobbs on the road to meet the other big international NGOs and pick their brains. We started this Oxfam 2020 conversation with a lot of excellent intelligence about how to do it, and definitely, what not to do, which has helped inform our change process.
Are other changes Many affiliates are restructuring in response to the challenging fundraising happening in affiliates? environment in addition to supporting this change process. What is this concept of a lead affiliate/partner affiliate?
We’re working on that. The other (non-managing) affiliates will be much more creative in how they participate in programs, with people, knowledge or funds. And maybe they will work across a few countries or with a regional focus – in other words, no longer tied in to the structure of one program country. There are already good examples of how the Managing Affiliate can work with other affiliates to fundraise – recent work by Australia is a good example.
To find out more about Oxfam 2020 visit
frequently asked * questions continued
How can affiliates stay involved in programs if they don’t have a strong in-country staff presence?
That’s the point – we need to do much more of our work in a shared, almost virtual way. A modern organization is about knowledge and how we accumulate it and how we share it amongst each other and with the world. The strategy of knowledge hubs, for example, would put together people with expertise in a certain discipline, with practitioners on the ground who are making it work and feeding back best-practice and experience to build on.
What will it mean for my In March 2014, EDs will weigh up the priorities, plans, logistics and costs related to job? each element of change. Staffing structures and ways of working will likely change. Much of our current work will, of course, still be done – but in more flexible, creative relationships between Managing Affiliates and other Affiliates, and with an even more global perspective. Nobody likes uncertainty, but we need a bit of time to plan things carefully and to make sure that Oxfam will be a strong organization well into the future. You will know a bit more when the EDs take stock and make decisions in March. And you will know a lot more after that because EDs have guaranteed a consultative, transparent process. And regular updates are guaranteed too. When will I hear more?
We plan to communicate regularly in this next 6 months, and we have created a space on Sumus where all the key documents and descriptions of the stages in the process will be posted (see overleaf). Your management team will also be keeping you posted. So watch out for more information, coming soon. And if you send us your questions, we’ll make sure we come back to you with helpful answers.
*More FAQs are available on SUMUS
To find out more about Oxfam 2020 visit
Where to find out more
There is a lot of information available about Oxfam 2020 – below is a list of some of the most up-to-date, useful resources
Go to the Oxfam 2020 SUMUS pages which include Q&A, process material, and more Find out who’s who in Oxfam 2020 Read cluster team draft design proposals and set of outcomes presented to the EDs reference group (Dec 13) Read the Oxfam 2020 update from the EDs Reference Group (Dec 13) Check out this introductory video from Winnie Byanyima and Oxfam 2020 powerpoint presentation If you have a question which hasn't been answered yet, please send an email to:
To find out more about Oxfam 2020 visit
Key terms
Country Director
Oxfam France
East and Central Africa
Oxfam Great Britain
Executive Director
Oxfam Hong Kong
Global Team
Oxfam International
International Non-governmental Organisation
Oxfam Ireland
Monitoring, Evaluation and Learning
Oxfam Italy
Middle Income Country
Oxfam Novib
Oxfam 2020
Oxfam America
Oxfam Australia
Revolutionary Oxfam Cluster (for) Knowledge
Oxfam Intermon
Single Management Structure
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