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GREAT at work in the community
Continuing our articles about the GREAT Association –Gisborne Region Events Activities Tourism – this month we look at some of the infrastructure that GREAT has contributed to enhance the township of Gisborne. This is in addition to the many grants and donations given to local community organisations. All funds come from the market.
Many readers would be familiar with the flagpoles and banners that grace Aitken Street. Few would realise that these flagpoles and the succession of different banners over the years were all paid for by the GREAT Association since they were installed in 2007.
The poles and banners were part of a much larger project, the Heritage Parklands Precinct Project, coordinated by GREAT and funded by GREAT, the State Government, the council, community groups and Melbourne Water. This project was announced on site by John Brumby in May 2006 and completed within two years.
In 2022 the banners had become shabby and torn, so GREAT bought new sets. This year we replaced new ropes and necklaces on the flagpoles as these were worn. We will also be replacing the set of Christmas banners, which are rolled out every Christmas to add festivity to Aitken Street.
Other items funded by GREAT include three flagpoles and Australian, Indigenous and Victorian flags in the John Aitken Reserve; barbecue, paths, tables and benches in the John Aitken Reserve; $10,000 contribution to Gardiner Reserve electronic scoreboard; barbecue in the GREAT space at the swimming centre; ‘All Abilities’ carousel at Riddells Creek Lions Park ($2000 contribution); RSL flagpole near the war memorial in Howey Reserve, Hamilton Street; Court House 'Quiet Place' (with Historical Society); and path through Howey Reserve, with heritage plaques provided by the Historical Society.
GREAT is proud to have contributed to the community in this way, and we plan more in coming months. For all enquiries, including grants and donations, opportunities to volunteer, etc, contact us at greatgisborne@gmail.com or come and see us at the shop (opposite Foodworks on Hamilton Street) most Monday and Thursday mornings.
Graeme Millar commemorated
The extraordinary community service of the late Graeme Millar OAM has recently been recognised with the funding of a picnic setting in John Aitken Reserve with a plaque to come shortly. See the Lions Club report below.

Rick Arden, President, GREAT Association Inc.