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Choral music to transport the soul
In this still wintry season music lovers can look forward to a heart-warming performance entitled Sistine Chapel by the Australian Chamber Choir on Saturday 19 August at 3pm at the Church of the Resurrection, Macedon. The program features two major works by Giovanni da Palestrina, the motet Sicut cervus and Missa Papae Marcelli. Appointed to the Sistine Chapel in 1555, Palestrina was dismissed after a few months due to his married status (he was also father of four children). However, he was invited back 16 years later and directed the choir from 1571 until his death in 1594.
Tenors And Basses Are
Talented choir accompanist Anna Zuidland will be joined by guest pianist Elyane Laussade. Elyane has delighted audiences on five continents with her imaginative and strongly individual playing. Originally from the US, she has now established herself as one of Australia’s finest performers. She has performed with the Melbourne Symphony Orchestra and has been featured by ABC Classic FM and 3MBS in studio recordings and live broadcasts.
Anna Zuidland (formerly Clarke) is a former student of Elyane’s when studying a Bachelor of Music Performance at the Victorian College of the Arts. Anna developed an interest in vocal accompaniment from an early age, encouraged by her mother, a classical voice teacher. She has performed as both a soloist and accompanist on 3MBS radio.
Brahms Liebeslieder Waltzes is a collection of love songs in the Landler style, a folk dance popular at the end of the 18th century. Liebeslieder translates as love song and the lyrics come from Georg Friedrich Daumer’s Polydora, a collection of folk songs and love poems.
New singers are always welcome to our choir and now is a great time to join. We rehearse from 7.30pm to 10pm on Wednesdays at the Gisborne Uniting Church in Brantome Street, Gisborne.
Enquiries: www.gisborne.harmonysite.com or phone 0408 156 263.
Two madrigals to sonnets by Michelangelo Buonarotti (artist of the most celebrated fresco in the chapel) by Jacques Arcadelt (director of the Chapel Choir 153951) provide a colourful contrast to Palestrina’s suave polyphony. The presence of the outstanding and very cosmopolitan musician Josquin des Prez in the Chapel Choir, although short-lived (c. 1489-94) added greatly to its prestige. He is represented by the iconic motet Ave Maria.
Not surprisingly the highlight of the program is Allegri’s much-loved Miserere, a work that the 14-yearold Mozart wrote out from memory after the spellbinding experience of hearing it in the chapel.
The tantalising high Cs will be taken by Kyneton singer Elspeth Bawden, whose solo singing in the choir’s recent performance of the Mozart Requiem was much admired.

Just to show that there is more to Allegri than the Miserere, the concert will conclude with his uplifting motet Christus resurgens.
For bookings, please go to www.auschoir.org.
Congratulations to Sack of Flour, winners of the Macedon Ranges Battle of the Bands held at Kyneton Town Hall on 28 July. The event was presented by Music in the Sticks (MITS), a council program for youth interested in the events industry.
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