1 minute read
Gisborne Primary School has many capable leaders
Continuing his series on school leadership groups, Bryan Power finds out what's happening at Gisborne Primary
Adele, Ryder, Zach and Felicity are the confident, enthusiastic and articulate captains of this vibrant school community.
Adele explained that towards the end of 2022 almost all of the grade 5s prepared and made speeches about why they should be selected to become the 2023 school leaders.
“At the final assembly of the year our names were read out and we were presented with our captains’ badges. We were so proud,” she said.
Ryder said, “We are role models for the school’s five values: Caring, Responsibility, Respect, Resilience and Personal Best.”
Zach and Felicity added that there were lots of other student leaders – more than 32 in all. Other leaders represented Arts, Sustainability, Sports, Library, Italian, Canteen, Healthy achievement and STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics).
“We run the Friday afternoon assemblies," they explained.

"Each Wednesday we and the other leaders meet with Mrs Hunter and Ms Emmerson to plan the assemblies where we write reports, make awards and work on our whole school projects such as sports carnivals, Art
Club, chess competitions and music concerts.”
“Our school is also a Professional Learning Community (PLC) Link School for the North Western Victoria Region. We have principals and teachers from lots of other schools who come to learn about what we are doing. We are part of the team who greet the visitors and explain what is being achieved at Gisborne Primary. The visitors tell us that we are good ambassadors for our school.”
“Student involvement and leadership are a big thing at our school – right down as far as the preps - and we have gotten a lot out of being able to play our roles as school captains.”