Oakham School Foundation -The 1584 Society Regular Giving

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The 1584 Society REGULAR GIVING

Why is this so important?

Why Regular Giving? Regular giving, either monthly, quarterly or annually, is an integral part of the Foundation’s fundraising strategy, allowing us to forecast accurately our donation income for the year(s) ahead.

Here’s a prime example: every time we admit a new bursary pupil, we are committing to providing funding for the duration of their education at Oakham School. Knowing that we have a certain amount pledged for each year of their time at Oakham means we can safely and happily commit to funding their entire education. For those who choose to support projects other than bursaries, the regular donations allow us to offer annual commitments such as the Foundation Projects, or provide a substantial contribution to larger capital campaigns, such as the Performing Arts Centre. We strive to make it as easy as possible to be a regular donor – simply fill out the form on the reverse of this page and return it to us in the pre-paid envelope. After that you will be kept abreast of School life with regular invitations to various School events, you will get special recognition in our Foundation Reports, and enjoy a lovely annual luncheon. We hope that becoming a regular donor will be mutually beneficial; a way to reconnect and enhance your relationship with Oakham School, and also to help a variety of valiant and valuable causes.

The 1584 Society

Archdeacon Robert Johnson founded Oakham School in 1584, a ‘free school’ for Oakham scholars and part of his wider goal of making as many free schools as market towns in Rutland. Since then, philanthropy and keeping excellent education accessible has been at the core of Oakham School’s philosophy. So named in acknowledgement of our founding year and our Founder’s enduring principles of charitable giving, The 1584 Society is Oakham School Foundation’s regular giving society. Joining The 1584 Society entails a commitment of at least £1,584 per year, for 5 years. In recognition of this generous pledge, we host an annual luncheon for our society members, which is always a highlight of our social calendar. In addition, all members receive priority invitations to various School events, such as the Brandenburg Concert, and new members receive a 1584 Society lapel pin.

“Oakham School has been part of my life since I was eight, as pupil, parent, and Trustee. I’ve enjoyed every one of those experiences, and they have given me a total love for it. There have been some big changes in those 70 years: girls, IB, and superb facilities, but there’s a core style and ethos that has never changed. Long may that last. Anything you can do to support it is worthwhile; it’s part of a legacy we all now share. I’m honoured to be President of The 1584 Society this year, and look forward to meeting many of you as soon as we can.” PE TE R L AWS ON, 158 4 S O C I E T Y PR E S I D E N T

Areas of Support Your regular gift can be directed to any of the following areas:

Bursaries Oakham School is committed to nurturing a diverse and talented community of learners, providing for each pupil to excel in their chosen field. To enable us to do this, it is essential that we raise funds to support pupils to attend Oakham School who would not otherwise be able to do so. Bursaries increase the diversity of the pupil population, enhancing the whole community and enabling us to attract talented young scholars, regardless of their background. The Oakham School Foundation currently supports three types of bursaries – SpringBoard Bursaries, the Rutland Bursary and the Decem Bursary. For more information, please see our Bursaries brochure.

Capital Projects Capital gifts enable the School to improve the lives of its pupils by providing infrastructure, facilities and equipment for the School in order to ensure the best possible experience for them during their time at Oakham. This helps us to compete with other leading independent schools and keeps us in the best possible position to attract the finest pupils. Capital projects include our ongoing fundraising for a new, purpose-built Performing Arts Centre, as well as new or improved sports facilities, or improvements to academic buildings. For more specific information about our capital fundraising, please see our Capital Projects brochure or visit our website.

Area of Greatest Need Each academic year the Senior Leadership Team identifies urgent priorities that will make the greatest impact on School life. Recent examples include our successful appeal for new hymn books for the Chapel, a project that will enhance the daily lives of current and future Oakhamians.

Regular Giving via The 1584 Society Please complete the following details so that we can process your gift.

My Details Title

Gift Aid Declaration Boost your donation - for every £1 donated, we can claim an extra 25p from the tax you pay in the current tax year via Gift Aid.

First name or initials

In order to Gift Aid your donation, you must confirm the following criteria by ticking the box below:


I am a UK taxpayer and understand that if I pay less Income Tax and/ or Capital Gains Tax than the amount of Gift Aid claimed on all my donations in that tax year it is my responsibility tp pay any difference. Your address is needed to identify you as a current UK taxpayer.

Full Home Address

I want to Gift Aid this donation and any donation I make in the future or have made in the past 4 years to Oakham School Foundation.

Postcode Email Address

Please notify Oakham School Foundation if you: • Want to cancel this declaration

Telephone number

• Change your name or home address • No longer pay sufficient tax on your income and/or capital gains

Your Gift I would like to make a donation of: £132 monthly

£396 quarterly

£1584 annually

£ other

If you pay Income Tax at the higher or additional rate and want to recieve the additional tax relief due to you, you must include all your Gift Aid donations on your Self-Assessment tax return or ask HM Revenue and Customs to adjust your tax code. Signature:


Thank you. Please complete the Direct Debit instruction below or alternatively, donate online: https://www.oakham.rutland.sch.uk/Donate-Now If you wish to pay by cheque, please make it payable to “Oakham School Foundation” and send to: The Development Team, Oakham School Foundation, College House, Market Place, Oakham, Rutland, LE15 6DT

We will use the details provided to keep you informed about our projects and fundraising activities. Your data will be held securely by the Foundation. You can read our full Privacy Policy here: http://bit.ly/OSDPP You may, of course, opt out of any of our activities by contacting us at our address or by emailing foundation@oakham.rutland.sch.uk We publish a list of all supporters in our Annual Report. If you prefer to remain anonymous, please tick this box.

Direct Debit Instruction The sum of £

How we may use your information




For one off payments to our account: Please pay: Barclays Bank, Leicester, LE87 2BB

Starting on the day of

Account Name: Oakham School Foundation and continuously until written notification is given to cancel this instruction.

Account No: 63653560, Sort Code: 20-10-71 Swift: BUKBGB22 IBAN: GB26 BUKB 20107163653560

Your Bank Account Details

Please use your surname as your banking reference, followed by the code: OSG

Name of Account Holder (s) Address

Please notify us of any one-off payments so that we can ensure that your donation is allocated correctly.

Post Code Account Number Sort Code


/ Please ensure your completed form is returned to the address below and not your bank so that we can process your Direct Debit via The Charities Aid Foundation. The Development Team, Oakham School Foundation, College House, Market Place, Oakham, Rutland, LE15 6DT

Signed Date



Your donation will appear on your bank statement under the following reference: CF


Our Mission The primary purpose of the Foundation at Oakham School is to raise funds so that we can invest in pupils who will enrich the School and the world beyond. By doing this, we will ensure that a diverse mix of children from all backgrounds have the opportunity to benefit from the world-class education Oakham School provides.

Oakham School Foundation College House, Oakham, Rutland, LE15 6DT | +44(0)1572 758699 www.oakham.rutland.sch.uk/The-Foundation | foundation@oakham.rutland.sch.uk Registered Charity No. 1131425-2

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