Gisborne Gazette May 2018

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Gisborne Gazette serving the southern macedon ranges MAY 2018 –

RSL members lead the parade to the service at the cenotaph.


Members of 1st Gisborne Scouts ready to join the parade.

All ages honour Anzac Day Community members of all ages and persuasions paid homage to our veterans and the ideals they fought to uphold at local Anzac Day services in April. Over 2500 people turned out at the war memorial in Gisborne on April 25 to attend the service presided over by RSL President John De Lai. An estimated 3000 people attended the Dawn Service on Mount Macedon and the

John De Lai addresses Gisborne Secondary College Anzac assembly.

A record number of wreaths were laid at the Gisborne cenotaph. full crowd at the annual Anzac Day football game at Tony Clarke Reserve in Macedon paid their respects in a pregame ceremony.

Local schools held special assemblies during the week to commemorate Anzac Day. More local Anzac coverage on page 21 and in schools section.

Athol Guy and friends sing the national anthem before the Anzac Day football at Tony Clarke Reserve.

Gisborne Gazette May 2018

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30/04/2018 5:21:09 PM

HOME  PAGE From the Editor's desk Anzac Day draws community I attended the Gisborne Anzac Day service that by many accounts was the largest in many years, drawing an estimated 2500 people. Warrant Officer Colin Walker gave an excellent speech at the ceremony, highlighting the likely cause of the large attendance apart from the glorious autumn weather: “We gather, as we shall always gather, not to glorify war, however to remind ourselves that we value who we are and the freedoms we possess, and to acknowledge the courage and sacrifice of those who contributed so much to shaping the identity of this proud nation and those that continue to serve.” One of my favourite parts of the event was actually the fifteen minutes before the service started, when people of all ages and from all walks of life could be seen silently making their way to Howey Reserve for the service – a community united.

Contributions welcomed We were delighted when Rita Hamilton contacted us this month to see if she could share some of her memories of her time as nurse at the Macedon Maternal Child Health centre at 47 Victoria Street. See her lovely recollections on page 9. We are also pleased to feature a cartoon on page 13 by professional cartoonist and painter Michael Lodge, who recently visited friends in the area. If you have something you believe is of community interest, please get in touch with the Gazette team or drop into our office on Hamilton Street. We are always happy to hear your ideas. Happy reading, Corinne

Issue No 129

Available online at

GREAT Gisborne Gazette

23 Hamilton Street, Gisborne PO Box 9, Gisborne 3437 Tel. 0401 810 581


ABN 14301 970 177

The Gazette Team Editor: Corinne Shaddock 0409 422 492 Advertising Coordinator John Chambers 0401 810 581 President Phyllis Boyd 0431 063 119 Production Pip Butler 5428 2201 Graeme Millar, Elaine Millar Photographer Ron Weste 5426 3322 Photographer Chris Fleming 0417 322 944


Proudly distributed to letterboxes in Gisborne, New Gisborne, Macedon and Mt Macedon, South Gisborne and Bullengarook by more than 70 volunteers.

Issue Month Deadline Distribution 130 June May 11 May 30 131 July June 8 June 27 132 August July 13 August 1 (Please note that due to time pressures our deadline for booking ads is five days earlier than copy deadline.)

DEADLINES FOR COPY Issue 130 131 132

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Deadline May 16 June 13 July 18

Distribution May 30 June 27 August 1

DISCLAIMER The views expressed in the Gazette are not necessarily those of The GREAT Association Inc unless acknowledged as such. No endorsement of products or services is implied by the listing of advertisers or sponsors. While every effort is taken in printing contributions accurately, GREAT Gisborne Gazette takes no ­responsibility for errors.


Secretary/Treasurer Ian Boyd 0417 059 525

Copies of the Gazette are posted to subscribers each month. For an annual subscription to cover postage, send your cheque or money order for $27.50 to the Gisborne Gazette, PO Box 9, Gisborne 3437.

Distribution Coordinator Richard Whiteley 5428 1410 0439 800 430


The GREAT Gisborne Gazette is supported by Macedon Ranges Shire Council.

Where to pick up the Gazette

To submit an obituary for publication, please email or phone 5428 2522. Please also provide a photograph for publication and restrict the article to about 250 words.

If you do not receive the Gazette in your letter box, you can collect a copy at: Mt Macedon: The Trading Post. Macedon: Post Office and the service station on Black Forest Dve. Gisborne: Village Shopping Centre, Gisborne Library, Foodworks supermarket, Caltex Service Station, Puma Service

Former local identity spotted in South Australia While on holidays at Victor Harbour in South Australia recently, Bryan Power came across the city’s town crier ringing his bell and engaging with the many tourists. He was delighted to find that the man in the oldworld outfit was none other than former Gisborne businessman and Macedon Ranges Town Crier Mike Willett. Mike was the publisher of a small community paper in Gisborne before the birth of the modern Gazette and he still retains a fondness for our town. Mike has been funded to attend a world conference of town criers in England in July this year. Mike was pleased to see an edition of the Gazette. 2

May 2018

Station, Coles supermarket and the GREAT Centre in Hamilton Street. New Gisborne: Baringo Food and Wine Co in Station Road, and the cafe in the Industrial Estate. Riddells Creek: Neighbourhood House. Woodend: Information Centre and Library. Sunbury: Information Centre and Library.

History of Chinese in Australia explored at Kyneton Museum The Kyneton Museum in Piper Street presents Chinese Fortunes, an exhibition exploring the stories of pioneering Chinese in the goldfields — and the rich diversity of Chinese Australian history leading up to Federation in 1901.

In the past thirty years, our understanding of the history of Chinese Australians has been remade. Chinese Fortunes, which opened on April 25 and runs until Sunday June 24, shares the remarkable contributions made by the Chinese from 1851 to 1901, and their unparalleled spirit of determination. The museum is open Friday to Sunday, 11am– 4pm. The cost is $7.50 adult, $6.50 concession, $3.50 child, $4 school group (with activities).

Gisborne Gazette May 2018

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30/04/2018 4:19:41 PM

NBN information session highlights tower issue NBN Co held a drop-in session at the Gisborne Golf Club on April 23 to explain their plans to roll out a fixed wireless system for South Gisborne residents. The company proposes to submit an application to Council to erect a 45-metre tower with 10 antennae on private property to the south-west of the peak of Mount Gisborne. The tower will be serviced via a track through the private property. NBN Co confirmed, however, that anyone in South Gisborne who did not wish to switch to NBN would be able to retain their ADSL connection and copper-based phone landline for at least the next 10 years. In March, Macedon Ranges Shire Council,

acting on community concern about the proliferation of tower proposals in the shire, decided to ask that the Federal Government require greater coordination in the location of infrastructure for NBN and telecommunications. The council seeks a federal requirement that all tower applications be supported by an integrated approach between carriers for black spot locations; that the Codes of Practice for Telecommunications Facilities be updated to reflect advances in technology and alternatives to towers; and that an integrated approach be taken to the placement of any new tower proposal, including the capacity of one tower to be used by multiple companies. Alternatives to towers should also be proposed in any new tower application. The request to the government will be made via the Australian Local Government Association National Assembly in Canberra in June.

JOIN A 'BIGGEST MORNING TEA' IN GISBORNE Once again Gisborne is putting the kettle on for the Cancer Council's Biggest Morning Tea fundraiser. Join St Paul's Anglican Church on Thursday May 24 at 10am at St Paul’s Parish Centre (behind the church), Fisher Street, Gisborne. We are gathering to support a cause that touches so many of our loved ones. The Cancer Council helps thousands of Australians affected by cancer and with every dollar raised we will be helping to support areas including research, health services, prevention programs and for patients and their families. Entry is by donation at the door or if you would prefer to send a donation, please contact Elaine Millar on 5428 2522. The church would welcome your support. Elaine Millar

And the team at Gisborne & District Community Bank branch of Bendigo Bank invite all community members to their Biggest Morning Tea to be held at 10am on Tuesday May 29 at the branch at 11 Nexus Way, Gisborne. They look forward to sharing some terrific tea, delicious treats, and their love of community to raise funds for the Australian Cancer Council. Please drop in for a cuppa for a great cause! Janette Nixon (left), branch manager Jane Lincoln and Michelle Morrison hope you can join the branch’s Biggest Morning Tea.


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One of the steam engines that will be on display.

Steam Rally to celebrate 40 years on May  20 Sunday May 20 will see the running of the 40th Annual Steam Rally and Family Fun Day at the Steam Park, Webb Crescent, New Gisborne. This annual event put on by the Gisborne Vintage Machinery Society is a great day out for the whole family. It will feature live steam engines, vintage and classic cars, working machinery, the club’s new large indoor model train layout, and an animal farm. The ever-popular (and loud) tractor pull will also take place with competitors attending from across Victoria.

Market stalls, food vendors and various displays will keep the whole family enthralled. The event will be full of the sights and sounds of yesteryear, the hiss of steam and the smell of hot oil and wood-fired machinery. Club President Anthony Davis invites the whole community to enjoy the atmospheric event and “reminisce or perhaps show the younger generation what life was like preelectricity, computers, internet and the like.” Gates open at 9:30am to 3pm. Admission $10 per adult, children under 16 free. Passengers of display cars/trucks etc will be charged entrance fees. Stallholders and other exhibitors are welcome, but please contact the club beforehand via David Hubbard on 0402 783 958. More from Vintage Machinery Society on page 5

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3/31 Brantome St, Gisborne Gisborne Gazette May 2018

Gazette May 2018 1-5.indd 3


30/04/2018 4:36:04 PM

FOR THE RECORD Gisborne senior footballers and netballers got off to a good start in the Bendigo Football Netball 2018 season with good wins over Kangaroo Flat. It is possible that voters in Macedon, Mt Macedon and Heskett will be transferred from the Bendigo federal electorate to McEwen following a proposal by the Redistribution Committee Victoria. Thousands of people attended the Anzac Dawn Service at Mount Macedon Memorial Cross. The focus of the service was the centenary of the Battle of Villers-Bretonneux fought on April 25, 1918. Council officers and Victoria Police issued parking infringements to more than 200 drivers who failed to obey No Standing signs in Macedon and Mt Macedon over the Easter weekend. Many visitors had flocked to the area to see the autumn colours.

Macedon’s Honour Avenue again attracted enormous crowds in April. The council set up an information stand this year at Centennial Park (above) to help manage the flow of visitors. On Anzac Day alone, the stand helped more than 700 people. Although signs were erected directing visitors to park in Tony Clarke Reserve, many motorists failed to follow the signs and parked in surrounding streets, such as Waterfalls Road, pictured right.

Council has decided to merge two proposed community sports projects – the dual oval New Gisborne initiative and the Macedon Ranges Regional Sports Hub – that will require $42 million in funding. Council believes that the amalgamated plan will increase the likelihood of attracting state and federal funding.


Nominations open for business awards This subdivision plan on a large billboard facing the freeway at the end of Willowbank Road predicts the sale of more than 500 new building blocks in Gisborne. The plan is still subject to Council approval.

Library closed for day Work began on the crossing and pedestrian lights in Aitken Street in April. Gisborne Primary School is to receive a $10 million grant in next month’s Victorian budget, Bullengarook Specialist School $4.2m.

Due to electrical work, Gisborne Library will be closed for the day on Thursday May 3 as there will be no power. The after-hours return chute will also be closed on this day. Toddler time will continue as normal next door in the Mechanics Hall at 10.30am. As the renovations continue, the deck is coming along nicely and the new window frames have gone in. The builders have created beautiful window seats inside which will be great to sit in and read a book or study on your laptop using the library's free WiFi. Sara Bryant

Nominations for the 2018 Bendigo Bank Macedon Ranges Business Excellence Awards are now open. The awards are open to all businesses based in the shire and recognise outstanding service to the community and beyond in the following categories: Agribusiness, Customer Service, Health and Wellbeing, Hospitality, New Business, Professional Services, Retail, Tourism, Trades, Construction and Manufacturing, Not for Profit/Public Sector. “It doesn’t matter if a business is large or small, home-based or not-for-profit, if you know a business or individual working in a business that deserves recognition, nominate them today,” said Mayor, Cr Jennifer Anderson. Nominations close on Monday May 21 and can be submitted at, or collect a form from a Council customer service centre.

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Gisborne Gazette May 2018

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30/04/2018 4:39:41 PM

Don't miss Steam Rally on May 20, celebrating 40 years

Mayor Jennifer Anderson and Gary McSwain, director of Gisborne and District Community Branch of Bendigo Bank which invested $5000 in the project, at the official opening of the indoor model train layout on April 14.

Club members are putting the finishing touches to the various machines and displays which will be showcased at the 40th Annual Steam Rally and Family Fun Day to be held on Sunday May 20. The club is particularly excited to be presenting its recently opened indoor model train set to the wider public and inviting community members to join the Gisborne Model Train Club. Club members were pleased that the daughter of Charles Cord, their benefactor, was able to attend the recent official opening of the model train at the Steam Park with her family.

Isolate power when you smell smoke

Reader gives away car race tickets

A recent incident at the Gisborne Medical Centre in Brantome Street serves as a helpful lesson to all. On April 19, Gisborne and Sunbury firefighters attended the Medical Centre after staff saw and smelt smoke coming from a ceiling vent. Firefighters used specialist equipment including thermal imaging cameras and a gas detector to investigate the roof space and the rest of the building. They ensured there was no further risk of fire and deemed the building safe. It is believed a faulty air conditioner was the cause. Incident Controller Lieutenant Bevan Moody praised the centre staff for their quick action in evacuating staff and patients from the centre and turning the power off. “Centre employees did an excellent job activating the evacuation plan and taking the initiative to isolate the power. It made our job a lot easier so we could focus on locating the source of the smoke,” Bevan said. Firefighters restored power to the building after about 45 minutes and left the air conditioning isolated until such time as centre management could arrange a technician to inspect the faulty unit.

The Gazette has been given five free double passes for readers through the generosity of local Austin 7 Club enthusiast Noel Wilcox. To claim a double pass, visit the GREAT office and tell us why you love historic car racing. There is a limit of one free entry per person. Historic Winton, Australia’s longest running, all-historic motor race meeting, involves two days of racing on Saturday and Sunday May 26 and 27 at Winton Motor Raceway near Benalla. The event will feature more than 400 historic racing cars and motorbikes from the 1920s to the 1980s plus a huge heritage display of veteran and vintage vehicles. Raceway entry fees: Saturday $30, Sunday $35, weekend $60, children 16 and under free, competition paddock $5. Camping at the track: $25 a head per night. Camping enquiries: Winton Motor Raceway, 5760 7100. For more information, visit

Have a laugh Q: Should I have a baby after 35? A: No. 35 kids is enough.

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Gisborne Gazette May 2018

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30/04/2018 4:29:11 PM

COMMUNITY SERVICE Mt Macedon CFA holds open day Macedon CWA celebrates its 92nd birthday It has been a busy month for Macedon branch, starting with a lunch gathering to celebrate the branch's 92nd birthday at Skydancers Restaurant in Harcourt. Macedon CWA originally began as the first Victorian branch of the Women’s Institute in 1926, becoming the CWA when it began in 1928. The branch had some exciting wins at the group craft exhibition held in Kyneton this year. Macedon won first prize for its group entry of a high tea table, and second prize for presentation. The group also won first prize for a crocheted “octo”. Octos are donated to premature babies in hospital, giving them something to grasp which helps to comfort them. A beautiful quilt made by Macedon CWA Patchwork and Quilting Friendship Group was presented to Janet Hawkins and Rosemary Wilkinson from Very Special Kids' Glen Osmond Farm in Woodend. This quilt and a cushion are to be raffled to raise funds to help support the families and children who stay in the cottages on the farm. A cheque was also given to help where needed. Jenny Strang

Proudly sponsored by the Rotary Rotary Club of Gisborne Club of Gisborne

London calling Gisborne Genealogical Group

Lorna Jackson (left) receives the Member of the Year award from guest presenter Sara Bryant.

At the next meeting of the Gisborne Genealogical Group, member Lynley Hall will talk about ‘London Ancestors and London Guilds’. If you have British ancestors it’s fairly likely that some will come from London, an area that has always been difficult to research. Hopefully this talk will give you a few ideas of where to go to find those missing links in the family chain. Supper will follow and visitors are always welcome. The meeting will be held on Thursday May 24 at 7.30pm in the family history room adjoining the Gisborne Library. In March we held our AGM and the new Committee was elected. We thank Gisborne Library manager, Sara Bryant, for chairing this meeting. Michele Pinti was once again elected President, with Mary Ritchie elected Vice-President, Tricia McLay Secretary and Lorna Jackson Treasurer. Lynley Hall remains Honorary Librarian. The ‘Member of the Year’ award went to Lorna Jackson, and Heather Tumber received a Life Membership. Heather is only the third person to receive a life membership since the group was formed in 1991. Congratulations and thanks to all of these people. Lyn Hall

Heather Tumber (centre) receives a Life Membership. With her are Michele Pinti, President (left) and Sara Bryant.

Gisborne Friends of Red Cross 'in a spin' The next meeting for Gisborne Friends of Red Cross will be held at the Community Centre in Hamilton Street on May 4, starting at 1.30pm.

Anne Fyfield (left) and Lesley Bonsak at CWA's anniversary celebration lunch.

Have a laugh Once you've seen one shopping centre, you've seen a mall.

During the meeting a demonstration of spinning yarn is to be given by Elizabeth Harvey, president of The Gallery in Mt Macedon. Elizabeth is an experienced textile worker and will be using a spinning wheel which has a connection to Red Cross. She uses hand-dyed yarn which sometimes is a mix of pure wool and silk and

recently had her work at the Lost Trades fair held in Kyneton. At the last meeting in April, Blumes Fashions held a display and sale of their winter garments and many thanks are given to members, friends and visitors for attending. It resulted in a very satisfactory afternoon with many sales bringing in much-needed funds for Red Cross. Members and friends are invited to attend the meeting in May which should be a very enjoyable afternoon.

Pat Beasley, 5427 3242

Elizabeth Harvey will present a demonstration of spinning yarn.


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Gisborne Gazette May 2018

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30/04/2018 4:41:16 PM


Gisborne CWA gets crafty The Central Highlands Creative Arts Exhibition in Kyneton was a big success for Gisborne branch, who won first prize for their compulsory craft table. And individual members did well too, with Dulcie Sharp winning the top award for the over 80s, Edie Gundy the best cooking entry, Chris Thompson the best knitted item (a pair of socks) and Lyn Heddles the best machine-sewn item in the show. Six of our ladies had a day out in the city recently and did an extensive and informative tour of Parliament House and the Town Hall which they found very interesting, and a few of our members had a stall at the New Gisborne Primary School fete to sell CWA items and promote our local branch. On March 12, 1928, the Country Womens Association of Victoria was formed, therefore 90 years of service has been provided to the people of our state and beyond. In Victoria today there are 40 groups, with 330 branches and nearly 6,000 members. Our next meeting is on Monday May 14 at Gisborne Secondary College stadium. New members are always welcome – just don’t be alarmed this month as we might all look a little “dotty”. Coffee, craft and chat is at the same venue on May 21. Christine Edwards 0437 953 253

Club of Gisborne

What Rotary has been up to

The Brigade Management Team for 2018-19: (L to R) Gary Greer, Bevan Moody, Brent Hunter, Henry Neal, Sam Strang, Mark Carter, Ethen Brailsford, Dawn Whittall, Paul O’Riley, Paul Hallett.

New leadership team for Brigade Gisborne Fire Brigade held its biennial Officer and Brigade Management Team elections on April 9. Captain Sam Strang has retained his position of Officer in charge. Henry Neal has moved from 2nd Lieutenant to 1st Lieutenant (2IC). Mark Carter has moved from 1st Lieutenant to 2nd Lieutenant. Bevan Moody will continue in his role as 3rd Lieutenant. New additions to the Brigade Management Team and Operational Officership are Ethen Brailsford who has stepped into the position of 4th Lieutenant and Paul Hallett who takes

on the role of Secretary. Gary Greer remains Communication Officer and Brent Hunter will remain as OHS Coordinator. Dawn Whittall is now the Community Safety Coordinator and the new position of Driver Facilitator has been taken by Paul O’Reilly. The newly appointed members’ roles will take effect on July 1. Captain Sam Strang thanked the outgoing officers and members of the management team for their contribution and hard work over the past two years. He also congratulated the new members and welcomed them into their new roles. Bevan Moody

Legacy welcomes new chief

Open Day at the Victorian Emergency Management Institute in Macedon on April 29 drew many visitors and provided a fascinating glimpse into the technical capabilities around emergency services.

Macedon Ranges Group of Bendigo Legacy held its 62nd annual luncheon at the Riddells Creek Hotel on April 15. Thirteen legatees and a number of invited guests witnessed the installation of new chairperson Susie Laurie for 2018-2019. The Installation was conducted by Bendigo Legacy President, Steven Lee AM. Legacy members support more than 120 war widows in the Macedon Ranges region.

Susie Laurie is congratulated by Bendigo Legacy President Steven Lee.

Brazilian Rotary Exchange student Olavo Donato has already been busy during his 12-month exchange to Australia. Jointly sponsored by the Rotary Clubs of Gisborne and Woodend, Olavo recently gave an excellent presentation about his home country to the Gisborne branch. Before embarking on an outback tour with Rotary, Olavo has been making quite a name for himself in local soccer matches! Gisborne Rotary has been able Exchange student to provide more Olavo Donato. valuable funds to the successful KIDZFLIP organisation after a recent fundraising golf day. KIDZFLIP is currently working on improving mental health and resilience for school-age students in the Macedon Ranges, through practical projects and mentoring. Rotary’s contributions will go towards the Lachlan Jorgensen and Chloe Perry memorial scholarships. A fundraising day at the Kyneton races in April, organised by Rotary member Rob Hall from Raine & Horne, raised about $3000 for the Rotary Maternal Infant Health Education project in Mongolia. The project is working to improve the skills of medical staff in the central Asian nation. The club would like to thank all those who attended. If you would like to join your local Rotary Club and help with our local and international projects, please contact Stuart Bonnington on 0407 863 745 or Brendan Watters on 5422 6442. Submitted by Brendan Watters

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ph 5428 2899 6 Ladd Rd New Gisborne Gisborne Gazette May 2018

Gazette May 2018 6-11.indd 7


30/04/2018 1:26:12 AM

Spoke-tacular venture needs you Wilkinson’s Wheels is a volunteer group in the Macedon Ranges that recycles tyred bikes. Some of the bikes we fix are sold to raise vital funds for Macedon CFA. Others are sponsored to provide bikes for families in need, helping break a vicious cycle. This year, we have a goal of getting 50 kids from vulnerable families on bikes by the end of winter. You can help us reach that goal by donating a bit of your time at the Macedon Bike Shed. It’s loads of fun, and a great chance to socialise and meet new people. We provide all the gear and you don’t need any experience. It does not

require a big commitment and, most importantly, it’s all for a great cause! Who? Everyone is welcome Where? The Bike Shed, Macedon Nursery and Garden Supplies, Nursery Road, Macedon When? Thursday mornings through autumn and winter from 9:30am to 1pm, and Saturday 2-4pm every fortnight. Upcoming sessions: May 5, May 19, June 2, June 16. For more information, please call Lara on 0424 599 168, Bronwyn on 0409 284 141 or Maureen on 0407 066 140, or just show up on a Thursday morning to join in.

Wilkinson's Wheels helps those who need it most.

Slow to 40kph when passing emergency vehicles

Quilt donated to Very Special Kids Very Special Kids of Glen Osmond Farm at Woodend recently received a quilt donated by the CWA and Friends Quilting Group. The beautiful quilt will be raffled to raise much needed funds for Very Special Kids. The organisation provides support services for children who have a life-threatening condition and their families.

A reminder to all road users... new laws require that when you see flashing lights ahead, slow to 40kph. The laws are designed to keep our emergency responders safe, so they can return to their family and friends safely. You may arrive at your destination a little later, but it could save a life.

Rosemary Wilkinson (left) and Janet Hawkins display the quilt.

Di Dale, Deputy Controller Operations, Gisborne SES

Emergency service workers and little helpers drive home the message.


Mary-Anne Thomas MP



Call my office for more info: 5428 2138 MaryAnneMacedon


Authorised by MA Thomas, Shop 14, Nexus Centre, 9 Goode Street, Gisborne. This material has been funded from Parliament’s Electorate Office & Communications budget.


Gisbornites visit other Gisborne Adam Lopez (right) and his wife Melissa moved to Gisborne last year. They got married last month and went to New Zealand for their honeymoon. They love Gisborne, Victoria, so they made sure to visit our New Zealand sister city. Adam said it was a very different (beach) town and a much bigger city than our own Gisborne, but also had a great community feel.


Gisborne Gazette May 2018

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30/04/2018 2:13:41 AM

Memories of 47 Victoria Street, Macedon Macedon Ranges Shire Council plans to sell the old Maternal and Child Health building in Macedon as the service was moved elsewhere. During its time, the building at 47 Victoria Street firmly entrenched itself in the hearts of Macedon. Long-time nurse Rita Hamilton shares some recollections.


any small feet have crossed the threshold of 47 Victoria Street, Macedon, since the building was first opened in the 1960s. Local government funding and money raised by the community enabled the establishment of the centre to assist in early childhood development, covering both health issues and social development. Staffed by Maternal and Child Health nurses and trained kindergarten teachers, this was the place where mothers and fathers brought their young children not only for their regular “weigh and measure” but also to receive advice on matters of infant and child rearing, ranging from breast feeding to post-natal depression to potty training and any other matters of concern young parents experienced. The Maternal and Child Health Service has operated in Victoria for over a century. Macedon initially operated as an outstation to the Gisborne centre but later Macedon had its own part-time medical sister. Rita Hamilton was that person for 17 years from 1979 to 1996. "When I read in the local paper that the Maternal and Child Health Centre (in the olden days called Infant Welfare Centre) at The old baby 47 Victoria Street, Macscales from edon, was destined for Macedon.

sale, it gave me a little jolt," Rita said. "People say you can’t stop progress but you can reminisce about the past." Rita's memories of the centre are invaluable. She recalls that 47 Victoria Street was a happy place and many parents who brought their youngsters there still enjoy fond memories of the times they spent there. "Apart from the normal consultations and advice and support given to the – in the earlier days – mainly mums, several occasions that made the job so enjoyable stand out," she reflected. "We started playgroups and 'first mothers' groups. In the earlier days the families only had one car and dad took that to work, but the centre was often within walking distance. "We had some fun trips to the zoo with the playgroups. We also had a very active support group, and we were even incorporated. We did some fundraising for extra toys and books. Who can forget the "seconds” children’s clothing sales we had on many a Saturday morning? "At Christmas time we had our own Father Christmas who arrived on the fire truck which was lots of fun." Rita said that after the Ash Wednesday fires the Centre, and a private kindergarten called Pankina Kindergarten by then also housed in the building, became a drop-in centre and staff supported the community as best they could.

ON THE SCALES AGAIN: Rita Hamilton (left) is joined by Sophie and her mother Wendy Taverna and grandmother Heather Staude, who all used the services at 47 Victoria Street. "We started free child minding in the portables at Tony Clarke Reserve, which itself was burned out," she said. "Our own little centre was saved by the CFA the morning after the fires." Patrolling CFA members noticed smouldering weatherboards that morning and were able to act quickly to save the building. The little church across the road was not so fortunate. "When Prince Charles and Lady Diana visited some years later to open the new Tony Clarke Reserve, they wrote a letter to the Macedon children which was

Joan Donovan, another long-time nurse at Macedon Maternal and Child Health Centre, actually weighed Sophie on these scales when Sophie was a toddler.

framed, but now it is sadly lost." Rita remembers fondly her colleagues over the years. "We worked well together," she said. "With the danger of leaving anybody out, dare I mention Dawn, Betty, Kate, Joan, Marieta, Meredith, Fay and Rosemary." Many locals and others will retain happy memories of a place that forms part of their local and family history.       A local group of about 80 residents has formed to lobby for the building to be kept for community use. A final decision will be made by the council on May 23.

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5428 8800 | 3/31 Brantome St, Gisborne | Gisborne Gazette May 2018

Gazette May 2018 6-11.indd 9


30/04/2018 4:53:28 PM

Find out what being part of Lions means GISBORNE GOSS Two cinemas were needed to accommodate the more than 230 people who turned up to support the Gisborne Secondary College Chaplaincy fundraiser at Sunbury on April 23. Those who attended very much enjoyed the movie, The Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Pie Society, and the generous supper that followed.

A new restaurant, Collective, on the corner of Robertson and Brantome Streets in Gisborne, opened on April 13. Pictured above are staff members Nathan Presley, Wilem Floreani, Sarah Evans and Mark Hillman. A longstanding application to develop the Macedon House site on Kilmore Road in Gisborne into retirement units has been withdrawn from the Council. It is not known whether a new application will be submitted.

Another tourist attraction for the Macedon Ranges!

The Lions Club is holding an Information evening on Thursday May 10 at 7:15pm, at the House of the Rock Church, 247 Station Road, New Gisborne. Light refreshments will be provided and everyone is welcome. Gisborne and District Lions Club is looking for community-minded people to come and join our existing Lions members to provide much-needed services and facilities to the Macedon Ranges community, and if needed across the state or nationally. Lions Club projects range from providing assistance to people and families in need and funding community assets and facilities, to supporting community groups and programs. The Lions Club in recent years has taken responsibility for the Gisborne Festival, one of the biggest events in Gisborne including a community street parade, carnival amusements, family entertainment, market stalls and the ever-popular fireworks. To keep the good work going, Lions is looking for new members who would be interested in either supporting a single-focus project such as the Gisborne

A past Lions Club project – construction of a roof over the Liberty Swing for disabled children. Festival or spreading their efforts across a diverse range of activities. Come along and learn more about Lions and our activities at the information evening. Russell Walker

For different reasons, vehicles are vexing residents

Push for more parking in central Gisborne

Group forms to fight motorised vehicles

The Gisborne Roads and Transport Groups says it has been inundated with requests from residents and businesses for Council to build additional parking spaces for the Gisborne town centre. To highlight local sentiment on this issue, the group is collecting signatures. The petition requests that Council “highly prioritise the creation of a longterm Parking Precinct Plan for the Gisborne CBD” and, “as previously pledged, build additional parking spaces short term utilising the $600,000 from the proceeds of the sale of Council land to Aldi.” A number of local businesses are collecting signatures, including the GREAT Centre and Foodworks, Coles, Priceline and Baringo Food & Wine.

We are a newly formed group in the Macedon Ranges. We cherish our peace and feel very fortunate to enjoy the tranquility that rural living in the Macedon Ranges provides us. The recent announcement by Council to review the law relating to the use of motorised recreational vehicles on properties close to homes has inspired us to get together with the aim of protecting the peaceful amenity of our beautiful region because that is what is important to us. If this is important to you too, then you are very welcome to contact us and join us. You can contact us by email at Submitted by M Byrne Macedon Ranges Rural Living Group

10 Gisborne Gazette May 2018

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30/04/2018 4:56:31 PM

Saint Mary

Travellers return from 'end of the world' Kerry and Ken Patton of Gisborne recently returned from a three-week holiday which took them to Buenos Aires, Patagonia and Tierra del Fuego in South America. They were joined in their travels by Gwenyth and Peter Bishop of Hesket. From El Calafate in Patagonian Argentina, they viewed glaciers including the famed Perito Moreno glacier, blue and white icebergs and large icefields. In Torres del Paine National Park Chile, they enjoyed Andean vistas, glacier-fed lakes, rivers and waterfalls, hiking, horse riding and sighting interesting fauna and flora. Patagonian wildlife is varied and includes the rhea, distantly related to the emu, llama-like guanacos and the ubiquitous condor. Kerry said they kept a lookout for, yet were disappointed not to see, a puma. At Punta Arenas, located on the historic Strait of Magellan, they joined the expedition vessel Ventus Australis for an itinerary that included visits to Magellanic penguin colonies, beaver (imported from Canada in 1946) habitats, fjords, the massive Pia Glacier and Glacier Alley, as well as Wulaia Bay. The voyage concluded cruising the Beagle Channel of Charles Darwin fame, to disembark in Ushuaia, capital of Tierra del Fuego and the southernmost city in the world, nicknamed – not surprisingly – the “End of the World.” Kerry said it was a trip of highlights with the most exciting being the landing by zodiac on Cape Horn. Ken and Kerry visited the Cape Horn memorial, the silhouette of an albatross erected in remembrance of the

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Ken and Kerry, attempting to remain upright in the strong wind, in front of the albatross at the Cape Horn memorial. sailors who died while attempting to round the Horn. Near the base of the memorial is a poem which translated into English reads: "I am the albatross that awaits you at the end of the world. I am the forgotten soul of the sailors who died rounding Cape Horn from all the seas of the world. But they did not die in the furious waves, for today they fly on my wings towards eternity, in the last crevice of the Antarctic winds."

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Gisborne and Macedon Ranges RSL News The confirmation of grants from the State Government's 100 Years of Anzac program for the Gisborne Cenotaph project has been delayed until agreement is reached with VicRoads (which is responsible for Hamilton Street) which meant that it was too late for the project to be completed for this year's Anzac Day. The project includes  installation of a granite block and plaques at the Cenotaph displaying the names of Gisborne veterans of WW2, Korea and Vietnam and commemorating the 100 years since the signing of the Armistice.  installation of an interpretive sign on the path to the Cenotaph, which can be changed from time to time, depicting various Gisborne veterans, starting with WW1.

Planning a special event? Our Function Centre Spoil Mum is the perfect with a beautiful space for your gift pack from wedding, the Day Spa this celebration, Mother’s Day! product launch or conference. Call now for an inspection! Hotel & Functions (03) 5426 4044 | Day Spa (03) 5426 4066 652 Blackforest Drive | Macedon

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We are still searching for a grant to enable us to name the park where the Cenotaph stands “Gisborne Veterans Honour Park”. We received a $1,500 grant from the Macedon Ranges Shire Council to install two flagpoles at Riddells Creek near the Gate of Honour. Membership: If you wish to become an RSL member, please contact us on 5428 3154. Sponsorship: We are looking for businesses to become RSL Gisborne sponsors. Welfare of our Veterans: If you know of any unwell veterans, please let our Welfare Officer, Jan Field, know on 0417 726 657. The major portion of money raised by the RSL is spent on the welfare of veterans. Bill Derham, Vice-President, 5428 3154

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Gisborne Gazette May 2018 11

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30/04/2018 4:59:29 PM


Proudly sponsored by Macedon Ranges Art Group, Phoenix Macedon Ranges Art & Craft, The Gallery Mt Macedon, The Gisborne Singers, Duneira, Licorice Allsorts, Macedon Music, The Mount Players and Australian Decorative & Fine Arts Society Central Victoria

'Listen with Your Eyes' on Macedon Ranges Art Trail The Macedon Ranges Art Trail is hosting a preview of work by 30 artists before the opening of the Woodend m  a  c  e  d  o  n r  a  n  g  e  s Winter Arts Festival on Friday, A  RT T RAI L June 8. Drop by the exhibition, ‘Listen with your Eyes’, at the Woodend Tennis Club (behind the visitor information centre) from 5pm and enjoy a drink before moving on to the fireworks at Buffalo Oval. Leave your vehicles near the tennis club and stroll to the spectacular display that has become an annual highlight on the town calendar. The exhibition will run on Saturday, Sunday and Monday from 10am to 4pm. All work will be for sale including paintings, ceramics, origami, photography and jewellery. Among the artists participating are several who have won prizes at recent shows such as Helen Cottle, Kathy Medbury, Lynn Munn and Shay Downer. Donations are appreciated in lieu of an entry fee to support MRAT’s promotion of local artists. Nadine Hartnett Macedon Ranges Art Trail, 0439 399 838

KYNETON TOWN HALL SHOWS May 8: Authors Jesse Andrews and Patrick Ness, heavyweights of young adult writing, in conversation. Tuesday, May 8, 7:30pm to 8:30pm. Presented in conjunction with the Wheeler Centre. May 23: Hotel Sorrento, Hannie Rayson's awardwinning play about three sisters set in the seaside town of Sorrento. Wednesday, May 23, 7:30pm to 10pm.

Mount Players actors in rehearsal for 'Love Letters'.

Letters describe a world of emotions The Mount Players' second show for this year opens on Friday May 11 and runs until Sunday May 27. A.R. Gurney’s Love Letters is a tender tragi-comedy with nuanced examination of the shared nostalgia, missed opportunities, and deep closeness of two lifelong, complicated friends. While spanning five decades and numerous locations, it is staged simply, with two actors on stage, letting their

The Mount Players Presents The Mount Players

May 11th - 27th 2018



Bookings: or Phone 5426 1892

BY A.R. Gurney

Director Frank Harvey By arrangement with Hal Leonard Australia Pty Ltd. on behalf of Dramatists Play Services Inc. New York

Mountview Theatre, 56 Smith Street, Macedon 12

words describe a world of emotion. Despite the painful differences which will ultimately tear them apart, they remain each other’s most trusted confidante, and are “true lovers” on paper, if not on the earth. To book tickets go to or call our box office on 5426 1892. After Love Letters, the Mount Players will hold the annual One Act Play Festival over the weekend of July 6-8 and of course the highly anticipated Les Miserables is due to open on August 3. Karen Hunt

'Blazing Colours' at the Gallery The Gallery Mt Macedon is ablaze with colour all this month with the exhibition by members titled Blazing Colours. See how many different mediums interpret autumn. We are preparing for the Woodend Winter Arts Festival weekend of June 8-11. Our theme is 'Look Learn Create'. See quality art, learn how our members work by watching them demonstrate and create your own art piece if you wish. Children’s activities are encouraged. July 4 is our Art to Wear Parade featuring handmade garments and

accessories. We invite any textile artists who would like to be part of the parade to contact us by May 10. Tickets now on sale through the gallery. Colleen Weste

Melbourne International Comedy Festival Roadshow Kyneton Town Hall, Saturday, May 12, 7:30pm to 9:30m. Featuring Dave Callan, Nath Valvo, Eleanor Tiernan, Azeem Banatwalla and Andy Saunders.

Cost: Full $49.90, Seniors $42, Concession $40, Groups of 8+ $40. Bookings: online at au or call 1300 888 802

Gisborne Gazette May 2018

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30/04/2018 5:18:46 PM

Photography club in full swing

The first rehearsal of the Gisborne Singers with the Children’s Chorus, depicted by Michael Lodge, professional cartoonist and painter and schoolmate of choir director Stephen Brockman.

Young soloist to join Gisborne Singers and Children's Chorus in concert The next Gisborne Singers concerts will feature a 23-year-old former Gisborne resident. Rosie Cocklin will sing the soprano solo in Karl Jenkins’ Cantata Memoria – For the Children. The work commemorates with passion the 50th anniversary of the mining disaster at Aberfan, Wales, in which a coal spoil tip descended on the town killing 144 people (including 116 children). Rosie became keen on singing at the age of 12 and has completed her Bachelor of Music (Honours) at the Melbourne Conservatorium of Music. Currently with Opera Scholars Australia, Rosie has performed lead roles in a variety of works, with credits including a 2016 National Liederfest finals award and a scholarship with

the Melbourne Bach Choir. She is also the founder and curator of local musical ensemble Youth of Today. A former choir member since she was 15, Rosie returns to the Gisborne Singers in her new role; one which musical director Stephen Rosie Cocklin Brockman and choir anticipate with delight. The choir will perform with professional orchestra and local children’s chorus in this exciting venture (which is also the Australian premiere). Performance dates are May 20 at Gisborne and May 27 at Kyneton (both 3pm). For bookings please go to Alison Kinghorn

Our region has been displaying wonderful autumn tones. Macedon Ranges Photographic Society (MRPS) members have been busy, out and about recording events and occasions in and beyond the Ranges during March/April. The March club meeting included several member presentations of their “styles of photography” as well as discussion of members’ “patterns” images. Fortnightly regional walkabouts were well patronised and provided useful camera-craft experience for newer members. Members attending Ballarat’s White Night event in March captured stunning images which can be seen on Facebook. Our hands-on training workshops and technical nights continued to provide great skills development in areas such as night, car and mobile phone photography, post-production software options and Audio Visual (AV) production. The April competition night included a comprehensive display of members’ print and digital images. The external judge, Jim Weatherill, praised the high quality and provided constructive comments on each image. In May, MRPS will be busy with monthly club and technical nights, training workshops and regional walkabouts. A number of members will go to Warrnambool for the annual Victorian Association of Photographic Societies where we will go head to head with print, digital and AV entries from across Victoria. Good luck to all MRPS entrants! New club members are very welcome. Contact details and a full schedule of meetings and activities, plus our newsletters, technical resources and digital links can be found at

Winning image 'Fast Team' by club member Cherry Cole.


VALID UNTIL 31ST MAY Synergy 22 Brantome st, Gisborne :5428 8144 **Gift vouchers avial.

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We also offer all hair services, colouring, cutting, foiling, balyage,extensions and more Gisborne Gazette May 2018 13

Gazette May 2018 12-17.indd 13

30/04/2018 2:36:08 AM

Take a look at the art of fresco

Fiona Garlick and John Barnard – baroque dancers and directors of Australia’s Early Dance Consort.

High Heels and Ghillies at Macedon Following the hugely successful performance of the Mozart Requiem and Palestrina Stabat Mater by the Australian Chamber Choir at the Church of the Resurrection, Friends of Music look forward to the next concert on May 27. High Heels and Ghillies, presented by the Evergreen Ensemble, promises to be an exceptional aural and visual treat, comprising instrumental and vocal works from the French Baroque period, Breton circle dances, Highland airs, and Scottish baroque jigs and reels with special guests Fiona Garlick and John Barnard – baroque dancers and directors of Australia’s Early Dance Consort. Dance in 18th-century Scotland was strongly influenced not only by its own traditional dance repertoire, but by French dances such as the Sarabande, Corrente and Minuet, which were coupled with Scottish jigs and reels to form sonatas or suites. In France itself, a huge diversity of dance styles could be found between the balletic fashions of the court of Louis XIV and the popular dances of the country villages. Evergreen Ensemble, with Baroque violins, cello, and the glorious voice of French singer Myriam Arbouz, invite you to follow the intricate steps of these marvellous dancers. The concert starts at 2:30pm on Sunday May 27 at the Church of the Resurrection, Macedon. Visit to book or phone 5426 4801 for further information. Dianne Gome


Have you loved a painting but found out it’s actually a fresco? What’s the difference? Guest lecturer Nicole Mezey will explain all in Virtual Realities: The Art of Fresco on Thursday May 17 at the Kyneton Town Hall. Fresco is the supreme medium in which one can track the ideas and the accomplishments of the Italian Renaissance. This lecture illustrates the complex technique involved and explores some of the great projects of the age to understand the fascination and significance of fresco for rulers, clergy and painters. Entry is $30 cash or cheque payable on the evening and this includes refreshments (served from 6:307:30pm), in addition to the lecture (7:30Frescos on the agenda. 8:30pm). For more information and registration, please call Nicky on 0400 958 449. The 17th century diary of Samuel Pepys was the topic for ADFAS CV’s April lecture and it was a cracker of an evening. In addition to the considerable ADFAS CV membership, more than 20 non-members attended to hear Susannah Fullerton, OAM, share her extensive knowledge of the man and his daily observations of London life. Not all was of a serious nature: his diary record of the day he saw a Royal mistress’s pantaloons drying in the sun was one of many amusing entries. Submitted by Nicky Peters

This month’s Bookworms book prize is from former local writer Karlana Kasarik who released The Lodihr, book two in her awesome Stonekeepers’ series, in February and is able to do school events. Just ask us. Great for 9+ fantasy readers.

With Natasha Boyd

Fun new kids' series There are lots of new books in popular series for primary-aged children to get hooked into this first half of 2018. Readers 6+ Captain Underpants fans will rejoice that Dav Pilkey’s Dog Man spin-off comic style series about a crime-biting canine who is part dog, part man has just released book four. Anh Do’s Weirdo series is up to book 10 and he has branched out with a new series called Ninja Kid in which a nerdy boy gets superpowers. Girls who want to read about an action princess who battles monsters at night (and with gorgeous colour pictures) will love Shannon Hale’s Princess in Black series which has book five out this month. Equally exciting is the news that episode seven in Aaron Blabey’s Bad Guys series is out in May and is called Do You Think He-saurus? Soccer fans will be rapt that book seven in the Tiny Timmy series got released by Aussie legend Tim Cahill. Great for 7+ sport fans. Alternatively, book lovers with a passion for magic should dip into Aussie magician Cosentino’s second book, Rabbit Rescue, in his World’s Best Magician series. Or perhaps try Alex Miles’ four-book Olive Black series about a girl who is an actor in film and TV with lots of mystery and adventure along the way. 8+ fans of Wimpy Kid will love Greg James’ twobook Kid Normal series about a boy at school for kids with special powers – but he has none. Plus Tristan Bancks’ Wimpy-style series set in an Aussie school called Tom Weekly has brand new covers on all four books. Or perhaps you have a videoobsessed child who you are keen to get hooked onto reading – book four is out in Bajo and Hex’s Pixel Raiders series about two kids who get stuck inside a video game. And Mark Powers’ Spy Toys is up to the third book which is like Toy Story crossed with James Bond for readers 9+. Readers 10+ who love time travel adventures will be glad there is a book two in Peter Helliar’s Frankie Fish series where 12-year old Frankie and his mate Drew use the time machine to save his grandparents who are stuck in 17th century China. History buffs will love the fourth book in the Australia’s Great War series, 1918 by Libby Gleeson.


Irene Blanck Saturday 19 May ‘Focus on Applique' 1pm - 3.30pm Beginners welcome Sat June 27 from 1 1 am Bookings essential.

Fabric, Haberdashery and Threads Mary Kelly Shop 4 Nexus Centre 14 Prince Street GISBORNE 3437

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Gisborne Gazette May 2018

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30/04/2018 5:04:16 PM

WINE & DINE GRAND GURU Indian Restaurant Fully Licensed & BYO Try our Banquet Menu All curries gluten free Trading Hours: Dinner Mon - Sun 4.30pm - 9.30pm

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30/04/2018 12:15:45 PM

Cameron casts at sunset on Lake Mulwala. Meg O'Donoghue gives a donation to the Good Friday Appeal. Meg was one of many residents who opened hearts and wallets to help the Children's Hospital.

Good Friday Appeal beats $13,000 $13,676 – The Gisborne Fire Brigade would like to thank the Gisborne community for helping us raise such a impressive total for The Royal Children’s Hospital Good Friday Appeal. With help from the New Gisborne and Gisborne Scout groups, Gisborne fire fighters and Junior Brigade members took to the streets of Gisborne from 9am on March 30. Once again Gisbus donated four of their buses to help ferry the collectors around town. Doonies Diner supplied the troops with lunch, donating half of the food at a cost of more than $250. Gisborne’s Good Friday Ambassador/Area Manager and Gisborne Fire Brigade 1st Lieutenant Mark Carter said that without the support of local business they would not be able to raise such impressive amounts. “We are very lucky to have a generous and closeknit community," Mark said. "Every year it always amazes me how much the Gisborne Photos courtesy Lt Bevan Moody community are willing to give.”

Cod on the fly – science, knowledge and skill The club's March general meeting was privileged to have an in-depth presentation by scientists who are also skilled fly fishers (and fishing guides with River Escapes). Cameron McGregor, fishing guide and field ecologist, and Dr Katie Doyle, ecologist (fish and bird expert), addressed the club on “All You Have Ever Wanted to Know About Catching Murray Cod on the Fly”. Cam and Katie have a wealth of knowledge from years of studying, guiding and fishing for this iconic Australian species. Cam described the exciting experience of fly fishing for Murray cod saying they “take like

nothing else”. They can start slow but hit hard giving you a real adrenaline rush – “you don’t know whether you’ve got a 40cm or 1.4m fish on the end of the line.” Cam and Katie’s presentation went into detail on specific cod fishing locations in Victoria; addressing the best approach with fine detail on fishing times, fishing techniques, and tackle to use. Together they demonstrated hook set and retrieve techniques suitable for cod. After the main presentation, Cam showed off some of his personal cod flies and generously gave tips on their construction. If you’d like to know more about the Calder Fly Fishing Association, please visit www. Louis Bokor

Guest to speak on special dogs for the deaf

As always, 1st Gisborne Scouts, Gisborne CFA members and the Gisbus drivers were out in force supporting the Good Friday Appeal for the Royal Children’s Hospital.

The speaker for the May meeting of Probus will be from Hearing Dogs for the Deaf. The club always expects a good audience when these remarkable dogs attend. Plans are well under way for many exciting trips. There is still room on the Vanuatu cruise in October. Suggestions have been made for 2019 for tours to Vietnam, Port Moresby or Sri Lanka. Your input would be appreciated.

We always welcome requests from people wishing to become new members. Application forms can be obtained from Trish on 5420 7712. Activities include craft and music groups that meet monthly, theatre outings and bus tours. Our April tour was on a boat to Herring Island in the Yarra, in the heart of the city, and we will celebrate Christmas in July in Echuca. Trish Clark


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Gisborne Gazette May 2018

Gazette May 2018 12-17.indd 16

30/04/2018 5:06:30 PM

FOR THE GREEN THUMBS Gisborne Garden Club


Fifty-four club members visited a lovely 10-acre property with two acres of garden in Gisborne called Albertine on April 11. We saw a beautifully constructed garden incorporating a large pond with a fountain and several other ponds throughout the garden, with silver birches, claret ashes, lipstick maples and a woodland area. There was a large aviary with beautiful parrots and finches. This garden is about 22 years old and has previously been part of the Open Garden Scheme. The Garden Club meets every second Wednesday of the month. For further information contact Denise Hall 0409 691 525.

FRIENDS OF WYRALLA RESERVE INC In February the Committee of Friends of Wyralla Reserve Inc gave a presentation to the Macedon Ranges Shire Councillors. The presentation included some history of the Wyralla Crescent and Carinya Drive area, the process leading to the draft Master Plan, and the detail of the plan. The presentation was well received with praise coming from several councillors. Since the presentation there has been a meeting with Council Officers. Progress is slow, but there is hope that a final agreed Master Plan can be achieved in the near furture. Once agreed the next step is Council budgeting. It is not expected that the whole project will be undertaken at once with a big ‘hit’ on the budget. A staged development is the more likely outcome and this aspect of the Master Plan is to be investigated and reported. If you would like to attend our meetings please email Friends of Wyralla Reserve Inc.The next meeting will be in June. New members are very welcome. Please email Friends of Wyralla reserve Inc with your thoughts concerning the Wyralla Reserve. Friends of Wyralla Reserve Inc Facebook page

With Rosemary Davies

the flower flower and garden InInthe andornamental ornamental garden

Tree stags provide habitat for native wildlife in Daly Nature Reserve.

What's going on with the pine trunks? Friends of Daly Reserve do get questions about the bare pine tree trunks left in the Reserve, especially seen from Howey Street. These stags will remain for habitat for nature’s wildlife, including perches for birds. The extra light and space is already showing signs of encouraging growth of native eucalypts and wattles. The mowing routine in the Reserve has also changed in line with the Environment Management Plan. Less-vigorous mowing has allowed the native grasses to thrive and in time they will inhibit the spread of weedy grass. At the April working bee we were happy to complete the removal of one section of invasive prickly gorse. In May we will be tackling broom which has no prickles, so should prove to be an easier task. If you have an hour to spare, please join our next working bee on Tuesday May 8. Sign in at the scout hall at 9.30am. Please wear sturdy footwear, but we provide tools, gloves and a welcome cuppa at 11am. We have changed our email address. All enquires, including details of working bees and membership, to Irene Perkin

Late last month at a local farmers' market I bought a tiny, pink, button-sized chrysanthemum to add to my collection for bouquets. Chrysanthemums are synonymous with May, being the Mother’s Day flower symbol. This tough group of plants flower continuously for at least four to eight weeks in early autumn and many are very easy care, reshooting in late summer to flower each year in autumn. Roses are a good choice for a Mother’s Day present. Choose from special thornless varieties if this is a worry, look for the David Austin varieties for the old English look, or go for Alistair Clark varieties. The Clark varieties should grow well here as we are not far from the climate of the original breeding grounds in Bulla.

InInthe vegetable fruit garden the vegie and fruitand garden It’s been a battle to keep the moisture up to the vegie garden over the long, dry, late summer and that is why I grow some of my small collection of vegetables in a modified wicking bed and in pots. It’s easy to water the plants and add a boost of liquid fertiliser solution supplied by the worms in the wormery. Kale, leeks, cabbage, carrots and celery can go in now.

In thenative native garden In the garden For flower colour at this time of the year and through the winter, look to the grevillea family, the diverse range of banksias, correas and eremophilas for resilient plants that are easy care in a sunny, well drained position. While the soil in the garden is damp it is a good time to go over your garden with a bucket, trowel and spade and hand weed any weeds that have come up over the past few months. Clip off any dead pieces of plants and give plants a light tip prune to improve the shape.

Garden activities for children In the family garden Set up a wormery to recycle leafy kitchen scraps and let the worms do all the work recycling while they make liquid fertiliser for you.

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View from the stalls

The G R E AT Association

Puppy Power Plus Caitlin of Puppy Power Plus and her family have been coming from Kinglake to the Gisborne market each month for more than 10 years. This family business combines years of experience with dogs and their needs; in fact the team are dog addicts. Caitlin was a breeder of Anatolian sheepdogs shown regularly for competitions, before the setup of the current business. All the items on sale are hand made to suit the smallest and the largest of dogs. Only tough hard-wearing materials are used. There are stretcher frame beds,

We warmly welcome Maureen as a new volunteer to the GREAT Centre. GREAT is proud to announce that it has recently donated $2000 to the Gisborne Ambulance Auxiliary towards the purchase of a throat camera for use in an emergency. With lots of new products on offer at the May 6 market, you are sure to find that perfect small or large gift for Mother’s Day, or for a forthcoming special occasion, at any of the more than 300 quality stalls.

with liners and zip off tops. There is a wide range of mattresses and they can even put more fibre fill in them if you need it, she says. You’ll find doggie bean bags, sparkling collars, leads, and jackets as well as a range of all natural dried treats for dogs. If you have something special you need made ask Caitlin and she will be happy to solve your problems. Check out her stand now the cooler weather is settling in, to make sure your precious pups are happy in the cold winter and all year round. Rosemary Davies

Caitlin Gill of Puppy Power Plus.

GREAT celebrates another successful Grand Tour

Artist of the Month

The captain of the winning team Eddy Gundy holds the shield, flanked by team members Terry Watson, Vlod Cyrulo and Alan Higgins.

Kyneton ceramicist Geraldine Phelan exhibited her stunning works at the GREAT Centre during April. One piece is pictured above. Geraldine conducts mosaic and pottery classes and can be contacted on 0478 605 540. This month, we are exhibiting the work of Gisborne artist Helen Fraser.

Bowlers contest Gazette Shield

GREAT committee members help out at the Macedon Grand Tour last month. GREAT is the major sponsor for the Tour.

A good muster of club members turned out at the Gisborne Bowls Club to contest the Gisborne Gazette Shield on Saturday April 21. In presenting the shield, former editor Bryan Power not only congratulated the winners but also the club on its very successful past season. The winners of the Mixed Fours competition were led by Eddy Gundy. On the day the club raised more than $600 which will be donated to the Motor Neurone Disease Foundation in memory of esteemed former member Steve Wallis.

Gisborne Olde Time Market FIRST SUNDAY OF EVERY MONTH 6 May 2018 3 June 2018 9am—2pm Hamilton Street - Aitken Street

Market Manager 0431 563 566 Email: info @

18 Gisborne Gazette May 2018

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Proudly sponsored by Bruce Ellis, Chiropractor

1st New Gisborne Scout Group

Jacob achieves Queen’s Scout Award

New Gisborne Scouts had a five-day camp at Eumeralla camp near Anglesea in April. Thirteen Scouts and five leaders had a great time hiking, climbing, canoeing and exploring as they prepare for the 2019 Australian Jamboree. Cub Scout Alexandra “went up” to Scouts with a proud dad looking on. Cub Scouts are planning for their June “Campfire Camp” at Noonameena. Five Cub Scouts are learning about Scouts as they earn their Link Badges and prepare to “Go Up” to Scouts. Two of our Joeys are working towards their Link Badges and preparing to become Cub Scouts. Joeys will be working towards their Care and Share, Adventure and Buddy badges and will earn the Heritage badge supporting local Anzac Day activities. Joeys (ages 5-7) and Cub Scouts (ages 7-10) meet on Wednesdays at 6:30pm at the Gisborne Church of Christ, Saunders Rd, New Gisborne. Joeys meet for one hour and Cubs finish at 8pm. Scouts is on Tuesdays from 6-8pm. A sausage sizzle or similar snack is available from 6pm to 6.30pm both nights. We have vacancies in the Joey and Cub Scout sections. Contact Group Leader John Frearson (“Skipper”) 0450 922 787, or email John Frearson

Surrounded by family, friends, teachers and fellow scouts, Jacob Stewart was presented with the Queen’s Scout Award at a celebratory function on April 18. Jacob began his scouting adventure in 2008 as a Cub and at the age of 11 he moved up to Ross Watt Scout Troop. By the end of 2014 he had become a Venturer and he set his sights on achieving scouting’s highest award. Jacob’s journey throughout scouting has taught him valuable skills and attitudes that have helped to shape the person he is today.

Jacob (centre) was warmly congratulated by his fellow Venturers.

1st Gisborne Scouts Harrison’s Hike: I recently completed my Adventurer Journey Hike at Wilson’s Promontory leading five scouts on a three-day hike covering 40km. This included a waist-deep 15m river crossing. The weather was great and the views spectacular. Everyone on the hike did a great job completing it. Harrison (Scout)


and Taylor wait to abseil.

Cub Bushranger camp: 1st Gisborne Cubs joined their friends from the Macedon Ranges District on an exciting Bushranger camp at Pax Hill in Ballarat. Cubs braved the heights of the abseiling tower, learnt the skills of archery, stepped back in time in the Scout Heritage Centre, worked

Great effort from scouts (L-R) Shakira, Angi, Tom, Dylan, Bradley and Harrison.

their way through the confidence course and searched for gold in an underground mine. The highlight was the Bushranger costume night around

the campfire for a singalong and skits. Interested in joining 1st Gisborne Scout Group? Please email admin Carly Visscher

Girl Guides focus on Anzac activities Edward, Maya and Grace are equipped for climbing at Eumeralla camp near Anglesea.

The two older members of Gisborne Girl Guides, Erin and Dale, spent the last rainy weekend of the school holidays at a camp for teenage Guides in Creswick. Our leaders Michelle and Ginger helped them to undertake camping skills including cooking their own meals. The Unit is undertaking activities related to the 2018 Anzac badge. As well as attending the service in Gisborne (pictured) the Guides

will cook, learn first aid and bandaging and create a memorial art piece. We will also meet Woodend and Lancefield Girl Guide members to participate in further activities related to the topic. Gisborne Girl Guides meet on Thursdays between 5 and 6:30pm. We have vacancies for girls eight years or older who would like to come and try Guides. Phone Deb on 0409 542 619 for further details. Deb Fleming

Deb Fleming with Stefanie and Kayla on Anzac Day.

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NEWS FROM THE COUNCIL Help shape future of arts and culture in Macedon Ranges Residents are invited to help shape the artistic and cultural life of the shire by contributing to a new Council strategy. The draft Arts and Culture Strategy was released for public comment on April 23 and Council is seeking community feedback to guide how the shire promotes, supports and invests in arts and culture over the next decade. The draft strategy was developed through an online community survey and initial consultation on a range of proposed projects in recent months. Recommended actions include a potential soundshell for Gisborne, looking at the future role of the Kyneton Museum, further development of Kyneton Town Hall as an entertainment hub for the shire, and building on the success of the Lancefield Megafauna Festival. The draft strategy will be available for public comment until May 20 at mrsc. A listening post to gather community ideas and feedback on the draft will be held at the Coles supermarket in Gisborne on Wednesday May 16, from 1pm to 4pm. A community forum will also be held at the Baringo Hotel Banquet Room on Friday May 18 from 10am to noon. RSVP to Robyn Till on 5422 0319 or by Wednesday May 16.

New appointments Council has announced the appointment of Angela Hughes to the position of Director of Planning and Environment. Ms Hughes has extensive experience in local government in strategic planning, statutory planning and compliance. Susan LaGreca joined the council in April as Manager of Economic Development and Tourism.

Info session on kindergarten readiness

New waste contractor appointed

Parents of children who turn four years old before April 30 2019 are invited to attend a free information session on assessing their child’s readiness for kindergarten the year before school. Presented by members of Council’s Early Years team, Cobaw Community Health’s speech pathologist and a guest speaker from Bloom Psychology, the session will provide an overview of how you can prepare your child for kindergarten and support available for you and your child if needed. The session will take place on Wednesday May 16 from 7pm–8.30pm at the Woodend Community Centre, corner of High and Forest streets. Council’s Acting Director Community Wellbeing, Jill Karena, said the session would also cover what kindergarten is about and the different aspects of each of Council’s kindergartens. “If parents have any concerns, or are unsure about the benefits of

Council has appointed a new contractor, Four Seasons Waste, to undertake waste and recycling services. Kerbside collection will transition to the new waste and recycling contractor earlier than planned after current contractor Wheelie Waste advised it would withdraw services on May 4.

kindergarten, or whether their child is ready for the transition, I’d encourage them to attend,” she said. Places are limited. To register visit Registrations for kindergarten and three-year-old groups are now open Council would like to remind parents that registrations for three-year-old groups and kindergarten programs across the shire are now open. To register your child visit

Draft budget focuses on sustainability and community support More cycling and walking paths, updates to community buildings and improvements to sporting facilities are among items supported in Council’s 2018-19 draft budget. Other initiatives include community consultation on proposals for dog on and off-lead areas and investigating the introduction of a cat curfew. Council also will support development of regional sports fields in New Gisborne, a Reconciliation Plan to strengthen relationships with traditional owners, and a Disability Action Plan. The draft budget provides more than

$80 million towards delivering services and projects and proposes a rate increase within the imposed 2.25 per cent rate cap. Waste charges, which are separate from rates and exempt from the rates cap, cover Council collection of kerbside garbage, recycling and green waste. Council’s waste charge will be increased due to higher charges passed on by contractors due to the additional cost of providing the recycling service. This is likely to result in a $49 rise per year in kerbside collection charges for the average ratepayer.

Council works in the South Ward Council crews are undertaking a variety of works throughout the Macedon Ranges, with the following projects currently under way or recently completed in the South Ward. Footpath improvements: Construction of new footpaths on Fisher Street, Wyralla Crescent and Mill Road in Gisborne and in Barry Road, New Gisborne. Upgrading drains: Drainage works at Devonshire Lane, Mount Macedon and Gardiner Reserve, Gisborne. Road works: Hamilton Street, Brantome Street and Prince Street in Gisborne. Other works include: Bullengarook Pavilion: renewal works to the kitchen for safe and efficient use by community groups and users. Gisborne Scout Hall: internal works are being undertaken to allow for better facilities for user groups. Council has approved further research and survey work on a proposal to seal Crombie Road, Macedon, and further investigation in response to a petition regarding increased traffic on Farrell Street, New Gisborne. For more information about Council’s schedule of works and projects, visit or call 5422 0333.

FAMILY LAW PRACTICE IN GISBORNE All areas of Family Law, Separation, Divorce, Property Settlements, Care of Children, Maintenance Wills & Powers of Attorney, Probates


Rebuilding Lives Telephone: 5428 8711 1st Floor, 45 Hamilton Street, Gisborne, Vic 3437 Email:

20 Gisborne Gazette May 2018

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Anzac Day around the South Ward


Clockwise from top left: Gisborne: Angelique Doherty and Jacob Floreani with the school banner before the Gisborne march; As always the Gisborne Singers led the singing beautifully; Keely Devereaux displays her greatgrandfather’s medals at the Gisborne ceremony; Gisborne Venturers and Rovers organised the wreaths; Football club members laid wreaths; Warrant Officer Colin Walker of the Royal Australian Engineers based in Puckapunyal gave an excellent address at the Gisborne ceremony. With him are RSL Secretary Robin Funston (left) and President John De Lai. Mt Macedon: Braemar Cadets Darci Walker, Lachlan Ellis, Olivia Vernon and Callan Armitage.

Thank you to everyone who submitted their views during the recent consultation process for the Macedon Ranges Localised Planning Statement. Councillors have reviewed over 375 submissions and survey responses, and have been working through the draft statement with the State Government. Councillors have heard the concerns from the community feedback and will carefully consider the feedback as we work with the State Government on the final draft. Work behind the scenes by council officers has also begun to investigate Gisborne’s well-recognised planning challenges. A summary of issues and options is due out for community feedback later this year and I encourage everyone to have a say. Waste, and its fragile service industry (both globally and locally), continues to challenge the waste management systems of many councils. Despite the challenges, council’s budget savings have ensured that waste collection services in the Macedon Ranges continue. While charges for residents are proposed to increase in the next financial year to cover increased waste costs, the real long-term solution calls on us all as individuals to act. Leaving waste at its source (or point of purchase) is a first good step. Reuse or boomerang your shopping bags and containers. Keep recycling and keep recyclables ‘clean’ by not placing them in plastic bags. The power of the people has the potential to create life-changing possibilities in how governments make investment decisions to better manage waste. Personally, I see an opportunity to create a vision that focuses on a regional solution where energy and other products and services can be produced from waste. Imagine, one day we may have both the social and viable technological innovation to prevent waste and re-purpose everything we use.

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Joanne McFadyen Gazette May 2018 18-25.indd 21

5:25:01 PM

Gisborne & Mount Macedon Districts Historical Society Gisborne Court House  4 Hamilton Street Open Wednesdays 10am to 4pm  Phone 5428 1450 e: w:



Gisborne Court House precinct The heritage-protected Gisborne Court House precinct is one of the most intact group of public buildings in the Macedon Ranges. By Phyllis Boyd


n February 1852 Governor La Trobe appointed Henry Carroll at a salary of £300 per annum to be Clerk of Courts at Gisborne. Henry Reed Dixon was appointed to that position in 1856. William Watson’s day book of 1854 indicates that he worked on Government buildings in Gisborne and was building furniture and repairing flooring in the Gisborne watch-house. It also records that William built a house in Gisborne for Henry Carroll. The 1855 records of the police station at The Gap (Aitken's Gap) township on the Mount Alexander Road near Sunbury contain many references to the police attendance at Gisborne Court, but they give no indication of the precise location of Gisborne’s first Court House. The present Gisborne Court House was built in 1858 to a Public Works Department design the same as that for court houses built in the same year at Bacchus Marsh and Carisbrook. Before the coming of the railway, Gisborne was expected to become a major town that would be in need of a large building to dispense justice to the local and passing traffic. The Gisborne Court House was constructed by builders George Piggin of Kyneton and John Sinclair at a cost of £2,000. When the Court House opened in 1858, John Campbell Thompson, who had been Commissioner of Crown Lands at Western Port from 1853, was appointed Police Magistrate for Gisborne. When Samuel Henry Bindon was appointed Judge at Gisborne in July 1860, the bluestone lock-up, brick stable, privy and police residence and outbuildings had been erected in the Court House precinct, replacing the earlier buildings at the nearby Commissioner’s Residence on the old Police Paddocks on “Wyabun Park”.


ost attendances at the Gisborne Court tended to result from alcoholrelated problems, toll evasion, horse and cattle stealing or from employment disputes. Records from 1854 to 1856 now

The police residence and Court House were built in 1858 (pictured c1875). The Borough and later Gisborne Shire Council used the building from 1860 until 1928.

Weeds branch of the Lands Department used the south-east room as its office from 1929 till 1985. Gisborne Waterworks Trust occupied the western rooms and met in the courtroom from 1977 to 1982. Gisborne Police occupied rooms from 1966 to 1976. The Court Room was used as a polling booth at elections for 30 years and later became a distribution centre during elections in 1979 and 1982. During World War I, food and clothing bundles for the war effort were sorted and packaged in the south-east room. The full Court House precinct, comprising the Court House, bluestone lock-up, brick stables and the privy was classified “C” by National Trust (Victoria) in about 1970, as a group of colonial buildings with no appreciable alteration in over 100 years. The buildings had also been given heritage protection by Heritage Victoria, but this classification was removed because Bacchus Marsh had a similar building, still in use as a Court House. Gisborne Court was officially closed by Keith V Robinson JP in 1980.


The Shire Offices, built in 1928. held in Gisborne show the attendance of many well-known personalities acting as Magistrates or Justices of the Peace, or who were summoned to appear in court. John Carre Riddell and his cousin Thomas Ferrier Hamilton were appointed JPs and sat on the Bench at Gisborne on numerous occasions. The Gisborne Borough Council was granted use of the building from 1860, occupying the south-east room at the front, with meetings held in the courtroom. When the Gisborne Shire was formed in 1871, it took over the role of the Borough Council and continued to use the Gisborne Court House until it moved to the first Shire Office in Hamilton Street, now adjoining the library. In 1864, the Court of Petty Sessions met at Gisborne Court House every Monday and Friday and three times a year as a County Court, as Judge Forbes saw fit to appoint. Occasional court cases were held until 1970 when

the Court was transferred to Sunbury and later to Broadmeadows. The only structural changes to the building over the past 160 years have been the early addition of a second door on the east side and the reduction of the full-length front verandah when it was replaced after being blown down in a storm in the 1930s. A 1915 photograph in the Historical Society collection, shows a north-facing door on the privy that no longer exists.


he Court House building has been home to numerous organisations during its long history. Gisborne Shire Council used the Court House as its meeting venue from its inception in 1860 until the first Shire Office was built in Hamilton Street in 1928. Dixon & Son, Real Estate Agents and Auctioneers, had an office in the south-west room of the building from 1860 to 1927. The Vermin and Noxious

fter its closure the building served as headquarters for the Gisborne unit of State Emergency Services who built a temporary storage shed on the site from 1984 until new premises were completed in Robertson Street in 1990. When the SES moved out, the building remained vacant until it was offered by Parks Victoria to the newly amalgamated Gisborne and Mount Macedon Districts Historical Society. Under an agreement between the Historical Society and Gisborne Shire, the shire took responsibility for maintenance of the building with the Historical Society being the licensed occupier. The Gisborne Shire made extensive renovations to the Court House before the grand old building became the home of the Historical Society in 1992, with the courtroom continuing to be made available to the public for meetings and community use. In recent years, the Historical Society has undertaken works at the precinct including painting of the exterior of all the buildings, the installation of central heating and a security system in the Court House, a sound and light exhibit in the lock-up, with paving, a rose garden and a “quiet corner” on the west of the building. The society has also restored one of the horse stalls and created a display of social, agricultural and industrial heritage of the district in the stable, open daily to the public as a tourist attraction.

22 Gisborne Gazette May 2018

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Learn how to drive digital dollar further If you are a business in the Macedon Ranges who’s already online and on top of the basics, a coming workshop 'Your business in the digital space' will prepare you to move onwards and upwards through the everevolving digital landscape. Join Macedon Ranges Business Connect and workshop host Small Business Victoria for the 3½-hour workshop and discover how to drive your digital marketing further, deliver smarter business outcomes and get the best return from your digital dollar at this next-level workshop. Limited places are available so it is important to book early. The workshop includes a light lunch and costs $25 for members of Macedon Ranges Business Connect and $60 for businesses based outside the shire. Tuesday May 15, 9.30am-1.30pm at Kyneton Town Hall. For more information or to book, visit or call 5421 9616.

EPA calls for entries in Sustainability Awards The Environment Protection Authority Victoria encourages businesses, government organisations, individuals and community groups who have shown leadership in environmental protection to enter the Premier’s Sustainability Awards. Entries close on June 7. Finalists will be announced in mid-August and invited to attend the awards ceremony on October 11. To enter and for more information, visit

Community History Awards Entries are now being accepted for the 2018 Victorian Community

History Awards. Presented by Public Record Office in partnership with the Royal Historical Society of Victoria, the awards celebrate the people involved in community history projects who are dedicated to telling local stories which help all Victorians to better understand their past. Categories include the Premier’s History Award, Collaborative Community History Project, Local History Project, History Publication, Local History – Small Publication, Cultural Diversity Project, Multimedia History Project, Historical Interpretation, Centenary of WW1, History Article (PeerReviewed). Entries close on July 20. You can download the entry form from

Great Macedon Grand Tour MACEDON MUSINGS With Belinda Carlton-Doney

Saturday April 7 – a perfect autumn day as 100 classic cars and spectators line the street outside the Old Gisborne Court House in preparation for the 15th GREAT Macedon Grand Tour. Members from GREAT and Windarring “Flag Off” the 1929 Chevrolet that led the Tour away from Gisborne on the way to Riddells Creek via Mount Macedon, Lancefield and the Kerrie Valley.

Help plan walk/cycle trails The Macedon Ranges Shire Council would like to hear from community members or groups interested in a proposal to develop additional walking and cycling trails in the shire. The Shared Trails Feasibility Study project will look at trail options along various routes including Tylden to Carlsruhe, Kyneton to Woodend, Woodend to Riddells Creek and Woodend to Hanging Rock. Proposed routes are available at www.mrsc.

Register your interest or provide feedback to recreation officer Michelle Nolte on 5422 0240 or at

Hi fellow Macedon residents. Did you survive the Easter rush and chocolate overload? When you’re feeling ready for a stroll down the street again, why not pop into the pub and meet the new owners? Peter Morris, Carolynn John and Stefanie Duzel took over the Macedon Railway Hotel in mid-April. They hit the ground running, beginning with a very busy Easter season. So what’s going to be happening at the pub? Glad you asked... Stef is a singer/songwriter. With her influence, the pub will have a strong music culture. Music will flow freely, as the owners strive for a familyoriented atmosphere aimed at bringing the community together. Sunday sessions in the front bar will continue as a standard. “Bar tunes” are also constant. This takes place most nights, when you’ll find live music at the bar. Sometimes performed by Stef, sometimes provided by patrons walking in off the street. It’s quite random and open to all. Most even bring their own instruments. Pete says that on some nights, Stef has also been known to bring out the guitar and play in the bistro. The owners encourage all musicians to drop in and share their stories and, of course, their music. The “mystery room” on the side of the bistro will soon be reopened to the public. The area includes a bar and stage. It is being designed as a place for families to come and relax.There will be strong emphasis on music here also, with regular live music on stage. One final addition to the hotel – if you choose to ride your horse to the pub, a new horse rail is being installed out the back! Gotta love living in the country! Happy May to all. Belinda


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WE CAN HELP 77 Aitken st Gisborne Gisborne Gazette May 2018

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30/04/2018 8:54:18 PM


With Betty Doolan The months are going so quickly and I am going to be so prepared for this Christmas. I have had a Christmas Club account (with nothing in it) but I intend to change that (I hope). As you read in this month’s Gisborne Gazette, Anzac Day has passed. I would like to tell you about one of our residents, “Jack Smith”. Jack Smith was in Borneo, Kokoda Trail and many more war zones. Jack was shot, with the bullet going through his slouch hat along the top of his skull. Each Anzac Day his son John took Jack to the Anzac Day Service in Gisborne. Sadly Jack passed away about a week before Anzac Day but he will be remembered as a true veteran and gentleman. On Sunday April 1, my grand-daughter Fiona went to church with me. After Mass we went to the market and what a market it is – something for everyone. I saw a statue and thought that would be nice in my garden and I never realised it was made of concrete. Fiona carried it everywhere. I’m sure her arm must have stretched. We then went to the Telegraph for lunch (banana fritters!). While Fiona took her car back to the hostel, I took what should have been a shortcut through the shopping centre and there was the Strudel Man! How could I say no – returning home just in time to stop all the panic of “I lost Nana” by explaining, “I knew there was food involved!” Betty Stay safe,

Proudly sponsored by Macedon Ranges Health

Shed can be just about socialising

Special deal offered on 'gym or swim'

Sometimes it takes a while to feel like you “fit in” after joining a new group or organisation. New faces, strange practices and not knowing where things are can be quite unsettling, often leading to an early departure. However, our newest members, Charlie and John, say they felt at home right away in our Shed. Neither of them joined with any ambition to build anything. They were just looking for a comfortable environment in which to socialise over a friendly cuppa. Mixing with others outside the family and listening to their views helps to develop a healthy perspective on life. John is happier to listen rather than talk and hears all sorts of entertaining trivia, including one fellow Shedman

During May, new members to the Gisborne Fitness Centre or Gisborne Aquatic Centre who buy a three-month gym or swim membership will get an extra month membership free. The special deal makes it easier for residents to keep active and healthy during the cooler months, when it can be hard to get outdoors and exercise. The offer is valid for new members only, from May 1 to May 31. Terms and conditions apply. To find out how you can get more for your money, visit mrsc. or call 5422 0333.

observing that 90% of cockatoos attacking his flora are left-footed. Charlie says it’s nice to be part of a group where everyone else has their ailments too! Whether it’s enlightenment or entertainment (or both) you seek, drop in any Monday, Wednesday or Thursday morning and see how you rate us. If you see either Charlie or John in the street, feel free to ask them more about what the Shed has to offer.

Learn about exercise and living with Parkinson's New Shedmen Charlie and John.

Unspoken – what will become of me? All Australians are encouraged to discuss their future health care preferences with their loved ones. Macedon Ranges Health is hosting an information session on this topic on Thursday May 17 from 1pm to 2pm. This session will help you understand end of life options and how to have your wishes respected. Topics also include Advance Care Planning, palliative care and the new Voluntary Assisted Dying legislation. For further information on this

session please phone 1300 888 802. This presentation is being organised through the Macedon Ranges Shire Council. This practical and interactive session aims to raise awareness and encourage conversations about planning for a time when you may not be able to make decisions or communicate your wishes. It will help you understand your endof-life options and how to have your wishes respected.

The Macedon Ranges Health Centre will host a presentation by Punchin' Parko's Victoria on a new program designed for people living with Parkinson’s. Punchin' Parko's is a non-contact boxing and exercise program for men and women of any age specifically designed for people with Parkinson’s. Research supports the importance of skill-based, repetitive and complex exercise in the fight against Parkinson’s disease. The presentation will be on Monday May 7 at 1pm at the MRH Centre. For further information contact Nicolette at MRH on 5428 0300 or Casey at Punchin' Parko's on 0425 778 789.

MRH 60TH BIRTHDAY APPEAL Supporting Mental Health and Youth Support Services

In Australia, it’s estimated that 45 per cent of people will experience a mental health condition in their lifetime1 and an average of eight Australians take their own lives every day2. Macedon Ranges Health provides pyschology, counselling and youth support services to adults, adolescents and children in areas including anxiety, depression, grief, loss, social and relationship difficulties. As a not-for-profit organisation, we rely on the generosity of our community to support these important services. Please consider donating to our 60th Birthday Appeal to help us continue this vital work in our community. 1958 - 2018 SERVING THE COMMUNITY

Call 5428 0300 or email (2018) Australian Bureau of Statistics (2016)

1 2

24 Gisborne Gazette May 2018

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30/04/2018 1:21:08 PM

Oaks helps celebrate health service 60th

New year starts for Gisborne TOWN Club

The Gisborne Oaks nursing home hosted a special gourmet birthday lunch for residents and their families on Sunday April 22. It was also lovely for representatives from the MRH board and staff and Paula Trood from Benetas (General Manager Residential Services, Quality & Compliance) to be able to join the residents for lunch. Thank you to our wonderful chef Renju who served a delicious lunch and afternoon tea. The event also provided an opportunity to update Gisborne Oaks residents and their families on the Benetas-MRH amalgamation. A commemorative pictorial book celebrating the history of Macedon Ranges Health is available for purchase from the MRH Centre from Tuesday May 1 at a cost of $10. Kelly Milne

Different vaccinations for different stages of life As our knowledge of the disease process is continually evolving, modern-day medicine has allowed us to eradicate most childhood illnesses which were common only one generation ago. A recent study by the Australian Institute of Health and Welfare found that 94% of children in the Macedon Ranges are fully immunised by the age of five, just under the ‘herd immunity’ target of 95%. One of the motivations for the increase was the government introducing the 'no jab, no pay' policy in 2016, with childcare benefits and family tax payments withheld from parents unless their children were immunised. As people age, there are different

vaccinations recommended. Babies and children are now vaccinated for a host of diseases including but not limited to whooping cough, hepatitis B, diphtheria, tetanus, measles, mumps, rubella and influenza. Children in high school are recommended to have the human papilloma virus (HPV), whooping cough and tetanus boosters, influenza and meningococcal vaccines. As we get older the government supplies free of charge for those aged 65 and over influenza and pneumococcal vaccines along with at-risk groups. Those aged from 70 to 79 are eligible for a free shingles vaccine. Submitted by Gisborne Medical Centre


Help, please – do you like driving? The MRH Community Lifestyle Enhancement Program involves taking community members on outings for the afternoon on a Thursday. We are a looking for a kind and enthusiastic volunteer to assist with driving the bus from 11.30am to 4.30pm. The requirements are simple: you love driving, you have a valid driving licence, and once registered as a volunteer you will need a Fit to Drive Medical. If you are interested we would love to hear from you. Please call our Intake Team on 5428 0300 to register your interest.

Gisborne Take Off Weight Naturally Club started a new TOWN year on the April 1, also getting in our results for our March Pedometer Challenge. Boy are we good walkers! The 11 members who participated walked 3,585,271 steps which is approximately equivalent to 2,716km. It was a truly great effort for those who participated and has our other members motivated to join us in next year’s challenge. Autumn is definitely here, the leaves are turning and the days getting shorter; it’s a time of change. It’s a good time to assess how we can change our eating and exercise habits so that we can survive the colder months ahead and not resort to eating sugary and fatty foods, and vegging out on the couch leading to weight gain. One way to achieve this is to choose wonderful autumn coloured vegetables to add   Dianne Egan flavour, vitamins and nutrients to our meals, eg orange capsicums, purple beetroot or red cabbage. Adding herbs and spices adds flavour without extra calories. At Gisborne TOWN Club we will help you with these changes to your lifestyle to lead to healthy weight loss. If you want to know more, contact Kathy on 5428 1334 or Dianne on 5428 3088. Di Egan




Melton Toyota 143-147 High Street, Melton T 03 8746 0300 LMCT 1976 [V] Offer applicable for private customers, Bronze and Silver fleet customers, and primary producers only. Offer available on new vehicles produced January 2018 to April 2018 and purchased from 01/03/2018 - 30/04/2018 unless offer extended. Free onroad costs mean 12 months registration, 12 months compulsory third party insurance (CTP), a maximum dealer delivery charge and stamp duty. Offer excludes metallic paint. T2018-009423

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30/04/2018 1:21:27 PM

Gisborne Bushwalkers volunteer to help manage Macedon Regional Park After a successful trial in 2017, the Bushwalking Club and Parks Victoria have formalised a “Friends of Macedon Regional Park” partnership and our club members are active in the park on a monthly basis under the leadership of members David and Marian Bridgman. Activities to date have included trail audits, sign improvements and recently a clean-up along the “eco trail” at Sanatorium Lake. The volunteers have received encouragement and support from Parks Victoria’s Ranger Team Leader, Angelo Keratianos, who also arranges a tasty sausage sizzle for the team after a morning's work. On the last “working bee”, the team cleared away some undergrowth to expose three giant

redwoods close to Sanatorium Lake. These trees were planted in 1933 and have become a little lost as the bush encroached. Angelo took the team to the site and explained the Parks Victoria vision of opening the area to encourage people to sit and reflect upon the beauty of the forest. The volunteers were enthused by this vision and enjoyed contributing to its fulfilment. If these activities sound interesting to you or you would like further information, you can contact our club President Pierre Muehlheim on 5428 3490 or Vice-President Peter Bishop on 5427 0888, or go to our website www.gisborne Peter Bishop

Gisborne bushwalkers dressed up for volunteer work at Mt Macedon.

Gisborne recycler leads battery charge Quietly chugging away at New Gisborne is Australia’s first lithium and handheld-battery recycling facility, Envirostream Australia, eating its way through your old batteries. They could handle a lot more work. “We’re not nearly at full capacity,” says director Andrew Mackenzie. The biggest block, he says, is that the state’s tips do not have battery disposal/collection facilities, which he would like to see change as soon as possible. A ban on e-waste (batteries) comes into effect midnext year. Ahead of the ban, Environment Minister Lily D’Ambrosio and the Member for Macedon, MaryAnne Thomas, visited Envirostream on April 26 to announce that about 130 e-waste collection sites across Victoria would be upgraded. A $16.5m input will see Envirostream partner with Planet Ark and Mobile Muster on a network of battery disposal units. Andrew said Envirostream was seeking to boost employee numbers at New Gisborne. Anyone interested can apply through the company’s website at Envirostream Australia director Andrew Mackenzie, MP Mary-Anne Thomas and Minister Lily D’Ambrosio at Envirostream in New Gisborne on April 26.

Birds of the Macedon Ranges #43

Black-faced Cuckooshrike Ron Weste spotted this striking bird in the paddock behind his home in Mount Macedon. The Black-faced Cuckooshrike is one of the most widely distributed birds across the Australian mainland and Tasmania. Apart from its distinctive face it can be recognised by its sweeping undulating flight and its habit of awkwardly shuffling its wings after landing.

Have a laugh I recently decided to sell my vacuum cleaner as all it was doing was gathering dust.

Nominations are now OPEN Recognise your sporting club's most valuable off-field performer For more details & to nominate visit or phone Sports Focus on 5442 3101

Nominations close 30 June 2018 Supported by Leading Edge Computers, Bendigo

26 Gisborne Gazette May 2018

Vale Lou De Haas, ‘volunteer veteran’ Lou De Haas served as a volunteer member of the Gisborne SES for approximately 35 years. During this time, he provided a dedicated and noble service to the Macedon Ranges community, which was apparent through the time he also devoted to other emergency and military services. As a volunteer, Lou was a proactive and diligent operational member of Gisborne SES, especially in the field of bushcraft and navigation. He was an absolute specialist in this field, a ‘subject matter expert’. I called him the “where’s Wally" of the Macedon Ranges because he basically knew every bushland, reserve, national park and state forest footprint, and its topography, within the Macedon Ranges and neighbouring areas. Whenever we had a search and rescue in any of these areas, Lou was your ‘go to’ man. He used his expert bushcraft knowledge on numerous occasions to assist SES responders to locate missing persons, or 'geographically challenged' people. Lou had a cheeky smile which was infectious. He was a positive and warm person with a gentle soul, who will be dearly missed by his friends at Gisborne SES, colleagues past and present. Di Dale, Gisborne SES Lou De Haas



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Spot the difference What do sea monsters eat? Fish and ships. Why are false teeth like stars? They come out at night. When do mathematicians die? When their number’s up. How can you make jumpers on computers? By getting on the interknit. What is the definition of intense? That’s where campers sleep.

Can you find five differences between the pictures?

How do you use an Egyptian doorbell? Toot and come in.

1. Name Australia’s largest inland city.

What do you call a gardener? Doug.

2. What is a Penny Black? 3 Name the Australian who painted “Down on his Luck”.

What looks like half a loaf of bread? The other half.

4 Which two countries in South America do not border Brazil? 5 Newsreader Peter Hitchener reads the news on which television station?

What is the smelliest sport? Ping pong.

6 When were postcodes introduced in Australia?

What are the five letters the dentist says when he looks in your mouth? O I C D K.


7. Bendigo 8. Sydney Harbour Bridge 9. Jacinda Ardern 10. 80

10 How many Gold Medals did Australia win in the Commonwealth Games this year?

5. Channel 9 6. 1965

9 Name the Prime Minister of New Zealand.

Canberra The first postage stamp Fred McCubbin Ecuador & Chile

8 Which Australian landmark is nicknamed The Coathanger?

Eli, Catie, Ellie and Claire of Mount Macedon Primary School catch up on the local news after helping put this edition together.

1. 2. 3. 4.

7 Which Victorian city was once named Sandhurst?

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30/04/2018 1:44:59 PM


Proudly sponsored by Tracee Perry

Alan Perry

New Gisborne Primary students learn about Aboriginal culture “Today is the day of our excursion!” I shouted. We were going to the Royal Botanic Gardens. As the bus departed school I wondered about all the things we might do there. When we arrived, each of the Year 3 classes met their Learning Facilitator. The first thing we did was take part in a traditional Welcome Ceremony, known as a Smoking Ceremony. We were all given some clapping sticks. We clapped along with the didgeridoo player and listened to the Aboriginal man who welcomed us in his traditional language. Afterwards, at the next activity, we looked at tools Aboriginal people used to

use in their everyday lives. We learnt about an instrument that makes a noise to attract emus, digging sticks and bowls. I even got to touch a possum skin, it was very soft. We then moved on to do some Matilda Barr, painting. “Crush, crush!” we banged Year 3 Reporter. ochre against the rock to make a powder which we mixed with water. We used the paint to create our own artworks. I decided to do a painting of a camp site and a possum eating wild berries. Next we looked at trees, plants and medicines that aboriginal people used. In particular, we learnt about the sap tree and the red gum tree. It was an awesome excursion and I learnt a lot! Matilda Barr, Year 3 Left: Part of the Welcome Ceremony. Below: Isabella, Max, Ben and Georgina with one of the Gardens' Learning Facilitators, Ella.

Sunday (front left) in blazer, with (L-R) Maddie, Charlotte, Ruby and Gigi.

Term One at Middle Gully Macedon Primary School has an amazing nature reserve across the road that we call Middle Gully that we love dearly. We have chickens there that the students look after. We also collect the chicken eggs. There is a program called Landcare that each class has at Middle Gully once a term. It teaches the students about the environment but also involves fun activities such as making food, gardening and bush craft. In term one at Middle Gully, some of the things we did were: make seed pots out of newsZucchini, olives and paper and plant beans in them, herbs for the bruschetta. harvest fruit and vegetables and sell them after school, make salad and cook zucchini with herbs and olives (students picked and bottled these last year) to eat on bruschetta (yum!), make wicking beds, help make compost, and paint tyres to be recycled as planter pots. The other day at Middle Gully, we had to move inside the Tomato and cucumber shed because an enormous salad. male kangaroo came to visit! By Sunday, Maddie, Charlotte, Gigi, and Ruby

Gisborne Limo Cabs

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30/04/2018 5:35:38 PM

Handmade instruments bring happy notes Gisborne Primary Grade Five student Lucas performed strongly in the 50m freestyle (2nd) and backstroke (4th) events at the recent Regional Swimming Carnival in Geelong. The 9/10 girls’ relay team and Holly also participated.


The end of Term 1 was certainly busy. A freelance home-made instrument builder, John Madin, worked with all primary school students and chiselled marimba keys for our school marimba which our music teacher, Charlotte Roberts, built over the summer holidays (a marimba is a large wooden glockenspiel). During the two-day workshop students had the opportunity to play an echo cello (an easy to play button driven cello), music-boxes (musical boxes you jump on) and musical bicycles (exercise bike transformed into a piano-meets-glockenspiel). We finished the term with an open morning for our school community to view the primary students’ projects on Rocks and Minerals and Landforms. Projects included handmade models of Hanging Rock, Uluru and Buchan Caves. Our end of term whole school assembly saw many students perform their own choreographed pieces on stage in

Gisborne Primary launches its own ‘War on Waste’ The slogan ‘think globally, act locally’ works both ways. We discovered this last month when waste collection services were temporarily halted in the Macedon Ranges due to the Chinese government’s decision to halt imports of some recycled materials. At Gisborne Primary School, the push for ‘nude food’ has inspired some friendly competition between each class (and their lunchboxes) to reduce the amount of rubbish that goes to landfill via our kerbside collection. If you have access to ‘iview’, The ABC’s War on Waste TV series is a great educator about this for everyone. Late in Term One, we welcomed new Grade Five teacher Liam Gomez-Kervin. Meanwhile, new school handyman Joe Giuffre has been kept busy by the formation of a PlaySpace Project team and its plans to create a new-look yard for students. A chocolate drive has been in full swing to provide the funds to help make this happen. Meanwhile, the school uniform turned a shade of purple to raise money for the Epilepsy Foundation in late March, an initiative that was driven by Grade Three student Chloe. The National Day of Action Against Violence and Bullying provided the perfect opportunity to emphasise our school values. Under the umbrella motto of ‘Caring’, students are also supported to develop and demonstrate ‘Respect’, ‘Responsibility’, ‘Resilience’ and ‘Personal Best’. David McCall

  

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Locklhan Valeliano sinks his boot into the footy.

the Dreamtime Quest and Development Camp. Students were excited about hiking, kayaking and rock climbing in the Grampians National Park and getting a true taste of Aboriginal culture. Leanne Humphreys

Students from Sunbury and Macedon Ranges Specialist School held their annual Footy Day at Bullengarook Recreation Reserve on April 20. About 200 students from both campuses took advantage of the beautiful weather and displayed their skills in front of a good crowd of parents and friends. The games were all played in great spirit and the students demonstrated sportsmanship across all age areas. It was great to see all of the staff and students wearing their club colours and getting into the spirit of the day. Special mention goes to the year 11 VCAL class for organising the lunches for staff and students. Terrific job everybody! Garry Heald







Saturday 12th May  9am-1pm FEATURING HAKEAS,  dwarf EUCALYPTS  EREMOPHILAS  Info: Barb / David 5428 9369   or 

Gazette May 2018 26-30.indd 29

small groups, displaying their talents in drama, music, dance and even a singing of the periodic table. The first week of Term 2 our upper primary students headed off to camp at Halls Gap, participating in

Spirits high at Bullengarook Footy Day

 At St Andrew's Uniting Church,  Bacchus Marsh (MEL333 J6)

Grade 5 students Olivier and Tegan play home-made musical instruments.




30/04/2018 5:36:14 PM

Free breakfast for school kids Last December the 3 Little Pigs cafe ran a breakfast club on weekdays for school-aged children. It was a great success and Matt and Kishani from 3 Little Pigs have offered to host this on an ongoing basis. The club started again on April 20 and will run every Friday at 8am during the school term. Breakfast of a cereal, toast and juice will be provided free of charge. A walking school bus will depart 3 Little Pigs at 8.30am to Gisborne Primary

and St Brigid's, supervised by a minimum of two adults who have their Working With Children permits. It is hoped to be able to expand this service to encompass every school day but the cafe needs help to do that. If any members of the public have their Working With Children permit and would like to get involved, we would love to hear from them. Susan can be contacted on 0400 403 747. Susan Spaltman

St Brigid’s students at the GRIP Conference in Melbourne.

St Brigid’s seniors attend leadership conference All of the year 6 students from sponsibility, Integrity St Brigid’s attended the GRIP and People. ThroughS Brigid's out the day we were Leadership Conference at Catholic Learning Community In faith, we grow and learn. the Melbourne Exhibition and given the opportunity to speak to other Convention Centre on March 14. Almost all of the seats in the audito- young leaders from different schools rium were filled with the 3000-plus stu- to share ideas and to discuss ways in dents that were there along with teachers which we can make a positive change and classroom helpers. and leave a wonderful impression on our The conference was a fantastic day school community. filled with lots of excitement and enterWe would like to thank the generous tainment, as well as helping us to learn people at Gisborne Bendigo Bank who about what it takes to be leaders. helped the year 6 students to attend on During the day we unpacked what the day. Without their support, we would GRIP stands for and how we as leaders not have been able to learn about being of our school can display this to make our leaders who transform and make a difschool and our community a marvelous ference. place. GRIP stands for Generosity, ReCharlotte Taylor and Harry Keenan

Special 'Last Post' at Holy Cross An exciting start to Term 2, with our grade three and four classes moving back to their refurbished classrooms. While there are still a few outside jobs to be completed, everyone at Holy Cross will be a lot warmer and more comfortable this winter! Past families will remember having to bring gumboots to school in winter, but now with all the walkways enclosed and heaters installed we may even be looking forward to the winter! Quite a number of Holy Cross children attended the Anzac Day service in Gisborne, marching in their school uniforms (see page 22). It is always nice to come together as a community for this event and the children recognise the significance of the day. At our school Anzac prayer service Grade 2/S led the prayer and we were very fortunate to have one of our students play the Last Post for the service.

Lewis Gatt performed the Last Post at Holy Cross's school Anzac service. Lewis had obviously had a lot of practice to be able to play so well. It really added to the atmosphere of the gathering with the whole school displaying reverence to honour our past and present service men and women.

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1800 931 188 | 30 Gisborne Gazette May 2018

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30/04/2018 2:21:02 PM


With Emily Keane & Owen Hughes

Robin Funston (left) and John De Lai from the RSL joined students for a special Anzac assembly.

Vice-Captains Louis Saunders and Elise Muscat spoke at the Gisborne service and laid a wreath on behalf of GGSC.

Anzac Day at Gisborne Secondary College This year at Gisborne Secondary College, Anzac Day was commemorated over several days. This started with a visit from Robin Funston and John Delai, Secretary and President of the Gisborne RSL, who shared their stories with our Year 9 students. During the day students participated in activities including Anzac biscuit making, researching the history of Anzac and analysing wartime photographs. Students finished the day watching a film set in the trenches of World War 1. This experience highlighted to students the importance of Anzac Day commemorations and gave them an insight into how the past connects to their lives today.

Robyn Funston, John De Lai and Frank Donovan from Gisborne RSL attended the school assembly on April 24. Each of these men spoke alongside our school captains. The captains read a letter sent home from a soldier and a battle report for Villers-Bretonneux on the Western Front, while Robin and John spoke about their experiences as veterans. Frank sang a song to the students regarding the Anzac spirit and the way we must maintain it. On Anzac Day, our School Captains, Owen and Emily, presented a reading and laid a wreath at the Mt Macedon Dawn Service and Vice-Captains Louis and Elise did the same at the Gisborne service.

How to play an active role in your child’s career development Many of us are connected in Understand that career developour own communities or workplacment is about making new es and have valuable networks we discoveries over an extended can tap into. period of time, developing Why not see if you can encourand building on our skills and investigating industries, rather age a meeting, a conversation or With Kerry Huke than that ‘one dream job’. even a visit to a workplace. I understand that some families don’t necessarily You often find that young people will identify a sinwant their children to follow in their footsteps, so it gle job and then completely stop looking, seeing or is important for you to show them the ground that even hearing any other ideas or suggestions. This is others have walked, or will be walking in the future. what we need to avoid. Focus on young people’s skills and interests while There are also a number of industry experience days providing them with experience to learn from. An artithat you can attend with your child; details can be found on the ‘calendar’ on the GSC careers page. cle by Melissa Heagney in The Weekly Review magLastly, read the Foundation for Young Australians’ azine last year highlighted that in 2014 more than comprehensive report on this topic that provides in13,000 students changed their university courses, and this had remained constant over the past deformation to assist families, students and educationcade. More on this at al providers to better prepare students for the future world of work: you can download The New Work learn/choices-for-the-future-planning-your-careerMindset Report at work-mindset-report It is important for students to take ownership of Kerry Huke their decisions and have a genuine interest in the industry they choose to study. So what can we do? Careers Development Coordinator, 5428 3691


Welcome back to all staff and students from our first term break. Hopefully everyone enjoyed their well deserved refresh, but it is important we return to our hard-working ways executed in term one. A highlight for many of our students in April, especially for our Year 12s, was the college’s annual athletics carnival. It was so great to see the Year 12s dressing up and creating an exciting environment for all students and teachers. It was so encouraging to see so many students participating in events for their house teams. A big congratulations to all house captains who helped organise events and ensured the event ran smoothly, and to Wurundjeri House for taking out the athletics trophy. Also a huge thank you to Melton Athletic Facility for allowing us to use their amazing track and field, and with the weather holding up it was a fantastic day. Gisborne Secondary offers many amazing opportunities for students, including overseas trips. This July, our lovely Japanese teacher, Ms Ikaga, is taking a handful of students to Japan. A student shares with us her excitement about the upcoming overseas trip: “During the winter break, fourteen students from years 9, 10 and 11, will be embarking on the trip of a lifetime to Japan. The group will travel through famous cities such as Tokyo and Hiroshima, as well as visiting regional areas, such as our sister school’s town, Fukuoka. We can’t wait for our journey to begin!” – Lily. Again we would like to say how privileged we are to be in a school that offers amazing opportunities for all students to extend themselves and explore the world around them, gaining a more fruitful experience of education. Though term two has only just begun, the time will fly past us! So enjoy and be present in every moment you can, especially in the moments where the Macedon Ranges offers us warmth and sunshine.

Busy term two at Mount Macedon Primary School Welcome back everyone. We hope that you had an amazing holiday and that you’re refreshed and ready for the new term. As nothing much has happened yet when we have to write this, we’re going to give you a quick run through of what’s to come in term two at Mount Macedon!

In late April local schools will compete in the inter school cross country for a spot in the top 10 runners. Those who make it will compete in the district cross country in Werribee. Other sporting events this term include inter school

soccer and inter school netball. Other than sports, this term we have the Alliance Francaise French poetry competition in Melbourne. Grade 6 students learn a poem and recite it for a spot in the finals at Alliance Française. We have the neon disco, where everyone dresses in bright colours (or white)

and gathers for dancing and food, followed by the grade 5/6 city camp when we go to places such as the Vic Market, Old Melbourne Gaol, Parliament House and the Melbourne Museum. So that sums up a pretty busy term at Mount Macedon Primary School. By Chloe and Catie

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30/04/2018 2:21:30 PM


Proudly sponsored by Rob Mitchell Federal Member for McEwen 1300 701 966

Welcome to the Winter Comp at Macedon

Finton Hayes pushing off the wall in his backstroke.

Underwater camera proves a boon to swim coaching Gisborne Thunder Swimming Club would like to thank Gisborne & District Community Bank branch of Bendigo Bank for their generous grant of $2000 to enable the club to buy an underwater GoPro camera. Over the past couple of months our coaches have been using the device extensively to record and analyse our swimmers’ techniques during squad training sessions and skill-specific sessions. The GoPro camera has been instrumental in enabling our coaches to develop our swimmers by recording techniques underwater and giving instant feedback to improve stroke technique. Many of our club swimmers have excelled in the recent school swimming competitions,

and much of this development has been accredited to our wonderful squad coaches. Gisborne Thunder Swimming club would like to acknowledge the coaching excellence of Stephanie Bertalmio, Laura O’Meara, Laura Butler and Wayne Wilson. Without their guidance and expertise our swimmers could not achieve the outstanding results they have in the pool over the last few months. The first Club night for the swimming season will be held on Saturday May 12 at the Gisborne Aquatic Centre at 5pm. The AGM will start at this time and we are always looking for new committee members to join our dynamic team. See you at the pool. Faye Matthews

Amanda Millar


Talented Macedon juniors Ari Kenny, Bryn Rowland, Oscar Barry, Alex Cruikshank and Josh Doolan.

Mt Macdon Petanque Club Mt Macedon Petanque Club players are now down to two playing days per month, being the second and fourth Saturday from 10am. We had a very busy period during March and April. In early March the club hosted the 1st Gisborne Venturers Group to give them an experience of playing petanque, which was enjoyed by the Venturers and club members. The Avoca Doubles was held over a hot and windy weekend and June and Rhonda were the women’s champions for the second year. Vincent and Bernie were fourth in the mens complementaire. Easter saw five members attending three separate events at the National Singles, Doubles and Triples Competition held at Caulfield Park. 150 players from all states participated; our members were all very competitive, but could not make any of the principal finals. Terry Hunter came third in the Mens 60+ Complementaire. The North West Region Clubs held their annual interclub Competition at Halls Gap, where two teams of five players from each of seven clubs were represented, in mid-April. They compete over five rounds for the NW Region Challenge Cup. The winning team's club gets to host the competition in 2019. We will inform you next month of the result. For further information on petanque please contact Doreen on 0417 552 063.

Liberal for Macedon Mothers Day - 13 May

s, Recognising all mother rs and grandmothers and care y wishing you a very happ Mother’s Day!

PO Box 76 Gisborne 3437

Macedon Tennis Club Juniors have begun the winter season with six terrific teams spread across Sections A to C. We wish them all good luck, good weather and good sportsmanship. The club had a celebration on April 5 at the Mt Macedon Hotel. We recognised two juniors who have played through the ranks for several years finally resulting in being “aged out”. Ari Kenny started playing for Macedon 11 years ago in Section D, playing over many winters and summers, in many finals and with many other Macedon kids. He has wonderful memories and solid friendships that have developed over the years. The other player now over 18 is Jesse Svendsen who started tennis lessons at Macedon when he was in Grade 1, comp in Grade 3 and has been a constant, dedicated and reliable player over all those years. He has participated in several grand finals and, like Ari, has made many friends along the way. We wish Ari and Jesse the best of luck and thank them for their involvement in our great club. At the same night, we also presented the Runners Up Trophy to the A1 team for the Summer Comp. The team was comprised of Oscar Barry, Alex Cruikshank, Josh Doolan and Bryn Rowland. Lisa Fowler

0455 209 459

/AmandaMillarforMacedon Authorised by N Demiris, 104 Exhibition Street, Melbourne.

32 Gisborne Gazette May 2018

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Bowlers play a little and eat a lot in poor weather

The victorious Division 2 Team.

Seconds make it a double Last month’s edition featured a photo of Gisborne Bowling Club’s First Division team for winning the CHBD premiership on March 17. Not to be outdone, Gisborne’s Second Division Red team also won the premiership this year, defeating Kyneton

75-63 at Kyneton Golf. This was the first time that the Club has claimed this double.

It was an outstanding effort by both teams, and the Club will be enjoying double celebrations for some time to Helena Cyrulo come.

The Layton Homes Invitational Fours was played for the second year on Saturday April 14 at the Gisborne and District Bowling Club. The inaugural tournament last year was successful and well-attended and seems to be going from strength to strength, with 26 teams The winning team with Layton Homes representative Glenn from various clubs en- Arthur (far right). tered this year. Unfortunately the weather did not invaluable volunteer members. The winning team on count back work in our favour this year, with play having to be abandoned after just one with 27 points was Geoff Luke, Pat game of eight ends due to the rain. Clark, Bob Cowan, and Lorraine Geary. The happy winners and place-getters Fortunately the players were able to warm up in the clubhouse with were all presented with cash prizes, the delicious hot two-course lunch thanks to the generous sponsorship of Layton Homes. prepared and served by the club’s

Gisborne Ramblers Program for May

Umpires line up with Wayne Schwass (centre) before the Riddell v Macedon Puka Up Cup to promote mental health in April. Puka Up was founded by former AFL footballer Schwass, now leading mental health advocate, with the goal of stamping out suicide.

Friday 4: Coimadai - Long Forrest (Northern Section) Friday 11: Mt Towrong Loop (Anzac Rd start) Friday 18: Macedon - zoo loop Friday 25: Gisborne - Bullard Rd If you would like to join us for a social walk and lift your fitness, we meet at Dixon Field near the tennis club at 9.15 am for a 9.30am start. Please bring your own cup and $1 towards the cost of tea, coffee & biscuits. Wear sturdy shoes and comfortable clothing as required for the day. Walks last for about 90 minutes but travelling time varies. We are a casual group not a club, there are no membership fees and no insurance is offered – you walk at your own risk and responsibility. Contact Charles on 5428 3021 or via


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Gisborne Flower Shoppe


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30/04/2018 5:38:34 PM

Mt Macedon Golf Club

Gisborne Golf Club Gala Day winners Helen Flentje, Leanne Delavay, Wendy Ralph and June Harrison.

Congratulations Mark Burrage and Graham Bysouth, countback winners of the GREAT Gisborne Gazette Golf Gala. A quality field enjoyed the excellent course condition and a delicious barbecue lunch. Two monthly medals were decided last month with Will Devereux taking the MTA Travel February medal in a playoff from Bob Close, while Sandy Close’s nett 66 was good enough to get the job done to win the Gisborne Peak Winery March medal. The Gold Plate team’s event suffered the wrath of the thunder gods when a deluge struck. Some excellent nine hole scores had been recorded, none better than Steve Hohmann’s 26 points, however it was all for nought as the event was postponed. All results and pro rata membership options can be viewed at Walrus Winners of the Heathcote Bowl – Angela Alcock, Roberta Henry and Kerry Peterson.

Mt Macedon Club Captain Jerome Langmaid (left) and club members congratulate Graham Bysouth and Mark Burrage, the eighth winners of the Gisborne Gazette Golf Gala shield.

Fun and fame at Gisborne Gala Day Angela Alcock, Roberta Henry and Kerry Petersen had a very successful time winning the Heathcote Bowl on April 6 and Angela Cordell was one of the winners of the Horvat Financials Seniors Competition on April 22. Awesome wins girls. On April 18 the club held its Gala Day. This event was booked out weeks in advance and there was even a waiting list if anyone dropped out. This year all proceeds went towards Autocopy Printing, a deserving local business that took over the print shop after WIndarring disability services had to close it.

It was a terrific day organised by the Ladies Committee and all the lady members lent a hand. There were raffles, a silent auction, fun golf with longest drive on the 10th, nearest to pins on the par 3s and even an orange ball each team had to play with, and the pressure was on to score with this ball but also to retain it to be in line for winning. The overall winners were Helen Flentje, Leanne Delavay, Wendy Ralph from Gisborne and June Harrison from Peninsula Golf Club. We also welcomed back our former captain, Lyn Wells, for the day and presented her with a photo book of her time at Gisborne Golf Club. Emma Brown

Exhibition and Sale

By the Macedon Ranges Spinners and Fibre Group At

Patch n Quilt 14 Princes St Gisborne

First weekend in May

Saturday 5th May 9:30am – 3pm Sunday 6th May 9:00am – 2pm Come and look at the exhibition & handcrafted items for sale; For Mother’s day and woolly warmers for the cooler weather: Shawls, scarves, socks, beanies and more 34 Gisborne Gazette May 2018

Gazette May 2018 31-40.indd 34

Dave McLellan and Luke Robinson ably man the barbecue despite the pestering of dozens of European wasps.

Sports administrator awards Recognise the efforts of your sporting club’s most valuable off-field performer: nominations are open for the 2018 Sports Focus ‘Administrator of the Year’ award. Do you know someone:  Who has made a significant contribution to their local sporting club?  Is an inspiration to the community for their work, commitment and dedication to sport?  Goes above and beyond to change their club for the better and to encourage, support and motivate others? Then nominate them now. The award recognises the achievements and contribution made by volunteer administrators. Visit or phone 5442 3101 for more details or to nominate. Nominations close on June 30.

30/04/2018 2:55:35 PM

Season wrap-up for the Dragons It was a big season for the Dragons, with lots happening right around the club. First up, warm thanks to the many fantastic people who make this such a strong community club: to those who volunteer their time to coach, captain, score and assist us getting more than 300 cricketers on the park every week; to the Committee who are the engine room for all this to happen. Special mention to the Cliffy Dean winner, Rachael Lineham, who has done a terrific job with kids' cricket and functions. Thanks also to our fantastic sponsors who provide such essential support to the club. A few highlights The club's facilities were enhanced this season with the extension and upgrade of the nets at Gardiner. A few finishing touches are required, but what a great facility we have. The first Past Players day was a major success and will be an annual fixture. The feedback from our past legends was excellent and it was nicely topped off by the skipper Jarryd Vernon making a slashing ton. The junior program was again very strong, with some great coaching and parental support coordinated by Brett “Killer” Thomas. The first girls' junior team was kicked off this season and we expect that this will be an exciting part of the club in the future. The women’s team has been revitalised, with strong training numbers and lots of enthusiasm. There is some way to go before we are competitive but we are on the right track. We received excellent feedback from other clubs about the spirit and attitude of this team. Jarryd Vernon won the GDCA Aggregate award and he and Darren Ward made the GDCA team of the year after outstanding seasons. Callum Jackman was nominated as a life member of the club. A few things to work on We struggled all season to fill six senior men's sides. We had more than enough “on the list” but often had up to 30 players unavailable which made things difficult. We also really struggled for depth after a number of key player departures and fielded some sides which were not particularly strong on paper. Our B Grade and D grade sides were hit the hardest and struggled to compete at times, however the very young B grade side per-


Macedon Ranges Croquet Club The season is coming to an end but May is here and with it we celebrate World Croquet Day on May 1. And we have much to celebrate at our vibrant club: new members, beautiful greens, good sport and great friends. Why don’t you come on down and see if you can hit a ball through the hoops and join in fun, friendship and fellowship? As promised, the results of our Easter Raffle are as follows. 1st prize Richard Mc Kibbin, 2nd Judy Kudnig, 3rd Dawn Lee, 4th Max Luke, 5th Janice Lefeure, 6th Joss Tonkin, 7th Nadine Lawrence. Thank you everyone Margaret for your generous support. We may get Wardell new club rooms that will accommodate our needs one day. Meanwhile we live in hope and continue to enjoy our great game. Congratulations to Kyneton Croquet Club who soundly defeated us in the interclub challenge. Len Gamble has won his way through to the state finals at Cairnlea. Good luck, Len. Some members are off on holidays and have packed their mallet and whites. They are sure of a game along the way. Margaret Wardell

Darren Ward (left) and Jarryd Vernon were both honoured with selection in the Gisborne District Cricket Association’s ‘Team of the Year’ at the association’s presentation dinner in April. Jarryd, who is the Gisborne Cricket Club captain, was also awarded the GDCA’s ‘Champion Player’ for the 2017-18 season.

formed exceptionally well against the odds. We did not win any flags from any of our 21 teams (apart from the Under 17 T20 comp): although this is not the most important thing it does make life that bit better! We hope everyone has a good winter and enjoys whatever they are doing (doesn’t look too flash for us Carlton supporters). We begin planning for next season soon and look forward to seeing the mighty Dragons breathing fire again in October. Andrew Headberry

Gisborne Football Netball Club members acknowledge the club's major new three-year sponsorship from Kyneton Toyota.

Have a laugh I named my dog 6K so I can tell people that I walk 6K every single day.


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30/04/2018 2:55:49 PM


Seniors: Macedon v Lancefield on April 21. A grade netball: Gisborne v Kangaroo Flat, April 14.

U18 Girls’ football: Gisborne v Sunbury, April 22.

Rain or shine...

B Grade netball: Riddell v Macedon.

A rare wet autumn day catches the U17 netballers: Gisborne v Kangaroo Flat on April 14. U15 netball: United v Macedon on April 21.

Agility practice at Auskick.

Seniors: Gisborne v Kangaroo Flat, April 22.

U18 Girls: Gisborne v Sunbury, April 22.

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Above and right – Seniors: Macedon v Riddells Creek on April 7.

Seniors: Gisborne v Kangaroo Flat on April 14.

Reserves: Gisborne v Kangaroo Flat on April 14.

Young Auskickers practice at Macedon in April. Gisborne Gazette May 2018

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30/04/2018 7:51:56 PM


Sponsored by Anglican Parish of Gisborne ■ Uniting Church in Australia ■ St Andrew’s Presbyterian Church, Gisborne ■ House of the Rock Church, Gisborne ■ Gisborne Church of Christ ■ Faithworks-Manaaki ■ St Brigid’s Parish

St Paul's Op Shop Jottings The volunteers at St Paul’s Op Shop have been working overtime to stock the shelves, and our customers have benefited with an incredible range of items to select from. Don’t throw your recent magazines out – recycle by donating them to our Op Shop. They are very popular and we don’t mind if you have completed the crossword! Winter is almost here and there is a constant demand for blankets for us humans and also our canine friends. We would welcome good clean items for sale in our shop. Each Wednesday morning the “Have a Chat” coffee shop is open to customers. Sit and relax and chat with fellow shoppers and catch up with the latest news around town. A reminder to those people who donate clothing: When we empty the clothing bin at the front of the shop, it is most helpful if clothes are placed in bags. Loose clothing takes longer to remove from the clothing bin, especially when it is raining. This month we feature our valued long time volunteer, Dorothy “Popsy” Colquhoun. Graeme Millar, 0413 781 501

The photo and medals of Jean Wilkie’s great-aunt were of great interest to those who attended the April Muffin 'n More morning tea. (L to R): Maree Clarke, Pastor Annette Buckley, Angela Homesby, Robert Wilkie, Laurie John, Jean Wilkie, Janet Wood and Joan John.

Past winners aplenty at Uniting Church While there were no past Commonwealth Games winners at the most recent gathering of Muffin 'n More, there were plenty of past winners in a range of fields. Attendees were asked to bring certificates, medals, indeed any sort of award they had ever earned. These ranged from a red ribbon “for the second-happiest dog” through cycling medals from the 1920s to school and Sunday school prizes. The “winner” on the day was well-known local Jean Wilkie’s aunt who nursed in three wars, from the Boer War through to World War 2, and was honoured for her service in each of them. These gatherings on the

second Tuesday of each month are informal and warm (aided by our solar panels on the church roof.) Any and all ages are welcome. On Monday April 17 a group visited the Homestead, at Woodlands Historic Park. We had an excellent guided tour and learned expeditioners Burke and Wills stopped here on the second night of their ill-fated journey and the tiny bakery served as a “watering hole” for Cobb and Co coaches. We were served a traditional Devonshire Tea. Our next Afternoon Fellowship meeting will be an Oxfam forum on May 21. Our services are at 9:30am every Sunday. We would love to welcome you. Glennis Speed

ANGLICAN PARISH of GISBORNE Dorothy “Popsy” Colquhoun

THE WISDOM OF AGE Children need love especially when they do not deserve it. Harold S Haulbert

In 2016, the Archbishops of Canterbury and York invited the Church in England to undertake sustained prayer in the 11 days between Ascension and Pentecost. This has grown into an annual movement known as the wave of prayer, Thy Kingdom Come. The global prayer movement invites Christians around the world to pray for more people to come to know Jesus. Since the inception, it has grown into an international and ecumenical movement. The Anglican Parish of Gisborne has joined the movement and extends an invitation to all Christians in the Macedon Shire to join us in this very simple but essential 11 days of prayer. A beacon

service will bring all the Diocese together at St Paul’s Cathedral, Melbourne, on May 20 at 6pm. Archbishop Justin Welby sums up the campaign by saying “ praying ‘Thy Kingdom Come’, we all commit to playing our part in the renewal of the nations and the transformation of communities.” More information may be found at www. or our website St Paul’s Gisborne will be open daily throughout the time of prayer. All are welcome to come in and spend some time of prayer, or simply light a candle in solidarity. Dennis Webster

One of my favourite artists at the moment is Lauren Daigle. I love one of the lines from a recent song of hers, “I will stand my ground where hope can be found.” We all have other voices in our lives that bring in the negative. We all know at least one person who refuses to be optimistic and focuses on bad things. We all have moments ourselves of being down in the dumps, woe is me and things won’t get better. But challenge yourself with the lyrics to this song and refuse to be brought down. “I will stand my ground where hope can be found.” And as the saying goes, “I don’t know what tomorrow holds, but I know who holds tomorrow.” FaithWorks Christian Church invites you to our Sunday service at 10am at Manaaki and our Encounter Cafe on the first Sunday of every month. Come and grab a sausage or kransky out the front or a complimentary coffee and baked goodie in the cafe. We have a kid’s corner. All profits go towards the orphanage we sponsor in India. Would love to see you at FaithWorks, all welcome! Shelley Farrugia or find us on Facebook

HOUSE of the ROCK Explore the big questions Enjoy and explore the answers to the meaning of life’s big questions over a delicious breakfast. House of the Rock Church is running an Alpha course on Saturday mornings from May 5 for eight weeks at 247 Station Road, New Gisborne, from 9am-11.30am. Register with Carola 0449 263 140 or Jenny on 0428 262 039. 'Sisters Rock' Ladies gathering and Bible Study Group meets every second Friday at 10am and alternates with a new 'Sew What!' Craft Group. Sew whatever takes your fancy. This group meets fortnightly from 10am – 12 noon at 247 Station Road, New Gisborne. The next 'Sew What' will be on May 4, then on May 18. All welcome! Come in and join us for a cuppa.

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MAY 1918 Regarding the Gisborne Honour Avenue, at a recent committee meeting, the Secretary reported that during the past 12 months, an avenue of 100 trees (scarlet oaks) had been planted and seem to be doing satisfactorily, except for about 16, which appear to be dead, but only 4 to 6 at most are actually dead. It is a matter for consideration whether these trees should be taken out and renewed or given a chance to shoot this year. Our Macedon correspondent advises that public meetings were held last week at Macedon Upper and Macedon in connection with the planting of an Honour Avenue and it was decided at both meetings to plant the avenue on the Mile road between the cemetery and the letter-box corner. Correspondence was received by the Shire from W. and E. Gardiner, applying to have an electric light put on in front of their establishment. Cr. Brady thought the request should be granted, as it would be a great convenience to the general public. Cr. Beattie: If Mr. Gardiner wants the light, let him put it in his own yard. If we give this, there will be other applications. Cr. Bawden: The hotels put on a light at their own expense. Why not bring grist to the mill? Cr. Brady: You would not be incurring more expense by putting this on at Gardiner’s. There was a light burning at the power-house, which was of no use. It could be transferred to Gardiner’s. It has been announced that “The Rowans”, the residence of the late Mr Edward Cherry, has been transformed into a private hospital with Nurse Thomas in charge. This is one of the best buildings in the district, and it has been beautifully furnished and brought up to all the requirements of a private hospital. Nurse Thomas has had a wide experience in the metropolis in medical, surgical and nursing generally. The Chairman of the Licensing Court announced its decision in regard to deprivation of licences in Melton district. The licensing district covers a wide area, including the towns of Melton, Bulla, Digger’s Rest, Keilor and Sunbury. It contains 15 hotels so that the court had jurisdiction to close three. In the year 1839, when Melbourne was then a little bush township, the late Robert Hoddle, municipal surveyor of the embryo city, to whom the honour of making Melbourne’s initial street surveys belongs, purchased the block on the west side of Elizabeth Street, running from Little Collins St. to Bourke St., for the sum of £58. This property remained in the Hoddle family till last week, when it was sold by public auction by Messrs. Patterson & Sons, realizing the sum of £85,000.

ADULT RIDING CLUB (Gis) 2nd Saturday Robertson Res ADULT RIDING CLUB (Bullengarook) 2nd Saturday Rec Reserve ANGLING CLUB 2nd Wed 8pm Railway Hotel Macedon ARTHRITIS SUPPORT GROUP 1st Mon 1-3pm Woodend N’hood House BRIDGE  CLUB Mon 12.30, Tues 7.15, Thurs 12.30 St Mary’s Church Hall, Woodend 5420 7595 BUSHWALKING CLUB Various locations Tel 5428 2450 BREAKFAST CLUB Fridays 8am term time 3 Little Pigs Gisborne CANASTA

CLUB 1.30pm every Mon except first Mon of month Parish centre (behind St Pauls Church, Gisborne) CANCER SUPPORT GROUP last Wed of month MRH CAR CLUB 1st Wednesday 8pm Steam Park, New Gisb CARERS GROUP (Mac  Ranges) 2nd & 4th Thurs, 1pm Woodend RSL 5420 7132 (Note: 4th Thurs carers only) COFFEE FOR CARERS 3rd Tuesday 10am La Cibo Cafe COMMUNITY GARDEN Wed 9am Church of Christ CROQUET CLUB Wed & Sat 10am Dixon Field CWA GISBORNE 2nd Monday 10am Gis Secondary College CWA MACEDON 3rd Tues 1pm & 7pm 662 Mt Macedon Rd

DALY RESERVE WORKING BEE 2nd Tues 9.30am Daly Res Aitken St EUCHRE Tues 7.30pm Doug White Meeting Room, 5428 2695 FILM SOCIETY 2nd Wed Woodend Neigh’hood House 5427 2323

FLY FISHING CLUB 4th Wed 7.30pm MRFEC Gisborne FOCUS CLUB 2nd Fri 12 noon Gisborne Golf Club FRIENDS of JACKSON CREEK Working bees 3rd Sun 10-noon 5428 1178 or 0417 558 221 GARDEN CLUB 2nd Wed various venues 0408 115 759 GENEALOGY GROUP 4th Thurs 7.30 Family Hist Rm, Library Gis Comm Hall GIRL GUIDES Thursdays 5pm GISBORNE SINGERS Tues 7.30pm Holy Cross PS

HISTORICAL SOCIETY   open Wed 10am-4pm Court House LIBRARY: TODDLERS’ STORY TIME Mon 10.30am, Wed 10.30am

LIONS CLUB DINNER NIGHT Last Friday of month 6pm

ARTS Thurs from 5.15pm St Brigid’s Hall Masonic Hall Aitken St MASONIC LODGE 2nd Thurs 7pm MASTERS AFL    Wed 6.30pm   Sankey Reserve MEN’S SHED BARBECUE Last Mon 12.30pm Lyell Street MT MAC & DIST HORT SOC 1st Tues Horticultural Hall MUFFINS ’N’ MORE 2nd Tues 10am-noon Uniting Church 49 Fisher St MUMS’ GROUP 2nd Mon, 9.30-11.30am Sun 9am 1st Sunday

Riddells Rec Res 9am-2pm


2nd & 4th Sat, 10am behind Caltex service station, Station Rd, Gisborne PHOENIX ART & CRAFTS 1st Thursday 5428 2835 PHOTOGRAPHIC SOC 1st Tues & 2nd Mon 7pm Riddell’s Creek Neighbourhood House PONY CLUB Bullengarook 1st Sunday Rec Reserve PONY CLUB Gisborne 1st Sunday Robertson Reserve PROBUS 1st Thurs 10am Masonic Hall


Wed 7pm

Date Page May

3 Library closed for the day 4 5 Alpha course on religious faith starts 38 8 Author conversation Kyneton 12 8 Daly Reserve working bee 17 7 Parkinson’s presentation 24 10 Lions Club Information evening 10 11 Love Letters opening night 12 12 Comedy Roadshow Kyneton 12 15 Workshop: Your business in the digital age 20 16 Listening Post: Arts and Culture strategy 20 16 Kinder readiness session 20 17 End of life information session 25 17 Lecture: The Art of Fresco 14 18 Community forum: Arts and Culture strategy 20 20 Gisborne Singers’ concert at Gisborne 12 20 Steam Rally & Family Fun Day 3 & 5 20 Last day for input on Council Arts Strategy 20 21 Nominations close for business awards 4 23 Hotel Sorrento in Kyneton 12 24 Biggest Morning Tea at St Paul's Church 3 26-27 Historic Winton car racing 5 27 Gisborne Singers’ concert at Kyneton 12 27 Love Letters closing night 12 27 High Heels and Gillies at Resurrection 14 29 Biggest Morning Tea at Bendigo Bank 3 31 Free month 'gym or swim' offer ends 24

La Cibo Cafe




From the pages of the old Gisborne Gazette


New members welcome



Australian Premiere

Karl Jenkins

Cantata Memoria For the Children

Orchestra, Soloists and Choir plus Children’s Chorus Directed by

Stephen Brockman

Room attached to Gisb Library

Fridays 9.15am Tennis Club Dixon Field Sen Cits Rooms RED CROSS 1st Fri 1.30pm ROTARY Tues 6.45 for 7pm Gisborne Golf Club, book 5428 4483 by 1pm Mon RUNNING GROUP Tues & Thurs 6pm, Sun 8am Gis Aquatic Centre RSL 1st Mon 2pm Hall at 247 Station Rd 5428 2233


Tues 11am Tony Clarke Res SPINNERS & FIBRE GROUP Tues 12 noon Riddells Ck N’hood House


Wed 7.30pm Tony Clarke Res, Macedon THUNDER SWIMMING CLUB 2nd Sat 5pm Gisborne Aquatic Centre TOASTMASTERS 1st & 3rd Tues 7.20pm Senior Citizens Centre, 8 O’Shanassy St, Sunbury T.O.W.N. Mondays 6pm Gisborne Bowls Club TOY LIBRARY Wed 10-11am & every 2nd Sat 9-11am Robertson St U3A Mondays 10.30am MRFEC ULYSSES GROUP 3rd Tues 6pm Sunbury FC


Working bees 1st Sun of month, 8.30am at Steam Park; Meetings last Friday 7pm at Steam Park

WRITERS GROUP Last Sat of month 2-5pm Woodend N’hood House WRITERS (Scribes & Scribblers) 2nd Tues 10am-12 Riddell N’hood House YOUNG VOICES

Thursdays 4.15-5.45pm Norma Richardson Hall, Buckland St, Woodend, 5426 4801 or

Gisborne 3pm Sunday May 20

Gisborne Church of Christ, New Gisborne

Kyneton 3pm Sunday May 27

Our Lady of the Rosary Catholic Church, Kyneton

Tickets: $40, $35 conc., $20 students, <12 free Bookings: or 5428 7033

Gisborne Gazette May 2018

Gazette May 2018 31-40.indd 39


30/04/2018 6:43:10 PM

Macedon Ranges Health greatly values the support provided by the Gisborne & District Community Bank® Branch of Bendigo Bank. Our local branch has made significant contributions to our organisation. From the development of our new Mental Health & Wellbeing Hub at the MRH Centre, to the annual sponsorship of the Gisborne Colour Run & Walk. For this and so much more, we say thank-you!

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40 Gisborne Gazette May 2018

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30/04/2018 3:25:10 PM

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