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CWA Gisborne kept in stitches
Whether embroidering for future creative arts competitions, knitting or sewing items for stalls, it was a busy Coffee, Craft and Chat morning in July. All ladies are welcome to drop into the stadium at the Gisborne Secondary College for a cuppa and see what we are up to, usually the third Monday of the month from 10am.
Planning is underway for the Daffodil Festival in Kyneton. Five of our CWA branches get together with stalls, lunches and morning and afternoon teas in the Masonic Hall in Kyneton, so keep 9 and 10 September in mind for a treat.
We also have a stall at Bunnings in Sunbury coming up on Thursday 31 August between 5 and 7pm. We will have some gifts for Father’s Day and some goodies to eat for sale.
We travelled to Craigieburn for their Association Day, dodging the roadworks along the way.
We enjoyed a lovely lunch and had a good laugh at the jokes that were told, especially Lyn’s, from Kyneton.
Our next meeting is Monday 14 August and Coffee, Craft and Chat is on the 21st, both at 10am.
Christine Edwards
Kyneton Antique Fair
The Kyneton Antique Fair will be held on the first weekend of September at Sacred Heart College, Kyneton, in the school's Quambi Stadium.
This is a major fundraising event for Macedon Ranges Friends of Turiscai, who celebrate 15 years of friendship with the community of Turiscai in Timor Leste. Macedon Ranges Friends of East Timor has been raising funds for community projects in Turiscai since 2008.
Indulge yourself with antiques, collectables and vintage for every taste, silver, fine china, jewellery, linen, glassware, lithographs, furniture and much more. There will be more than 25 dealers in situ. Tasty refreshments and coffee with a Timorese flavour will be available.
Enquiries to mrfoet@bigpond.com or 0411 208 448 or 0433 855 033. Admission: $8 adults; children free.
Saturday 2 September, 9am to 4pm, Sunday 3 September, 10am-4pm. Entry via Begg Street. Plenty of parking adjacent to the venue.
Macedon CWA news
It is exciting to see August arrive – the last month of winter. We see blossoms, daffodils and lots of green shoots appearing in our gardens, and every now and again we get a mild day.
There is still plenty of chilly weather to come so keep up the lovely soups, casseroles and puddings that help to warm us up on cold days. CWA has a collection of cookbooks containing many recipes for these seasonal favourites. Go to the CWA of Victoria website (cwaofvic.org.au) to see what is available.
During July we enjoyed a Macedon Ranges Group walk. We went through Macedon Cemetery and then did a couple of laps around the Tony Clarke Reserve oval. We finished off at Macedon Lounge (since renamed) for a welcome cup of coffee. This month we hope to go to another Macedon Ranges town to keep up our fitness while taking in the sights in a different environment…. still with that cuppa as a reward at the end.
A big thank you to all who supported our ‘Christmas in July’. We enjoyed a very happy day of good company, food and some surprises. The money raised will help us support some charitable organisations.
As well as our usual meeting this month we will have a day out at the Kyneton Association Day. It is always good to catch up with our friends from other branches.
If you would like to be a part of our friendly branch or would like more information on CWA, please call me, Anne Fyfield, on 5426 2210.