J U LY 3 - 9 , 2 0 1 1
Made for McCully “A World of Cuisines” kicks off this week at McCully Shopping Center, where participating restaurants get ready to showcase a melting pot of flavors. See page 4 | Leah Friel photo
McCully Shopping Center marketing director Terri Hansen is ready to indulge in (clockwise, from left) Beef Pho with Bean Sprouts, Yellow Curry, Bibimbap, Chicken Katsu Curry with Cheese and Live Main Lobster.
Made for a bit of mochi heaven | 6 Sizzling-hot summer deals at Mini Garden | 17
ALSO: Golden’s vegetable-rich dishes | 7
ono, you know
By Alana Folen | Photos by Leah Friel
Have a blast with these
Fourthfavorites of July
Above: The editor is ready to dig into Sam Choy’s famous Onolicious Rack of Ribs ($29.95).
Sam Choy’s Breakfast, Lunch & Crab Having made a name for himself as one of Hawaii’s top celebrity chefs, Sam Choy has a multitude of signature dishes that are readily available at his self-titled restaurant on North Nimitz Highway. “We have visitors who dine here from all over the world, as well as many locals,” says general manager Jeffrey Gaspar. And while the poke at Sam Choy’s Breakfast, Lunch & Crab is to die for, it’s most definitely the Onolicious Rack of Ribs ($29.95) that has me drooling. Keep in mind this full rack of ribs is not for the faint of heart. Sam's famous char siu
$ 74
appy Fourth of July, Ono readers! I hope all of you are having a wonderful holiday weekend, enjoying time with family and friends in our beautiful 50th state. Whether you're firing up the barbecue or soaking up the sun on the beach, one thing's for sure, fireworks will be a flyin’ as we gather together to celebrate our nation's independence. What I love most about this holiday is the lovely food (I know, surprise, surprise ...)! A plethora of hot dogs, hamburgers, chicken wings and barbecue ribs tempt my palate, along with fresh salads, of course (have to keep a well-balanced diet, as I'm sure my doc-
tor is reading). So, this week, in preparation for all the hefty eating I’ll be doing this weekend, I decided to get a head start and discover the many Independence Day delights that some of the best “Ono, You Know” establishments are whipping up. You'll be seeing stars — and stripes — with every bite. I promise you, the food is incredible!
(Dine-in Only)
Captain Cook
glazed baby back ribs ARE unparalleled and if you're crazy about ribs, I guarantee you will experience love at first bite. “Our ribs are first marinated in garlic and soy sauce and then baked in the oven, before it's taken to the grill and glazed with our famous char siu glaze,” Gaspar explains. Now, I’ve feasted on a countless number of baby back ribs in my lifetime, however, it’s the unique and utterly delicious char siu glaze that makes the Onolicious Rack of Ribs rate over the top. The secret to this savory glaze is found in a captivating blend of five spice, hoi sin sauce, shoyu and honey. To complete the dish, the ribs are then garnished with diced green onions and coconut flakes, and served atop a bed of mixed vegetables and your choice of starch, be it rice, mashed potatoes or fries. For those with lighter appetites, you may want to chomp into the half rack of Sam’s Onolicious Rack of Ribs ($15.95). Served as an appetizer portion, the spotlight shines on the ribs and ribs alone. So, what are you waiting for? Roll up your sleeves, grab your fork and knife, dig in and be ready for a full-on kanack attack!
GRAND OPENING Best Cantonese Cuisine Live Maine Lobster $12.99 ea (with entrée purchase)
Lunch Special $5.99
(Regular $8.99)
Open daily 10am — midnight
2 | D I N I N G O U T | J U LY 3 - 9 , 2 0 1 1
If you plan to catch the fireworks show at Ala Moana Beach Park Monday, why not continue the festivities or perhaps start the party beforehand at Wailana Coffee House. This iconic Waikiki landmark, open 24-7, will be paying tribute to July Fourth with
Sam Choy’s Breakfast, Lunch & Crab 580 N. Nimitz Hwy. 545.7979
Weekly Special Coupon required. One Set/Coupon/Person. Some restrictions apply. Expires 7/10/11
Wailana Coffee House
– See page 16
Dining Out Dining Out is a weekly advertising supplement published by the Honolulu Star-Advertiser.
EDITOR Alana Folen Phone: 695.6307 diningout@staradvertiser.com
SALES MANAGER Sandi Sakaguchi Phone: 342.8802 SSakaguchi@staradvertiser.com
SPECIAL SECTIONS EDITOR Bill Mossman Phone: 529.4863 diningout@staradvertiser.com
Visit us at dining.staradvertiser.com
FREE Furikake French Fries
with purchase of any Plate Lunch and this ad. Not to be combined with any other offer. Exp 7/14/11.
akfast Also Serving Bre 11am Sat & Sun 8am–
45-1118 Kam Hwy 235-POKE (7653)
3109 Waialae Ave. 735- POKE (7653)
Thursday Night Party
Fine Dining, Great Value
Photo: Nori-san, Kau Kau and Love Story Wedding Photography
Martini Night $4
Signature Martini
Every Thursday 5-10p $5
Stage Appetizers 5-7p
Starting Thursday, July 7 Cupola Theatre kicks off its popular “Martini Night”. An every Thursday night event that will shake up Honolulu’s urban clubbing best. Live music or DJ to pump the grooves all night long. D’lish appetizers from our award winning Stage Restaurant.
with wine pairing
3 Course Chef Tasting Menu Choice of 2 or more appetizers Choice of 2 or more Entreés Crowd pleasing Dessert Sampler
21+ eve nt Picture shown may not reflect the 3 course selections. Executive Chef Ron will create new selections without notice.
Events and Banquets Honolulu Design Center • 2nd Floor Free covered parking Contact Trina at 808.237.5480 or
tshiroma@hdc-hawaii.com C u p o l aHaw ai i. co m
Contemporary Asian American Cuisine Honolulu Design Center • 2nd Floor Free covered parking Sta geRes t a ur a nt H awaii. co m Lunch Mon-Fri 11:30a-1:30p Dinner Mon-Sat 6-9p
Honolulu Design Center • On Kapiolani between Pensacola & Piikoi St. • 1250 Kapiolani Blvd. • t: 956-1250 D I N I N G O U T | J U LY 3 - 9 , 2 0 1 1 | 3
story by
photos by
AlanaFolen LeahFriel 9, 2011 J U LY 3 -
ld of DO: “A Wor op for sh celeop st is eon s” Cuisine borhood Made for ly ul cC M s, hout s your neigh McCully ts and need rated throug ly b an w t ur ou yo ab st Ju ju all of of to th rs mon enter cate ill mark the rShopping C the center w is an annive , d th an on m ly is h Ju T . of r ne fo th yo ur on er ti Fo ev the celebra versary and tled “A sary opping centi n io ot its 25th anni m ro e sh ial annual p uare-foot th peowith a spec he 35,290-sq T r. What can ” te s. ne y si ar ui lin cu d in -k World of C t? of-a pec fers a onealike, ple ex n: Well, complex of se and tourists an ls H ca lo s r nt fo ra e au nc ing st ie re p er o c p ex ethni ully Sh p selection of e, Thai, McC is a hub for es am tn with a wide ie V ing, such as cal Center all in one sett ese, Korean, Italian, lo we call “A an p en m ts. what h lis b ta Chinese, Ja es of Cuisines,” and fast food ully World of differplate lunches ntly caught up with McC et i a vari y Where: 1960 s to Dining Out rece marketing director Terr t restaurant en s r’ y te Kapiolani Blvd. el en it C is l u from al Shopping trees exqu yo en e of ic rv ad se re a sp e cene Call: 555.7377 Hansen over chefs from th the world. W h er tc ov no ped to or ur prepared by here we expl t to entice yo staurants, w ic that wan uds by travag m y ter's many re ar lin taste b cets of cu ld with the many fa cluding d cultures. an ts eling the wor en in selections, in ong, nt nt ra au st re spans all co Gong D r many ok Yuen, So as found- ou Fo w r , te se en (one of ou C H g Curry Shoppin , Yotteko-Ya ughout the DO: McCully Phuket Thai ro , th er state), in d e D th an al , in eg t 1986 gathering R best ramen you'll find al co gr ed in Augus te n, in the tro Ah U Ta rved as an ldn’t you asta Cafe, Bis addition, Hot ou P w af years has se y, Le it a un an Ban est r comm and our new ing place in ou Bell, Pho 777 ere you can order anyth er nt ce g in h a p w to op , n, agree? sh th ve e ro ea aiian b when th - Pot H th, to a Haw ro Hansen: Yes, the concept was to serv b ai h T a ic- from uition various serv came into fr th. ity. We have p, vegan bro un m eu m ak co m e r, ai h , ice th drawils na cater to st g to be a prize proju in at t go th no e so re er al h e’ s e’ W es this etc. DO: Ther y boarding, ip as part of tualwaxing, bod aurants even d ing for an amazing tr st ? is re th gh on ou e th at al an or restaurants, the other — Can you elab that we’ve ing one after our motion. a promotion is y is h T : ly began open nd of been known for n Hanse ars, and ever s ki p-grade e past six ye to th a e r ar s fo we’ve alway nd em ng se oi th d r been Cente rants. All of ly Shopping mpanion somefrequent over s ul many restau er cC M om st ar cu co i- ye where r and his/her nts here bas we’re restaurants lucky winne Our restaura . This year ld n. of ai k or w in ag th e er n th ov ca nd gas. u and Ve ou yo ar s at e La th er e wh y cuisin winners to . y ne ck yo lu er o ev cally offer an tw se sending ard to appea and it’s not h
Cuisines” kicks “A World of at McCully off this week r, where Shopping Cente restaurants participating showcase a get ready to flavors. of melting pot Friel photo See page 4
| Leah
McCully Shopping Center marketing directorindulge in to Terri Hansen is ready Sprouts, Yellow Curry, Beef Pho with Bean (clockwise, from left) Curry with Cheese and Live Main Lobster. Katsu Bibimbap, Chicken
heaven | 6 Garden | 17 bit of mochi Made for a summer deals at Mini Sizzling-hot
4 | D I N I N G O U T | J U LY 3 - 9 , 2 0 1 1
Golden’s h vegetable-ric| 7 dish
DININGOUTCOVERSTORY 1 McCully Shopping Center’s marketing director Terri Hansen presents sophisticated entrees available at center restaurants. 2 So Gong Dong’s Bibimbap ($15.95) 3 Fook Yuen Seafood Restaurant’s Live Maine Lobster ($10.99) 4 Beef Pho with bean sprouts ($7.99) from Pho 777
6 Soondubu Tofu Soup ($8.25) from So Gong Dong 7 Seafood Risotto ($14.95) with shrimps, mussels, clams and calamari in a light cream sauce from Banana Leaf Pasta Cafe 8 So Gong Dong’s famous Koreann Seafood Pancake ($13.95) 9 Coco Ichibanya Curry House’s Chicken Katsu Curry with Cheese ($7.96)
5 Phuket Thai Restaurant’s Yellow Curry with shrimp ($11.95)
Customers may enter to win one of two round trips for two to Las Vegas at any participating McCully Shopping Center merchant. The giveaway includes a six-day, five-night package, including three meal s daily through Vacations Hawaii. You must be 18 years or older to enter and only one entry is accepted per household.
Peanut Curry Sauce can all be found at Phuket Thai Restaurant. So Gong Dong Korean Restaurant features a grea t Seafood Pancake ($13.95) with seafood, squid, onion, carrots, green onions and egg. So Gong Dong also is known for its Bibimbap ($15.95) and Soondubu Tofu Soup ($8.25). Six to seven side dishes are included with every order as well. As for DO: Wow, that's exciting! There’s defiCoco Ichibanya Curry House, it’s know n nitely a melting pot of flavors at the many for its Chicken Katsu Curry with Cheese ($7.96). Finally, Beef Pho with bean sprouts ($7.99) is a must-have at Pho 777.
3 restaurants here. Can you give an example of the specific entrees that some of these restaurants are known for? Hansen: For starters, Banana Leaf Pasta Cafe is known for its Italian food, specifically its Seafood Risotto ($14.95), an Italian-style rice simmered with shrimps, mussels, clams and calamari in toma to sauce or a light cream sauce. Fook Yuen Seafood Restaurant offers up Live Main e Lobster ($10.99) in four different style s: garlic and butter sauce, ginger and green onions, black bean sauce or with salt and pepper. Yellow Curr y with Shrim p ($11.95), Red Curry, Green Curry and
DO: Hawaii is well known for its exotic blend of cultures. Do you believe this is highly represented in McCully Shopping Center's variety of food establishments? Hansen: Yes. I want to say there’s not another place on the island that has as many restaurants as we do in such close proximity of each other. I mean, literally, you can go out one door and into another restaurant. Not only are we a world of cuisines, but most importantly, we’re convenient — we have ample parking down stairs in our basement — and we're here just to service the community. We also have a few more eateries, such as Coffe e or Tea and Snow Factory, which also are quite popular. DO: Do you think it’s the restaurants that draw in the majority of your customers to McCully Shopping Center? Hansen: Oh yes, our restaurants definitely draw in the majority of our customers. Without the restaurants, I think the center would have a totally different look and feel to it. We cater to everyone — locals and tourists, and we've gotten a big influx of college students since the University of Hawaii is just down the road as well. And the diversity of customers from UH really helps with the ethnic flair here.
6 7
9 D I N I N G O U T | J U LY 3 - 9 , 2 0 1 1 | 5
on the menu
Mochi Made in Hawaii By Alana Folen
nown for its assortment of magnificent mochi, Made in Hawaii Foods is everbustling with customers who can't wait to get their hands on this sticky, sweet stuff. Owner Don Akiyama oversees this family run mochi mecca which originally opened its doors on Moanalua Road in Pearl City before recently opening a second loca-
tion on South Beretania Street in Moiliili. “We make mochi desserts in two different styles,” Akiyama explains. “Daifuku is a soft mochi ball stuffed with different fillings, including fresh strawberry, sweet potato, haupia and more. Chi Chi Dango is a soft mochi rice cake flavored with lilikoi puree, strawberry puree and others,” he adds. A grand opening is set for July 9 and 10 at the Moiliili establishment, and in
honor of this momentous occasion, Akiyama and his staff are taking 20 percent off your entire purchase if you place your order by this Friday with scheduled pickup on Saturday or Sunday. Pre-orders are recommended at least two days in advance. “Because everything is made by hand, mochi quantities are limited, so place your order as soon as possible to get the best selection,” Akiyama says.
Made in Hawaii Foods Moiliili Where: 2071-A S. Beretania St. Call: 947.9022 Hours: Monday-Friday 11 a.m.-5:30 p.m., Saturday-Sunday 11 a.m.-4 p.m.
Pearl City Where: 98-718 Moanalua Road #A18 Call: 484.0052
Hours: Tuesday-Friday noon-5 p.m., Saturday-Sunday 10 a.m.-3 p.m. (Closed July 5)
A Trio of Treats The proof is in the pudding — or rather, dough — as Made in Hawaii Foods sells 500 pieces of mochi a day, on average.
Two Piece Fresh Kula Strawberry Mochi, Red Bean ($5.95), Milk Chocolate ($8.50) and Dark Chocolate ($9.50). A fresh Kula strawberry is covered in your choice of red bean paste or milk/dark chocolate truffle cream, perfectly wrapped in soft, chewy mochi. Akiyama says the key ingredient to this tasty treat is the Maui strawberry from Kula Country Farms, sent by air twice a week to Made in Hawaii Foods to assure the freshest product.
Three Piece Assorted Daifuku Mochi #2 ($5.75) Includes one Lilikoi Cheesecake daifuku mochi, featuring a piece of cheesecake drizzled with lilikoi butter and wrapped in mochi; one Chocolate Cream Haupia daifuku mochi, consisting of a piece of fresh haupia topped with chocolate pastry cream and wrapped in mochi; and one Peanut Butter daifuku mochi, with crunchy peanut butter, covered in red bean paste and wrapped in mochi.
Large Premium Assorted Daifuku Mochi (eight pieces, $18.95) This assorted set includes one each of Fresh Strawberry with red bean, Fresh Strawberry with milk chocolate, Truffles (dark chocolate wrapped in mochi) and Peanut Butter Chocolate daifuku (creamy peanut butter covered with milk chocolate truffle cream).
1 An assortment of mochi favorites that are melt-in-yourmouth good. 2 Three Piece Assorted Daifuku Mochi ($5.75), including Lilikoi Cheesecake 3 Taylor and Tad Akiyama make mochi by hand. 1
Leah Friel photos
Sweet & Sour Boneless Chicken $7.95 fast food Served daily 10:30am - 9:30pm
Enter to win 1 of 2 Apple MacBooks! + 5 winners each week for a $200 gift card for school supplies from & a $50 HIC gift card!
Restaurant price $8.95. Some restrictions may apply, see store for details. Offer and giveaway available until July 31, 2011. 6 | D I N I N G O U T | J U LY 3 - 9 , 2 0 1 1
at a rainbow. Nutritionists advise that an everyday diet rich in vegetables of different colors is beneficial to your health. The more variety the better. It may be a bit of work to achieve that at home in your own kitchen day in and day out, but that's a great reason to read Dining Out each week. Sit back, relax and let the chefs do the work! Popular for its fresh and affordable dim sum, Golden
Golden Palace Seafood Restaurant Where: 111 N. King St. Honolulu
Call: 521.8268 Hours: Open daily, 7 a.m. to 10 p.m.
The Pot Of Gold Palace Seafood Restaurant’s menu lists a number of stirfry and noodle dishes, many of which are vegetable-rich, such as the Vegetable Chow Mein ($5.75). “We serve a variety of vegetable dishes with no meat, and vegetables with noodles,” says Gary Lam, whose family owns the Chinatown eatery. “Most of our vegetable dishes are $5.95.” (Note to vegetarians and vegans: Oyster sauce is used in some of the vegetable dishes.) Traditionally served for good luck on Chinese New Year (on Chinese New Year only, a special jai that includes dried oysters is served), Golden Palace’s Law Hon Jai (aka monk's food) is a
veg’with nout
July 4th, 2011
Terri Hefner
Complete dinners served 11 AM till Midnight
Prime Rib of Beef BBQ Hickory Smoked Ribs Roast Tom Turkey
colorful bowlful of rice noodles, snow peas, baby corn, carrots, cabbage, red dates, black fungus and mushrooms — and it's available year round. This jai is a rainbow in a bowl, and for those who choose not to eat meat, at only $5.95, it can be like finding the pot of gold.
1695 $ 1395 $ 1295 $
Dinners Include “All you can eat” salad bar, Corn on the Cob, Strawberry Cake and more!
Portuguese Sweet $ 95 Bread Combo
955-1764 Open 24 Hours 1860 Ala Moana Blvd. Validated Parking
Contact Terri Hefner at diningout@staradvertiser.com
1 Jai ($5.95) 2 Vegetable Chow Mein ($5.75) 3 Golden manager Sherman Lam with the Vegetable Chow Mein Nathalie Walker photos
Celebrate Your Birthday With us and Receive a complimentary Hy’s Cheesecake & Keepsake Photo For Honoree
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D I N I N G O U T | J U LY 3 - 9 , 2 0 1 1 | 7
... dining out ...
F E AT U R E ........ ............
A classic eatery
welcomes new and tempting grinds Story by Kyle Galdeira Photos by Nathalie Walker
s Zippy’s Restaurants continues its mission of serving Hawaii as it has for the past 45 years, an important ingredient in the local staple’s success is its ability to add menu items that keep hungry guests coming back for more. Zippy’s diverse menu appeals to all ages and tastes, and with the addition of a new set of specials for this month, customers can treat their taste buds to some soonto-be favorites.
Zippy’s Restaurants Where: Various locations around Oahu Call: 973.0877 (main office) Hours: Most locations open 24 hours, seven days a week Notes: Log on to Zippys.com for restaurant locations and upcoming specials and promotions
In July, Zippy’s is featuring Sweet & Sour Boneless Chicken ($7.95 at the fast food counter, $8.95 in the dine-in restaurant), a new item that pairs a hearty portion of the boneless chicken with a tangy sweet and sour sauce. The dish is available from 10:30 a.m. to 9:30 p.m., and comes with white or brown rice and macaroni salad when ordering from the fast food counter,
2 1 Teriyaki Beef Salad ($9.95 dine-in restaurant only) 2 BBQ Smoked Turkey Drumsticks ($10.95) 3 Sweet & Sour Boneless Chicken ($7.95 fast food counter, $8.95 dine-in restaurant) 4 Shift leader trainer Melina Rubasch and restaurant cook Trevor Luke 5 Apple Pop Salad ($8.75 dine-in restaurant only) 6 Sweet & Sour Boneless Chicken is great for those on the go.
8 | D I N I N G O U T | J U LY 3 - 9 , 2 0 1 1
and includes hot vegetables in place of macaroni salad when ordered in the dine-in restaurant. The deal gets even sweeter as, with each purchase of the boneless chicken, diners will receive an entry form for a chance to win a host of prizes in Zippy’s Back to School giveaway. Two grand-prize winners will take home an Apple MacBook computer, and five winners per week will receive a $200 gift card from Office Max and a $50 gift card from Hawaiian Island Creations. So where does Zippy’s get the inspiration for its tasty menu offerings? According to Charlene Kim, the restaurant’s administrative director, suggestions for new items come from customers, employees and product vendors, and are passed on to research and development chef Wayne Komamura and the menu planning committee. After samples are created, they are tested and tweaked until being deemed ready for the menu. “It’s really neat,” says Kim of the process. “(Komamura) will come up with a lot of ideas for items that aren’t on our standard menu. The items also are designed to be prepared and served easily by our staff.” As part of Zippy’s continuing health and wellness initiative, the restaurant is serving up two new salad choices available 24 hours a day through August in the dine-in restaurant only. The Teriyaki Beef Salad ($9.95) includes strips of broiled teriyaki beef topping a bed of Nalo greens with grape tomatoes, cucumber medallions and chopped egg served with Zippy’s house dressing. The Apple Pop Salad ($8.75) includes Nalo greens, apple slices, grape tomatoes, mozzarella cheese and kettle corn popcorn served with a zesty lilikoi vinaigrette dressing. The latter creation is the
brainchild of Zippy’s Kahala Restaurant cook Trevor ... dining out ... Luke and former employee Brandon Lee who won a salad making challenge at a recent employee picnic. “We came up with (the challenge) as part of our F E AT U R E .................... health and wellness initiative,” Kim says. “One of the prizes was putting the winning salad on the menu and introducing it to the public. Chef Alan Wong was the celebrity judge, and he called the salad ‘refreshing and really creative.’ The combination really sold the judges.” Luke, who was trained at the Kapiolani Community College Culinary Arts Program, got the idea for the unique salad combination while flipping through one of his many culinary books. “I read that lilikoi and champagne vinegar go really well together,” he says of the salad’s tangy dressing. “Then, I threw in some li hing powder, and added the popcorn as a crunchy element. It all just came together and it works really well.” Just in time for the Independence Day holiday, Zippy’s has another special worthy of fanfare. The BBQ Smoked Turkey Drumsticks ($10.95) includes two large drum4 sticks tossed in a tangy barbecue sauce, and is available now through July 4 from 10:30 a.m. to 9:30 p.m. in the dine-in restaurant only. The drumsticks come with hot vegetables and a choice of white or brown rice, mashed potatoes or french fries. Stop by one of Zippy’s 24 Oahu locations, many of which are open daily, and enjoy the old favorite’s new and delicious offerings.
D I N I N G O U T | J U LY 3 - 9 , 2 0 1 1 | 9
order of the day
story by Kelli Shiroma photos by Lester Tabucbuc
ith a uniquely decorated interior, variety of menu items and revamped daily specials, Sam Choy’s Breakfast, Lunch & Crab offers a dining experience that’s unlike any other, according to general manager Jeffrey Gaspar. “The uniqueness of the interior or the structure of the restaurant (makes us different),” Gaspar says. “We have a boat that’s inside the restaurant — Sam used it for fishing before. Also, Sam’s cui-
sine (makes us different) — his food has that local flair. What he’s done is incorporate that local flair style into his menu.” The local flair that’s infused into Choy’s cooking truly captures the essence of the eatery and caters to island residents. “The mission or vision for the restaurant is to portray the Aloha spirit with great food and service,” he says. “The food is good for the local style cuisine, which incorporates families. It’s a family-type environment restaurant.” With that in mind, it’s no wonder that some of the most popular dishes on the restaurant’s breakfast, brunch, lunch and dinner menus have a distinct local flavor. Among the most requested appetizers Golden Fried Calamari ($10.95), Sam’s Original Fried Poke ($10.95) — wok-seared marinated island fish with furikake — and Steamed Manila Clams ($13.95), served in a ginger miso pesto broth. Lunch favorites include Fried Poke Salad ($14.95) — mixed greens and somen noodles covered with Sam’s famous fried poke — and “Da Hilo Original” Loco Moco
($12.95), a local-style homemade hamburger patty served with rice and topped with sautéed onions, two farm fresh eggs and Sam’s brown gravy. Popular dinner entrees include Kalbi Marinated Butterfish ($29.95); Crab & Shrimp Louie Salad ($23.95), featuring Nalo greens, somen noodles, egg, cucumber and tomato topped with crab and shrimp salad as well as king crab; and the Crab meat Stuffed Island Fish ($27.95), which is baked with Choy’s famous shiitake mushroom cream sauce. Instead of having a signature dish, Choy’s shiitake mushroom cream sauce is the eatery’s signature sauce, according to Gaspar. “He’s (Choy’s) known for his shiitake mushroom cream sauce,” he says. “He’ll use it on a couple of his dishes on the menu, such as the Macadamia Nut Crusted Chicken ($19.95), and people love it.”
SAM CHOY’S BREAKFAST, LUNCH & CRAB Where: 580 North Nimitz Hwy. Call: 545.7979 Hours: Sunday: 8 a.m.-3 p.m., 5-9 p.m. Monday-Thursday: 7 a.m.-2 p.m., 5-9 p.m. Friday: 7 a.m.-2 p.m., 5-10 p.m. Saturday: 8 a.m.-3 p.m., 5-10 p.m. Website: www.Samchoyhawaii.com
The restaurant also is known for its desserts, which have their own menu. “We do our own in-house desserts,” Gaspar says. “Everybody always heads toward the banana bread pudding, pineapple cheesecake or key lime pie.” Throughout his career at Sam Choy’s, Gaspar has seen the menu change periodically. Several of the newest menu items include the
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order of the day
HAPPY 4th of JULY! Ham and Scallop Soup • Chinese Chicken Salad • Peking Duck • Steamed Sea Bass with Ginger & Onions • Walnut Shrimp • Capitol Pork Chops • Boneless Chicken Cake Noodle • Rice $ Chef’s Dessert of the Day Dim Sum Special Menu 111 N. King St. near Maunakea Served 7am Daily for10 7am -10pm $ 98 No credit cards
accepted for special menu
Take-out Orders Welcomed
4 3
“Before Capt. Cook” Poke ($14.95) — marinated ahi with limu kohu, green onions, Hawaiian salt and inamona — which was just added about a month ago. Seafood Skewers ($24.95) — scallops, shrimp, island fish and assorted vegetables atop a rice pilaf — and Ribeye Steak ($27.95) also are newcomers to the menu. The restaurant also has recently revamped its daily specials. In addition to the MondayFriday “Early Bird” special (7-7:30 a.m.) — $3.99 for an assortment of fruits, eggs or fried rice and eggs — the restaurant presents its customers with a new lineup of evening specials. “Monday is ‘Two Pound Snow Crab Night’; you get two pounds for $25.95,” Gaspar explains, listing a few of the specials. “Wednesday is ‘Prime Rib Night,’ and that’s an 18-ounce prime rib for $19.95. Friday is ‘Aloha Friday’ with the Hawaiian plate and live entertainment from 6 to 9 p.m.” Besides these daily specials, July brings additional promotions because of the restaurant’s 14-year anniversary. From July 1 to 31, all guests who dine at Sam Choy’s for three meal periods — breakfast/brunch, lunch and dinner — will earn a $20 passport certificate, which can be used before Sept. 30. The restaurant also continues to have a daily
Happy Hour from 5 to 6:30 p.m., during which customers can order $3 pint beers and fullprice appetizers are 50 percent off. In terms of upcoming changes, the restaurant is looking to expand this fall with the opening of the “Aloha Beer Garden.” “There’s going to be an addition to the restaurant; it’s like an expansion,” Gaspar says. “It (the Aloha Beer Garden) will be more of a lounge type bar atmosphere with pupus. We are our own brewery and we do have a brew master.”
Star-Studded Slate. Light up your Fourth of July weekend with the music of Kaukahi on Friday, Manoa DNA on Saturday, Kaala Boys on Sunday, and Sean Naauao on Monday, 6-9 pm…Quite a Sunday line-up coming up. Hoku Zuttermeister returns July 10, followed by Holunape on July 17, and Kuana Torres Kahale on July 24 and 31…Eric Lee makes a return appearance on Saturday, July 23, and those fun-loving musicians from Laie, Vaihi brings it to our stage on Saturday, July 30… Special Attraction. Hoku award-winning recording artist Mark Yamanaka from the Big Island has a special one-night appearance with us on Sunday, Aug. 14. Advance reservations recommended…
1 Julius Borje holding the Crab &
Shrimp Louie Salad 2 Crab & Shrimp Louie Salad ($23.95) 3 "Before Captain Cook" Poke
($14.95) 4 Macadamia Nut
Crusted Chicken ($19.95) 5 General manager Jeffrey Gaspar with the "Before Capt. Cook" Poke.
Magic Moments. Newlyweds Claire and Paul Lewis from the United Kingdom were honored with an impromptu hula by hotel employees Patrick Ramos and Teresa Shepherd.
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Memories are made of this…
Located poolside at the Outrigger Reef on the Beach 2169 Kalia Road, Honolulu, HI 96815 ph. 808.924.4990 Kamaaina rates from $179 per night 1.800.OUTRIGGER outriggerreef.com
D I N I N G O U T | J U LY 3 - 9 , 2 0 1 1 | 1 1
All things mango at the Moana n July 9, the Moana Surfrider presents its third annual Mangoes At The Moana from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. on the tranquil, shady veranda of the hotel. Enjoy a variety of activities and tasty dishes centered around the summer fruit by top chefs, all at the ocean-front courtyard overlooking Waikiki Beach. The event features all things mango — from local farmers and growers sharing their products to seminars about cultivating your own fruit to cooking contests. And of course, beachhouse at the Moana offers a selection of mango appetizers, entrees and desserts throughout the day. Admission is free and open to the public, but you must purchase scripts for some of the tastings. Mangoes at the Moana began when beachhouse manager Audrey Kamiya decided that she wanted to host an event centered around a popular item. The mango, she says, is the perfect choice. “The mango appeals to everybody, the locals and the visitors alike,” says Kamiya. “The mango is seasonal, so you can’t get it all the time.” When mango season does come around — the peak of which is typically June and July — the delectable fruit is in high demand.
Mangoes At The Moana Where: Moana Surfrider Hotel 2364 Kalakaua Ave.
Call: 921.4640 Event Hours: 10 a.m.-4 p.m.
1 beachhouse chef Norman Soderberg presents his tantalizing mango creation. 2 Braised Beef Short Ribs with Hamakua Mushrooms Risotto Cake. 3 Mangoes take the spotlight Nathalie Walker photos
And the Islands have some of the best. Many of the mangoes will be locally grown. “It’s another way to highlight the local growers and farmers,” says Kamiya. The event also is combined with the second annual Mango Throw Down — a cooking competition among 11 local celebrity chefs who will prepare dishes using mangoes as the main ingredient.
The chefs include Darren Demaya of Rum Fire, who will prepare Butter Poached Kona Cold Lobster, Curried Mango Vinaigrette with Green Mango Salad and Mango Salsa, and Norman Soderberg of beachhouse who will be prepare Braised Beef Short Ribs with Hamakua Mushroom Risotto Cake, Mango and Chipotle infused Demi Sauce with Island Mango Chutney. Each of the dishes will be available for tasting with the purchase of scripts. “It’s a good chance for the public to sample [the chefs’] unique creations,” says beachhouse manger Audrey M. Kamiya. Proceeds go toward the UH Culinary Institute of the Pacific. Chef Lee Anne Wong of Top Chef fame will judge the contest. And don’t forget to bring your own mango dish too! From 10 to 11:30 a.m., you can compete in a Mango Recipe Contest. The Mango Farmer’s Market also will be going on all day. Local growers and farms will feature their products and provide samples. The market also includes vendors such as Ono Pops, Tropilicious and Waialua Soda — all featuring their mango-inspired products — and artists showcasing creative mangofused crafts, including koa woodwork and paintings. Throughout the day, mango treats and entrees from beachhouse will be available for purchase. And from noon to 3 p.m., the Moana offers a tasty twist on its daily afternoon tea. There will be mango scones, mango mousse cake and mango sorbet. And throughout the month of July, beachhouse will continue to make good use of mango season, offering mango scones, mango bread and strawberry mango waffles with the breakfast buffet, mango pastries with afternoon tea, Makaha Mango salad for lunch and weekly mango entree specials for dinner.
SMOKED RACK of BABY BACK RIBS with entree purchase. Coupon required.
Exp. 7/31/11
Delicious, Healthy, Low-Fat Chinese Cuisine Upscale American Bistro Plate Lunch
951-KING (5464)
OPEN: Mon-Sat 11am-9pm
Parking: turn into driveway between Kokua Market & 4 Kings
2671A S. King St.
1 2 | D I N I N G O U T | J U LY 3 - 9 , 2 0 1 1
Ala Moana Center
(Between Macy’s & Radio Shack)
SHRIMP & SCALLOPS AMAZING scallops, shrimp w/black mushrooms, snow pea pods, green pepper & broccoli in house special sauce
.25 .25 $ .25 $1 .00
Hot Dog & Drink Hamburger Saimin Chili Plate
Saturday, July 16th (10am-5pm) Sunday, August 14th (10am-5pm) Saturday, September 17th (5pm-9pm) Sunday, October 16th (11am-7pm)
Anniversary Specials will be sold only at the parking lot tent •Limit 5 items each
•No phone orders 3308 Kanaina Avenue
•While supplies last
El Charro’s finger food fiesta
El Charro Mexicano Aiea Restaurant Where: Aiea Shopping Center, 99-115 Aiea Heights Drive, Suite #304, Aiea
Call: 488.9727 Hours: 8 a.m. to 9 p.m., Monday–Thursday; 8 a.m. to 10 p.m., Fridays and Saturdays
Notes: Free parking available 1 Ceviche ($10.49) 2 Tacos Al Pastor ($10) 3 Taquitos ($5.50)
l Charro Mexicano Aiea Restaurant, located on the third level of the Aiea Shopping Center near Aiea Bowl, brings quality TexMex cuisine to the heart of the Pacific. The eatery’s menu invites customers to “Experience the Flavors of Mexico,” and it delivers with a combination of fresh ingredients and authentic tasty items. El Charro’s menu is chockfull of mouth-watering munchies that go perfectly as a meal starter, or as light dishes in themselves. The Taquitos ($5.50) include four corn tortilla wraps filled with a choice of meat (chicken or shredded beef) and are deep-fried just enough to give the dish a crispy crunch without weighing down the meal. The finger food is served with guacamole, pico de gallo and sour cream — the perfect dipping accompaniments. Sticking with hand-held delicacies, pick up the Tacos Al Pastor ($10) — three pork tacos made with a choice of flour, corn or crispy tortillas.
Also, check out the Ceviche ($10.49, add $2 for shrimp), which includes fresh mahi mahi marinated with lime and pico de gallo. The dish, which has roots tracing back more than 2,000 years, gets its flavor from the marinating process that infuses hints of citrus with the fish. The
hearty offering also comes with guacamole and a choice of corn tostadas or chips. El Charro offers numerous discounts for you hard-working appetizer aficionados, including 10 percent off for those with military and college IDs.
Nathalie Walker photos
July 4 thru July 17
All Day Special
The popular tgif is now in the Honolulu Star-Advertiser. Check out the entertainment insert every Friday to help plan your weekend.
735-8488 Authentic & Original Vietnamese Cuisine
Adult $19.95 Child $16.95 Sam Sung Plaza • 655 Keeaumoku Street #108 • 949-2890
40 Types of Dim Sum
50% OFF Expires 7/7/11. Must Present Coupon.
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1st Course Seafood Summer Roll Sweet Chili Dipping Sauce
Short Rib, Seasoned Short Rib, Rib Eye, Seasoned Beef, Brisket, BBQ Chicken, Tripe, Pork Belly, Spicy Pork, Tongue, Also includes Seafood Pancake & Korean Miso Soup
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Popular Items: Look Funn & Rice Soup
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Open Daily 7am - 4pm Take-Out & Catering Welcomed
2nd Course Choice of: Soup or Salad
JULY TAKE HOME PIZZA SPECIAL Pre-order and pick up a whole Pizza from 2:00pm - 4:30pm
get $3.00 off Call us at 526-1777 999 Bishop St First Hawaiian Center see our menu at:
3rd Course Sunday Country Fried Steak with Kapakahi Mash Potatoes Monday Herb Crusted 12 oz. Ribeye Steak Tuesday Sam’s Oven Roasted Duck with Orange Sauce Wednesday Miso Marinated Wild Salmon Thursday 12 oz Grilled Pork Chop with Mango Marmalade Friday Grilled Wagyu Steak with Truffle Porchini Sauce Saturday Seafood Cioppino ANNIVERSARY DINING PASSPORT Receive a FREE $20 Passport Certificate* when purchasing a breakfast, a lunch & a dinner between July 4 and July 31! *certificate expires Sept. 30, 2011 580 Nimitz Hwy. 545-7979
D I N I N G O U T | J U LY 3 - 9 , 2 0 1 1 | 1 3
A hearty meal of shabu shabu habu shabu is a warriors’ meal, dating back to its creation in the 13th century. Concocted by Mongolian emperor Genghis Khan, shabu shabu (as it is called today) was a quick, efficient and nutritious way to feed Khan’s army regime while in combat. Now, thankfully, we may all enjoy a shabu shabu meal — without the pressures of an intruding army marching upon us — particularly at Hanaki in Manoa Marketplace. Hanaki offers a variety of broths from which your shabu shabu dish shall begin. “We have mild soups like our kunbo, we also have our miso soup and our Hanaki soup, which is a clear base,� says Hanaki general manager Mark Mitsuyoshi. “The Hanaki base works great for seafood, but I like to cook pork loin and vegetables in it, and it comes out real good.� Shabu shabu turns heartier as you delicately cook your own meats and seafood in your chosen broth. There are plenty of selections to choose from, including thinly sliced prime rib or pork loin, ground beef to be dipped, shrimp, sliced squid, baby octopus, clams, salmon and misoyaki teriyaki
Hanaki Where: Manoa Marketplace 2756 Woodlawn Drive Honolulu
Call: 988.1551 Hours: Wednesday–Monday Lunch: 11:30 a.m.–2:30 p.m. Dinner: 5–9:30 p.m.
Customers are encouraged to be their own shabu shabu chef at Hanaki Restaurant. Leah Friel photo
butterfish. For a vegetable accoutrement, Mitsuyoshi suggests the shiitake mushrooms or the steamed cabbage rolls. You may also try one of Hankai’s flavorful dipping sauces after you have cooked your meats or vegetables in the seasoned broth.
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Not to be combined with any other offer.
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“We have about a dozen different dipping sauces you can create. We also have a house sauce we made up. You can also create your own with our chili pepper, garlic or ginger flavors or just have plain shoyu,� Mitsuyoshi adds. As an a la carte menu item the shabu shabu at Hanaki varies in price by the selections you choose, but most of the meats and seafoods cost between $4 and $5. Vegetables and noodles are priced between $2.50 and $3.
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1 4 | D I N I N G O U T | J U LY 3 - 9 , 2 0 1 1
what we’re eating at...
Camellia Buffet By Christina O’Connor
Camellia Buffet
Bouan Fujieki: “We usually get mostly kalbi and beef.” Bradley Shigezawa: “They pretty much have everything at the buffet bar. They have vegetables, too. We got kimchi; you gotta have the kimchi. And we got bean sprouts, potatoes, bell peppers, onions and mushrooms.”
akiniku restaurants seem to have blown up in the last few years, becoming the latest trend in Hawaii practically overnight. New yakiniku venues have popped up all over the island, giving diners plenty to choose from. Bouan Fujieki, Elliot Kim and Bradley Shigezawa say that they have found the best of the bunch at McCully eatery Camellia Buffet. They dined there recently for the all-you-can-eat buffet (lunch $15.95; dinner $22.95), and say that this incredible deal has drawn them in again and again.
Where: 930 McCully St. Honolulu
Call: 951.0511
Hours: Daily 10 a.m.2 p.m.; 3-10 p.m.
In addition to those options, Camellia also offers barbecue pork, seasoned beef, fried chicken, orange chicken, Korean pancakes, mac salad, sweet rice with red beans, seaweed soup, miso soup, tofu, octopus and sashimi. For dessert, try the red bean porridge or soft-serve ice cream.
(Clockwise, from left) Bouan Fujieki, Elliot Kim and Bradley Shigezawa Christina O’Connor photo
8e fZ\Xe]ifek m`\n kf jXmfi n`k_ jk\Xbj Xe[ j\X]ff[ ^i`cc\[ kf fi[\i%
-Peking Duck with Steamed Buns -Peking Duck Braised E Mein
• Chinese Chicken Salad • Wok Seared Shoyu Prawns • Maine Lobster with Ginger Scallions • Mongolian Pork Chop • Garlic Shanghai Bok Choy $199 Table Ten (Reg. $229) (limited to two tables on Saturdays & Sundays) served until 7/15/2011
Fresh Mahimahi w/ Garlic Shrimp | $24.95 Char broiled mahimahi topped with a Polynesian rum sauce, fresh fruit salsa & garlic shrimp.
10 AM - 3 PM |
NEW!!! Starting July 1
“FULL ON - EXPANDED” HONG KONG DIM SUM SERVICE Over 30 varieties Every Saturday and Sunday 10:30 am to 2 pm
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July Menu for Four Chinese Chicken Salad • Wintermelon Soup Mongolian Pork Chop • Beef and Broccoli Pepper Salt Shrimp • Ma Po Tofu Steamed Rice $49 for Four (reg. $65) with this coupon served daily; valid until 7/15/2011
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Entrance one block Diamond Head from Young Brothers
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Oriental Chicken Salad 4 types of Dim Sum (Manapua, Nori Spring Roll, Pork Hash, Half Moon) General’s Chicken • Beef and Broccoli Stir-Fried Assorted Vegetable • Seafood Fried Rice Dessert - Almond Float
Specials not valid on Holidays. Advance Reservations required, please call 971-1818.$3 self park validation only.
SeafoodvillageHyatt.com Ask about our Kama‘aina Discount
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per person (4 people min)
Chicken Salad with Oriental Dressing Crispy Bacon Seafood Combo Wrap Dungeness Crab - Country Style Honey Glazed Walnut Shrimp General Tso’s Favorite Chicken Seasonal Chinese Green Vegetable House Fried Rice • Dessert: Mango Pudding
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Evening and aloha attire. Dress shorts acceptable. No t-shirts, casual, swim shorts, tank tops or slippers. Information subject to change without notice.
5:00 pm – 9:00 pm Tuesday – Saturday Rainbow Tower Hilton Hawaiian Village® Validated Valet and Self-Parking Available
D I N I N G O U T | J U LY 3 - 9 , 2 0 1 1 | 1 5
ono, you know 1
1 Wailana’s Roast Turkey with Smoked Ham ($12.95) 2 4Kings Kitchen’s Smoked Rack of Baby Back Ribs ($12) 3 Sam Choy’s Onolicious Rack of Ribs ($29.95) 4 Wailana’s BBQ Hickory Smoked Ribs ($13.95). Photo courtesy of Wailana Coffee House 5 Sam Choy’s Breakfast, Lunch & Crab serves up all your local favorites.
– From page 2
4Kings Kitchen
complete dinners served from 11 a.m. to midnight. General manager Kenton Tom says diners can look forward to Wailana's Roast Prime Rib or Beef ($16.95), BBQ Hickory Smoked Ribs ($13.95) and Roast Turkey with Smoked Ham ($12.95) to round out the holiday menu. Breakfast lovers also can rejoice in the breakfast special Portuguese Sweet Bread Combo ($9.50), featuring thick wedges of Hawaii's popular sweet bread with a helping of orange marmalade, paired with two strips of bacon, two large eggs (any style) and coffee or tea. “We’ve had a special menu for the Fourth of July for at least 20 years,” Tom says. “The items that we're featuring are your classic American favorites ideal for this holiday and they're all very popular, especially the ribs and the turkey,” he adds. The Roast Turkey with Smoked Ham is served ever so tender on Wailana’s decadent macadamia nut stuffing, spooned with old-fashioned giblet gravy, and
Truth be told, I’m a sucker for upscale plate lunches, which is why 4Kings Kitchen is my premier choice for onolicious grinds like Local Style Beef Luau Stew, 4Kings Fried Rice and the “Not Your Normal Loco,” to name a few. And now that the Independence Day holiday is here, I can't help but think that this friendly neighborhood establishment has all the best selections for your holiday parties. Owner and chef Kapo Kealoha recently unveiled new menu items to the 4King's spread — one of them being Smoked Rack of Baby Back Ribs. For only $12, patrons receive mouthwatering kiawe-smoked, four-bone rack of St. Louis baby back ribs topped with a sweet Lehua honey barbecue sauce that is without a doubt finger lickin’ good. Make sure to have extra napkins handy! Hawaii born and Hawaii bred, Kealoha and his welcoming staff make it a point to support and serve local first. All entrees come with white or brown rice
1 6 | D I N I N G O U T | J U LY 3 - 9 , 2 0 1 1
topped with a grilled pineapple ring filled with cranberries. Then straight out of the wild west comes the succulent BBQ Hickory Smoked Ribs, baked slowly until they are extra tender and flavorful. Baked beans also are included on the side to kick it up a notch. All Fourth of July dinner selections come complete with salad from the salad bar; baked/mashed potatoes, fries or rice; corn on the cob; strawberry cake with whipped topping; coffee, tea or soft drink. Finally toast to this special holiday with a glass of House Chablis, Rose or Burgundy ($3.75). Wailana Coffee House 1860 Ala Moana Blvd. 955.1764
and a choice of MA‘O Farms Sassy Mix Salad or house-made kim chee. And if a nice, juicy steak plate is what you’re in the mood for this weekend, why not surprise your friends and family with the Pulehu New York Steak Plate ($14) at your upcoming barbecue? This decadent creation is fit for a king, as it showcases tender morsels of Grass-fed Kauai Beef with Maui onion and Hamakua Shimeji mushroom brown gravy. Trust me, you’ll want to take a nap after this one!
4Kings Kitchen 2671 S. King St. 951.5464
ini Garden is offering customers a major deal this summer — 20 percent off all takeout orders (excluding vegetarian dishes, which will be offered at 10 percent off), as well as 10 percent off all dine-in meals. “We are doing this because the economy is really bad right now,”
Contact Sarah Pacheco at diningout@staradvertiser.com
1 Braised Brisket and Tendon with Bean Curd Casserole ($12.95) 2 Char Siu ($8.95) 3 Best Quality Roast Duck ($14.95, half duck) Nathalie Walker photos
explains owner Yinnie Chiu. “The portions are big, and it’s cheaper than if you were to cook (these meals) at home, and there’s more variety for you to choose.” There are around 250 items on the menu, but Chiu says a few of the restaurant’s top sellers are the Chef Special Crispy Shrimp Balls ($14.50), Braised Brisket and Tendon with Bean Curd ($12.95), and Mini
Garden’s Best Quality Roast Duck ($8.95) and Char Siu ($8.95). Perfect as a light summer meal or savory treat-to-share before the main course arrives, the Crispy Shrimp Balls are eight whole shrimps that have been battered and deep-fried until golden and slightly crunchy on the outside yet still sweet and juicy on the inside. For the Braised Brisket and Tendon with Bean Curd casserole, Chiu says they slow-cook the brisket and tendon for more than five hours, leaving the meat extremely soft and tender. They also use fresh bean curd, which lends a richer flavor not achieved from using the dried variety. But possibly the best-kept secret of Mini Garden is the Roast Duck and Char Siu, which are both prepared fresh every day with a special blend of seasonings and roasted so that the meat comes out hot, crispy and full of flavor. “Our duck is real famous because not too many places roast their own duck,” Chiu says. Since dining is family-style at Mini Garden, the portions are generous and meant to be shared. Even then, Chiu says sometimes diners will be unable to finish their meals and take home the leftovers for another day.
M Mini Garden sprouts up savory cuisine
ini Garden has a long-standing reputation among local foodie circles as being one of the best Chinese restaurants on the island. Since opening in Chinatown in 1973, the family-style eatery has supplied hungry diners with a range of authentic Chinese and vegetarian cuisine, from Crispy Spring Rolls and Gau Gee ($7.50 each), to Ong Choy with Bean Curd Sauce ($8.95), Ma Po Tofu ($9.50), Shrimp Fu Yung ($9.95), Gon Lo Mein ($8.95) and a smattering of congee, fried rice and noodle dishes. “It’s healthy Chinese food,” says owner Yinnie Chiu, who, along with her sister, has been in charge of operations since 1997. “We use very little sodium and no MSG upon request.” In 2005 Mini Garden moved to a space at 2065 S. Beretania St., which left some customers wary that the food they had grown to love may have been left behind. “We carried all our original recipes with us,” Chui assures. “The won ton, the roast duck and the char siu are the same recipes that have been around forever.” However, there are a few new items not to be dismissed. For example, they recently started offering customers a complimentary dessert with each meal. “In Hong Kong, every Chinese restaurant will offer dessert,” says Chiu, who moved from the city-state to Hawaii in 1978. Called a “float,” the free after-meal treat is similar to a sorbet and comes topped with choice of fresh strawberries, mango, lychee or guava. “This will complete your meal,” says Chiu. “Something sweet to clear your palate and cool you off ... A lot of customers come back just for the dessert!”
Mini Garden 2065 S. Beretania St. 946.3828 Open 11 a.m.-10 p.m. daily Limited free parking in adjacent lot; street parking also available Chef De Hui Liang and owner Yinnie Chiu
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eat this
Uncle’s reels in nothing but a fresh catch green chili and capers, and drizzled with Uncle’s mid spicy soy sauce and green onions also are considered favorites among locals and tourists alike. For the non-seafood eater, don’t be discouraged, Uncle’s Backyard BBQ Chicken ($15.95) and U.S. Choice New York Striploin ($19.95) are equally delicious. “Sushi is available Thursday through Sunday nights, and we showcase both fusion and classic creations. It’s a big hit that many people come for.” Simpson adds.
By Alana Folen
ncle’s Fish Market & Grill honors all the uncles in our lives who, long ago, would spend hours pursuing the perfect ahi, aku and bottom fish. Specializing in the freshest of seafoods, this popular local establishment opened its doors in July 2007 at the Waterfront at Pier 38. “This is a restaurant that reminds people of all those uncles in their lives,” says manager Sean Simpson. “We have a lot of family photos on the walls here, and actually the owner, Bruce Johnson, is my uncle.” According to Simpson, all fish comes directly to the restaurant from the auction block. 1 “We get fresh fish from the auction block six days a week,” he says. What’s on your plate was caught that morning.” Geoffrey Arakawa has been serving as executive chef at Uncle’s Fish Market & Grill since its inception. A highly requested and favored item off the menu is the Parmesan Crusted
Uncle’s Fish Market & Grill Where: Waterfront at Pier 38, 1135 N. Nimitz Hwy. Mahi Mahi ($19.95) with caramelized onions, roasted garlic, cream cheese and real king crab meat sauce. Uncle’s Fresh Opakapaka ($23.95) sauteed and topped with a butter garlic caper sauce and Uncle’s Garlic Ahi ($17.95), sauteed and topped with
Call: 275.0063 Hours: Tuesday-Sunday 10 a.m.-9 p.m. (lunch and dinner), Monday 10 a.m.-3 p.m. (lunch)
2 1 Manager Sean Simpson with the Parmesan Crusted Mahi Mahi ($19.95 )
2 Parmesan Crusted Mahi Mahi is a customer favorite.
Leah Friel photos
Kiawe Steak & Chicken Plate
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New Hours of Operation: Breakfast Service: Lunch Service: Monday-Friday 6:30am-10:00am, Monday-Friday 11:00am-2:00pm Saturday and Sunday 6:30am - 9:30am Dinner Buffet: Wednesday-Sunday 5:00pm-9:30pm Brunch Service: Saturday and Sunday 10:00am-2:00pm
*For information/reservations call Pagoda Restaurant at
948-8356 1 8 | D I N I N G O U T | J U LY 3 - 9 , 2 0 1 1
FRENCH MACAROON $ 18 00 per dozen
by Chef JJ
Now Serving... Affordable 4-Course Meal starting at $15.50
Steak, Seafood, Pizza, Pasta, & Pastry Open Daily 11a – 9p for Lunch, Dinner & Afternoon Tea 3441 Waialae Ave • 626-5368 JJ Bistro - 3447 Waialae Ave • 739-0993 www.lecacaobistro.com
Gravlax Salmon Roulade
with Crab Mousse Garnished with Tobiko Caviar & Fresh Dill
By Chef Chai Chaowasaree Serves 10
Ingredients: • 1 filet of salmon, about 3 pounds. Skin and remove pin bones • 3 tablespoons chopped fresh dill • 6 tablespoons sugar • 3 tablespoons salt • 2 tablespoons grated lemon zest
Ingredients for crab mousse: • 1/2 pound crab meat • 2/3 cup cream cheese • 1/2 cup mayonnaise • 1 tablespoon chopped celery • 1 tablespoon chopped onion • 1 tablespoon chopped chive • 1/2 tablespoon lemon juice • salt and pepper, to taste
• tobiko caviar and fresh dill, for garnish Preparation: • Combine 2.5 tablespoons chopped dill, sugar, salt and lemon zest in mixing bowl and set aside. • In a flat pan, coat salmon evenly on both sides with seasoning to cure fish. Let sit overnight or for at least four hours. • Remove coated seasoning thoroughly from salmon, then slice salmon about an inch wide and 4-5 inches long. Set aside. • In a mixing bowl, combine all
crab mousse ingredients together and mix evenly. Make sure there are no leftover lumps from cream cheese. • Lay down a piece of salmon, then add about one-half tablespoon of crab mousse and roll it over like a cigar. Garnish with black tobiko caviar and fresh dill. Repeat until you run out of fish pieces. Tip: you may serve this roulade on slices of cucumber or on crackers. It makes a perfect party appetizer.
Parking along left side of Bldg and right side of bldg all stalls except 1-10
20% OFF
SENIOR DISCOUNT 60+ older, applies to breakfast only
BREAKFAST SPECIAL 1-scoop fried rice, 1-egg (any style), 2-bacon
Since 1989
MILLION 596-0799 626 SHERIDAN ST. (backside of Walmart) SUN, TUE, WED, THUR 6 AM - 12 MID
30% OFF Lunch 50% OFF Dinner Not combinable with other discounts. 65 or older w/Coupon & ID. No online or photo-copied coupons. One coupon per person. Discounts off regular adult price. Expires 7/17/11
20% OFF
Must have minimum party of 4. One Birthday coupon per party of 4. Coupon valid on actual birthday, ID required. Not combinable with other discounts. Discounts off regular adult price. No online or photo-copied coupons. Expires 7/17/11
FRI & SAT 6 AM - 2 AM
MON 11 AM - 12 MID
20% OFF
1 Coupon per group. Must have valid ID. Not Combinable with other discounts. Discounts off regular adult price. No online or photo-copied coupons. Expires 7/17/11
AIEA/PEARLRIDGE 98-150 Kaonohi St. | 487-9911
WAIKIKI 1972 Kalakaua Ave. | 942-2121
D I N I N G O U T | J U LY 3 - 9 , 2 0 1 1 | 1 9
WHERE TO DINE Ige’s Restaurant & 19th Puka
Symbol Key
4 Kings Kitchen
2671 S. King St. 951-5464
2284 Kalakaua Avenue 922-6868
After Midnight
d.k Steakhouse
Alcohol served
2552 Kalakaua Ave., Waikiki Marriott Beach Hotel 931-6280
98-761 Oihana Place, Aiea 486-3500
Tropics Bar & Grill
Larry’s Bakery
2005 Kalia Road Hilton Hawaiian Village (Ali‘i Tower) 949-4321
Atlantis Seafood & Steak
Willows, The
901 Hausten St. 952-9200
Fendu Boulangerie 2752 Woodlawn Dr. Manoa Marketplace 988-4310
343 Saratoga Road 923-EGGS (3447)
4369 Lawehana St. (across Target in Salt Lake) 422-0059
Napoleon’s Bakery Located inside of Zippy’s
Eggs n’ Things
La Palme D’or Ala Moana Center - Mall Level Mountain side, next to Shirokiya 941-6161
711 Queen St. 597-8880 1111 Bishop St. #4 536-8363 Ala Moana Center 946-6388 Royal Hawaiian Center 791-2969
New Take-Out Packs 50 Different Items to Choose From
May, June & July 2011 $19.95 Lunch Buffet/ $29.95 Dinner Buffet KO-TO-GO Pack Finger foods-8pc of chicken (legs & thighs), 16pc Lumpiang Shanghai & Chicken Chicharon (Crispy Chicken Skin). $15.99
LUNCH 10:30am-2:30pm...$15.95 DINNER 2:30pm-10pm......$22.95
Quick Picnic Pack Max’s Whole Chicken, 16pc Lumpiang Shanghai Choice of Pancit and a FREE Max’s Eco Bag. $26.99
“Cuisine of the Philippines” 94-300 Farrington Hwy, Waipahu (next to Savers)
801 Dillingham (next to Costco)
2494 S. Beretania St.
Since 1945
951-MAXS (6297)
Chinese Restaurant
East Honolulu
1110 McCully St. • 946-8833
Aina Haina Shopping Center 373-1303 or 373-4632
Dinner Daily from 4:30pm 949 Kapahulu Avenue
(corner of Kapahulu and Kaimuki Ave.)
Betw th this coupon wi g Alcohol Now Servin
OFF 4:30 - 6:30pm 10% ee n
This coupon cannot be combined with other offers. Expires 7/8/11
Dinner Menu for 4 $39.95 Oyster Sauce Chicken Pork Chop Pepper Salt Stuffed Tofu Minute Chicken Cake Noodle Rice
Dinner Menu for 5 $49.95 Hong Kong Chicken Spicy Pork Eggplant Mushroom Egg Fu Yung Beef Sour Cabbage Minute Chicken Cake Noodle Rice
Live Lobster with purchase at On On only
Dinner Menu for 6 $59.95 Oyster Sauce Chicken Shrimp Pepper Salt Bat Jun Tofu Sweet Sour Pork Beef Broccoli Minute Chicken Cake Noodle Rice
Find menus and $5 coupon at www.ononhawaii.com
SUMMER IS PARTY TIME Book Your’s NOW! HO HO Chinese Cuisine 590 Farrington Hwy Kapolei Marketplace
Call For Group Rates! Seafood Lunch ...... starting at $9 50 Seafood-Crableg Dinner Buffet ...... starting at $
15 95
Pork Hash Manapua Special Shrimp Half Moon Steamed $1.25 Dumplings $.70 Baked $1.35 $.70 Manapua Station • Open Mon.-Sat. 6AM • Sun. 8AM 2 0 | D I N I N G O U T | J U LY 3 - 9 , 2 0 1 1
Available M-F for new bookings only 50 adults minimum Contact Tracy Silva-Kong today: tsilvakong@willowshawaii.com
ON ON at McCully (Corner of McCully & Young St.)
Complimentary rental of LCD projector, screen, podium and mic
4th of July Special July 1-4, 2011
20% off all purchases that total $33.00 or more (Excludes special orders cakes & wedding cakes)
Ala Moana Center • Mall Level
(Mountain side, next to Shirokiya) www.lapalmedor-usa.com 941-6161
FREE $15
with Take-out orders of $100 or more
Live Whole Main Lobster
$11.99 w/ entree purchase
FREE Side Chinese Chicken Salad w/any entrée purchase w/ad. exp. 7/7/11 Dine-in or Take-out. Offer good at King St. and Kahala
4230 Waialae Ave., Kahala 737-7188 • 737-7288
1221 S. King St. 597-8088
WHERE TO DINE A Catered Experience
BUFFET Camellia Buffet
Anytime Cafe
930 McCully St. 951-0511/0611
Market City Shopping Center 2919 Kapiolani Blvd 735-3888
Ho Ho Chinese Cuisine
Aloha Tower Mkt place 585-6360 Westridge Mall 486-5100
2494 S. Beretania St. 944-0449
California Wok
1132 Cafe 999 Bishop Street â&#x20AC;˘ 526-1777 1132 Bishop St. Ste.131 â&#x20AC;˘ 521-1837
Canton Seafood Restaurant
Catering Available
Mini Okinawan Sweet Potato & Kalua Pork Cakes
Ricotta Stuffed Chicken
Soft Shell Crab Alfredo
DINE IN â&#x20AC;&#x201C; TAKE-OUT Catering from casual to exquisite events
100 For 10 People
Available Daily for Dine-in or Take-out
Seaweed Tofu and Pork Soup Deep Fried Crispy Whole Chicken Salt and Pepper Shrimp Pork Chop w/Orange Sauce Steamed Fish Fillet w/Black Bean Sauce Vegetable w/Garlic NEW! Beef Vegetable Noodle Kids Menu for Steamed White Rice $3.99
Cannot combine with other discounts
$29 Weeknight Dinner Special Every Tuesday-Thursday
Catering Available Everyday!
July Prix Fixe Menu
Duck Confit Salad, Hoisin Vinaigrette
(Corner of Kahai and Kalihi)
ph 845-0320 fax 842-4273
LOBSTERS $11.99 with purchase of 1-Entree
Seafood Linguine, Lobster Cream Sauce
50% OFF Buy Two Entrees or Buffets Get 3rd one at 50% OFF!
Baked Lemon Tart, Raspberry Sorbet
Valid Monday thru Friday dinner only. For up to 20 people. Not to be combined with any other offer or discounts.
Ask about our extended MSG hours for Graduation. Party Room Available for 20-80 people Open Daily 10am to 9:30pm FREE Ample Parking @ FHB after hours
full ala carte menu available Call for info on our
Lungfunghawaii.com â&#x20AC;˘ Open Daily 11am-9pm 5724 Kalanianaole Hwy â&#x20AC;˘ Niu Valley Shopping Center LOTS OF FREE PARKING
Whneirne gs
See You 1st at the Colony Surf
111 N. King St. 521-8268
377-5555 or 377-5566
Sunday July 3 rd!
Golden Palace Seafood Restaurant
923 Keeaumoku St. 955-3388
Open for Plate Lunch Tue - Fri 10:30am - 1:30pm
Open Daily 10amâ&#x20AC;&#x201C;9pm
1221 S. King St. â&#x20AC;˘ 597-8088 4230 Waialae Ave., Kahala 737-7188
Canton House Restaurant 162 N. Hotel St. 521-3788
Hamburger Steak Plate $5.95
Bar-B-Que Chicken Plate $5.95
Golden Duck
Ala Moana Shopping Center, Ground Level (between Macyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s & Radio Shack) 947-1332
Signature dishes offered as Daily Specials
(previously Bobâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Giant Malts & Bar-B-Que) Same Owners & Same Delicious Food 4510 Salt Lake Blvd. â&#x20AC;˘ Honolulu, Hawaii 96818 (next to Ice Palace at the Stadium Mall)
820 W. Hind Dr. Aina Haina Shopping Center 373-1303 or 373-4632
Yakiniku Camellia Buffet
Duck Yun
237 Kalihi Street, 845-0320
Hale Koa Hotel, 2055 Kalia Road 955-0555 Call for eligibility details. 949-4321
Makino Chaya
1023 Maunakea St. 521-4492
Kahai Street Kitchen
Koko Cafe
590 Farrington Hwy 692-9880
Chinâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Chinatown Restaurant
94-1068 Ka Uka Blvd. 677-7744
MoAr re
ing Breathtak
1st Sunday Champagne Brunch! New Menu Changes Monthly!
Best d Foo Greek wn! o in T
Maple Garden/Yen King
(Limit 1 per customer. Not combinable with other offers. Equal or lesser value.) Exp. 7/31/11.
Koko Marina Shopping Center
4*;;-*/ 13*.& 5*.& .&/6
909 Isenberg Street â&#x20AC;˘ 941-6641 www.MapleGardenHawaii.com
3660 Waialae Ave. â&#x20AC;˘ 737-1177 www.3660.com
10% OFF
Cash Sale Only (With Coupon)
5% OFF Credit Card Sale Only (With Coupon)
Hong Kong Dim Sum & Regular Menu Items Excludes set menus; Roast Pork, Roast Duck, Char Siu & other specials. Not to be combined with any other offer. Expires 7/31/11.
Nice Day Chinese Seafood Restaurant Liliha Square by Times Supermarket
Celebrating 10 Years!
Zack Shimizu Kool Guitar/Vocals, experience the gentle crashing waves, pure ocean breezes and awesome beauty of Hawaii.
Dim Sum Take Out Special! 8am-11:30am
10% OFF(Charge) â&#x20AC;˘ 15% OFF(Cash)
â&#x20AC;ŚOnly at Michel â&#x20AC;&#x2122;s
~ FREE VALET PARKING ~ ENTERTAINMENT NIGHTLY ~ 2895 Kalakaua Ave. â&#x20AC;˘ 923-6552 â&#x20AC;˘ www.michelshawaii.com
(Charge) â&#x20AC;˘ Happy Day Chinese Restaurant
3553 Waialae Avenue
Dim Sum & Reg. Menu Dine In Special!
5% OFF
10% OFF(Cash) Must present coupon Expires 7/31/11
Excludes set menu; Roast Pork, Roast Duck, Char Siu & other specials. D I N I N G O U T | J U LY 3 - 9 , 2 0 1 1 | 2 1
WHERE TO DINE Happy Day Chinese Restaurant
Lung Fung Chinese Restaurant
3553 Waialae Ave. 738-8666
5724 Kalanianaole Hwy. 377-5566
Angelo Pietro Honolulu 1585 Kapiolani Blvd. #110 941-0555
Nice Day Chinese Seafood Restaurant
1055 Alakea St. 525-8585
449 Kapahulu Ave. 735-5544
Kam Shopping Center 1620 N. School Street, #120 847-1234 / 841-8668
Mandalay (The)
Hee Hing Restaurant
New Liu’s Chop Suey
Hale Koa Hotel, 2055 Kalia Road 955-0555 Call for eligibility details.
Liliha Square 524-1628
Jade Dynasty Seafood Restaurant
Maple Garden / Yen King
Ala Moana Shopping Center 1450 Ala Moana Blvd. 4th Floor - Ho’okipa Terrace 947-8818
909 Isenberg St. 941-6641
Little Villlage Noodle House 1113 Smith St. 545-3008
Fresh Catch
On at McCully ON ON On 1110 McCully St.
at McCully
45-1118 Kam Hwy 235-POKE (7653) 3109 Waialae Ave 735-POKE (7653)
Mini Garden Orient & Vegetarian Cuisine
Seafood Village Hyatt Regency Resort & Spa
2065 S. Beretania St. 946-3828
Street Level, 2424 Kalakaua Ave, #102 971-1818
I Love Country Cafe 885 Queen St. 4725 Bougainville Dr. 783-7901
High Quality at Affordable Prices!
NIGHTLY 5:30 PM - 6:30 PM
Teriyaki Chicken . . . . . . . . . . . . .$15.95 Daily Fish . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$23.95 Sukiyaki Steak . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$20.95 Teriyaki Steak & Chicken Combo . .$21.95 Kama‘aina & Military Discount Available (with proper ID)
Private Party Room for Graduation Party, Birthday, Baby Shower, Bridal Shower... 25 – 35 People, Set Menu Available ($18 – $20)
1841 Ala Moana Blvd. Between Ilikai & Hilton Hawaiian Village
1585 Kapiolani Blvd. #110 | 941.0555 | www.angelopietro.com
July Special All To-Go Orders
10% OFF Lunch & Dinner Catering & Party Rooms Available
(Must present ad. Offer not valid on holidays.) EXPIRES 7/31/11
803 Kam Hwy • 455-5888 Lunch Daily 11-2pm • Dinner 5-9pm
Thai Cuisine Pearl City
Dinner served from 5:30 nightly. Valet parking available. Not valid with any other offer.
15% OFF WITH COUPON Not to be combined with other
special offers. Beverages excluded. Expires 7/22/11
Graduation Parties
Special Set Party MENU A
Up to 10 people
Egg Blossom Soup • Sweet Sour Spareribs Beef Broccoli • Salt & Pepper • Shrimp Steamed Fish Oyster Sauce Chicken • Gon Lo Mein • Steamed Rice
3579 Waialae Avenue 737-8820
Kam Shopping Center | 847-1234 • 841-8668 | M-Sun 10:30am - 8:30pm
Also Available Curry & Steak Monday-Sunday 10:30am-2:30pm, 5pm–10pm
Call for Menu B-$120 & Menu C-$140
Come Early And Stay All Day To Our Armed Forces Personnel - Thank You!!! • Special All American Lunch & Dinner Buffet at Koko Cafe • Patriotic Luau • 4th of July Bibas Dinner Special
Join us at any of our Restaurants, Barefoot Bar or Warrior’s Lounge where Sam Adams will be hosting our Red, Wheat and Blue Promotion
Please Drink Responsibly
The appearance of corporate identity not affiliated with the Hale Koa Hotel does not constitute endorsement by the Hale Koa Hotel. 2 2 | D I N I N G O U T | J U LY 3 - 9 , 2 0 1 1
Panya Bistro • Bakery • Bar
Kani Ka Pila Grille
Waikiki - 1850 Ala Moana Blvd • 949-4467 Waikiki - Kuhio & Lewers • 921-2400 Pearl City - Times Sq. SC • 486-4467 Kaneohe - Windward Mall • 235-4467 Hilo - Prince Kuhio Plaza • 959-2600
2169 Kalia Rd, Outrigger Reef on the Beach
Ala Moana Center, Mauka - Mall Level 946-6388
Tanaka Saimin 888 N. Nimitz Hwy #103 524-2020
Wailana Coffee House
Rainbow Drive Inn Kit N Kitchen
JJ Bistro & French Pastry
1010 University Avenue 942-7622
3447 Waialae Ave.
1860 Ala Moana Blvd. 955-1764
3308 Kanaina Ave. 737-0177
Restaurant Epic
Call the one nearest you.
1131 Nuuanu Ave. 587-7877
Kenny’s Restaurant 1620 N. School St. 841-0931
Kenny’s Express Hawaiian BBQ
Le Cacao Bistro
Shakey’s Pizza Parlor
3441 Waialae Ave.
Waipahu Town Center 94-060 Farrington Hwy., #D3 677-1919
2nd Floor, Royal Hawaiian Shopping Center 922-9333
FILIPINO Max’s Of Manila 94-300 Farrington Hwy 801 Dillingham Blvd. 951-6297
Fresh Broiled Salmon
Waialae - 734-0404
Waikiki - 941-3444
Ala Moana - 949-2120
3040 Waialae Ave. (Corner of St. Louis & Waialae) Open Daily 11am-10pm
1831 Ala Moana Blvd. (Between Ilikai & Kobe) Open Daily 11am-10pm
Ala Moana Food Court Mall Hours
11AM-2PM, DINNER 5-8:30PM • Closed Monday Lunch & Dinner
100 N. Beretania Street #113 (Parking inside Chinese Cultural Plaza)
Buy One Rustica Pizza & Get the Second one for
JULYIAL Oxtail Ramen SPEC Soup base made from pork, chicken and beef bone.
Not valid with other special offers or discounts. Limit 2 Good on 7/4/2011 only.
Special noodles topped with chinese parsley and green onion. 1lb of oxtail in every order.
11.95 Scoop of Rice, or Tsukemono
Independence Day Special NO MSG ADDED!
$10 95
Also available Pasta • Burgers • Salads • Sandwiches MON-FRI 10 AM -TIL MIDNIGHT! • SUN 8 AM -10 PM 2919 Kapiolani Blvd., #218
ton ton ramen FINE
Bone In Pork Chop with Mushroom Cream Sauce, Served with Vegetables & Pasta Soup or Salad
no corkage fee
with Mediterranean Sauces, Basmati Rice, Pita Bread and Greek Salad. www.thefatgreek.net
Choice of Two : • 2pc Shrimp & 2pc Vegetable Tempura • Chicken Katsu • Chicken Kagaage • Chicken, Beef or Pork Teriyaki • Ahi (plain, salted or teriyaki) • Butterfish • Sashimi, Salmon or Unagi (add $2 more to meal price) Includes Miso Soup, Tofu, Gyoza, $
Shabu Shabu
Royal Hawaiian Shopping Center, 3rd Floor
Limited Time Offer
1200 Ala Moana
151 Hekili Street
(Auahi Streetfront)
94-050 Farrington Hwy. • Waipahu, HI 96797
11:30 am-2:30 pm; 5 pm-10 pm (Closed Tuesdays)
MANOA MARKETPLACE (Tons of FREE Parking) 988-1551
Not to be combined with any other offer. Please bring this ad. Expires 7/8/11
(Next to Boots & Kimo’s)
Two layers of vanilla chiffon cake filled with custard and strawberry filling, iced with whipped cream and topped with stripes of strawberry filling.
KOREAN CUISINE • LUNCH $15.95 10:30 AM - 2:30 PM • DINNER $22.95 2:30 PM -10 PM Kal Bi, Sirloin, Chicken, Sashimi Spicy Pork, Oysters (Fri/Sat/Su) *DISCOUNT EXCLUDES ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGESWITH THIS AD. EXP. 7/31/11.
930 McCully St. • 951-0511/951-0611
D I N I N G O U T | J U LY 3 - 9 , 2 0 1 1 | 2 3
Sam Choy’s BLC 580 N. Nimitz Hwy. 545-7979
Bali Steak and Seafood Hilton Hawaiian Village (Rainbow Tower) 2005 Kalia Road 949-4321
Chai’s Island Bistro
Greek Marina
Romanos Macaroni Grill
Koko Marina Shopping Center 7192 Kalanianaole Hwy. 396-8441
Ala Moana Center Hookipa Terrace 356-8300
The Fat Greek
Stage Restaurant
Aloha Tower Market Pl. 585-0011
3040 Waialae Ave. 734-0404 1831 Ala Moana Blvd 941-3444 Ala Moana Food Court 949-2120
1250 Kapiolani Blvd. 237-5429
Paesano Ristorante Waimalu Plaza (across Safeway) 98-1277 Kaahumanu St. #119 485-8883
Hy’s Steak House 2440 Kuhio Ave. 922-5555
INDIAN Top of Waikiki
Ruth’s Chris Steak House
Monsoon India
Waikiki Business Plaza 2270 Kalakaua Ave. 923-3877
Restaurant Row • 599-3860 Waikiki Beach Walk 440-7910
Manoa Marketplace 2752 Woodlawn Dr. 988-5923
Discovery Bay (across Buffalo Wild Wings) 1778 Ala Moana Blvd., Ste 213 941-5112
SUMMER PICNIC PACK SPECIAL Beef, Teri Pork, Chicken Katsu, Hot Dog, Rice, Macaroni Potato Salad $24.95 Teri Feeds 4 – 6 • To Go or Eat In FREE BAG OF ICE w/each Summer Picnic Pack ‘To-Go’ purchase (exp. 7/31/11) MON-THUR: 6am - 9pm FRI: 6am - 11pm SAT: 7am - 11pm SUN: 7am - 9pm
www.sushisan.com Open Daily 11am – 9pm • 1411 Kapiolani Blvd., Suite 1 • (808) 944-0670
Special Price for Table of 10 IMMENSELY POPULAR TAKE-OUT PLATE LUNCH $ FOR.....
Chicken Salad Imperial Scallop Soup Peking Duck with Bun Salt & Pepper Shrimp Seafood w/Vegetables in Taro Basket Steamed Fish Fillets w/Ginger Scallion Black Mushroom with Baby Pak Choy Steamed Rice, Dessert
#8 Yellow Chicken Curry
NOW OPEN at 900 N. Nimitz Hwy 536-5870 536-8570
1627 Nuuanu Ave 585-8839 2955 E. Manoa Rd 988-0212 Mon-Sat 10:30am-9pm; Sun 12n-8pm
15% OFF All Lunch Entrees 841-0931
Kam Shopping Center • Open 6am Daily Cannot be combined with any other discounts. Exp. 7/14/11
Call For Take Out
1055 Alakea St.
www.themandalayhawaii.com Mon - Sun 10:30am to 9:00pm Excluding all coupons and other discounts. Dine-in only.
Buy one dinner entree, receive 2nd entree
Free Parking Mon - Fri after 5pm & All Day Sat & Sun
50% OFF
valid Sun, Mon & Tue with ad Expires 7/12/11.
Lobster Dinner for 4 MON-THURS ONLY
Perfect for any Wedding or Event Dim Sum .95 $2 starts @
“Best Chinese Restaurant on the island!” - Martin Yan 2 4 | D I N I N G O U T | J U LY 3 - 9 , 2 0 1 1
8000 Square Foot Restaurant • 32 ft. long stage • 7 private rooms • Sound & projection video system
Seafood Restaurant Affordable Elegance
Soup of the Day • Live Maine Lobster (1.25lbs.) • Signature Fried Chicken (Half) • Pork Ribs w/Chefs Special Sauce • Sautéed Fish Fillet w/ Seasonal Vegetables • Steamed Rice • Dessert
R E S E R V A T I O N S Open 10:30am to 10:00pm (808) 947-8818 Ala Moana Shopping Center jadedynastyhawaii.com
(above Macy’s)
TUESDAY. . . . . . . WEDNESDAY . . . . THURSDAY. . . . . . FRIDAY. . . . . . . . . . SATURDAY . . . . . .
Robert Cazimero & Hula Brothers Cazimero Sista Robi & Jeff Rasmussen Nathan Aweau Danny Couch
FREE VALET PARKING • www.chefchai.com • Call 585-0011
Hanaki Restaurant
Ward Centre Auahi St. Shops 596-0066
Restaurant Suntory
Manoa Marketplace 2756 Woodlawn Drive 988-1551
1936 South King St. 941-2835
Royal Hawaiian Shpg Cntr 3rd Flr. 922-5511
Hifumi Japanese Restaurant Chinese Cultural Plaza 536-3035
Hinone Mizunone
1345 South King St. 942-4848
G Sushi Market City Shopping Center 2919 Kapiolani Blvd. #23 732-9661
Kobe Japanese Steak House 1841 Ala Moana Blvd. 941-4444
Open 7 days a week
losing 3:00 p.m.-C
Makino Chaya
Sekiya’s Restaurant & Delicatessen
98-150 Kaonohi St. 486-5100
2746 Kaimuki Avenue 732-1656
MOILIILI 2071-A S. Beretania•947-9022 M-F 11-5:30pm Sat-Sun 11-4pm
with Monsoon India Waikiki
98-718 Moanalua Rd•484-0052 T-F 12-5pm Sat-Sun 10-3pm
ALL Appetizers
Dinner Menu
from 5pm–7pm BYOB
Not valid with any other discounts, coupons or specials. Dine-in only.
2 Choice Teishoku Combo
Present coupon to redeem offer. Offer shall not be combined with other discount specials.
See Store for Details
Come hungry.
Sansei Seafood Restaurant Waikiki Beach Marriott Resort 2552 Kalakaua Ave, 931-6286
Pau Hana 50% OFF
Free meal valid for kids 12 and under on “Just for Kids” menu.
Kozo Sushi Kahala Mall 738-KOZO Keeaumoku 946-KOZO Moiliili 951-KOZO Pearlridge 483-6805 Pearl City 455-6805
16.75- $20.75
Discovery Bay (next to Buffalo Wild Wings) 1778 Ala Moana Blvd., Ste 213
Leave happy.
Served with rice, miso soup, two side dishes, and pickles. Choose from • Fried Oyster • Ebi Fry • Ahi Sashimi • Broiled Salmon Diced Steak • Miso Butterfish • Karaage • Pork Ginger Sizzling Hamburger Steak • Tempura • Tonkatsu and many more! Bentos and assorted musubi available daily as well as ala carte specials
www.MonsoonIndiaOahu.com ALA MOANA BLVD. • KUHIO AVE PEARL CITY • KANEOHE • HILO Ala Moana (Free Parking)
OPEN 11 am - 9 pm Lunch 11 am - 5 pm Dinner 5 pm - 9 pm
on a Second Dinner
Closed Sundays
OR A $
when Dining Alone Must present coupon (No take outs) Not valid with any other discount offers. Expires 7/15/11
Japanese Home Style Restaurant “Hinone Mizunone” Please enjoy the KAMADAKIGOHAN cooked completely by “Ogama”.
2850 Paa St. (near Airport and 99 Ranch Market) 833-3728
Visit any of our Shops between July 1st – 31st ENTER-TO-WIN a Trip for Two to LAS VEGAS 6 DAY / 5 NIGHT at California Hotel & Casino (or other Boyd Gaming resort) • Airport tansfers • Meal Coupon Book
Two winners will be chosen
1345 S. King Street Corner of S. King St. & Sheridan St. Close to Ala Moana Shpg Cntr & Wal Mart
TRIP FOR TWO OFFICIAL ENTRY FORM Name__________________________________________ Address________________________________________
151 Hekili St., Kailua 230-8400
Phone__________________________________________ eMail___________________________________________
(21 and over eligibility required)
See official rules at www.mccullysc.com D I N I N G O U T | J U LY 3 - 9 , 2 0 1 1 | 2 5
Sushi Ichiban
1411 Kapiolani Blvd, Suite 1 944-0670
3579 Waialae Ave. 737-8820
Yakiniku Million 626 Sheridan St. 596-0799
Frog House Restaurant 1604 Kalakaua Ave. 951-9370
Sumo Ramen
Tanaka of Tokyo
Kaneohe 234-6868 Kapolei 693-8808 Market City 737-1868 Kamehameha Shp Cntr 848-8186 Pearl Highlands Cntr 456-8082 99 Ranch Mapunapuna 833-3139
East, in Kingâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Village, 922-4233 Central, in Waikiki Shopping Plaza, 922-4702 West in Ala Moana Cntr-Hookipa Terrace 945-3443
3008 Waialae Ave. 734-2222
The Pyramid Restaurant
Sikdorak Korean Restaurant Sushi Company
Ton Ton Ramen
1111 McCully Street 947-5411
95-050 Farrington Hwy, Waipahu 677-5388
Sam Sung Plaza 655 Keeaumoku St., #108 949-2890
Graduation Catering From Bentos to Banquets & Picnics to Potlucks!
758 Kapahulu Avenue 737-2900
Locals with valid ID receive
WAIMALU 485-8883
MANOA 988-5923
98-1277 Kaahumanu St. (across from Safeway)
2752 Woodlawn Drive
15% OFF 5 - 10pm Not valid for take-out or retail items Not valid with any other offers or promotions
Deli Hours: Wed-Sun 6am-2pm After hours catering available
2710 South King St. www.fukuyadeli.com
Dining Out Spreads The Word! Dining Out is an effective marketing tool because it has a wide following of readers. Its readership does not look upon Dining Out as an advertising tabloid, but instead actually looks forward to reading it every Sunday for information as to whatâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s being featured at various restaurants in Hawaii. If you operate a restaurant in Hawaii, Dining Out is extremely effective in getting the word out about your restaurant and your specials.
James Lee, Managing Director Hee Hing Restaurant 449 Kapahulu Avenue 735-5544
2 6 | D I N I N G O U T | J U LY 3 - 9 , 2 0 1 1
343 Saratoga Road (808)
923-EGGS (3447)
Fukuya Delicatessen & Catering
El Charro Mexicano Aiea Restaurant Wahoo’s Fish Taco
2071-A South Beretania St. 947-9022 98-718 Moanalua Rd. 484-0052
803 Kam Hwy. 455-5888
Shabu Shabu Bangkok “Thai Style” Hot Pot 949 Kapahulu Ave. • 732-7666
3660 Waialae Ave. 737-1177
Made In Hawaii Foods
Souvaly Thai Cuisine
3660 on the Rise
1627 Nuuanu Ave. • 585-8839 2955 E. Manoa Rd. • 988-0212 900 N. Nimitz Hwy. • 536-8570
Waterfront at Pier 34B 275-0063
940 Auahi St. #140 591-1646
Bangkok Chef
Uncle’s Fish Market
2710 S. King St. 946-2073
99-115 Aiea Heights Drive 488-9727
The Ocean House Restaurant
Shabu Shabu House
2169 Kalia Rd., Outrigger Reef Hotel 923-2277
“Japanese Style” Hot Pot 1221 Kapiolani Blvd. #108 597-1655
Best “Japanese Style” Shabu Shabu in Hawaii
2919 Kapiolani Blvd. 735-8488
Pho My Lien 98-150 Kaonohi St. 488-4900
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July Special $4.44 2 Spring Rolls & 1 Summer Roll Offer valid on dine-in orders only. Must present coupon. Cannot be combined with other offers or coupons. Exp 7/31/11.
Military w/ID Receive 10% OFF
WESTRIDGE SHOPPING CENTER (Next to Makino Chaya) 98-150 Kaonohi St., Aiea M-Sat 10am-10pm • Sun 10am-8pm
Important rules: One ballot per person. You must vote in all categories. Vote only once for any restaurant. Do not vote for the same restaurant in multiple categories. Do not vote for ‘Ilima Star Circle winners – These restaurants have won 10 or more ‘Ilima Awards and are considered permanent awardees. They include: Alan Wong’s Restaurant, Roy’s Restaurant, Ryan’s, Starbucks and Zippy’s.
Send your completed ballot by July 13, 2011 to: ‘Ilima Awards, Diamond Head Theatre 520 Makapu‘u Avenue Honolulu, Hawai‘i 96816 or vote online at staradvertiser.com
The Honolulu Star-Advertiser 'Ilima Awards are among the islands' most prestigious restaurant honors.
BEST FINE-DINING RESTAURANT BEST NEIGHBOR ISLAND RESTAURANT (please indicate the name of the restaurant and the island it is located on)
Winners are selected in various categories: Show Stoppers - voted by Diamond Head Theatre audiences Critic’s Choice - selected by Star-Advertiser food experts People’s Choice - VOTED BY YOU WITH THIS BALLOT Ballots are tabulated by N&K CPAs, Inc. Winners will be announced in the ‘Ilima Awards dining guide in the Star-Advertiser on Friday, October 7. For tickets to the ‘Ilima Awards gala on October 10, call 733-0277, ext. 305
The pulse of paradise. 529-4700 to advertise | 538-NEWS to subscribe www.staradvertiser.com
This is a voluntary readers’ poll. No purchase necessary to participate. Open to legal residents of Hawai‘i 18 years and older. Ballots that contain inaccurate, illegible or improper information will be disqualified. ONE BALLOT PER PERSON (either mail-in or online ballot). Photocopies of this ballot will not be accepted.
D I N I N G O U T | J U LY 3 - 9 , 2 0 1 1 | 2 7
tableside @ Greek Marina
Above: Owner Tarek Guirguis with the Meat and Lamb Gyros Inset: Meat and Lamb Gyros ($12.95), served with Greek salad and pita bread
scape to the majestic land of Greece at Greek Marina in Hawaii Kai, where guests enjoy the beautiful vistas overlooking the Koko Marina waterfront. There, owner and chef Tarek Guirguis serves up the finest in authentic and innovative Greek cuisine amid a relaxing atmosphere. Located at Koko Marina Center, Greek Marina is open for lunch and dinner â&#x20AC;&#x201D; Sunday through Thursday, 11 a.m. to 9 p.m., and Friday and Saturday, 11 a.m. to 10 p.m. Call 396.8441.
1 | Monica, Tarek and Mark Guirguis 2 | Jessica Golden, Marci Narahara, Alyssa Liem and Anela Ling 3 | Roberta and Warren Young 4 | Michele Bertoia and Peter Galarneau 5 | Jon, Ha and Sammy Kim 6 | Joe Rossell and Eleni Aikau 7 | Harry Richardson
Leah Friel photos
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